Texts from:
http://www.anastasis.org.uk/menaion.htm The Menaia
The Office I have translated here is that written by the late Father Gerasimos and first published in 1952 in connection with the decision by the Church of Greece to move the day of the feast to the 28th of the month, to commemorate the famous ‘No‘ of the Greeks to the Italians in 1941. Father Gerasimos‘s text is centred on the original story of the vision of the monk Andrew in the church at Vlachernae and not in the least nationalistic. It is interesting, however, to note that in the text of the October Menaion published by the Apostoliki Diakonia in Athens altered the third line of the verses of the Synaxarion reads,
Protection of God’s Mother now veils Greece, where Fr Gerasimos had written.
This Short Synaxarion contains all the commemorations of Saints and the other feasts and events listed in the Greek Menaion, together with the verses that accompany the entries. It is ’short’ because it does not include the detailed notices which usually follow the verses. Some of these will be found on other pages where the full office for the day is given.
The two line verses are written in iambic trimeters, of a sort, but are translated here into standard English ’iambic’ pentameters. These verses abound in paronomasia on the names of the saints, and these I have indicated by including transcriptions of the relevant Greek words within brackets.
The extra line, that normally accompanies the first, or the principal, entry each day and which mentions the date, forms a heroic hexameter, with frequent use of epic vocabulary and grammatical forms. I have translated them into English hexameters, though without attempting to reproduce the archaising effect of the original language.
The transliteration of proper names is not scientific, or consistent, but in general follows contemporary pronunciation. Latin names have been given in their Latin, not their Greek, form. Stress accents are generally as in modern Greek. Sometimes I use traditional English forms and stresses, as in ’Mуses’ or ’Jуnas’.
September 1st.
The Month of September, having 30 days.
The day has 12 hours and the night 12 hours.
On the 1st of the month, Beginning of the Indiction, that is of the New Year.
New year’s Indiction bless for us, we pray,
O you, both Ancient and, for mankind, New.
On the same day we commemorate the marvel which took place through the Holy Mother of God in the Monastery of the Miasini; and the fire that took place.
Strange was the catch that by itself came up
From harbour’s depth: the Virgin’s honoured image.
The commemoration of the fire; because of the great fire which took place in Constantinople, because of our sins, in the reign of Leo the great King, nicknamed the Pick-axe, in the year 450, and which ravaged by fire most of the city in seven days.
On the same day, commemoration of our venerable Father
Symeon the Stylite.Verses.
His pillared station Symeon left behind,
And took his stand beside the Word of God.
High stepping Symeon died on the first of the month of September.
On the same day, commemoration of the Venerable
Martha, mother of the Venerable Symeon; and of the Venerable Evanthia; and the falling asleep of Jesus son of Navi.Verses.
On earth of old once Martha welcomed Christ.
Now Christ in heaven, Martha, welcomes you.
The sun that once he halted left behind,
Now Jesus contemplates the Sun of glory.
On the same day, commemoration of the forty Holy Women Martyrs, Virgins and Ascetics, and of the Deacon
Ammoun, their teacher.Verses.
For virgins double twenty fire and sword
Secured as Bridegroom Christ the Son of God.
A helmet heated in the flames Ammoun received:
Stripped off his covering of flesh with joy.
On the same day, commemoration of the Holy Martyrs, sister and brothers,
Evodos, Kallisti and Hermogenes.Verses.
Fairest [
kalliston] indeed the end Kallisti found,With her two brothers, likewise fair [
kalois], cut down.The venerable
Meletios the Young, ascetic on the mountain of Nyoupolis, died in peace.The Holy New Martyr
Angelis, who bore his witness in Constantinople in 1680, died by the sword.At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 2nd
.On the 2nd of the month, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Faith in the Trinity was Mamas’ strength [
akmaios];Pierced by a trident’s prongs [
akmais], he thus endured.Mamas’s entrails were spilled by a trident, upon this month’s second.
On the same day, commemoration of our Father among the Saints,
John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople.Verses
No fleeting pleasures those you now enjoy,
Faster from fleeting pleasures, blessed John.
Diomйdes, slain by a broad sword, met his end.Verses
Iron to iron was holy Diomede,
Bravely the blows of broad sword he endured.
Julian, his head smashed by a club, met his end.Verses
His head crushed by a club, brave Julian,
Mind safe on God, persisted to the end.
Philip met his end by the sword.Verses
Philip, the sword’s blow like a coursing steed [
hippos],Came to the Lord who loved [
philounta] him with all speed.Saint
Eutychianos met his end on a hearth of fire.Verses
Eutychianуs, burned upon a hearth,
Shared in the Martyrs’ happy [
eutyches] destiny.Saint
Hesэchios, hanged by a noose, met his end.Verses
Hesychios for his true Master longed;
And for his sake the noose calmly [
hesychos] endures.Saint
Leonнdas met his end by fire.Verses
The flame of love for God, Leonidas,
Led you with ease to bear the flame’s fierce force.
Eutэchios met his end by crucifixion.Verses
Eutychios, walking in the Lord’s own steps,
Like him endured the passion of a cross.
Philбdelphos met his end by having his neck weighted with a stone.Verses
Philadelphos by weight of stone put off
All weight of flesh and mounted light on high.
Melбnippos met his end by fire.Verses
Melanippos, though something black [
melan] once had,Cleansing he found when cast into the fire.
Parthagбpe met her end in the sea.Verses
O Parthagape, in the sea you die,
And find a sea of precious gifts on high.
On the same day, commemoration of the righteous priests,
Eleazar and Phineas; and of the holy Martyrs Aeithalбs and Ammoun.September 3rd
.On the 3rd of the same month, Commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Anthimos, Bishop of Nikomedia.Verses
Beheaded, Anthimos, your hair still bloomed [
antheis]To God’s great glory, though you were a corpse.
On the third day of the month a sharp sword struck the Martyr and slew him.
On the same day Commemoration of our venerable Father
Theуktistos, fellow ascetic of Euthymios the Great.Verses
You knew God [
Theos] the Creator [ktistes] to be yoursAnd so, before all creatures [
ktismata], you chose him.On the same day Saint
Vasнlissa, having fought with the wild beasts and remained unharmed, met her end.Verses
Vasilissa, whom wild beasts fearsome found,
Stands now before the high King’s [
pamvasileus] fearsome throne.On the same day Saint
Aristнon, Bishop of Alexandria, met his end by fire.Verses
As if to breakfast [
ariston] to the pyre you ran,Best [
aristos] of Christ’s Martyrs, great Aristion.On the same day Saint
Charнton was thrown into a pit of lime and met his end.Verses
Plunged in the pit of lime [
asbestos] Chariton foundUnquenched [
asbestos] the light of an unsullied place.The holy Martyr
Archontнon met his end by starvation.The holy new martyr
Polэdoros, who bore his witness in New Ephesus in 1794, met his end by hanging.At their intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 4th
.On the 4th of the same month Commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Babэlas, Bishop of Antioch the Great, and of the three holy Youths with him, who met their end by the sword.Verses
Babylas, who once offered Christ himself,
To Christ is gladly offered through the sword.
Verses for the Three Youths
For their great Master who is God the Word
The youths run fervently towards the sword.
Three holy Youths on the fourth with their Bishop Babylas were slaughtered.
On the same day Saint
Babylas, the teacher in Antioch, together with the eighty youths under him, met his end by the sword.Verses
Your payment for their teaching from the youths,
Godly Babylas, was a common death.
The holy Prophet
Moses met his end in peace.Verses
Not from a rock now, nor the hinder parts,
Moses, you see, but God himself entire.
On the same day, Commemoration of Saint
Hermione, one of the daughters of the Apostle Philip.Verses
To heaven itself, Hermione, you go,
For fitting [
hermaios] the salvation that you found.Saints
Theуtimos and Theуdoulos, public executioners who became believers, met their end by fire.Verses
Theotimos died with Theodoulos,
A servant’s [
doulos] honour [timк] giving to the Lord.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Centurion, Theodore, Amianos and Julian from the village of Kandaulк.Verses
Fire of God’s love his breath, Centurion
Gladly breathes out his soul upon the fire.
For athletes three the pyre a ladder strange,
By which they climbed to heaven’s broad expanse
.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Petronios, Charitinк, Zбrbelos (or Sarbelos), Thathouйl and Bebaнa.Verses
Bebaia slain and Thathouel as well,
Both found a sure [
bebaios] life in the place of false.Worship profane [
bebelos] Zarbelos would not give,By stones from hands men profane [
bebelos] he died.On the same day, Commemoration of three thousand six hundred and twenty eight Martyrs.
September 5th
On the 5th of the same month, Commemoration of
Zachary the Prophet, father of the Forerunner.Verses
Slaughtered just like a lamb was Zachary
Within the Temple for the Lamb of God;
Zachary then on the fifth on the great Temple’s pavement was slaughtered.
On the same day Saint
Abdaios met his end, beaten with rods of thorns.Verses
Martyr Abdaios rods of thorn endures,
Honours his Master who was crowned with thorns
.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Medimnos, Urban, Theodore and the eighty Priests and Levites, that is Deacons, with them.Verses
‘Passing through fire and water, like the Psalm’,
Medimnos says, ‘I reach my final rest’.
With Urban too Theodoros the great
Wins the same contest as Medimnos did.
A tenfold octad of the sanctified
Both fire and water steadfastly endured.
On the same day, Commemoration of Saint
Peter in Athera.September 6th
On the 6th of the same month, the Memorial of the extraordinary wonder by the Archangel
Michael that took place at Kolossae,or Chonae, in Phrygia.Verses
Another Noл, Michael, you appeared
Ending the flood of rivers with a funnel [
chonк].Michael of Angels the chief on the sixth funnelled strong flowing rivers.
On the same day, Contest of the holy Martyrs
Eudoxios, Zenon, Romulus and Makarios.Verses
Zenon, Eudoxios and Romulus were slain,
Makarios as well. Blest [
makaristos] in their end!On the same day, one thousand one hundred and four holy soldiers and Saint
Kalodуti met their end by the sword.Verses
One thousand Martyrs and then ten times ten
With further four together died by sword.
The head of Kalodoti was struck off.
She stands by you, O Word, Giver [
doter] of good [kalos].On the same day, the holy
Faustus, the presbyter, Makarios, Andrew, Bibos, the monk, Kyriakуs, Dionysios, Andronikos, Andropelagнa, Thekla, Theoktistos, the ship’s captain and another Kyriakos, the commoner, met their end by the sword.Verses
Faustus, by sword leaving the earth behind,
Was raised to radiance [
phausis] of the home on high.Makarios and Andrew, slain by sword,
Both made their journey on the blessed [
makarios].The crown of virtue Bibos now denies,
Unless he takes the crown from off the sword.
A sword with Dionysios slew two
Who were with him of a united mind.
How brave [
andrikos] indeed was AndropelagiaIn face of execution, as was Thekla.
Captain Theoktistos, his head struck off,
Aims his soul’s ship directly to the sky.
Kyriakos the commoner, once slain,
Now with the choir of Martyrs takes his place.
On the same day there coincided the dedication of the church of the Most Holy Mother of God in the Second District in the house of Saint Eirene.
September 7th
On the 7th of the same month, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Torments of body Sozon once endured,
Fixed on the only Saviour [
sozo] of his soul.Sozon, his radiant flesh fiercely pounded, died on the seventh.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Apostles
Evodos and Onesiphoros.On the same day, Saint
Eupsychios met his end by the sword.Verses
Eupsychios, courageous [
eupsychos] at the sword,Offers his Fashioner his soul with joy.
On the same day is celebrated the dormition of the Venerable
Loukбs of the Eparchy of Lykaonia, third Superior of the Monastery of the Saviour, called ’Of the Deep Torrent’.8 Sept. Nativity of Ever-Virgin Mary.
Anna, all mothers truly you surpassed,
Until your daughter should become your Mother.
Anna brought into the light on the eighth of this month God’s own Mother
.On the same day, the holy brothers
Rufus and Rufianus met their end by the sword.Verses
Rufianus, bowing beneath the sword,
‘Rufus, I wait. Don’t flinch, but follow me.’
On the same day, Saint
Severos met his end by the sword.Verses
‘Ready I am all torment to endure’,
Severos said, ‘And is the sword for me?’
On the same day, Saint
Artemidoros met his end by fire.Verses
Artemidoros has the strength to leap,
Shows it in deed amid the raging fire.
The holy New Martyr
Athanasios bore his witness in Thessaloniki in 1774 and met his end by hanging.September 9th
On the ninth of the same month, Assembly of the Just
Joachim and Anne.Verses
Let Joachim now with his Wife delight,
Both to creation bearing soul’s delight.
Feast of the parents of her who is Mother of God is the ninth day.
On the same day the holy Martyr
Severianos with a stone tied to his feet was hanged in the air from the city wall and met his end.Verses
Severianos’ torment weight of stones,
Hanged, he rejoiced, tearing his feet from earth.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father
Theophanes the Confessor, who led the ascetic life before the reign of Diocletian.On the same day Saint
Chariton met his end by the sword.Verses
Christ’s martyr Chariton, great was your grace [
charis],When for the sake [
charin] of Christ your throat was cut.Commemoration of the Third Holy Ecumenical Council of the two hundred holy Fathers, who were brought together at Ephesus in the reign of Theodosios the Less, and who condemned the impious Nestorios.
September 10th
On the tenth of the same month, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora.Verses
Menodora, Metrodora thought,
Like Nymphodora, flesh’s torments gifts [
dora].Smitten and died on the tenth were the three, gifts [
dora] whose name has the meaning.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Varypsavas for Master’s blood divine
Pours out his own blood, pounded with wooden clubs.
On the same day the holy Empress
Pulcherнa met her end in peace.Verses
As in the Psalm, Queen Pulcheria took
Her stand at your right hand in truth, my Christ.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Apostles
Apelles, Luke and Clement.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Ia, by sword cut down from earth’s deep vales,
A scented violet [
ion], Saviour, for you.September 11th
On the 11th of the same month, Commemoration of our Venerable Mother
Theodora of Alexandria.Verses
Theodora was a male in dress and mind,
And the great mind she shames before the end.
On the eleventh she took her repose at the last Theodora.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father
Euphrosynos the cook.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Diodoros, Diomedes and Didymos.Verses
With fellow athletes Diodoros gives
His flesh to scourges; error thus they scourge.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Ia, advanced in years.Verses
The Martyr Ia [
= violet] breathed sweet scent of myrrh,Sweet smell of blood outpoured and crimson dyed.
Demetrios, his wife Evanthia and their son Demetrianos met their end by starvation.September 12th
On the twelfth day of the same month, the worship of the holy wood and contest of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Word, on your altar lay a sacrifice,
Autonomos, your sacrificer, slain by stones.
Autonomos on the twelfth of the month by stones was he slaughtered.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Kornoutos, Bishop of Ikonium.Verses
Disdaining glory in the present life,
Kornoutos by the sword gained that to come.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Theodore, Bishop of Alexandria.Verses
His head by sword struck off, Theуdoros
Shared in the gifts [
doron] of God [theos], whose name he bore.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Julian of Galatia.Verses
Mingling his contests with ascetic sweat
Double the crowns that Julian received.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs,
Makedonios, Tatian and Theodoulos; and commemoration of the Venerable Daniel of Thasios.On the same day, the holy Martyr
Okeanos met his end by fire.Verses
Okeanos consider a bright sun
Washed in the ocean of a blazing pyre.
September 13th
On the 13th of the same month, Commemoration of the Dedication of the holy [Church of the] Resurrection of our Christ and God.
New Israel fulfilling ancient law,
Honours your tomb, O Word, with dedication.
Sanctified on the thirteenth was the Temple of Christ’s Resurrection.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Centurion
Cornelius you lead from unbelief, O Christ,
The firstfruits of the faithful of the nations.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs
Chronidis, Leontius, Serapion, Strato, Selefkos, Macrobius, Gordian, Zotikos, Eli, Lucianus and Valerian.Our venerable father
Peter of Agrea died in peace.The venerable
Hierotheos the New, the Georgian, who flourished in 1720, met his end in peace.14 Sept. Exaltation of life-giving Cross.
Seeing the Cross exalted, Saviour, now
Creation exaltation brings with song.
On the fourteenth of the month was the Wood of the Cross high exalted.
On the same day, the Falling Asleep of our Father among the saints, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. He died on this day, but because of the Feast of the precious Cross, his feast was transferred to the month of November.
Commemoration of the most devout Empress,
Plakilla, who became the wife of Theodosios the Great.Verses
Earth’s fading crown Plakilla left behind,
Unfading crown of glory found in heaven.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Fathers among the saints who assembled in the Holy, Ecumenical Sixth Synod, in the reign of the Emperor Constantine the Bearded, son of Justinian II, called ‘Splitnose’, Sergios being Bishop of Constantinople and Agathon of the Romans. It met in the Domed [Trullos] Hall of the Palace, called ‘Ovatos’ [egg-shaped], and placed under anathema Sergios, Pyrrhus, Peter and Paul, who had been bishops of Constantinople; Makrobios of Antioch, Kyros of Alexandria, Honorius of Rome, Stephen and Polychronios and their followers. This Holy Synod was assembled under the aforementioned Emperor, Constantine the Bearded, but the publication of its Canons took place under his son, Justinian.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Pappas was shamed to groan at tortures’ blows,
For he had God as helper by his side.
On the same day, the holy Martyr
Theokles met his end by the sword.Verses
Theokles reached his place on high in heaven,
Having as chariot the sword’s swift blow.
On the same day, the holy infant
Valerianos met his end by the sword.Verses
To small Valerian the great God gave
As his reward a great big crown in heaven.
The holy new Monk and Martyr
Makarios, who was the disciple of Patriarch Niphon of Constantinople, bore his witness in Thessaloniki in 1527 and met his end by the sword.September 15th
On the 15th of the same month, Contest of the holy Great Martyr
You burn, Nikitas, and bear off the victory,
Or rather Fire-bearer is Victory-bearer.
Into the furnace of flame was Nikitas cast on the fifteenth.
On the same day, commemoration of our venerable Father
Philotheos, Presbyter and wonderworker.Verses
Philotheos who lived as God’s [
theou] good friend [philos]Has found unending life with God’s good friends.
On the same day commemoration of St
Porphyrios, one of the Actors.Verses
Urged to mock Baptism, you error mock,
You cleanse yourself, Porphyrios, and are slain
.On the same day the Finding of the relics of Saint
Akakios, Bishop of Melitini.Verses
The Finding of your relics as we praise,
Release from ills [
kaka] Akakios may we find.On the same day the holy Martyr
Maximos met his end by the sword.Verses
Seeing Christ stretching out to you a crown,
You stretch your head out Maximos to sword.
On the same day, two holy Maidens met their end by the sword.
Having but one intent and one desire,
Two maidens bowed their necks before the sword.
On the same day, Finding of the relics of the holy Protomartyr
Saint Stephen’s finding all creation shares,
He the first champion of the greatest God.
Our father among the saints
Bessarion, archbishop of Larissa, met his end in peace.The venerable
Gerasimos, founder of the monastery of the Holy Trinity, known as Sourvia, which is near Makrynitsa of Zagora, met his end in peace.The holy new martyr,
John the Cretan, bore his witness in New Ephesus in 1811 and met his end by the sword.September 16th
On the 16th of the same month, commemoration of the Holy and all-praised Great Martyr
Slain by a bear’s fangs for the sake of God,
With praises [
euphemiais] Euphemia you should be crowned.On the sixteenth of the month by a bear Euphemia was slaughtered.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Her head struck off by sword, Melitini
Offered her blood to Christ as honey [
meli] sweet.September 17th
On the 17th of the month, Commemoration of the holy and triumphant Virgin Martyrs,
Faith, Hope and Love, and of their mother Sophia.Verses
With faith in you, O Trinity, the three,
Faith, Hope and Love, bowed necks unto the sword.
On the seventeenth day of the month, Faith, Hope, Love, the three sisters, they slaughtered.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
Agathokleia bears fire on her neck,
Dread error’s dread and haughty neck she burns
.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Maximos, Theodуtos and Asklepiodуti.Verses
For two young men and for one woman there
Was for the sword’s fell stroke one warmth of heart.
On the same day, Commemoration of Saint
Lucy and of her son, the Martyr Geminianus.Verses
In peace, O Christ, your servant Lucy passed
Over in truth unto a place of peace.
Geminianus, Martyr, valorous,
Bravely endured the penalty of sword
.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
God given [
theosdotos] grace makes Theodoti nowFervent and keenly eager for the sword.
On the same day, Commemoration of one hundred holy Martyrs.
Egyptian Martyrs ten times ten with one
Impassioned eagerness have heads cut off.
For Saints Peleus and Neilos, the Bishops
Where in a word was Peleus to Peleus?
With Neilos entering the midst of fire?
For the fifty Martyrs of Palestine.
From noble counsel men of godly mind
From noble daring now despise the fire.
For Saints Patermouthios and Elias.
In furnace falling Patermouthios
To equal zeal now spurs Elias on.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Charalampes, Pantoleon and their companions. Their assembly is held in their martyr shrine, the one in the Second District.Verses
For slaughter Charalampes joyful [
chairon] was,And Pantoleon to the sword a lion [
leon].On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Bishops and Martyrs
Herakleides and Myron, bishops of Tamasos in Cyprus.Verses
Myron and Herakleides on a pyre
Were placed, and brought to Christ as fragrant myrrh [
myron].September 18th
On the 18th of the month, Commemoration of our Venerable Father
Evmenios, bishop of Gortyna.Verses
Gortyna’s gentle eye, Evmenios,
Has looked upon the Lord’s all-kindly [
panevmenes] eye.On the eighteenth of the month died Evmenios, noble, great hearted.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy women Martyrs
Sophia and Irene.Verses
Sophia and Irene, heads cut off,
Saw you, O Word, the peace [
eirene] beyond the mind.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
A rock, rent open, Ariadne saves,
For Christ the rock of life protected her.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr
No wild beast Castor [
= a beaver], but a noble man [aner],Or truth to tell, a statue [
andrias] under torture.September 19th
On the 19th of the Month, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Trophimos, Sabbatios and DorymedonVerses
Dorymedon and Trophimos you breathed
As one, one death accepted from the sword.
Rasped with sharp iron Sabbatios attains
As Martyr to the Sabbath rest of God.
Trophimos on the nineteenth with two fellow athletes they slaughtered.
September 20th
On the 20th of the month, Commemoration of the holy Great Martyr
Eustathios [Eustace], his wife Theopisti and their two sons, Agapios and Theopistos.Verses
Efstathios with his race a bronze ox burns,
And you, O Word of God, the whole race save.
On the twentieth day with his wife and his sons he was burned in a bronze ox.
On the same day, Commemoration of our holy Fathers and Confessors,
Hypatios, the bishop, and Andrew, the presbyter.Verses
Hypatios for holy icons’ sake
With Andrew men of bloodshed put to death.
On the same day, Commemoration of Saints
Martin, Pope of Rome, Maximos and their companions.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Artemidoros and Thalos.Verses
A sword slays Thalos and Artemidore,
Who did not worship savage Artemis.
On the same day, Commemoration of our venerable Father
Meletios, bishop of Cyprus.Verses
Life’s passing gave Meletios no care [
melei].‘How could I say: Why die? For I have loved’.
And Commemoration the greatest among the Confessors,
John the Egyptian.The lawless Maximianos, unable to endure his boldness, ordered him to be made away with along with forty others.
The holy new Monk and Martyr
Hilarion the Cretan was martyred in Constantinople in 1804 and attained perfection by the sword.At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 21st
On the 21st of the month, commemoration of the holy Apostle
Quadratus in Magnesia.Verses
Holy Quadratus fools assailed with stones,
because to stones he would not honour pay.
On the twenty first day of the month won a crown for his contests Quadratus.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Prophet Jonas.
Of old you fled far from the face of God,
Now Jonas
‘tis his face that you behold.On the same day, commemoration of our Venerable Father Savvas the Sabbaite.
Place of unstable life once Jonas left,
now finds a place both stable and most sure.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr Eusebios.
The godless [
dyssebeis] slay Eusebios with sword;he lived devoutly [
eusebos] and was Christ’s true friend.On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs and blood brothers,
Eusebios, Nestabos and Zeno.Verses
Zeno, Eusebios, and Nйstabos,
die by the sword for sake of the true [
eusebes] faith.On the same day, commemoration of our holy Fathers and Bishops of Cyprus,
Meletios and Isaakios.On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Bearing the living water in his heart,
Priscus feared not the burning of the flesh.
On the same day, commemoration of the six holy Martyrs, armour-bearers of Maximianos.
For God who bowed his head upon the Tree,
Six Martyrs bowed their heads beneath the sword.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 23rd
On the 23rd of the month, the Conception of the holy, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist,
Archangel’s message to a Prophet was:
Prophet you will beget and more than that.
And on the twenty third day the Forerunner‘s mother conceived him.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Andrew, John, Peter and Antony, who attained perfection in Africa.Verses
For the Word’s sake, of old pierced with one lance,
Andrew endured being pierced by lances twain.
Error John made his foe and being slain
Slaughtered the foe and with him error too.
Peter and Antony like solid rocks [
petrai]Stoutly endured their rending limb from limb
.On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Virgin Martyr
Longing to see God’s beauty Raпs gave
The beauty of her flesh up to the sword.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Venerable women
Xanthippe and Polyxena, sisters by blood.Verses
To be their fellows Angel choirs now take
Xanthippe and Polyxena her kin.
On the same day the holy new martyr
Nicolas the Grocer, who was martyred in Constantinople in 1672 and died by the sword.At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 24th
On the 24th of the month, Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr and Equal of the Apostles
He saved you, Thekla, when he rent the rock,
He at whose passion once the rocks were rent.
‘Twas on the twenty fourth day that a rock once enfolded great Thekla.
On the same day, Commemoration of our venerable Father
No dung was Copris [
dung], but another bunchOf grapes that brought fair blossom to the Lord.
Commemoration of the miracle that took place through the Mother of God on the island of Cythera, where the icon of the Mother of God found in the myrtles cured a paralytic.
At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
September 25th
On the 5th of the month, commemoration of our venerable Mother
Efrosyne, daughter of Paphnutios the Egyptian.Verses
You hide your womanhood in male attire.
And see the Master who in secret sees.
And on the twenty fifth day Efrosyne attained her life’s ending.
For the venerable
Paphnutios, her father.Verses
Closing his eyes to flesh, Paphnutios
In spirit lives and a great light beholds.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Friends of this world Paphnutios Crucify,
Who to the whole world had been crucified.
On the same day, commemoration of the great earthquake, during which a boy was snatched up into the air [and to whom the Orthodox Trisagion was revealed by the Archangels].
Lifted on high a boy proclaims below
The song thrice-holy that the Angels sing.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Paul, Tatta, and their children, Savianos, Maximus, Rufus and Evgenios.Verses
Paul with his sons his witness bears, with whom
Tatta you rank [
tatto] yourself with prudent mind.At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
September 26th
On the 26th of the month, the Translation of the holy, glorious Apostle and Evangelist, bosom friend, virgin, beloved,
John the Theologian.Verses
You stand beside the Father’s well loved Word ,
Than all of the Disciples more well loved.
And on the twenty fourth day unto God passed the child of the thunder
.At his holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
September 27th
On the 27th of the month, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Kallistratos and his forty nine fellow Martyrs.Verses
Kallistratos, his head cut off by sword,
To the triumphant [
kallinikos] martyr host [stratos] was joined.Twenty and seven the day when Kallistratos from here was taken
For the forty nine holy Martyrs
Ten times four Martyrs, joined with nine, through sword
In honoured contest fought a noble fight.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Brave was Epicharis before the sword,
Richly endowed with aid: the grace [
charis] of God.On the same day, commemoration of our venerable Father
Ignatios, who was abbot of the monastery of Christ the Saviour, which is known as ’Deep Torrent’.On the same day, commemoration of the holy Apostles
Mark, Aristarchos and Zeno.On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs Bishop
Philemon, Fortunatus and the holy Martyr Gaпana.Verses
Gaпana, give your back to burning flame,
That you may flee the back of sword of flame.
On the same day, commemoration of the fifteen holy Martyrs who, thrown into a boat that was set alight, drowned in the sea.
A company of athletes, five times three,
Descended to the bottom of the sea.
The holy Martyr
Aquilina was battered with rods and died.At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
September 28th
On the 28th day of the month, commemoration of our venerable Father and Confessor
All earth’s delights Chariton trampled down,
In heaven’s graces now he takes delight.
Twenty and eight was the day when Chariton died in his old age.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Prophet
Baruch.On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs and blood brothers
Alexander, Alpheios and Zosimas; and of the holy Martyr Mark the shepherd; and of the holy Martyrs Nikon, Neon, Heliodoros, and the rest of the virgins and children.Verses
Down into earth went holy martyrs three,
From there went out into a dew divine.
A shepherd Markos was, whom the sword slew,
Shepherd of sheep, as Scripture’s Abel was.
Heliodoros, Nikon, Neon too,
Victories [
nikк] new [nea] by sword against Christ’s foes.Ten thousand children slain and women too,
O God, and Child of woman, now receive.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Eustathios the Roman.Verses
Roman he is, but stalwart [
romaleos] is he too,Martyr Eusathios struggling against sword.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
Alexander and his thirty companions, martyrs.Verses
The thirty martyrs when they were cut down
Had Alexander as their chief in death.
At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
September 29th
On the 29th of the month, commemoration of our venerable Father
Kyriakos the Anchorite.Verses
By bitter squills, Kyriakos, you quelled
Sweet food, by which you were condemned to die.
Squill-eating Kyriakos on the twenty ninth day made his ending.
On the same day, commemoration of the one hundred and fifty Martyrs of Palestine; and of the holy Martyrs
Tryphon, Trophimos and Dorymedes; and of the holy Martyr Petronia.Verses
Petronia, bowing head beneath the sword,
You fix your soul’s eye upon God your rock [
petra].On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr
To you, O Christ, who are the head of all,
Goudelia brought her head, struck off by sword.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Kasdoos and Kasdoa.Verses
Kasdoos and Kasdoa fought as one,
He slain by blade, while she was crushed by wood.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs
Dada, and Gobdelaas, son of Savorios, king of the Persians.Verses
Your body hacked in pieces limb by limb,
You save your spirit, Dada martyr brave.
Gobdelaas is pierced by reeds and dies,
Honouring Christ, my Saviour, struck by reed.
At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
September 30th
On the 30th of the same month, commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr
Gregory of Great Armenia.Verses
Knowing the saying, Watch [
gregoreite], of God the Word,You, Father, at God’s call, watchful [
gregoron] appeared.Gregory died at the end of the month in Armenia Magna.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy
Ripsimia, Gaпani, and 32 other holy women Ascetics, Martyrs and Virgins.Verses
Ripsimia by blows was no way pained,
Counting against them garlands numberless.
Ascetic life crowned Gaпani once,
The contest by the sword now crowns her too.
Trinity, thrice ten Martyrs honour you,
Dying with two, for your sake, by the sword.
On the same day, commemoration of the seventy holy Martyrs, who were massacred along with Ripsimia, and commemoration of the two holy Women Ascetics.
Seventy were the men who died by sword,
Ready to die, if needed, many times.
Nourished by virtues, now are women twain
Adorned when cut down by the contest’s sword.
On the same day, commemoration of the Martyr
Stratonikos, by dying through the sword,
Conquers [
nika] alone the demon host [strateuma] entire.On the same day the holy Martyr
Mardonios, having received burning coals on his navel, met his end.Verses
Mardonios, your passion’s mark you bear,
Bearing the stamp of burning on your navel.
On the same day, one thousand holy Martyrs met their by the sword.
One thousand as a regiment were slain,
A prize they found, unnumbered victor’s crowns.
At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy on us. Amen.
1st September
. Office of supplication to our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, who loves humankind, for our environment and for the welfare of the whole creation.At Vespers
After the usual opening, at
Lord, I have cried, we chant the following Prosomia:Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
Christ Saviour, Lover of mankind, who brought all things into existence from nothing, and with ineffable wisdom arranged for each one to accomplish unerringly the goal which you laid down in the beginning, as you are powerful, bless the whole creation which you fashioned.
Give peace to all the nations, Lord, and understanding in all things, so that we may lead a tranquil life and always keep your laws, which you laid down for the whole creation for the unalterable maintenance and government of the universe.
Lover of mankind, keep unharmed the environment that clothes the earth, through which, by your will, we who inhabit the earth live and move and have our being, so that we, your unworthy suppliants, may be delivered from destruction and ruin.
Fence round the whole creation, Christ Saviour, with the mighty strength of your love for mankind, and deliver the earth we inhabit from the corruption which threatens it; for we, your servants, have set our hopes on you.
Put an end, O Saviour, to the evil designs which are being devised against us with senseless intent, and turn aside from the earth every destructive action of the works of human hands which contrive corruption leading to perdition.
Lord, who wrap creation in clouds, as godly David sang, watch over the environment of the earth, which you created from the beginning for the preservation of mortals, and give us the breath of the winds and the flow of waters.
Tone 6.Almighty Lord, who created all things with wisdom and who watch over and guide them by your all-powerful hand, grant well-being so that the whole creation may prosper and remain unharmed by hostile elements; for you, Master, commanded that the works of your hands should remain unshaken until the end of the age; for you spoke and they came into being and from you they receive mercy for the turning away of all evil, and for the salvation of the human race that glorifies your name which is praised above all.
Both now.
Theotokion.Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not sing the praise of your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone out from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sakes, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from Leviticus.
26:3-12, 14-17, 19-20, 22, 33, 23-24]T
he Lord spoke to the children of Israel saying, ‘If you walk in my ordinances and keep my commandments and do them, I will give you rain in its season and the earth will give its produce and the trees of the plains their fruit. Your threshing time will overtake the vintage, and the vintage will overtake the sowing. You will eat your bread to the full and dwell in safety on your land; and no one shall make you afraid. And I will destroy the evil wild beasts from your lands, and war shall not pass through your land, and enemies will fall before you. Five of you will pursue a hundred and a hundred of you will pursue tens of thousands. And I will look upon you and bless you and make you increase and multiply and I will establish my covenant with you. And you will eat what is old and very old, and bring out the old to make way for the new. And my soul will not abhor you, and I will walk among you, and I will be your God and you shall be my people. But if you will not listen to me, nor observe these ordinances of mine, but disobey them, and if your soul loathes my judgements, so that you do not keep all my commandments, I in turn will treat you like this: I will bring distress upon you, and you will sow your seed in vain and your enemies will devour your labours. And I will set my face against you and you will fall before your foes and they will pursue you and you will flee though no one pursues you; and I will smash the arrogance of your pride. And I will make the heaven like iron for you and your earth like solid bronze. And your strength will be in vain and your land will not give its fruit, and the trees of the field will not give their fruit. And I will send the wild beasts of the earth against you, and they will consume your cattle, and the sword will come against you and make you few in number. And your land will be desert and your farms will be desert; because you have walked against me crookedly, and I will walk against you with crooked rage, says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel’.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
63:15-64:5a, 8-9]L
ook down, Lord, from heaven and see, from your holy house and your glory. Where is the abundance of your mercy and of your acts of pity, that you have withheld yourself from us? For you are our Father, because Abraham has not known us, nor Israel acknowledged us. But do you, Lord, our Father, deliver us; from the beginning your name is upon us. Why have you made us wander from your way, Lord? Why have you hardened our hearts not to fear you? Return for the sake of your servants, for the sake of the tribes that are your heritage, that in a little while we may inherit your holy mountain. Our enemies have trampled down your sanctuary, we have become as at the beginning when you did not rule over us, nor had your name been invoked upon us. If you open the heaven, trembling from you will seize the mountains and they will melt as wax melts before the fire, and fire will burn up your adversaries, and your name will be manifest among your adversaries; nations will be troubled at your presence. When you do glorious deeds, trembling from you will seize the mountains. From eternity we have not heard, nor have our eyes seen any God but you. And your works are true, and you will perform mercy for those who wait for you. For mercy will meet with those who do right and remember your ways. And now, Lord, you are our Father, while we are clay and you are our Fashioner. We are all the work of your hands. Do not be exceedingly angry with us, Lord, and do not remember our sins for ever. And now, look upon us, Lord, because we are all your people.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremias.
hus says the Lord: ‘I have remembered the mercy of your youth and the love of your marriage, of your following the Holy One of Israel, says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. The beginning of his produce was for the Lord. All those who devoured him will offend and evils will come upon them, says the Lord. Hear the word of the Lord, house of Jacob, and every family of the house of Israel. Thus says the Lord, What offence did your fathers find in me, that they revolted far from me and went after vanities and became vain? And they did not say, ‘Where is the Lord who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, who guided us in the wilderness, in a boundless and trackless land, in a land without water or fruit, and in the shadow of death, in a land through which no man had passed, nor had any son of man dwelt there?‘ And I led you to Carmel to eat its fruits and its good things; and you went in and you defiled my land and made my inheritance an abomination. The priests did not say ‘Where is the Lord?‘ And those who cling to the law did not know me, and the shepherds acted impiously towards me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and went after that which does not profit. Therefore I will be brought to trial before you again, says the Lord, and I will be brought to trial before your children’s children. Cross to the islands of the Kittim and look, and to Kedar and send and observe carefully; and see if such things have been done; if the nations will change their gods, though they are no gods. But my people have changed their glory for something from which they will gain nothing. Heaven was amazed at this and trembled exceedingly, says the Lord.At the Liti, Idiomela.
Tone 1.
Lord, who created the universe at the beginning and gave to each thing its own rank, do not despise the works of your hands, but with an eye of mercy look from heaven upon this vine and restore it according to your will, turning aside from it every purpose that brings corruption and every destroyer; for you are our Shepherd, Deliverer and Saviour, and from you, Master, we receive help in mercy and acts of compassion, as we glorify you.
Tone 2.
Lord and Master, who fenced about the domain of the earth and made it sure with an enveloping band, deliver its whole structure from harm and disaster; for you are a treasury of strength and the source of life, and all things minister and are subject to your will as your servants, Lord. And so grant us your mercies and turn away from us every disaster, and save our souls for you love mankind.
Tone 3.
Threats and scourges and destruction hang over us, Lord, because of the multitude of our transgressions; for we have sinned and transgressed and gone far from you, and we are affected and afflicted by dire perils; but deliver us, Lord, from the dangers that beset us, and keep the whole structure of the earth unharmed, granting equable breaths of winds and ever-flowing springs of waters for our safe-keeping and salvation, O Lover of mankind.
Tone 4.Lord, who hold the circle of the earth and make firm its foundations, as the Prophet says, accept our suppliant entreaties, as our guardian, protector and Saviour; for we are your people and the sheep of your pasture and by your infinite mercy we shall be delivered from anticipated dangers. Do not therefore utterly destroy us, Master, but may your goodness conquer the multitude of our offences, that we may all glorify the ocean of your acts of compassion.
Both now.
Theotokion.From dangers of every kind protect your servants, blessed Mother of God, that we may glorify you, the hope of our souls.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 5. Hail, of ascetic struggles.
Merciful God, who love mankind, look with an eye of compassion on the works of your hands and set free the expanse of the atmosphere from dread destruction and death-dealing emissions and every poisonous pollution, through which death and danger threaten. Take pity then on what you have fashioned and give to all the prudence not to act senselessly, whose result is corruption, and grant to all pardon, salvation and your divine mercy.
With my voice I cried to the Lord, and he heard me from his holy mountain. [Ps. 3:4]Saviour, accept the entreaties of your Mother, which she offers for all creation, and the supplications of all your Saints. Grant to all your mercies, and keep unharmed the firmament which you spread out from the beginning with wisdom, Lord, and brought into being for the benefit of mortals. Keep undamaged from harmful influences, O Word, the whole environment which girds the earth, granting to all pardon and salvation and your great mercy.
When I called you heard to me, O God of my justice; in affliction you set me at large. [Ps. 4:1]With humility of soul we all entreat you, Lord, and we fall down before you. At your command deliver the earth on which we dwell from every harm and from harsh ruin, and speedily avert from it and abolish by your will destructive emanations, and pour out the fresh dew of life-sustaining air. With your mighty power, Master and Saviour, fence about the whole enclosure of the environment, granting to all pardon and salvation and your divine mercy.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion. Tone 5.Through compassionate pity, O Word, you took another form, refashioned corrupted nature and brought it back to incorruption. Now, we beseech you, yield to the supplications of your most pure Mother and grant stability to the inhabited world and well-being to all creation and deliverance from perils, for the salvation of our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
Lord and Saviour, who as God brought all things into being by a word, establishing laws and governing them unerringly to your glory, at the prayers of the Mother of God, keep secure and unharmed all the elements which hold the earth together, and save the universe.
The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
O Lord, as God you sustain all things by a word, and keep them all in perfect harmony. As you are compassionate keep unaltered the environment which enwraps creation and by your ineffable power turn away from the earth every harm.
All-blameless Virgin, beyond nature you conceived God and gave birth to him in the flesh. Through the abundance of your mercy take pity on those who glorify you in faith and by the streams of your grace cleanse our minds and hearts from sins of many kinds.
After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
In the beginning, Saviour, universal King, you founded the earth, while the heavens are the works of your hands, and the stars also with the sun and the moon. All things proclaim your greatness and your strength. Keep their harmony and majesty untroubled, for all things, O Word, are subject to your almighty will.
Ineffably, Mary, you conceived in your womb without change and without confusion the God who is beyond being; and beyond nature you brought forth for those in the world the One who delivers us from condemnation. Therefore we sing the praise of your many mighty works and glorify with faith your child-bearing beyond understanding. But, O Virgin who bore God, deliver us from every affliction.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Lord, Lover of mankind, King of all creation, who bring all things into being from nothing, keep unharmed the order which you established and grant your servants temperate climates. Therefore too, diffusing mild airs, disperse all noxious pollutions from the earth, all-powerful Giver of life, and grant your peace to all the nations, that we may all sing the praise of your goodness.
The Master and Maker of all things, taking flesh from your immaculate womb, came forth as man, not changed in his Godhead, and granted salvation to all those who worship your ineffable child-bearing. Therefore, all-pure Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Maiden, we have recourse to your fervent protection, and saved we cry: Intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who devoutly sing the praise of your many mighty works.
The 1st Antiphon of the Anavathmi in Tone 4 and the Prokeimenon.
Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth. [
Ps. 8:1]Verse:
For I will consider the heavens the works of your fingers; the moon and the stars which you established. [Ibid. 3]The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.
he Lord spoke this parable: In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Grant me justice against my opponent‘. For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, ‘Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because this widow keeps pestering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming’. And the Lord said: Listen to what the unjust judge says. Will God not grant justice also to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant them justice.Psalm 50.
At the prayers of the Apostles, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Idiomel. Tone 6.
Have mercy on me, O God, in accordance with your great mercy. According to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offence. [
Ps. 50:1]Lord, who with wisdom keep, maintain and direct all things for our government and sure guidance in the paths of your commandments, accept our suppliant entreaties and rescue us from impending dangers and from all change for the worse of the bounds of nature, and save our souls.
O God, save your people…Then the Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
Christ Saviour, keep us safe. Gerasimos.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Irmos. Crossing the water.
Crossing the water as on dry land and fleeing from the wickedness of the Egyptians, Israel cried aloud: To our Redeemer and our God now let us sing.
O Word great in mercy, stooping with goodness and compassion, shower down from heaven upon the earth the streams of your divine mercy for our salvation.
Stained with foul passions, Saviour, we defile the atmosphere with our dread actions; but grant us, Lord, genuine repentance.
Look on us, Saviour, with an eye of mercy, and turn from the earth, we beg, the destruction which comes from poisonous and senseless actions.
Mother of God full of grace, who gave birth to the Word without beginning from your pure blood, save us from dread circumstances.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the firm strength.
You are the firm strength, O Lord, of those who have recourse to you. You are the light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings your praise.
By the laws which you established, Master, ever keep unshaken and unmoved the works of your hands, which you brought into being of old.
As you possess an inexhaustible ocean of compassion, O All-merciful, dispel the harmful blasts that come against us.
You are Lord of all things, Saviour, you the Giver of life. Cleanse from all corruption the elements in which we your servants live.
You appeared as the dwelling of the Maker of all creation, pure Maiden, bearing him ineffably in your womb.
Kathisma. Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
As our Master and Creator, Lover of mankind, we fall before you with faith and we cry out to you, ‘Keep our atmosphere and the whole earth undamaged by harmful corrupters, and give us repentance and wholeness, O Compassionate, for the salvation of our souls’.
Theotokion. Same melody.
From your pure blood you bore beyond understanding the Master of all things and remained, as before, a virgin incorrupt, O Mother of God. Keep safe from every evil and corruption of the cunning Deceiver those who with undoubting heart have recourse to your protection.
Ode 4. Irmos. I have heard, Lord.
I have heard, Lord, of the mystery of your dispensation; I have understood your works and glorified your Godhead.
Keep the elements which surround the earth unharmed, Lord, and ever bless us that we may walk in your fear.
We have been estranged, Lord, by transgressing your divine law, and so we beg you: Give us amendment of life.
From pollutions and from destructive blasts deliver the whole earth, O Saviour, by your strength, that we may magnify your might.
Mother of God, Ever-Virgin, who gave birth in the body to the Fashioner of the whole creation, deliver us from every calamity.
Ode 5. Irmos. Enlighten us.
Enlighten us by your commands, O Lord, and by your upraised arm grant us your peace, O Lover of mankind.
.Cleanse us from blemishes of soul, O Lover of mankind, and preserve in its own order, we beseech you, the earth’s environment.
Empower us, Lord, by your divine fear to accomplish our life without grief in peace and true love.
You founded the heaven and the earth, as David sings, O Creator; guard us then from every affliction.
Accept the voices of those who entreat you with faith, Mother of God, pure and Ever-Virgin, and grant peace to our souls.
Ode 6. Irmos. I pour out my supplication.
I pour out my supplication to the Lord, and to him I declare my afflictions, because my soul has been filled with evils and my life has drawn near to Hell; and like Jonas I beg: O God, bring me up from corruption.
You established all creation by your mighty strength, O Saviour who love mankind; now, therefore, rescue us by your power, Lord, from threatening destruction, and preserve the environment which enwraps the earth.
Keep the upper air undamaged and the flow of the air free from destructive exhalations, pollutions, and the other effects of dangerous activities which bring most painful death.
By a word, Lord, you established the structure of the earth, and wrapped its circumference with a surrounding element as you wished; ever preserve it from corruption and dread influences.
As Mother of the King of glory, Ever-Virgin Maiden, Mother of God, set free my lowly heart from the disgrace of unclean passions, and give me, I beg, sincere and perfect repentance.
Kontakion. Tone 2. With your blood.
With your all-powerful strength you framed all things, both visible and invisible; and so keep unharmed, we implore your goodness, the environment that surrounds the earth.
Loving Saviour, we praise the manifestations of your providence and your many saving powers; because with ineffable wisdom and order and harmony you have established for all things laws and unalterable ordinances for the protection of us, your royal fashioning. Keep us unshaken, Lord, from every corrupting activity, change and destruction, as guardian, protector and deliverer of all things, keeping in them the essential power unmoved, and especially watching over the environment that surrounds the earth.
The Synaxarion from the Menaion and the following:On the same day, the beginning of the Indiction, we entreat our God, who loves mankind, for the welfare of the earth on which we live and for the whole creation.
We fall before you, Master, as we cry:
O Saviour, from pollutions free the earth.
To him be glory and might to the ages. Amen.]
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
The Youths from Judaea once having come to Babylon, with the faith of the Trinity trampled down the flame of the furnace, as they sang: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
You give life to all and conduct all things with ineffable judgements; from harmful pollutions and from every abuse save those who cry out, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
By your will, Lord, you adorned the heavens with stars, while you made the whole earth fair with flowers and trees as it sings, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
Give pardon and a calm life to us who dwell on the earth, turning away from it corrupting emanations and saving those who sing, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
The One born from your womb, pure Maiden, declared you to be the gateway of salvation that leads to the glory of the kingdom on high those who cry out to you with faith, ‘Hail, pure Virgin, the salvation of mortals!’
Ode 8. Irmos. The King of heavn.
The King of heaven, whom the hosts of Angels praise, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Come, all the inhabitants of earth, let us fall down and cry out to Christ with compunction, ‘Deliver us, Saviour, from just condemnation!’
From pollutions and contaminations rescue the environment, Saviour, that we may sing your praise as the only benefactor.
With streams of your vivifying mercy, Compassionate One, quench the flame of bitter passions and grant us well-being and salvation.
Glory of Angels and salvation of mortals, glorious Ever-Virgin Maiden, show us to be partakers in eternal glory.
Ode 9. Irmos. We who through you.
We, who have been saved through you, pure Virgin, confess you to be in truth the Mother of God and with the bodiless choirs we magnify you.
In your goodness deliver our race from earthquakes and ill fortune, from calamities of many kinds and from soul-destroying pollutions, O Compassionate.
Give strength to the weak, O all-compassionate, and by your power preserve the atmosphere clean from winds that bring death.
From every pollution that breeds death, O Saviour, by your power preserve unsullied the air in creation that we breathe.
Make heavenly our hearts, O Compassionate, through a life of virtue and holiness, and deliver us from the grip of uncleanness.
We sing the praise of your child-bearing, through which, O Virgin, we have been delivered from the ancestral curse; for you bore Christ, the Saviour of all.
Exapostilarion. Women hear.
You once stretched out the heavens at your command, Lord, as the Prophet says, and founded the unformed mass of the earth, Master; preserve the constitution of the universe in harmony and keep every element in creation from contamination.
The Maker of creation through his goodness took human form from you, and was created beyond nature from your pure blood. As his all-pure Mother, O all-immaculate, ask him for us, we beg, that we may find salvation.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia.
Tone 4. You have given us a sign.
With compunction we offer you our praise, Lover of mankind, and with faith we cry out to you: As Creator you hold fast the ends of the earth, and you maintain and govern them. From noxious emanations and from dire pollutions that harbour bitter death, rescue humanity which you fashioned, for you are pitying and compassionate.
By your almighty will you brought all things into being from nothing, Lover of mankind, and all things, Saviour, serve your might; therefore we implore you: Keep the environment that enwraps the earth unmoved, for the safe government of your royal fashioning, and for life on earth to be free from strife and destruction.
Let us, the nurselings of true religion, offer to the Lord purity of life and splendour of manners, that we may be delivered from pollutions of many kinds which pollute the whole earth and harbour bitter and painful death for the ends of the earth. From these, Lord, preserve our existence by your almighty power.
You walled the circle of the earth, Lord, as with a wall, with a safe environment. Preserve it always as you established it when you poured out the breaths of winds and vivifying breezes for our preservation, and grant us pardon of sins, Master, and the fulfilling of the commands of your holy will.
Tone 8.As Master of creation do not take from us the treasures of your providence, we beg, Lover of mankind. See our humiliation, Lord, and cleanse creation of polluted winds and noxious contagions and activities, so that, living devoutly and soberly in a pure life, we may be counted worthy of eternal life, as we glorify your great mercy.
Both now.
Theotokion.Sovereign Lady, accept the entreaties of your servants and rescue us from every constraint and affliction.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
The usual. Apostle and Gospel of the 1st of the Indiction, but, if you wish, say also the Gospel according to Mark for the Wednesday of the 17th week of Luke
[Mark 13:24-31].Prokeimenon in the 4th Tone. [
Psalm 146]Great is our God, and great is his strength.
[Mark 13:24-31].Prokeimenon in the 4th Tone. [
Psalm 146]Great is our God, and great is his strength.
Praise the Lord, for psalmody is good: let praise be given sweetly to our God.The Reading is from the 1st Epistle of Paul to Timothy.
hild Timothy, first of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humanity, a human being, Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all; this was attested at the right time. For this I was appointed a herald and an apostle (I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.[Brethren, submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to dejection. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you. Do not speak evil against one another, brethren. One that speaks evil against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbour? Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and do business and make a profit’; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that will appear for a little time and then it will vanish. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wishes, we will both live and do this or that’. As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Anyone who knows what it is right to do and fails to do it, for them it is sin. Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh. Like fire you have stored up treasure in the last days. Behold, the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have killed the righteous one; he does not resist you. Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it until it receives the early and the late rain. You also be patient. Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. Do not grumble, brethren, against one another, that you may not be judged. See, the Judge is standing at the doors.]
Alleluia in the 4th Tone. [
Psalm 64]Verse 1:
To you, O God, praise is due in Sion; and to you a vow shall be performed.Verse 2:
We shall be filled with good things of your house.The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
t that time Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaias was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them: Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth.The Lord said to his Disciples: In those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very doors. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the highest. Alleluia!
At all times keep unharmed the whole creation we beg you, O Redeemer, and grant us breaths of winds and breezes moist with dew for our safety and salvation, O Lover of mankind.
Beginning of the Indiction
, that is of the New Year; and commemoration of our Venerable Father Symeon the Stylite and Archimandrite; the assembly of the most holy Mother of God of the Miasini; commemoration of the Holy Martyr Aithalas; of the forty Holy Women and of the deacon Ammoun, their teacher; of the Holy Martyrs Kallisti, Evodos and Hermogenes, sister and brothers; commemoration of Jesus son of Navi; and anniversary of the great fire.At Vespers
We recite the 1st Section of
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 10 Stichera, and we sing 3 Prosomia of the Indiction, 3 of the Saint and a further 4, Idiomels, of the Saint.Of the Indiction. Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
Having learned to pray in his own words from Christ’s divine teaching, let us cry out each day to the Creator: Our Father, who dwell in heaven, give us our daily bread, overlooking our faults.
As the limbs of the Hebrews who truly disobeyed you, the Master of all, were once fittingly strewn across the desert, so now too, O Christ, as the Psalm says, scatter the bones of the impious and unbelieving Hagarenes at the mouth of Hell.
Christ God, who once on Mount Sinai wrote the tables of the law, now too, according to the flesh, in the city of Nazareth yourself took the book of the prophet to read; and having closed it began to teach the peoples that the Scripture had been fulfilled in you.
Stichera of the Saint.
Tone 5. Model Melody. Venerable Father.
Venerable Father, you found a fair ladder, by which you went up on high, the ladder which Elias found as a chariot of fire. He though did not leave his mount to others, but you keep your pillar even after death. Man of heaven, angel of earth, unsleeping beacon of the inhabited world, Venerable Symeon, intercede that our souls may be saved.
Venerable Father, if the pillar could speak it would not cease crying out your toils, your hardships, your laments. Though it supported, it was itself supported, nourished like a tree with your tears. Angels were amazed, mortals marvelled, demons cowered at your endurance. Venerable Symeon, intercede that our souls may be saved.
Venerable Father, by the power of the divine Spirit, imitating your Master, you went up onto a pillar as onto a cross. He though wiped out the record of all, while you abolished the uprising of the passions; he like a sheep, you like a victim; he on a cross, you on the pillar. Venerable Symeon, intercede that our souls may be saved
Others, Idiomels, of the Saint. Tone 2.
A good fruit sprouted from a good root, Symeon, holy from infancy, nurtured on grace rather than milk, and, having raised his body on a rock and his mind yet higher towards God, with virtues he built a habitation in the air, and walking on high with the divine Powers he became a dwelling place of Christ, who is God and the Saviour of our souls.
The same tone.
Your memorial, Venerable Father Symeon, and the meekness of your heart, blessed servant, endure for ever; for though you have passed over from us, good shepherd, you have not passed from us in spirit as you stand near God in love and dance with the Angels in heaven. With them intercede that our souls may be saved.
The same. By Kyprianos.
The casket of your relics, all-praised Father, is a source of healings; and your holy soul, united with the Angels, fittingly rejoices. Therefore, as you have boldness towards the Lord, Venerable Saint, and dance with the Bodiless ones in heaven, implore him that our souls may be saved.
The same. By Germanos.
You loved the highest philosophy, O God-bearer, and you dwelt outside the world, living above visible things; and you were revealed as a godly, untarnished mirror of God; and being ever one with Light, you gained more light and clearly met a blessed end. Intercede for our souls, wise Symeon.
Tone 6. By Germanos.Divine grace hovered over the casket of your relics, hallowed Symeon; therefore we too run to the sweet fragrance of your wonders, drawing out healing of diseases. But Venerable Father, intercede with Christ God on behalf of our souls.
Both now.
The same. By Byzantios.One with the Holy Spirit, O Word and Son without beginning, co-maker of all and co-creator of all things visible and invisible, bless the crown of the year, guarding in peace the multitudes of the Orthodox, at the prayers of the Mother of God and of all the Saints.
O joyful light, Prokeimenon of the Day and the Readings.The reading is from the prophecy of Isaias.
Chap. 61,1-10]T
he Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me. He has sent me to preach good tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim forgiveness to prisoners and sight to the blind; to declare an acceptable year of the Lord, and a day of recompense for our God; to comfort all who mourn, that there may be given to those who mourn Sion, glory instead of ashes; an anointing of joy for those who mourn, clothing of glory instead of a spirit of despondency; and they will be called a generation of righteousness, a plant of the Lord for glory. And they will rebuild everlasting deserts, those formerly quite deserted; they will raise up and renew deserted cities, deserted from generation to generation. And strangers will come shepherding your flocks, and foreigners will be your ploughmen and your vinedressers. But you will be called Priests of the Lord, ministers of our God. You will be told, ‘Devour the strength of nations’, and in their wealth you will be marvelled at; instead of your double shame and instead of humiliation their portion will rejoice. Therefore they will inherit their land a second time, and everlasting joy shall be upon their head. For I am the Lord, who love righteousness and hate robberies from injustice; and I shall give their calf to the righteous, and I shall make an everlasting covenant with them. And their seed will be known among the nations, and their offspring in the midst of the peoples. And the one who sees them will recognise them, because they are a seed blessed to the ages by God, and with joy they will rejoice in the Lord.The Reading is from Leviticus.
26:3-12, 14-17, 19-20, 22, 33, 23-24]T
he Lord spoke to the children of Israel saying: If you walk in my ordinances and keep my commandments and do them, I will give you rain in its season and the earth will give its produce and the trees of the plains their fruit. And your threshing time will overtake the vintage, and the vintage will overtake the sowing. And you will eat your bread to the full and dwell in safety on your land. And no one shall make you afraid; and I will destroy the evil wild beasts from your lands, and war shall not pass through your land. And enemies will fall before you. And five of you will pursue a hundred and a hundred of you will pursue tens of thousands. And I will look upon you and bless you and make you increase and multiply and I will establish my covenant with you. And you will eat what is old and very old, and bring out the old to make way for the new. And I will set my tabernacle among you and my soul shall not abhor you; and I will walk among you; and I will be your God and you shall be my people. But if you will not listen to me, nor observe these ordinances of mine, but disobey them, and if your soul loathes my judgements, so that you do not keep all my commandments, I in turn will do thus to you: I will bring distress upon you, and you will sow your seed in vain and your enemies will devour your labours. And I will set my face against you and you will fall before your foes and they will pursue you and you will flee though no one pursues you; and I will smash the arrogance of your pride. And I will make the heaven like iron for you and your earth like solid bronze. And your strength will be in vain and your land will not give its fruit, and the trees of the field will not give their fruit. And I will send the wild beasts of the earth against you, and they will consume your cattle, and the sword will come against you and make you few in number. And your land will be desert and your farms will be desert; because you have walked against me crookedly, and I will walk against you with crooked rage, says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel.The reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
Chap. 4,7-15]A
just man, even if he die early, will be at rest; for an honoured old age is not so because of length of time, nor is it measured by the number of years. Understanding is men’s true grey hairs, and a ripe old age is a spotless life. Being pleasing to God, he was loved; and while living among sinners, he was taken away. He was snatched away lest wickedness alter his understanding, or trickery deceive his soul. For the witchery of evil dims the good, and the waywardness of desire undermines an innocent mind. Made perfect in a short time, he fulfilled long years; for his soul was pleasing to the Lord; therefore he hurried him from the midst of evil. But the peoples have seen and not understood, nor laid such a thing to heart: that grace and mercy are with his holy ones, and his presence with his chosen ones.At the Aposticha. Idiomel Stichera of the Indiction.
By Monk John. Tone 1.
The entrance of the year is here, summoning all the shining ones to honour it, Kallisti, Evodos and Hermogenes, brethren and champions; Symeon the equal of the angels; Jesus son of Navi; the Seven Youths of Ephesus, and the choir of Holy Women, beacon of forty fires. As we celebrate their memories together, lovers of festivals, let us eagerly cry out: O Lord, bless the works of your hands, and grant that we may pass profitably through the course of the year.
The same tone.
Verse 1:
A hymn is due to you, O God, in Sion, and vows shall be paid you in Jerusalem.By the same.
Christ our God, who created all things with wisdom and brought them from non-being into being, bless the crown of the year and preserve our city unbesieged; make glad our faithful Sovereigns by your power, giving them victories against enemies, through the Mother of God granting the world your great mercy.
Tone 2.
Verse 2:
We shall be filled with the good things of your house: holy is your temple, wonderful in righteousness.By Kyprianos.
Wonderful are you, O God, and wonderful are your works, and your ways are unsearchable; for you are the Wisdom of God and perfect substance and power, co-operation like him without beginning and without end; therefore by your all-powerful authority you came inexpressibly, unchanged in your Godhead, from a Mother who did not know man, to visit the world, seeking the creature you had beautified, setting bounds and times, O Unchangeable, for our salvation. Therefore we cry out to you: Loving Lord, glory to you!
The same.
Verse 3: You will bless the crown of the year with your goodness, and our fields will be filled with fatness.
By Monk John.
You who created all things with wisdom, Word of the Father before the ages, and established the whole creation by your all-powerful word, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, and overthrow heresies, through the Mother of God, for you are good and love mankind.
Tone 5. Venerable Father.Venerable Father, you found a fair ladder, by which you went up on high, the ladder which Elias found as a chariot of fire. He though did not leave his mount to others, but you keep your pillar even after death. Man of heaven, angel of earth, unsleeping beacon of the inhabited world, Venerable Symeon, intercede that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
The same. By Monk John.You, O King, Who Are and who abide even to ages without end, accept the supplication of sinners who beg salvation; and grant, O Lover of mankind, abundance to your land, giving it temperate weather; as once with David, fight alongside our faithful King against godless barbarians, for they have entered your tabernacles and defiled your all-holy place, O Saviour. But grant victories, Christ God, at the intercession of the Mother of God; for you are the victory and boast of the Orthodox.
Apolytikion of the Indiction. Tone 2.
Fashioner of all creation, who fix times and seasons by your own authority, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, Lord, preserving the Kings and your city in peace, at the prayers of the Mother of God, and save us.
Of the Saint. Tone 1.You became a pillar of endurance, Venerable Father, rivalling the forefathers: Job in sufferings and Joseph in trials, and, while still in the body, the life of the Bodiless Powers. Our Venerable Father Symeon, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Of the Mother of God. Tone 7.Hail full of grace, Virgin Mother of God, harbour and protection of the human race; for from you the Redeemer of the world became incarnate; for you alone are Mother and Virgin, ever blessed and glorified. Intercede with Christ God to grant peace to the whole inhabited world.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Psalter reading, Kathisma of the Indiction.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
O God, who grant fruitful seasons and rains from heaven for those on earth, now too accept the petitions of your servants and deliver your city from every constraint; for your acts of pity are for all your works. Therefore bless our comings and goings, direct the works of our hands for us and grant us forgiveness of offences; for you, the Powerful One, brought all things from non-existence into being.
Glory. Both now.
Repeat.After the 2nd Psalter reading, Kathisma of the Ascetic.
Tone 5. The Word without beginning.
You adorned your life with self-mastery, and having slain the body, you wiped out the assaults of the foe, blessed Father; and, as a worthy heir, you passed over to God, to everlasting life; therefore do not cease to intercede that our souls may be saved.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.You came to the starting block of martyrdom, Kallisti, with your two brothers faithfully proclaiming Christ our God; for having nurtured them with love you made them true spiritual vessels of Christ’s Church; therefore, as a Martyr, you were joined with them for the life on high.
Both now.
Theotokion, to the same melody.Speedily accept our supplications, all-immaculate Sovereign Lady, and offer them to your Son and God; banish the difficulties of those who have recourse to you, scatter the ambushes and the insolence of those who are now in arms against your servants.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma of the Holy Women.Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Rational Lambs, having finished your course and kept the faith, faithfully you were offered through martyrdom to the Lamb and Shepherd. And so today with joy we praise your sacred memory, noble Saints, as we magnify Christ.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.As to the Master of the universe and Giver of good things, with faith we fall down before you, as we fervently cry out: Entreated by your compassion, Saviour, and by the prayers of her who gave you birth, and of those who have ever been well pleasing to you, as you are good vouchsafe to grant a prosperous year to those who honour you in two natures and faithfully glorify you.
The 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone.
Gospel of an Ascetic. Psalm 50.
Glory. At the prayers of your Ascetic…
Both now. At the prayers of the Mother of God…
Have mercy on me, O God,…
Idiomel Sticheron of the Ascetic. Tone 2.
You who created all things with wisdom, Word of the Father before the ages, and established the whole creation by your all-powerful word, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, and overthrow heresies, through the Mother of God, as you are good and love mankind.]
And the Canons.
The Canon for the Indiction. Composition of Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 1. The Irmos.
Let us, all peoples, sing a song of victory to him who rescued Israel from the bitter slavery of Pharao, and guided him dryshod in the depth of the sea; for he has been glorified.
Let us all sing a song of victory to Christ, through whom all things were established, and in whom they continue unerringly, as to the subsistent Word born of God, the Father without beginning; for he has been glorified.
Let us all sing a song of victory to Christ, who at the Father’s good pleasure appeared from a Virgin and proclaimed an acceptable year of the Lord, redemption for us; for he has been glorified.
Coming to Nazareth the provider of the Law would teach on the Sabbath, instructing the Hebrews of his coming, through which, as he is merciful, he will save our race.
Let us, all Believers, ever praise in song the Maiden beyond marvels, who made Christ dawn on the world and who filled all things with the joy of everlasting life; for she has been glorified.
Canon of the Holy Women, whose Acrostic is:
Steadfast Women Martyrs’ toils I sing.
Ode 1. Tone 4. I will open my mouth.
Steadfastly, O Martyrs, you struggled with the opponent, first as ascetics, then later by the contest through blood; therefore in faith we celebrate your memories.
The weakness of the flesh forgotten, wounded by love for him who for us endured cross and death, the holy women followed in his footsteps.
Worship of pagans and temples of demons you hurled to the ground with the weapon of faith, and you were offered to the heavenly temple as living treasures, all-honoured Martyrs.
All spotless one, strengthened by the grace of him who dawned from your womb, the young maidens escaped the swell of tortures and were brought in your train rejoicing.
Canon of the Saint, whose Acrostic, without the Theotokia, is:
Accept the hymn, O blessed Symeon.
By Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Let us sing to the Lord.
As with the broken instrument of my tongue I weave this song for you, Godbearing Symeon, grant me through your supplications divinely inspired light of knowledge.
Persians, Ethiopians, Indians and Scythians and a multitude of Arabs recognised your wisdom, Father, and they glorified Christ who is glorified through you.
You were filled with spiritual grace; for, like Jacob, David and Moses, you appeared from the sheepfolds as leader of spiritual flocks, O blessed one.
Immaculate Mother of God, hail honoured one, who contained in your womb the uncontainable God, entreat that those who sing your praise you may be redeemed.
A Cross Moses traced out as he cut the Red Sea in a straight line with his rod for Israel as they marched on foot; and then united it again, overwhelming Pharao with his chariots, as with another line he marked out the invincible weapon. Therefore let us sing to Christ our God, for he has been glorified.
Of the Indiction. Ode 3. The Irmos..
Establish me, O Christ, on the unshakeable rock of your commandments, and enlighten me with the light of your face; for none is holy but you, O Lover of mankind.
Establish, O Good One, the fruitful vine, which your right hand has planted with love upon the earth, preserving your Church, O All-powerful.
Grant, Lord, that those who in faith sing your praise as God of the universe, may pass through this year abounding in spiritual works, well-pleasing to God.
Let the circle of the year be calm for me, O merciful Christ, and fill me with your divine words, which you appeared speaking to the Jews on the Sabbath.
As the one who alone surpassing nature received the grace that surpasses mankind, Christ our God, who dwelt unaltered in your womb, we ever glorify you.
Of the Holy Women. He weakened the bow.
Strengthened by almighty strength, you overthrew the power of your opponents; therefore as victors you have been crowned by Christ.
The jaws of the wild beasts were seen to be powerless through Christ’s divine might, and you were delivered, God-bearers, unharmed as you honoured God.
Made divine by your intent on God, O Victors, you beat off the chill of polytheism and reached the warmth of the glory on high.
We know and devoutly proclaim you, All-spotless One, to be most truly Mother of God; for through you the Creator deigned to speak with us.
Of the Saint..
Swiftly fleeing the icy blast of the winds, you boldly reached a dwelling of salvation, Symeon, from which you plucked the fruit of life that does not age.
Gladly you inclined your obedient ear to the Master who promised blessedness; and blessed was the way of life you found.
Having welcomed the seeds of the word in the furrows of your heart, with floods of tears, you reaped for Christ a full ear of virtues.
Bride of God, ineffably you conceived the Saviour and Lord, who from troubles delivers us who call on you in truth.
A Rod is accepted as a figure of the mystery; for by its budding it marks out the priest. While for the Church that once was barren the Tree of the Cross has flowered for strength and steadfastness.
Kontakion of the Indiction.Composed in the year 1813 by the revered Patriarch of Constantinople Cyril VI.
Tone 3. Today the Virgin.
You created the universe in your ineffable wisdom, and fixed the seasons by your authority; grant victories to your Christ-loving people; may you bless our goings and comings of the year, directing our works to your divine will.]
Kathisma of the Saint. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Burning with faith, wise Father, and despising all temporary things, you followed Christ, in the power of the Spirit, having melted your body, Venerable One, by self-mastery, ever looking towards the glory of heaven; therefore you found for your divine ascent the ladder of the pillar fitting your longing, holy Symeon. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
Of the Holy Women.Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Rational Lambs, having finished your course and kept the faith, faithfully you were offered through martyrdom to the Lamb and Shepherd. And so today with joy we praise your sacred memory, noble Saints, as we magnify Christ.
Both now.
Of the Indiction.Tone 4. Joseph was amazed..
As to the Master of the universe and Giver of good things, with faith we fall down before you, as we fervently cry out: Entreated by your compassion, Saviour, and by the prayers of her who gave you birth, and of those who have ever been well pleasing to you, as you are good vouchsafe to grant a prosperous year to those who honour you in two natures and faithfully glorify you.
Of the Indiction. Ode 4.
The Irmos.
I have learned of your dispensation, All-powerful One, and I have glorified you with fear, O Saviour.
Your people offers you its annual firstfruits, glorifying you with Angels’ hymns, O Saviour.
As you love mankind, grant, O Christ, that those who start the year may complete it in a way pleasing to you.
Almighty, only Lord, grant to the world that the revolutions of the years be calm.
Let us all hymn the Mother of God as harbour and sure hope of our souls.
Of the Holy Women. The One seated.
Having endured tortures and rackings of the body by varied means, crushing and burning of the limbs, you have inherited heavenly dwellings and enjoy the tree of life, O Admirable ones.
The Powers of heaven marvelled at the struggle of the blessed maidens, how they routed the foe, being given power in their woman’s nature by the power of him who dawned from a woman.
Having cast aside all the vanity of the world, you clung with your whole soul to God and to him alone; therefore, Brides of Christ, you endured most stoutly the toils of the ascetic life and of the martyr’s contest.
Bearing the Cross as the strongest of weapons, you stood in battle against hostile regiments. With Christ, who conquered the world by the power of his divinity, you carried off the victory.
The Lord came down as rain upon a fleece into your womb, as the Prophet said of old, All-pure one, the Lord whom you bore in two natures, to whom we cry: Glory, O Christ, to your power.
Of the Saint. Lord, I have heard.
It was not on sand but on the deepest toils that you laid the foundation of your ascetic life, All blessed one, and built an unshakeable tower of virtues.
The roughest rope your body’s lot to nail it to the fear of the spirit, you found, O Venerable one, the allotment of a divine inheritance.
The hidden passions of the body ebbed away in rotting decay, that even the worms feared you as you slept.
Imitating the life-giving Dead after his voluntary passion, as in a tomb you placed yourself in a gloomy well
Immaculate Mary, implore the God whom you bore to grant your servants pardon of their offences.
Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I have considered your works and glorified your Godhead.
Of the Indiction. Ode 5. The Irmos.
Rising in the night we hymn you, O Christ, without beginning with the Father, and the Saviour of our souls. Grant the world peace, O Lover of mankind.
O Christ, who fill all things with goodness, grant to your servants that, crowned with blessings, the many circled time may be temperate and prosperous.
Let the change of the year be an alteration for the better and a condition of peace for us who know you, O Word, to be coeternal with the Father.
Without beginning with the Father, you who are beyond time came upon earth, announcing in the Father’s name forgiveness for prisoners and new sight for the maimed.
Our hopes and our confidence we place in you, Mother of God, make him to whom you gave birth kindly to us.
Of the Holy Women. The ungodly will not see.
As spotless lambs, as acceptable sacrifices, O Martyrs, you were offered to the true Lamb and Shepherd, as whole burnt offerings and acceptable holocausts.
Slain in body, you were alive in soul, O Martyrs, for you imitated the Cross, the death and the voluntary sufferings of him who slew the strength of death.
Being of one mind in many bodies, rent by divers scourges and burned by fire, the Godly-minded Martyrs confessed one Lord Jesus.
Set me upright, who am fallen into a pit of temptations, and pilot me, O only all-spotless one, who gave birth to God, the pilot who by his goodness united things formerly separated.
Of the Saint. Enlighten us.
Christ showed you, Symeon, to be a new Daniel; for, through a revelation, he brought you unharmed from a pit infested with wild beasts.
Offering your whole self to the Lord, you bared yourself to the hostile elements of snow, ice and heat.
You were shown to be a new Moses and a new Elias, throughout your life living for the forty days on one meal, venerable Father.
Ever implore your Son and our God, pure Mary who knew not wedlock, to send down his mercy upon us the faithful.
Thrice-blessed Tree, on which Christ, the King and Lord, was stretched! Through it the one who deceived through a tree has fallen, caught by the bait of God who was nailed to you in the flesh and who grants peace to our souls.
Of the Indiction. Ode 6. The Irmos.
You saved the Prophet from the whale, O Lover of mankind, bring me too up from the deep of offences, I beg.
Grant, Master, that with the start of the year we may offer you the first fruits of a life that is pleasing to you.
Compassionate Saviour, by participation in your law show us who sing your praise to be full of days of the Spirit.
O you who gave birth to Christ our God, we beg you, deliver from every threat those who flee to you.
Of the Holy Women. He cried out, foreshadowing.
Their foremother was overjoyed as she watched the one who formerly exiled her by trickery from Paradise broken and trampled down by women’s feet.
You combined the ascetic life with the contest of martyrdom, and now you have been joined without corruption to the Bridegroom of souls, and with joyful souls you take your places in the divine bridal chamber.
Mounting wild waves of tortures could not sink the vessels of the Martyrs, for with a strong hand they made for the divine havens.
As you see the fulfilment of your words, magnify even more, O Mother of God, him who magnified you; for behold all generations truly call you blessed.
Of the Saint. Grant me a tunic.
Blessed Father, Christ displayed you as a worker of signs and wonders, having shown you to be a dwelling place of divine force.
Your body was raised on the column as on a cross; therefore you have been glorified with Christ who was raised on a tree for your sake.
Having found a pathway in the air, inspired Symeon, bring up to the heights of heaven those who faithfully sing your praise.
We the faithful declare you, Mother of God, to be the temple and ark of God, living bridal chamber and gate of heaven.
Jonas, stretching out his hands like a cross in the belly of the sea monster, clearly prefigured the saving Passion. Escaping from there on the third day, he was an image of the transcendent Resurrection of Christ God, who was nailed in the flesh and by his rising on the third day enlightened the world.
Kontakion of the Saint. Tone 2. Model Melody.
Seeking things above and joined to things below, you made your column a chariot of fire, through which you have become a companion of the Angels, with them unceasingly imploring Christ God on behalf of us all.
The Ikos.
What human will ever suffice to sing the praise of Symeon’s blameless life? Nevertheless with God’s wisdom I shall hymn the contests and struggles of the hero, of the one who appeared on earth as a beacon for all mortals, and by perseverance shone brightly for the choir of Angels; for singing with them unceasingly he does not cease imploring Christ on behalf of us all.
The Month of September, having 30 days.
The day has 12 hours and the night 12 hours.
On the 1st of the month, Beginning of the Indiction, that is of the New Year.
New year’s Indiction bless for us, we pray,
O you, both Ancient and, for mankind, New.
Note that the Church of God celebrates the Indiction, having received the tradition from the ancients, for it was thought by the Romans that this Indiction marked the beginning of the year (the word Indiction means for the Romans ‘boundary’). Moreover because on this day Our Lord Jesus Christ entered the Synagogue of the Jews and being handed a book (it was that of the Prophet Isaias), He opened it and found the passage where it is written: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, therefore He has anointed me; He has sent me to preach the gospel to the poor; to heal the broken hearted; to proclaim forgiveness for prisoners, and sight to the blind; to proclaim an acceptable year of the Lord’ [Is.61,1-2]. Then he handed the book to the attendant, sat down and said: ‘To-day this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears’. When too the crowds marvelled at the words of grace that came from his mouth [Lk. 4,16-22]
.On the same day we commemorate the marvel which took place through the Holy Mother of God in the Monastery of the Miasini; and the fire that took place.
Strange was the catch that by itself came up
From harbour’s depth: the Virgin’s honoured image.
The commemoration of the Mother of God of the Miasini is kept because of the wonder-working and holy ikon of the Mother of God which had been thrown into the harbour of Zagouros, of the Monastery of the Miasini, through fear of the iconoclasts, and was, by God’s good pleasure, returned unharmed after many years.
The commemoration of the fire; because of the great fire which took place in Constantinople, because of our sins, in the reign of Leo the great King, nicknamed the Pick-axe, in the year 450, and which ravaged by fire most of the city in seven days.
On the same day, commemoration of our venerable Father Symeon the Stylite.
His pillared station Symeon left behind,
And took his stand beside the Word of God.
High stepping Symeon died on the first of the month of September.
Symeon the Stylite lived in the reign of Leo the Great and when Martyrios was Bishop of Antioch. He came from the Eparchy of Cilicia, from the village of Sesan. He adopted the monastic life and having ascended a column, he persevered there for forty seven years and having become the worker of many wonders he died in peace.
On the same day, commemoration of the Venerable Martha, mother of the Venerable Symeon; and of the Venerable Evanthia; and the falling asleep of Jesus son of Navi.
On earth of old once Martha welcomed Christ.
Now Christ in heaven, Martha, welcomes you.
The sun that once he halted left behind,
Now Jesus contemplates the Sun of glory.
This Jesus was the son of Navi and successor of Moses as lawgiver for the Hebrews. He captured Jericho, a city of foreigners and saw the Chief Captain Michael holding a sword. On learning that he was the Chief Captain of the Power of the Lord, he threw away his arms and fell at his feet. Once when fighting a battle against foreigners the sun was about to set, so in his zeal for battle he prayed to God and said: ‘Let the sun stand still’; and at once the sun stopped in its course and did not set until he had mightily routed the foreigners. He was commander of the people and led them from the wilderness and apportioned to them the land of Promise, which is Palestine. He judged the people of Israel for twenty seven years, became the dread of his enemies and, having displayed his courage and virtue in many wars, died and was buried with honour by his own people.
On the same day, commemoration of the forty Holy Women Martyrs, Virgins and Ascetics, and of the Deacon Ammoun, their teacher.
For virgins double twenty fire and sword
Secured as Bridegroom Christ the Son of God.
A helmet heated in the flames Ammoun received:
Stripped off his covering of flesh with joy.
These Martyrs were from Adrianoupolis in Macedonia, and being Christians they followed Christ, having as their teacher the Deacon Ammoun. Arrested by Vavdos the Governor of Adrianoupolis and fiercely tortured for not worshipping the idols they prayed to God, and the priest of the idols was suspended in mid-air, was punished for many hours then fell and perished. Saint Ammoun was strung up and his sides were burned; then a red-hot helmet was placed on his head. Delivered from this, he was sent with the holy Virgins from Verroi to Heraklion in Thrace, to the tyrant Licinius; and by the latter’s decision ten of them were thrown into the flames, eight with their teacher were beheaded; another ten died by being pierced with swords in face and heart, six were cut to pieces with knives, the rest departed to the Lord having been made to swallow lumps of heated iron.
On the same day, commemoration of the Holy Martyrs, sister and brothers, Evodos, Kallisti and Hermogenes.
Fairest [
kalliston] indeed the end Kallisti found,With her two brothers, likewise fair[
kalois], cut down.These holy martyrs were sister and brothers, born from the same womb and born again spiritually from the divine font, at the times of the preaching. But when they were denounced to the Governor as Christians and the noble courage and unshakeable resolve of their soul was realised, the Governor passed sentence of death by the sword against them; and having thus completed the race of martyrdom, they departed to the Lord
.The venerable Meletios the Young, ascetic on the mountain of Nyoupolis, died in peace.
The Holy New Martyr Angelis, who bore his witness in Constantinople in 1680, died by the sword.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Of the Indiction. Ode 7. The Irmos..
The Youths brought up together in piety, despising the impious decree, did not fear the threat of the fire, but standing in the middle of the flames they sang, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
As we begin the year let us the Orthodox people offer the first fruits of our hymns to Christ who reigns over the kingdom without bounds, as we devoutly sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
O Christ who exist before the ages, Lord for ever and ever, the source of goodness, fill the year with your good gifts for us who sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Christ our Master, we your servants bring you in intercession your pure Mother, that your people may be delivered from every difficulty, as they sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Of the Holy Women. He who saved in fire.
How undaunted your resolution, Godbearing Ammoun; for as leader of the choir of virgins you did not flinch at tortures, but died with them, as minister and initiate of God’s glory.
How wise you are, Escort of the brides; with words of courage you anoint the Martyrs: let them fix their gaze on the Bridegroom and bravely endure the pains of the flesh as they cry: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
The noble Martyrs in the stadium cried out: Maidens, let us not falter. See, the stadium is open. Let us stand bravely; Christ is holding out the crowns. Let us not spare our bodies.
Blessed is the fruit of your blessed womb, whom the Powers of heaven and the ranks of mortals bless, for he has delivered us from the ancient curse, O Blessed one.
Of the Saint. Youths who honoured God.
You ended a drought for the despairing and opened for them the gates of rain, and steadied the shaken land, and you taught peoples to cry: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
As a mighty beacon of the Church and sun of many lights, O Symeon, you sent out beams in all directions , enlightened peoples and taught them to cry: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Streams flowing together from every side, Servant of Christ, a sea of men welded together in the fold of your ascetic discipline, was taught by you to cry out: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Of old in the arms of the Elder, but now in the tables of your heart, Venerable Symeon, Christ took his rest by his invisible power; therefore you cried: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
It was fitting for him who took flesh without seed to come forth from you, immaculate Virgin; for you, O Pure one, brought forth him who surpasses all things, to whom with hymns we shout and cry: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
The senseless decree of a godless tyrant, redolent of threats and blasphemies hateful to God, drove peoples to confusion. But neither the fury of wild beasts nor the roaring of the fire frightened three Youths; but united in the fire that answered with a spirit bringing dew they sang, ‘O our God and the God of our Fathers, O highly exalted, blessed are you!’
Of the Indiction. Ode 8. The Irmos..
Praise in hymns Christ God, who protected the Youths as they sang praises in the furnace and who turned the roaring furnace into dew, and highly exalt him to the ages.
The holy Church offers you, O Christ, as author of salvation, the first fruits of the year as she cries: Praise in hymns and highly exalt Christ to the ages.
The Creator who wisely made all things new out of nothing, and arranges the revolutions of the seasons by his will, praise in hymns and highly exalt him to the ages.
To God who arranges all things and alters the seasons for the varied guidance of mankind we sing: Praise him in hymns and highly exalt him to the ages.
In the passing and the revolutions of the years the ranks of Orthodox mortals, pure Virgin Mother of God, sing your praise as God’s Mother and salvation of all.
Of the Holy Women. The Offspring of the Mother of God.
As Martyrs you wrapped yourselves in garments bright and shining as from blood, having together truly put off the humanity that was corrupted by sins, and you sang: You his works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Enlightened by abundant floods of light, the divine brightness of the spiritual Sun, you ran, O Martyrs, through the night of godlessness as you sang in unison of soul: You his works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Like sheep like spotless lambs, like divine doves and willing victims, and like unblemished sacrifices, O Martyrs, you were offered to the Creator as you sang in harmony: You his works praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
On the orders of lawless tyrants you underwent an unjust death, your limbs cut up, battered with rods, mercilessly struck, slain by the sword; and so in joy you inherit your rich undying recompense.
Women ran behind you, all pure Bride of God, sensing the sweet fragrance of the perfumes of the only-begotten Son who shone forth from your womb, and they reign with you indeed as they praise Christ to the ages.
Of the Saint.
Having left every attachment and pitying a mother’s weakness, as though living you appeared after death, crying out: Hymn the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
You gave strength to a paralysed sick youth and ordered him to carry the tribal chief like his bed on his shoulders as he hymned the Lord and highly exalted him to all the ages.
He who made Job shine brightly through suffering, when your flesh was suppurating with rottenness turned you, servant of Christ, into a priceless pearl, as he glorified you, Symeon, to all the ages.
At Symeon’s entreaties, Master, you summoned a vengeful robber chief, as of old the Thief on the tree; therefore we hymn you and highly exalt you to all the ages.
Virgin Mother of God, who received the Angel’s ‘Hail!’, bore the Lord of glory and made the light dawn on the world, we all hymn you and glorify you.
O Youths, equal in number to the Trinity, bless the Creator, Father, God; sing the praises of the Word who descended and changed the fire to dew, and highly exalt the all-holy Spirit that grants life to all, to the ages.
The Magnificat is not sung.
Of the Indiction. Ode 9. The Irmos.
The bush that unburned blazed with fire showed an image of you pure child-bearing; and now we beseech you to quench the furnace of temptations which rages against us, that we me ceaselessly magnify you, O Mother of God.
O Word and Power of God, true and hypostatic Wisdom, who hold together and govern all things, dispose the season which now confronts your servants in a condition of calm
Alone you existed before the ages, as maker and sovereign of ages, three-personned, one indivisible Godhead; at the prayers of the holy Mother of God proclaim the victory to your inheritance.
Saviour and Master of all, Creator and Ruler of creation, at the prayers of her who bore you without travail, give peace to your world, and guard your Church unceasingly from faction.
Of the Holy Women. Eve by the sickness.
The all-blessed Martyrs pour out streams of healings as from a fountain for those in need, they halt the ravages of disease, dispel the heat of passions, fire the hearts of those who love God, to bring forth the good lone you existed before the ages, as maker and sovereign of ages, three-personned, one indivisible Godhead; at the prayers of the holy Mother of God proclaim the victory to your inheritance.
Saviour and Master of all, Creator and Ruler of creation, at the prayers of her who bore you without travail, give peace to your world, and guard your Church unceasingly from faction.
Of the Holy Women. Eve by the sickness.
The all-blessed Martyrs pour out streams of healings as from a fountain for those in need, they halt the ravages of disease, dispel the heat of passions, fire the hearts of those who love God, to bring forth the good fruit of godly deeds.
The godly Deacon Ammoun with Kelsina and forty other godly minded holy women competed like trained athletes and received their crowns; and now they dance with the Angels, while we, as is right, call them blest.
Having raised your might against the foe you were exalted and have become as Angels. You enjoy the tree of life in Paradise without constraint, O Brides of God, and now you possess a source of blessings, as you intercede for the world.
Blameless Maiden, you have been revealed as the place of the mighty Wisdom beyond understanding, a living throne and gateway; therefore virgins loved you as Queen, O Virgin, and have been brought in your train, O Child of God.
Of the Saint.
As one who had shown himself a king through steadfastness in sufferings, godly Symeon, Christ approved you as sharer of his royal rule; therefore in hymns we magnify you.
Granted the grace of healing from the inexhaustible treasury of the Spirit, godly Symeon, you reward with healings those who celebrate your memory.
You have walked the path of heavenly virtue, you have displayed the prize from on high, you have reached the heavenly dwellings: intercede that our souls may be saved.
You have been shown to be the bush that burned yet was not consumed by fire, by conceiving without seed, O Virgin, the God and Saviour of the world, whom we unceasingly magnify.
Mystic Paradise are you, O Mother of God; untilled you brought forth Christ, who planted on the earth the life-giving Tree of the Cross. And so, as it is raised today, we worship it and magnify you.
The death that came to the race through eating of the tree has, through the Cross, today been made of no effect. For the curse on all mankind of our mother Eve has been abolished by the shoot of the pure Mother of God, whom all the Powers of heaven magnify.
Exapostilarion of the Indiction. With the Disciples.
O God of gods and Lord, three-personned nature, unapproachable, eternal, uncreated and almighty creator of the universe, we all fall before you and we implore you: as you are good, bless this present year, preserve our Sovereigns and all your people in peace, O Merciful One.
Of the Saint. The same melody.
Like a beacon, Venerable one, your light-bearing life blazed out and enlightened the whole earth with the rays of your wonders; for through a pillar, Father, you ascended as by a ladder to God, where truly exists the goal of all desires, as you intercede for those who honour you, blest Symeon.
Theotokion. The same melody.
As Saviour and Master of all creation, who fix times and seasons by your authority, crown the circle of the year, O Merciful, with blessings of goodness, preserving your people in peace, unharmed, unhurt, we beseech you, at the prayers of her who bore you and of all the godly Saints.
At Lauds we insert 4 Verses and we sing the following Idiomels.
Tone 3. By Monk John.
Word of the Father before time, who are in the form of God and who brought all creation out of non-being into being; and who fix times and seasons by your own authority: bless the crown of the year with your goodness, granting peace to your Churches, victories to our faithful Sovereign, abundant fruit of the earth and your great mercy.
By the same. Tone 4.
Your kingdom, Christ God, is the kingdom of all the ages, and your dominion is from generation to generation; you have made all things in wisdom, fixing for us times and seasons; therefore we thank you for all things and through all things we cry out: Bless the crown of the year with your goodness and grant that we may all cry out to you without condemnation: Lord, glory to you!
The same melody. By Andrew of Pyros.
Your paths, O God, your paths are great and wonderful; therefore we magnify you for the might of your dispensation, for, light from light, you visited your wretched world, and in your good pleasure, O Word, did away with the first curse on ancient Adam, and you fixed for us times and seasons for glorifying your all-pervading goodness. Lord, glory to you!
Tone 2. By Germanos.
When by your Passion, Lord, you established the whole world, then the weak clothed themselves in power: women showed manly courage against the villainous tyrant, and having reversed the mother’s defeat of old, they have reached the pleasure of Paradise, to your glory, who were born of a woman and have saved the human race.
Of the Saint. Tone 2.A good fruit sprung from a good root, Symeon, holy from infancy, was nurtured on grace rather than milk; and having raised his body on a rock and his mind yet higher towards God, with virtues he built a habitation in the skies, and walking on high with the divine Powers he has become a dwelling place of Christ, God and the Saviour of our souls.
Both now.
Tone 8. By Germanos.O Word, Christ God, who brought the whole universe into being, who fix times and seasons for us, bless the works of your hands, by your power make our faithful Sovereign glad, granting him strength against barbarians, for you alone are good and love mankind.
Great Doxology, and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
Typika and Beatitudes, and from the Canons of the Indiction and the Saint from Odes 3 & 6.
Establish, O Good one, the fruitful vine, which your right hand has planted with longing on the earth, preserving your Church, O All powerful.7.
Grant, Lord, that those who in faith hymn you, the God of all, may pass through this year abounding in spiritual works, well-pleasing to God.6.
Let the circle of the year be calm for me, O merciful Christ, and fill me with your divine words, which you appeared speaking to the Jews on the Sabbath.5.
As the one who alone above nature received the grace beyond humanity, Christ our God, who dwelt unaltered in your womb, we ever glorify you.4.
Blessed Father, Christ displayed you as a worker of signs and wonders, having shown you to be a dwelling place of divine force.3.
Your body was raised on the column as on a cross; therefore you have been glorified with Christ who was raised on a tree for your sake.2.
Having found a pathway in the air, inspired Symeon, bring up to the heights of heaven those who faithfully hymn you.1.
We the faithful declare you, Mother of God, to be the temple and ark of God, living bridal chamber and gate of heaven.Apolytikion of the Indiction. Tone 2.
Fashioner of all creation, who fixes times and seasons by your own authority, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, O Lord, preserving the Kings and your city in peace, at the intercessions of the Mother of God and save us.
Of the Mother of God. Tone 7.
Hail full of grace, Virgin Mother of God, harbour and protection of the human race; for from you the Redeemer of the world became incarnate; for you alone are Mother and Virgin, ever blessed and glorified. Intercede with Christ God to grant peace to the whole world.
Of the Saint. Tone 1.
You became a pillar of endurance, venerable Father, rivalling the forefathers, Job in sufferings and Joseph in trials, and while still in the body the life of the Bodiless ones. Our Venerable Father Symeon, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Kontakion of the Indiction.
Tone 3. Today the Virgin.
You created the universe in your ineffable wisdom, and fixed the seasons by your authority; grant victories to your Christ-loving people; may you bless our goings and comings of the year, directing our works to your divine will.
Another, of the Saint.Tone 2. Model Melody.
Seeking things above and joined to things below, you made your column a chariot of fire, through which you have become a companion of the Angels, with them unceasingly imploring Christ God on behalf of us all.
Both now.
Of the Nativity of the Mother of God.Joachim and Ann were freed from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from the corruption of death by your holy Nativity, O Immaculate. Freed from the guilt of offences your people also celebrates it, as they cry to you: The barren woman bears the Mother of God and the nourisher of our life.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
Great is our God, and great his strength: * and there is no measuring his understanding.
Praise the Lord, for to sing his praise is good: may our praise delight our God.[
Epistle to Timothy. See the 33rd Saturday.]The Reading is from the 2nd Epistle of Paul to Timothy.
hild Timothy, the word is sure: if we have suffered with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he in turn will deny us; if we are unfaithful, he remains faithful: he cannot deny himself. Remind people of these things, warning them before the Lord not to wrangle over words, which serves no useful purpose, but ruins those who listen. Be eager to take your stand before God as one well tested, a worker who is unashamed, who rightly proclaims the word of truth. Avoid profane and idle talk; for it only makes people advance in impiety, and their word will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaios and Philetos, who have swerved from the truth by saying that the resurrection has already taken place. They are upsetting the faith of some. But God’s firm foundation stands and carries this inscription, ‘The Lord knows those who are his’ and ‘Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord turn away from wickedness.’[A
nd another Epistle, for the Saint, to the Colossians.See the 30th Sunday.
]The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians.
rethren, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as Christ has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.Alleluia. Tone 4.
Verse 1:
To you praise is due in Sion: and to you a vow will be performed.Verse 2:
We shall be filled with the good things of your house: holy is your temple, wonderful in justice.Gospel according to Luke.
4:12-16]At that time, Jesus came to Nazareth.
And of the Saint. From that according to Matthew. See January 20th., Matthew 11:27-30.
[The current Greek Gospel book gives that for St John Chrysostom, November 13th, John 10:9-16.]Communion of the Indiction.
Bless the crown of the year with your goodness, O Lord. [Alleluia.]
And of the Saint.
The just will be held in eternal memory. Alleluia.
The present Menaion gives a Polyeleos and Gospel for Matins, but this is modern, and the texts used as Kathisma and Idiomel are used elsewhere in the office. The Typikon of Dionysiou makes no mention of this addition, nor, in fact, does the Typikon printed in the Menaion. This section has therefore been printed within square brackets. There are also some differences over the Apostle and Gospel for the Saint. The Menaion prescribes for the Liturgy the Gospel for Matins of St Efthymios, not that for the Liturgy, which is Luke 6:17-21. These two Gospels are in fact interchangeable between Matins and Liturgy. See, for example December 4th , St Savvas.In the following notes the parts in square brackets are taken from the Typikon of Dionysiou and represent the fuller, monastic, use.
If the 1st of September falls on a Sunday, the Typikon is as follows. [The off ice of the Holy Women is omitted, or read at Compline.]
On Saturday evening the whole of the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter is said, even if the 1st Section is sung. At Lord, I have cried 4 Stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, 3 of the Indiction and the 3 Prosomia of the Saint. Glory of the Indiction, Tone 6, One with the Holy Spirit and Both now the 1st Theotokion of the Tone. Entrance, O joyful light, prokeimenon of the day and the Readings. At the Aposticha, the Stichera and verses from the Oktoichos, Glory of the Saint Venerable Father, and Both now of the Indiction You, O King. Apolytikia of the Resurrection, of the Indiction and of the Mother of God Hail, full of grace. [Or Resurrection, Saint and Indiction.] And Dismissal.
At Matins, at The Lord is God, Apolytkia as at Vespers, except that the Resurrection one is sung twice. The Resurrection Kathismata and that of the Indiction O God who grant fruitful seasons twice. [That is, it replaces the Theotokion each time.] After Psalm 118, the Evlogitaria, the Ypakoп, the Anavathmi of the Tone and the Prokeimenon. The Canons, of the Resurrection and of the Indiction. [Or, more correctly, that of the Resurrection and the Mother of God to 6. That is, the Irmos and Troparia of the Resurrection (=4) and 2 Troparia from the canon to the Mother of God (= 6). Of the Indiction (4) and of the Saint (4), making 14.] The Katavasias of the Cross. After the 3rd Ode, Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection and the final Kathisma of the Indiction As Master of the universe. [Or, Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection, Glory Kathisma of the Saint, Both now Kathisma of the Indiction As Master of the universe.] After the 6th Ode, Kontakion and Ikos of the Indiction, [Or, Kontakion and Ikos of the Saint] the Synaxarion of the day. The Magnificat is sung. Exapostilaria of the Resurrection, the Saint and the Indiction .At Lauds, 4 Stichera of the Resurrection and 4 of the Indiction (doubling the first), Glory of the Indiction O Word, Christ God and the usual Sunday Theotokion. [Or, 4 Stichera of the Resurrection, 3 of the Indiction and the Doxastikon of the Saint, with the appropriate verses, A hymn is due to you, O God in Sion (see the Aposticha of Vespers) and Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of holy one, Glory the Eothinon of the Sunday and the usual Sunday Theotokion. Great Doxology and the usual Resurrection Troparion. First Hour [and Catechesis of St Theodore].
At the Hours the Resurrection Apolytikion is read at each, but that of the Indiction and Saint are read alternately. The Ypakoп and Kontakion of the Saint are both read.
At the Liturgy, Typika and Beatitudes, with of which 4 Troparia of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, and 4 from Ode 6 of the Indiction [Or, and 4 from Ode 3 of the canon of the Indiction and 4 from Ode 6 of the canon of the Saint, making 12] After the Entrance, Apolytikia of the Resurrection, the Indiction, the Mother of God, the Saint and the Church.. Kontakion of the Indiction [Or, of the Resurrection, the Indiction, the Saint, the Church and the Mother of God.] Apostle, Gospel and Communion of the Indiction [Or, of the Indiction and the Saint. Those of the Sunday are omitted.]
[After the Prayer behind the Ambo at once the Apolytiokion and Kontakion of the Saints are sung with the one to the Mother of God. After the blessing of the Kollyva the Priest enters the sanctuary, while we begin Psalm 142 and the usual Lesser Blessing of water for the 1st of the month is sung.]
5 Sept. Prophet Zachary, father of the Forerunner
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia [doubling them].Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Clad in anointing and the divine vestment, revered Zachary, like an angel you ministered to God, mediating between the Fashioner and his fashioning, blessed Saint, and receiving clear revelations of the divine Spirit. And so we call you blessed, and, as we celebrate your holy festival today, we glorify the Saviour.
Zachary, inspired by God, you saw a Child, like his Father without beginning, born from the Maiden, and you spoke prophetically to your child, ‘You will be truly a Prophet, preparing his paths’. With him we call you blessed, and we observe your revered festival, most blessed God-bearer.
You became a living and breathing temple of the divine Spirit, and as with a pure heart you conversed with God in the midst of the temple, glorious Saint, you were unjustly slaughtered, finishing your godly course as a martyr, O worthy of praise. And so you ascended to the heavenly temple, with your own blood beseeching pardon for those who honour you.
Tone 8. By Monk John.Truly robed in the vestment of the priesthood of the Law you ministered according to the order of Aaron, and as you stood in the temple, O all-blessed, you clearly beheld an angelic form. And so, as we all celebrate your translation with songs, as is fitting, we praise you, Zachary, who in old age put forth glorious John. Intercede for us to the merciful God that we may be saved.
Both now.
Theotokion.Lord, at the prayers of her who gave you birth watch over your flock, which you purchased with your precious blood, as you are compassionate, and keep it unharmed from the abuse of enemies, so that as we sing your praise we may glorify your divine condescension.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the sun saw you, O Lord, the Sun of righteousness, hanged upon the tree it hid its rays; and the light of the moon was turned to darkness; while your all-blameless Mother was wounded to the heart.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 8. O Marvellous wonder!
O marvellous wonder! The Archangel, who stands in God’s presence in the highest, brings the good tidings of the conception of the Forerunner in old age from barrenness to Zachary, the godly-minded minister. O your inexpressible providence, Master! Through which, O Christ, save our souls, for you alone are compassionate.
Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people.O marvellous wonder! Zachary’s dumbness prophesies most clearly the silence of the Old Covenant and the manifestation of the New; for silencing the completion of the Law, it revealed the light of grace. O your wise foresight, Lover of humankind! Through which watch over us all, as all-powerful.
And you, Child, will be called the Prophet of the Most High; you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways.O marvellous wonder! Zachary is revealed, Master, as a faithful Priest, a noble Martyr and glorious Prophet, who predicts what is to come, adorned with a triple crown. O the richness of your gifts, Lover of mankind! Through them, O Christ, count us all worthy of your kingdom.
Tone 2. By Anatolios.As a pure priest you entered the Holy of Holies, and robed in the sacred vestment you ministered blamelessly to God, giving laws like Aaron, guiding the tribes of Israel like Moses, with the pure chiming of the bells; and so too you were slain; but your righteous blood has become for us a saving remedy and like sweet-scented myrrh opens the ears for the gaining of eternal life. Thrice-blessed Zachary, father of John the Baptist and spouse of Elizabeth, intercede insistently on behalf of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Truly indeed the multitudes of my iniquities has risen higher than my head, pure Maiden, and my iniquities have been greatly multiplied and I, coward and incorrigible, have gained unbearable and measureless burdens. Do you, then, the only righting of those who sin, by your fervent intercession come to me and save me.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
Many pains you endured at the crucifixion of your Son and God, O Immaculate, weeping you groaned and lamented, ‘Alas! my sweetest Child; how you suffer unjustly, as you wish to deliver all those born from Adam’. Therefore, all-holy Virgin, we beseech you in faith to make him merciful to us.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
Wrapped in the vestment of priesthood, wise Zachary, you offered in a manner fitting a priest acceptable whole burnt offerings according to the Law of God; and you became a beacon and one who contemplated mysteries, manifestly bearing in yourself, O all-wise, the symbols of grace. Slain by the sword in God’s temple, Prophet of Christ, with the Forerunner intercede that our souls may be saved.
At Matins
The usual Reading from the Psalter and the Canons from the Oktoichos and of the Saint, of which the Acrostic is:
I applaud the wise High Priest, parent of the Forerunner.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 8.
As I praise the memory of your Prophet I entreat the grace of the Spirit to work with me as I cry aloud with your mediation: Let us sing to our Redeemer and God.
Your life being found blameless was adorned with the vestment of priesthood and the light-bearing beams of prophecy, blessed Saint who spoke from God.
You were shown, Zachary, your head resplendent with the priestly headband of the Law, and as a revealer of sacred mysteries you cried aloud: Let us sing to our Redeemer and God.
Robed like Aaron in the priestly tunic you received the Maiden sprung from Jesse’s root, who bore the Redeemer in her womb.
Ode 3.
When you were carrying the incense of the covenant, then, High Priest, received the birth of the Forerunner.
Like Aaron the sweet myrrh anointed you to act as priest; therefore you were counted worthy of a vision of an Angel.
Zachary begot John, dawn that foretold you, the spiritual sun, O Saviour, to the inhabited world.
Make straight my life, all-pure Mother of God, who made radiant the life and house of Zachary.
The Irmos.
You are firm foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 8.
You served as priest to God according to the Law, Zachary, and you prophesied Christ incarnate from the Virgin and the Holy Spirit. You appeared to the inhabited world as a pillar of light and spoke of the daystar of righteousness who would shine on the world from on high and guide our feet into the way of peace, and who saves mankind.
The same melody.Let us now call the son of Barachias blessed, because the righteous Zachary meditated on the Law like the psalm says day and night and serving the God of all in the highest, as David, great among the Prophets, said; and met his end through blood by slaughter, and he was sacrificed like an acceptable lamb for a whole offering for the Saviour of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Pure Virgin, blessed and graced by God, with the Powers on high, the Prophets and all the Saints unceasingly intercede for us with the One born from you through merciful compassion to grant us before the end correction and pardon of sins and amendment of life, that we may find mercy.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
Ever guarded by the Cross of your Son and God, O Virgin, we turn back the assaults of the demons and their wiles; as all we generations hymn you as really and truly Mother of God and with love call you blessed, as you prophesied, O Immaculate. And so by your prayers grant us forgiveness of faults.
Ode 4.
Your Prophet, Master, ministered to you faithfully with the figures of the Law and was counted worthy to see by knowledge the truth of Grace.
By a fainter light you received a clearer light, All-blessed, for by the Law Grace was truly given you as well.
Gabriel who stands in the presence of God brought you the glad tidings and revealed to, blessed Saint, the voice and Forerunner of the Word.
The Fashioner of creation, who abolished the barrenness of Elizabeth, having found in you a pure abode, made you his dwelling.
Ode 5.
The turban was placed on your head, glorious Prophet, having on a seal the imprint of divine grace.
Creation rejoices at your offspring, High Priest, for you put forth the herald of repentance.
You accomplished your life virtuously, for with Elizabeth you fulfilled all the commandments of the Lord.
Your tongue is moved to praise, O Saint who spoke from God, for you saw the one who knew not wedlock great with child.
Ode 6.
One who served the shadow of the Law appeared as herald of grace, our Saviour, for he was counted worthy to see your incarnation.
Adorned with inspired utterance of judgements, priest Zachary, you received the eternal Word bearing flesh.
You appeared within the confines of the temple conversing with God, Initiator inspired by God, priest and right worthy minister.
Virgin Mother of God, carrying in your womb the Saviour, the Word without beginning, you were made known to Elizabeth the Prophetess.
The Irmos.
Grant me a tunic of light, most merciful Christ our God, who are wrapped in light as in a garment.
Kontakion. Tone 3.
Today the Prophet and Priest of the Most High, Zachary, the parent of the Forerunner, sets out a table of his memory, nourishing believers and mixing for them a drink of righteousness. And so we praise him as a godly initiate of God’s grace.
The Ikos.
The Hierarch received the silence of the Law, through the voice of an Angel receiving the Angel, Prophet and initiate of the coming of Christ, with the barren and sober Elizabeth. When he was born grace, redemption and our universal reconciliation were renewed; for he proclaims the Lamb and Fashioner, the One who makes nature new, who gives fruit from the barren, who appeared as Son of the Virgin. He is a godly initiate of God’s grace.
On the 5th of the same month, Commemoration of Zachary the Prophet and Father of the Forerunner.
Slaughtered just like a lamb was Zachary
Within the Temple for the Lamb of God;
Zachary then on the fifth on the Temple’s pavement was slaughtered.
On the same day Saint Abdaios met his end, beaten with rods of thorns.
Martyr Abdaios rods of thorn endures,
Honours his Master who was crowned with thorns.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Medimnos, Urban, Theodore and with them eighty Priests and Levites, that is Deacons.
Passing through fire and water, like the Psalm,
Says Medimnos, I go to find repose.
With Urban too, great Theodore as well
With Medimnos the selfsame contest wins.
Of consecrated ministers eighteen
‘Gainst fire and water steadfastly endure.
On the same day Commemoration of Saint Peter of Athira.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7.
When the voice of the one crying came forth from a barren womb, Zachary, he loosed the bonds of your tongue to cry out: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
The Friend of the Bridegroom was born from sterility, the Forerunner, clearly foreshadowing the Offspring of the Virgin to those who cry out with faith: Blessed are you, O God, to the ages.
Thrice-blessed Zachary you became wholly a divine instrument of the Spirit and you foretold that your child would be a prophet, as you cried: Blessed are you, O Lord, to the ages.
Zachary, seeing you to be the fulfilment of the Law and the climax of prophecy, acknowledged it as he cried out: Blessed, O all-pure, is the fruit of your womb.
Ode 8.
You were revealed as a teacher of truth, for John the Forerunner going ahead prepared the paths of Christ, blest Hierarch; him we highly exalt to all the ages.
With eloquence you bless the Master who has given us salvation, the Lord of glory who dawned from David in the flesh, whom we highly exalt to the ages.
You were counted worthy of great gifts of grace, O revealer of God, who begot the Forerunner, the highest of all the Prophets, who praises and highly exalts the Lord to all the ages.
Hierarch and herald of God, Zachary rejoiced and worshipped the Mother and Virgin who carried the Lord of creation. We highly exalt her to all the ages.
The Irmos.
The Lord, who was glorified on the holy mountain and who made known to Moses the bush and fire the mystery of the Ever-Virgin, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9.
You were filled with the inspiration of the Paraclete and set yourself to bless the Lord, O holy Priest blessed by God.
When you saw the outcome of the Archangel’s words, All-praised who spoke from God, at once you moved your tongue to blessing.
The Creator had mercy on the lost clearly remembered the covenant of Abraham, as you, filled with the Spirit, cried out in prophecy.
You have been adorned, Zachary, with crowns of contest and priesthood and the illumination of prophecy, and have shared in yet greater glory.
As vessel of the Light, O Virgin, enlighten my soul, darkened by the passions, and deliver me from the exterior darkness by your prayers.
The Irmos.
We who have been saved through you, pure Virgin, confess you to be indeed Mother of God, as with the Bodiless choirs we magnify you.
You served blamelessly as priest to God almighty in the order of the Law, O Prophet Zachary; and so, as you offered incense, an Angel appeared to you saying: You will beget the Forerunner of Christ, mediator between the Law and inspired Grace.
Virgin Mother, the things fulfilled in shadow by the former Law and image have passed away, for without seed you have given birth to the God who gave the Law, for the redemption of mortals. And so establish me by the divine law who am routed by the law of sin.
And the rest as usual, and Dismissal.
6 Sept. The wonder through the Archangel Michael.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing Prosomia, doubling them.Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
Revealed as a brightly shining attendant of the three-sunned Godhead, Michael, Chief Captain of the Powers on high, you cry aloud with joy, ‘Holy are you, O Father, Holy, O Son like him without beginning, Holy also, O Holy Spirit; one glory, one kingship, one nature, one Godhead and power’.
Your form is of fire and your beauty wondrous, Michael, first of the Angels, for with your immaterial nature you pass through the ends of the earth fulfilling the commands of the Maker of all things, acknowledged as powerful in your strength and making your church, honoured with your name, a source of healings.
As it is written, Lord, you make your Angels spirits and those who minister to you a fiery flame. You have revealed Michael the Chief Captain to be the leader among the ranks of Archangels, as he obeys your wishes, O Word, and with fear raises the Thrice-holy Hymn of praise to your glory.
Tone 6. By Vyzantios.Rejoice with us, all you leaders of the Angels, for your commander and our champion, the great Chief Captain, hallows this present day as he appears in his holy place. Therefore as is fitting we sing his praises as we cry out, ‘Shelter us in the shelter of your wings, great Archangel Michael’.
Both now.
Theotokion.Rejoice with us, all you choirs of Virgins, for our defence and intercessor, protection and great refuge by her revered and godlike concern brings comfort on this present day to the afflicted. Therefore as is fitting we sing her praises as we cry out, ‘Shelter us by your godlike protection, all-pure Lady, Mother of God’.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
As leader of the heavenly hosts and strong defender, guard and deliverer of those on earth we sing your praise with faith, Michael Chief Captain, as we implore you to deliver us from every pain that brings destruction.
Who makes his Angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.The leader of the godlike Powers on high today invites the choirs of mortals to celebrate with Angels one radiant feast of their assembly and together sing to God the Thrice-holy Hymn.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord, my God, you have been greatly magnified.Michael, godlike mind, guard under the shelter of your godlike wings us who have recourse to you in faith, and protect us throughout our life, and at the hour of death, Archangel, be present for us all as a most kindly helper.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 8. By Monk John.As leader and champion and prince of the Angels, glorious Chief Captain, free from every constraint and affliction, diseases and dread sins those who sincerely sing your praise and clearly beseech you, as one immaterial who contemplate the Immaterial and are made radiant by the unapproachable light of the Master of glory; for he took flesh from a Virgin for our sake through love for humankind, as he wished to save that which is human.
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
Chief Captain of the heavenly armies, we the unworthy implore you to protect us by your supplications with the shelter of the wings of your immaterial glory, guarding us as we fall down and insistently cry out: Deliver us from dangers, as Chief Captain of the Powers on high.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
As we frequent your revered temple and in it devoutly magnify you as leader of the immaterial hosts, with faith we beseech you, godlike Chief Captain, ‘Rescue us all from the tyranny of enemies, and deliver us from the future threat and from Gehenna by your entreaties’.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.May we, the unworthy, never cease to speak of your acts of power, O Mother of God. For if you had not stood by to intercede, who had delivered us from so many dangers? Who had kept us free until now? May we never desert you, Sovereign Lady; for you ever save your servants from disasters of every kind.
After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
Chief Captain of the bodiless ministers, you stand in God’s presence and shine with the radiance that comes from there; make bright and sanctify those who faithfully sing your praise, deliver them from every tyranny of the foe and ask for a peaceful life for the Rulers and for all the ends of the earth.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Let us humble sinners now hasten to the Mother of God, and let us fall down in repentance as we cry from the depth of the soul: Sovereign Lady, help, have compassion on us, hasten, for we perish by a multitude of offences; do not turn your servants empty away; for we have gained you as our only hope.
The Canons to the
Mother of God and the Archangel; after which, if you like, sing Katavasias as well: I shall open my mouth.The Canon of the Archangel, of which the Acrostic is:
I sing the first of the bodiless minds. Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 4.
Always ablaze with the divine radiance, make bright my soul to sing your praise, Chief Captain of the hosts on high, strength of all who have recourse to you.
The Mind before all eternity declared you, all-honoured Chief Captain, to be leader of the heavenly army, light of those in darkness and brightness of his Church.
Leader in spirit of the heavenly Minds, you have been given to those below, all-noble Michael, as rampart and might and as a sword that slaughters and wipes out our foes.
All-blameless Virgin, the glory of the Angels, the help of mankind, help me who am at sea and ever falling and endangered by a tempest of sin.
Another Canon. Same Tone.
Also by Joseph.
Acrostic in the 9th Ode: Joseph.]Let us sing with harmonious praise the prince of the Angels, the shining sun, who sheds his light on the earth with the splendours of his wonders and ever drives away the gloom of temptations.
Lord, who made the Angels a flame of fire as they mightily fulfil your all-holy will, you revealed resplendent in their midst like a star Michael, the Chief Captain.
Let us all sing the praise of the loving Lord who has given us as a wall invincible to foes and an immovable support holy Michael who always savings us from dangers.
By your godlike care you ever render your godlike house a place of propitiation for sinners, a refuge for the wronged and a place that puts all diseases to flight, O first of God’s angels.
Crush the children of Hagar without ceasing who are roused against us, glorious one, and rescue us from their expectation and oppression, that we may always honour you as our loving protector.
It is a wonder beyond understanding how God the incomprehensible has been made one with mortals by being born hypostatically from you in the flesh, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, saving me who had been made subject to corruption by the serpent’s fraud.
Ode 3.
With godlike strength, all-praised Captain of the Angels, you surround the whole earth, taking us from dangers who call upon your godlike name.
Most godlike Chief Captain of God, you have been named divine herald, defender of believers who cannot be put to shame. guide and instructor of the erring.
Michael, chief Angel, worthy of wonder, you have appeared as a clear mirror of the divine light, for you receive the resplendent reflections of the holy Spirit.
The One who by his will brought into being the immaterial Minds dwells by his will in your material womb, All-blameless; The one who cannot be beheld is seen in flesh.
As you stand beside the throne of the Trinity, made divine by participation and illumined by the rays that come from there, illumine those who sing your praise, Chief Captain of God.
When Jesus saw you holding a sword in your hand, he was struck with amazement at your fearsome sight and cried out: What do you now command your servant to do, Lord?
You were set by God as ruler of the Jewish nation; but now, Chief Captain, as helper and deliverer of Christians, delivering them from constraints and afflictions.
Let us give greatness to the Lord, who has given us a champion and helper in afflictions, the great Chief Captain, through whom we are ever rescued from godless barbarians.
Chief Captain, imploring God the Most High, speedily bring back those who been led away and miserably enslaved to foreign nations.
Daniel describes you as a great mountain, O Immaculate, while Avvakoum as a mountain shaded by virtues and David as a curdled mountain, from which God has become incarnate and redeemed the world.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Having by the Creator’s command become the leader of the heavenly hosts and minister of the divine glory, you are a saving mediator for Christians, taking them from dangers by you immaterial glory; therefore as it fitting we all praise you as we hymn your godlike festival, Michael, Chief Captain. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your godlike wonders.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The Wisdom and Word you conceived in your womb unscathed, O Mother of God; you bore for the world the One who possesses the world and held in your arms the One who hold all things and who nourishes all, the Creator of nature. Therefore I implore you, all-holy Virgin, that I may be delivered from faults when I am about to stand before the face of my Maker. Sovereign Lady, pure Virgin, grant me then your help; for you are able to do whatever you wish, O all-praised.
Ode 4.
The primal Mind brought into being the divine Minds by his will and created in their midst Michael as prince, illumined by all-blessed participation and blazing with thoughts whose origin is God.
All-revered Michael you raise a holy hymn with Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Authorities and the sacred Dominions, to the Trinity, as you save those who sing your praise.
We magnify the Maker and Lord of all things, who has given us through his compassion a great safeguard and infallible wall and bulwark, Michael, the resplendent Chief Captain.
Of old the Revealer of sacred mysteries was initiated in mind into the strange marvel of your child-bearing, O Virgin, seeing you inspirit most clearly as a shaded mountain, from which there came the Holy One, God in a body.
As of old you put to flight the horde of Sennachirim’s people by your godlike ordinance, so smash the children of Hagar who war and descend on the faithful people, Michael Chief Captain.
How fearsome is your form, how truly wondrous your beauty, Michael, how resplendent your glory, which, as you accomplish unnumbered marvels, you reveal to all who love you.
As you traverse the things on high you visit fearsomely each day those below, rescuing from many disasters, dangers and afflictions all those who call to you, Minister of God.
See, the divine place; see, the refuge of the afflicted; see, the all-holy house, which the great Chief Captain reveals a truly a haven of many who being saved.
You appeared as a pillar of fire to godly minded Archippos, when a lawless people was hasting to flood with limitless waters your sacred enclosure, O Prince of the Powers on high.
Gabriel came bringing you the ‘Hail’ from on high, O All-pure; with him therefore we cry aloud: Hail Gate, through which Christ alone has passed, the God who saves humanity.
Ode 5.
You appeared at the head of the Israel of old, at the commands of the One who appeared to mortals from Jacob in the solidity of a body, O bodiless Michael, Chief Captain of the Angels.
Deified by immaterial splendours through divine participation, you give to us also the illuminating radiance, O First of Angels, as you wondrously work marvels.
You godlike church has been made lovely by grace; for as you visit it you reveal it be an ocean of healings and a remedy against passions, Michael First of Angels.
God declared you to be higher than the spiritual Angels, O Immaculate, when he came down into your all-blameless womb. Ever implore him to take pity on those who sing your praise.
Knowing beforehand the marvels that you were to accomplish in your shrine, O First of Angels, the heralds of the Word proclaimed it beforehand to all. We see clearly their fulfilment.
At your divine prompting, Archangel, he raised a house for prayer when he saw the cure of the child by the water which teemed with grace, he who before had blasphemed your gifts.
Approach, draw grace and mercy together! The inexhaustible source of healings lies open for all; the source which the Chief Captain revealed to us by divine intimations.
Sight is given to the blind, hearing to the deaf, ease of movement to all the lame, speech to the dumb in your godly house, Michael First of Angels, provider of blessings.
Crush the insolence of the barbarians who seek to wipe out your flock, Chief Captain; deliver those who have been taken prisoner by them, that they may ever praise you with us.
You surpass the angelic Powers and you gave birth to the God and king of all. With them, all-holy Lady, implore him to save us all.
Ode 6.
The multitude of the faithful rejoices as it praises you, and glorifies the all-holy Word who united mortals with Angels, Michael, by his goodness.
You appeared and saved the army of Israel, and fulfilling the divine ordinances, Chief Captain, you destroyed their enemies and wiped them out completely.
When he saw you Jesus, son of Navi, worshipped and, seized by reverence and fear, asked your revered and holy name, Prince of Angels.
Blessed the people who ever calls you blessed, O blessed one you gave birth to the blessed God, who by an ineffable union has made mortals divine through pity.
Those who of old wished to obliterate by a river’s streams the water of blessing which you, Archangel, had granted, you rendered ineffectual by your fearsome visitation.
Of old Moses struck a rock and waters gushed out; while now, when you struck a rock, the streams of rivers were swallowed up, witnessing still to the marvel, godlike Archangel.
Those who of old were clad in the gloom of unbelief by the folly of idols attacking your godlike house were manifestly granted the light of knowledge at your prayers.
Your form and fiery nature illumines believers, but consumes unbelievers, Chief Captain of the divine ministers, defender of those who with sincere faith sing your praise.
Imitating in all things the divine compassion of the Master, you stretch out your hand to the humble, heal the bruises of souls and bring to an end the pains of those who have recourse to you, Holy Archangel.
The Prophet foresaw you as a volume in which the Word was written by the finger of the Father, O Virgin; implore him to write down in the book of life us who devoutly glorify you.
Kontakion. Tone 2. Model melody.
Chief Captain of God, Minister of divine glory, guide of mankind and Prince of the Bodiless Powers, ask for what is for our good and for God’s great mercy, as Chief Captain of the Bodiless Powers.
You said in the Scriptures, immortal Lover of mankind, that multitudes of Angels rejoice over one person who does penance. We therefore in our iniquities, O only sinless One who knows the heart, dare each day to beseech you, as you compassionate, to take pity on us and send down to us compunction, unworthy though we are, granting us pardon, Master. For on behalf of us all there intercedes the Chief Captain of the Bodiless Powers.
On the 6th of the month the Commemoration of the amazing wonder that took place at Colossae in Phrygia through the Chief Captain Michael.
New Noл to your church, Michael, you came,
At Chonae made an end to river’s flood.
Michael, Chief Captain of the Angel hosts,
Once on the sixth of the month the flow of the river he funnelled [
chonevse].Consumed by envy at the marvels which took place in the church of the Chief Captain Michael, certain pagan men planned to divert the river which flowed nearby against the church, so as to flood the church and destroy Archippos, the honoured man who dwelt in it. The divine Archangel simply appeared and, telling Archippos to take courage, struck the rock with a staff, making a passage for the river in it. From that day to this it is visible passing through and hollowing out its passage.
On the same day the Contest of the holy Martyrs Evdoxios, Zeno, Romulus and Makarios.
Zeno, Evdoxios and Romulus were slain,
So too Makarios: blessed [
makaristoi] in their end!On the same day one thousand one hundred and four holy soldiers and Saint Kalodoti met their end by the sword.
Martyrs one thousand, ten times ten and four,
A single end accomplished by the sword.
Her head by sword struck off, Kalodoti
Before you stands, O Word, giver of good [
kalon dotiri]On the same day the Saints Faustus the presbyter, Makarios, Andrew and the monk Vivos, Kyriakos, Dionysios, Andronikos; and saints Andropelagia and Thekla; and the sea captain Theoktistos and another Kyriakos the commoner met their end by the sword.
Faustus, when through a sword he left the earth,
Was raised to brightness [
phavsis] of a home on high.When Andrew and Makarios died by sword
Both made a journey by a blessed [
makarios] path.The crown of virtue Vivos is denied
The crown of martyrdom had he not won.
With Dionysios a sword has slain
Two who with Dionysios were of one mind.
How bravely [
andriki] Andropelagia wentTo execution, as did Thekla too.
Seaman Theoktistos, his head struck off,
Steers his soul’s vessel to the vault above.
Kyriakos a commoner, but by the sword
A fellow banqueter of Martyrs’ choir.
On the same day there coincided the dedication of the most holy Mother of God at the Second in the house of St Irene.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7.
As he kept watch Daniel saw you standing with him making him understand the vision he had seen at the Ubal, O Gabriel formed of lightning, and after this showing him Michael.
In faith let us praise with mighty voice the godlike and light-bearing guides of the Angels, Michael and Gabriel, our good comforters, defenders and guardians.
Fair and all-comely and godlike, in spirit you became the leader of the immaterial ministers, Michael, radiant with light. With them therefore intercede on behalf of us all.
Seeing the eternal Word of the supreme Mind dwelling ineffably and fearsomely in you, O Maiden, the Archangel Gabriel cried out: Hail, blessed throne of the Most High!
When Daniel once saw you standing with him, wholly seized with apprehension, he was afraid and approaching your feet he was made to understand clearly the revelation of hidden mysteries, as he cried: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
Those taken away bound by attacks of nations and who, finding themselves in far distant places, call upon you, Chief Captain of God, you bring back again as they cry with joy: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
The choirs of Angels, perceiving you praised with love by choirs of mortals, are filled with perpetual joy, and glorify God, who through compassionate pity has mystically united those below with the heavens, Archangel Michael.
What place does not share in your limitless wonders? What city does not have you as champion? What soul of those in trouble does not call you its helper, Chief Captain of God? as it cried out harmoniously: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
Guide of the erring, defender of the oppressed, consolation of the faint-hearted, calmest haven of those storm-tossed by spirits, surety of sinners, visitation of the sick, beacon of those in darkness are you, Archangel of God.
All-pure, Immaculate Lady, as you gave birth in the flesh to the Saviour and God and Redeemer and Master, ever implore him that we who sing the praise of his acts of pity beyond understanding may receive release from dire troubles and forgiveness of many sins.
Ode 8.
Michael you have been declared captain of the bodiless, spiritual hosts, saving intercessor for humans, godlike servant of God, as you sing without ceasing: All you his works, bless, praise the Lord.
Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the two beacons all light, who guide creation with light with the beacon fires of the Godhead, dispel the fog of dread troubles.
As skilled pilots, O Archangels, guide safely to the haven of the divine will the barge my soul, fallen foul and endangered by a tempest of sins.
As bridal escort the godlike Archangel came and addressed with his ‘Hail!’, O Bride of God without bridegroom, the glory of the Angels and the protection and wall of defence of humans.
You pass through earth like lightning, fulfilling the divine will, you traverse the heavens, leading the Angels; great is your glory, beyond understanding the numberless wonders which fearsomely you accomplish in all creation.
The eye-witnesses of the One who appeared in a body for our sake, Philip the far-famed and the greatest Divine, by divine inspirations foretell the inexhaustible grace of your healings, O First of Angels.
With a rod Moses of old divided the sea; and now the Chief Captain of God with invisible power, as with a visible rod, channels the waters, which flowed in disorder, into the rock as in a funnel.
The revered house of the prince of the Angels is revealed as an immense heaven, in which by wonders as by stars all the hearts of the faithful are illumined, as they glorify God the giver of blessings to the ages.
As once you prevented the irrational advance of Balaam by the fearful halting of his irrational beast by a word, Commander of the Angels, render the sons of Hagar, who are each day stirred up irrationally against us, ineffectual by your prayers.
You bore a fire which in no way consumed your womb, O Virgin. You gave birth to the Word of God who delivers from unreason the words that had obeyed the deceiver and disobeyed the God who made them and who loves mankind.
Ode 9.
Behold the fair glory of your godlike house, Archangel, resplendent with your radiant boldness. It sends forth lighting flashes of wonders and by divine grace dispels each day the darkness of diseases.
As fair and comely yoke-fellows you serve the Masters commands for those on earth, Archangels, delivering them from dangers and sending out to all saving illumination by the divine Spirit.
Today the bodiless and godlike Minds rejoice with us, as they see the great and radiant Archangel being praised by all, as he entreats for us illumination and redemption from faults.
O godlike and shining pair, Archangels, Michael all-honoured and Gabriel all-glorified, as you stand in the presence of the holy Trinity deliver us from the liability of faults and from eternal punishment.
At the voce of the Angel Gabriel you conceived God the Word, O All-blameless, who by a word made the hosts on high and grants reason to praise his holy condescension beyond reason and understanding.
As you appeared to men through the compassion of your pity, O Word, to protect them from evil harm you appointed Angels for them, among them Michael the wondrous. Through whom we implore you to grant us all pardon of offences.
Every believer ever addresses you a song, who without ceasing with many tens of thousands in the highest raise the thrice-holy hymn. Bring us all to God, rescuing us from disasters and toils, O prince of Angels.
Let creation leap for joy as it mystically sings the praise of the great Archangel of the Lord; for he is the guide of the erring and haven for many who are storm-tossed by disasters and temptations, physician of the sick and fount of wonders.
You have hallowed this revered temple and revealed it as a source of wonders, in which we stand together and cry out with faith: O Archangel, ask for us release from sins, deliverance from disasters and great calm.
You appeared wider than the heavens, O Virgin, for in a manner beyond explanation you contained God, whom the choirs of Bodiless Powers mystically praise. Implore him, pure Maiden, that we who call you blessed with never silent voices may all be saved.
Exapostilarion. Women hear.
All humanity, assemble together and see; contemplate the strange wonder that has been accomplished in Chonae. Michael, the bodiless one, split the rock with a staff and speared rivers that were flowing down unchecked to become holy water.
Theotokion. Same melody.
Alas, wretch that I am, through my incontinence of old I was thrust from the greater image in which I shared by God’s action. But you, O Christ, in your compassion, ineffably became my fellow and shared that which worse, renewing me, O Saviour, from virgin blood.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and sing Prosomia.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
As we in the world keep festival like the Angels, let us cry aloud to God, who is borne on a throne of glory, the hymn: Holy are you, Father in heaven; co-eternal Word, holy are you; and the All-holy Spirit. (
Twice)With great boldness you lead the heavenly powers and stand before the throne unendurable in glory, eye-witness of things ineffable; by your intercessions, Michael Chief Captain, save us who are constrained by dangers and temptations, we implore.
Manifestly you are first of the bodiless Angels and minister of that divine radiance, eye-witness and initiate; save us, Michael Chief Captain, who yearly honour you devoutly and faithfully sing the praise of the Trinity.
Tone 5.Where your grace overshadows, Archangel, from there the power of the devil is driven out; the Morning Star who fell cannot bear to remain in your light. And so we beg you, by your mediation quench his fiery darts which are hurled against us, rescuing us from his stumbling blocks, Michael Archangel worthy of praise.
Both now.
Theotokion.We faithful call you blessed, Virgin Mother of God, and we glorify you as is fitting, the unshakeable city, the unbreachable wall, the impregnable defence and refuge of our souls.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
7 Sept. Forefeast of the Nativity of most holy Mother of God.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3 Prosomia of the Mother of God and 3 of the Saint.Of the Mother of God. Tone 1.
The spiritual beams of universal joy have dawned for the world, at your nativity, O all-pure, foreshadowing for all the Sun of glory, Christ God. For you have been declared the mediator of true gladness and grace.
This pre-festal glory of yours, O all-pure, announces in advance to all the peoples the fair deeds of your kindness; for you are for us the source of present gladness and the cause of the joy to come, and the enjoyment of divine delight.
The Maiden who contained God, the pure Mother of God, the glory of the Prophets and the daughter of David is being born today of Joachim and holy Anne, and she turns aside the curse of Adam, which was upon us, by her child-bearing.
Of the Saint. Tone 4]Glory. Both now.
Tone 4.Your all-honoured nativity, All-holy and pure Virgin, the multitudes of Angels and we, the human race on earth, call blessed; because you became the Mother of the Maker of all things, Christ God. Do not cease to implore him on our behalf, we beg, who after God place all our hopes on you, all-praised Mother of God, who knew not wedlock.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 8.
O amazing wonder! How from a childless mother and fruitless sterility a rod is growing which bears a flower, the Mother of God who knows not wedlock, from the righteous Joachim and Anne. Therefore too the assembly of Prophets and the whole company of Patriarchs now rejoices at her nativity.
Hear, O daughter, and see, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father’s house.Today David exults, Jesse now leaps for joy and Levi is magnified; Joachim the righteous rejoices in spirit and Anne is freed from childlessness at your nativity, immaculate Mary, graced by God. The company of Angels with us mortals all call your godlike womb blessed.
The wealthy of the people will entreat your face.Rejoice, company of mortals; rejoice, temple of the Lord; rejoice, holy mountain; rejoice, divine table; rejoice, lampstand all filled with light; rejoice, honoured glory of the orthodox; rejoice, Mary, Mother of Christ God; rejoice, all-blameless; rejoice, throne of fire; rejoice, tabernacle; rejoice, bush unconsumed by fire; rejoice, hope of all.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 4. By Germanos.From the righteous Joachim and Anne there has dawned for us he universal joy: the all-praised Virgin, who through her surpassing purity becomes the living temple of God, and is alone acknowledged to be in truth Mother of God. At her intercessions, Christ our God, send down peace on the world and to our souls your great mercy.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
From Jesse’s root and from David’s loins Mary the child of God is being born for us today, and so the universe rejoices and is renewed; heaven rejoices together with the earth. Praise her families of the nations. Joachim rejoices and Anne keeps festival as she cries, ‘The barren gives birth to the Mother of God, the nourisher of our life’.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1.
Born wondrously from barren birth pangs, you bore a Child beyond nature from virgin loins; for you appeared as a fair shoot and blossomed with life for the world. Therefore the Powers of heaven cry out to you Mother of God, ‘Glory, O honoured one, to your coming forth! Glory to your virginity! Glory to your child-bearing, alone all-immaculate!’
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 5.
All things of heaven now rejoice, the human race with them keeps festival, and the Prophets mystically exult with them; for she whom they foresaw in types in ancient generations, bush and jar, cloud, gate and throne, and great mountain, is being born today.
Glory. Both now.
The same.Psalm 50 and the Canons of the Forefeast of the Mother of God and of the Saint.
Of the Mother of God, of which the Acrostic is:
I hymn the birth of the Maiden, child of God. Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos.
I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word for the Queen and Mother, and I will be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her Nativity.
In gladness let us today with joy sing the praise of the nativity of God’s Mother; for she also gave birth to joy for the inhabited world, abolishing the grief of our Foremother.
From a barren mother she who makes sin barren comes forth, whom the law foretold and the preaching of those inspired by God prophesied, the all-pure and all-blameless Lady.
You have become the temple and palace of the King, in which he who is beyond being made his dwelling and will make believers a habitation of the holy Trinity.
You have been declared loveliest of bridal chambers, highest throne of God, O Bride of God, in whom he dwelt in the flesh and rouses those who sit in the darkness of destruction to the light of knowledge by his goodness.
Canon of the Saint by Theophanes.]Of the Mother of God. Ode 3. Irmos.
Because the barren has given birth, the Church from the nations, and she of many children, the Synagogue, has grown weak, to our wondrous God let us cry aloud: Holy are you, O Lord!
From the fruitless earth the fruitful earth is being born, whose fruit will be the husbandman of blessings and the life-bearing ear of corn which nourishes all by divine command.
Today the rod of virginity has sprouted, from which a flower will blossom, God our planter, who cuts away rotten shoots in his supreme goodness.
See, the unhewn mountain from a childless rock bears as its fruit the spiritual stone born from it, which will bring about the crushing of the all the wooden idols of the Boaster.
The outline sketches of the Law foreshadowed you, O Maiden; for outside nature’s laws you bore in your womb the Lawgiver who kept you, beyond reason, incorrupt and undefiled.
Of the Saint.]The Irmos.
Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries: You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.
Kathisma of the Saint. Tone 4.
Saved through faith you have become, courageous Sozon, a saving haven for the storm-tossed by the providence of Christ God; for you pour forth rivers of healings for those who yearn, you end each day the burning heat of fevers. And so with faith we honour your godlike memory.
Glory. Both now
. Of the Forefeast. Tone 8.Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad; for the heaven of God, the bride of God has been born on earth from promise. The barren suckles an infant, Mary; and Joachim rejoices at his offspring, saying: A Rod has been born to me from which the flower, Christ, has blossomed from the root of David. Truly an amazing wonder!
Of the Mother of God. Ode 4. Irmos.
He who is seated in glory on the throne of the Godhead, Jesus, higher than all godhead, came on a light cloud with unsullied palm and saved those who cry: Glory to your power, O Christ!
A Maiden higher than the Angels is being brought to birth on earth, beyond compare in holiness and purity, who will give birth to Christ, the purity, holiness and complete redemption of all.
Blessed has Anne’s womb become, for she has brought to birth her who will contain in her womb the blessed Word, who cannot be contained, and who grants rebirth to all believers.
Now the fog of wickedness begins to grow less; for the living cloud of the sun has dawned from barren loins, the All-blameless one. Her radiant birth let us now celebrate.
As a fruitful olive which blossomed from the root of Jesse, O Virgin, Anne made you blossom, whose blossom is the merciful Word, whose mercy and truth advance at all times.
Of the Saint.]Of the Mother of God. Ode 5. Irmos.
The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who did not know wedlock, have passed over from earth to eternal mansions and to life without end, giving salvation as the prize to all who sing your praise.
Now the sealed volume is being brought to birth, which by nature’s law no mortal will read, kept as a dwelling for the Word, as the books of those inspired in spirit foretold.
The saving vine has been brought to birth today, which will flower with the pure cluster that pours out divine sweetness, from which all who mystically drink will gather divine and saving joy.
Angels, leap for joy, forming a choir with mankind. Today the Virgin, born from a barren womb, has made an to grief and is the harbinger of joy for those who keep the festival of her divine nativity.
The godly Prophet wrote of you, O Maiden, most clearly in prophecy as the new volume in which by the Father’s finger will be written the Word, who with loving-kindness inscribes in the book of life all those who obey his authority.
Of the Saint.]Of the Mother of God. Ode 6. Irmos.
As we celebrate this divine and honoured feast of the Mother of God, come, godly-minded people, let us clap our hands as we glorify God who was born of her.
Today has been brought to birth the bridge which leads humanity to light, heavenly ladder, most manifest mountain of God, the Maiden Mother of God, who we call blessed.
Anne, the shell-fish, brings forth the purple which dyed the fleece of the embodying of the King to come. As is fitting let us sing her praise.
The source has now come forth from a tiny drop, the All-blameless who bore the abyss of salvation and will bring to an end the limitless streams of the cult of many gods.
You sprouted from a barren root and by your divine shoot beyond nature you cut off thorn of evil root and branch, O ever-blessed Maiden, Mother of God.
Of the Saint.]The Irmos.
I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church cries out to you, cleansed from the filth of demons by the blood which flows in pity from your side.
Kontakion of the Forefeast. Tone 3.
Today the Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, the untouched bridal chamber of the heavenly Bridegroom is being brought to birth from barren womb by God’s counsel, to be made ready as the chariot of the Word of God; for to this she was predestined, the gate of God and Mother of true life.
To a barren mother a fruit has been given Mary the child of God, whom the godly Prophets once foresaw in spirit. As we see her her today in the bosom of Anne, leaping for joy, with faithful Joachim let us gather for the feast in spirit, and let us address them from afar, saying: Now the restoration of the world has blossomed from a fruitless womb, the gate of God and Mother of true life.
On the 7th of the same month, Commemoration of the holy Martyr Sozon.
Torments of body Sozon once endured,
Fixed on the only Saviour [
sozo] of his soul.Sozon, his radiant flesh fiercely pounded, died on the seventh.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Apostles Evodos and Onesiphoros.
On the same day, Saint Eupsychios met his end by the sword.
Eupsychios, courageous [
eupsychos] at the sword,Offers his Fashioner his soul with joy.
On the same day is celebrated the dormition of the Venerable Loukбs of the Eparchy of Lykaonia, third Superior of the Monastery of the Saviour, called ‘Of the Deep Torrent’.
At the intercessions of your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 7. Irmos.
The godlike Youths did not worship creation instead of the Creator, but bravely trampling on the threat of fire, rejoicing they sang: O highly exalted Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Joachim and Anne are blessed, having brought to birth the truly blessed, pure Mother of God, who bore the blessed Word, who makes all the faithful blessed.
As a precious gift your parents have gained you, O all-pure, who conceived God who has enriched with greater gifts those who cry: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Your breasts, Anne called by God, are far better than wine, because with your good breasts you gave suck to the one who gave suck the Word supremely good, the giver of milk and nourisher of everything that has breath.
Leap, strike your harp and dance, David inspired by God; for see, the ark, which you foretold of old, has come forth from a barren womb, kept for the king and God of creation.
Of the Saint.]Of the Mother of God. Ode 8. Irmos.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Let us raise our voice in songs of praise as we honour the divine nativity of her who by the Spirit gave a body to the Word beyond praise and godhead, and let us cry: You his works, praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Mountains, break out in gladness, Apostles and Martyrs, dance, Ascetics and Righteous now rejoice at the nativity today of the Mother of the Lord, as you cry out: Praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
The fragrant apple has blossomed and the divine rose has been appeared and has today spread its fragrance to the ends of the earth and brought to an end the foul stench of our sin, the All-pure and the Mother of the Word. We highly exalt her to all the ages.
Human nature, barren of the honoured graces of the divine Spirit, rejoice today as you behold the Child of God brought to birth from a barren mother, and cry aloud: You his works, praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Of the Saint.]Irmos.
Stretching out his hands Daniel closed the jaws of the lions in the den; while the Youths, lovers of true religion, girded with virtue, quenched the power of the fire as they cried: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!
Of the Mother of God. Ode 9. Irmos.
Let all those born of earth, bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial Minds keep festival as it honours the sacred festival of God’s Mother, and let it cry out: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and ever-virgin.
See, the holy place of God has been openly revealed; the glorious city of the King has been built high, the shining Paradise has radiantly flowered, the source of Paradise, and the dwelling of men with God.
The lamp has appeared today, and the golden lampstand, that displays the pre-eternal light which, having dwelt in her, will illumine all who are in the night of evils, bring to an end the gloom of the cult of many gods and truly through faith make all partakers in the day.
Today the earth dances, for it has seen brought to birth the fairest heaven of God. Having dwelt in it in the flesh he will make mortals mount beyond the heavens and in his goodness make them divine. As we sing his praise with faith we magnify him.
The beauteous pair, Anne and Joachim, have put forth the spotless heifer, from whom the fatted calf came forth and has been sacrificed for the world, taking away the faults of mankind, putting and end to sacrifices offered to the demons.
Pure Mother of God who bore the light, enlighten us, who in spirit keep the festival of your light-bearing nativity, and show us to be partakers of the light to come; and by your motherly entreaties grant us peace and rescue from dread troubles.
Of the Saint.]Irmos.
A cornerstone not cut by hand, O Virgin, was cut from you, an unhewn mountain: Christ who joined together separated natures; and so with gladness, Mother of God, we magnify you.
Exapostilarion of the Martyr.
Armoured with the weapon of your precious Cross, O Word, your Champion stoutly overcame the hostile powers and put the tyrants to shame, and for your sake he struggled and, my Christ, Sovereign of all, he reigns unceasingly with you.
Of the Mother of God.
All creation rejoice, as you perceive the joy being born beyond hope from Anne and godly Joachim, which is called Grace, Mary the all-immaculate and pure Mother of God; whose fruit has become salvation for mankind, Christ, God who was ineffably incarnate from her.
At the Aposticha of Lauds, Prosomia.
Tone 2.
Come children of Adam, let us sing the praise of her who came of David’s line and gave birth to Christ, Mary the all-pure Virgin.
Hear, O daughter, and see, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father’s house.Let us offer praise to the Redeemer, the Lord who from a barren womb gave us the Mother of God and only ever-virgin.
The wealthy of the people will entreat your face.Today the joy of the whole inhabited world, the Mother of my Lord, is born from a barren womb.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 2.The foreordained Queen of all, God’s dwelling place, sacred enclosure of the eternal being, has come forth today from the barren womb of glorious Anne. Through her rash Hell has been trampled down and Eve the mother of all living dwells in unfailing life. As is fitting let us cry out to her: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
And the rest as usual, and Dismissal.
?8 Sept. Nativity of Virgin Mary?
13 Sept. Dedication of the of the Holy Church of the Resurrection
.At Vespers
Lord I have cried we insert 6 stichera, and we sing 3 Idiomels of the Dedication and 3 Prosomia of the Saint.Of the Dedication. Tone 6.
Dedication is to be honoured, said the old law, and it did well; but the new should rather be honoured through dedication; for islands will be dedicated to God, as Isaias says, which are to be understood as the Churches from the nations, which have now been established and received a stability fixed on God; therefore let us too celebrate spiritually the festival of the present Dedication.
The same tone.
Be dedicated anew brethren! And putting off the old man, live in newness of life, placing a bridle on all those things from which death comes. Let us discipline all our members, hating every evil eating of the tree, and so only remembering the old that we may flee it. Thus is mankind renewed, thus the day of the Dedication is honoured.
The same tone. By Anatolios.
O Christ, you have set up a tower of strength, your Church; for you have established her on the rock of the faith, and so she remains for ever unshaken, for she has you, who for her sake in these last times without change became man; therefore with thanksgiving we hymn you, saying: You are He who is before the ages and for ever, and is yet our King. Glory to you!
Of the Saint. Tone 4.
Christ assented to your good deeds, admirable Cornelius, and to your godly entreaties and sent you a Holy Angel to lead you wholly to the light, and the Prince of the sacred Apostles to renew you, with all your household, by water and the Spirit and to initiate you into greater things by the Spirit's grace.
Clothed in the anointing of the priesthood you hastened to proclaim the proclamation of salvation to the nations, rooting out the thorns of error, O God-inspired, and by the Spirit planting in souls unerring teaching; and so we gladly call you blest, Cornelius, as an inspired High Priest and unconquered Martyr.
By following you ways of goodness the foolish were declared wise; dying by nature's law, wise Cornelius, and dwelling in a blest tomb you render it a source of many wonders, healing the weary and driving out the spirits of evil by the Holy Spirit, O God-inspired.
Tone 6. By Monk John.As we commemorate the Dedication we glorify you, the giver of hallowing, asking you to hallow the senses of our souls, at the intercession of your glorious Victors, O good and All-powerful.
Both now.
To-day a tree has been revealed; to-day the Hebrew race has been destroyed; to-day, through faithful Kings, the faith is revealed. Adam fell through the tree, but again through a tree demons trembled. Almighty Lord, glory to you!
Entrance, the Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.
The Reading from the third book of Kingdoms.
Chap. 10, 22-23. 27-31] [Chap. 8, 22-23a]Solomon stood before the face of the Lord, in front of the whole Assembly of Israel, and stretched out his hands to heaven and said: Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. If the highest heaven is not adequate for you, how then this house which I have built in your name? Unless you, Lord, the God of Israel, look upon my supplication, to hear the supplication and the prayer which your servant makes before you this day, that your eyes be open towards this house, of which you have said that your name will be there; to hearken to the prayer which your servant prays at this place day and night. And may you hearken to the supplication of your servant and of your people Israel, whatever they may pray in this place, and may you hearken in the place of your habitation in heaven, and be gracious to them.
The Reading from Proverbs.
Chap. 3, 19-34]With wisdom God founded the earth; He prepared the heavens with understanding. With his knowledge the deeps were broken open and the clouds poured down dew. My son, keep my counsel and my thought, do not pour them away, that your soul may live and grace be around your neck; and there shall be health for your flesh and safety for your bones; that with confidence you may walk all your ways in peace, and your foot may not stumble. For if you sit down, you shall be unafraid; if you slumber, you shall have sweet sleep; you shall not fear alarm coming upon you, nor the assaults of the impious; for the Lord shall be over all your ways and shall support your feet, so that you are not snared. Do not hold back from doing good to the needy, whenever your hand is able to help. Do not say: Come back again sometime, and Tomorrow I shall give: when you are able, do good, for you do not know what the coming day will bring forth. Do not devise evils for your friend who lives near you and trusts you. Do not quarrel with someone needlessly, lest they devise some evil against you. Do not gain the reproaches of wicked men, nor covet their ways; for every transgressor is unclean before the Lord, he does not take his seat among the just. The Lord's curse is on the houses of the ungodly, but the dwellings of the just are blessed. The Lord opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
The Reading from Proverbs.
Chap. 9,1-11]Wisdom has built herself a house and set up seven pillars. She has slaughtered her beasts, mixed the wine in her mixing bowl and prepared her table. She has sent out her servants, inviting with a loud proclamation to her banquet saying: Whoever is foolish, let him turn in here to me, and to those lacking understanding she said: Come, eat my bread, drink the wine I have mixed for you. Abandon folly and you will live; seek sagacity that you may have life, and correct understanding with knowledge. He who reproves wicked men will receives from them dishonour; he who rebukes the impious will shame himself. For to the impious rebukes are bruises. Do not rebuke the wicked, lest they hate you: rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Give a wise man an opportunity, and he will become wiser; instruct a just man and he will continue to receive. The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord; and the counsel of saints, understanding; knowing the law is the mark of a right mind. For by this means you will live a long time, and years will be added to your life.
At the Aposticha, Stichera of the Cross. Tone 5.
Hail, life-bearing Cross, invincible trophy of true religion, door of Paradise, support of the faithful, wall of the Church. Through you corruption has vanished utterly and been destroyed, the power of death has been swallowed up and we raised from earth to heaven. Unconquerable weapon, opponent of demons, glory of Martyrs, true ornament of Ascetics, harbour of salvation, who give to the world his great mercy.
Exalt the Lord, our God, and bow down before his footstool, for He is holy.Hail, Cross of the Lord, through whom mankind has been freed from the curse, sign of true joy. By your exaltation, O all-honoured, you cast down the foes; help of our kings, mighty strength of the just, beauty of priests; sealed and delivering from evils; the rod of power, by whom we are shepherded; weapon of peace, whom Angels escort in fear; divine glory of Christ, who grants the world his great mercy.
God is our from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.Hail, guide of the blind, physician of the sick, resurrection of all the dead, who raise us who have fallen into corruption, O precious Cross. Through you corruption has been abolished and incorruption flowered, and we mortals have been made divine and the devil has been utterly cast down. To-day, as we see you raised up in the hands of High Priests, we exalt Him who was exalted in the midst of you, and we worship Him, as we draw richly from Him his great mercy.
Tone 2. By Anatolios.As we celebrate the dedication of the all-sacred temple of your Resurrection, we glorify you, O Lord, who hallowed and perfected it by your perfect grace; you delight in the mystic and sacred rites that are performed in it by faithful men; you accept from the hands of your servants unbloody and immaculate sacrifices and in return you give to those who rightly offer them cleansing of sins and your great mercy.
Both now.
Same Tone.A divine treasure hidden in earth, the Cross of the Giver of life was shown in the heavens to the devout King, displaying a spiritual warranty of victory over enemies. Happy in faith and love from the hands of God, he sped towards the height of contemplation with complete zeal and revealed it from the bosom of the earth for the redemption of the world and our salvation.
Apolytikion of the Dedication. Tone 4.
You have displayed the loveliness of the holy dwelling of your glory below, O Lord, as you have the beauty of the firmament above. Strengthen it for ever and ever and accept our supplications which are ceaselessly offered you in it, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the life and resurrection of all.
Glory. Both now.
Of the Cross. Tone 2.We bring you in intercession the life-giving Cross of your goodness, O Lord, which you have given to the unworthy. Save the Kings and your city, giving them peace through the Mother of God, O only lover of mankind.
At the Morning Office
After the 1st Psalter reading, Kathisma. Tone 4.
Christ has enlightened all things by his presence; he has renewed the world by his divine Spirit; souls are made new; for a house has been dedicated to the glory of the Lord, where too Christ our God makes new the hearts of the faithful for the salvation of mortals.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Psalter reading, Kathisma. To the same melody.
O faithful people, the festive day of the Dedication has come to Christ’s chosen flock, and urges us all to be made new and with shining face faithfully to sing from the depths of the heart songs to the Master as deliverer and him who makes us new.
Glory. Both now.
The same.Psalm 50, and the Canons.
Canon of the Forefeast, whose Acrostic is the Alphabet, excluding the Theotokia. By Germanos.
Ode 1. Tone 4. The Irmos.
Lord, born of a Virgin, drown I pray in the deep of dispassion the three parts of my soul; that by the mortification of the body, as on a timbrel, I may sing to you a song of victory.
Rejoice, O heaven, and earth be glad, the all-holy Cross comes forth, hallowing us by grace, as we greet it as source of hallowing and cause of deification for all.
All-holy Cross give us who faithfully worship you the power devoutly to tread the path to heaven, that having avoided the pits of our foes we may become sharers in divine glory.
Through you, all honoured Cross we have become friends of the Creator, with heart and soul we ever embrace you, as we see you set forth, and we are enlightened in mind as we glorify the Word, cause of all things.
City of God, bright, honoured treasure of the king of all which held God, all spotless Mother of God, guard the inheritance which ever praises you and faithfully honours your offspring.
Canon of the Dedication. By Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 4.
Christ, who of old led the chosen Israel by a column through the bath of baptism, on Sion you have planted the Church who cries: Let us sing a song to our God.
Today the visitation of your unapproachable glory has covered heaven, the temple which has been fixed for you on earth, in which we sing in harmony: Let us sing a song to our God.
Not by law is your Church beautified, O Lord, nor by the stretching out of servile hands, but proud in the grace of the Cross she sings to you: Let us sing a new song to our God.
At the Father’s will, from the divine Spirit, you conceived without seed the Son of God, and you bore in the flesh him who came from the Father without mother and for our sakes from you without father.
Canon of the Saint, whose Acrostic is:
I sing the fame of your wonders, blessed Martyr. Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 1.
High Priest, blessed by God, enlighten by your prayers those who celebrate this your light-bearing and godly falling asleep, your radiant memory and sacred festival.
Even before your perfect initiation, wise, all-blest Cornelius, you appeared by your alms and prayers to be devoted to the Lord of all and to seek him with uprightness of mind.
You learnt the saving laws of him who united to the flesh through his surpassing goodness, when the Prince of the Apostles initiated you into the wishes of the Master.
You draw the hearts of the faithful to glorify you always, Sovereign Lady, Mother of God, with unceasing desire; for you are declared to be the glory of mortals, for you bore Lord of glory, O Immaculate.
Forefeast. Ode 3. The Irmos.
We do not boast in wisdom, power and wealth, but in you, O Christ, the empersonned Wisdom of the Father; for none is holy but you, O Lover of mankind.
O glorified Cross of the Lord, who bear the title of Christ’s glory, we glorify you in faith, glorified and enlightened by your holy embraces.
Advancing with joy, O Faithful, let us draw as from a pure fount everliving streams from the Cross, and saved let us hymn God.
Jesus, who is life, was hanged and died on the tree of the Cross, which we now embrace with faith and so flee the passions, the hosts to death.
Appear and dispel the darkness of my soul, tear up the cords of sin, pure Virgin, save me, you who bore the All-merciful.
Of the Dedication.
You have sanctified your Church with the Spirit, O Christ, by anointing her with the oil of your gladness.
The Church, O Christ, which has you as her unshaken foundation, is today crowned with the Cross as with a kingly diadem.
O loving Lord, you have shown today that the tabernacle made with hands is, by your dispensation, the dwelling of your glory which is beyond understanding.
You alone, O Mother of God, have become the agent of supernatural blessings for those on earth; therefore we offer you our ‘Hail!’.
Of the Saint.
You received the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and with your whole house wholly accepted God’s grace from a godly mouth, when the godly Prince of the Apostles with care declared the saving teachings.
By your virtues you were exalted as a lofty cedar, and you offered us sweet-scented fruits: the wealth of your teachings, the grace of your wonders and the operation of your healings, blessed High Priest Cornelius.
Made worthy of the greatest renown, Cornelius, you hastened with the Prince of the Apostles and his companions and proclaimed everywhere the divine proclamation, through which we have been guided to the light and delivered from the darkness of ignorance.
You have become a light-filled dwelling of purity, and you bear the giver of light made flesh, who appeared as a man for our sake through his love for mankind, and abolished corruption, O Incorrupt recalling of mortals.
Kathisma of the Dedication. Tone 8.
God displayed the Tent of witness, and Moses set it up on earth, and Solomon dedicated a temple with sacrifices; but we who have taken refuge in faith in the new Jerusalem, let us like David offer a divine song to him who was crucified for us, asking pardon for all in which we have sinned.
Kathisma of the Cross. Tone 4.
You have appeared today.
Your Cross, O Lord, shining like light dispels the forces of darkness; and makes bright the faithful who sing: The Cross is the boast of the world.
Of the Saint. The same melody.The Church from the nations received you as its holy first fruits and you enlightened her by your virtuous deeds, O inspired High Priest Cornelius.
Both now.
Theotokion.With faith we shiningly celebrate the Dedication of your house, immaculate, blessed, pure, all-praised Virgin; glad in the hope we have in you, O Mother of God, we beg you to intercede ceaselessly with the Saviour, who was incarnate from you, to save our souls.
Forefeast. Ode 4. The Irmos.
Through love of your image, O Merciful, you were nailed to a Cross, and the nations melted away in fear; for you, O Lover of mankind, are my strength and my song.
The Lord’s Cross, appearing like the sun, is worshipped by faithful men; as we greet it our souls are enlightened.
The Lord God incarnate has appeared, and, raised on the Tree, he enlightens every one who worships him, snatching them from disasters.
O Word of God, grant us pardon and forgiveness of offences, who in faith today worship your precious Cross, which is set forth.
Without emptying his Father’s bosom the Word was laid as an infant in your bosom, O Maid, as he wished to refashion me, who am subject to corruption.
Of the Dedication.
The Church is sprinkled not with the slaughter of beasts, but with your precious which came from your lifebearing side, as she fittingly cries: Glory to your power, O Lord.
The tabernacles of the Lord, beloved of those who long to see the glory of your face unveiled, cry out in harmony: Glory to your power, O Lord.
In an image of the anointing of your chosen people, the most precious myron, the Church is anointed today as she receives invisibly the divine grace of the Spirit.
Without wedlock you conceived, O Virgin, and after child-birth you appeared again a virgin; therefore with never silent voices and undoubting faith we cry; ‘Hail!’ to you, Sovereign lady.
Of the Saint.
Having received the grace of the Spirit, you came upon the earth like a radiant sun, all-praised Cornelius, scattering the darkness of the folly of idols.
Like a great river, Cornelius, you have flowed over all the surface of the earth, watering it by your divine teachings and drowning the weeds of polytheism.
Having become dead to all the world, all-blest Cornelius, you proclaimed the divine rising of him who died for our sakes to those dead through passions.
Pure Virgin, above nature you have become the pure dwelling of the Father’s Wisdom; through whom we have now been delivered from the wickedness of the cunning one.
Forefeast. Ode 5. The Irmos.
Send down you illumination upon us, Lord, loose us from the fog of offences, and grant us your peace.
Strengthen against destructive passions, O precious Cross, us who honour you and greet you, holiest symbol of the holy Passion.
Made bright today in hearts and soul with forms of fair things, let us the faithful advance, and worship the honoured and precious wood of the Cross.
Moses once sweetened the waters of Mara, symbolising with wood you, O precious Cross, through which you let fall drops of sweetness upon mortals.
O all-immaculate Virgin, intercede on our behalf with Christ, who clothed himself in material flesh from your pure blood and refashioned mortals.
Of the Dedication.
You of old on Sinai showed to Moses, who saw God, the tabernacle not made with hands, thus delineating, O Christ, your Church.
You, Lord, prepared a tabernacle upon earth; by your power you join the choirs of mortals with the ranks of heaven.
You, Lord, we know to be the fount of life; you, O Holy One, came and preached, O Christ, the gospel of peace to your Church.
You, O Bride of God, we advance as an unbreakable defence against foes; you we have gained as the anchor and hope of our salvation.
Of the Saint.
Wholly dedicated to the Almighty, O High Priest, you did not ascribe honour to dumb wooden idols even when constrained by murderous men.
You called upon the unseen, most high God, Cornelius, with earnest entreaty, and greatly marvelled at, you cast down the temple of wooden abominations.
Keeping the command of the Almighty, wise Martyr, you were kept in prison and submitted to bonds; and being bound you destroyed the senseless followers of wicked faith.
Bedew me, All-pure, with forgiveness of faults, visit me, who am weak and storm tossed by the troubles of life and the passions of the body.
Forefeast. Ode 6. The Irmos.
I have come to the depths of the sea, and a storm of many sins has drowned me; but as God lead my life back from corruption, as you love mankind.
As he hung on you, O Cross, the Creator was willingly pierced in the side and poured out blood and water, through which we who greet you with faith have been refashioned.
Life-endowed wood of the Cross, fount of immortality, redemption of the whole world, save us who greet you as our saving protection.
You have been given to us as an unbreakable weapon, through which we may overcome all the ambuscades of the adversaries, O divine Cross, we who reverently greet you in uprightness of soul.
You were named the holy temple of him who rests in the Holy Place, O Mother of God; therefore you hallow us all who in faith hymn you, O Virgin-mother.
Of the Dedication.
Christ, the King, has now desired the beauty of the holy Church, and has shown her to the mother of the nations, adopted as sons from slavery through the Spirit.
The ranks of evil demons tremble before the Church of Christ, signed with mark of the Cross, and shaded by the hallowing brightness of the Spirit.
The Church from the nations, not with sand but with Christ as her foundation, is crowned with the unapproachable beauty, and adorned with the diadem of the Kingdom.
O wonder, newer than all wonders! For a Virgin who has not known man has conceived in the womb him who controls all things, and has not been straitened.
Of the Saint.
As you purely made your prayers, you saw before you an Angel of God, who initiated you into the better things which hold salvation.
Illumined by the Spirit, High Priest Cornelius, you became a star blazing with light, bringing light by the blaze of your light to the ends of the earth.
Blest Martyr, of old darkened by error, you rejected it by your entreaty, acknowledged the Lord and your whole household received God’s cleansing.
The Lord of glory was alone incarnate from your maiden blood, as he purposed to save us, O all-pure, by his goodness.
Kontakion of the Dedication. Tone 4.
You have appeared today.
The Church has been declared a heaven filled with light, which guides all the faithful to the light; standing in it we cry: Establish this house, O Lord.
The Ikos.
When the Word had come to dwell among us in the flesh, the offspring of the thunder wrote of him as follows: Radiantly we have seen in grace and truth the glory which the Son had with the Father. To as many of us as have received him in faith, he has given them all power to become children of God, who are born again, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, but brought to full growth of the Holy Spirit we have erected this house of prayer, and we cry out: Establish this house, O Lord.
On the 13th of the same month, Commemoration of the Dedication of the holy [Church of the] Resurrection of our Christ and God.
New Israel fulfilling ancient law,
Honours your tomb, O Word, with dedication.
Sanctified on the thirteenth was the Temple of Christ’s Resurrection.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Centurion Cornelius.
Cornelius you lead from unbelief, O Christ,
The firstfruits of the faithful of the nations.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Chronidis, Leontius, Serapion, Strato, Selefkos, Macrobius, Gordian, Zotikos, Eli, Lucianus and Valerian.
Our venerable father Peter of Agrea died in peace.
The venerable Hierotheos the New, the Georgian, who flourished in 1720, met his end in peace.
Through their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Forefeast. Ode 7. The Irmos.
Three youths in Babylon held the tyrant’s command as idle chatter, and in the midst of the fire they cried aloud: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
Jacob of old in blessing the children, foreshadowed you, O precious Cross; but we who now worship you, ever draw illumination.
Godly Moses with a rod prefigured you of old, O Cross, when he divided the sea; but we who now worship you, pass dryshod through the rough sea of passions.
As with heart and mouth we now embrace you, all-honoured Cross, we ever draw hallowing, health and salvation of soul and body.
O blessed Virgin, intercede for us who implore you; for in you we all hope and to you we cry out: Sovereign Lady, do not neglect your flock!
Of the Dedication.
The flame of the furnace once became wet as dew; but now from oil a spiritual anointing hallows those who cry: Blessed are you in the temple of your glory, O Lord.
As in the furnace, the new tabernacle which receives God, all we the faithful of the spiritual Israel, fresh with dew, let us cry out: Blessed are you in the temple of your glory, O Lord.
Wounded by the sweetest divine love, let us all in this divine bridal chamber be joined with Christ the Bridegroom, as we cry out: Blessed are you, the Lord of glory.
Hail, hallowed, godly tabernacle of the Most High, for through you, Mother of God, joy has been given to all who cry: Blessed are you among women, All-spotless.
Of the Saint.
You have become the first fruit of the nations, Cornelius, for you were the first to receive holy baptism and the grace of the Spirit, as before you the inspired Apostles.
Mighty wonders you performed by God’s grace; you caught for the faith those who before thought wrongly and taught them to sing: O God, blessed are you.
Hidden in the earth and covered by a bush, by your godly precepts, wise Martyr, you have been manifested, pouring out the grace of wonders and dispelling diseases.
You have been shown, Cornelius, to be a harp sweetly singing saving teachings, and delighting the souls of all, as you sing: O God, blessed are you.
Of the Trinity.
Let us all glorify the three-personned Trinity, the Father ever without beginning, the consubstantial Son and the Spirit, as we sing: O God, blessed are you.
All-spotless Virgin, you appeared making human matter divine by your divine birth-giving; therefore, as is right, we faithful glorify you.
Forefeast. Ode 8. The Irmos.
Almighty Redeemer of the universe, in your condescension you bedewed the devout Youths in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you his works, bless, praise the Lord.
We now worship the saving and unbreakable weapon, the ready help and mighty aid of the faithful, the Cross of the Lord, which is set out before us.
High on a tree Moses raised the serpent, as it is written, depicting you in advance, O honoured Tree, through which we are delivered from the harm of spiritual serpents.
Life-giving, honoured Cross, you have become the illumination of our souls; for by embracing you we rout with your divine power the principalities and authorities of darkness.
Let us honour the pure Virgin, who bore in a manner beyond nature the Word without beginning and uncreated for our salvation, as we cry aloud: We bless, O Virgin, your offspring.
Of the Dedication.
Today, O Lord, like a bride your Church has been clothed in a spiritual robe woven from above from divine grace and calls together her own peoples to rejoice, to sing: All you works praise the Lord.
Today Christ, the second Adam, has displayed a spiritual Paradise, this new tabernacle which contains as opposed to the tree of knowledge the lifebearing weapon of the Cross for those who sing: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Of the Trinity.
As we honour you, the Son from the Father without beginning and the Holy Spirit, one Godhead, perfect, without beginning, undivided, consubstantial, unconfused in three persons, we sing: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
You alone in all generations, O Virgin, have been shown as Mother of God; you became, all-spotless one, the dwelling of the Godhead, unconsumed by the fire of the unapproachable light; therefore we all bless you, Mary, Bride of God.
Of the Saint.
With uprightness of mind you sought with all your soul only the God who had appeared upon earth; therefore, inspired Martyr, you became the precious first fruits of the nations and the vessel of the Spirit.
With the coal of your words of fire, blest Martyr, you burnt up the matter of folly; therefore you have passed over to the light that knows no evening and shed your rays on all those who hymn you with love.
Lot and part, and helper and deliverer, strength and song and light has he become for you, the Word who calls all things out of non-existence, and your guidance, inspired Cornelius.
Of the Trinity.
Holy Father, holy Word, Spirit, all-holy, uncreated, undivided Trinity, save those who hymn with love your might, your kingdom and your greatness.
Shower your mercies upon us, as is your wont, pure Maiden, and ask pardon of all the faults that have come upon us in knowledge and ignorance through our heedlessness.
Forefeast. Ode 9. The Irmos.
Your child-bearing was declared to be without corruption; God came from womb bearing flesh. he appeared on earth and dwelt among Of the Trinity.
Holy Father, holy Word, Spirit, all-holy, uncreated, undivided Trinity, save those who hymn with love your might, your kingdom and your greatness.
Shower your mercies upon us, as is your wont, pure Maiden, and ask pardon of all the faults that have come upon us in knowledge and ignorance through our heedlessness.
Forefeast. Ode 9. The Irmos.
Your child-bearing was declared to be without corruption; God came from womb bearing flesh. he appeared on earth and dwelt among men; therefore, Mother of God, we magnify you.
Hung upon you, O Cross of the Lord, Christ truly raised the world fallen into the pit of destruction; therefore with longing we now worship, honour and glorify you.
Let us purify our souls and hearts with enduring works of good deeds, and seeing the saving wood of the Cross set forth in the midst, let us with godly thoughts worship it with faith and longing.
Like a great sun with your rays you shine on those in darkness, and scorch the demons, O fairest Cross; therefore enlighten all who worship you in faith.
Shine on me with the divine light, O Virgin, dwelling place of light, driving away the darkness of my passions and the truly deepest night of pleasures, O all-holy Mother of God.
Of the Dedication.
Come and contemplating with pure heart and sober spiritual eyes the loveliness of the Church, the King’s daughter, which shines brighter tan gold, let us magnify her.
Rejoice and be glad, bride of the great King, as clearly reflecting the beauty of your bridegroom, you cry with your people: O Giver of life, we magnify you.
Grant your Church, O Saviour, the defence from on high; for she knows no other but you, who laid down your life for her of old, as with recognition she magnifies you.
Hail full of grace, bride of the great King; through we have all been delivered from the curse of Eve, O pure one, and have found life in your child-bearing, bride without bridegroom.
Of the Saint.
The whole Church celebrates a sacred festival in your honoured memory, herald of Christ, for you appeared of equal rank with the Holy Disciples, for like them you inherited the Holy Spirit.
As a priest you were adorned with the doctrines of true religion; you became like the divine ministers of God; but, blest and most holy, you are ever a source of streams of healing, as you bring the diseases of men to an end.
Robed in a garment of salvation, which Christ wove by being incarnate, you now in joy traverse the kingdom above and see clearly the inconceivable beauty of the Bridegroom, admirable Martyr.
Your precious grave, like a spring, pours out healing for the faithful in abundance, Cornelius, it frightens away the evil spirits and gives light to the eyes of all those who praise you with faith.
Most-pure Sovereign Lady, protection that cannot be shamed, who gave birth to the light which shone forth from the light, ask enlightenment for me and scatter far from me the darkness of temptations and pleasures.
Willingly raised on the Cross on Golgotha, the Lord has worked our salvation and renewed all creation; he was placed in a life-receiving grave and arose, as God, on the third day, the dedication of whose bright and holy rising we all celebrate with the ranks of the bodiless powers.
Another. To the same melody.
The Lord and God, willingly incarnate has worked salvation through the Cross in the midst of the earth for the renewal of the world; laid in a grave, he rose on the third day, and as an earnest of life, he shows forth his rising, whose dedication we celebrate in faith with the Angels of God.
Theotokion. To the same melody.
With gladness we cry ‘Hail’ to you, O Virgin; hail Adam’s redemption and Eve’s; hail through whom mortal nature has been exalted to the glory beyond the world of your Son and God; hail through whom he is ever worshipped in heaven by Angels, O all-praised Mary, Mother of God.
At Lauds we insert 6 Verses
and we sing the following Prosomia. Tone 4.
Today the divine, sacred, honoured and light-bearing house of the resurrection of Christ is shiningly dedicated; and the divine tomb distributes life to the world and furnishes an immortal fount; it gushes forth streams of grace; bursts forth rivers of wonders; grants healings to those who hymn it with faith.
The brilliant, shining beam has blazed from on high and enlightens all things; faithfully then let us all honour the Resurrection of Christ the Creator, and let us feast with hymns and celebrate with psalms the life-bearing divine festival of the sacred Dedication, that we find the Saviour and Lord full of mercy.
Bidden to contemplate the holy sceptre of the Cross exalted in the midst of the earth, let us purify our souls, make our minds shine, let us be made bright with light, and gleaming with divine power let us hymn Christ, who grants hallowing through the honoured wood to those who honour him in faith and devoutly sing him.
Other Idiomel Verses. Tone 1. By Monk John.
Be renewed, be dedicated, O new Jerusalem; for the glory and light of the Lord have risen upon you. For the Father has built this house; the Son has established this house; the Holy Spirit has renewed this house, the Spirit which enlightens and strengthens and hallows our souls.
The same tone. By Anatolios.
Of old when Solomon dedicated the temple he offered you, Lord, sacrifices and holocausts of irrational beasts; but when you were well-pleased, O Saviour, to put an end to types and to make known the truth, he offers to your glory unbloody sacrifices, the ends of the world; for you are Master of all things and you hallow all things by the Holy Spirit.
Tone 4. By Monk John.
Today the Church from the nations is dedicated by the precious and life-flowing blood from the pure and immaculate side of him who took flesh from the Holy Virgin, Christ our God; therefore let the assembled choirs of us the faithful glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one Godhead which governs the whole universe.
Tone 3.Come back to yourself, O mortal; become new instead of old; feast the rededication of your soul. Now is the time: let your way of life be renewed. The ancient things have passed away; lo, all things have become new. Bear this fruit for the feast: making the change to a fair change. In this way is mankind renewed, in this way the day of Dedication honoured.
Both now. The same Tone.
By Monk John.Christ, our God, you accepted your voluntary crucifixion for the general resurrection of the human race, and by the reed of the Cross you stained your own fingers with streams of scarlet dye, in your love for mankind signing our remission like a king. Do not despise us in our danger, nor our repeated separation from you; but take pity, O only long-suffering, on your people in distress; and arise, make war on those who war against us, as you alone are all-powerful.
Great Doxology, and Dismissal.
?14 Sept. Elevation of the Cross?
23 Sept. The Conception of the Prophet Baptist John.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing Prosomia, doubling them.Tone 4. Called from the highest
.As godlike Zachary was serving as priest and was within the most sacred temple and offering up the requests of the people to the Benefactor and All-compassionate, he saw a godlike Angel, who cried out to him: Your prayer and supplication have been heard. Courage, old man, and do not disbelieve me. For you will have a child, a divine Forerunner, greater than all those born of women, who will go before the Christ in the power of Elias.
Strange you appear to me in aspect and manner, strange too in words and tidings, answered Zachary. For I have come to ask salvation for the people, not to gain a child, as you announce. I find you quite the converse of my requests and I suspect that you may not speak the truth; for how will what you say be confirmed? The members of Elizabeth are deadened, and my own old age now counsels disbelief.
Why do you not believe my words, Zachary, saying that I bring good tidings that are false? I am God’s Archangel. The things that I have been ordered to, these I now tell as I stand here with you. But since you have doubted and have not believed, you will be dumb and without speech, until you see the divine outcome of my words. But when Elizabeth bears you a child, the voice of the Word, the great Forerunner, your tongue will be clear and you will bless the God of Israel.
Glory. Tone 6. By Vyzantios.
Today from a barren womb the fruit of prayer has sprouted, John the Forerunner. Wilderness rejoice, humanity dance; the herald of repentance begins to take flesh in his mother’s womb. Come rejoicing in his glorious conception, lovers of feasts, let us dance as we cry out: You are the greatest of those born of women; do not cease to intercede for those who with faith honour your divine conception, that we may find atonement for sins and God’s great mercy.
Both now.
Theotokion.Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not sing the praise of your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sake, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 6. Having laid aside.
As the holy priest and Prophet, went in holiness to the Holy of Holies, a holy Angel stood by him, as it is written, and addressed him saying: Your prayer has been heard, and now Elizabeth’s barrenness is being abolished, and she will give birth for you, old man, to a son, John the Forerunner, lamp of Elias, Prophet of the Most High and voice of the Word who dawned from a Virgin, Child of God.
And you child will be called the Prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways.Tell me quite plainly, how shall I know this? the most blessed elder answered the Angel. For, as you see, I am full of years; Elizabeth is barren. How then do you utter words to me beyond nature? I am amazed. Now I suspect that you are not speaking the truth at all, my friend. Away with you, for I am beseeching the salvation of the people, not to obtain a child, a thing hard to admit.
To serve him in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.I am a Archangel of God Almighty, my name is Gabriel, said the Bodiless One to the old man. Now be dumb and practise silence, for you have not believed my words. But when your wife bears you a the trumpet of the Word the Spirit will instruct your tongue and you will cry out most clearly: You, child, will be called Prophet of the Most High, by grace to prepare beforehand his paths, as he has been well pleased.
Tone 6.An Angel you came forth from barren loins, O Baptist, from your swaddling bands you dwelt in the wilderness and were declared seal of all the Prophets, for you were counted worthy to baptize in Jordan the One whom they had contemplated in divers manners and proclaimed beforehand in riddles. And you heard the voice of the Father from heaven bearing witness to his sonship; and you saw the Spirit in the form of a dove drawing down the voice upon the One baptized. But, O higher than all the Prophets, do not cease to intercede for us who celebrate with faith your memorial.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, with the Forerunner and all the Saints, that God may have mercy on our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
Be glad, O barren one, who before did not bear child, for see, you have conceived for the sun a lamp that is about to enlighten the whole inhabited world, sick with blindness. Dance Zachary, cry aloud with boldness: The one to be born is Prophet of the Most High!
The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
Elizabeth was freed from barrenness, while the Virgin remained still a virgin, when at Gabriel’s voice each of them conceived in the womb; but the Forerunner John leapt in the womb when he recognized beforehand his God and Master incarnate in a virgin womb for our salvation
The Same.Both now.
Theotokion. The same.Hail holy mountain on which God has walked; hail living bush and unconsumed by fire; hail the world’s only bridge to God, who lead mortals over to eternal life; hail Maiden undefiled, who bore without wedlock the salvation of our souls.
After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
The desert-loving dove, the sacred Baptist, who preached repentance and revealed Christ become man, has been born, a patron for all who sin, unfailingly helping all who are storm-tossed. At his entreaties, O Christ, save your world.
The Same.Both now.
Theotokion. The same.You alone bore the Maker of the universe, you alone adorned humanity by your child-bearing, O Immaculate. Deliver me from the snares of crafty Beliar, stand me on the rock of Christ’s wishes, as you insistently entreat him to whom you gave a body.
The Canons, one from the Oktoichos and one of the Saint.
A composition of John of Damascus.
If you wish say also the Katavasias:
I will open my mouth.
Ode 1. Tone 6. As on dry land.
Shoot of a barren woman, pluck from my barren soul my fruitless thoughts as I begin to praise your Conception in a barren womb.
When he entered the temple sacred Zachary saw a divine Angel who clearly revealed to him: Priest, you will have a son in great old age, the Forerunner.
The brilliant lamp of the glory of Elias, the great Forerunner, begins to shine in his mother’s womb. Through him the darkness of passions and the bonds of sterility have been loosed.
Seeing the Master being carried in your womb, all-pure Mother of God, John, as his Forerunner, clearly leapt for joy in his mother’s womb.
Ode 3. None is holy.
The barren woman today conceives a sacred fruit, which afterwards is going by grace to cut out with the spiritual axe all fruitlessness of souls.
Struck dumb within the temple, great Zachary by a fearful message acquires the voice of the Word, and radiantly magnifies the compassionate Lord.
The glorious Forerunner, who showed to all the safe path of repentance, sprouts in his mother’s womb at the behest of the Angel by divine counsel and beyond hope.
As he recognised Christ being carried in the womb of the Virgin, the issue of a barren woman leapt, foretelling the joy that had come to dwell on earth to ransom all from despair.
The Irmos.
’None is holy but you, O Lord my God, who exalt the horn of your faithful, O Good One, and establish us on the rock of your confession.’
Kathisma. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
To Zachary the priest, as he offered incense in the temple, Gabriel appeared from heaven and said to him: In old age you will have a glorious fruit, and Elizabeth’s former barrenness and infertile lack of offspring will be at once unloosed, and she will conceive and bear the herald and Forerunner of Jesus. At their intercessions, Saviour of the world, save our souls.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Joseph was amazed as he contemplated what was beyond nature, and at your conceiving without seed, Mother of God, he called to mind the shower on the fleece, the bush unburned by fire, Aaron’s rod that blossomed. And your betrothed and guardian bore witness and cried to the priests: A Virgin bears a child and after childbirth remains still a Virgin.
Ode 4. Christ my power.
The voice of an Angel sacredly announced beforehand to the priest that you would spring from a barren womb as truly the messenger of Christ’s coming, blest Forerunner.
Before you were childless and did not give birth, now rejoice, O barren one, because full of all praise you will bear fruit, Christ’s Baptist and Forerunner, wondrous Elizabeth
With the axe of your supplication, O Forerunner, pluck out the thorns of my passions and the stumbling blocks of my thoughts, and make my mind fruitful with virtues, O all-blessed.
The womb of the Virgin was carrying you who carry the universe, when the Baptist, being carried in the womb, worshipped you, O Christ, and leaped rejoicing.
Ode 5. By your divine light.
To the Prophet, as he was entering the Sanctuary and offering the service according to the law to the Maker, a holy Angel appeared, announcing the divine conception of the Forerunner.
How will this be to me more clearly? For I an old man, as you see, and I have a barren wife, said Zachary to the Archangel, the words you speak to me are contrary to nature.
Look to Abraham’s Sara; see how she gave birth to Isaac in old age, my friend, and fittingly believe what is said, the great Angel answered the old man.
Blessed are you among women, O full of God’s grace, Elizabeth cried out to you, because I know that you bear in your womb without man and alone remain incorrupt after childbirth.
Ode 6. As I watch the sea of life.
My mind is full of doubt and I do not believe your words, the priest said to the Archangel; for I asked salvation for the people, not fruit from my loins.
The Fashioner of nature, King of the Angels, replied the minister, has been well-pleased for you to beget the Messenger of his coming; do not disbelieve my words, my friend.
Your form is of fire, your appearance terrifying and your word wondrous, said Zachary to the minister; but yet I do not believe you as you speak strange words beyond nature.
The lamp, recognizing the Sun hidden in the cloud of his mother’s womb, himself in the sombre dwelling of the womb, rejoicing worshipped him and leapt for joy.
The Irmos.
’As I watch the sea of life rising with the storm of temptations, I hasten to your fair haven and cry out to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O most merciful’
Kontakion. Tone 1. The angelic Choir.
Great Zachary with far-famed Elizabeth his wife is radiantly glad, for worthily she conceives John the Forerunner, of whom an Archangel brought the good tidings rejoicing, and whom we humans fittingly honour as an initiate of grace.
The Ikos.
Let us open the sacred Gospel, which holy and wondrous Luke wrote for us, and let us contemplate the radiant and notable conception of the Forerunner. For, he says, when the Elder and righteous Zachary entered the Holy of Holies to offer incense at the moment of the daily service, Gabriel appeared to him brining good tidings and saying: You have a son, Hierarch, in your old age, the Prophet and Forerunner, voice and herald, ever-lighted lamp and initiate of grace.
On the 23rd of the same month, the Conception of the holy and glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John.
Archangel’s message to a Prophet was:
Prophet you will beget and more than that.
The godlike Chief Captain Gabriel brought the good tidings of this divine conception to the prophet and priest Zachary. ’Your supplication has been heard’ he said; so from this he foretold, by reason of the marvel of the old age and barrenness of Elizabeth, the divine and virginal child-bearing of the immaculate Mother of God.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Andrew, John, Peter and Antony, who attained perfection in Africa.
For the Word’s sake, of old pierced with one lance,
Andrew endured being pierced by lances twain.
Error John made his foe and being slain
Slaughtered the foe and with him error too.
Peter and Antony like solid rocks [
petrai]Stoutly endured their rending limb from limb.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Virgin Martyr Raпs.
Longing to see God’s beauty Raпs gave
The beauty of her flesh up to the sword.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Venerable women Xanthippe and Polyxena, sisters by blood.
To be their fellows Angel choirs now take
Xanthippe and Polyxena her kin.
On the same day the holy new martyr Nicolas the grocer, who was martyred in Constantinople in 1672 and died by the sword.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Angel made the furnace like dew.
As you have not believed my words receive dumbness for all to see; and when you see the voice of the Word being brought to birth, receive your voice again, crying out: Blessed are you, the God of Israel.
United to the moon, Elizabeth, Zachary, shining brightly like the sun, begot the resplendent lamp of the light which shines for us who are dreadfully held fast in the darkness of the passions.
Using his leapings as words, Christ’s great Prophet worshipped you in the Virgin’s womb, carried himself in Elizabeth’s womb, O Jesu, God of our Fathers.
The moon, Elizabeth, carrying within her a divine star, the Forerunner, worshipped Mary, the cloud of light, who bore the Sun, Christ, incarnate of you to save us.
Ode 8. You poured dew from the flame.
The friend of the Bridegroom is being made ready, the voice of the Word begins to be, and is nourished by barren loins, he the great soldier of the universal King.
A husbandman has flowered for barren hearts, the axe of the passions is already being forged, the august calf is being fattened by self-mastery, the great Forerunner. Peoples rejoice.
As of old you loosed the bonds of sterility, O Baptist, so loose the stiffness of my mind and make me sprout with fruits of repentance and live to the ages.
.As Elizabeth contemplated you, O Maiden, bearing child, inspired by God she rejoiced, while the unborn child within her leapt as he recognized his Master.
’You poured dew from the flame for the Holy Youths and the Just Prophet’s sacrifice you burned up with water, for you do all things, O Christ, by your will alone. We highly exalt you to all the ages.’
Ode 9. No human can see God.
The great and godlike Forerunner of Christ, having now opened the sterile gates, dwells in his mother’s womb as in a palace. Like a soldier he will come forth ahead of the universal King to prepare his ways.
Prophet of God, old man, dance, you will have a son, than whom no greater among mortals has arisen, John the Lord’s Forerunner. Elizabeth, leap for joy; all the earth be glad as you bring your praise to God the Maker of all things.
As we sing your praise with faith, now remember us, Prophet and Forerunner of the Lord, rescuing us from passions of the soul, saving us from dangers and in a manner fitting God guiding us to heaven’s path, O ever-blessed.
Elizabeth recognised you, pure Mother, when she perceived that she herself had been loosed from sterile bonds, and that she was carrying in her womb the Forerunner of the One who made his dwelling in your womb, O immaculate Virgin, Mary full of God’s grace.
’It is impossible for humans to see God, on whom the ranks of Angels dare not gaze. But through you, All-pure one, the incarnate Word has been seen by mortals. As we magnify Him, with the heavenly armies we call you blessed.’
Exapostilarion. With the Disciples let us go.
The glorious conception of the Forerunner foretells the King who is to be born of a Virgin, as he from the fruitless and barren Elizabeth and the old man and priest, the famous Zachary. At their prayers and those of the Mother of God and John your Baptist, Lord, save and take pity on us all.
Theotokion. Same melody.
With one accord, O all-pure, we who have been redeemed from the ancient curse through your divine child-bearing, cry out to you the ’Hail’ of the august Archangel: Hail, redemption of Adam, Virgin Mother of God. Hail, honoured one, through whom we have been delivered from death. Hail, through whom we have found the kingdom of heaven.
At Lauds, Prosomia.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
Creation rejoices at your conception, Forerunner and Prophet, Baptist John; for your divine birth is a sign for us of the Master’s nativity; and therefore we who are upon earth with one accord as is fitting sing your praise. (
Twice)The Angel, having found as a wondrous testimony the conception by the barren woman, brings it to Mary, offering it as confirmation. And so let us also sing the praise of Elizabeth, once childless, and Zachary her spouse and John.
The lamp prepared by God of the eternal light, the friend of the Bridegroom, the great Morning Star of the Sun of glory, the living voice of God the Word, the Forerunner of the coming of the Lord is now conceived at the message of an Angel.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.Elizabeth conceived the Forerunner of grace, the Virgin the Lord of glory. The mothers greeted one another and the infant leapt for joy. For within the slave was praising the Master. Marvelling the mother of the Forerunner began to cry aloud: Whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me? That he, who alone has great mercy, may save a people in despair.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, Typika and from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Canon etc.
The just will be held in eternal memory.
24 Sept. Commemoration of Martyr Thekla.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 stichera, and we sing the following Prosomia.Tone 8.
Lord, though at the window Thekla was transfixed by your love, yet standing in spirit by your throne in the highest she was amazed at your incomparable beauty, who took flesh in your love for mankind that you might save our souls.
Lord, though to the Apostle in bondage Thekla hastened, yet she shook off the bond of striving for earthly things; and captured by the might of your love she was bound steadfast to you, the Saviour of our souls.
Lord, though from her teacher Thekla was not willingly isolated, yet she had you present with her at the moment of the contest; and stripped naked of her robe she was covered by your glory, and crowned at your hands she shields our souls.
Lord, though to the fire your chaste Protomartyr was condemned, yet she was not consumed by it, for she had obtained you as gentle moisture, and she remained unharmed among many wild beasts, guarded by your hand, O Saviour of our souls.
Tone 6.By Anatolios. Some say Andrew of Jerusalem.
All-blessed Thekla, companion of Paul and fellow-athlete of Stephen, by your athletic struggles you trampled down the foe, and as a martyr having smashed his devices, you escaped Thamyris and were wedded to Christ, the true lover. Protomartyr of Christ among women, as you have boldness, rescue from dangers the souls of us who faithfully celebrate your memory.
Both now.
Theotokion.You are my sure refuge, my hope and protection, chaste Virgin-mother; make haste then with speed and deliver me from the ills which beset me on every side.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw you crucified, O Christ, she who bore you lamented and cried out as a mother: My Son and my God, my sweetest child, how do you bear shameful suffering?
Aposticha. Tone 1.
Far-famed Protomartyr and Equal of the Apostles, glory of women martyrs, fair virgin Thekla, by your supplications that are powerful with God heal the dread passions and bruises of my soul, I cry to you, and snatch me from the unquenchable fire.
Her sound has gone out into the all the world; and her words to the ends of the earth.The almighty, divine power of Christ through a cloud that gave birth to rain quenched the flame, bedewing you, Thekla, as a believer and justly consuming unbelievers and, delivering you from being torn apart by wild beasts and bulls, it glorified you.
And he has stationed my feet upon a rock.Filled with longing for the immaculate Bridegroom, all-fair in his beauty, you denied your suitor, Thekla, following the words of Paul, the groomsman of the Church. Raised up with him to the sphere of all-delight, you were betrothed to the One for whom you longed.
Tone 8. By Anatolios.You trampled down the assaults of lions, and shaming Thamaris you followed your Bridegroom, Protomartyr and Apostle, as you cried out: I have run in the fragrance of your myrrh, O Christ. And so, hastening after Paul, you received the gift of grace from heaven and inherited the garland of victory from God, judge of the contest, and you intercede without ceasing that he bestow pardon of offences on those who celebrate with faith your sacred memorial.
Both now.
Theotokion.My hope and my protector, fervent assistance and my refuge, you are the salvation of the faithful, all-immaculate, pure Lady; therefore I also flee to you, crying out and shouting to you: I have sinned. Save me, O Maiden, save me as alone truly the surety of those who sin.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
I cannot bear to see you, my Child, who give awakening to all, sleeping in death upon a tree, so that to those who of old through the transgression of the fruit fell into destroying slumber you may grant divine and saving awakening, cried the grieving Virgin, whom we magnify.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
O Jesu, your lamb cries aloud: O my Bridegroom, I long for you; and seeking you I struggle, and I am crucified and buried with you in your baptism; and I suffer for your sake, that I may reign with you; and I die for you, that I may live in you; but as a spotless victim now accept one who with longing is slain for you. Through her prayers, as you are merciful, save our souls!
At Matins
The normal Reading from the Psalter and the Canons of the Oktoichos [to 8], and of the Saint [to 6], of which the Acrostic, without the Theotokia is:
First woman Martys is glorified.
A Composition by Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Let us sing to the Lord.
irst Woman Martyr’s far-famed struggles tongue’s sound has not the strength to tell; for it is far too weak to raise a worthy hymn.I
t has ceased, the scornful boasting of the tyrant; for in Christ women, like heroes, devoutly stood against him.R
esounded in her ears, all-blessed Paul, your ineffable preaching of the gospel; and so the virgin has been betrothed to Christ.Theotokion.
All-immaculate Mother of God, who bore beyond nature the eternal and divine Word incarnate, we hymn you.
Ode 3. You are the foundation.
o far beyond thought, all-honoured virgin, the love by which in Christ, united by the Spirit, you were bound to Paul.T
he pleasurable enjoyment of earthly things had no strength to wound your mind, wounded by spiritual love.W
holly you had abandoned the passions of the flesh, all-praised Champion, and so you were not softened by your mother’s words.Theotokion.
By your intercessions, O All-pure, give us help, driving off the assaults of dread misfortunes.
The Irmos.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you. you are the light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
With longing for Christ through virtues you changed woman’s weakness to manly courage, and became through both the dwelling place of God: for you curtailed the darkness of the passions by an ascetic life, and as a martyr you became the boast of the contest; therefore you also shine as a beacon for the world, doubly flashing forth the beams of the Spirit. All-praised Protomartyr, intercede with Christ God that forgiveness of offences may be given to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now. Theotokion. The same melody.
As Virgin and the one who alone among women bore God in the flesh without seed all generations of mankind call you blessed; for the fire of the Godhead dwelt in you and you suckled as a babe the Creator and Lord; therefore we, the race of Angels and of men, fittingly glorify your all-holy Offspring, and in consort cry to you: Intercede with your Son and God that forgiveness of offences may be bestowed on those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw the Lamb and Shepherd and Redeemer on the Cross, with tears the Ewe-lamb lamented and bitterly cried out: The world rejoices, for it receives redemption, but my inmost being burns as I see your crucifixion, which you endure through your compassionate mercy. O long-suffering Lord, the depth of mercy and the well of goodness, be merciful, then, and bestow forgiveness of sins on your servants who hymn in faith your immaculate passion.
Ode 4. I heard, Lord.
all-wise Thekla, when you were betrothed to Thamyris, the bridesman Paul joined you as a spotless virgin to the heavenly Bridegroom.M
oved far from earthly love by Paul’s words of true religion, Thamyris’s words, O Martyr, you mocked as lunacy.A
dam’s race was blessed by being sprinkled with God’s blood; while Eve rejoices when she sees the serpent falling to women.N
ow longing for purity the Champion rejected all the pleasures of life: wealth, race and beauty, and a fair suitor.Theotokion.
As you are sinless, grant us pardon of our follies, O God, and give peace to the world at the intercessions of her who gave birth to you .
Ode 5. Rising at dawn we cry to you.
artyr Thekla, all-blessed, you ran the arduous race of the athlete and were found worthy of the prize.A
nd now the cunning dragon has been despoiled: for through godlike sufferings the virgin was being taught obedience.R
ight godly boldness overcame your modesty; for the fire of the Trinity had set your heart ablaze.Theotokion.
We sing your praise as Virgin after childbirth, Mother of God; for you bore for the world God the Word in the flesh.
Ode 6. I pour out my entreaty.
he weakness of a girl’s nature was made strong by the Saviour’s power, for with longing for God she left off the ornaments of youth and boldly by night ran seeking the sweet-scented teachings of her Lover.Y
et by her own desire the far-famed first Champion Thekla marvellously exchanged the bridal chambers of marriage to dwell in the malefactors’ prison; for her longing for the Maker conquered the loves of creatures.S
piritually the Martyr kissed the bonds of her inspired Teacher; in the prison, as in a God-filled meadow, watered by his words she grew and truly bore the fairest fruit for the Master.Theotokion.
All-holy Virgin Mother of God, do not cease to intercede for us, for you are the support of the faithful, and we are strengthened by your hope, and with longing we glorify you and the One who ineffably took flesh from you.
The Irmos.
I pour out my entreaty to the Lord and I shall declare to him all my troubles, for my life has been filled with evils and my soul has come near to Hades; and like Jonas I beg: Lead me up from corruption, O God.
Kontakion. Tone 8.
You shone out with the beauty of virginity, you were adorned with a crown of martyrdom, you were entrusted with the work of an apostle, glorious Virgin; and you changed the fire’s flame to dew, while by prayer you tamed the raging of the bull as victorious first Champion.
The Ikos.
The brilliance of an honoured feast brightly outshines the sun; for blazing with beams of light it is mirrored in the eyes of the faithful; therefore as we dance with the Angels, let us all shout aloud to God our Saviour, as we cry to him: You have multiplied your mercies, O Saviour, by giving a perfect gift to your people: the victorious first Champion.
On the 24th of the same month, Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr and Equal of the Apostles Thekla.
He saved you, Thekla, when he rent the rock,
He at whose passion once the rocks were rent.
‘Twas on the twenty fourth day that a rock enfolded great Thekla.
She was from the city of Iconium; her mother was Theokleia of a noble and famous family. She was instructed in the word of the faith by the great Apostle Paul, when he was teaching in the house of Onesiphoros. When she came to the faith she was eighteen years old and betrothed to one Thamyris. Despising the fire into which she was cast, and her mother and her suitor, she followed Paul. After this, when at Antioch, she was condemned to the beasts by Alexander and cast to the bulls to be torn apart; but Christ delivered her from them all by his grace. She preached the Lord Jesus Christ in different cities and brought many people to faith in Christ, finally she came to her own fatherland. There she lived on one of the mountains and left this life, a rock opening up and receiving her. The whole span of her life was ninety years.
On the same day, Commemoration of our venerable Father Copris.
No dung was Copris [
dung], but another bunchOf grapes that brought fair blossom to the Lord.
He was born on a dung heap outside the monastery of the great Theodosios, the Koinoviarch, of a woman who was being pursued by the Hagarenes with a large number of others of the neighbourhood, who fled to the Saint for safety. After the passage of the infidels the monks found the new born child on the dung-heap and, on the order of the great Theodosios, they adopted him and named him Copris; he was nurtured on the milk of a goat. When it reckoned that the time had come to suckle the child it would come down of its own from the mountain, and after it had suckled him, it returned again. This it did until the child was strong enough for stronger food.
When he had thus reached maturity he was well-loved by the great Theodosios; and so he was worthy of the Holy Spirit, and having kept intact that which is according to the image, he made wild beasts subject to him; for once finding a she-bear in the garden eating the lettuces, he took it by the ear, and kept safe by the prayer of the great saint led it outside. On another occasion he was going up the mountain with the donkey to collect wood, as he used to do the collecting, when a she bear appeared and struck the beast in the thigh. Copris seized the bear and loaded the wood onto it with the words: ‘I’m not letting you go; for you’ll do the donkey’s service until it gets well’. And by the prayer of the great saint the bear was subject to him, and carried the wood. Once when he was on duty in the kitchen the brass cauldron was boiling over and the lentils were spilling out. Unable easily to find the usual stick of wood, he plunged in his bare hand and stopped the boiling, and remained unharmed.
When he was ninety years old he shone among those Fathers like the sun, adorned with priesthood and with every kind of virtue, and standing in a secret spot he would offer prayers to the Lord, so that the great Theodosios, after his departure to the Lord, also appeared going with him and chanting with him, and finally he said to him: ‘See, brother Copris, the time for your release has arrived; come to us in the place of rest that has been prepared for you’. When the admirable saint heard this, a few days later he grew weak, and having greeted the Holy Fathers he departed in peace to the Lord.
Commemoration of the miracle that took place through the Mother of God on the island of Cythera, where the icon of the Mother of God found in the myrtles cured a paralytic.
At their holy intercessions, O God have mercy upon us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Youths from Judea.
n longing as to a prisoner, All-blessed virgin, you were bound to Paul; with songs unchained in harmony you sang in faith devoutly with him: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.S
tanding with Paul before unjust tribunals, fair virgin, with longing for the Master you cast away shame and in ecstasy cried out: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.G
iving your body to the furnace, O Martyr, through longing for God, by the power of the One you longed for you remained unburned as you sang: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.L
o, a rain-bearing cloud, having quenched the flame with shower and hail, justly burns the senseless and saves the Martyr as she sings: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.Theotokion.
You appeared incarnate from a virgin womb for our salvation; therefore, knowing your Mother to be Mother of God, with thanksgiving we cry: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Ode 8. The King of heaven.
Virgin Martyr, strange seemed your thought; for you dwelt in a tomb as if in Eden, as you sang the praise of Christ to the ages.R
efusing that the bright beauty of your virginity be darkened, you chose to die, and now you live to the ages.I
ntimately linked with Christ, the life-giving and supernatural Bridegroom, you chose wild beasts, first Champion, as guardians of your virginity.F
linging aside your garment of corruption, Christ’s well-equipped competitor reached a life without decay to the ages.Theotokion.
The One who came down from heaven and dwelt in a virgin womb, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
The Irmos.
The King of heaven, whom the ranks of Angels praise, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. Mother of God most High.
s there any who would not marvel, Protomartyr, at your indomitable courage? For having tamed the passions, wild beasts of the mind, you did not quail before the impotent assaults of wild beasts, but remained in their midst unharmed.E
ven the sheer untrodden rock was rent by God’s command for the god-bearing Martyr, sealed as God’s bride by the bath of rebirth; and like a bridal chamber for the fugitive it received her in its arms.D
octor the bruises of my soul, First Champion; crown the world with peace, giving victories to our faithful Sovereign against hostile barbarians and peace to the Churches by your supplications.Theotokion.
Sovereign Lady, slay my sin that still lives, give life to the death of soul by the force of the true Life born from your womb through ineffable compassion for those who devoutly magnify you.
The Irmos.
Mother of God most High, who knew not wedlock, who through a word conceived beyond understanding the true God, who are higher than the immaculate Powers, with never silent hymns of glory we magnify you.
Exapostilarion. Women hear.
Fair virgin, strengthened by the divine teachings of God’s herald Paul, you despised a corruptible suitor and followed Paul, O much-tried Protomartyr Thekla, Equal of the Apostles; therefore you have won from Christ the crown of victory.
Theotokion. To the same melody.
We, who have been saved through you, rightly confess you, Lady, to be Mother of God; for you conceived ineffably the God who abolished death through the Cross, drawing to himself armies of Martyrs. With them, O Virgin, we sing your praise.
At Lauds, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By Anatolios.
The stadium of the contest lies before us to-day. Peoples, let us dance and let us observe the wondrous deeds that are accomplished there; for a spotless lamb, the fair virgin and bride of God Thekla is brought out for slaughter for the sake of Christ our God who was slaughtered; and so by the faith of the Trinity she destroyed the godlessness of tyrants and, as she dances with the Angels, she intercedes with the Saviour that our souls may be saved.
By Anatolios.
Brave champion Thekla, with Christ as your Bridegroom in heaven, you despised your earthly suitor; for wisely you did not yield to a mother’s flatteries, but followed Paul, taking on your shoulders the standard of the Cross. The fire did not harm you; you changed the savagery of the wild beasts to tameness; you slew seals by the descent into Christ that is holy Baptism. But, as you were distinguished by noble contests, do not cease to intercede continually with the Lord for those who in faith celebrate your ever-honoured memory.
Tone 4. By Anatolios.
You dedicated yourself to the all-powerful will; strengthened as Christ’s champion and abandoning earthly love, you were declared the lamp of eternal life; you are a blessed bridal chamber, in which flocks of women, having found the entrance to eternal life take their rest. With them, Apostle Thekla, intercede for our souls.
Tone 4. By Anatolios.
Lovers of martyrs, strike up the dance, for the season of contests is upon us, and the yearly memorial of the Protomartyr, which urges all to give glory to God: for Thekla, the first of Martyrs among women, has accomplished her contest, is the first to be declared the victor and she intercedes with boldness for our souls.
Tone 4.Protomartyr of Christ, it was not only the races of mankind that marvelled but wild beasts too were astonished. For you the flames were not reckoned as flames, fair virgin Thekla, because of your Bridegroom Christ, for you were glad as you suffered for him and were parted from the world that you might gain the blessedness of heaven as you intercede with boldness for our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Bedew my understanding, All-pure Lady, with the showers of the Holy Spirit. As you bore Christ, the drop who wipes away the measureless lawlessness of mortals, dry up the source of my passions and make me worthy, O All-immaculate, of the torrent of eternal delight.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw you nailed to the Cross, O Lord, your lamb and Mother was amazed and cried: My Son, so dearly loved, what is this sight? Is this how the lawless, disobedient people that enjoyed your wonders rewards you? But glory, Master, to your ineffable condescension.
Aposticha, Stichera from the Oktoichos.
Tone 2. By Anatolios.Come, lovers of contests, let us honour with hymns Thekla, the Protomartyr, the boast of women; for she trampled down the hostile adversary with the power of the Cross, and, having won the victory, deserved her crown. And so the Champion implores that those who celebrate with faith and love her memory may be delivered from dangers and from the judgement to come.
Both now.
Theotokion. When from the Tree.Truly we have no other mighty refuge, tower of strength and invincible wall but you, All-pure Virgin. To you we flee and to you we cry: Help us, Sovereign Lady, lest we perish. Show to all your grace, the glory of your power and the greatness of your compassion.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
You gave birth to the grape cluster of life that you bore unhusbanded in your womb. But when you saw him hanging you raised a loud lament and cried: My child, who drop down sweetness through which, O Benefactor, may all the intoxication of the passions be abolished by showing your compassion through me who gave you birth.
The rest of the Office, and Dismissal.
Many of the texts for this office are inspired by the apocryphal
Acts of Paul and Thekla. For details of a modern version of this text see the Canon of Saint Thekla.
26 Sept. Translation of Theologian John the Evangelist
.Great Vespers.
After the Opening Psalm the 1st Section of
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 6 stichera [8 if there is a Vigil], and we sing the 3 following prosomia, doubling them.Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
The one who saw ineffable revelations,[1] the interpreter of God’s mysteries on high, the child of Zebedee, in writing for us Christ’s Gospel, taught us to contemplate the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
The lyre of heavenly songs, struck by God, this mystic writer, mouth inspired by God, sweetly sings the song of songs,[2] moving his lips like strings and striking with his tongue like a plectrum, and intercedes that we may be saved.
Beloved of God, giving utterance with your tongue, which sounds as the thunder,[3] to the hidden word of the wisdom of God, aptly opening your lips, you ever cry aloud, ‘In the beginning was the Word’,[4] and with your torch you guide everyone[5] to knowledge of God.
Tone 2.By Germanos (Some say by Vyzantios)
Race of mortals, let us, as is fitting, praise the son of thunder,[6] the foundation of divine words, the prince of theology and foremost herald of the true wisdom of the doctrines of God, John the beloved and virgin; for he had the divine unceasingly in himself and said, ‘In the beginning the Word’[7], and again that he is inseparably with the Father, and after this that he is equal in being with the Father,[8] showing us through him the right belief of the Holy Trinity. He showed us that he is creator with the Father, and the one who bears life and true light.[9] O ecstatic wonder and astounding fact! Because being full of love he became also full of theology, by glory and honour and faith being a foundation of our inviolate faith; through which ,may we obtain the eternal good things on the day of judgement.
Both now.
Theotokion. Same Tone.The shadow of the law[10] has passed away now that grace has come, for as the Bush in flames was not burned,[11] so as a virgin you bore a child and remained a virgin; instead of a pillar of fire[12] the Sun of justice[13] has dawned, instead of Moses Christ, the salvation of our souls.
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The reading is from the 1st Epistle General of John.
(3,21-24; 4,1-6)
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us we have freedom to speak before God. And whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment: that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And one who keeps his commandments abides in him and he in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, from the Spirit of which he has given us. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us.
The reading is from the 1st Epistle General of John.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God. If we love another, God abides in us, and his love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and witness that the Father has sent the Son as Saviour of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in them, and they in God. And we have known and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and one who abides in love abides in God, and God in them.
The reading is from the 1st Epistle General of John.
(4,20-21; 5,1-5)
Beloved, anyone who says, ‘I love God,’ and hates their brother, is a liar; for one who does not love the brother whom they have seen, how can they love God whom they have not seen? And this commandment we have from him: that one who loves God must love their brother also. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the one who has begotten loves also the one who has been begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not heavy. Because everything that has been born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that has conquered the world, our faith. Who is the one who conquers the world, if not the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
At the Liti, Idiomel stichera.
Tone 1. By Germanos.
Rivers of theology poured from your honoured mouth, O Apostle, watered from which the Church of God worships with right belief the consubstantial Trinity; whom, O Theologian John, now ask that our souls may be saved.
Same Tone. By Andrew of Pyros.
The plant of purity, the myrrh of sweet fragrance has dawned for us again at this present Feast. Cry out to him, ‘You leant on the Master’s breast[14] and rained down the word on the world, Apostle John, who guarded the Virgin as the apple of your eye. Ask of Christ for us his great mercy’.
Same Tone.
Disciple of the Saviour, Virgin and Theologian, to you, as virgin, Christ our God, hanging on the Cross, entrusted the Virgin and Mother of God, and you guarded her as the apple of your eye.[15] Therefore intercede that our souls may be saved.
Same Tone.
As eye-witness of ineffable mysteries you cried out and loudly proclaimed that the eternal Word was in the beginning with God and that he was God,[16] O Apostle John, bosom and true friend of Christ, sweetness of the Trinity, unshakeable buttress of Ephesus and Patmos and our help. Intercede, all-blessed Theologian, that the people that ever faithfully celebrates your memory may be delivered from impious foes, both physical and spiritual.
Tone 2. By Theophanes.
The summit of the Apostles, the trumpet of theology, the spiritual general, who made the whole inhabited world subject to God, come believers, let us call him blessed, revered John, translated from earth, yet not withdrawn from earth, but living and abiding the fearful second coming of the Master. O mystic bosom friend of Christ, ask that we, who celebrate your memory with love, may meet it uncondemned.
Tone 4. By Vyzantios.As you leant on the breast of the Teacher Christ at the Lord’s supper,[17] beloved Disciple, you learnt there ineffable things, and you thundered to all the heavenly utterance: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God; the true light that enlightens every one who comes into the world,[18] Christ God, and the Saviour of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.The Son, who with the Father and the Spirit is glorified in the highest by the Cherubim, wishing to refashion the first fashioned man, emptied himself wholly and ineffably in your womb, all-praised Mother of God, and dawning from you, he enlightened the whole world with his Godhead, delivering it from the folly of idols, and, making humanity divine in himself, he joined it to heaven, Christ our God, and the Saviour of our souls.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 4. Called from the highest.
Having contemplated the Son of the Most High, co-eternal and consubstantial with the Father, unchanging light from light[19] and express imprint of the person of the Begetter,[20] who shone forth from him beyond time and impassibly, the Creator and Lord of all ages, you proclaimed him, Beloved Disciple, to the world, Christ our God, who brings light out of darkness.[21] Implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the end of the world.[22]Taken into the light of the Paraclete and enlightened by it, you contemplated the One who proceeds from the Father,[23] while being revealed to humanity through the Son, as the same in honour, in majesty and being, whom with the Father who has no beginning and the divine Word you preached to all, Beloved Disciple. Therefore in hymns we honour you as a godly foundation of the faith. Keep it unshaken by your prayers to the Lord.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.[24]Ascending the heights of theology, you were initiated into the ineffable mysteries of God: one being of the Godhead, and one glory and kingship and lordship, separated in three persons, inseparable in being and united in an unconfused divine unity. Giving glory in this way, O Theologian, you proclaimed an undivided Trinity. Implore that undivided Trinity to save and enlighten our souls.
Tone 6. By Monk John.Apostle of Christ, Evangelist, Theologian, you became an initiate of ineffable mysteries and thundered out to us the ineffable doctrines of wisdom, making clear to believers that: In the beginning he was.[25] And, rejecting the: He was not,[26] you refuted the words of the heretics, revealed as bosom and beloved friend, as mighty-voiced Isaias and Moses who saw God.[27] As you have freedom to speak before God, implore him insistently on behalf of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.My Maker and Redeemer, Christ the Lord, coming forth from your womb, O All-pure, clothed himself in me and freed Adam from the former curse;[28] and so, never silent, we all cry out to you as truly Mother of God and Virgin the Angel’s, ‘Hail!’[29] Hail, Lady, shelter and protection and salvation of our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 2.
Beloved Apostle of Christ our God, hasten, deliver a people without defence. As he accepted that you lean upon his breast,[30] he accepts you as you fall before him. Implore him, O Theologian, and scatter the persistent cloud of nations, asking for us peace and his great mercy.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.All your mysteries are beyond understanding, all beyond glory, O Mother of God; sealed in purity and guarded in virginity you were recognised to be truly a Mother, in giving birth to the true God: implore him that our souls may be saved.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
You were named son of divine thunder,[31] for you deafened the ears of the impious, and more sweetly than a trumpet you made the incarnation of the Word sound in upright hearts. As a true friend you leant on his breast;[32] from which you drew out the deep of knowledge, all-wise Apostle John, and proclaimed to all the One who is with the Father without beginning. Intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
The Wisdom and Word you conceived in your womb, O Mother of God, and you bore for the world him who possesses the world, and you held in your arms him who holds all things and nourishes all, the Fashioner of nature; therefore I implore you, All-holy Virgin, that, when I am about to stand before the face of my Creator, I may be delivered from my faults. Sovereign Lady, pure Virgin, then bestow on me your help; for you are able to do whatever you wish, O all-praised.
After the 2nd reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Same melody.
Having abandoned the deep of fishing, O all-praised, you caught all the nations like fishes with the rod of the Cross; for as Christ had said to you, you were named a fisher of men,[33] catching them for true religion; therefore you sowed the knowledge of the Word of God and made Patmos and Ephesus fruitful by your words. Theologian, Apostle, intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who feast with love your holy memory.
I consider the judgement and I quail, for, wretch that I am, I have done deeds of shame, and I ask, all-praised Mother of God: Before the night of death overtakes me, turn me back, guiding me to the way of repentance, that with thanksgiving I may worship and hymn your measureless power and your divine assistance, All-holy Bride of God, as you intercede with Christ God for what I ask of you: that there may be given me pardon of sins and his great mercy.
Selection at the Polyeleos.
The firmament. Alleluia.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.
The heavens will confess your wonders, O Lord.
Instead of your fathers your sons have been born.
You will establish them as rulers over all the earth.
For God’s mighty men of the earth are greatly exalted.
The God of gods has spoken and summoned the earth.
From the rising of the sun to its setting, praised be the name of the Lord.
His lightnings have lit up the world.
And the heavens have proclaimed his justice.
And all the peoples have seen his glory.
Rulers of Juda are their leaders.
Rulers of Zaboulon rulers of Nephalim.
God has reigned over the nations.
God is glorified in the assembly of the saints.
Great and terrible he is to all those round about him.
Offer to the Lord families of nations,
Offer to the Lord glory and honour.
Proclaim his glory among the nations.
Say among the nations that the Lord is king.
Their sound has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
He has put in them the words of his lips.
And he gave them countries of nations, and they inherited labours of peoples.
God has stood in the assembly of gods, in the midst he will judge gods.
Offer to the Lord, sons of God, offer to the Lord glory to his name.
He has subdued peoples to us, and nations beneath our feet.
Great is our God, and great his strength.
He will give power and might to his people. Blessed be God.
Let us worship the Father, and let us glorify the Son, and let us all praise together the all holy Spirit, crying out and saying: All holy Trinity, save us all.
Both now.
Your people, O Christ, brings your Mother to intercede; at her entreaties grant us your pity, O Good one, that we may glorify you, who dawned for us from the grave.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma. Same melody.
Leaning on Jesus’ breast, gaining boldness as a disciple, you asked, ‘Who is your betrayer, Lord?’ And as to one beloved, glorious Apostle, he was clearly shown to you through the bread.[34] Therefore too, as an initiate of ineffable things, you teach the ends of the earth the incarnation of the Word. Theologian, Apostle, intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who feast with love your holy memory.
All-holy Virgin, Mother of God, heal, I beg, the dreadful passions of my soul, and grant me pardon of my faults, which I have senselessly committed, fouling my soul and body, wretch that I am. Alas! what shall I do in that hour when the Angels separate my soul from my wretched body? Then, Lady, be my help and fervent protector; for I, your servant, have you as my hope.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon of Tone 4.
Prokeimenon, Tone 4.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the ends of the world.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.Let everything that has breath.
The 11th Eothinon. Psalm 50.Glory.
At the prayers of the Apostle, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy one me, O God, in accordance with your great mercy and in accordance with the multitude of your compassion blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Then the Idiomel. Tone 2.
Theologian, Virgin, beloved Disciple of the Saviour, by your intercessions save us, we implore, from every kind of harm; for we are your flock.
The Canons, of the Mother of God, and two of the Apostle.
Canon of the Mother of God,
of which the acrostic is the Alphabet in reverse order.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 2. The Irmos.
His overwhelming power once smothered in the deep all Pharao’s host; while the incarnate Word, the glorified Lord, has wiped out malignant sin: for he has been greatly glorified.[35]
ou it was that God chose among women as lovely, as most fair, as wholly unblemished, and he dwelt in your unblemished womb; implore him, all-blameless one, that from the blemish of offences those who sing your praise may be delivered.
hile, in the words of the psalm, you stand, pure Virgin, as Queen on the right-hand of the King[36] who shone forth from your womb, beseech him to make me stand at his right hand on the day of recompense,[37] O Bride of God.V
irgin, you wholly renewed the nature of mortals, dried up by every offence, in giving birth to the heavenly rain. But, I beg, show the dried up furrow of my soul to be fruitful, O Bride of God.Canon of the Saint, of which the acrostic is:
I shall praise the son of thunder in a way pleasing to Christ.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Same Irmos.
Having received the kingdom of heaven which you proclaimed, blessed Saint, and become a heavenly companion to the Word, by your entreaties guard those who believe your honoured proclamation and theology.
Displaying robust thought you despised everything on earth and the bonds of nature and, linked with the Word in reason and mind, All-wise Apostle, you freed from their unreason those subject to unreason.
Having received knowledge of heavenly things, with true theology you proclaimed God the Word of God, in your gospel, O all-wise, proclaiming: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with his Begetter and the Word was God.[38]
The choir of godly maidens, greatly inspired, sing of you as beautiful among women, O Lady Mother of God, made lovely with the beauties of the Godhead; for beyond reason you bore the Word who creates beauty.
A second Canon of the Saint, of which the acrostic is:
I bring to God’s Initiate a sixth plea. Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 6.
Crossing the sea as on dry land.
Illumined in thought, you bent down into the deeps of the Spirit and made clear to us the dread begetting, crying out: In the beginning was the Word of God.[39]
Bowed down by a multitude of temptations, passions and tribulations, and by assaults of evils, with faith we flee to you for refuge, O Theologian: be a helper to your servants.
Rescue us from eternal condemnation and fire, healing the dreadful passions of our souls, as best of physicians, O wise Apostle, by your mediation.
On the day of judgement, Pure Virgin, who conceived the God who for our sake became man, ask him to take pity on us, who have sinned much against him.
I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother,[40] and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 3. Irmos.
The desert, the barren Church from the nations, flowered like a lily at your coming, Lord, by which my heart has been established.
sing me, humanity, as clothing, the Maker comes forth from you, All-blameless, and bestows a robe of incorruption on the many stripped naked by offences.T
o God the Word supreme in honour you gave birth, O Lady; implore him insistently to take pity on my lowly soul, saddened by the dishonours of pleasures.S
taunch the wounds of my soul, O Immaculate; preserve with your powerful medicine my lowly heart, poisoned by the venom of the serpent.Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
With your theologian’s tongue, John blessed by God, you revealed the mystery beyond understanding of the Trinity, by which my heart has been established.[41]
Your tongue became the pen of a scribe,[42] the All-holy Spirit, writing for God as it recorded the honoured and divine Gospel.
I shall sing the praise of your deep of wisdom, O All-wise, who with boldness leant[43] on the inspired source of wisdom and were named his herald.
We honour you, All-blameless, the only Virgin and Mother, who became for us the agent of salvation and who deliver the world by your prayers.
Another Irmos. None is holy.
With bright and pure mind, thrice-blessed Theologian, you spoke with the Word, were initiated by him with things clearly beyond reason and you enlightened all creation.
Deliver me from harsh bonds of sin, O Thrice-blessed, binding me to the love of the Master and God, whom you loved fervently and were named his Theologian.
You have been given us as champion, mediator, deliverer and intercessor with the Lord, as worker of marvels and source of healings, O Theologian; therefore we honour you.
O Mother of God, when the Word who took flesh ineffably from you, was raised up on the tree of the Cross, he entrusted you, as Virgin Maiden, to the virgin Disciple.[44]
O Mother of God, as living and ungrudging source, establish those united in spiritual fellowship who sing hymns you of praise, and in your divine glory grant them crowns of glory.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Leaning on Wisdom’s breast[45] and learning knowledge from the Word, with inspiration you thundered: In the beginning was the Word;[46] being the first fairly to write of the begetting without beginning and to announce to all the incarnation of the Word; therefore too with your tongue you caught the nations in a net and you teach the ends of the earth the grace of the Holy Spirit. Theologian, Apostle, intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who feast with love your holy memory.
As you bore the merciful and compassionate Word, Sovereign Lady of all, have mercy on all those who flee to you for refuge, free them from temptations and diseases, from every evil and from the eternal flame; that with thanksgiving we may glorify the wealth of your manifold compassion and your measureless mercy, and may always cry out to you: Intercede with Christ our God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who fittingly hymn your child-bearing, O Immaculate.
Ode 4. The Irmos.
You came from a Virgin, not an ambassador, not an Angel, but the Lord himself incarnate, and saved me, humanity, entirely; therefore I cry to you: Glory to your power, O Lord![47]
ain down on me, Lady, a drop of compunction, to remove all the burning heat of my heart and stem the harmful floods of my despondency.Q
ueen immaculate, do not despise me, struck by the sword of pleasure and lying wounded; but heal me with the lance and blood of your Son and our God who was crucified.P
ure Virgin, enriched with the sovereignty of all creation, make me, who am utterly beggared, worthy of divine grace, that I may magnify you as my loving protectress.Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Fittingly the Word declared you a theologian, O most excellent, for he initiated you into his Godhead and taught you the ineffable dispensation as man.
Having gained a mind inspired by God and a virgin body, most sacred and glorious Apostle, you were named a living and animate temple and dwelling of the all-hymned Trinity.
Blessed Virgin, you were honoured with sonship of the Immaculate Virgin, were declared brother of the one who chose you for himself and perfected you as disciple and theologian.
To heal the ancient transgression of Eve, he who is above all Godhead, dwelt in you, O all-blameless and all-holy, and re-formed me, humanity, entirely.
Another. O Christ my power.
Drops of the Word, glorious Apostle, you used to water the whole face of the earth and devoutly dried up the muddy waters of impiety; therefore we honour you.
Strength and might gird about my soul, which weakened by varied attacks of unclean enemies, All-wise Apostle, flees to your protection.
In that you have become a temple of the divine Spirit, O Theologian, make those who in faith continually attend your divine temple, temples of God by your mediation.
Now let us openly hymn the divine enclosure of God, the Holy Virgin, let us all, made divine through her and ransomed from troubles, call her blessed.
The Prophet Avvakoum, understanding the unsearchable divine counsel of your incarnation from the Virgin, O Most High, cried out: Glory to your power, O Lord.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 5. The Irmos.
O Christ, you have become the Mediator between God and mortals,[48] for through you, Master, from the night of ignorance we have access to your Father, the source of light.
All-immaculate, who bore the way of life, guide me now into the right way, who have been senselessly hurled headlong into pathless places and pits of harsh misdeeds.N
ow having exiled myself by my senseless mind, Virgin of God, I have lived as a prodigal,[49] wandering lost to the far country of the passions; but turn me back, save me by your intercessions.M
other and Virgin immaculate, let your servant, burning with the flame of sins and aflame from the assaults of demons, drink from your streams that flow with life.Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
You appeared as a heavenly mind, O Theologian, by grace having become all light by your nearness to the source of light, and by your eager straining towards him becoming divine.
With pure mind, holy lips and all-chaste mouth, O God-inspired, you proclaimed your Gospel and proposed to all believers a common salvation.
Dwelling with Christ from infancy, you have been put forward by him as an instrument of grace, exercised in theology and supernaturally initiated into the glory of the Trinity.
Mindful of your words we now call you blessed, O All-blameless, most truly enriched through you with ineffable blessedness and life that knows no ageing.
Another. With your divine light.
Like morning you made the spiritual dawn shine for those on earth, O Apostle, proclaiming to the world his dwelling in it with a body and his dispelling the darkness of the cult of many gods.
The sacred streams of theology, sacred herald and Apostle, you use to water every soul; therefore I cry to you: Water my heart, wholly dried up by sins.
I have been struck by the enemy’s darts, by your care, wise Apostle, make me whole, I beg, and direct me to the ways of God, who am ever led astray in pathless places.
As you stood with the beloved Disciple by the Cross of your Son, All-blameless, you groaned and wept, and marvelled at his great compassion towards mankind.
The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who knew not wedlock held in your womb the God over all and gave birth to an eternal Son, who gives salvation as the prize to all who sing your praise.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 6. The Irmos.
Surrounded by a deep of offences, I call upon the unsearchable deep of your compassion: O God, lead me up from corruption.
ady, at the judgement to come, do not point me out as an object of the demons’ malignant joy, but entreat the Judge, your Son, to look kindly on me.K
indling your anger by my thoughts and by my evil and lawless deeds, O Lord, for pardon I bring you your Mother. Take pity, save me.J
udge and God of all, you bore, Lady all-praised. Therefore deliver me from condemnation, who am self-condemned by my faults.Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Jesus, my God and Lord, contented with your purity and total chastity, O Theologian, made you his brother.[50]
Having crowned with sanctity your way of life, you thus with confidence leant on the breast of wisdom, glorious Apostle, and from there drew grace.
The great and godlike torches of your theology enlightened the whole inhabited world, glorious Apostle, and suffused it with the light of triple sun.
He who stretched taut the heavens[51] by his will, made wide another heaven upon earth, you, O immaculate Mother of God, and he dawned from you and appeared.
Another. Watching life’s sea.
Truly your theologian’s tongue was like the pen of a swift writer,[52] writing well true knowledge and a brand new law, O Theologian, on the tables of our hearts.
As a skilled husbandman, wither up at their roots the plants of impiety, glorious Apostle, and plant in my soul the fear of God, which makes the fair fruit of virtues thrive.
The One who came forth from a Virgin clearly named you her son.[53] With her implore that all who do what is well-pleasing may be named sons of God by adoption.
From you, O all-blameless, God was made known to mortals in the likeness of flesh. Ever implore him, O All-holy, to slay the destructive thoughts of our flesh.
Come godly-minded people, as we celebrate this divine and honoured feast of the Mother of God, let us clap our hands as we glorify the God who was born of her.
Kontakion. Tone 2.
Who will recount your mighty works, O Virgin, for you pour out wonders and are a source of healings, and you intercede on behalf of our souls, as Theologian and friend of Christ.
The Ikos.
To learn wholly the high secrets of heaven, to investigate the depths of the sea is rash and beyond comprehension; as therefore it is wholly impossible to number all the stars and the sand on the sea shore, so it is to tell the graces of the Theologian, with so many crowns Christ has garlanded the one he loved; the one who leant on his breast[54] and feasted with him at the mystical supper, as Theologian and friend of Christ.
On the 26th day of the same month, the Translation of the holy, glorious Apostle and Evangelist, bosom friend, virgin, beloved, John the Theologian.
Father’s beloved Word you stand beside,
Beloved more than all of the Disciples.
Passed on the twenty sixth day unto God the child of the thunder.
He was son of Zebedee and Salome, who was the daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; for Joseph had four sons, Jacob, Symeon, Juda and Joses, and three daughters, Esther, Martha and Salome, who became the wife of Zebedee and the mother of John; and so our Lord Jesus Christ was the John’s uncle, as brother of Salome, Joseph’s daughter.
John is the one who leant on Christ’s breast, as greatly loved; and he was also present at the betrayal and at the Cross; when he took the Mother of God to his own home and served her until the Dormition. After the Dormition the holy Apostles cast lots for where each of them should go and preach, and the lot John received was to go to Asia. This upset him, for he knew that he would be much tried at sea, as he foretold to his disciple Prochoros. [
There follow a further five pages of small print in double columns.]At his holy prayers have mercy on us, O God. Amen.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 7. Irmos.
The godless order of a lawless tyrant fanned the soaring flame; but Christ let fall the dew of the Spirit upon the god-fearing children.[55] He is blessed and highly exalted.[56]
mpregnable wall, sure help, my strength and song and salvation[57] are you, O Lady, make war on the demons who war against me and ever seek to put me to death.H
aving given God a body from your virgin blood, you made the human divine, O Virgin; and so by your prayers deliver me who am fouled by the passions and destroyed by the wiles of the foe.G
ave a foreshadowing the furnace of your giving birth, O All-blameless; for it did not burn up the Youths, just as the unendurable fire did not consume your womb; therefore I beseech you, deliver your servant from the everlasting fire.Of the Saint, the same Irmos.
Shining with the outpouring of the divine light, you clearly revealed the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father who has no beginning, and rests in the Son as inseparably consubstantial.
In you, blessed Saint, the sun of justice made his dwelling, [58] making you an ever-moving heaven, and by your theologian’s tongue, Beloved, Christ the highly glorious[59] is proclaimed.
The divine sound, the power of your words has gone out,[60] O holy and all-blessed, and your Gospel, higher than the world, has encompassed the whole earth with the greatness of its doctrines.
You alone displayed all-immaculate conceiving, child-birth without corruption, while remaining virgin; for you conceived God, who is over all, pure Virgin, when he became man for the salvation and redemption of believers.
Another. The Angel made the furnace.
Let us hymn the thunder which re-echoed to all the ends of the earth, through whom every senseless report has been removed from earth and Christ, the Maker of the universe is magnified.
The celebrated beauty of your house[61] makes every mind radiant. Assembled in it always in a manner fitting God, we hymn the Maker of all, and we praise you faithfully as our protector.
Knowing you to be a star radiating light, we beg you, Disciple of Christ, that by your mediation we may be enlightened by your dazzling beams and delivered from the darkness of the passions and from temptations of every kind.
We bless you, O all-blameless, who bore the blessed Lord, who crowned with his divine blessings the nature of mortals which lay under a curse, and made us new who had become old through corruption.
The godlike Children did not worship creation instead of the Creator, but bravely trampling on the threat of fire, rejoicing they sang: O highly exalted Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you![62]
Of the Mother of God. Ode 8.
A fiery furnace once in Babylon, by divine decree, divided its action, burning up the Chaldeans but refreshing the faithful who sang: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
or what is good, my soul, be zealous, keep far from wickedness through the harmony of godly deeds, for you have God’s Mother who intercedes for you as protection of all and who cannot be put to shame, for she is compassionate and loves humankind.E
ver pure Bearer of God you released humanity from the bond of the ancient condemnation; therefore I implore you, release every bond of wickedness of my heart, binding me with the divine love of the Creator.D
eck my heart, made gloomy by the dishonour of offences, with radiance, Mother of God, who gave birth to the splendour of the Father’s glory,[63] and make me a partaker of everlasting glory, that with faith I may glorify you.Of the Saint. Same Irmos.
Like a flash of light passing through the inhabited world, you appeared, blessed Saint, shining on the world with the radiance of chastity, the brightness of virginity and the doctrines of true religion, beloved of Christ our God.
Purified in body, soul and mind, you proclaimed the heavenly Gospel of Christ, and having become a companion of the Angels, you now cry out: All you works, bless the Lord![64]
You have become a radiant votive offering and a godly ornament of the heavenly temple and throne of perception and dwelling of wisdom, instrument of theology, as you sing: All you works, highly exalt the Lord!
That you might abolish the former curse and the sentence of death of the Foremother of old, you were born, O Word of God, from a Virgin, God’s Mother, bestowing on all indestructible immortality.
Another. You were a fount of dew.
You gained a skilful tongue, blessed saint, and gave life to those dead through wickedness who accepted your sacred preaching; therefore we honour you as initiate of ineffable mysteries.
As another Paradise has your divine house been revealed, O Apostle, delighting the souls of all with wonders as with flowers and dispelling the foul stench of the passions.
O God, my God, attend to me and deliver me each day from foes who assail me and who crush my lowly heart, for I have your godlike Disciple to intercede.
O full of God’s grace, ask Jesus the Saviour, who took his body from your pure blood, to have pity on your servants, and deliver us from eternal punishment.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.[65]
Of the Mother of God. Ode 9. Irmos.
The Son of the Father without beginning, God and Word, incarnate of a Virgin, has appeared to us, to give light to what is darkened, to gather what is scattered; and so the all-hymned Mother of God we magnify.
ropped Adam bitter death from the tree for tasting food that was not his;[66] but your Son, nailed to a tree, became a source of the sweetness of immortality, O Immaculate; for this we honour you.B
earing beyond understanding the King and Lord, who destroyed the palaces of Hell, you have become Queen, O Maiden; implore him insistently that all who honour you make be made worthy of the kingdom above.A
s you gave birth to the Good, and alone are good, Sovereign Lady, make good my lowly heart made wicked by the floods of pleasures, and bring me to the good gates of repentance.Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Now not dimly, but face to face,[67] you have been granted to see the flood of delight, the river of peace, and the fount of immortality; drawing from which you divine life.[68]
You asked to receive an earthly seat from Christ;[69] but he himself gave you his breast, O Theologian, leaning on which, the only sure stay,[70] you were enriched with goodness, O ornament of Apostles.
You quenched the godlessness of Greek wisdom, wise Apostle, when you proclaimed: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was truly God, though whom all things came to be, both visible and invisible.[71]
Like early dawn you were found, blazing in the night of life with the rays of virginity, revealing to us the dawn of the spiritual Sun of justice,[72] O all-honoured Mother of God.
Another. It is impossible for mortals.
Sovereign Lord of times and seasons, the Redeemer was hanged upon the tree in the middle of the day and entrusted to you, blessed Apostle, as a virgin, the Ever-Virgin,[73] giving an irremovable glory to magnify you.
Even as you join with the divine Powers above and with them cry aloud the divine song, save by your mediations, those who chant and praise in your holy house the One who is supremely good, O Apostle of Christ.
Save from every danger, blessed Theologian, us who with faith call on you for help, in spirit direct our paths towards the Lord and guide us to the way of peace, the commandments of the Almighty.
Let us now bring to God’s Mother an outstanding prayer of thanks, and let us now cry out: Hail, most high throne of God; hail cloud of light; hail, paradise, through whom may we be worthy of the delight of Paradise.
Let all born of earth bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial spirits honour and celebrate the wondrous sacred festival of the Mother of God, and let them cry: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and Ever-Virgin!
Exapostilarion. Women hear.
Becoming son of thunder[74] you proclaimed to mortals: In the beginning was the Word,[75] Apostle John; for faithfully leaning on your Master’s breast[76] and drawing thence the streams of theology, you water the whole creation.
As you stood by the Cross of your Lord, All-pure one, with the virgin Disciple, you heard from the creator: Woman, behold your son; while to the Disciple likewise he said: Behold your mother; with him we all hymn you, Virgin Mother of God.[77]
At Lauds we insert 4 prosomia.
Tone 8. O marvellous wonder.
Blessed and all-wise John, with fervent abundance of the love of Christ you appeared more loved than all Disciples; to the all-seeing Word, who judges the whole inhabited world by just scales of purity and chastity, shining brightly with beauties in body and mind, O blessed of God.
Lying on wisdom’s breast[78] you drew forth the streams of theology and watered the world, most excellent John, drying up the sea of godlessness with the knowledge of the Trinity, becoming a pillar and living cloud[79] guiding us to our heavenly inheritance.
The flowering of virginity, the acceptable dwelling of revered virtues, instrument of wisdom, the sacred enclosure of the Spirit, the light-bearing mouth of grace, the radiant eye of the Church, all-honoured John, let us now praise with spiritual sons as a servant of Christ.
Inspired Evangelist, proclaiming the good news of the source of good things, an unshakeable kingdom and eternal life, inexpressible joy and enjoyment of divine contemplation, richly given gifts of Christ, surpassing the mind and understanding of mortals, O offspring of thunder,[80] you shone on the world.
Tone 8.Evangelist John, Virgin equal to the Angels, Theologian taught by God, with right belief you proclaimed to the world the immaculate side which poured forth blood and water,[81] by which we procure eternal life for our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Lady, accept the supplications of your servants, and deliver us from every constraint and tribulation.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, Typika and from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Canons.
His sound has gone out into all the earth, and his words to the ends of the world. Alleluia.
Holy Protecting Veil of Ever-Virgin Mary.At Great Vespers
After the Opening Psalm,
Blessed is the man [1st Kathisma, 1st Section], we insert 6 [8 at a Vigil] Stichera, and sing the following Prosomia.Tone 1. O marvellous wonder!
O marvellous wonder! The pure Mother of God each day unfolds her Protecting Veil, and with her motherly care and grace manifestly protects from every assault those who look to her and cry: Hail, Full of grace, protection and help of the your race that faithfully magnifies you, O Virgin.
Ah, your wonders, Pure Virgin! For you marvellously unfolded your Protecting Veil and wondrously protected the Queen of cities; while later by the grace of your light-bearing Protection you openly saved the people that bears Christ’s name from hostile threat. Therefore, raising songs of grateful praise, rejoicing we commemorate your many wonders.
The choirs of believers, Sovereign Lady, proclaim your providence towards us, as we praise your mother’s care. For from of old in your compassion you placed us beneath your Protection, and declared the race of the Orthodox to be your chosen lot. Therefore, O Full of grace, we cry to you: Hail! and magnify the graces of your godly Protecting Veil.
Other Prosomia. Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
As we celebrate the memorial of your Protecting Veil, O Immaculate, we magnify your loving-kindness; because you rescue your race from every constraint and grant each day unstinted grace to those who praise the astounding mighty works of your glory and the greatness of its wonders.
Wondrously of old you invisibly unfolded your Protecting Veil and protected the Royal City, but now even more manifestly you protect us, immaculate Maiden, and you guard and keep safe from all affliction your new inheritance. Therefore we sing the praise of the gifts of your Protecting Veil, O Virgin, and your constant help.
In many ways, O Maiden, we know and clearly we have seen the manifestation of your holy Protection, shining out for by proofs and wonders, and with fervent tears we have glorified your abundant goodness, because you save us in dangers and grant joy to the afflicted and the suffering.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.Today your faithful people, Mother of God, whom you declared to be a holy nation and a special inheritance, honours the grace of your Protecting Veil, as they sing your songs of thanksgiving. For you have worked wonders and marvels among us in past generations, but now also you protect us and give us strength, you have rescued us from foes who assail us and have filled our souls with joy. Therefore we confess your grace and taking refuge in your radiant Protection, we fervently cry out, ‘Until the end of the age, Queen of all, protect those who unhesitatingly call out to you.
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day and the readings.The Reading is from Numbers.
9:15-23]On the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, the house of the testimony. And at evening it was over the tabernacle like the appearance of fire until morning. So it was continually. The cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night. And whenever the cloud went up from the tent, after that the people of Israel set out. And in the place where the cloud stopped, there the people of Israel encamped. At the command of the Lord the people of Israel encamped, and at the command of the Lord they set out. ‘For as many days as the cloud overshadows the tabernacle, the children of Israel will remain in camp. Even when the cloud has continued over the tabernacle many days, the children of Israel will keep the charge of the Lord, and they are not to set out. And it shall that whenever the cloud covers the tabernacle for a number of days, in accordance with the word of the Lord they will remain in camp, and in accordance with the command of the Lord they will set out. And it shall be that whenever the cloud remains from evening until morning; and that the cloud goes up in the morning, they will set out by day or by night. When the cloud overshadows it for a month, or longer, the children of Israel shall remain in camp and not set out. Because they will set out at the command of the Lord’. They kept the charge of the Lord, at the command of the Lord by Moses.
The Reading is from Exodus.
40:15-32]And it came to pass in the first month in the second year since the children of Israel had set out from Egypt, at the new moon the tabernacle was erected. And Moses erected the tabernacle; he laid its capitals, put in its bars, and raised up its pillars. And he spread the curtains over the tabernacle, and put the covering of the tabernacle over it, as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he took the testimonies and put them into the ark, and put the poles under the ark, and put the covering of the veil on it and covered the ark of testimony, as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he put the table in the tabernacle of testimony, on the north side, outside the veil of the tabernacle. And he set the bread of the on it before the Lord; as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he put the lampstand in the tabernacle of testimony, on the south side of the tabernacle, and set up its lamps before the Lord; as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he put the golden altar in the tabernacle of testimony before the veil, and on it he burnt incense that had been compounded; as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he set the altar of burnt offering at the door of the tabernacle. And he set the court round the tabernacle of testimony. So Moses finished the whole work. Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of testimony, and the tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord. And Moses was not able to enter the tabernacle of testimony because the cloud overshadowed it, and the tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord. Whenever the cloud went up from the tabernacle, the children of Israel would move off with their baggage. but if the cloud did not go up, then they did not move off until the day that the cloud did go up. For the cloud was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all Israel at every stage of their journey.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Ezekiel.
43:27-44:4]It shall be from the eighth day and upwards, the Priests shall make your holocausts upon the altar, and those for your salvation; and I shall accept you, says the Lord. And he turned me back by the way of the outer gate of the Holy Place, which looks towards the east, and it was shut. And the Lord said to me: This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no one shall pass through it, because the Lord, the God of Israel, will enter through it, and it shall be shut. Therefore this prince shall sit in it to eat bread. By the way of the Elam of the gate he shall enter, and by that way he shall go out. And he brought me by the way of the gate towards the North, opposite the House; and I saw, and behold the whole house of the Lord was full of glory.
At the Liti, Idiomels.
Tone 1.
Every country of the Orthodox, rejoice, for you are protected by the Protecting Veil of the all-praised Mother of God. For invisibly she, the Mother of the unsetting Light, unfolding it like a cloud of light, wraps you around, protects you from every side and turns back the regiments of enemies both perceptible and immaterial. Therefore with triumphant voice proclaim the grace you have been given, and resoundingly praise the Virgin who protects you, crying aloud, ‘Hail, Full of grace, the Lord is with you, he who through you grants the world his great mercy!’
Tone 2.
As a radiant Queen you appeared to venerable Andrew, manifesting yourself invisibly in the church of Vlachernae, Mother of God, and you protected the queen of cities by unfolding your Protecting Veil, while you have filled us with joy by the exercise of your aid. But, Virgin all-praised, our protection and help, keep our race safe, we beg, from every assault.
Tone 3.
Of old the cloud covered the tabernacle of witness, foreshadowing, O Virgin, the mystery accomplished by you. But now your Protecting Veil, formed like lightning, covers and overshadows, as a bird her nestlings, the people that bears the name of Christ, and that fervently has recourse to you. And this you made manifest to the royal city though an ineffable appearance. Revealing your goodness towards us. Therefore, as we celebrate the memory of this, we proclaim the benefits you have shown us and your solicitude for us, because you save us at each moment from every affliction.
Tone 4.
Your Protecting Veil, Virgin Mother of God, shining out more brightly than the rays of the sun, glorious and astounding, wondrous and saving, works for our preservation. For of old, working marvels beyond nature, it saved the Queen of cities many times from unexpected dangers and disasters. Now too, All-immaculate, by your rich goodness, it rescues us from every constraint, and grants refreshing dew and gladness of heart in afflictions. As we acclaim it wonders, we bring you our festive praise, from our souls cry out, ‘Do not take your defence from us, pure Maiden, but protect and guard us, who are your inheritance.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 5.Today the Queen of all, the Virgin Mother, spreading out her Protecting Veil formed of light, like a mother protects our race. Come, then, Orthodox peoples, let us with pure minds contemplate the Mother of God’s abundant providence for us. Because she is near us in good times and in afflictions, and she safely guides us to the aim of our calling on high, and, as Mother of God, she obtains for us grace and mercy and eternal salvation.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 5.
Hail, pure Mother of God, inexhaustible fount of goodness, protection and fervent defence of the Orthodox, and comfort in afflictions. For in you, All-unblemished, we always take refuge, and by your grace we truly obtain salvation, peace and redemption. Therefore we praise the wonders of your divine Protecting Veil and we magnify, O Maiden, the acts of compassion of your foreknowledge, through which you ever save from disasters of every kind those who have put their trust in you.
The Most High has sanctified his tabernacle.In a radiant vision you appeared to God-bearing Andrew in the church of Vlachernae, as pure Sovereign far above the world, spiritually protecting your inheritance. And so as we celebrate the yearly memorial of this, we praise the greatness of your glory, and we, your people, cry to you, All-pure One, ‘Protect and guard with your Protecting Veil, O Virgin, us, whom you showed of old to be your portion, granting us all, O Maiden, joy, peace and great mercy’.
The rich among the people of the land will entreat your favour.Unwaveringly confident in your shining Protecting Veil, pure Virgin, and the hope of your firm defence, your Orthodox people routed the arrogance of the foe. And so they raise their song of thankful praise and celebrate today the resplendent festival of your Protecting Veil, and fervently cry to you, pure Maiden, ‘You are my protection and champion and great rampart, and saved by your grace, All-holy, I sing your praise. But, Sovereign Lady, deliver me from future oppressive trials.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 8.The manifold displays of your saving Protection for your race, O Immaculate, astound every ear. For both of old and now in every way and at every time you come and deliver us from every constraint by ways that you know, Lover of goodness. Therefore Sovereign Lady all-praised, do not to show us your ancient mercies until the end of the age, for we are your flock.
Apolytikion. Tone 1. Citizen of the desert.
We sing the praise of the graces of your Protecting Veil, O Virgin, which like a light-bearing cloud you unfold beyond understanding, and you spiritually protect your people from every assault of their foe. For we have gained you as Protection and defender and helper, as we cry out to you: Glory to your mighty deeds, O Pure one; glory to your Protection; glory to your providence towards us, O Immaculate!
Another. Tone 8. Mother of God Ever-Virgin.
Mother of God Ever-Virgin, you have given your holy Protection, through which you protect those who hope in you, as a mighty refuge for your race. For as of old so now you have wondrously saved us, enveloping your people like a spiritual cloud. And so we implore you to grant peace to your commonwealth, and to our souls God’s great mercy.
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
We sing the praise, Pure Virgin, of your holy Protection, which, in your goodness and motherly compassion, at every moment protects and watches over us, whom you have declared to be your lot and chosen part. But guard us also, Sovereign Lady, in future need.
After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
Venerable Andrew was amazed when in the church of Vlachernae he saw you unfolding for us your godly Robe, which is guarded there, pure Maiden, and reveals to all the grace of your protection, through which you protect and save us from every affliction.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
As you unfold each day your holy and wondrous Protection, which the cloud in the Law prefigured, you enfold your race, O Maiden, that looks intently for your goodness, and ever awaits the help which you give, Mother of God. And at all times turn the mad rage of enemies from us who sing the praise of the greatness of your wonders, as you intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of faults to us who celebrate with love your all-radiant Protection.
The 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone and the Prokeimenon.
I will remember your name in every generation.
I will be protected by the protection of your wings.Matins Gospel of the 8th of September.
Psalm 50.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the all-immaculate, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Idiomel. Tone 6.
Verse Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; according to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.
Today the all-praised Virgin, unfolding her shining Protection, manifested clearly to the faithful her rich good favour in good times and in afflictions; therefore as we, who are protected by her, praise her grace, let us cry out with joy: Hail, Full of grace, Mother of God, who save our race and safely accompany us and guide us to the way of salvation.
Then are sung the following two Canons of the Mother of God.
First Canon, of which the acrostic is:
You are the Protection of believers,
O Virgin. By Gerasimos.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos.
I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother, and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.
As all-pure Mother of God, grant me wisdom, and give me eloquence that I may radiantly praise the wonders of your holy Protection, through which you always protect those who honour you.
You unfolded from above the lighting blaze of your Protecting Veil, and sheltered under it not only the queen of cites but your whole race that bears the name of Christ.
Venerable Andrew saw you of old in an ineffable vision in the church of Vlachernae, Pure Virgin, protecting the ends of the world by the unfurling of your godly Robe.
Your race’s army, taking invincible strength from your Protection, defeated regiments of foes and won a radiant victory. And so, Sovereign Lady, it sings your mighty deeds.
Second Canon, of which the acrostic is:
I hymn the Protection of the Mother of God. By Gerasimos.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Moses’ rod once drowned.
Protection and fervent help of the world, Pure Virgin Mother, who gave birth ineffably to God the Word, by your rich grace make clear my voice who magnify in song your most wondrous Protection.
Adorned with embroideries of the Spirit as queen of the universe, and blazing with rays brighter than the sun, you appeared and spiritually unfolded your Protecting Veil, and you protected your people, O Virgin, who hope in you.
The cloud in the Law, which covered the Tent of Witness, prefigured of old your holy Protection; for each day you cover, bedew and warm the Church, O All-blameless, with the overshadowing of your Protecting Veil.
Full of light, full of mercy, Sovereign Lady, you were mystically present in the church of Vlachernae, and with splendour you displayed the singular grace of your kindness towards us by the unfurling of your Protecting Veil. Therefore, as is fitting, we sing your praise.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
First Canon.
Ode 3. Irmos.
O Mother of God, as a living and bounteous source, establish those united in spiritual fellowship who sing you hymns of praise, and by your divine protection grant them crowns of glory.
Your Protection, formed of light, is a source of heavenly joy, O All-unblemished, ever awarding to those who wrestle with afflictions grace, mercy and salvation.
From the beginning through compassion you placed us, as a chosen race, beneath your Protecting Veil, O Virgin, and both of old and now you have worked strange and wondrous things, rescuing us from dangers.
When godly Epiphanios heard the words of Venerable Andrew, he saw you as a heavenly queen protecting the people that bears Christ’s name.
As we see the multitude of wonders of your godly Protection, O Virgin, which you work everyday for our preservation, we, the multitudes of believers, bring you thankful praises.
Second Canon.
Christ who made firm the heavens.
Your all-radiant Protection, Mother of God, ever blazing with bolts of immaterial light, dissolves the gloomy plots of the enemies, but gladdens the minds of the faithful with your glory.
You were the fulfilment of the Law, Pure Virgin, in giving birth beyond explanation to him who spoke to the Prophets in types and revealed to the world the fulfilment of the light of Law, your radiant Protection. And so we sing the praise of your glory.
Each single day we run like nestlings beneath your Protecting Veil, Pure Virgin. Therefore protect us from the arrows of the serpent, giving to us peace and security of life.
In giving birth to God the Word, you were revealed as cause of ten thousand blessings for the human race, and by your Protection, O Virgin, you rescue from ten thousand constraints and trials and afflictions those who honour you.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
Kathisma. Tone 3.
You appeared, O All-praised, as Protection, salvation, help and defence of your Orthodox peoples; therefore we magnify your Protection and we proclaim your fervent defence, All-pure Maiden, who protect our souls from every assault of the dragon. Twice.
First Canon.
Ode 4. Irmos.
The One seated in glory on the throne of the Godhead, Jesus, the One above all godhead, has come on a light cloud and with his unsullied palm has saved those who cry: Glory, O Christ, to your power!
Invisibly unfolding your shining Protection, each day you protect, encompass, cherish and save from every affliction those who cry to you: Glory, O Virgin, to your glory!
The revelation of your great goodness, O Maiden, and your distribution of the gifts which your ever show to our race, amaze mind and thought. And so, Sovereign Lady, we sing the praise of your grace.
Being present invisibly you clearly revealed to your servants your all-holy Protection in Byzantium of old, O Bride of God. Through it you ever protect us, for you love goodness.
Having you, O Maiden, as defence in dangers, respite in slavery, guide and assistance in all the circumstances of our life, we take refuge under your shining Protection.
Second Canon. You are my strength.
By the overshadowing of your Protecting Veil, Mother of God, you dispel from our hearts the night of passions, for you are loving, and you make the day of joy and the brightness of gladness shine out; and you make radiant those who cry out to you: Hail, the world’s Protection filled with light.
From you God appeared to the world as man, born from your blood, and revealed you as the mighty Protection of the world, O Virgin, and help in afflictions; for you always shelter and rescue from dangers those who with love have recourse to your Protection.
As you bore in your womb the King of the universe, you appeared as queen of all things, escorted by godlike Saints, and spiritually you revealed to us the manifestations of your holy Protection by your most godly appearing, O All-immaculate.
Your wondrous and dazzling Protection, through which, O All-praised, you protect and save every soul of the devout, we who are saved through it from dread trials praise and faithfully cry out to you: Hail, Maiden, help of mortals!
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
First Canon.
Ode 5. Irmos.
The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who knew not wedlock, held in your womb the God who is over all and gave birth to an eternal Son, who gives salvation as the prize to all who sing your praise.
Your suppliant people, O All-praised, celebrates the holy memory of your Protecting Veil, for you came to the church of Vlachernae and there, O Immaculate, you spiritually protected all those who faithfully glorify you.
By your visitation, pure Maiden, destroy the insolence of the hostile lion who goes roaring each day to swallow down your inheritance, and overthrow his arrogance and pride.
As we celebrate the memory of your light-bearing Protection, we sing you thanksgivings for salvation, O Virgin, for you have delivered us from bitter slavery and mightily humbled the overweening enemy who came against us.
As a godly jar of alabaster of the All-holy Spirit, Mother of God full of grace, show me, who with faith ever take refuge under your Protection and sing the praise of your glory, to be a vessel of divine grace.
Second Canon. Why have you rejected me?
Your holy Protection, like a cloud all of light unfurled upon your servants, O Maiden, as Isaias says, rescues from the evil heat of the assault of Beliar, and bedews us with your grace.
You clearly displayed a great wonder, O All-blameless, for the safe-keeping of your faithful people; for you sheltered them invisibly with your godlike hands by your honoured Veil. Therefore rejoicing we all praise you.
In the wilderness of old a shining cloud protected the Israelite people, O Maiden; while now your all-radiant Protecting Veil protects us and guides us, and directs us to the light of your Son’s commandments every day.
The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who knew not wedlock, held in your womb the God who is over all and gave birth to an eternal Son, who gives salvation as the prize to all who sing your praise.
First Canon.
Ode 6. Irmos.
Come godly-minded people, as we celebrate this divine and honoured feast of the Mother of God, let us clap our hands as we glorify the God who was born from her.
By night a pillar of fire once guided the Israelite people, while now, O Immaculate, your Protecting Veil, formed like lightning, ever guides us to salvation.
Unfolding your Protection, wholly light, you protect us each day, All-pure Virgin, as we now know. What return then shall we make you for your grace?
Of old and now you have shown us to be your own chosen portion and a people for your won possession, O Maiden. Therefore the company of the Orthodox sings your praise.
Your faithful and God-loving people, O Maiden, proclaims your grace and, delivered from dangers and perils, sings a song of thanksgiving to your Protection.
Second Canon. Be merciful to me, Saviour.
In truth, O Queen of the universe, you appeared all light and wondrously unfolded your most pure Protection, protecting your servants. Therefore we sing the praise of your great loving-kindness.
The Cherubim once overshadowed the ark under the Law; while now your Protection protects the Church of Christ, All blessed one, overshadows her and grants unstinted grace.
The Israel of old was led by a cloud to the Promised Land, while the new Israel is guided by your Protecting Veil towards unending life.
Round us you throw your radiant Protection, O most pure, like fire consuming the foolish, saving us from their folly. Therefore we glorify you.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
Kontakion. Tone 8. To you, my Champion.
Like a cloud brightly overshadowing the whole company of the Church, O all-pure, you appeared of old on the royal City. But as the Protection and Champion of your people, protect from every affliction us who cry to you: Hail, Protection wholly light.
The Ikos.
Unfolding from on high your holy Protection, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, you protect and save your people, who cry out to you, Pure Maiden, hour by hour, while now they gratefully sing the praise of your wonders as they cry: Hail, Protection, wholly light!
Hail, gate of salvation.
Hail, Protection of the Church.
Hail, wondrous vision of the Angels.
Hail, unshakeable support of mortals.
Hail, Ever-Virgin Mother of Christ the universal King.
Hail, Protection and assistance of your faithful people.
Hail, for you appeared protecting your race.
Hail, for you grant victories to the troops.
Hail, source of abundant goodness.
Hail, lamp of God’s loving-kindness.
Hail, for through you we conquer the foe.
Hail, for to you we cry out each day:
Hail, Protection wholly light!
On the 1st [28th] of the month we celebrate the commemoration of the Protecting Veil of our most holy Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, who ever gives special protection to the Orthodox people, as of old she protected the Queen of cities.
Those who with faith, pure Virgin, look to you
With your Protection you protect and cherish.
Protection of God’s Mother veils God’s people.
Once, during an all-night vigil that was being celebrated in the holy shrine in Vlachernae, the blessed Andrew went there, as was his custom. Epiphanios was there also with one of his children. He was would stand there, as his custom was, because his fervour gave him strength, sometimes until midnight, sometimes until dawn. And so, when it was already about eleven o’clock at night, the blessed Andrew saw with his own eyes a most extraordinary vision coming in female form from the royal doors with a dread entourage, among which was the honoured Forerunner and the son thunder, holding her by the hand on either side, and many Saints, robed in white, went before her; while others followed with hymns and spiritual songs. When she drew near the ambo, Andrew approached Epiphanios and said, ‘Do you see the Lady and Mistress of the world?’ He replied, ‘Yes, my spiritual father.’
And as they watched, she bowed her knees and prayed for a long time, shedding tears down her godlike and immaculate face. After her prayer, she advanced to the sanctuary, where she entreated for the people present. So when she had removed the veil which she was wearing on her most-pure head and which had the appearance of lightning, she unrolled it and taking it with great reverence in her all-pure hands — it was large and awesome — spread it out above all the people who were standing there. The saints saw it stretched out over the people for a number of hours and blazing with the gory of the Lord like amber. As long as the most holy Mother of God was there, it was visible also, but after she had departed, it was no longer to be seen. For while she indeed took it with, she felt behind her grace for those who were there.
At the prayers of your most pure Mother, Christ God, have mercy and protect us from visible and invisible enemies and save our souls. Amen.
First Canon.
Ode 7. Irmos.
The godlike Children did not worship creation instead of the Creator, but bravely trampling on the threat of fire, rejoicing they sang: O highly exalted Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you!
You have placed us, Sovereign Lady, under your Protecting Veil, and you ever protect us from dread abuse, assault of foes and every affliction. Therefore with upraised voices we all sing your praise to the ages.
You protected the royal city of Constantine as your chosen part, Pure Virgin; likewise you now protect with your glory, All-blameless Lady, us who take refuge in your fervent defence.
The wondrous overshadowing of our race with your godlike Protection, Pure Virgin, clearly manifests your providence, through which you grant joy and peace to our souls.
Unhusbanded, O All-pure, you husbanded Christ, the Husbandman of our life; as cause of our joy you appeared to those who sang, Hail, Sovereign Lady of our race, saviour and sweet help.
Second Canon. God’s condescension.
The living house in which God Most High made his dwelling, the Pure Mother of God, was seen of old in her house and unfolding her Veil she wondrously protected those who had put their trust in her.
We are wholly unable to comprehend the greatness of your goodness towards us, O Maiden; for as a truly loving mother you protect, cherish and nourish us each day. And so we sing the praise of your godly Protection.
God-bearing Andrew in an immaterial vision saw you in mind spiritually unfolding your radiant Protection for your suppliants, and he praised you marvellous works, that are beyond reason and understanding.
Of old a cloud of light covered the tent of witness; while now your wondrous and most radiant Protection, immaculate Maiden, covers the Church of Christ day and night as the mountain of God.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
Ode 8. First Canon. Irmos.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
TwiceIn many ways you revealed of old the force of your Protection, Mother of God, by signs and wonders and countless deeds of power, acting as our Champion every day, O All-pure; while now we sing the praise of your saving wondrous works.
Your chosen people, O All-blameless, faithfully receiving force and strength from your godly Protection, ever escapes from afflictions that attack them and from warlike foes, and remains unharmed by any madness, Mother of God, through your solicitude.
From on high, Immaculate Virgin, unfold your holy and most radiant Protection, and as of old protect us and keep us safe from foes who attack us, and deliver your inheritance from their wickedness and assault.
Venerable Andrew and venerable and godly Epiphanios saw you unfolding the Protecting Veil that had protected your immaculate body, Mother of God Ever-Virgin, and they were amazed; for you protected all, O Maiden, with immaterial light and heavenly glory.
Second Canon. The One who was glorified.
To those who walk in the night of life, Pure Virgin, your all-holy Protection grants divine force, light and salvation and directs them all to the repose of eternal life.
The choirs of the Bodiless Powers and of the Saints, seeing you, Pure Virgin, in your holy church unfolding your sacred veil and protecting the world, praised the fount of your mercy.
Protection of the world, wider than a cloud, are you, pure Mother of God, salvation of mortals; and so, as we celebrate with love the commemoration of your honoured Protection, we praise the multitudes of your wonders.
Having gained you, pure Virgin, as a mighty defence in life and unbreakable hope, we take refuge under your mighty Protection, and we are rescued from the stumbling-blocks of the Trickster as we sing the praise of your grace.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
Ode 9. First Canon. Irmos.
Angels magnify in hymns the Protection of the Mother of God, for it protects the choirs of believers in every place.
Let all born of earth bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial spirits honour and celebrate the wondrous sacred festival of the Mother of God, and let them cry: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and Ever-Virgin!
Twice.Angels, seeing the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God were amazed at how it protects and saves those who trust in it.
The dew which falls in drops from your Godly Protection as from an immaterial cloud, O Immaculate, becomes healing for us and brings to an end sicknesses of soul and body for those who cry: Hail, Ever-Virgin, our joy and consolation!
Angels and mortals honour your revered Protection, Sovereign Lady, for by it you protect all those who faithfully sing your praise.
The Church of the faithful celebrates a sacred memorial of your wonders to your glory and praise, O All-blameless, and with faith taking refuge under your Protection, cries out to you: Protect and guard me until my life’s end, O All-praised.
Angels and mortals magnify the Protecting Veil of the All-pure, for it protects and saves all who honour it.
With all our soul let us gather to your godly Protection, immaculate Lady, bringing thankful praise with fervent gratitude, for you haveerial cloud, O Immaculate, becomes healing for us and brings to an end sicknesses of soul and body for those who cry: Hail, Ever-Virgin, our joy and consolation!
Angels and mortals honour your revered Protection, Sovereign Lady, for by it you protect all those who faithfully sing your praise.
The Church of the faithful celebrates a sacred memorial of your wonders to your glory and praise, O All-blameless, and with faith taking refuge under your Protection, cries out to you: Protect and guard me until my life’s end, O All-praised.
Angels and mortals magnify the Protecting Veil of the All-pure, for it protects and saves all who honour it.
With all our soul let us gather to your godly Protection, immaculate Lady, bringing thankful praise with fervent gratitude, for you have chosen us for your own and you treat us kindly in all things; you guide us and save us from afflictions.
Immaculate Virgin who bore God, save your flock, protecting it with your Protecting Veil and caring for it in every way.
From above, pure Virgin, keep your godly Protection around your people like a rampart with a wealth of loving-kindness; while to me, who have now woven for you songs of praise, give enlightenment and illumination, I implore, and forgiveness of faults.
Second Canon. Heaven was amazed.
Magnify, O my soul, the all-holy Protection of the pure Virgin.
Bending with motherly love, O Maiden, towards your people who fervently hope in you, for you are compassionate, in a strange manner you spiritually unfolded for them your godly Protection like a cloud of light. And so as we proclaim the wealth of your loving-kindness, Mother of God, we magnify you.
Magnify, O my soul, the light-bearing Protection of the only Mother of God.
Your Son, O Immaculate, who of old guided an ungrateful people with a cloud like a pillar, revealed you as a spiritual and living cloud that wondrously protects and saves for a land of incorruption the chosen people, O Pure One, by your ardent presence.
Magnify, O my soul, the Godhead without beginning in three Persons.
Raising your hands to God you implore on our behalf the One who came forth from you, and thence, unfolding spiritually your light-bearing Protection, you protected all the faithful. And so, as we celebrate its yearly memorial, Mother of God, we magnify you.
Both now.
Magnify, O my soul, the wonderful mighty deeds of the All-immaculate Maiden.
As we sing the praise of the manifold gifts of your Protection and its unstinted grace, pure Mother, which we unceasingly enjoy, we cry out to you from our souls: As of old you protected your people, so now too protect us with your hand and save us until our life’s end, O Immaculate.
Katavasia, the Irmos of the 1st Canon.
Exapostilarion. As God you adorned.
Your godly Protection, Maiden Mother of God, overshadows the faithful; and protects and guides the Orthodox flock and preserves it unscathed from dangers of every kind.
Another. Same melody.
By your mighty Protection and unsleeping intercession, O Maiden, guard the race of the Orthodox unharmed. For we have all gained you as refuge in troubles.
At Lauds.
We insert 4 stichera, and sing the following Prosomia.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
The Ever-Virgin Maiden and pure Mother of God, ally and Protection of the attacked, and above all refuge and ready help, let us all praise as is fitting, as we magnify her Protection.
Your all-holy and dazzling Protection, which you unfold each day like a cloud of light, and with which you manifestly protect and cover us, in good fortune and in disasters, as we have learned, O Virgin, with gladness we call blessed.
Of old the queen of cities, O Virgin, escaped from dangers and fearful wars by your divine and wondrous Protection, while today your people by its grace escapes from troubles, disasters and calamities.
How wondrous the grace of your kindness, O Virgin, for your people both of old and now. And so, as we take refuge each day under your revered Protection, we find deliverance from every assault and participation in blessings of every kind.
Glory. Both now. Tone 5.
The gifts of your Protecting Veil, O Mother of God, unfolded in every place like the beams of the sun, bring us graces in countless ways; for they drive out the gloom of diseases, rout the regiments of foes, dispel the fog of unlooked for disasters and grant us lasting peace. But, O Virgin Full of grace, accept our thankful hymns, we beg, and be for us an ally and defender until the ends of the age.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
Typika and Beatitudes, from the 3rd Ode of the 1st Canon and the 6th Ode of the 2nd. Or, if you wish, the following Antiphons.
Verse 1:
The Queen stood at your right hand in a garment of gold, of many colours.At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Verse 2:
All the glory of the king’s daughter is within.At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Verse 3:
The rich among your people will entreat your favour.At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Glory. Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Verse 1:
The whole earth is full of your praise, O Lord.Son of God, wonderful in the Saints, save us who sing to you: Alleluia.
Verse 2:
The day of the Lord comes against everyone who is arrogant and proud, and against everyone who is high and exalted.Son of God, wonderful in the Saints, save us who sing to you: Alleluia.
Verse 3:
The Lord Sabaoth shakes the glorious with strength, and the exalted will be crushed by arrogance.Son of God, wonderful in the Saints, save us who sing to you: Alleluia.
Glory. Both now.
Only-begotten Son and Word of God…
Verse 1:
I will remember your name in every generation.We sing the praise of the graces of your Protecting Veil, O Virgin, which like a light-bearing cloud you unfold beyond understanding, and you spiritually protect your people from every assault of their foe. For we have gained you was Protection and defender and helper, as we cry out to you: Glory to your mighty deeds, O Pure one; glory to your Protection; glory to your providence towards us, O Immaculate!
Verse 2:
Therefore the peoples will give thanks to you for ever and to age on age.We sing the praise…
Verse 3:
Myrrh and fragrant oil and cassia from your garments.We sing the praise…
Kontakion. Tone 8. To you, my Champion
Like a cloud brightly overshadowing the whole company of the Church, O all-pure, you appeared of old on the royal City. But as the Protection and Champion of your people, protect us from every affliction us as we cry to you: Hail, Protection wholly light.
Prokeimenon. Tone 3.
[Song of the Mother of God. Luke 1]
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God, my Saviour.
For he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden; and behold, from henceforth all generations will call me blessed.Apostle.
The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.
9:1-7]Brethren, now the first tabernacle had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary. For a tabernacle was constructed, the first one, in which were the lampstand, the table, and the bread of the Presence; this is called the Holy Place. Behind the second curtain was a tabernacle called the Holy of Holies. In it stood the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which there were a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; above it were the Cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot speak now in detail. Such preparations having been made, the priests go continually into the first tabernacle to carry out their ritual duties; but only the high priest goes into the second, and he but once a year, and not without taking the blood that he offers for himself and for the sins committed in ignorance by the people.
Alleluia. Tone 8
[Psalm 44]Verse 1:
Hear, O Daughter, and see, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father’s house.Verse 2:
The rich among the people of the land will entreat your favour.At
Above all.Angels magnify in hymns the Protection of the Mother, for it protects the choirs of believers in every place.
Let all born of earth bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial spirits honour and celebrate the wondrous sacred festival of the Mother of God, and let them cry: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and Ever-Virgin!
I will take the cup of salvation, and I will call on the name of the Lord. Alleluia.
You are the Protection of Orthodox Christians, O Virgin, protecting all the faithful. And so your people takes refuge in your Protection, and with faith magnifies your watchful care.
6 Oct. Commemoration of the holy Apostle Thomas.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 stichera and we sing 3 prosomia of the Apostle, doubling them.Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
You handled the Master’s side, all-blessed Apostle, and grasped the summit of blessings; for like a sponge you soaked up streams from there, the source of good things and eternal life, and you watered hearts dried up through ignorance of God, as you well up with the doctrines of the knowledge of God.
By your believing unbelief you confirmed believers when you began to speak of him as God and Lord of all creation, he who bore flesh for us who are on earth and who endured the Cross and death and the holes of the nails and who was pierced by a lance in his side, from which we draw life.
Wondrous Thomas opened up the source of doctrines, Master, for the godly; for when he handled your side he was fittingly initiated into the double energy with the two essences, and he cried out: You are my God and Master, you are the Lord of glory, who became flesh for my sake.
Tone 6.As a servant of the Word and of his ineffable incarnation, Apostle Thomas, you drew from the depth of wisdom; for searching with the reed of the Cross, you caught souls from the depth of deception. Therefore you enlightened the whole inhabited world with the net of your doctrines, and made the clouded souls of the Indians bright with the light of knowledge. And so, as you radiantly enjoy Christ’s glory, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine who gave bud to the fruit of life; intercede, we beseech you, Sovereign Lady, with the Apostles and all the saints that he have mercy on our souls.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Christ, the lover of mankind, drew you out like a pearl from the abyss of the confusion of the world, Apostle Thomas, and through you he enriched those who were in doubt and involved in the poverty of dread deeds. And so we call you blessed and glorify with songs of praise you festive memorial, as we devoutly honour you.
His sound has gone out into all the earth, and his words the ends of the world.Sacred Apostle who looked on God, you made the whole land of the Indians radiant, for you enlightened them all and by the Spirit, wise Saint, you made them children of the light and of the day; you smashed the temples of the idols and by grace you raised up churches to God’s glory and praise, blessed Intercessor for our souls.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.With your restless hand, Thomas, you searched God’s side and the wounds of the nails, which he underwent for us, and as you joyfully changed your unbelief to fair belief you cried out: You are my Lord and my God, and I glorify you, lover of mankind, who by your passion pour forth dispassion for believers.
Tone 6. By Anatolios.
You gazed on the divine mysteries of Christ, Apostle Thomas, and mystically you have been declared to be a spiritual mixing bowl, in which the souls of believers rejoice; for with the divine net of the Spirit you drew peoples from the deep of ignorance; therefore you came from Sion as a river of grace, welling up with your inspired doctrines into the whole creation. And so, imitating the passion of Christ, you were pierced in the side and entered the darkness of incorruption; implore him to have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Having placed all your hope.
When to mind there comes the thought of the dread judgement seat of your Son, All-pure Virgin, and the universal tribunal, I am in despair, trembling and terrified at the examination of my deeds; for they are all worthless and filled with every kind of shame, and truly worthy of darkness and punishment and rejection. See my distress, and see the abasement of my soul, and deliver me from every constraint and punishment.
Apolytikion. Tone 3.
Holy Apostle Thomas, intercede with the merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.
At Matins
The usual reading from the Psalter. After the 3rd reading, Kathisma.
Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
Let us all praise the Apostle and Disciple of Christ with hymns on his commemoration; for in a manner fitting God he has confirmed our minds in the Lord, having handled the marks of the nails as he sought firm belief, and he intercedes unrelentingly that he have mercy on our souls.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Implore the God and Lord who was incarnate of you, Holy Lady, for the sake of us who were corrupted by sins, to take pity on us and to turn away his anger and rage from those who cry out with faith and unceasingly praise the mighty deeds of his grace.
Then the Canons of the Oktoichos and the following of the Apostle, of which the Acrostic is.
I marvel at Thomas, filled with marvels.
A composition by Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 4.
Implore the Son of God without beginning, the Word of God, who appeared on earth in form like us, whom you saw, glorious Apostle, and whose hands and side you handled with your palm, to save your servants.
My God, Jesus, who knows what is hidden, and who tests minds and examines hearts, made you, all-blessed Thomas, a servant and witness and godly Apostle of his theophany.
A river of mystic waters you have been declared, Thomas, watering the face of the earth and the body of the Church with streams of the knowledge of God, and by the surge of the Spirit driving away the deception of belief in many gods.
You are the overthrower of death and corruption, All-hymned Mother of God, for you bore Christ the source of incorruption, who made human nature lovely with grace of immortality, O all-blameless.
Ode 3. Let us not boast.
Virtue’s beauty and wonders adorning you, Apostle who saw God, you shone on the ugliness of the Indians with the divine light and made their darkness bright with faith.
Set aflame by the splendour, by the action of the Spirit, you were sent out, inspired Thomas, like a shaft of divine light and enlightened the world with wonders.
Like the swiftness of passing lightning, Apostle Thomas, initiated into the doctrines of divine wisdom, you have made radiant the ends of the earth.
Virgin who did not know wedlock and who bore God incarnate, establish me, who am battered by the assaults of the passions; for there is no help but yours, O Immaculate.
The Irmos.
Let us not boast in wisdom and power and wealth, but in you, O Christ, the empersonned wisdom of God the Father. For none is holy but you, O Lover of mankind.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Catching in the net of the divine words spiritual fish, you offered them as firstfruits to our God; and being granted to put on the support of Christ, you have been revealed as an imitator of his passion; therefore we have assembled and honour as is fitting, glorious Apostle, your all-festive memory, and with one voice we cry to you: Intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Let us hymn the heavenly gate and ark, the all-holy mountain, the cloud of light, the bush unburned, the spiritual Paradise, the ransom of Eve, the great foundation of the whole inhabited world; because in her salvation was wrought for the world and forgiveness of ancient offences; and so we cry to her: Intercede with your Son and God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who devoutly worship your all-holy child-bearing.
Ode 4. The One seated in glory.
Using the greatest proof of marvels, and radiantly displaying the glory of divine doctrines, you grasped by your preaching the whole inhabited world, which cries out: Glory, O Christ, to your power!
Thomas, blessed and all-honoured, we praise you as an eye-witness and zealous servant of the Word, a witness of his glory and majesty, as a faithful steward and Apostle.
O blessed and all-revered Thomas, fixing a corner-stone as base, you constructed for those who believe as it were a bridal chamber and heavenly tabernacle.
We name the all-holy Virgin earth unploughed, which produced the ear of life, light cloud, source of the rain which gives life, as we cry out: Glory, O Christ, to your power!
Ode 5.
Apostle, made radiant by Christ’s glory and having handled his life-giving side, you drew on an unfathomable abyss of blessing and enriched the world.
At your first entrance Thomas was not present and did not believe the Disciples; but afterwards, brought to belief, he cried out with joy: Most merciful, I proclaim you God and Lord!
With spiritual thunder Thomas, the living heaven of your glory, cried out, proclaiming you, O Christ, to be both God and Lord and he preached you reverently.
Make my mind a victor over the passions, O all-blameless, and subdue their assaults by reason, Bride of God, who gave birth to the Saviour of our souls [who gave birth to eternal dispassion].
Ode 6. I will sacrifice to you.
Your unbelief, blessed Thomas, heals the soul-destroying unbelief of all; for you indisputably investigated the holes of the nails and the lance.
Like a sharpened arrow, O Christ, as a man of power, you loosed the Apostle into the hearts of the foe, O Giver of life, and he brought you the plunder of their spoils.
Lord of mercy, you destroyed idolatrous sacrifices by your being slaughtered on a tree and by the holy slaughter of your inspired Apostles, as they imitated your sufferings.
O marvel, newer than all marvels! For a Virgin conceives in her womb without knowing man him who cherishes the universe and she is not straitened.
The Irmos.
I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the gore of demons by the Blood which flowed through pity from your side.
Kontakion. Tone 4.
Today you have appeared.
Filled with God’s grace, Christ’s Apostle and true servant cried in repentance, ‘You are my God and Lord!’
The Ikos.
When Peter said to the inspired Thomas, Christ’s Disciple and great speaker of mysteries, ‘We have seen the Lord’, he said, ,If I do not see in his hands the mark of the nails, and handle his side, I will not believe’. But the Creator and Master of all things came as a slave, wishing to save all, and said to Thomas, ‘Handle the marks in my hands and side, and do not be unbelieving; for I am the Lord your God’. But he cried in repentance, ‘You are my God and Lord’.
On the 6th of the same month, commemoration of the holy Apostle Thomas.
Thomas once sought to thrust his hand, O Word,
Into your side: for you his side is pierced.
Thomas with spears from afar was stabbed on the sixth of October.
He preached the word of God to Medes and Parthians, Persians and Indians; he was imprisoned by King Smidaios, because through him his son Azanes, his wife Tertia and his daughters Migdonia and Narka had believed and been baptised. And so he was handed over to five soldiers, who took him up a mountain and ran him through with lances; and so he departed to the Lord.
From his journeys [which occupy five pages of small print in the Menaion].
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr, Eroiпs.
Virgin Erotiпs they burn with fire
Who was on fire with the love of Christ.
The holy new Monk Martyr Makarios, from Kios in Bithynia, was martyred at Prousi. He was stoned and finally slain with the sword in 1590.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7.
Dancing joyfully as an Apostle with the choir above in heaven, gladly you sing, blessed saint: Blessed are you, Lord, in the temple of your glory.
From end to end of the world your sound has sped, and the utterance of divine words has taught those who cry: Blessed are you, Lord, in the temple of your glory.
You became a temple of the Trinity, all-honoured Apostle; therefore you wiped out the temples and altars of idols, while you raised temples for the praise and worship of Christ God.
Through your giving birth we have been delivered from the slavery of the law; for without knowing man, O Mother of God, you bore for us a liberator. Blessed are you among women, O all-blameless.
Ode 8. The Offspring of the Mother of God.
Companion of God in the flesh, you were seen to have abandoned the flesh; while you were enriched with deification above the world, made divine by your nearness to God and crying: Praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Close knit with God by love, you longed for death with him, blessed Apostle, when you called out to your fellow Apostles: Let us go, and let us accept death with him, as we cry: Praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
As clouds of heavenly rain, O Christ, you revealed your Apostles, overflowing with showers of divine knowledge, and watering the Churches, and crying: Praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Pure of spot and blemish, and a sacred enclosure of all holiness, you bore the all-holy Word, who hallows all, with the Father without beginning; and so we praise you, O Virgin, and highly exalt you to all the ages.
The Irmos.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Ode 9. A Stone not cut.
You were revealed as a light-bearing chariot, glorious Apostle, carrying with your obedient and god-bearing soul the Word seated upon it, as he drives towards salvation those who hymn you.
As we celebrate your all-blessed memorial, we implore that we may be delivered from every storm by the mediation of the confidence which you have as Christ’s Apostle, O all-honoured eye-witness of God.
We all celebrate your memory to-day, Apostle Thomas; enlighten, hallow us with faith, ever rescuing us from trials and dangers and sufferings by your prayers.
You appeared as a Mother, bride of God, and an all-spotless Virgin; for you joined in one virginity and child-bearing, immaculate Lady, in giving birth to the Maker and Lord of all creation.
The Irmos.
A Stone not cut by human hand was cut from you, O Virgin, unhewn mountain: Christ the head of the corner, who joined together the natures that were parted; and so with joy, Mother of God, we magnify you.
Exapostilarion. Women hear.
Eyewitness and Apostle of Christ the all-pitying, grant peace to the whole inhabited world, victories to our Christ-loving Sovereign, ask forgiveness of faults and salvation for us who praise you, Thomas, as an inspired disciple.
Christ, the great Sun, sent you as a beam radiant with light to India, as an initiate dispelling utterly the fog of error, O wise Apostle Thomas, and enlightening the peoples to honour the divine Trinity, by which we are all guarded.
All-blameless Mother of God, the great rampart of the Apostles, Martyrs, Prophets and Saints, make your Son and Lord merciful to us your servants, Mother of God, when he takes his seat to judge each as they deserve.
At Lauds we insert 6 stichera, and we sing the three following Idiomels, doubling the first.
Tone 2. By Anatolios.
You followed Christ, Apostle Thomas, and you despised the world, and hiding his teachings in your store, you were revealed as an Apostle; therefore among the nations you enlightened their souls, darkened by the error and the passions, with the commandments of the Saviour, to believe in the consubstantial Trinity.
Tone 4.
Made radiant in soul by the divine fire of knowledge, you became in all things an imitator of the Master, as an outstanding Disciple, Apostle Thomas; for with the rod of the Cross you caught souls of the devout from the deep of ignorance. Therefore too you netted with the hook of the divine Spirit the beclouded mind of the Indians. Ever beseech Christ God to deliver us also from the darkened sight of the foe and to save our souls.
The same tone.
Leaving behind the deep of fishing, by faith you advanced with the rod of the Cross and caught all with it, Apostle Thomas; and so having handled the side of the Word with your hand, you were found worthy to explore with your finger the holes of the piercing nails. Intercede insistently with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Tone 6.You gazed on the divine mysteries of Christ, Apostle Thomas, and mystically you have been declared to be a spiritual mixing bowl, in which the souls of believers rejoice; for with the divine net of the Spirit you drew peoples from the deep of ignorance; therefore you came from Sion as a river of grace, welling up with your inspired doctrines into the whole creation. And so, imitating the passion of Christ, you were pierced in the side and entered the darkness of incorruption; implore him to have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine who gave bud to the fruit of life; intercede, we beseech you, Sovereign Lady, with the Apostles and all the saints that he have mercy on our souls.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, the Typika and rest as usual.
10 Oct. Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.
Note that on the 11th of this month, if it falls on Sunday, or on the first Sunday following it, we sing the Office of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council.
At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm, we recite
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 10 Stichera and we sing 3 of the Resurrection, 1 by Anatolios and 6 Prosomia of the Holy Fathers.Tone 6
The Patriarch Germanos the Younger collected together in one Canon the seven Councils of the Fathers, which had taken place at different times, excellently writing together and strengthening their teachings; he also presents them to the Lord as unsleeping advocates of salvation and fellow-shepherds of the flock.
The letter of the Law laid down for the children of the Hebrews that the heptad was to be honoured, and they devoted themselves to a shadow and reverenced it. But you, O Fathers, came together in a heptad of Councils, at the behest of God, who fashioned the universe in a hexad of days and blessed the seventh, and you made the heptad even more honourable by laying down a definition of the Faith.
Thrice-blessed Fathers, you have handed down that the Trinity is the cause of the birth of the world for all things that are created; for with mystic reason you established three and four Councils, and you appeared as champions of orthodox reason, for you showed that while there are four elements, it is the Trinity which created them and made the world.
It would have been sufficient for the Prophet Elisaius to have bent over once at most to breathe life into the child that lay dead; nevertheless he bent over seven times and lay right over him, thus like a scout he foretold your comings together, by which you breathed life into the slaying of God the Word, by putting to death Arius and his boon companions.
Revered Fathers, with wisdom you sewed together the torn garment of Christ, rent asunder by baying hounds, for you could not bear to look on his nakedness, as Sem and Japhet of old could not on their father’s, and you put the parricide to shame along with his supporters: Arius, whose name the madness bears.
As true shepherds you bravely drove away the Macedioniusses, the Nestoriusses, the Eftychisses, the Dioscorusses, Apollinariusses and Sabellioseverusses, exposed as dangerous wolves in sheepskins, far from the Saviour’s flock stripped of their fleeces, making them thrice-wretched; therefore we call you blessed.
Tone 6.Let us praise to-day the mystical trumpets of the Spirit, the Godbearing Fathers, who sang a harmonious melody of theology in the midst of the Church, one Trinity, unchanging Essence and Godhead; the overthrowers of Arius, the champions of the Orthodox, who ever intercede with the Lord that he may have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion. The 1st of the Tone.Entrance,
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day, and the Readings.The Reading is from Genesis.
14,14-20]Now when Abram heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive, he numbered his own home-born servants three hundred and eighteen, and pursued the enemy as far as Dan. And he fell upon them by night, he and his servants, and smote them and pursued them as far as Chobal, which is on the left of Damascus. And he brought back all the cavalry of Sodom, and he brought back Lot his nephew and all his goods and the women and the people. And the king of Sodom came out to meet him, after his return from the slaughter of Chodologomor and the kings with him, to the valley of Sabi; this was the plain of Kings. And Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine; he was Priest of the Most High. And he blessed Abram and said: Blessed is Abram by the most high God, who created the heaven and the earth. And blessed is the most high God, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.
The Reading from Deuteronomy.
1,8-11 & 15-17b]Moses said to the sons of Israel: See, I have delivered the land before you; go in and inherit the land which I swore to your fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, to give it to them and to their seed after them. And I spoke to you at that time saying: I alone shall not be able to bear you. The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are to-day as the stars of heaven in multitude. May the Lord the God of our fathers multiply you a thousand times more than you are, and bless you as he has spoken to you. And I took from you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you, captains of thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens and recorders for your judges. And I commanded your judges at that time, saying: Hear cases between your brethren, and judge rightly between a man and his brother and the stranger who is with him. You shall not have respect to persons in judging. You shall hear the small as well as the great. You shall not shrink before any man’s person; for the judgement is God’s.
The Reading from Deuteronomy.
10,14-18 & 20-21]Moses said to the sons of Israel: Behold the heaven and the highest heaven belong to the Lord your God, the earth and all that is in it. the Lord preferred your fathers, to love them: and he chose their seed after them, you above all nations, as it is at this day. So circumcise the hardness of your heart and stiffen your neck no longer. For the Lord your God is God of Gods and the Lord of Lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality, who takes no bribe. He executes judgement for the stranger, the orphan and the widow; and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. You shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and to him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in his name. He is your boast, he your God, who has done for you the great and wonderful things which your eyes have seen.
At the Liti, the usual.
Tone 3.Holy Fathers, you have become sure guardians of the Apostolic traditions; for by teaching the orthodox doctrine of the consubstantiality of the Holy Trinity, you overthrew in Council the blasphemy of Arius. With him you refuted Macedonius, the opponent of the Spirit, and condemned Nestorius, Eftychis and Dioscorus, Sabellius and Severus the Leaderless. We implore you: beg that we who have been delivered from their error may preserve our life spotless in the faith.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, the protection of all who ask, in you we trust, in you we boast, in you is all our hope. Intercede with him who was born from you on behalf of your unprofitable servants.
At the Aposticha, from the Oktoichos.
Of the Fathers. Tone 4.Let us with faith celebrate to-day the yearly commemoration of the god-bearing Fathers, who were assembled from the whole world in the radiant city of Nicaea, as we reverence the gatherings of the Orthodox; for they, their minds attuned to true religion, overthrew the godless teaching of Arius, and in council banished him from the Catholic Church; and in the Symbol of faith, which they precisely and devoutly laid down, they taught all to confess clearly the Son of God as consubstantial and co-eternal, and existing before the ages. And so we too, following their divine teachings and firm in our belief, worship the Son and the all-holy Spirit with the Father, in one Godhead, a consubstantial Trinity.
Both now.
Theotokion. The same Tone.Assent to the entreaties of your servants, All-blameless one, putting an end to the uprisings of dangers for us and rescuing us from every trouble; for we have you as our only safe and sure anchor, and we have gained you as protection. May we who call upon you, Sovereign Lady, not be put to shame; hasten at the entreaty of those who cry out to you with faith: Hail, Sovereign Lady help of all, joy and shelter and salvation of our souls.
Resurrection Apolytikion.
Of the Fathers. Tone 8.You are glorified above all, Christ our God, who established our Fathers as beacons on the earth, and through them guided us all to the true faith. O greatly compassionate one, glory to you!
Both now.
Theotokion.You were born for us from a Virgin and endured crucifixion, Good Lord; by your death you despoiled death, and revealed resurrection as God; do not despise those whom you fashioned with your own hand; show your love for mankind, O Merciful; accept the Mother of God who bore you, as she intercedes for us, and save, O Saviour, a people in despair.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
The usual Reading from the Psalter; but instead of Psalm 118 we say the Polyeleos [not in the Athonite Typica]. The Resurrection Kathismata and the rest likewise as usual.
Then the Canons of the Oktoichos [to 8], and of the Holy Fathers to 6.
The Canon of the Saints, whose Acrostic is:
I sing the seventh synod of the blest.
A composition of Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 8.
Ode 3.
Kathisma. Tone 4.
Most blessed Fathers, inspired by God, you were shown to the world as truly brilliant beacons for the world, by melting like wax the heresies of the blasphemous prattlers, quenching the burning confusions of the slanderers.
The same.Both now.
Theotokion.Come speedily to help us, pure Virgin Mother; deliver us from enemies who blaspheme you and do not worship you; shatter all the idle prattling of the heresies; let them know that you alone are Mother of God, who save the Orthodox by your intercessions.
Ode 4.
Vaunting a youthful brashness, and burning with God’s zeal, the assembled Fathers, like Elias, put to death the priests of shame; therefore with boldness they firmly taught the worship of Christ’s image.
Ever pure, you are my hope, and you are my song, you are my harbour and you are my pilotage, you who without union bore God incarnate, the Word of the Father; therefore without doubting, empowered with your strength, I venerate your image.
Ode 5.
Now the revered Fathers, having deliberated together with lofty thought, have condemned the Iconoclasts as thinkers of strange thoughts; and decreed, as is fitting, that honour be paid to Christ’s image.
The time of joy is now, the day of salvation has newly appeared; let us therefore rejoice and joyfully cry out to Christ: Give us your peace, at the prayers of the Fathers of the Seventh Council, O Lover of mankind.
.He, the Son of God, through his merciful compassion, was born from the Virgin without change, bearing as his own what was alien; and willingly He appears circumscribed by its form, He who in his essence is uncircumscribed.
Ode 6.
Iweetness and rejoicing the mountains have rained down; for the multitude of heretics has been scattered, which exuded bitter poison: the rejection of the holy images.
New birth He gave me, the Son, of old of the Father without mother, and divinely born of a Mother without father; therefore making an image I greet the one who gave birth together with the One who was born.
Kontakion. Tone 2.
The Son who shone ineffably from the Father, was born twofold in nature from a woman; knowing Him we do not deny the representation of his form; but depicting it devoutly, we honour it faithfully; and so, holding to the true faith, the Church greets the image of Christ’s incarnation.
The Ikos
The all-merciful God, wishing to rouse us always to the perfect memory of his incarnation, has delivered to us this notion: the depiction of his honoured form through the painting of images; that seeing it with our sight we may believe what we have heard in speech; as we recognise the action, name, appearance and struggles of the holy men, and Christ the prize-giver who gives crowns of victory to the Holy Athletes and Martyrs; through whom the Church lately more clearly holding to the true faith, greets the image of Christ’s incarnation.
After the Synaxarion of the day
On the same day we celebrate the memory of the Holy and blest Fathers, who assembled for a second time in Nicea in the reign of the devout and Christ-loving Sovereigns Constantine and Irene, against those who claimed, impiously, ignorantly and unthinkingly that God’s Church worshipped idols and who cast down the revered and holy images.
The Champions with the weapons of your words,
O Word, the foes of honoured icons trounced.
This holy, seventh Ecumenical Council took place in Nicea a second time, in the reign of the Emperor Constantine and his mother Irene, when Hadrian was Pope of Rome, Tarasios Patriarch of Constantinople, Politianos of Alexandria, Theodoret of Antioch and Elias of Jerusalem. Three hundred and sixty five Holy Fathers were assembled. They all assembled against the Iconoclasts, and they condemned in writing every heresy, the leaders of the heresies and then all the Iconoclasts; placing on record and decreeing that anyone who does not venerate the holy images is a stranger to the Orthodox faith; that the honour given to the image passes to its prototype; and that whoever worships and honours the image, worships the person of the one depicted therein. And so when they had thus decreed and had strengthened the Orthodox faith, each one returned to his own See.
Through the prayers of the Holy Fathers, O God, have mercy upon us.
Ode 7.
Overthrown are the leaders of heresy by the teachings of the inspired men, who rightly transfer the honour given to the types to their archetypes, as Basil the Great said: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Decorated now with shining images the churches are made beautiful; and so the world, through the churches, sings to the beauty far above all mortals, together with those who sing: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Out of the way you impious, the light has dawned, the darkness is far off; and so all things filled with light sing the praise of Christ in good heart and say: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
For all the only hope of salvation, the all-pure Sovereign Lady, who awe-inspiringly gave birth to Christ the King of kings, bearing him as an infant in her arms, is venerated together with him in painting, as the Fathers say.
Ode 8.
The assembly of the Fathers excellently decreed, for those who honour God, a relative worship and the re-erection of the sacred image of Christ; but we lovers of true religion, as obedient children, celebrate their yearly memorial, and with longing we kiss Christ’s image.
Now fiercely the arrogant bowed the humble down, and repulsed the attacks of the lovers of virtue, because they opposed their inspired deeds; but the Fathers of the Seventh Council, assembled in Nicea, at once brought down their pride far more fiercely.
Even as the Psalmist said, the blows and lashes of those who think like infants become infants’ arrows for those who think like the old; and by God’s power many tongues of those who speak blasphemies against the Highest become feeble; and each one acknowledges the Father, the Son and the Spirit, one God, only cause of all things.
Ode 9.
Lord most mighty and King of all, great in might and counsel, who hold the universe in being, incomprehensible, alone God, strengthen the Church, protecting her by your orthodoxy, at the entreaties of the all-glorious Fathers, who have condemned false doctrine.
Even on earth, O Saints, whose minds were in heaven, you were found worthy of great honours, for you gave Christ’s image a relative honour; and now having laid aside the shadow and the covering of the flesh, you see him in person face to face, and are found worthy of yet greater things.
So that we might be chastened you provoked an assault by barbaric cavalry with all their host, do you shatter it yourself and their violence against us; and fight with the King who has shown his trust in you, who achieve all things, at the confident prayers of the Fathers whose memory we celebrate.
The mystery of your awe-inspiring child-bearing no mortal mind can fathom; but no more than can the lofty mind of Angels that above nature you gave birth to God incarnate; therefore, acknowledging you as Mother of God and depicting you with him, we magnify you.
O Fathers with minds in heaven, who were gathered in the Seventh Council, offer an insistent supplication to the Trinity that those who sing the praise of your divine assembly may be delivered from every heresy and eternal punishment and may reach the Kingdom.
O Lord supremely good, at the prayers of your Mother and of the Fathers gathered in the seven Councils, establish the Church and strengthen the Faith; and make all sharers in the Kingdom of heaven, when you come on earth to judge all creation.
At Lauds we sing 4 Stichera of the Resurrection and 3, Prosomia, of the Fathers, doubling the first.
Tone 6.
Having welded together all spiritual knowledge, and having examined together by the Divine Spirit the heavenly and revered Creed, the revered Fathers, under God’s inspiration, traced it out. In it, clearly following the teachings of the Apostles, they most distinctly teach that the Word is without beginning with his Begetter and most surely consubstantial. Renowned they are, truly all-blessed and godly-minded.
Blessed are you, Lord, the God of our Fathers.Having received the spiritual brilliance of the Holy Spirit, and divinely inspired, the good heralds proclaimed the supernatural oracle, brief in words, but rich in meaning; the blest defenders of Gospel teachings and the godly traditions, whose revelation they clearly received from on high, and, enlightened, set forth the Faith taught them by God.
Gather to him his holy ones.Having collected together all their skill as shepherds, and stirred up their most just anger, the godly Shepherds, as Christ’s truest servants, the most sacred initiates of the inspired proclamation, most justly drove off the fierce and ravening wolves with the sling of the Spirit, having cast as from a sling from the body of the Church those fallen as though sick of a deadly and incurable sickness.
Tone 8.The choir of holy Fathers, having hurried together from the ends of the whole world, proclaimed the doctrine of the one being and nature of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and clearly delivered to the Church the mystery of the godhead. Praising them with faith, let us call them blessed as we say: O godly host, inspired warriors of the Lord’s battle-line, brightly shining stars of the spiritual firmament, impregnable towers of the mystical Sion, sweet-scented flowers of Paradise, pure golden mouths of the Word, Nicea’s boast, the whole world’s ornament, intercede insistently on behalf of our souls.
Both now. You are most blessed.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, Typika and Beatitudes of the Tone and from the [3rd] and 6th Odes of the Canon of the Fathers.
The just will be held in eternal memory.
18 Oct. Commemoration of the Evangelist Luke.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia.Tone 8. What may we call you.
What may I name you, Apostle? Heaven, for you declared the glory of God. Lightning, for you irradiate the world by your illumination. Cloud, that rains down divine streams. Mixing-bowl overflowing with the inspired wine of wisdom, wine that makes hearts glad. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
How may I now address you, O inspired by God? River, coming forth from Paradise for us. Ark of the covenant which Christ laid down. Beacon, blazing with spiritual light. Lamp, that irradiates the Church. Bread of life, divine table, cup of divine drink. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
What may we now call you, who saw God? Most active minister of the mysteries of Christ. Wise architect of the spiritual tabernacle, who carve out the tables of grace, having written down the new law which comes forth from Sion and is proclaimed through you. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
What may we now call you, glorious Saint? Safe treasury of the gifts of heaven’s grace. Skilled physician of both souls and bodies. Paul’s co-worker and companion of his journeys, who set down the Acts of the Apostles. Virtue, Luke, has made for you many names. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
What titles may I address you by, Inspired of God? Disciple, for you to us you proclaimed the good tidings: Christ. Physician, for you heal the passions of our souls. Lamp, blazing with spiritual light. Base and foundation of the faith, for it was you who traced out for us the all-revered Gospel. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
How may I now address you, wondrous Saint? Unerring contemplator of wisdom’s teachings. Active writer of the teaching of the Apostles and unshakeable pillar of true religion, or indestructible tower of the Church. Many are you achievements and greater your graces. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
Tone 6. By Anatolios.Apostle of Christ, Writer of the doctrines of God and foundation of the Church. It was you who with divine words truly drew out and saved as from the rolling swell hearts in the gloom of ignorance sunk in the deep of destruction. You became the companion of Paul, the vessel of election, but also his imitator. Therefore we entreat you, most noble Luke, adornment of the people of Antioch. Intercede with the Saviour and God, for those who with faith celebrate your ever-revered memory.
Both now.
Theotokion. You rose on the third dayO Trinity of infinite power, Unity of three Persons, at the prayers of your honoured Disciple and godly Apostle, and of the Ever-Virgin, save those who sing your praise.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 5. Hail, of ascetics.
Grace was poured out on your lips in a fiery tongue, Apostle Luke, and you were revealed as a tongue of fire as you sent forth words of light by your preaching for those worthy of light, but bolts of shame for those who longed for the darkness, as you wrote and taught the honoured Gospel; and you appeared as a fragrance of life for those who truly wished for life, as Paul said, whom you had as teacher; but again as the odour of death for those who did not love life. But grant us peace and life and light and God’s great mercy.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the ends of the world.From your words we have come to know, as you said, the sureness of the words which you set forth, inspired Initiate, since you undertook to write for us about the things of which you had been informed and as they had handed on to you, those who before had been the eye-witnesses. Whose equal you became and a servant of the incarnation of the Word, whom you saw after the resurrection at Emmaus, and ate with him with heart aflame along with Cleopas. Fill too with his divine fervour the souls of us who honour you.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.Hail, who alone wrote down for us the ‘Hail’ as you hailed the good tidings of the Pure Virgin, and the Baptist who called her ‘Mother of the Lord’ from the womb, of whose conception too you wrote, and the incarnation of the Word, his temptations, marvels, words and sufferings, his cross and death and rising, which you saw, and his ascension and the descent of the Spirit, and the acts of the heralds and especially those of Paul, companion of whose journeys you were named, healer and Initiate and beacon of the Church. Watch over her always.
Then the following Idiomel.
Grace was poured out on your lips, therefore God has blessed you for ever.Tone 4. By Basil.
As you searched the depth of the spiritual sea with the fishing rod of Wisdom, all-blessed Luke, you caught from the death-bearing deep the souls of the faithful. Therefore, having become Paul’s disciple, you cleansed your whole heart by the radiance of the Spirit; and having enlightened the nations by your doctrines and healed by your wonders all the diseases of the passions, you ever implore Christ God for us that our souls may be saved.
Tone 6.All-wise Fisherman, holy Disciple, workman of the Saviour and proclaimer of his sufferings, when you had sped through creation by faith, gathered all the nations from error and offered them as incense to God you took the fair way to heaven. And so as you stand before the Judge intercede that we may be delivered from our iniquities and rescued from eternal punishment on the day of judgement.
Both now.
Theotokion.My Maker and Redeemer, Christ the Lord, came forth from your womb, O all-pure, clothed himself in me and freed Adam from the former curse. And so, All-pure, as to God’s Mother and truly Virgin, we cry to you without ceasing the Angel’s ‘Hail’. Hail, Sovereign Lady, protection and shelter and salvation of our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 3.
Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, intercede with the merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Virgin Mother of God, we hymn you as the means of the salvation of our race; for your Son and our God, who through the Cross accepted suffering in the flesh which had been taken from you, has redeemed us from corruption as he loves mankind.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the usual Reading from the Psalter the Canons from the Oktoichos are sung and the following of the Apostle to 6.
A Composition by Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 8.
Knowing your mouth, O wise Apostle Luke, to be a divine mixing bowl of the wisdom from in high and enriched with the great and ineffable treasure of grace we draw from it eagerly, as we chant to the Lord; for he has been greatly glorified.
By leading you into the mysteries of heaven and opening to you at once the scriptures inspired by God, Apostle Luke, Christ shows you to be an initiate and wise herald of things beyond understanding, as you vigorously cry out, ‘Let us sing to the Lord; for he has been greatly glorified.’
Christ’s Church ordained you, all-blessed Luke, to be the companion of Paul’s journeys, as you shone out directly with his grace and followed in his footsteps, and cried with him, ‘‘Let us sing to the Lord; for he has been greatly glorified.’
Apostle Luke, you made clear the manner of the ineffable and divine conception by the all-praised pure Virgin; for the all-holy Spirit came upon her, and the Word overshadowed her. To him we chant with one accord; for he has been greatly glorified.
Ode 3. You are the foundation.
Your Gospel, inspired Luke, makes present the Dayspring from on high that has overshadowed mankind.
Devoutly performing acts with noble inspiration, you recounted in writing those of the Apostles.
The blessed Paul wove for you the first fruits of praise, and entrusted to writing your encomium.
As you prophesied, O Immaculate, all the generations of mankind now call you blessed, for through you they are now saved.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Revealed as the companion of Paul’s journeys, you bravely endured dangers of many kinds, all-praised Apostle of the Lord; and having completed the course of the faith by contest, blessed Saint, you rejoice with him in the highest. Therefore, having proclaimed to the world the Gospel of Christ, you enlightened the whole earth under heaven. All-honoured Luke, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Let us sing the praise of the heavenly gate and ark, the all-holy mountain, the cloud of light, the bush unburned, the spiritual Paradise, the restoration of Eve, the great foundation of the whole inhabited world, because salvation was wrought in her for the world and forgiveness of the ancient crimes. Because of this we cry to her: Intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who worship in faith your immaculate birth-giving.
Ode 4. You mounted upon horses.
As you were seen to be enlightened by the radiance of the Spirit, you were counted worthy to depict by your hands his laws for those who love God, those who sing with faith, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord!’
The grace of the Paraclete, having found you as his dwelling, was poured out richly on your lips, and revealed you as a herald of his peace to all those who sing with faith, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord!’
You appeared as companion to Paul in struggles, glorious Saint, and rightly were found worthy of the crowns of the kingdom. There you now rejoice together and cry with one accord: Glory to your power, O Lord.
The Lord, finding the beauty of your mind radiating in beauty with divine rays, appointed you as herald to those who sing with faith, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord!’
The Lord has put down the mighty from their thrones, as the Virgin and Mother said; but he has filled with divine blessings the hungry who sing with faith, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord!’
Ode 5. Enlighten us.
Purified by the law of love from former stains, you received in your heart, Luke, the spiritual light and shared it with all.
You were clearly revealed as ablaze with the lightning rays of grace, All-blessed Luke, aflame with fiery tongue inspired.
You had longed to journey with wise Paul, for you were addressed as beloved servant, O Evangelist of grace.
Hail, truly the treasure house of virginity, the restoration of the Foremother and the abolition of the curse of the Forefather.
Ode 6. I pour out my entreaty.
Having ascended to the mountain of the virtues, O Apostle, you conversed with the beloved, and like Moses you received the twin tables written by God inscribed by the finger of the Spirit, blessed Luke, teacher of the inhabited world.
You enlightened the world by your teachings, as preacher of the revered Church; for you were seen aflame with the beams of the uncreated Trinity, O God-inspired, and you became as a star, shining as a torch on the ends of the inhabited world.
Now, O inspired by God, you heal the diseases of souls as of old you did those of bodies, entrusted with the gift from heaven and enriched with grace of the Spirit. For Paul presents you as having becoming a physician among martyrs.
The Lord, as he is mighty, renewing my nature, regarded you and did great things for you, as you said, O all-blameless who gave birth to God. And he saved me from corruption through you, as he is God and loves mankind.
I pour out my entreaty before the Lord, and I tell him all my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with evils and my life has drawn near to Hades. And like Jonas I beg you: O God, bring me up from corruption.
Kontakion. Tone 4. Today you have appeared.
You became a Disciple of God the Word, and with Paul you brought the whole earth to the light and dispelled the gloom by writing the divine Gospel of Christ.
The Ikos.
As physician and beloved disciple, Luke, heal by mystical surgery the passions of my soul and body, and grant me to be in good health in every way, and to honour your all-revered festival with gladness; to drench with showers of tears instead of sweet spices your revered and all-honoured body; for as a for as a monument of life inscribed on the wondrous church of the Apostles it cries out to all, just as you did of old by writing the divine Gospel of Christ.
On the 18th day of the month, Commemoration of the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke.
Though at Emmaus I was held from sight
Of you says Luke now, Christ, I see you plain.
On the eighteenth of the month, the Evangelist Luke reached his life’s end.
Luke, the great Evangelist, was from Antioch the Great in Syria, a doctor by profession and outstandingly skilled in the art of painting. While living and practising medicine at Thebes in Boeotia, he encountered the holy Apostle Paul; and having come to believe in Christ he abandoned his ancestral error. He then gave up the cure of bodies and took up that of souls. At the suggestion of the holy Apostle Paul he composed the Gospel according to him for one Theophilos, a Governor, who had come to believe in Christ. After Paul had departed he taught all Greece and, so they say, when he was eighty years old he went to his rest in peace at Thebes in Boeotia. His body was laid to rest there, God glorifying his own servant and worker by raining down little round loaves or capsules upon his grave as a symbol of his skill. And therefore his tomb became well known to all.
Constantius, the son of Constantine the Great, translated his remains from Thebes through the grand Duke and martyr Artemios and enshrined them in the church of the Holy Apostles under the holy table with Andrew and Timothy.
They say that he was the first to paint the icon of the holy Mother of God, carrying our Lord Jesus Christ in her arms, through the painter’s medium of wax, and two others. These the great Apostle offered to the Mother of the Lord, if it pleased her. She accepted them and said: ‘may the grace of the One who was born from me be with them through me’. Likewise he is said to have painted the holy icons of the holy Princes of the Apostles. And from him this fair and devout and all-honoured work was carried out into the whole inhabited world.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr Marinos the elder.
Old error old Marinos now refutes,
By daring young, and meets his end by sword.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father Julian of the Euphrates.
Now from the life which runs by like a dream
With ready gladness Julian runs by.
Our father among the Saints Julian abandoned the world and went away to the banks of the river Euphrates. There he found a cave in which he lived the solitary life. Many enthusiasts flocked to his tiny cave and setting up huts round about to the number of a hundred, nourished by their proximity to the teacher. This wondrous man slew a dragon and made water gush up in waterless land. He also went to mount Sinai and built a church on the rock on which Moses the lawgiver had seen God, as far it was possible to see him. This church is still standing today. But when many people were fearing the return of the impious and apostate Julian from the Persians, they asked his help, knowing him to be a true servant of God. He prolonged his holy prayer until the tenth day and then heard the words: ‘Not only for your sake, but because of the night-long entreaties and supplications of many others, the foul and impious Julian is being slain’.
After some years, when Meletios had been driven from Antioch, a number of people appealed to this blessed man for the sake of his many prayers and intercessions and entreaties. He agreed and set out, and on the way he was received by a God-loving woman. When the Saint had sat down for supper the woman’s only child, who was occupied at table, shortly disappeared from sight and as it happened fell into the well. The noble woman, though she knew this, remained absolutely unchanged, but rather covered the well over and bravely continued serving. She deceived the Saint when he asked where the child was by saying he had fallen ill. When the Saint anxiously asked that the child come to the table and enjoy a blessing, what had happened became known. He at once rose from table and tearing the cover off the well saw the child jumping in the water safe and sound, and as though in a game he ordered him to be brought up by means of something that was to hand. When this had been done the child was questioned and said he had come to no harm because he had been buoyed up and supported by the old man who had spoken with him and played with him in the waters.
When he reached Antioch he dwelt in the cave in which the holy Apostle Paul had once hidden. Once when a large crowd had flocked to the cave for the sake of the succour and blessing of the Saint, he was in the grip of a violent fever, and was lying breathing weakly and almost at his last breath. As they crowded round him, saying that there were many people waiting outside and in need of blessing, he answered ‘If health were good for us the Lord of all things would give it’; and after he had prayed he raised himself from the raging fever for the sake of helping the crowd.
Once when he was on a journey and was leaving for the royal court, some one who lying sick on coming near his cloak arose at once and followed him, as of old the lame man followed Peter and John. Not only this, but when he had established him in the orthodox faith he returned to his monastic training ground, making his way through Kyros. The people of Kyros detained the Saint for his succour, saying: ‘Servant of God, in place of our bishop we are expecting a certain Asterios, an impious and destructive man. Stay with us and help us if you are able, lest with his gossiping tongue he perverts us with his words. He stayed and when he had completed an all-night prayer, with a few who had gathered, he slew him with wrath sent by God, allowing him a life of pain of only one day. Then he returned to his disciples and having passed a good number of years with them he departed to the Lord.
Saint Mnason, bishop of Cyprus, and forty holy children met their end by the sword.
Commemoration of the newly-revealed holy Martyrs Gabriel and Kyrmidoli who contested in Egypt in 1522.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Hebrew Youths.
Ah, how the Master is made manifest from the tomb to Luke and Cleopas! For having risen he taught them to cry, ‘Blessed are you, Lord God to the ages!’
As you hastened on the path of life, blessed saint, you found the Word journeying with you, opening the gates of heavenly tabernacles to you, as you cry, ‘Blessed are you, O God, to the ages!’
You were revealed, Luke, as a harp, voicing sweet melodies from God, enlightening mortals as they cry, ‘Blessed are you, Lord God to the ages!’
Hail Mary, Mother of God, the Bodiless Angel cried out you, O Virgin; while with him we faithful cry to your Offspring: Blessed All-pure One, the fruit of your womb.
Ode 8. The Lord, glorified on the holy mountain.
Having received your books as tables written by God, let us faithfully delight in the illumination of grace, O all-blessed, as we praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
The Spirit having used your tongue as an instrument, enlightens mortals, initiating them into the doctrines of grace as they praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
You were bound unshakeably with Paul, inspired Luke, and with the one inspired by God you were shown revealed as an all-honoured pair, as you both praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
With the net plaited by God of your words, herald of God, those held by error you caught for the light of faith, as they praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Revealed as a Prophetess, Elizabeth, bearing the Baptist and Forerunner, proclaimed you Mother of the Lord, as she cried out: Praise the Lord and highly exalt him to the ages.
The Lord, glorified on the holy mountain and who made known to Moses in the bush by fire the mystery of the Virgin, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. You passed beyond the bounds.
You took your stand, Luke, as having reached the final goal of the yearning for things desired, and you clearly met a blessed end, the mirrors having being removed at the manifestations of the truth.
Having shone on the world like a sun, you stand inspired, all-praised Luke, before the Trinity with Paul who saw God. With him, O revealer of God, we unceasingly magnify you.
With your light-bearing radiance, Luke, entreat that those who sing your praise may be made bright, and bestow peace on the world, all-blessed Apostle who speak of God, that we may unceasingly magnify you.
Rejoicing you now stand, Luke, before the universal King, adorned with a crown of divine majesty and beauty, therefore, O inspired of God, we unceasingly magnify you.
You received the Word who is without flesh as he wished to refashion my nature, and when he had taken flesh you gave him birth. And so, Mother of God, we unceasingly magnify you.
‘You passed beyond the bounds of nature when you conceived the Creator and Lord; and you became a gate of salvation for the world. And so, Mother of God, we unceasingly magnify you’.
Luke, Apostle of Christ, initiate of ineffable mysteries, Teacher of the nations, with godlike Paul and the pure Mother of God, whose godlike icon you depicted from love, intercede on behalf of those who call you blessed and who honour your sacred falling asleep, all-wise speaker of mysteries who saw God.
Sovereign Lady, Queen of all, go before in dangers, go before us in afflictions, be with us in the constraints of the last day, do not let Satan seize us, nor Hades, nor destruction; but may we stand without guilt before the dread tribunal of your Son; for as pure Mother of God you obtain whatever you will.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia.
Tone 1.
Believers, in hymns let us honour Christ’s Disciple, wise writer of the Gospel, fair living imprint of the vessel of election, whose praise is in all the Churches, Luke the Apostle. For he proclaimed the marvellous wonders of God, enlightening those on earth with beams of theology through grace.
Wise Apostle, having learnt the skill of healing souls above that of bodies, infused with the wisdom of God you were revealed as outstanding in both. By it you heal both souls and bodies, all-blessed Luke. Each day you summon mortals to knowledge and give them wings towards the love of God; you lead them up to heaven and you intercede for those who sing your praise.
With a rational hook you drew to divine knowledge those who like fish had sunk in the deep of ignorance, and you offered them to Christ as a fair dish, all-blessed one; and they received outstanding honour: the life that is unsullied and unending. So too you were named an Apostle of Christ, wise Evangelist and writer of the works of Grace realised in acts.
Then this Idiomel. Tone 8. By Leo Magister.
Come all creation, let us praise in songs the true spiritual physician and Disciple of the Saviour, Luke the revered. For he healed the disease of godlessness with the ointment of the baptismal font of Christ; and from his mouth he has poured on living lands rivers of waters welling up from God, the Gospel. Therefore his sound has out prophetically into the inhabited world, and he intercedes that our souls may be saved.
Same Tone.Like David let us the faithful, gathered together, cry out in songs to Luke the mystical orator of the Word: Your tongue has been revealed as a pen of Christ the swiftly writing scribe, making fair the eyes of the nations for the knowledge of divine understanding, by which you proclaimed the Gospel and composed the Acts of your fellow Apostles. And so, as you stand before God, the Trinity, intercede for our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Sovereign Lady accept the supplications of your servants, and rescue us from every constraint and affliction.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
Typika, and from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Apostle.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the ends of the world. Alleluia.
This translation is not yet complete and omits the Canon for the Earthquake and the second one for the Saint. I hope to complete it before too long.26 Oct. Commemoration of the Martyr Demetrios Myrovlitis; and remembrance of the earthquake
.At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm we say the 1st section of
Blessed is the man.At
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia of the Saint.Tone 8. O marvellous wonder!
O marvellous wonder! In heaven and on earth joy has dawned bright today at the commemoration of the Martyr Demetrios; from the Angels he is garlanded with praises, and from humans he receives songs. O how he struggled! How well he competed! Through him the cunning foe has fallen and Christ has conquered.
O marvellous wonder! By the beams of his wonders Demetrios shines for ever through the ends of the earth more brightly than the sun, shining from the light that knows no evening, and taking his pleasure in the light that never sets; by his rays barbarian clouds have been dispelled, diseases chased away, demons defeated.
O marvellous wonder! Thrice-blessed Demetrios, transfixed by a lance for the sake of Christ, has appeared each day like a two-edged sword against foes, as he cuts of the arrogance of enemies and breaks in pieces the insolence of demons. To him let us cry out: Holy Demetrios, protect us who ever honour your all-revered memory
You appeared as a tower of true religion, firmly established on the rock of the faith, not captured by temptations and not shaken by dangers; for the waves of the godless breaking against you with violent swell and tempest did not cast down your unshakeable firmness; for you longed to be adorned with a martyr’s crown.
Imitating by suffering the suffering of Christ, you have received from him, glorious Champion Demetrios, the power to work wonders; and you save those who have recourse to you, delivering them from many dangers, as you have well-pleasing boldness towards Christ; before whom you now stand, filled with glory.
Dripping with your own blood, Demetrios, you were offered to Christ the Giver of life who emptied out his precious blood for your sake; and he made you a sharer in his glory, a companion in his kingship, for you had won the victory against the boaster and completely quenched his dread devices.
Tone 6. By Vyzantios.To-day the universal festival of the Champion calls us together. Come then, lovers of feasts, let us radiantly celebrate his memorial, as we say: Hail, who tore apart the tunic of impiety through the faith, robing yourself in the courage of the Spirit! Hail, who destroyed the purposes of the lawless with the strength given you by God! Hail, who when your limbs were pierced by the lance depicted for us spiritually the blessed passion of Christ! Implore him, Demetrios, ornament of Athletes, that we may be rescued from visible and invisible foes, and that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Theotokion. To the melody: Fearful are you, O Lord.All-holy Lady, help of the world and hope of Christians; we now entreat and implore you, loving Mother of God, on behalf of us who have sinned and are in despair, to make your Son and Lord merciful; for by using your mother’s boldness you have this power. Come quickly, O Immaculate, come quickly, intervene, and deliver your people from the impending threat; in your compassionate mercy do not despise those who sing your praise.
O Joyful light. Prokeimenon of the day, and the Readings.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
63:15-19 & 64:1-5 and selection]Look down from heaven, Lord, and see from your holy house and your glory. Where is the multitude of your mercy and your pity, that you keep back from us, O Lord? For you are our Father, though Abraham did not know us, though Israel did not acknowledge us; but you are our Father, deliver us. From the beginning your name is upon us. Why have you made us wander from your way, Lord? Why have you hardened our hearts not to fear you? Turn back for the sake of your servants, for the tribes of your inheritance, that we may inherit a small part of your holy mountain. Our enemies have trampled down your sanctuary. We have become as at the beginning, when you did not know us, when your name had not been invoked upon us. If you open the heaven, trembling will take hold upon mountains from you, and they will melt as wax melts before the fire; and fire will burn up your enemies, and your name will be manifest to your enemies; before your face nations will be troubled. When you do glorious things trembling from you will seize mountains. From eternity we have not heard, nor have we seen a God save you; and your works are true, and you do mercy to those who wait on you. For mercy will meet those who act justly, and they will be mindful of your ways. And now, Lord, your are our Father, while we are your clay and you are our Fashioner; we are all the works of your hands; do not be very angry with us, Lord, and do not remember our sins in season. And now look upon, Lord, for we are all your people.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremy.
2:1-12]Thus says the Lord: I have remembered the mercy of your youth and the love of your marriage, in your following the Holy One of Israel, says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. For the Lord the first of his produce. All that devour him shall offend; evils will come upon them, says the Lord. Hear the word of the Lord, house of Jacob and all the family of the house of Israel. Thus says the Lord: What offence did your fathers find in me, that they rebelled far from me and went after vanities and became vain? Nor did they say: Where is the Lord, who brought us up from Egypt, who guided us in the wilderness, in a vast and trackless land, in a waterless and fruitless land, and in the shadow of death? In a land in which no man had ever journeyed, nor had any human dwelt there? And I led you into Carmel, to eat its fruits and its good things. And you entered and defiled my land, and you turned my inheritance into an abomination. Your priests did not say: Where is the Lord? And those who stood by the law did not know me, and the shepherds sinned against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and went after what is profitless. Therefore I will dispute with you again, says the Lord, and I will dispute with your children’s children. Pass through the isles of the Kittim and see; send to Kedar and observe closely, and see if such things have been done; if the nations will change their gods - and they are not gods. But my people has changed their glory for that from which they get no profit. Heaven is amazed at this and shudders greatly with horror, says the Lord.
The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
3:1-9]The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment will ever touch them. In the eyes of fools they seemed to have died, and their departure was reckoned a disaster, and their going from us their destruction; but they are in peace. For though in the sight of mankind they were punished, their hope is full of immortality. And having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good; because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. He proved them like gold in a furnace and accepted them as whole burnt offering. And at the moment of their visitation they will shine out, and they will run like sparks through stubble. They will judge nations and hold sway over peoples, and the Lord will be their king to the ages. Those who have trusted in him will understand truth; and the faithful in love will abide with him; because grace and mercy are upon his holy ones, and his visitation upon his chosen.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By George Sikeliotes
Rejoice in the Lord, city of Thessaloniki; be glad and dance, resplendent by faith, for you possess as a treasure in your bosom Demetrios the all-renowned Athlete, and Martyr for the truth; look and receive healings of wonders; and see how he strikes down the insolence of the Barbarians, and with thanksgiving cry out to the Saviour: Lord, glory to you!
The same tone. By Anatolios.
With the charm of songs let us make bright the present day, and let us make the struggles of the Martyr resound; for the great Demetrios is proposed for our praise. For bravely overpowering the attacks of tyrants, he leapt keenly into the stadium; and having triumphantly carried off the victory, he implores the Saviour that our souls may be saved.
Tone 2. By Germanos.Christ God has taken your blameless spirit, wise Martyr Demetrios, to the dwellings beyond the world; for you became a champion of the Trinity, competing bravely in the stadium like tempered steel; pierced by a lance in your spotless side, O all-honoured, you imitated the One who was transfixed on a tree for the salvation of all the world; you received the power of healings and grant mortals cures without grudging. And so today, as we feast your falling asleep, we fittingly glorify the Lord who glorified you.
Both now.
Theotokion.O greatest mystery! Seeing the wonders I proclaim the divinity, I do not deny the humanity; for Emmanuel opened the gates of nature as man, yet as God did not break the seals of virginity; but he came from the womb as he had entered through the hearing; as he had been conceived, so he became incarnate. Impassibly he entered, ineffably he came forth, as the Prophet had said: This gate shall be shut, none shall go through it, except the Lord, the God of Israel, who has great mercy.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera of the Earthquake.
A composition of Symeon of the Wonderful Mountain.
Tone 2.
When the earth was troubled in fear of your rage, hills and mountains were shaken, Lord; but having looked upon us with an eye of compassion, in your anger do not be enraged at us; but with compassion for the creation of your hands free us from the dread threat of earthquake, as you are good and love mankind.
Tone 6.
You shook the earth and troubled it.Fearful are you, Lord, and who can stand against your just rage? Or who can entreat you, or who can supplicate you, good Lord, on behalf of a people that has sinned and is in despair? The heavenly armies, Angels, Principalities and Powers, Thrones, Dominions, the Cherubim and the Seraphim cry out to you on our behalf: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, O Lord; do not despise the works of your hands; through your compassionate mercy save a city endangered!
Who looks upon the earth and it trembles.The Ninevites by their transgressions heard they would be submerged through the threat of earthquake; but by the mediating sign of the whale, repentance summoned resurrection through Jonas; but as you took pity and accepted them, at the cry of your people with the children and beasts, through your Resurrection on the third day spare us too who are being punished, and have mercy.
Of the Saint. Tone 8. By Anatolios.Your most godlike and blameless soul, revered Demetrios, has her dwelling in the heavenly Jerusalem, whose walls have been adorned by the hands of the invisible God. While on earth this famous temple holds your all-honoured and most valiant body, an inviolate store house of treasures, a remedy for diseases; to it we have recourse and draw healings. Guard the city which magnifies you, All-praised, from assaults of foes, for you have boldness towards Christ who glorified you.
Both now.
Theotokion.Virgin without bridegroom, All-blameless Mother of God, who ineffably conceived God the Most High in the flesh, receive the entreaties of your servants; you grant cleansing of faults to all; now accept our supplications and implore that we may all be saved.
Apolytikion. Tone 3. Your confession.
The whole world has found you as a mighty champion in dangers, O victor, who rout the nations. Therefore as you destroyed the pride of Lyaios in the stadium by giving Nestor courage, holy great Martyr Demetrios, implore Christ God to grant us his great mercy.
Another. Of the Earthquake. Tone 8.
Christ our God, who look upon the earth and make it tremble, deliver us from the dread threat of earthquake; and send down upon us your rich mercies, at the prayers of the Mother of God, O lover of mankind.
The same are also said at
The Lord is God.At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
Your memory, glorious Martyr Demetrios, has today made Christ’s Church radiant, and gathered all together to praise you fittingly in songs, O God-inspired, as a true soldier and destroyer of foes. And so by your intercessions deliver us from temptations.
Same melody.Martyr Demetrios, pride of the contest, having put on Christ, you defeated in war the enemy without strength. For having destroyed the error of the lawless, you have become a trainer of true religion for those with faith. And so we reverently keep the festival of your memory.
Both now.
Theotokion.Hope that cannot be put to shame of those who trust in you, who alone beyond nature bore in the flesh Christ our God, with the Holy Apostles entreat him to give the inhabited world pardon and peace, and to us all before the end amendment of life.
After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
With unwavering faith Christ’s Champion bravely cast down the insolence of tyrants, like an athlete he threw the evil one, and as the reward of his torments he received the gift of wonders from the judge of the contest, the only God; with whom he also intercedes to have mercy on us.
The same.Both now.
Theotokion.Hail gate of the Lord, though which none may pass; hail wall and protection of those who flee to you; hail haven without storms, and who did not know wedlock, who bore in the flesh your Maker and God, do not cease to intercede for those who praise and worship your Offspring.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 3. Awed by the beauty.
We implore you faithfully Demetrios, most compassionate Martyr of the Lord, to deliver us from dangers of every kind that assail us; heal the wounds of our souls and bodies; tame the proud ragings of our foes, O Saint; give peace to our life, that we may ever glorify you.
The same.Both now.
Theotokion.Blessed of God, Mother without bridegroom, heal my sick soul, for I am held fast by many faults, O Mother of God. Therefore I cry to you with groaning of my heart: Accept me who have greatly sinned, O All-immaculate, that with boldness I may cry to you: Hail, Full of grace.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon in Tone 4.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
God is wonderful in his Saints, the God of Israel.
For his saints who are on earth the Lord has worked wonders.Let everything that has breath.
Gospel. Psalm 50.Glory.
At the prayers of the Champion O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions..
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; according to the fulness of your compassion blot out my offences.And the Idiomel. Tone 2.
Christ God took your blameless spirit to tabernacles beyond the world, wise martyr Demetrios,; for you became a champion of the Trinity, competing bravely like adamant in the stadium. Pierced in your immaculate side by a lance, imitating the one who was stretched upon a tree for the salvation of all the world, you received the power of wonders, granting healings to mortals ungrudgingly. And so today, as we celebrate your falling asleep, we fittingly glorify the Lord who glorified you.
Then the Canons; that of the earthquake with the Irmi to 6; those of the Saint to 8.
[The Canon of the Earthquake, of which the Acrostic is:
O Christ, earth’s tremors end with speed Joseph.]
First Canon of the Saint, of which the Acrostic is:
I address triumphant Demetrios.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Through the Red Sea’s deep.
Bound with the godly crown of martyrdom, you dance before God, blazing with the lighting that flashes from him and filled with enlightenment, revered Martyr Demetrios.
As Martyr for the truth and one who bravely struggled to shedding of blood and displayed an flinching stand in face of struggles, the Master accepted you.
Down to the ground you broke the inventor of wickedness, Demetrios, destroying him by your martyr’s lance of godlike goodness, strengthened for this by the powers beyond discernment.
As God he was before without mother; as one like us he became without father from you, all-praised Mother of God, taking flesh in the union which is beyond reason and understanding.
[Second Canon of the Saint, of which the Acrostic is:
Adorned with spiritual myrrh, you become myrrh.
In the Theotokia:
By Philotheos.]
I will open my mouth.Ode 3. First Canon of the Saint.
Your Church, O Christ.
The decree of the tyrants was reckoned by you as nothing, O Champion, for you chose before all things the Word of God.
You have become a lampstand formed of light in a tabernacle of Martyrdom, shining by divine light, Martyr and Champion Demetrios.
Healing the form of mortals that had been corrupted, O All-pure, he clothed himself in it from you, yet remaining what he was, the Lover of mankind.
O Mother of God.Kathisma of the Saint. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Rich in the ways of true religion, casting down the error of false religion, you trampled down the insolence of the tyrants, O Martyr; and with your mind on fire with divine love, you drowned the error of idols in the deep. Therefore you fittingly received wonders as the reward of your struggles and are a source of healings. Champion Demetrios, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Another of the Saint.Well-pleasing to the King of the ages, you turned away the whole plan of a lawless king, glorious Martyr, and did not sacrifice to idols. And so, by contesting most valiantly, you offered yourself as a sacrifice to the Word who was sacrificed. Therefore you were also pierced through the side by the lance, healing the passions of those who approach you. Champion Demetrios, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Both now.
Of the Earthquake. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.Because from your unendurable wrath that threatened us you have delivered us and had mercy on us, showing us, O Christ, an ocean of love for mankind, we now give you thanks, having been chastised so as to turn from our wicked deeds that slay us. But look upon us, have compassion on us, O Saviour, at the entreaties of the one who gave you birth.
Ode 4. First Canon of the Saint.
Seeing you the Sun of justice.
The most high Word of God, seeing you had conquered the falsehood of impiety, crowned you with glory, Demetrios, as you sang: Glory to your power, O Lord.
Given strength by the life-bearing hand, you reached the meadows of great calm, where now with gladness you cry out, Demetrios: Glory to your power, O Lord.
Having raised up a trophy against error, you received a victorious diadem of justice, Demetrios, as you cried out: Glory to your power, O Lord.
You alone, Mother of God, were counted worthy to be more sacred than all creatures, for by giving birth to him you enlightened the world with the grace of knowledge of God.
The Prophet Avvakoum.Ode 5. First Canon of the Saint. You, Lord, are my light.
Having received in your heart the fire of divine love, you quenched the fire of the godless folly of idols, revered Demetrios.
Appear, Demetrios, delivering us from dangers by your prayers, sheltering those who with faith and love sing your praise.
Those who with faith press forward to your shrine, Demetrios, are instantly delivered from diseases and soul-destroying passions.
The Word of God, consubstantial with the Father, O Mother of God, beyond understanding and reason became your Son, consubstantial with you.
The universe was amazed.Ode 6. First canon of the Saint. I will sacrifice to you.
Assembled with one accord, we sing the praise of your light-bearing memory, most blessed Demetrios, and the multitudes of the wonders and gifts of grace of the Holy and revered Spirit.
Loose the bonds of my faults by your prayers, for as an unconquerable Martyr you have freedom to speak before the Master. And be for me refuge an protection, Demetrios.
Finding you undefiled among thorns as a most pure lily and flower of the valleys, Mother of God, the Word the Bridegroom dwelt in your womb.
Come, godly-minded people.Kontakion. Tone 2. Model Melody.
With the streams of your blood, Demetrios, God has dyed the Church in purple, the God who gives you unconquerable might and keeps your City unharmed, for you are its strength.
Let all we believers assembled honour with songs and hymns this great Saint as a soldier and Martyr of Christ, as we cry aloud to the Master and Creator of the inhabited world: Deliver us from the constraint of earthquake, Lover of mankind, at the prayers of the Mother of God and of all the Martyrs; for in you we hope to be delivered from dangers and afflictions, because you are our strength.
On the 26th of the month, Commemoration of the holy and glorious Great Martyr Demetrios, Myrovlitis and Wonderworker.
Lances, my Christ, pierce through Demetrios,
Tracing the passions of your lance-pierced side.
Spears on the twenty sixth day pierced the side of the martyr Demetrios.
He lived in the reign of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximianos and was from the city of Thessalonika, a devout Christian from the start and a teacher of the faith in Christ. But when Maximianos visited Thessalonika, the Saint was arrested as being well known for his beliefs. The Emperor was extremely proud of a certain Lyaios and urged the people of the place to come out and meet him in combat (Lyaios was a man of huge stature and excelled in strength those who came agaisnt him). A certain young man, Christian by faith, named Nestor, went to Demetrios, who was in prison, and said, ‘Servant of God, I intend to compete aginst Lyaios. But pray for me.’ Demetrios signed his forehead with the sign of the Cross and said, ‘You will both beat Lyaios and bear a Mertyr’s witness for Christ.’ At these words Nestor took courage and opposed Lyaios, cast down his arrogant boasting and slew him.
Because of this the Emperor was humiliated and after investigation having found out what had happened, he gave orders that first Demetrios should be run through in the side with lances, as he was the cause of Lyaios’ slaughter. This being done the Saint at once gave up his life and after his death became the cause of many wonders and cures. Then, at the Emperor’s order, Saint Nestor was beheaded.
On the same day the holy Martyrs Artemidoros and Basil attained perfection by the sword.
Artemidoros, for whom end was sword,
Had Basil as his fellow for the sword.
On the same day the holy Martyr Leptina was dragged down into the ground and attained perfection.
Dragged to the ground by hands of hostile men,
Leptina [
thin] left to earth the bulk of flesh.On the same day the holy Martyr Glykon attained perfection by the sword.
Glykon, you stretched your neck out o sword,
Pouring for Christ your blood as sweet [
glykeia] libation.On the same day, Commemoration of the great and terrible earthquake.
You shook, but saved again the earth, O Word;
For of your anger pity is the sum.
In the twenty fourth year of the reign of Leo the Isaurian, in the ninth Indiction, on the 26th of October, there was a great and terrible earthquake in Constantinople, so that the upper stories and the more splendid of the other buildings collapsed and many people were buried under the ruins. And so on the day of the Great martyr Demetrios we commemorate that terrible threat of the earthquake, going in procession to the church in Vlachernae of our all-pure, holy and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, where we celebrate the divine Liturgy. At her prayers may we be delivered from every threat and attain eternal good things, in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory and might to the ages of ages. Amen.
Ode 7. First Canon of the Saint. The Children of Abraham.
Ablaze with divine glory and grace, Martyr and Champion, you shine as though formed of light, and you enlighten those who cry: Blessed are you, Lord, in the temple of your glory.
Adorned with your own blood as with royal purple, having the Cross for a sceptre, glorious martyr, you now reign with Christ, crying: Blessed are you, my God and Lord.
Virgin Mother, glorified and enlightened, guard well all those who honour you as true Mother of God, for you are blessed among women, Sovereign Lady.
The godlike Youths.Ode 8. First Canon of the Saint. Stretching out his hands.
You darkened all the folly of the foe and all his wrestler’s tricks, girded with the indestructible power of Christ, and having become a victor, glorious Martyr Demetrios, you cried out: All you his works, praise the Lord!
Showing the constancy of martyrs, you gained fair fame, Demetrios, have bathed in the holy bath that is not defiled by the renewed assaults of sins, pierced by a lance and crying out: All you his works, praise the Lord!
The multitude beyond understanding of the wonders that Christ granted you freely, glorious Martyr, you display for all; and grace of healings beyond reason that is clearly yours, proclaims grace to us who cry: All you his works, praise the Lord!
Let us confess her who alone in all generations is Virgin-Mother and pure Mother of God; for she is the cause of salvation for us, since she gave birth to the Word, the Redeemer of the world, to whom we cry: All you his works, praise the Lord!
The Offspring of the Mother of God.Ode. 9. First canon of the Saint. A stone not cut by human hand.
Break the bonds of the faults of those who sing your praise, O Champion. End the assaults of the passions; abolish the folly of heresies; calm the storm of temptations by your intercessions.
Direct your most sacred flock to the straight paths of the heavenly kingdom, crowned victor, Martyr Demetrios, onto the saving pasture and the place that is everlasting.
All we the faithful, believing you, O Virgin, to be root, source and cause of incorruption, we honour you with songs of praise; for you poured out for us empersonned Immortality.
Let all born of earth.Exapostilarion. With the Disciples.
Martyr of Christ, Demetrios, as once by divine grace you destroyed the arrogance and pride of Lyaios and his stallion’s insolence by strengthening Nestor in the stadium by the power of the Cross, so strengthen me also by your prayers, O Champion, at all times against demons and soul-destroying passions.
Immaculate Virgin-Mother, do not cease to implore the Lord who was incarnate from your pure blood on behalf of us who are your servants, that we, the race of mortals, may find grace and prompt help in time of need, rescuing us from the threat of fearsome earthquake and from dangers by your mother’s prayers.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing three Prosomia, doubling the first.
Tone 5. Hail, of ascetics.
Come to us, Martyr of Christ, as we implore your compassionate protection, and deliver those in trouble from the threats of tyrants and the dread folly of heresy, by which. like prisoners and naked, we are continually pursued from place to place, passing and wandering in caves and mountains. Take pity, then All-praised, and give us relief; end the tempest and assuage the pain that harms us, as you intercede with God, who grants the world his great mercy.
You have been given to us as a fortified wall that does not tremble at the siege engines of the foe, for you render ineffective the assaults of the barbarians and the symptoms of all diseases. You are an invincible rampart and unbreakable foundation, defender, builder and champion for your city, Demetrios. By your prayers, All-blessed one, save it now dreadfully endangered and wretchedly afflicted, as you implore Christ, who grants the world his great mercy.
The choir of Champions is displayed having gathered every virtue; therefore they worthily inherited the delight of the pure and blessed life. Among whom, worthy Demetrios, you are pre-eminent, honoured by your imitation of Christ and glorified for being like him pierced with a lance. Ask him insistently that we who honour you may be delivered from sufferings and dread disasters, as you fervently entreat the One who grants the world his great mercy.
Glory. Tone 4. By Andrew of Jerusalem.
Let us all honour Demetrios, wisest in teachings and victor among Martyrs, who by lances inherited the grace from the Saviour’s side that was pierced by the lance, from which the Saviour pours out for us streams of life and incorruption. Through blood he finished the course of his contest and shone for all the inhabited world by wonders, zealous for the Master and compassionate lover of the poor; many times the defender of the people of Thessalonika in many dread dangers. As we celebrate his yearly memorial, we glorify Christ God, who works through him healings for all.
Both now.
Theotokion.Deliver us from our constraints, Mother of Christ God, who gave birth to the Maker of all things, that we may all cry to you: Hail, the only defence of our souls.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
Holy myron from the Saint is given, while his Idiomels are chanted.
At the Liturgy, Typika and Beatitudes, and from the canons of the Saint the 3rd and 6th Odes.
The translation of this office is not yet complete, only the first canon of the Saints having been translated so far. .1 Nov. Commemoration of the Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3 Prosomia of the Saints, doubling them.Tone 6. Model melody.
Placing all their hope in heaven, the Saints treasured up for themselves an inviolable treasure; freely they received, freely they give remedies to the sick; in accordance with the Gospel they possessed neither gold nor silver; their kind deeds they shared out to humans and beasts alike; that being in all things obedient to Christ they might intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls.
They spurned all perishable matter on earth, while like Angels in the flesh they were declared citizens of heaven, the united comradeship, the like-minded and harmonious pair of saints. And so to all who suffer they award healings, granting their kindness without payment for the needy. Let us worthily sing their praise with yearly feasts as they intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls.
Bringing all the Trinity to dwell in them, the holy pair, inspired Cosmas and Damian, like fountains pour out waters of healings from a life-bearing source; whose relics too heal passions through a touch; and their names alone drive sicknesses from mortals; they are saviours for all who flee to them as they intercede to Christ with boldness on behalf of our souls.
Tone 6. By Anatolios.Unlimited is the grace of the Saints, which they obtained from Christ; therefore their relics too, by divine power, unceasingly act by wonders; whose names alone too, when invoked with faith, drive away incurable pains; through them, Lord, free us too from the passions of soul and body, as you love mankind.
Both now.
Theotokion. Placing all their hope.By my own will I have slipped and become enslaved to the tyrant by deception; in my wretchedness I flee to your most wondrous compassion, Bride of God, All-holy Maiden. And so rescue me from trials and tribulations, and save me, O All-blameless, from the attacks of the demons, that I may glorify you and worship you with love, and praise and magnify you, Lady ever-blest.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
A sword passed through your heart, All-holy Lady, when you saw him, who had shone from you by an ineffable word, lifted up on a Cross as one condemned by lawless men, given vinegar and gall to drink, pierced in his side, nailed by his hands and feet; and grieving she bewailed him and cried out as a mother: What is this new mystery, my Child?
At the Aposticha. Idiomel Stichera. Tone 2.
The source of remedies cured one and only one each year; the tabernacle of the Unmercenary Saints cures the whole multitude of the sick; for the wealth of the Saints lacks nothing, is never exhausted. At their intercessions, O Christ, have mercy on us.
Same Tone. By Theophanes.
God is wonderful in his Saints: the God of Israel.With divine longing and love for things to come, your way of life was by practice and you passed through the roads of salvation. Therefore having kept your purity of soul unsullied, it left behind completely material things. While gilded by the divine Spirit, Unmercenary Saints, you grant healings to the sick, sacred pair, radiant couple, godlike enlightened twosome, visiting us in troubles and diseases and healing for no money the diseases of our souls.
Same Tone. By Germanos.
For his Saints who are on earth, the Lord has worked wonders.Made worthy of great gifts, O All-praised, by the lowliness of your way of life; passing through all places healing the sufferings of the diseased freely, you appeared as companions of the Angels, Cosmas with wise Damian, kind brothers, and you heal our sufferings by your prayers.
Tone. 6Always having Christ active in you, Unmercenary Saints, you work wonders in the world, curing the sick; for your surgery is an inexhaustible source; when drawn on, it overflows yet more; when poured out, it still runs over; emptied each day, each day filled up; giving to all, yet not failing; and those who draw receive their fill of remedies, and it remains unexhausted. What then shall we call you? Healing physicians of souls and bodies, healers of incurable sufferings, freely curing all, who have received gifts of grace from the Saviour Christ, who grants us his great mercy.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede, together with the Unmercenary ones and all the saints that he have mercy on our souls.
Or Cross-Theotokion. You rose on the third day.
When the Virgin and your pure Mother saw a lawless people nailing you to a Tree, as Symeon had foretold, O Saviour, your heart was wounded.
Apolytikion. Tone 8.
Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us.
At Matins
After the usual reading from the Psalter, we read one Canon from the Octoichos, and the following of the Saints.
First Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
With hymns I honour the wise Unmercenaries.
A composition of John of Damascus.
Ode 1. Tone 1.
[‘All peoples, let us sing a hymn of victory to him who rescued Israel from the bitter slavery of Pharaoh, and guided them in the depth of the sea dryshod, for he has been glorified’.]
The wondrous and honoured pair, enlightened by the grace of the sovereign Trinity, gushing forth unending streams, grants remedies to all those who approach with faith.
Initiated by the life-bearing words, the All-blest saints shone out like beacons in the world, easily dispersing the fog of the passions with the fervour of the faith.
Obedient to the Saviour’s law, the holy saints laid aside all sensuality of the flesh, while making their souls most clearly radiant with virtues; and were famed in the world.
Dwelling in your womb, Mother of God, the Son, who shone from the Father and beyond time is above all gods, clothed himself in entire humanity; let us sing his praise, for he has been glorified.
Ode 3.
[‘Establish me, O Christ, on the unshakeable rock of your commandments, and enlighten me with the light of your face; for none is holy but you, O Lover of mankind’.]
The springs of healings, and the channels of divine gifts, the shining vessels of the immaterial light, let us fittingly sing their praise.
As ones who heal the passions of souls and bodies, O All-revered, as benefactors now cure the maladies of those who eagerly approach you.
Adorned with fertile virtues, you clearly beat off every corrupted delight of life, as you bent your gaze unswervingly on the divine beauty.
He who before was without form appeared in a form like ours, Mother of God, when the Godhead came together with flesh in your womb, all-holy Bride of God.
‘Not in wisdom and power and wealth let us boast, but in you, O Christ, the empersonned Wisdom of the Father; for none is Holy, but you, O Lover of mankind’.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
From heaven you marvellously received the gift of wonders from Christ, and you unendingly cure all the passions; for the grace of the Spirit appeared in you, giving the power of divine healings; therefore with unmercenary thought, God-bearing Unmercenaries, You have gained also abundance of incorruptible good things; intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who feast with love your holy memory.
Same Tone.You have been revealed by the grace of the Spirit as wonderworking givers of remedies, light-bringing lampstands of wonders; for bedewing the flame of the passions with the faith, by it you warm the thought of believers; therefore, having gained your divine temple as a surgery for souls, we take refuge in it, God-bearing Unmercenaries; intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who feast with love your holy memory.
Both now.
Theotokion.Come all believers, let us magnify with our voices the Queen, the Mother of the Creator of all things, and with hymns of praise let us shout: Cause of joy, All-praised Virgin, save those who honour you, and protect them by your prayers; for as Mother of God you have boldness to take pity and to adjudge healing of diseases; and so we cry to you: Intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness to your servants, who devoutly worship your child-bearing without seed.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb saw the Lamb and Shepherd hanging on the Cross, her inward parts were in agony and she lamented as a mother: Alas! Light of the world, my God and Lord, for what reason do you now willing endure all this? Because you wish to save entirely those born of earth and for your corrupted image to change its dwelling to divine life. I magnify your sufferings; you endured them through the compassion of your pity, completely curing the pains of all by your own.
Ode 4.
[‘I have learned of your dispensation, O All-powerful, and with fear I have glorified you, O Saviour’.]
Clearly following the divine word, you did not gain lamps of gold or silver, godlike Saints.
The Unmercenaries, blazing with divine wonders, grant benefits to all, crowning them with grace.
You were declared wise physicians, bringing healing hands to the pains of the passions.
Let the faces now be struck of those who do not confess you to be Mother of God, O All-pure Lady.
Ode 5.
[‘Rising in the night we hymn you, Christ God, who made yourself poor for us and underwent both cross and death in your flesh’.]
As streams that flow from God, you are a source of waters of deeds of kindness for the faithful, as you heal diseases of soul and body, glorious Unmercenaries.
Revered Unmercenaries, unstopping the source of grace you distribute good health to those who now have recourse to you in faith and love.
The bright and all-wise stars, who openly raise the earth to heaven, in imitation of the radiance of the Angels, ceaselessly shine on us.
You were shown to be higher, Virgin Mother, in conceiving the Maker of all things, like the Father without beginning, and in giving birth for the world to the Saviour and Lord.
Ode 6.
[‘You saved the Prophet from the whale, Lover of mankind; bring me too up from the deep of faults, I beg’.]
Let us eagerly honour the saving healers, the inspired benefactors, godlike Cosmas and Damian.
Having guarded sobriety and adorned with wisdom, godlike Cosmas and Damian rejoice together with Christ.
As you lived with one mind and practised asceticism with one soul, as one you were entrusted with awarding us with healings.
You gave birth to the unapproachable light with a body, O All-pure, which enlightens all the world with the rays of the Godhead.
‘I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the filth of demons by the blood which flowed with pity from your side’.
Kontakion. Tone 2.
You have received the grace of remedies, spread strength over those in need, glorious, wonderworking Physicians; but by your visitation, cast down the insolence of enemies, healing the world by wonders.
The Ikos.
The word of the wise Physicians surpasses all understanding and wisdom; for having received grace from the Most High, they invisibly bestow strength on all; therefore on me too they have bestowed the grace of narration, to sing their praise as God-bearing, well-pleasing to God and healers, who grant multitudes of cures; for they rescue all from pains, healing the world by wonders.
The Month of November, with 30 days.
The day has 10 hours and the night 14.
On the 1st of the same month, Commemoration of the holy and Unmercenary Wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian, the sons of Theodoti from Asia .
Though they have passed from earth, Unmercenary pair,
They fill the earth with wonders now as then.
Two healing lights from the earth fly up on the first of November.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Kyriaina and Juliani.
Kyriaina in fire breathed her last,
So honoured the great Lord of all that breathes.
Aflame, O Saviour, with her love for you,
Juliani that flame from fire now bears.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Caesarius, Dasios, and five others.
With five companions, lovers of the truth,
Lovers of falsehood slay Caesarius.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Priest Martyrs, John the Bishop and James the Presbyter.
Along with James, the Priest of Christ, a sword
John brought, himself a Priest of Christ.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyr Hermingeld.
Washed of the dye of error Hermingeld,
Slaughtered is dyed in purple of his gore.
The holy Martyrs Cyprian and Juliani attained perfection by fire.
Commemoration of the holy Bishop and New Martyr James and his two disciples, James the deacon and Dionysios, a monk, who attained perfection by the axe in 1520.
Our venerable father David, who was a monk in Evoia, attained perfection in peace.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Ode 7.
[‘We the faithful recognise you, Mother of God, as the furnace; for as he, the highly exalted, saved the Three Young Men, so he wholly refashioned me, humanity, in your womb, the God of our fathers, praised and glorified above all’.]
By inspiration you appeared wholly God’s, wholly able to contain God; for you abandoned all the world for God, All-glorious, following in the footsteps of the Saviour, in a manner fitting God honouring the God of the fathers.
Beyond nature, All-noble Physicians, you heal all the maladies of the infirm by mystical surgery, drawing saving remedies from the divine treasuries, as you hymn the God, who is glorified above all.
With a garland of your kingdom, Master, and a shining diadem you have fairly adorned the ones who greatly longed for the extraordinary loveliness of your beauty, O Christ, and have declared them to be general benefactors for believers.
When the Dayspring from on high appeared on earth, All-pure, you were revealed to be a gate, most fair and wholly light, shining on the world with rays of purity and ever sending out the lustre of wonders to believers.
Ode 8.
‘In the furnace, as in a smelter, the Young Men of Israel shone with the beauty of godliness brighter than gold, as they said: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Deadened to the delight of the world, amputating the disease of love of money, you have been named, wise Saints, Unmercenaries for all who cry: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
You have clearly become sharers in eternal life; for you abandoned the pleasures of this corruptible life as cried with one voice: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Deliver us all, O Master Christ, from dread infirmities, at the prayers of the Unmercenaries, and grant that with one voice we may ever cry to you: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.
All we believers are filled with gladness, and strengthened by grace, ransomed by your Offspring, Virgin Mother, we cry: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.
‘Stretching out his hands Daniel closed the jaws of the lions in the den; while the Children, lovers of true religion, girded with virtue, quenched the power of the fire as they cried: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord’.
Ode 9.
[‘As the shining lampstand and Mother of God, outstanding glory and higher than all created things, in hymns we magnify you’.]
The wise pair, the dazzling beam of the spiritual light, which gives to all a share in illumination, let us unceasingly call blest.
For believers you produce strength of spiritual health, and you are trusted to cure the sufferings of the body, as saviours you are ever praised.
The beacons, shining with God’s light, spiritually make radiant without ceasing the heaven of the holy Church, as they now carry the torch with its outpouring of illumination.
The pair called by God, strengthened by the holy Trinity, pours out the gifts of remedies for all those who with love call them blest.
Cloud of light and holy Ark, Gate all-light of the spiritual Sun, as Mother of God we magnify you.
‘Eve by the disorder of disobedience introduced the curse; while you, Virgin Mother of God, by the shoot of your child-bearing made the blessing flower for the world; therefore we all magnify you’.
Receiving the grace of healings from God, blest Unmercenaries, you cure diseases and heal all those who faithfully have recourse to your godlike shrine; and therefore with one voice we worthily call your holy memory blest.
All-immaculate, you bore God the Word of God, when he in his great wisdom accomplished his great dispensation; and therefore we all worthily praise you as her who intercedes with him that we may be rescued from diseases and every kind of danger.
At Lauds we insert 4 idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By Anatolios.
You received the grace of remedies from God and heal the sufferings of our souls and bodies without payment, Unmercenaries for the whole world; therefore through you Christ granting believers the gift of good health, reveals you as unerring beacons for the inhabited world; intercede with him that our souls may be saved.
Same Tone.
Drawing from the providence from above the abyss of remedies, you pour out healings for all believers, O Unmercenaries; for beyond nature you heal the sufferings of the sick with mystic surgery, as you bring from the treasures of the Spirit saving remedies for the ailing; therefore as you have become an honoured temple of the Trinity, source of life, which has made its dwelling in you; intercede with it that our souls may be saved.
Tone 2. By Germanos.
The choir of the Saints rejoices to the ages; for they have inherited the kingdom of heaven. Earth has received their relics and is filled with sweet fragrance. Christ’s servants have taken up their dwelling for eternal life.
The same Tone.
Physicians of the sick, treasuries of remedies, saviours of believers, far-famed Unmercenaries, heal those who cry out in need and who suffer pain, as with Theodoti you intercede with the good God that we may be rescued from all the snares of the foe.
Tone 4. By Theophanes.Holy Unmercenaries, you possess a source of remedies and grant healings to all who ask, for you have been found worthy of the greatest gifts from the unfailing source of the Saviour Christ. For to you, as rivals of the Apostles in zeal, the Lord says: See, I have given you authority against unclean spirits, so as to cast them out and so as to cure every disease and every weakness. And so, having lived your lives well in accordance with his commands, freely you have received, freely you give, as you heal the sufferings of our souls and bodies.
Both now.
Theotokion.Hail refuge of Christians and their might; hail heavenly Ladder; hail treasure-chest of virginity; hail Mother of God, the spiritual Ark of the divine; hail boast and support of the world, recalling of the fallen, the Tabernacle, wholly light, holy and all good.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the All-pure saw Christ the lover of mankind crucified and pierced in the side, she wept and cried out; What is this, my Son ? Is this how an ungrateful people repays you for the good things you have done for them? Why, so much beloved, do you hasten to leave me childless? I am filled with amazement, O Compassionate, at your voluntary crucifixion.
At the Aposticha, Stichera from the Octoichos.
Tone 8.Who would not wonder? Who would not glorify? Who would not faithfully praise the wonders of the wise and glorious Unmercenaries? Because also after their holy passing over, they give remedies richly to all who have recourse to them; and their precious and holy relics pour forth the grace of healings. O holy Pair! O honoured Saints! O wisdom and glory of the grace given us by God! And so let us sing to God our Benefactor, who has revealed them for the healing of our souls and bodies.
Both now.
Theotokion.Lady, accept the supplication of your servants, and deliver us from every constraint and tribulation.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
I cannot bear to see you, my Child, who give awakening to all, sleeping on the Tree, that you may grant to those, who of old fell into a deadly sleep from the fruit of transgression, you may grant divine and saving awakening, the grieving Virgin, whom we magnify.
8 Nov. The Assembly of Michael and Gabriel
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and we sing Prosomia of Michael.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
Brightest attendant of the three-sunned Godhead, Michael Chief Captain, with the Powers on high you cry with joy: Holy are you, O Father, Holy are you, O co-eternal Word, Holy too are you, O Holy Spirit; one glory, one kingship, one nature, one Godhead and Power.
Fiery your form and wonderful your beauty, Michael first of Angels, for with your immaterial nature you pass through the ends of the world fulfilling the orders of the Maker of all things, recognised as powerful in your strength, and making your temple, honoured with your holy name, a source of healings.
O Lord, who make spirits your Angels, as it is written, and a flame of fire those who minister to you, you have declared Michael the Chief Captain as leader of your Archangels, who is wholly subject to your wishes, O Word, and cries aloud with fear the thrice-holy hymn to your glory.
Of Gabriel. The same tone. You have given us a sign.
The eternal Mind established you, Gabriel, as second light, lighting the whole world with participation in divine gifts and revealing to us the divine and truly great mystery from all eternity: the bodiless being embodied in a Virgin womb and becoming man to save mankind.
As you attend the throne of the Godhead with triple sun and with the splendours that pour from it unceasingly flood those of us on earth who stand harmoniously in choir and praise you, free us from the fog of passions and make us radiant with enlightenment, O Gabriel Chief Captain, intercessor for our souls.
Shatter the assaults of Hagar’s off-spring, incessantly directed at your flock; abate the schisms of the Church; calm the swell of measureless temptations; from dangers and troubles deliver us who honour you with love, O Gabriel Chief Captain, intercessor for our souls.
Tone 6. By Byzantios.Rejoice with us, all you commanders of the Angels, for your leader and our champion, the great Chief Captain, marvellously appearing today in his sacred shrine, sanctifies it; therefore as is right let us cry out to him with songs of praise: Shelter us in the shelter of your wings, Michael greatest of Archangels!
Both now.
Theotokion.Rejoice with us, all you choirs of Virgins; for our protection, intermediary, shelter and great refuge, marvellously appearing today in her sacred shrine, sanctifies it; therefore as is right let us cry out to her with song of praise: Shelter us in the shelter of your wings, immaculate Lady, Mother of God.
O Joyful Light; the Prokeimenon of the day, and the Readings.The Reading is from Jesus son of Navi.
5, 13-15]It came to pass, when Jesus was in Jericho, that he looked up with his eyes and saw a man standing in front of him, and his drawn sword was in his hand. And Jesus approached him and said: ‘Are you one of ours? Or are you one of the enemy’s?’ But he said to him: ‘I am Chief Captain of the power of the Lord, and now I have come here’. And Jesus fell on his face to the ground and said: ‘Master, what orders have you for your servant?’ And the Chief Captain of the Lord said to Jesus: ‘Untie the sandals from your feet; for the place where you are standing is holy’; and Jesus did so.
The Reading is from Judges.
6, 6.11-24]It came to pass in that day that Madiam prevailed against the children of Israel, and they cried to God. And behold, the Angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak of Joas in Ephrata, and Gedeon his son was threshing wheat in the wine-press, and hastening to escape from the presence of Madiam. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him: ‘The Lord is with you, powerful in strength’. And Gedeon said to him: ‘In me, my Lord; and if the Lord is with us, why have all these evils come upon us? And where are all his wonders, of which our fathers told us, saying: ‘Did not the Lord lead us up out of Egypt?’ And now he has abandoned us, and handed us over to the hand of Madiam’. And the Angel of the Lord looked on him and said to him: ‘Go in this strength of yours and you will save Israel from the hand of Madiam. See, I have sent you’. And Gedeon said to him: ‘In me, Lord. How shall I save Israel? See, my thousand is the humblest in Manasse, and I am the smallest in my father’s house’. And the Angel of the Lord said to him: ‘The Lord will be with you, and you will smite Madiam as one man’. And Gedeon said to him: ‘If I have found grace in your eyes, and you do for me to-day everything of which you have spoken with me, do not, pray, leave here until I come back to you, and I shall bring my sacrifice and offer sacrifice before you’. And he said; ‘I am, I shall sit here until you return’. And Gedeon went and prepared a goat kid and an measure of unleavened flour, and he put the meat in a basket and the broth he put in a pot and brought them to him under the oak, and approached. And the Angel of the Lord said to him: ‘Take the meat and the unleavened loaves and put them on that rock and pour out the broth next it’. And he did so. And the Angel of the Lord stretched out the tip of the rod in his hand and touched the meat and the unleavened loaves; and fire was kindled from the rock and it devoured the meat and the unleavened loaves; and the Angel of the Lord disappeared from his sight. And Gedeon saw that it was the Angel of the Lord, and Gedeon said: ‘Alas Lord, Lord! Because I have seen the Angel of the Lord face to face’. And the Lord said to him: ‘Peace to you, do not be afraid, you shall not die’. And Gedeon built there an altar to the Lord, and called it PEACE OF THE LORD until this day.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Daniel.
10, 1-21]In the third year of Cyrus, king of the Persians, a word was revealed to Daniel, whose name was called Baltasar; and the word was true and mighty power, and understanding was given him in a vision. In those days, I Daniel had been mourning for three weeks of days. And desiring bread, I did not eat, and meat and wine did not enter my mouth, I did not anoint myself with oil until the completion of the three weeks of days. And on the twenty fourth of the first month in the third year, I was near the great river, that is the Tigris. And I raised my eyes and looked, and behold a man, clothed in linen, his loins girt with gold of Ophaz; and his body was as Tharsis, and his face like the sight of lightning, and his eyes like lamps of fire, and his arms and legs like the sight of gleaming bronze, and the sound of his words was as the sound of a multitude. And I Daniel alone saw the vision, and the men who were with me saw nothing; but great amazement fell on them and they fled in fear. And I was left alone, and I saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me, and my glory was turned to corruption, and I retained no strength. And I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words I was stunned with my face to the ground. And behold a hand was touching me and raised me onto my knees and the knuckles of my hands. And he said to me; ‘Daniel, man of desires, understand by the words which I speak to you, and stand upright, because I have been sent to you’; and when he had spoken this word to me I arose trembling. And he said to me: ‘Daniel, do not be afraid, because from the first day that you gave your heart to understand and to be afflicted before the Lord your God, your words were heard, and I have come through your words. And the Ruler of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me for twenty one days; and behold Michael one of the chief Rulers came to help me, and I left him there with the Ruler of the kingdom of the Persians. And I have come to make you understand all that will happen to your people in the last days; because the vision is yet for days ahead’. And when he spoke to me in these words, I put my face to the ground and was stunned. And behold as the likeness of a son of man touched my lips; and I opened my mouth, and spoke and said to the one who stood in front of me: ‘Lord, at the sight of you, my inward parts were turned within me, and I had no strength. And how will your servant, Lord, be able to speak with my Lord? And from now on strength will not remain in me, and breath has not been left in me’. And once again there touched me as it were the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me and said to me: ‘Do not be afraid, man of desires, peace be with you; be a man and be strong’. And when he had spoken with me I grew strong and said: ‘Let my Lord speak to me, for you have given me strength’. And he said: ‘Do you know why I have come to you? And now I shall return to make war on the Ruler of the Persians; and as I was going in the Ruler of the Greeks came. But I shall tell you what is ordained in the scripture of truth, and there is not one that upholds me against these, but Michael your Ruler’.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By Kyprianos.
Chief captains of the spiritual Powers, who ever stand beside the Master’s throne, implore the Lord to give peace to the world and to our souls his great mercy.
The same Tone. By Arsenios.
The Commander of the Powers above, Michael, the leader of the divine ranks, who goes with us every day and guards us all from every assault of the devil, has called us together today to a great festival. Come then, lovers of feasts and lovers of Christ, let us pick the flowers of virtues and with pure thoughts and firm conscience, let us honour the Archangel’s Assembly; for as he stands unceasingly next God and raises high the thrice-holy hymn, he intercedes that our souls may be saved.
Tone 2. By the Studite.
Leaders of the spiritual Powers of the immaterial Being, enlighteners of the world with the rays of the glory with triple sun, Chief Captains, with untiring voices you sing out the thrice-holy hymn; therefore intercede that our souls may be saved.
The same Tone. By Arsenios.
As you surround the immaterial throne, O spiritual beings, divine Bodiless ones, you sing the thrice-holy hymn to God the Ruler with lips of flame: Holy God, the Father without beginning; Holy strong, the co-eternal Son; Holy immortal, the consubstantial Spirit, glorified together with the Father and the Son.
The same Tone. By Anatolios.
With bodiless lips and spiritual mouths the ranks of Angels offer their unceasing hymn to your unapproachable Godhead, Lord; and pure intelligences and ministers of your glory praise you, Master. With them Michael, the bodiless one and leader of the Powers above, the Chief Captain of the Angels, has become for us today host at the feast, urging us on to sing the songs of the Bodiless Powers to your unapproachable glory, Lover of mankind, that he may intercede without ceasing on behalf of our souls.
Tone 4. By Ephraim of Karia.
Bright with the sun’s beam of the divine light, Chief Captains, you outshine the ranks of immaterial beings; clothed like light in dazzling white in the highest, you shed on the world the fire of the unapproachable Godhead; and so you sing unceasingly with lips of flame the thrice-holy hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, our God. Glory to you.
Tone 6.
Your Angels, O Christ, standing with fear by the throne of your majesty and ever shining with the light that floods from you, sing your praises in the highest, and sent forth by you as ministers of your will, they give enlightenment to our souls.
Tone 4.With lips of fire the Cherubim sing your praise, Christ God; with bodiless mouths the choir of Archangels sings a never-ending hymn of glory; Michael, the Chief Captain of the Powers above, offers to your glory an unceasing hymn of victory. For he has shone on us today that for this shining festival we may fittingly ring out in song the thrice-holy hymn with lips of clay; for all things have been filled with your praise, and you grant the world through him your great mercy.
Both now.
The same Tone. Theotokion.Today the temple that contains God, the Mother of God, is brought into the Lord’s temple and Zachary receives her. Today the Holy of Holies rejoices and the choir of Angels mystically celebrates the festival; with whom let us, as today we celebrate, cry out with Gabriel: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you, he who has great mercy.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 1.
As we in the world celebrate a festival like the Angels, let us cry out to God, who is borne on a throne of glory, the hymn: Holy are you, heavenly Father; co-eternal Son, holy are you, and you, all-holy Spirit.
Who makes spirits his Angels and flames of fire his Ministers.Foremost of the heavenly beings, and who stand with great boldness by the throne of unendurable glory, eye-witness of things unuttered, Michael Chief Captain, save us, who honour you devoutly year by year and who faithfully sing the praise of the Trinity.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord, my God, you have been greatly magnified.You are clearly first of the bodiless Angels, and minister of the divine radiance, its eye-witness and initiate. Michael Chief Captain, save us, who honour you devoutly year by year and who faithfully sing the praise of the Trinity.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 8. By Monk John.As general and champion and Prince of Angels, free from every constraint, trouble and disease and from grievous sins those who sincerely praise and openly implore you, glorious Chief Captain, who as immaterial look on the Immaterial and are illumined by the unapproachable light of the Master’s glory; for he with love for mankind took flesh from a Virgin for our sakes, as he wished to save humanity.
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
Chief Captains of the heavenly armies, we the unworthy implore you to protect us by your supplications with the shelter of the wings of your immaterial glory, guarding us as we fall down and insistently cry out: Deliver us from dangers, as Chief Captains of the Powers on high.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Psalter Reading,
Kathisma. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
Chief Captain of the bodiless Ministers, you stand before God and are made radiant with the rays that come from him, make bright, make holy those who faithfully sing your praise, deliver them from every tyranny of the foe, and ask for a peaceful life for our Sovereigns and all the ends of the earth.
The Same.Both now.
Theotokion.We your servants, Mother of God, Sovereign Lady, will never cease to hymn your mercies with thanksgiving from the heart, as we cry out and say: All-holy Virgin, come speedily and deliver us from seen and unseen foes; for you always save your servants from evils of every kind.
After the 2nd Psalter Reading,
Kathisma. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
The Cherubim and many-eyed Seraphim, the hosts of ministering Archangels with the Virtues, Thrones, Dominations, Angels, Powers and Principalities implore you, our Maker and God and Master: Do not despise the supplication of a sinful people, O Christ most merciful.
The same.Both now.
Theotokion. Model melody.Come speedily to help, before we are enslaved to foes who blaspheme you and threaten us, Christ our God; by your Cross do away with those who war against us; let them know how strong is the faith of the Orthodox; at the prayers of the Mother of God, O only lover of mankind.
After the Polyeleos [see the end of this page for the Selection]. Kathisma.
Tone 8. Taking knowledge.
Princes and Chiefs of the heavenly realms, of the high-throned and dread regions of the divine glory, Michael and Gabriel, Chief Captains and Ministers, with all the Bodiless Powers, who ever intercede with the Master on the world’s behalf, ask forgiveness of offences for us, and that we may find mercy and grace on the day of judgement.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.O Pure, O blessed one, filled with God’s grace, with the Powers above, with the Archangels and all the Bodiless ones, on our behalf ceaselessly implore him who through his compassionate pity was born from you, that before the end he may grant us pardon and forgiveness of sins, and amendment of life, that we may find mercy.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
Who makes spirits his Angels and a flame of fire his Ministers.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord, my God, you have been greatly magnified.Gospel according to John. See Monday of Pentecost.
Psalm 50.
Glory.At the prayers of the Bodiless Powers, O Merciful One, wipe away the multitude of my offences.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God O Merciful One, wipe away the multitude of my offences.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; according to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.
Idiomel by Arsenios. Tone 2.
As you surround the immaterial throne, O spiritual beings, divine Bodiless ones, you sing the thrice-holy hymn to God the Ruler with lips of flame: Holy God, the Father without beginning; Holy strong, the co-eternal Son; Holy immortal, the consubstantial Spirit, glorified together with the Father and the Son.
Then the Canons are sung, that of the Mother of God [from the Little Paraklesis] to 6, and the following two of the Bodiless Powers to 8.
First Canon of the Bodiless Powers.
A Composition of Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Peoples, let us raise.
All we believers, let us praise the uncreated Trinity which directs all the immaterial ranks of the choirs on high, as we cry out: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, O God Almighty.
As the beginning of your creatures, O Maker, you set in place the bodiless nature of the Angels, encircling your immaculate throne, to cry to you: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, O God Almighty.
Hail Gabriel, revealer of God’s incarnation, and Michael, leader of the immaterial ranks, who cry unceasingly: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, O God Almighty.
Eve, the foremother, once made the human race subject to the curse by her transgression; but you, Virgin Bride of God, led the whole race to blessing, by giving birth to the Creator.
Second Canon, whose Acrostic is:
To the Leaders of the Bodiless Minds.
In the Theotokia:
By Clement.
Ode 1. The same Tone.
Come, as we join the dance, let us praise in songs the spiritual choirs of the bodiless ranks as Ministers of God, who tirelessly intercede for our salvation, and rejoice at our repentance.
The princes and leaders, and shining captains of the Angels today rouse the bodiless Minds to a festive celebration of their bright memory, with whom mankind rejoices, as it brings a hymn to the Trinity.
Let us mortals be glad together with the Angels, with spiritual joy; now Gabriel again brings the good news, the union of the Churches and the removal of every hostile heresy, on the coming of their commemoration.
Immaculate one, you bore the Father’s Word, who dwelt supernaturally in you, by the Holy Spirit; being in two natures and wills, but in one person without change, whose form we kiss in greeting.
I will open my mouth.Ode 3. Plant your fear, Lord.
With strength, O Immortal, you established mighty beings to accomplish your all-holy will, who ever stand before you in the highest.
Accept the leaders of the Angels, the initiates of your incarnation and of your hallowed rising, O Christ, as they intercede on our behalf.
In your compassion, O Christ, you have placed Angels as guardians of mankind, and made them the ministers of the salvation of your servants.
Ineffably, O Bride of God, you conceived the Lord, the Saviour who redeems from dangers us who call on you in truth.
Second Canon.
You are the foundation.First of the Angels and second light after the Trinity, Prince Michael, you have appeared to us who praise you faithfully.
Gabriel faithfully dazzled the whole earth with the ray of divine grace when he announced the descent of God in the body.
Famed couple, radiant immaterial pair, show those who faithfully celebrate your memory to be God’s lights.
Isaias sang your conceiving beyond understanding, O Pure one; I sing it too, that I may share his cleansing.
O Mother of God.Kathisma. Tone 8. Taking knowledge.
In our desire to praise the choirs of Bodiless Powers, let us on earth imitate as far as we are able their holiness, by deadening all the limbs of the flesh, asking them as champions and protectors to deliver from every deception of the invisible foe us who sing their praise, that we may find mercy.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.We ever thank you, Mother of God, and we magnify and worship you, Pure Virgin Full of grace, as we praise your childbearing, crying out unceasingly: Save us, Virgin All-merciful, as you are good, and deliver us from dread reckoning of the demons at the hour of judgement, that your servants may not be put to shame.
Ode 4.
You mounted upon horses, Lord.You mounted upon Angels, as upon horses, Lover of mankind, and took their reins in your hands, and your riding became salvation for those who ceaselessly cry out to you: Glory to your power, O Lord.
Your virtue covers Angels, Lover of mankind, and the ends of the earth are full of your glorious, divine praise, O Unoriginate, which with the Angels cries out to you: Glory to your power, O Lord.
You came forth, O merciful Christ, for the salvation of your people; you summon with you your beloved Powers and your Coming is joy for those who cry out to you in faith: Glory to your power, O Lord.
O All-pure, you were seen to be Virgin and Mother, for you bore Christ, God himself and man, to whom the ranks of Angels cry with fear: Glory to your power, O Lord.
Second Canon.
You, Lord, are my strength.As Jesus son of Navi warred of old against Jericho, the Chief Captain of power appeared to him, great Michael, victor and champion, the leader of the Bodiless Powers; receiving strength from him, the servant of the Lord took the citadel captive.
A Prince of the bodiless Powers, great Gabriel, truly the great Archangel, once appeared to Zachary the priest bearing the good tidings of a child; and so when John, the voice of the Word, was born he gave his father back his voice.
All the ends of the earth rejoice with joy today, as they celebrate the sacred memory of your Archangels, O God, of godlike Michael and of Gabriel, inspired by God; and the whole order of Angels rejoices with them, because the world is saved by their protection.
You alone are pure even after child-birth; you alone were seen, though unwedded, giving suck to the true Word of God when, by the Holy Spirit, he had taken the form of a servant that is ours, O Virgin Mother of God; as we honour his appearing, we reverence the likeness of his form.
The Prophet Avvakoum.Ode 5.
By the light of your knowledge.Ever borne with unalterable longing towards the steep ascent, towards you, O Christ, the summit of all desires, the angelic Powers ceaselessly glorify you.
O Christ, you have established singers of your greatness, spiritual in their nature, imperishable by your grace; you have created your Angels in your image, O Incomprehensible.
You have kept your ministers, O Christ, from swerving to the worse, by their closeness to you; for you are the source of goodness, who make good those who fittingly worship you.
Alone Virgin after childbirth, pure and unwedded, Mary immaculate, bring us to anchor in your haven, guiding us from dangers towards eternal salvation.
Second Canon.
Why have you abandoned.To Bawerving to the worse, by their closeness to you; for you are the source of goodness, who make good those who fittingly worship you.
Alone Virgin after childbirth, pure and unwedded, Mary immaculate, bring us to anchor in your haven, guiding us from dangers towards eternal salvation.
Second Canon.
Why have you abandoned.To Balaam the seer who of old do not believe the ineffable and divine marvels of God, the Angel, by appearing to the ass in the narrow lane, brought fearful reproof, and by showing the beast to be rational altered the signs of nature.
To Peter, imprisoned and waiting in gaol, God’s Angel appeared delivering him from Herod’s hands, and from bonds and from death; and so let us all honour the wise Archangels as God-inspired guardians of our souls.
Angels, Archangels, God’s divine Powers, abolish the upheavals of wars, and the heresies and all the scandals of the Church by your constant entreaties to God, and keep us in peace.
We know you to be one God of creation in two natures, unconfused in both modes of action and both wills, the Son of God who took flesh from a woman, whose image we honour in pictures.
The universe was amazed.Ode 6.
Lord, you made Jonas dwell.As befits God, O Lord, you brought out of nothing by your word the natures of the immortal, heavenly hosts, creating them with forms of light.
O Bodiless Powers, you have become honoured initiates of God’s praise, citizens of the heavenly and truly divine tabernacle, as you fittingly adore the Maker.
Son of God before all eternity, the spiritual ranks of the Bodiless ones praise you unceasingly, and glorify you as Maker and Creator of the universe.
O Immaculate, you were worthy to cradle in your arms the One who is seated eternally with the Father in the highest. Give him to us your servants, O Pure one, in your mercy.
Second Canon.
Be merciful to me.Flying upward in mind from the corruption of matter, let us in fear with lips of matter honour in songs the immaterial Bodiless Powers as beings of fire and flame and light.
Put to death, O Archangels, the assaults of the passions, and with them bring to an end all the scandals of the faith, O Holy ones formed of fire, the Chief Captains of the Trinity.
Archangels of God, leaders of the Bodiless hosts, by your freedom to speak save us from every heresy, Michael the Prince and Gabriel, the Chief Captains.
Willingly, O Christ, you appeared in flesh from a womb that did not know wedlock as God without flesh, but as man you bore flesh; the form of whose likeness we the faithful honour.
Come, godly-minded people.Kontakion. Tone 2.
Chief Captains of God, ministers of divine glory, guides of mankind and princes of the Bodiless Powers, intercede for what is for our good and for great mercy, as Chief Captains of the Bodiless Powers.
The Ikos.
You said in the Scriptures, Lover of mankind, that the multitudes of Angels rejoice in heaven over one human who repents, O Immortal; therefore we in our sins, O Sinless One, who alone know the heart, dare to implore you each day, for you are compassionate, to take pity on us, Master, and send us, the unworthy, compunction, granting us pardon; for they intercede for us all, the Chief Captains of the Bodiless Powers.
On the 8th day of the month, the Assembly of the Chief Captains, Michael and Gabriel, and of the rest of the holy, bodiless and heavenly Orders.
Michael, a fitting song I wished to sing
You fittingly; but matter-free have none.
Leaders of heaven’s high host the eighth of November now honours.
For the Assembly of the Nine Orders of Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Principalities, Powers, Archangels and Angels.
What offering worthy of the Orders nine
Could one the offspring of nine months pronounce?
Michael the pre-eminent Captain of the bodiless Powers, in both the Old Testament and the New Grace, has shown and shows to the human race his many graces and benefactions. For when the opponent and enemy of our salvation tossing his mane against the Creator, said swaggeringly: ‘I shall place my throne above the clouds’ and boastingly: ‘I shall be like the Most High’, he fell, as the Lord says, from his Archangel’s dignity. For he says: ‘I saw Satan falling from heaven like lightning.’ Moreover the bragging Order under him suffered the same fate. But all-honoured Michael, maintaining, as a faithful servant, his respect for the Master and showing his great care for our race was appointed by the Almighty to lead the spiritual and archangelic ranks. For when he saw the rebel fall, he assembled the choirs of Angels and saying: ‘Let us attend’ hymned aloud the Lord of all things, as though saying: ‘Let us, who are creatures, attend to what they have suffered who until now were with us, beings of light, but now have become darkness. This support then has been named the Assembly of the Angels, that is attention, agreement and unity.
This great champion then and benefactor of our salvation, abounding in and unfolding many saving acts of kindness, appears visibly to many. For he was seen by Abraham and Lot at the overthrow of Sodom. He appeared to Jacob as he fled from his brother. He marched at the head of the army of the children of Israel when they were being delivered and freed from the malice of the Egyptians. He appeared to Balaam as he went to curse Israel. To Jesus son of Navi when he inquired he said: ‘I the Chief Captain of the Lord have now come to you.’ He also diverted the rivers that had been released against the shrine and chapel by the impious. And many other stories are told of him in the inspired Scripture. Therefore we also, putting him forward as protector and guardian of our life, celebrate his present all-honoured festival, asking through his prayers and intercessions that we may find deliverance from troubles in this present age, and in the age to come that we may be found worthy of heaven’s grace and rank. Amen.
At the prayers of your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Hebrew Youths.
Tens thousand ministering Angels stand unceasingly before him, unable to bear the sight of his countenance, as they cry: Blessed are you, Lord God!
You have shown, O Merciful, that the immaterial substances of the Angels are lights, filled with the ineffable light, who cry out unceasingly: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
Having created the multitude of Angels by your consubstantial Word, and hallowed them with the divine Spirit, you have taught them to praise the Trinity, God to the ages.
Keeping in mind three Persons, we glorify an infinite Essence, the Father, the Son and the Spirit, as we cry out: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
Second Canon.
With choirs of Bodiless Powers, come race of mortals, let us clap our hands as we celebrate the auspicious day of the memorial of the wise Archangels of Christ, crying out: Blessed are you, O God of our Fathers.
Of old, as friends of strangers, Abraham who saw God and glorious Lot welcomed Angels and have found fellowship with Angels as they cry: O God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Angels appeared to noble Manoe and to all-wise Tobit, bringing them the rewards of a worthy life; and the Angel of the three Youths once truly quenched the furnace’s flame of fire.
Jesu, like the Fathers we proclaim that you took our whole nature from a Virgin without change, double in natures, but one in person; whose form we depict and faithfully reverence.
The godlike Youths.Ode 8. The Lord glorified.
Let us rival the Angels’ life and wing our minds on high, and immaterially raise the song with them, praising the Lord and highly exalting him to all the ages.
The Angels, worshippers of the heavenly choir, circling the throne of glory and ever wheeling about God, praise and highly exalt him to the ages.
The Trinity that makes a flame of fire those who minister unceasingly in the heights, and shows the Angels to be spirits, let us worship and glorify to all the ages.
The One before whom in heaven tens of thousands of Angels and Archangels trembling stand you were worthy to carry in your arms; implore him, Mother of God, that we may be saved, who glorify him to the ages.
Second Canon.
Michael the Archangel is Prince of Angels; but resplendently glorified with him is the initiate of grace and the Virgin’s honoured suitor, the Captain of the Bodiless hosts, Gabriel who fittingly announces joy to those who cry: You people, highly exalt Christ to the ages.
Ezekiel saw the ranks of Angels in varied form and in his opening proclaimed: Among them stand the six-winged Seraphim, and the many-eyed Cherubim circle round. With them he saw the Archangels shining like amber as they glorified Christ to all the ages.
Daniel clearly foretold how fearful would be the arrival of your second coming down when he proclaimed how thrones were placed, and an Ancient took his seat; and he speaks of tens of thousands of Angels who stand around in fear and cry out to the Trinity with never silent voices to all the ages.
The Word, consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit, willingly appeared from the Virgin with the same form as us, not mingling the elements of the dread union; for he is shown to be one in both, in the two natures and one person; the image of whose likeness we now worship.
The Offspring of the Mother of God.Ode 9.
Christ, who united the things of earth with those of heaven, and brought to completion one Church of Angels and of mortals, we unceasingly magnify you.
Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Virtues and Dominations, Principalities and Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim, with the Mother of God, intercede on behalf of the world.
Michael with Gabriel, shown as champions of all, watch over those who honour with longing and who hymn with faith your all-festive memory, and save them from every danger.
O Virgin, you received the eternal Word, when he wished to refashion my nature, and you gave birth to him incarnate; therefore, Mother of God, we unceasingly magnify you.
Second Canon.
First of the Bodiless ones, Michael and Gabriel, you have appeared as champions for the salvation of those in sickness and on sea, and of those in need.
Dancing with the choirs of Powers and Thrones, as Captain of the Angels and initiate of God, O Gabriel, intercede for us to the Saviour.
As guardians of the world and of the Church, and Commanders of the Powers on high, implore the Saviour on our behalf.
Harmoniously, Mother of God, we glorify you, for you deliver us from passions and from dangers, and you fulfil our entreaties for good things.
. Let all those born of earth.Exapostilarion.
The Maker and God has proclaimed you as champion, governor and provider for our mortal race, O godlike Chief Captain, and has honoured you ineffably with glory, ceaselessly to sound the thrice-holy and divine hymn of victory.
Inexpressibly aflame with the divine rays of the Trinity beyond light, you pass through all creation as lightning, fulfilling God’s behest, Archangel Michael, lightning-formed, guarding, protecting and sheltering those who radiantly sing your praise.
O glorious Michael, godlike Chief Captain, you have been placed by God as leader of Virtues, Powers, Archangels, Angels, Dominations, Thrones and Principalities; as you stand before the unendurable throne, shelter, guard, protect and save those who in faith honour you, the world’s defender.
You are greater in honour than the glorious Cherubim, O Al-praised, and beyond compare more glorious than the dread Seraphim, and holier than all the Holy Angels, O All-pure, for inexpressibly you gave birth to the Creator of all things in a body, O Mother of God. Ask him to give your servants deliverance from offences.
At Lauds we insert 4 Verses and we sing 3 Prosomia, doubling the first.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
Michael, we faithfully sing your praise as Chief Captain of the heavenly orders, and mighty champion, guard and deliverer of those on earth, beseeching you to deliver us from every destroying pain.
The leader of the godlike Powers above invites the choirs of mortals today to celebrate with the Angels one shining feast of their Assembly and together raise the thrice-holy hymn to God.
Michael, godlike spirit, guard and shelter in this life beneath the shelter of your godlike wings us who flee to you in faith, and at the hour of death, Archangel, be present as most kindly helper for us all.
Tone 5.Where your grace casts its shade, Archangel, there the devil’s power is chased away; for the fallen Morning Star cannot endure in your light. And so we ask you, quench his fiery darts, directed against us, delivering us by your mediation, from his traps, Michael Archangel, worthy of praise.
Both now.
Theotokion.Virgin Mother of God, we the faithful as is fitting call you blessed, and we glorify you, the impregnable city, the unbreachable wall, the unshakeable protection and refuge of our souls.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, the Typika, and from the Canons the 3rd and 6th Odes.
Brethren, if the word spoken through Angels… [
Heb.2,2-10]Gospel according to Luke.
The Lord said to his Disciples: One who hears you, hears me… [
Who makes spirits his Angels, and flames of fire his Ministers.
I shall sing to you, Alleluia.
I shall give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart and in the presence of Angels I shall sing to you.
Who makes spirits his Angels and a flame of fire his Ministers.
Who walks on the wings of the winds.
Bless the Lord all his Angels.
Mighty in strength, who perform his word.
Bless the Lord all his Powers, his Ministers who do his will.
He is seated on the Cherubim, let the earth be shaken.
All you his Angels worship him.
For he has commanded his Angels concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.
They will bear you in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
You who are seated on the Cherubim shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasse.
The Angel of the Lord will surround those who fear him and will deliver them.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were established.
And by the breath of his mouth all their power.
And he mounted upon Cherubim and flew, he flew on the wings of the wind.
You have made him little less than the Angels.
You have crowned him with glory and honour.
He sent out his Angel and took me from my father’s sheep.
Bless the Lord, my soul, O Lord my God you are greatly magnified.
Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heights.
Praise him all his Angels, praise him all his Powers, to you praise is due, O God..
Glory, Both now. Alleluia.
At the end of the Polyeleos and the
Glory, Both now, whenever we do not want to sing the slow Triadikon, for the sake of brevity, we sing the following to Tone 1.Glory.
Let us worship the Father, and let us glorify the Son, and let us all praise together the all holy Spirit, crying out and saying: All holy Trinity, save us all.
Both now.
Your people, O Christ, brings your Mother to intercede; at her entreaties grant us your pity, that we may glorify you, O Good one, who dawned for us from the grave.
13 Nov. Commemoration of John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.
At Great Vespers
After the Opening Psalm we recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter. At
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3 Prosomia, doubling them.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
Let us praise in song the golden trumpet, the instrument inspired by God, the inexhaustible ocean of doctrines, the support of the Church, the heavenly mind, the depth of wisdom, the mixing bowl of solid gold which pours out rivers of teachings that flow with honey and which waters creation.
Let us fittingly honour John of golden speech, the unsetting star which lights with the rays of its teachings the whole wide earth; the herald of repentance, the all-golden sponge that takes away the sweat of dread despair and moistens hearts wasted by sins.
The Angel of earth and man of heaven, the sweet singing swallow of many notes, the treasury of the virtues, the unbreakable rock, pattern for the faithful, rival of the Martyrs, in rank the equal of the holy Angels, in living one with the Apostles, let Chrysostom be magnified in hymns.
Tone 6.Thrice-blessed, holiest, venerable Father, the good shepherd and Disciple of Christ the Chief Shepherd, you lay down your life for the sheep. Now too, all-praised John Chrysostom, by your prayers ask that we may be granted his great mercy.
Both now.
Theotokion. Same Tone.Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not sing the praise of your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone out from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sake, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day, and the Readings.The Reading is from Proverbs.
The memory of the just is praised, and the Lord's blessing is upon his head. Blessed is one who has found wisdom; a mortal who knows understanding. To import her is better that treasures of gold and silver. She is more valuable than precious stones; nothing of value equals her worth. Justice proceeds from her mouth; she carries law and mercy on its tongue. Therefore, my children, listen to me; for I speak weighty things; and blest the one who keeps my ways. For my goings out are the goings out of life, and favour is prepared from the Lord. Therefore I exhort you, and utter my voice to the children of men. Because I, Wisdom, have prepared counsel, I have called upon knowledge and understanding. Mine are counsel and sureness; mine is prudence, mine is strength. I love those who are my friends, while those who seek me will find grace. You innocent, understand cunning; you untaught, take it to heart. Listen to me, for I will speak weighty things, and I will open right things from my lips. Because my throat will meditate truth; lying lips are abominable before me. All the words of my mouth are with justice, there is nothing crooked in them nor twisted. They are all straight for those who understand, and right for those who find knowledge. For I teach you what is true, that your hope may be in the Lord and that you may be filled with spirit.
The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
The mouth of a just man distils wisdom; the lips of men know graces. The mouth of the wise meditates wisdom; justice delivers them from death. When a just man dies hope is not lost; for a just son is born for life, and among his good things he will pluck the fruit of justice. There is light at all times for the just, and they will find grace and glory from the Lord. The tongue of the wise knows what is good, and wisdom will takes its rest in their hearts. The Lord loves holy hearts; while all who are blameless in the way are acceptable to him. The wisdom of the Lord will enlighten the face of the understanding; for she anticipates those who desire her before they know it, and is easily contemplated by those who love her. One who rises for her at dawn will not toil, and one who keeps vigil because of her will be without care. For she goes about seeking those who are worthy of her, and shows itself favourably to those in the ways. Wickedness will never prevail against wisdom. Because of this I too became a lover of her beauty and became her friend, and I sought her out from my youth, and I sought to take her as my bride; because the Master of all things loved her. For she is an initiate of the knowledge of God one who chooses his works. Her toils are virtues; she teaches sobriety and prudence; justice and courage, than which nothing is more useful in human life. If anyone longs for much experience, she knows how to compare things of old and things that are to come. She knows the twists of words and the explanations of riddles; she foresees signs and wonders and the outcomes of seasons and times. And to all she is a good counsellor. Because immortality is in her, and fame in the fellowship of her words. Therefore I appealed to the Lord and besought him and said from my whole heart: God of my Fathers and Lord of mercy, who made all things by your word, and established humanity by your wisdom to be master over the creatures that had come into being by you, and to order the world in holiness and justice; give me Wisdom who sits by your throne, and do not reject me from among your children, for I am your servant and the son of your maid servant. Send her out from your holy dwelling and from the throne of your glory, that she may be present and teach me what is pleasing before you. And let her guide me with knowledge and guard me with her glory. For all the thoughts of mortals are wretched and their ideas are unstable.
The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
When the just is praised, peoples are glad; for immortality is his memory, because it is known both to God and men, and his soul is pleasing to the Lord. Therefore, O men, desire wisdom, and long for it and be instructed. For her beginning is love and keeping of laws. Honour Wisdom, that you may reign for ever. I will declare to you and not hide from you the mysteries of God Because he is both the guide of Wisdom and the One who sets right the wise; and in his hand are all prudence, and knowledge of works. The artificer of all things, Wisdom, taught me; for in her is an understanding holy spirit, brightness of the eternal light, image of the goodness of God. She makes them friends of God and prophets. She is more lovely than the sun, and beyond every order of the stars; compared to light, she is found before it. She delivered her devotees from toils, and guided them in straight paths. She gave them holy knowledge and protected them from those who lay in ambush for them, she awarded them a mighty contest, that all might know that true religion is more powerful than all, and that wickedness can never prevail against Wisdom, nor will justice in passing sentence overlook the evil. For they said in themselves, not reasoning correctly: Let us overpower the just, let us not spare his saintliness, nor feel reverence for the aged grey hairs of an elder; let our strength be law. Let us lie in ambush for the just, for he is a hindrance to us and he is opposed to our works and alleges the sins of our upbringing. He claims to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. He has become a reproof to our thoughts. He is grievous for us even to look at; for his life is not like others and his paths are quite different. We are reckoned by him to be counterfeit, and he keeps away from our ways as from filth; he calls the end of the just blest. Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen to him at the end. Let us examine him by insult and torture, that we may know his forbearance and make trial of his patience. Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for by his own words he will have protection. This was how they argued, and they were deceived; for their wickedness had blinded them. And they did not know the mysteries of God, nor did they judge that you alone are God who have authority over life and death, and who save in time of tribulation, and deliver from every ill; pitying and merciful, giving grace to your holy ones, and by your right arm resisting the proud.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 5. Hail of Ascetics.
Hail instrument of the Church, lovely and gleaming like gold; the tongue which with love for mankind traced out for us the many-sided ways of repentance; mind formed of gold; golden-mouthed swallow; dove, whose pinions, as the Psalmist says, are shining like gold with the golden pallor of virtues; stream like gold, pouring out waters; godlike mouth and entrusted with love for mankind: entreat Christ to send down to our souls his great mercy.
My mouth will speak wisdom; and his tongue will speak judgement.Hail Father of orphans; sure help of the wronged; provision for the poor; righting of sinners; most skilled and revered physician of souls; lofty precision of theology; clarity of the Scriptures of the Spirit; most effective law; straightest rule; contemplation and action, the summits of wisdom. entreat Christ to send down to our souls his great mercy.
The mouth of a just man will meditate wisdom; and the meditation of my heart understanding.You made yourself into a consecrated house of the sacred virtues; for in you, Father, as in a holy and most pure temple, they made their dwelling; for you governed wisely the body’s senses and guarded your mind, purified of the passions, as in a secure treasure-house; therefore you became most godlike, All-blessed, and presided over the Church, adorned with the priesthood, implore Christ to grant the world his great mercy.
Tone 6.You were revealed as golden-voiced trumpet, O Golden Mouthed of golden words, making the hearts of the faithful golden by your teachings worked in gold. For the sound of your doctrines went out, Venerable Father, and enlightened the ends of all the world.
Both now.
Theotokion.My Maker and Redeemer, Christ the Lord, by coming from your womb, All-pure Lady, and, clothing himself in me, freed Adam from the former curse. And so, All-pure one, as to her who is truly Mother of God and Virgin, we cry to you unceasingly the Angel’s ‘Hail’: Hail, Sovereign Lady, defence, protection and salvation of our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 8. Model Melody.
The grace which shone from your mouth like a torch of flame enlightened the whole earth; it laid up for the world the treasures of freedom from avarice; it showed us the height of humility. But as you train us by your words, Father John Chrysostom, intercede with Christ God, the Word, that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Theotokion.You were born for us from a Virgin, and endured crucifixion, loving Lord; by your death you despoiled death, and revealed resurrection as God; do not despise those whom you fashioned with your own hand; show us your compassion, O Merciful; receive the Mother of God who bore you as she intercedes for us, and save, our Saviour, a people in despair.
At Matins
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Today you have appeared.
The Church, watered by you golden words, gives golden streams as drink for all and heals diseases of those who sing your praise, all-blessed Chrysostom.
Tone 5. Let s believers.Neither the lawless enmity of a synod, nor the mindless hatred of an Augusta quenched the virtues that were in you, Father. But tested by trials, like gold in the fire, you intercede unceasingly with the All-holy Trinity, for which you struggled, fervent in the spirit.
Both now.
Theotokion. Same melody.Show your servant your swift protection and assistance and your mercy, and calm the waves of vain thoughts, and raise up my fallen soul, pure Mother of God. For I know, I know that all that you wish you can also perform.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon in Tone 4.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
My mouth will speak wisdom, * and the mediation of my heart understanding.
Hear this all you nations.Let everything that has breath…
Gospel according to John. One who does not enter through the door.Psalm 50.
Glory. Tone 2.Today let companies of High Priests in spirit leap for joy, as with us they honour your memory, venerable Hierarch Chrysostom, beacon of the Church.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God O Merciful One, wipe away the multitude of my offences.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; according to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.
And the Idiomel. Tone 6.
Grace was poured out on your lips, venerable Father, and you became a Shepherd of Christ’s Church, teaching the rational sheep to believe in a consubstantial Trinity in one Godhead.
The Canons: of the Mother of God to 6 [from the Little Paraklesis] and that of the Saint to 8.
The Canon of the Saint, of which the acrostic is:
I sing you, golden mouth of the Spirit. By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Moses’ wonderworking staff.
As you became a most fervent herald of repentance, Father Chrysostom, intercede with God that I may repent with my whole heart and implore that I may be cleansed of the wounds of ancient falls by your compassion.
Having received the whole radiance of the Holy Spirit, venerable Father, you appeared as a pillar all of light guiding the Church, and a cloud of light overshadowing the companies of the Orthodox, O all-blessed.
Chosen by Christ as a Teacher, with your tongue of gold and your mind inspired by God you became a rich source of divine teachings; for you appeared as a river of God, full of the waters of the Spirit, Chrysostom, revealer of God.
Adorned with the adornment of grace, O blessed one, graced by God, you gave birth to the Word of the Father, become flesh through ineffable compassion beyond mind and beyond reason, yet you remained a Virgin undefiled.
I will open my mouth.Ode 3. Christ who established.
Enriched with the mind of Christ, by your pure way of life you became his fellow worker for the salvation of mortals, teacher and orator, Chrysostom, inspired by God, pouring out saving teachings.
From the safe treasures of the Spirit you became rich, and having drawn the inexhaustible source of teachings from the springs of salvation, you watered the whole face of the Church, Venerable Father.
You truly cleansed the overgrown ploughland of souls with your all-wise husbandry, and watering it with heavenly showers you made it fruitful, O inspired by God.
In you, all-blameless Virgin, there is no spot or stain at all, rather you appeared as a dwelling of heavenly virtues, for in you all the hallowing of the virtues made its dwelling.
O Mother of God.Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
As one who saw God having drawn the wealth of the knowledge of the ineffable wisdom, you treasured up for all the waters of orthodoxy that inspired by God make glad the hearts of the faithful, but fittingly drown the doctrines of the faithless. Therefore through both you have been revealed by the hard labours of true religion as an invincible champion of the Trinity, John Chrysostom, intercede with Christ to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Tremble, my soul, and groan as you think on the flame of Gehenna and the burning, and the weeping and most wretched lamentation there, and the most bitter separation from the inheritance and company of the Saints. Hasten eagerly to wipe away with tears of compunction the records of your ten thousand debts, having as a fellow worker who cannot be put to shame the only pure one, through whom forgiveness of faults is given to those who with right belief glorify her as Mother of God.
Ode 4. You, Lord, are my strength.
Christ, who with providence arranges for all things as he is good, has given you to us as another of like manner to the Apostles, herald of the heavenly initiation and godlike instructor in the mysteries on high, all-blessed John Chrysostom.
Let us honour John, shining like gold, golden of speech, making all golden with the gold-formed beams of his teaching and making the world radiant with his tongue, brighter than gold and filled full of light, pouring out inspired grace.
You became wholly a dwelling place of God; you appeared as wholly an instrument of the Spirit raising a melody inspired by God of every virtue and a foundation of salvation, and showing forth the beauty of the kingdom of heaven, all-blessed John Chrysostom.
You proclaimed the compassion of God, setting out ways of repentance; and teaching excellently and most completely the flight from evils, O all-blessed; and showing forth counsels for works of excellence, all-revered Father Chrysostom.
After God we have gained you as protection, for you were declared Mother of God, of the Maker and Creator, who took our form, O all-blameless, and saved it from corruption and death and glorified it with divine glory.
The Prophet Avvakoum.Ode 5. Why have you rejected me.
We all know you to be a most resplendent beacon of the Church and saviour of souls, snatching them from the death-bearing maw and guiding them to eternal life, honoured Father.
Armed with weapons of true religion and courage of soul, most holy one, you routed the ranks of the heretics; but with joy you outstandingly rally the choirs of the Orthodox with the bond of the Spirit.
Your cheeks, full like fountains with inspired fragrances, make the inhabited world glad with spiritual scents by the aromatic initiation of your thoughts and the beauty of your words, O all-wise.
As you conceived God, the creator and maker and Lord, all generations of mankind call you blessed, pure Virgin, and the immaterial Captains of the Bodiless Powers glorify you as Mother of God.
The universe was amazed.Ode 6. Have mercy on me, Saviour.
With spiritual wisdom you enriched the whole world, becoming a rich bestower of the word; for rich grace from on high was poured out on your lips, O Hierarch.
Your sound has gone out into all the earth like lightning, while the power of your words, O Chrysostom, like a well-sounding trumpet, has echoed throughout all the ends of the inhabited world.
Clothed in a tunic of the virtues woven from on high, all-blessed one, and adorned with the splendour of words, you appeared as a skilled support of the truth.
The Lover of mankind who carries the universe by his almighty power, clothed himself in the weakness of flesh from you, all-blameless Virgin, for the benefit of mankind.
Come godly-minded people.Kontakion. Tone 6.
You received divine grace from heaven, and through your lips you teach us all to worship one God in Trinity, venerable John Chrysostom, wholly blessed. Fittingly we praise you, for you are a teacher who makes clear things divine.
The Ikos.
I bow the knee to the Maker of all things, I stretch out my hands to the eternal Word seeking the gift of words that I may sing the praise of the Saint whom he magnified. For he who lives to the ages said to the Prophet: I glorify those who glorify me with faith. He then, who among those of old exalted Samuel, has now glorified his Hierarch. For having traded well he brought the talent with which he had been entrusted to the King. Therefore the One above all being also exalted him. For this reason I the unworthy ask that words be given me that I may have strength to sing his praise. For he is the instructor of the of the world who makes clear things divine.
On the 13th of the month, Commemoration of our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.
Closing his mouth in death, the golden John
Another mouth has left to us: his books.
On the thirteenth of the month the lips that were golden fell silent.
Commemoration of the holy new Monk and Martyr Damaskinos of Constantinople, he was martyred in Constantinople in 1681. At the prayers of the Golden-worded, Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Youths from Judea.
Initiated into the depth of goodness and compassion of God, you appeared pledging salvation to those who fervently repent and cry out with their whole soul: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
By your teachings, Chrysostom, you train every mind and in your great compassion heal the sicknesses of souls, and joyfully you chant with those who live well: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
You were exalted, becoming a chosen, holy, innocent priest of the Most High, resplendently clothing yourself in justice and crying out with joy: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Immaculate Virgin, you conceived the God and Lord over all things, who was well pleased to save the race of mortals from the corruption of death. As we fittingly sing his praise we cry: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
. The godlike Youths.Ode 8. The King of heaven.
As with understanding we attend to your words, O Chrysostom, we are initiated into the mystery of theology and pluck all the enjoyment of good thongs, and flee the harm of wickedness; for you have become the general guardian of salvation, crying out: Highly exalt Christ to the ages.
Entreat the Master, Chrysostom, on our behalf, employing your compassionate freedom to speak, Father, and your merciful and benevolent love; for with faith we put you forward to the Saviour as mediator, champion and fervent advocate, inspired Hierarch, all-blessed John.
To rulers who acted unjustly you showed a young man’s resistance, a mind not to be humbled, warmly championing those who had be wronged, Venerable Father, and orphans, widows and paupers with a loving disposition, as you cried: Highly exalt Christ to the ages.
The Prophets foretold in bodily forms, manifold riddles and symbolic and figurative stories your wondrous birthgiving beyond nature, O Virgin. And so with joy we devoutly sing your praise, as we highly exalt Christ to the ages.
The Offspring of the Mother of God.Ode 9. Heaven and the ends of the earth.
As you truly enjoy the life for which you struggled according to your power on earth, conspicuous by your angelic way of life, and gaining a the tongue and gentle mouth of Christ, intercede, inspired Father, that those who with faith especially called you blessed may be saved.
Your words, thrice-blessed one, are words of life, procuring unending life; for Christ revealed you to be a source pouring forth a river flowing with streams of divine teachings, truly a torrent of delight, a channel of forgiveness and bright herald of repentance.
You were revealed, High Priest, as a resplendent mediator between God and mortals; for you appeared as a shining beacon of true religion, and you became a teacher of almsgiving. And so, O golden-worded, with fondness of heart we now fittingly magnify you.
Pure Mother of God, who have been glorified, save those who sing your praise with love, in compassion banishing a crowd of temptations; for since you gave birth to God, all that you wish you obtain and can perform, O Virgin. And so we all magnify you.
All those born of earth.Exapostilarion. By the sacred Spirit.
By your words of shining gold, Father Chrysostom, the Church of Christ is bright and resplendent; while the souls of the faithful are filled with joy as they honour your all-holy memory, for you appeared to all as guide to salvation and herald of repentance.
Another. Women hear.
The mighty voiced herald of repentance, the treasury of the poor, the golden and eloquent mouth of the Church, the clarification of the Scriptures, John the all-wise, let us praise, for by him we have been established.
All-blameless Virgin, my Lady and Mistress, with far-famed Chrysostom implore your Son to deliver from trials of every kind those who sing your praise and make them all worthy of eternal good things, for can do whatever you will.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and sing the following Prosomia.
Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Pouring forth your sacred teachings more brightly than gold, all-wise Chrysostom, you enrich minds that are poor, and you dispel the fog of the passions and the bitter winter of the love of money. And so, as is fitting, we call you blessed and honour the dust of your relics as a source of sanctification.
Let the fiery pillar, the river that flows with waters of doctrines, the heavenly mind of theology, the mouth of solid gold, guarantor for sinners, inspired herald of repentance, brightly shining beacon, heavenly mortal, the blessed Chrysostom be praise today.
You have become a sun with many lights, irradiating the inhabited world by your words, dazzling star, brightly shining lamp, torch that ever summons those who are storm-tossed by the worldly sea to the calm haven of salvation by grace, O Golden-worded, Golden-mouthed, intercessor for our souls.
Unjustly driven from flock, venerable Father, you became familiar with afflictions and bitter exiles, by which you were counted worthy of a blessed end as a noble Athlete, throwing down the one of many wiles, and Christ crowned you with a diadem of victory, John Chrysostom, intercessor for our souls.
Glory. Tone 8.
By Anatolios.With golden words and teachings inspired by God you adorned the Church of God, storing up in it spiritual riches, your words received from God, and so, having woven for you with songs a crown of unfading flowers, she offers it to your sacred memory, O John, wise in God, all golden of soul and tongue. But as you freedom to speak, venerable Father, intercede on behalf of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Sovereign Lady accept the supplications of your servants, and rescue us from every constraint and affliction.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
Holy oil is given to the Brethren.
At the Liturgy, Typika and Beatitudes from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Canon of the Saint.
?21 Nov. Введение во храм Пресв. Богородицы?
30 Nov. Commemoration of Apostle Andrew, the First-called.
At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm we recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter.
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera, and sing the three following Prosomia, doubling them.Tone 4. Called from on high.
Formed by the light of the Forerunner, when the empersonned brightness of the Father’s glory appeared, wishing through his compassion to save the human race, then, glorious Saint, you were the first to run to him, illumined in mind by the perfect brilliance of his Godhead; therefore you are named herald and Apostle of Christ our God; implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Acquainted with the voice of the Forerunner, when the all-holy Word became flesh, granting us life and salvation, bringing the good tidings to those on earth, then, O all-wise, you followed him and dedicated yourself as firstling and all-holy first fruits to him; our God, whom you both came to know and revealed to your own brother; implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Frequenting the one sprung from a barren womb, when the offspring of the Virgin dawned, as Teacher of piety and temperance revealing purity, then you became a most fervent lover of virtue, blessed Andrew, placing ascents in your heart; and from glory you were raised to the ineffable glory of Christ our God; implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Tone 4. By Anatolios.Leaving behind the catching of fish, O Apostle, you net men, lowering the bait of true religion like a hook with the rod of your preaching, and drawing up from the depth of error all the nations. Apostle Andrew, brother of the Prince and outstanding teacher of the world, do not cease to intercede for us, O all-praised, who with faith and love praise your ever-honoured memory.
Both now.
The same Tone.Isaias, dance, receive the word of God; prophesy to Mary the maiden that the bush is aflame with the beam of the Godhead and is not being burned by fire. Bethlehem, make ready, Eden open your gate; and Magi make your journey to see salvation swaddled in a manger; whom the Star above the cave reveals as the Lord, the giver of life, who saves our race.
O joyful light, and the Readings.The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
[1:1-2, 10-25 & 2:1-6]
Peter, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, To the exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you. Beloved, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired about this salvation; they inquired what person or time was indicated by the Spirit of Christ within them when predicting the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glory. It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things which have now been announced to you by those who preached the good news to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look. Therefore gird up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’ And if you invoke as Father him who judges each one impartially according to his deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile. You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was destined before the foundation of the world but was made manifest at the end of the times for your sake. Through him you have believed in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth through the Spirit for a sincere love of the brethren, love one another from a pure heart. You have been born anew, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living word of God which abides for ever; for ‘All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withered, and the flower fell, but the word of the Lord abides for ever’. That word is the good news which was preached to you. So put away all malice and all guile and insincerity and envy and all slander. Like new-born babes, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation; for you have tasted that the Lord is good. Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God’s sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture: ‘Behold, I am laying in Sion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in him will not be put to shame.’
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
[2:2-25 & 3:1-9]
Beloved, for to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He committed no sin; no guile was found on his lips. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he trusted to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. Likewise you wives, be submissive to your husbands, so that some, though they do not obey the word, may be won without a word by the behaviour of their wives, when they see your reverent and chaste behaviour. Let not yours be the outward adorning with braiding of hair, decoration of gold, and wearing of fine clothing, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. So once the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves and were submissive to their husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are now her children if you do right and let nothing terrify you. Likewise you husbands, live considerately with your wives, bestowing honour on the woman as the weaker sex, since you are joint heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered. Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind. Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling; but on the contrary bless, for to this you have been called, that you may obtain a blessing.
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
Beloved, since therefore Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same thought, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer by human desires but by the will of God. Let the time that is past suffice for doing what the Gentiles like to do, living in licentiousness, desires, drunkenness, revels, carousing, and lawless idolatry. They are surprised that you do not now join them in the same wild profligacy, and they abuse you; but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead, that though judged in the flesh like men, they might live in the spirit like God. The end of all things is at hand; therefore keep sane and sober for your prayers. Above all hold unfailing your love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another. As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who utters oracles of God; whoever renders service, as one who renders it by the strength which God supplies; in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and might to the ages of ages. Amen.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 1.
By Andrew of Jerusalem.
The First-called Disciple and imitator of your passion, the Apostle Andrew, conformed to you, Lord, having drawn out with the fish-hook of your Cross those once gone astray in the deep of ignorance, brought them to you. At his prayers, O supremely Good, make our lives peaceful and save our souls.
The same Tone.
Let us the faithful sing the praise of Peter’s brother, Andrew, Christ’s Disciple; for he once searched the sea with nets and caught fish, while now he trawls the inhabited world with the rod of the Cross and brings the nations back from error by Baptism; and as he stands before Christ he asks peace for the world, and for our souls God’s great mercy.
The same Tone.
Having received within his heart the spiritual fire that enlightens minds and burns up sins, Christ’s Apostle and disciple shines with the mystical rays of teachings in the unenlightened hearts of the nations; while he again burns up the brushwood fables of the ungodly; for the fire of the Spirit has such a force. O strange and fearful wonder! A tongue of clay, a nature of clay, a body of dust has received spiritual and immaterial knowledge. But, O initiate of ineffable and contemplator of heavenly mysteries, intercede that our souls may be illumined.
Tone 8.
When you saw the God so longed for walking the earth, O First-called, who saw God, you called out to your brother: We have found, Simon, the one so longed for; to the Saviour you cried like David: As the hart longs for the springs of water, so my soul longs for you, Christ God. Therefore too adding longing to longing, you pass over through a cross to him you longed for, as a true Disciple and became an imitator of the passion through his Cross; and so having also become with him a partaker of glory, fervently intercede on behalf of our souls.
Tone 8.By Andrew of Jerusalem; or, according to others, Anatolios.
Let us all sing the praise of Andrew, the herald of the faith and servant of the Word; for he fishes men from the deep, grasping in his hands the Cross for a rod, and lowering power like a line he brings souls up from the error of the foe and offers them as an acceptable gift to God. Let us the faithful ever sing his praise with the choir of Christ’s Disciples, that he may intercede with him so that he may be merciful to us on the day of judgement.
Both now.
Theotokion.Sovereign Lady, accept the supplication of your servants, and rescue us from every calamity and tribulation.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia. Tone 5.
Hail, spiritual heaven, ever telling the glory of God; the first to submit fervently to the call of Christ, and immediately to join him; set aflame by him you were seen as a second light, and by your beams you enlightened those in darkness, as you imitated his loving-kindness. Therefore we celebrate your all-holy festival, and with great joy kiss the casket of your relics, from which you pour out salvation for those who ask, and God’s great mercy.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the ends of the world.Having found the first of all objects of desire, who had put on our nature through compassion, with ardent longing you attached yourself firmly to him, Andrew, inspired by God, crying to your brother: The one whom the Prophets proclaimed in the Spirit, we have found; come, let us entrance our soul and mind with his beauties; so that, guided to the light by his radiance, we may dispel the night of error and the darkness of ignorance, as we bless Christ, who grants the world his great mercy.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.You caught from the deep of ignorance the nations which did not know God with the net of your words, and you troubled the salt seas, appearing as a noble horse of him who is Master of the sea, honoured Saint; and you dried up the putrid rot of godlessness, casting in precious salt, your wisdom; at which, glorious Andrew, they were indeed amazed, those who were shameless content with a wisdom proved folly.
Tone 3 By Germanos.With hymns let us honour the brother of Peter and disciple of Christ, catcher of fish and fisher of men, Andrew the Apostle; for by his doctrines he has trained all in the teachings of Jesus; and like a bait for fish he handed over his flesh to lawless men, and caught them in his net. At his intercessions, O Christ, grant your people peace and great mercy.
Both now.
The same Tone.Joseph, tell us: How are you bringing the Maiden you received from the Holy Place, to Bethlehem great with child? I, he said, have searched the Scriptures and have been told by an Angel, and I am assured that Mary will give birth to God in a way past explanation; to worship him Magi will come from the East, adoring him with precious gifts. O Lord, incarnate for our sake, glory to you!
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
As the First-called of the Apostles and full brother of the Prince, implore the Master of all things, Andrew, to give peace to the inhabited world, and to our souls his great mercy.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The mystery, hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
As a godly Disciple and First-called of all the Disciples of Christ, with love we praise you, Apostle Andrew, and faithfully we cry out to you: Deliver your flock, with which you were entrusted by God, from every tribulation, from constraints and stumblings, and every evil
Again the same.Both now.
Theotokion.As you now stretch out your hands in pity, holy Lady, grant us your help from the Holy Place, and may they complete their lives without danger, those who glorify your all-holy Offspring, and claim you, Lady and Maiden, as their hope and boast.
After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma. Tone 3.
Christ found you first, blest Andrew, as you came
1, a noble initiate, and one who proclaimed his commandments clearly to the inhabited world like a soaring bird, illumining the companies of the nations. Implore him as God to grant us his great mercy.Glory.
Again the same.Both now.
Theotokion.You became the divine tabernacle of the Word, Mother of God alone all-pure, surpassing the Angels in purity. With the divine waters of your prayers purify me, who am befouled more than all by offences of the flesh, granting me God’s great mercy.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 5. Let us believers.
Let us all sing the praise of the Apostle as eye-witness and godlike herald of the Word, and truly spiritual fisher of nations; because Andrew inspired of God brought us to knowledge of Christ, and now he intercedes without ceasing that our souls may be saved.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Immaculate Virgin, you are the protection, of those who have their hopes unquestioningly in you. Free us from trials of every kind, calamities and dire troubles, as with the Apostles you intercede with your Son, and save all who sing your praise.
The 1st Antiphon of the Anavathmi of the 4th Tone.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the end of the world.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.Let everything that has breath.
Gospel, according to Matthew:
At that time, Jesus was walking by the sea.
See the 2nd Sunday of Matthew]Psalm 50.
Glory. At the prayers of the Apostle.
Both now. At the prayers of the Mother of God.
Then the Idiomel. Tone 1.
The First-called Disciple and imitator of your passion, the Apostle Andrew, conformed to you, O Lord, having drawn out with the fish-hook of your Cross those once gone astray in the deep of ignorance, brought them to you. At his prayers, O supremely Good, make our lives peaceful and save our souls.
After this are said the Canons, of the Mother of God, and the two of the Apostle.
The Canon of the Mother of God.
Ode 1. 1st Tone. Irmos.
‘Let us all sing a song of victory to God who worked wonders with upraised arm and saved Israel, for he has been glorified’.
As she who alone gave birth in time in the flesh to the Son who is without time, O all-holy and immaculate, heal for all times the passions of my most wretched soul.
As you are compassionate, O all-pure, wipe out by your supplications the wounds of my soul, the hardness of my heart, the darkening of my thought and the wrong turnings of my mind.
O Immaculate, who bore the Light, my Redeemer, redeem me from darkness and the eternal torments there, that saved I may praise you mighty deeds.
With your light, O all-blameless, dispel the blackness of my mind, you who bore the Light; and grant me, loving Lady, to behold the Light which dawned for us from you.
First Canon of the Apostle.
A Composition of the Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 1. Your triumphant right hand.
Purify my soul, muddied by thoughts and words, Andrew, herald of Christ, by the divine grace which dwells in you, that in purity I may offer you a worthy hymn.
Christ’s Forerunner, shoot of a barren womb, rejoicing brought you, Andrew, as the precious cornerstone of his own Disciples to the one born of a Virgin, Christ, who has been glorified.
With love and unwavering longing you mounted the steps of virtue, and ever meditating on ascents, Andrew, from feeble power you attained the highest power.
Hail, fount of grace. Hail, ladder and gate of heaven. Hail, lampstand and golden jar, and mountain unhewn, who bore for the world Christ the giver of life.
Second Canon of the Apostle.
Ode 1. Tone 1. Through a pillar if fire.
With the rod of the Gospel, Andrew all-praised, you drew from the deep of error and caught peoples, as Christ had promised, who taught you to trawl men as you had caught fish.
The pillar of the faith, the seat of the true doctrines of Christ, Andrew inspired by God today calls all the ends of the earth to arrange a yearly feast; let us believers, therefore, come together.
As a fisherman by craft you searched the hollow of the sea with nets; with the seine net of the Spirit you catch nations, tribes and peoples by the Spirit, and, O most wondrous, you reveal to us the deep above.
Initiator, eye-witness and preacher of the ineffable knowledge of Christ, you received from on high the Holy Spirit, who speaks in tongues, comes to rest by fire, distributes his gifts. Intercede that we may be saved.
With faith I worship a Unity beyond being of a Trinity without beginning, not dividing the Godhead; for it is one in form, simple and indivisible; but I join it together in a being of Persons, and faithfully I distinguish.
Both now.
Theotokion.God becomes a babe from a Virgin, makes new the corrupted descendants of Adam, abolishes the middle wall and rampart of enmity in his flesh and by coming forth from an immaculate Mother makes the curse of the Foremother a blessing.
Christ is born.Of the Mother of God. Ode 3. Irmos.
‘Let my heart be established to your will, Christ God, who established the second heaven upon the waters, and fixed the earth in the waters, O all-powerful’.
Banish from my barren mind all unfruitfulness, and make my soul fruitful with virtues, All-holy Mother of God, the help of the faithful.
Deliver me from every condemnation and the many stumbling blocks of the serpent, the everliving fire and the darkness, O All-blameless, who bore for us the Light that knows no evening.
I greatly fear the inexorable tribunal, that unquenchable fire and the dread sentence, pure, loving Lady. Hasten, save your servant before the end.
Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Virgin all-praised, for he has made incorruptible through the tree of his Cross those corrupted by a fruit, and established them as partakers in divine grace.
Of the Apostle. You alone know.
Without being called, with thirst you hurried forward, Andrew, of your own volition to the source of life, like a hart; and having found it you proclaimed it to all, and having drunk you watered with the streams of incorruption the ends of the earth, that were fainting from thirst.
You acknowledged the bonds of nature, noble Andrew, and took your brother as companion, crying out: We have found the one so longed for. And when he made his way you explained to him the birth of the flesh and the knowledge of the spirit.
With the net of the word you netted the rational fish from the deep of deception, Apostle, and brought them to the table of Christ as a pure delicacy, resplendent with the grace of him who appeared in the likeness of flesh.
When you conceived God in your womb, O Virgin, through the All-holy Spirit, you remained unburned; since to Moses the lawgiver the bush which flamed unconsumed had clearly foretold you, as the one who had received the unbearable fire.
Another. Let my heart be made firm.
When the Word called, ‘Come after me’, Kephas too with Andrew followed Christ at once, and like arrows of faith they left their father and the boat and the nets.
O all-revered, you transformed the shrines of idols into temples of God, consecrating in them children of baptism, whom grace renewed through water by the Spirit.
Mystically you found beforehand for the world the pearl of great price, hidden in the field of your heart, Apostle, which once the nations found it they treasured it by the faith.
Having taken the Gospel in your hands like a treasure, O all-praised, you enriched the whole earth with the inspired proclamation; and so it honours your memorials with your struggles.
Let us all praise with orthodox belief the one power in Trinity, as we sing the praise of God without beginning, uncreated, consubstantial, equal in throne, three-personned triple sun.
Both now.
Theotokion.Every mother who bears a child can no longer remain virgin; but you gave birth to Christ and appeared as Virgin Mother, suckling our life, and remaining ever pure.
The Son begotten.Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
As First-called of all the Disciples, eye-witness and minister of the Word, we honour you as is fitting, Apostle Andrew; for you fervently followed with unwavering love the Lamb who takes away the offences of the world; therefore you were revealed as a partaker in the passion of him who willingly underwent death in the flesh. And so we cry to you: Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Another, same melody.You threw down the insolence of the idols; you longed for the sufferings of the Saviour, blessed Andrew, and you were declared to be an Apostle, a source for all of wonders from heaven; and you became, all-blessed, a Teacher of nations; therefore as we fittingly honour your memory, we give you glory in hymns and faithfully magnify you, Apostle of the Lord. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Both now.
Theotokion.Hail, throne of God, formed of fire. Hail, Maiden, royal seat, couch strewn with purple and gold, and purple bridal chamber, cloak of sea purple dye, most costly sanctuary, lightning-bearing chariot, lampstand of many lights. Hail, Mother of God, twelve-walled city, gate of beaten gold, beauteous inner chamber, fair gilded table, tabernacle adorned by God. Hail, glorious Bride, bedecked with the sun. Hail, only loveliness of my soul.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 4. Irmos.
‘Foreseeing in Spirit, Prophet Avvakoum, the incarnation of the Word, you proclaimed and cried out, ‘When the years draw near you will be made known, when the moment comes you will be revealed’. Glory to your power, O Lord’.
All-holy Virgin, spotless tabernacle, purify me now, who am defiled by sin, with the most pure drops of your mercies, and give me a hand of help, that I may cry, ‘Glory to you, pure Virgin glorified by God’.
You were revealed as the hallowed Temple of God, who, beyond understanding, dwelt in you, O Virgin; entreat him to cleanse us from the stain of sins, that we may be recognised as house and dwelling of the Spirit.
Have mercy on me, Mother of God, who alone gave birth to the source of mercy, and loose the dread sickness of my soul and the hardness of my heart, granting me before the end streams of tears and divine compunction by your intercessions.
Perceiving by the Spirit of God, the Prophet depicted you beforehand, Pure Virgin, as a shaded Mountain, for you cleanse by your mediations those who are wasted by the fever of offences, only righting of mortals.
Of the Apostle. Avvakoum with foreseeing.
The divine power of the all-creating and radiant Spirit, which utterly consumes what is worse, dwelt in you, Andrew, in a manner fitting God, in the form of a tongue of fire, and revealed you as Herald of ineffable mysteries.
All-honoured Andrew did not take up weapons of flesh for the destruction of the dread strongholds of the foe, but shielding himself with Christ he took prisoner and brought him subject nations.
All-blessed Andrew, from the unfailing gift of your Teacher Christ do not cease by your prayers to fill with waters of spiritual joy those who with longing celebrate your memory in songs.
We hymn your great and fearful mystery; for unknown to the leaders of the hosts above the world the One Who Is came down upon you, O all-praised, like rain upon a fleece, for our salvation and refashioning.
Another. Foreseeing in Spirit.
Leaving your nets and taking up the Cross, you ran to follow Christ who called you; and spreading the seine net of the Spirit, you netted men instead of fish. Glory to the Spirit which was given you.
Having received the flame of the Spirit by a tongue, Apostle, you became a man possessed by God, traversing the beauties of the heavenly places and learning thoroughly the spiritual realities in them, and revealing these beauties to us.
Wise Apostle, you watered the thirsty desert with your inspired words, and showed it to be mother of many offspring, the children of the Church, who bear the fruit of the seed of your preaching. Glory to the Spirit which was given you.
Andrew, seeing your beauty, Jesu, before him, radiantly called to his brother: My brother Peter, we have found the Messias, the one proclaimed beforehand in the Law and the Prophets; come let us cling fast to the true life.
Let us believers praise a Trinity in Unity, in one Godhead, Father, Son and Divine Spirit, one essence and nature, without division, without separation, without partition; for God is one in a Trinity of Persons.
Both now.
Theotokion.You conceived ineffably one of the Trinity in your womb and gave birth to a Son without corruption; and the Trinity in no way received an addition, while your purity, Mother of God, remained as it had been before child birth.
Rod out of Jesse’s root.Of the Mother of God. Ode 5. Irmos.
‘Grant us your peace, O Son of God, for we know no other God but you. We name you by name, because you are God of the living and dead’.
Open the eyes of my heart, Pure Virgin, that I may clearly see your divine splendour and your inexpressible glory, that I may obtain mercy and eternal glory.
All-immaculate, you gave birth to one of the holy Trinity, with two wills but one substance; implore him fervently that we may all be saved.
As you gave birth, All-immaculate, to the Saviour and God, intercede that I, your unprofitable servant, may be kept safe from every tribulation, from diseases and evil.
O Virgin, entreat the one whom you bore beyond understanding that they may be saved who cry to you with faith: Hail, Virgin all-blameless, only blessed protection of the world.
Of the Apostle. O Christ, who enlightened.
You have received the one for whom you longed, Apostle Andrew, and you take your rest with him in imperishable tabernacles, having worthily reaped the sheaves of your toils; therefore in hymns we glorify you.
You longed for the Master, and you pursued him, guided by his footsteps, and truly imitating his sufferings, most honoured Andrew, unto death.
Having stretched you like a powerful arrow the Lord unleashed you at the whole world, wounding demons and curing those wounded by impiety.
The powers of heaven are glad as they see you, the companies of mortals rejoice with them; for by your child bearing, Virgin Mother of God, they have been made one, as they fittingly glorify you.
Another. Enlighten our mind, O God.
Longing for the Cross of Christ, Disciple, you gained by your cross the unsullied kingdom, which he who by a cross had drawn all God’s initiates, will give as their inheritance to you his divines.
You sought for Christ, the true life, and having sought you were the first to find; and having found it mystically you grasped it and received it in him who gave it, and you have become a treasury of life perpetual.
The words of your thunders have re-echoed in the world, and gone from extremity to extremity of the earth; for like a wheel your lightnings encircled it and appeared to the inhabited world, as David says.
Disciple of Christ, remember us, who celebrate your memory and honour your relics; ever entreat fervently for the flock, whose guard and salvation you have been from the beginning.
Let us believers with one accord glorify Father, Son and Divine Spirit, undivided Trinity, Three-personned Kingship, as we faithfully sing its praise with unceasing songs of contemplation.
Both now.
Theotokion.You gave birth to the Light, not knowing how, O lampstand all light, lamp bearer of the Sun, and you have become a new vessel of immaterial light, pouring on all the earth rays of the knowledge of God.
As you are God of peace.Of the Mother of God. Ode 6. Irmos.
‘Imitating the Prophet Jonas, I cry out: Free my life from corruption, good Lord,, and save me, Saviour of the world, as I cry: Glory to you’.
Befouled by many sins, I beseech you, the truly good and undefiled Tabernacle, wash me clean of every kind of stain by your mediation.
Be my pilot, who am ever storm-tossed on an ocean of the dread trials of life; and save me, directing me to an roadstead of salvation.
Waves of thoughts, assaults of passions and a deep of sins drive my wretched soul before the storm; help me, holy Lady.
Christ has ever done great things for you; ever implore him to magnify his rich mercies upon me, O graced by God.
Of the Apostle. The deepest abyss.
As you crossed the sea of life in the boat of the body, O all-blessed, you found Christ, who governs all things, as your helmsman, and, blessed Andrew, you were borne rejoicing towards him.
Spirits are banished by the word, diseases take to flight and the swarm of sufferings of the soul are driven far from the diseased by the grace, Andrew, that has been given you from God.
Like a smooth wave, moved by a gentle spirit, blessed Saint, you dried up evil seas of polytheism by divine breezes, and poured out for all rivers of knowledge of God.
The Ancestors of the race rejoice in you, immaculate Virgin, having received through you once more the Eden they had lost through transgression; for you are pure both before childbirth and after giving birth.
Another. The Prophet Jonas.
He who comes from Bethsaida calls us together today to celebrate his festival, having set before us the trophies of his combats.
The fisherman by craft and disciple by faith, he scans the hearts of the faithful like the deep, lets down the fish hook of the word and catches us in his net.
Bearing in your heart the fire of the love of Christ, Disciple, you cried out to the nations: You flame has been truly quenched, now that Christ has appeared.
Seasoned in mind with the salt of Christ, you sweetened your relishes for us, the doctrines of heavenly and pure delight.
Let us believers worship the Father, the Son and the right Spirit, three-personned nature, undivided, as we cry aloud: Glory to God in Trinity.
Both now.
Theotokion.By the Father’s good pleasure the Son became incarnate through the Spirit of God in your womb, pure Mother of God, and saved the former image.
k of the word and catches us in his net.
Bearing in your heart the fire of the love of Christ, Disciple, you cried out to the nations: You flame has been truly quenched, now that Christ has appeared.
Seasoned in mind with the salt of Christ, you sweetened your relishes for us, the doctrines of heavenly and pure delight.
Let us believers worship the Father, the Son and the right Spirit, three-personned nature, undivided, as we cry aloud: Glory to God in Trinity.
Both now. Theotokion.
By the Father’s good pleasure the Son became incarnate through the Spirit of God in your womb, pure Mother of God, and saved the former image.
The monster from the deep.Kontakion. 2nd Tone. Nor tomb, nor death.
Let us sing the praise of God’s herald, whose name is ‘courage’, the First-called of the Saviour’s disciples, the brother of Peter; because, as to him of old, so now to us he cries, ‘Come, we have found the one so longed for’.
The Ikos.
From on high David rouses a sinner like me to recount with blessing the statutes of God; nevertheless again he teaches in accord with faith, and with many tears declares, ‘Today if you should hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as Israel once embittered him’. He proposes then in the Psalm which follows, ‘Sing to the Lord all the earth’. Come, we have found the one so longed for.
On the 30th day of the same month: Commemoration of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostle, Andrew the First-called.
Inverted crucifixion Andrew bears,
Appears in truth feet upward, not in shadow.
Andrew the First-called endured a cross on the last of November.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Father Frumentios, Bishop of India [Ethiopia].
Framed by the Trinity’s protecting grace
Frumentios showed that error was a fraud.
At the prayers of your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Of the Mother of God. Ode 7. Irmos.
‘The fire did not touch or trouble your Youths in the furnace, Saviour; then the three with one voice praised and blessed, saying: Blessed is the God of our Fathers’.
Pure and Immaculate, ever sanctify the defiled soul of your servant, and swiftly abolish dread imprisonments of the mind, hardness of heart and assaults of the demons.
Give life to my mind, slain by the passions of the flesh, All-blameless, and strengthen me to accomplish things pleasing to God; that I may magnify you, that I may ever glorify your goodness.
Slay the passions of my flesh, pure Lady, and wiping away the foul stain of my base soul, O Virgin, deliver me from the audit of the invisible foes, and save me.
All-holy, immaculate and pure, your servants ever fall before you day and night with broken mind, as they implore that at your entreaties they may find ransom from sins.
Of the Apostle. We the faithful recognise.
Your certain promise has been manifestly fulfilled, O Christ, for your pupil, inspired by God, rebuking the rolling swell with a word, changed it to a joyful calm, as he sang, ‘God is praised and highly glorified’.
Ordered to ascend to the spiritual mount of Sion, Apostle, and taking with joy the cup of salvation, ferried through death you went towards divine life, where Christ is, God of all and highly glorified.
Born naturally of earth, Apostle, you work wonders above nature; for close knit through love to Christ, you followed him who loved you, as you sang, ‘God is praised and highly glorified’.
Hail, pure Virgin, Adam’s fleece, from which came forth the Shepherd, when he, the highly glorified, had truly put on humanity entire, having refashioned me in your womb, he the God of the Fathers, praised and highly glorified.
Another. Your Youths in the furnace.
Having breathed in the fire of the all-holy Spirit from above, Apostle of Christ, with new tongues, you were in no way consumed by them, but were commanded to declare his mighty works to the ends of the earth.
Initiates of Christ, contemplators of things above, the proclamation that you trumpeted to the earth astounds every thought; because, while only twelve, you illumined earth’s many thousands.
Your grace, O Master Christ, was regarded as a wonder in your Disciples, wise in God; because though of small account and common they hastened through all the earth, from one extremity to the other.
What taught you to speak thus, Apostle? What enlightened your mind to see clearly the beam of the unapproachable glory, which pours the light of truth into our hearts?
Let us believers sing hymns of the Trinity as we glorify Father without beginning, Son and right Spirit, one single being; let us praise it with triple song: Holy, holy, holy are you, to the ages. Amen.
Both now.
Theotokion.We glorify you, O Christ, as one of the Trinity; because incarnate of a Virgin, without change you endured all things as man and were not parted from your Father’s nature, Jesu, even when you had been made one with us.
The Youths brought up.Of the Mother of God. Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The One at whom Angels and all the hosts tremble as Creator and Lord, praise him, you priests, youths glorify, peoples bless and highly exalt to all the ages’.
He who is without flesh took flesh from you in a manner fitting God; beseech him, O all-pure, to put to death the passions of my soul and give life to it, that was slain of old by most evil sin.
By bearing God the Saviour, O all immaculate, you cured the wound of Adam formed from dust; implore him to heal the incurable bruises of my sick soul
Raise me up as I lie in the depths of evils; war against the enemies who now war against me; do not, pure Lady, despise one wounded in soul by unseemly pleasures, but take pity and save me.
Heal the passions of my heart, O Immaculate, who bore the Physician of us all; and make me a partaker of the portion of the Just, O Virgin, as you intercede with Christ.
Of the Apostle. In the furnace.
Andrew, Apostle of Christ, your godly memorial, bearing light and gladness has now shed its rays of healings on us, as we cry out, ‘All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
The breath of God’s Spirit from on high set you aflame and made you a fervent Orator to speak of God, Apostle, as you cried out, ‘All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Like lightning darting its rays, you went forth as light for the nations, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and illumining believers as they cried, ‘Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord, praise, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Let us all sing the praise of her who bore without seed and beyond nature from the divine lightning the pearl of great price, Christ, as we cry out, ‘All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.’
Another. The bush on Sinai.
By the skill of the fisherman, O all-wise, you caught fish from the sea; while now by the faith you net humans for Christ from the error of the foe; for error was once a deep, drowning the nations in the tempest of ignorance.
You sailed the spiritual deep of life unwashed by waves, Apostle, spreading the sail of the Spirit by the faith of Christ; and so rejoicing you attained the harbour of life for all the ages.
When the spiritual Sun had set upon the Tree by the counsel of his own free will, the beacon of the sun, Andrew the great lamp of the Church, seeking to be dissolved with him and to set into Christ, was hanged upon the tree of a cross.
O disciple and friend of Christ, and fellow of his Apostles, when the Judge is seated upon his throne with you, the Twelve, to judge, as the promise says, then be for us a wall of lovingkindness.
Let us glorify the Unity of triple light and Trinity of equal throne, not separating, but uniting it harmoniously as truly one united being in three persons, yet not confounded.
Both now.
Theotokion.You conceived one of the Trinity and gave birth to him incarnate of you, as he formed anew the laws of nature by your child-bearing, pure Virgin. Do not ever cease, Mother of God, to intercede with him as God on our behalf.
The furnace moist with dew.Of the Mother of God. Ode 9. Irmos.
‘The light-bearing cloud, on which the Master of all things came down like rain from heaven upon a fleece, and was incarnate for us, the one without beginning becoming man, let us all magnify as the pure Mother of our God’.
A lover of sin, I live in indifference, pure Bride of God, and I tremble at the impartial tribunal, at which keep me uncondemned by your holy entreaties, that as my protectress I may ever call you blessed.
I quake before the judgement seat, pure Virgin, and the infallible eye of your Son, for I have accomplished shameful deeds upon earth, and therefore I cry out to you, ‘Most compassionate Lady, help me, snatch me from then from my straits, and save me’.
How fearful, O Maiden, is the day of the trial! How dread the sentence! How terrible the shame! Who then will stand? All-immaculate, pure Lady, have mercy on my wretched soul and grant me forgiveness before the end.
You gave birth to the divine light, O All-blameless, enlighten me, who am darkened by all the assaults of the evil one and all his malice, and who have angered God; guide me to good works, as you are the cause of all good that is good.
Of the Apostle. The burning bush.
Like an outstanding pupil, of your own will you became familiar with the cross, following your Master unto death, and you ascended the height of the cross rejoicing, as you journeyed on the path to heaven, blessed Apostle.
The gate of Eden was opened for you, a heavenly ladder was set up, the tabernacles of heaven received you and you took your stand rejoicing before Christ the giver of life, Apostle, best intercessor for the world.
Blessed, all-wise Andrew, you were glorified by sufferings equalling those of the Teacher; for you achieved your godlike end through a cross, and were called God by participation; and so we beseech you: ever intercede on our behalf.
Hail noble pair, who have now attained the citizenry in heaven; may you watch over the conduct of those who sing your praise, and make resplendent with the radiance of your divine gifts of grace their conquering power.
You sprang from the prophetic root of David, ancestor of God, O Virgin; but also glorified David by giving birth to the Lord of glory, whom he prophesied; him as is fitting we magnify.
Another. The light-bearing cloud.
Having spread the net of mystic contemplation, and in it caught like fish the beauties of heavenly thoughts, Holy Apostle, implore the Holy Trinity to be for us too a source of pardon.
We nations, enlightened through you, and through you raised from earth to heaven, give thanks; for having abandoned the cult of the foe, we have become companions of the Angels and fellows of the Lord of glory.
Eye-witnesses of ineffable mysteries and servants of the Word, mystagogues and contemplators of things unsearchable, intercede, Apostles, that we too may become fellow heirs of Christ’s kingdom and sharers in his Godhead.
Having received from Christ authority to bind and loose, loose us all from the bonds of many offences, because Christ will come and all you Twelve will sit on as many thrones to judge all the tribes of Israel.
Let us glorify the Nature in three persons and the inseparable glory, the undivided Trinity, hymned unceasingly in one Godhead in heaven and on earth, as we devoutly worship the Father and Spirit with the Son.
Both now.
Theotokion.Virgin, Mother of God, intercede that those who with faith take refuge under your compassion and devoutly worship your Son as God of the world and Lord may be rescued from dangers and trials of every kind.
A strange and wonderful.Exapostilarion. By the Holy Spirit.
The Word without beginning having found you, O all-blessed, declared you the First-called of all the Apostles, revered Andrew; and following in his footsteps you were revealed as guide of those who had gone astray, bringing up the divine path to heaven.
Another. Women, hear.
Let us give glorious praise to Peter’s brother, the first-called of the Disciples, who became an eye-witness and servant of the Word, the Apostle Andrew; for he enlightened the nations, and was crucified, dying like a Disciple of the Master.
Theotokion, to the same melody.
All-blameless Virgin, implore God, to whom you gave birth, for all who devoutly honour you, with the glorious Apostle, to obtain the divine radiance of your Son and the place of the elect and of the Saints; for you have strength to do whatever you wish.
At Lauds.
We insert 4 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
Bethsaida now be glad; for in you there flowered from a mystic pool two sweet scented lilies, Peter and Andrew, who spread the fragrant proclamation of the faith to the whole world by the grace of Christ, whose sufferings too they imitated.
Andrew rejoice and leap for joy, because in the radiance of the Word you clearly received the Sun of glory, Christ the giver of life, whom you held fast and by the faith proclaimed; implore him without ceasing on behalf of us who sing your praise with faith.
Chosen initiate of the divine dispensation of Christ, chosen first of all to be a disciple of the Word, Andrew who saw God cried out and said, when he saw his brother Peter, ‘We have found the Messias whom the Scripture and Prophets proclaimed of old’.
The city of Patras has gained you as Shepherd and divine defender, deliverer from dangers of every kind and guardian, wise Andrew, as with thanksgiving it honours you. But implore without ceasing that it may be preserved unharmed.
Tone 8.Let us all sing the praise of Andrew, the herald of the faith and servant of the Word; for he fishes men from the deep, grasping in his hands the Cross for a rod, and lowering power like a line he brings souls up from the error of the foe and offers them as an acceptable gift to God. Let us the faithful ever sing his praise with the choir of Christ’s Disciples, that he may intercede with him so that he may be merciful to us on the day of judgement.
Both now.
The same Tone.Bethlehem receive the Mother City of God; for she has come to give birth in you to the unwaning light. You Angels, marvel in heaven; mankind give glory upon earth, Magi from Persia bring your triple glorious gift, Shepherds abiding in the fields sing the thrice-holy hymn. Let everything that has breath praise the Maker of all.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, the Typika and from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Canons of the Apostle.
His sound has gone out into all the earth, and his words to the ends of the world.
The text appears to be corrupt. Bartholomew has a note, ‘Formerly the reading was calling, which is unsuitable. Some people correct this to having been called; but this contradicts both the story and what is said in the first troparion of the third Ode, You ran forward with thirst, not called … but of your own free will. Therefore the word has been changed to came. But choose the best yourself’.
. Although the Orthodox rite does not have a liturgical season of Advent, from the feast of the Entry of the Mother of God [21 November], when for the first time the Katavasias at Matins are those of Christmas, hymns which prepare for the coming feast of the Nativity feature increasingly in the offices for the major feasts. In the office of St Andrew a number of the Theotokia for Vespers and Matins, including those for the two Canons of the Apostle, are texts which prepare for the Nativity. On 22 November, the feast of St Caecilia, the Canon is written to be sung to the melodies of the Christmas Canon, though, being a minor feast, the Katavasias themselves are not sung.Vespers. 1st
Both now.Isaias, dance,[1] receive the word of God; prophesy to Mary the Maiden that the bush is aflame with the beam of the Godhead and is not being burned by fire.[2] Bethlehem, make ready,[3] Eden open your gate;[4] and Magi make your journey to see salvation swaddled in a manger; whom the Star above the cave reveals as the Lord, the giver of life, who saves our race.[5]
Both now.Joseph, tell us: how are you bringing the Maiden you received from the Holy Place, to Bethlehem great with child?[6] ‘I, he said, having searched the Prophets and been told by an Angel,[7] am assured that Mary will give birth to God in a way past explanation; to worship him Magi will come from the East, adoring him with precious gifts.’ Lord, incarnate for our sake, glory to you!
Both now.Bethlehem welcome the Mother City of God[8]; for she has come to give birth in you to the light that never sets.[9] You Angels, marvel in heaven; humans give glory on earth; Magi from Persia bring your triply glorious gift; Shepherds abiding in the fields[10] sing the thrice-holy hymn. Let everything that has breath praise the Maker of all.
6 Dec. Commemoration of Nicolas the Wonderworker.
At Great Vespers
The 1st Section of
Blessed is the man.At,
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 [at a Vigil 8] Prosomia.Tone 2. When from the Tree.
Bodily you dwelt in Myra, but anointed with spiritual myrrh you were revealed truly to be myrrh, Holy Nicolas, High Priest of Christ; and with myrrh you make fragrant the faces of those who with faith and love ever celebrate your most revered memory, as you free them, Father, from disasters, dangers and afflictions by your prayers to the Lord.
Truly you have been revealed, like your name, as a mighty Victory [
Niki] of the faithful People [Laos] in trials, Holy Nicolas, true servant of Christ; for invoked everywhere you come swiftly to help those who with love take refuge under your protection; for appearing night and day by faith, you save them from trials and calamities.You appeared to the Emperor Constantine with Avlavios in a dream, and filling them with fear, you spoke to them like this, ‘Free from imprisonment at once those whom you unjustly hold in chains, for they are innocent of lawless murder. But if, Majesty, you disobey, I will make entreaty against you by beseeching the Lord.’
Holy Nicolas, sacred herald of Christ, you are a great and fervent helper for those in dangers, those on land and those who sail, those far off and those nearby, a most compassionate and mighty intercessor. Therefore assembled together we cry, ‘Intercede to the Lord that we may be rescued from every calamity’.
Other Prosomia. Same Tone.
With what garlands of praise.
With what garlands of praise may I bind the brow of the High Priest? In body he was in Myra, in spirit he comes to all who sincerely love him; the comfort of the afflicted, refuge of all in dangers, tower of true religion, champion of the faithful; the one through whom the arrogance of the ill-intentioned was cast down by Christ who has great mercy.
With what harmonious songs may we praise the High Priest? Opponent of impiety, champion of orthodoxy; defender of the Church; the great warrior and teacher; the one who put to shame all the heretics; the destroyer of Arius and fervent fighter; the one through whom the arrogance of the ill-intentioned was cast down by Christ who has great mercy.
With what prophetic songs may we praise the High Priest? who saw beforehand things far off, and proclaimed them clearly in advance, describing them as though present; rescuing all those unjustly treated; appearing in a dream to the King, inspired by God, and delivering from unjust slaughter those before in chains, enriching them with God’s great mercy.
Tone 6.Lovers of feasts, let us assemble and with songs of praise hymn the ornament of Hierarchs, the glory of the Fathers, the fount of wonders and greatest helper of believers, as we say, Hail guard, august leader and immovable pillar of the people of Myra. Hail brightly shining beacon, who irradiate with your wonders all the ends of the earth. Hail divine joy of the afflicted, and most fervent defender of the wronged. And now, all-blessed Nicolas, do not cease to intercede with Christ God on behalf of those who ever honour with faith and love your joyous and all-festive memory.
Both now.
Pre-festal. The same Tone.Cave, make ready; for the Ewe-lamb has come, bearing Christ in her womb. Manger, receive the One who by a word frees us who are born of earth from irrational action. Shepherds abiding in the fields, bear witness to the fearful wonder; and Magi from Persia, offer gold, frankincense and myrrh to the King; because the Lord has appeared from a Virgin Mother. Bowing low like a slave his Mother worshipped him, and cried out to the One in her arms, ‘How were you sown in me, or how did you grow within me, my Redeemer and my God?’
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from Proverbs.
10:7; 3:13-16 & selection]The memory of the just is with praises, and the Lord’s blessing of is upon his head. Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the mortal who knows understanding. For it is better to trade for her than for treasures of gold or silver. She is more precious than valuable stones; nothing evil can stand against her; she is well known to all who draw near her; nothing precious matches her worth. From her mouth comes justice, she bears law and mercy on her tongue. Therefore listen to me, my children, for I shall speak noble things; and blessed is the one who will keep my ways. For my issues are issues of life, and favour is prepared by the Lord. Therefore I beseech you and utter my voice to the children of mankind. Because I, Wisdom, have prepared counsel and knowledge and I have called upon understanding. Counsel and assurance are mine, understanding is mine, strength is mine. I love those who are my friends, while those who seek me will find grace. And so you simple folk understand subtlety, you untaught lay it to heart. Hearken to me again, for I shall speak noble things, and I shall open my mouth to speak things that are right. Because my throat will meditate truth, but lying lips are abominations before me. All the words of my mouth are with justice; there is nothing twisted in them or crooked. They are all straight to those who understand, and right to those that find knowledge. For I teach you what is true, that your hope may be in the Lord, and you may be filled with Spirit.
The Reading is from Proverbs.
10:31-32 & 11:1-12]The mouth of the just drops wisdom; but the tongue of the unjust will be cut out. The lips of just men know graces; but the mouth of the impious is turned away. A false balance is an abomination before the Lord; but a just weight is acceptable to him. Wherever pride enters, there too dishonour; but the mouth of the humble meditates wisdom. The perfection of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will carry them off. Possessions do not profit in the day of wrath, but justice will deliver from death. When a just man dies he leaves regret; ready and welcome is the destruction of the ungodly. The justice of the blameless keeps their ways straight, but impiety falls in with injustice. The justice of upright men will deliver them, but transgressors are caught by base counsel. When a just man dies his hope does not perish; but the boast of ungodly people perishes. A just man escapes from the hunt, but the ungodly is given up in his place. In the mouth of the ungodly people is a snare for citizens, but the perception of the just brings prosperity. By the good things of the just a city is successful, and in the loss of the ungodly there is gladness. By the blessing of the upright a city will be exalted, but by the mouth of the ungodly it will be overthrown. One who lacks sense sneer at their fellow citizens, an intelligent man practices stillness.
The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
4:7-15]The just, though he die early, will be at rest. For old age is not honoured for length of time, or measured by the number of years; but understanding is grey hair for humans, and a blameless life is ripe old age. Being pleasing to God he was loved by him, and while living among sinners he was taken up. He was snatched away lest evil change his understanding, or trickery deceive his soul. For the fascination of wickedness obscures the good, and roving desire perverts the innocent mind. Though perfected in a short time he fulfilled long years; for his soul was pleasing to the Lord, and so he took him quickly from the midst of evil. Yet the peoples saw and did not understand, nor take such a thing to heart, that grace and mercy are with his holy ones and his visitation with his chosen ones.
At the Liti we sing Idiomels.
Tone 1.
You fixed your gaze unflinchingly on the height of knowledge and inscrutably contemplated the depth of wisdom, Father. Ever beseech Christ for us, Hierarch Nicolas.
Same tone.
Man of God and faithful servant and steward of his mysteries, and man of the desires of the Spirit, living monument and breathing image, with wondering admiration the Church of Myra has received you as a divine treasure and intercessor for our souls.
Tone 2.
As a rule of faith and image of meekness Christ God revealed you to your flock, Hierarch Nicolas; for in Myra you give off the fragrance of sweet myrrh and shine radiantly by your achievements, defender of orphans and widows; and so do not cease to intercede that our souls may be saved.
Same Tone. Tone 6.
Well done, good and faithful servant; well done, worker in the vineyard of Christ, for you bore the heat of the day, you increased the talent given you and did not envy those who came after you. And so heaven’s gate has opened for you; enter into the joy of your Lord, and intercede for us, Holy Nicolas.
At the Aposticha. Prosomia. Tone 5. Hail, of ascetics.
Hail, sacred head; the pure dwelling of the virtues, the godly rule of the most godly priesthood, most manifest great Shepherd, the torch of Victory whose name you bear; who bend with compassion towards those who ask, who incline to the prayers of the weak; most ready deliverer, the saving guardian of all those who with faith celebrate your all-revered memory. Implore Christ, O All-blessed, to send down his great mercy.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his holy one.Hail, most sacred mind; the pure lodging of the Trinity; the pillar of the Church; the support of believers; the help of the storm-tossed; star, who by the beams of your acceptable supplications ever scatter the darkness of trials and tribulations, High Priest Nicolas; calmest of harbours, in which those who are beset by the billows of life find safety. Implore Christ to grant our souls his great mercy.
Your priests, Lord, will clothe themselves with justice, and your holy ones will rejoice.Hail, Nicolas, who filled with godlike zeal by fearsome intervention and visitations through dreams rescued from evil arrest those who were about to die unjustly. Fount, who became a rich fount of fragrant myrrh for those in Myra, and watered their souls, driving away the foul stench of the passions. Sword, which cut down the cockle of error. Winnowing fan that sifted the doctrines of Arius like chaff. Implore Christ to send down to our souls his great mercy.
Tone 6.Man of God and faithful servant, minister of the Lord, man of desires, vessel of election, pillar and support of the Church, heir to the Kingdom, do not cease to cry out on our behalf to the Lord.
Both now.
Prefestal. Tone 6.Virgin without bridegroom, where have you come from? Who begot you? And who is your mother? How do you carry the Creator in your arms? How was your womb not corrupted? We see great marvels have come to pass on earth, All-holy, and we make ready in advance that which fits your need: the Cave from the earth; and we ask heaven to provide the Star; and Magi are advancing from the eastern regions of the earth towards the west, to look on the salvation of mortals being suckled as a babe.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
The truth of your actions proclaimed you to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of meekness and a teacher of self-control; and so you gained through humility the things on high, through poverty riches, O Father and High Priest Nicolas; intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
The Byzantine rite has no liturgical season corresponding to Advent in the Latin rite and its various western derivatives. This does not mean that there is no liturgical preparation for feast of Christ
‘s Nativity. This begins on 15 November, the day after the commemoration of the Apostle Philip with the Christmas Fast, with replacement of ‘The Lord is God‘ by ‘Alleluia‘ and other non-lenten features on non-festal days. On 21 November we begin to sing the Christmas Katavasias, ‘Christ is born, give glory!‘ Then, on St Andrew's day and subsequent feasts, the office introduces pre-Christmas idiomela at Vespers and Matins. I have collected these on this and added some footnotes giving scriptural and other references. .Vespers. 1st
Both now.[11]Cave,[12] make ready; for the Ewe-lamb[13] has come, bearing Christ in her womb. Manger, receive the One who by a word freed us who are born of earth from irrational[14] action. You Shepherds abiding in the fields, bear witness to the fearful wonder; and Magi from Persia, offer gold, frankincense and myrrh to the King; because the Lord has appeared from a Virgin Mother. Bowing low like a slave his Mother worshipped him, and cried out to the One in her arms, ‘How were you sown in me, or how did you grow within me, my Redeemer and my God?’[15]
Vespers. Liti.
Both now.Bethlehem prepare; let the Manger make ready; let the Cave receive. The truth has come,[16] the shadow has passed away, and God has appeared among humankind from a Virgin, formed like us[17] and deifying the addition.[18] Therefore Adam is made new with Eve, as they cry, ‘Goodwill has appeared on earth, to save our race’.
Vespers. Aposticha.
Both now.Virgin without bridegroom, where have you come from? Who begot you? And who is your mother? How do you carry the Creator in your arms? How was your womb not corrupted? We see great marvels have come to pass on earth, All-holy, and we make ready in advance that which fits your need: the Cave from the earth; and we ask heaven to provide the Star;[19] and Magi are advancing from the eastern regions of the earth towards the west, to look on the salvation of mortals being suckled as a babe.[20]
Vespers. 1st
Both now. See 6 December.Cave, make ready…
Vespers. Aposticha.
Both now. See 30 November.Bethlehem welcome…
Prosomia of the Forefeast. Tone 1. All-praised Martyrs
.All-blameless Virgin, living Palace of God, you contained within yourself the One whom the heavens cannot contain;[21] beyond understanding you gave birth to him in the Cave, a beggar and incarnate, that he might make me divine[22] and enrich me, made a beggar by the incontinence of bitter eating.[23]
Through compassion enrolled with slaves by Caesar’s decree,[24] long-suffering Christ, you came to give freedom, life and deliverance to ungrateful servants, who worship your saving Nativity, for you have come to save our souls.
The All-holy and blameless Virgin, realising that her child-bearing was beyond explanation and had made new the laws of nature, cried to her Son, ‘My Child, so much desired, I am amazed at the great mystery: I have born a child and yet remain a virgin by your power, who do all things by your will!’
Both Now. Of the Forefeast. Tone 6. See 6 December.
Cave make ready …
Both Now. Of the Forefeast. Same Tone.Listen, O heaven, and give ear, O earth;[25] for see, the Son and Word of God the Father comes forth to be born from a maiden who has not known man, by the good pleasure[26] of him who begat him impassibly and by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem, prepare; Eden, open your gate, for He Who Is[27] becomes what he was not, and the Fashioner of all creation is fashioned, he who grants the world his great mercy
Both Now. Forefeast. Same Tone.See, the time of salvation is at hand; Cave prepare, the Virgin draws near to give birth. Bethlehem, land of Juda,[28] rejoice and be glad, for our Lord has dawned from you. Hearken, mountains and hills, and the countries around Judea; for Christ is coming to save mankind whom he fashioned, for he loves humankind.
Canon of the Forefeast. Ode 1. Tone 1. Christ is born.
Christ made a child in the flesh, Christ willingly become a beggar, Christ made visible,[29] the Virgin now comes to Bethlehem to give birth to him. Let heaven and earth be glad.[30]
You hills and mountains, leap for joy;[31] Prophets inspired by God, dance. Peoples and nations, clap your hands. The salvation, the enlightenment of all is close at hand and is coming to be born in the city of Bethlehem.
The Rich becomes a beggar, and those rich by wickedness beggars. God is recognised as without change the mortal offspring of an unwedded Maiden. Let us all sing to him in praise, for he has been glorified.[32]
Ode 3. Of the Forefeast. To the Son begotten.
He who was begotten of the Father before the ages beyond understanding, in the last times[33] became flesh from the Virgin, as he knows how, for he wished to renew humanity, corrupted by the plot of the evil serpent.
The Son of God without beginning, who is seated in the highest with the Father and the Spirit, seeing how human nature had been brought low, takes a beginning and is about to be born in the flesh as man.
She who is holier than the Angels and all creation now bears in the flesh the Angel of the great counsel[34] of the Father for the recalling of all who sing to him unceasingly: Holy are you, O Lord.[35]
Ode 4. Of the Forefeast. Rod out of Jesse’s root.
Rod out of Jesse’s root,[36] O Virgin, you budded, and blossomed with a flower that does wither, the Creator of all, who as God decks the whole earth with flowers, which cries aloud to him: Glory to your power, O Lord!
O Word of God you came to get me back, who had been stolen through evil eating, had fallen away by my own will and become like the dumb beasts.[37] So you became a babe and were laid in a manger for dumb beasts. Glory to your power, O Lord!
Avvakoum foresaw you, Jesu, incarnate of a shaded mountain,[38] the Virgin, crushing the evil mountains and hills and handing over to oblivion the uprisings of the evil one and the rebellions of the demons.
Ode 5. Of the Forefeast. As you are God of peace.
By nature the Master, you are found with slaves. All-perfect Son of God, you were well-pleased to be called Son of Man, All-merciful; and so you willingly became a beggar and are coming to be born in the Cave, O supremely Good.
Christ our King, by nature uncontainable, how will a little cave receive you? How will a manger, Jesu, be able to contain you? From a Mother who has not known man you come in flesh, Lord, to your own[39] that you may save those who have been banished.
The Ewe-lamb has come forth to bear the Shepherd. Holy Cave, prepare. Shepherds, hasten to behold the Lamb and Shepherd who has been born. Magi with gifts prepare to worship him in the flesh as King.
Ode 6. Of the Forefeast. The monster from the deep
Sovereign Lady, you are a new heaven. From your womb, as from a cloud,[40] you hasten to make Christ, the sun of glory, dawn in a cave in the flesh, for by his owns bright rays he is going to make all the fullness of the earth cry aloud because of his measureless compassion.
Compassionate Christ, you saw our grief and our trouble, and you did not despise us; but, without parting from your Father, you emptied yourself and dwelt in a womb that knew not wedlock, which now comes to the Cave to give birth to you in the flesh without pangs.
Mountains and hills, plains and valleys, peoples and tribes, nations and everything that has breath, filled with divine joy, shout in exultation: The redemption of all, the timeless Word of God, through pity subject to time, came and dwelt on earth.
Kontakion of the Forefeast. Tone 1. The angelic choir.
Bethlehem rejoice, Ephrata[41] prepare; for see the Ewe-lamb, bearing in her womb the great Shepherd, hastens to give birth. Seeing him the Godbearing Fathers exult as with the Shepherds they hymn a Virgin who gives suck.
The Iko
s.Seeing the dazzling radiance of your conceiving, O Virgin, Abraham the friend of God, noble Isaac, Jacob and the whole choir of saints chosen by God rejoice; and they bring creation to meet you with words of joy. For you appeared as the source of joy, since you conceived in your womb him who once appeared in Babylon and beyond all understanding preserved unburned the Youths unjustly cast into the furnace. And so they also raise the song as they hymn a Virgin who gives suck.
Ode 7. Of the Forefeast. The Youths brought up.
The godly vine, which makes the pure cluster ripen,[42] draws near and has come to give birth to the wine of joy which gushes forth and gives drink to us who cry to him: God of our fathers, blessed are you![43]
The divine casket, bearing within it the sweet-scented myrrh,[44] is coming to pour it out in the cave of Bethlehem, and fill with mystic fragrance those who sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
The tong,[45] which the prophet Isaias saw of old, has come carrying in her womb the divine coal, Christ, who burns up all the material of sin and guides the souls of the faithful to the light.
Ode 8. Of the Forefeast. The furnace moist with dew.
Glory to God in the highest, let us cry in joy with the Angels. The Saviour will be born. The Master, whom a Star shows to the Magi as they hasten to behold him in a manger, will come to make his dwelling. Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.[46]
Obedient to Caesar’s law, Master, you were willingly enrolled among slaves,[47] that as God you might free humanity from the slavery of the evil one, O most merciful. therefore with joy we raise the song: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
‘O Word without beginning, I carry you as a young babe, yet am wholly without knowledge of man’, said the Virgin. ‘I am at a loss to know whom I should name as your father on earth; therefore with all I raise the song to you: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Ode 9. Of the Forefeast. A strange and wonderful mystery.
Strange, wonderful and dread mysteries! The Lord of glory[48] came to earth, and as a beggar in a cave he put on flesh, seeking to call back Adam, and to deliver Eve from her pains.
By your swaddling bands[49] you loose the cords of offences, while by your poverty, O Compassionate, you make all rich. Laid in manger for irrational beasts, you free mortals from irrational[50] wickedness, O Word of God ever without beginning.
The proclamations of the Prophets have come to their end, for he whom they prophesied would come at the consummation of the years,[51] has came, has appeared, embodied of a pure Virgin. Let us receive him with pure minds.
Exapostilarion. Of the Forefeast
Bethlehem, rejoice; and you, Ephrata, prepare, for the Mother of God has come to give birth to God ineffably in a cave and in a manger. O dread mystery! whose divine Nativity Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all the Patriarchs and Prophets now radiantly feast in anticipation, as mortals do with Angels.
20 December
At Vespers
Tone 1. By Anatolios
.Peoples, let us celebrate the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ; and raising our minds, let us be taken up in spirit to Bethlehem, and let us contemplate with spiritual thoughts the Virgin, who hastens to give birth in a Cave to the Lord of all things and our God. Joseph, as he contemplated the greatness of the wonders, seemed to see a human, wrapped in swaddling clothes like an infant; while he understood from the things that came to pass that he was the true God, who grants our souls his great mercy.
The same Tone, by the same.
Peoples, let us celebrate the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ; and raising our minds, let us be taken up in spirit to Bethlehem, and let us contemplate the great mystery in the Cave; for Eden has been opened, as God comes forth from a pure Virgin, he who is perfect in both divinity and humanity.[52] And so let us cry: Holy God, the Father without beginning; Holy Strong, the incarnate Son; Holy Immortal, the Advocate Spirit.[53] Holy Trinity, glory to you!
The same Tone, by the same.
[54]Listen, O heaven, and give ear, O earth;[55] for see, the Son and Word of God the Father goes forth to be born from a Maiden, who knows not man, by the good pleasure[56] of the One who begot him impassibly, and by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem make ready, Eden open your gate; because the One Who Is[57] becomes what he was not, and the Fashioner of all creation is being fashioned, he who grants the world his great mercy.
Both now.
See Lauds for 30 November.Bethlehem welcome…
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera of the Forefeast.
Tone 2. By Kyprianos.
Bethlehem, land of Juda, city according to the flesh, radiantly make ready the divine Cave, in which God comes to birth in flesh from a Holy Virgin who knows not man, to save our race.
God comes from Theman, and the Holy One from a shady wooded Mountain.By Andrew Pyros. Same Tone.
Come, let us all faithfully celebrate the forefeast of Christ’s Nativity; and spiritually setting forth our hymn like a star, let us with the Shepherds shout aloud the Magis’ hymn of glory, ‘The salvation of mortals has come from a virgin womb, to call back believers’.
Lord, I heard your report, and I was afraid.By Kyprianos. Model Melody.
O house of Ephratha, the holy City, the glory of the Prophets, make ready the house in which the Divine comes to birth.
Both now.
Tone 2. By Kyprianos. See Sunday before Christmas.[58]See, the time of our salvation…
Apolytikion of the Forefeast. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life[59] has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die like Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image[60] which had fallen.
At Compline
Triode, sung at Compline, whose Acrostic is:
For Monday.[61]
Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos.
To the Lord, who by his divine command dried up the raging untrodden sea, and guided the people of Israel through it on foot, let us sing; for he has been greatly glorified.Troparia.
The ineffable descent of the Word of God, that is of the God-man Christ, is made known; he did not think that to be God was robbery, but is coming having taken the form of a servant[62] from a pure Maiden, Child of God.D
Christ comes willingly to serve the one whose form the fashioner now puts on. He enriches Adam in his penury with Godhead, granting him a strange refashioning and rebirth, as he is compassionate.Ode 8. Irmos.
The unwearied fire, fed with unlimited fuel drew back in fear before the pure bodies and pure souls of the holy Youths; and as the ever-living flame died down an everlasting hymn was sung: All you his works, praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.Troparia.
I will make you all my kinsmen, if you keep my commandments,[63] says Christ to mankind, as he comes from a pure womb. He gives them peace[64] and now commands them to have lowly thoughts, to recognise him as Lord and chant: We highly exalt you to all the ages.T
O Word of God for you being given birth was the reverse of the order of the flesh; for it was not flesh and blood which sustained your holy flesh, but the presence of the Holy Spirit and the divine overshadowing of the Most High;[65] and knowing you as Lord, we hymn and highly exalt you to all the ages.Ode 9. Irmos.
Christ, our Creator, you magnified the Mother of God who gave you birth, from whom you took a body with like passions to our own, which was the deliverance from our faults. As with all generations we call her blest, we magnify you.[66]Troparia
Rejecting all the stain of passion, let us take up as befits the coming of Christ a prudent disposition; for he is coming forth without stain to bear flesh and to grant to all divine refashioning through the Spirit.A
Looking to Christ, who humbles himself, let us be lifted up from the passions that seek the ground; with good zeal trained by faith not to think lofty things,[67] let us be humbled in spirit; that by works which exalt we may exalt up the One who is being brought forth.
11. Dec. Sunday of the Holy Forefathers.
After the Opening Psalm we recite the whole of the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter.
At ‘
Lord, I have cried’, we insert 10 stichera, and sing 3 of the Resurrection, 3 by Anatolios and 4 Prosomia of the Forefathers.Tone 8.
Today, as we celebrate the memorial of the Forefathers, let us the faithful raise a hymn to Christ the Redeemer, the Lord who magnifies them among all the nations, and faithfully performs extraordinary wonders, as he is mighty and powerful; and he showed forth from them a rod of power for us, pure Mary the Child of God who alone knew no man, from whom the flower, Christ, came forth, blossoming life for all and pleasure without cost and eternal life.
Master, who delivered the Holy Youths from the fire, and Daniel from the lions’ mouths; who blessed Abraham and Isaac your servant and his son Jacob; who were well pleased to be born from their seed for us, that you might save the Forefathers who had fallen away of old, to be crucified and buried, and you smash all the bonds of death, and you raise all who from every age were among the dead, who worship, O Christ, your eternal Kingdom.
By the dew of the Spirit God’s Youths rejoicing as in rain walked mystically in the midst of the flame, typifying in advance the Trinity and Christ’s incarnation; and as wise through faith they quenched the power of fire. And the just Daniel appeared as a tamer of lions. Besought by their intercessions, O Saviour who loves mankind, deliver us also from the unquenchable and eternal fire, and make us worthy to gain your heavenly Kingdom.
The faithful, Holy Youths in the furnace of fire, as in dew, mystically prefigured your coming from the Virgin, which shone forth without burning for us. And the just Daniel, wonderful among Prophets, clearly foreshowed your second divine coming when he cried: I see where thrones are set, and the judge has taken his throne, and a river of fire is present; from which at their intercessions may we be delivered, O Master Christ.
Tone 6. By Anatolios.Let us the faithful today praise all the Fathers before the law: Abraham, God's friend, Isaac, born by promise, Jacob and the twelve Patriarchs; honouring with them meek David and Daniel the Prophet of desires, and the three Children who changed the furnace into dew, asking forgiveness of Christ God, who is glorified in his Saints.
Both now.
Theotokion. The 1st of the Tone of the Week.At the Aposticha the Resurrection stichera of the Tone.
Tone 3. By Germanos.Come, lovers of festival, let us praise in song the gathering of the Forefathers: Adam the Forefather, Enoch. Noah, Melchisedek, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; after the law Moses and Aaron, Jesus, Samuel and David; with them Isaias, Jeremias, Ezekiel and Daniel, and the Twelve with Elias, Elisaius and them all; Zachary and the Baptist and all who proclaimed Christ, the life and resurrection of our race.
Both now.
Theotokion. The same Tone.By the Father's will without seed you conceived of the Holy Spirit the Son of God, who is from the Father without mother before the ages, but for us he came of you without father; you bore him in the flesh and suckled him as a babe; therefore do not cease to intercede that our souls may be delivered from dangers.
Apolytikion of the Resurrection.
Glory. Both now.
Of the Forefathers. Tone 2.You justified the Forefathers by faith, through them betrothing in advance the Church from the nations. The Saints will exult in glory, for from their seed there is a glorious fruit, she who bore you without seed. At their intercessions, Christ God, save our souls.
And Dismissal.
The Forefeast of the Nativity begins on the feast of Saint Ignatios of Antioch, 20 December, and lasts until the eve of the Feast on the twenty fourth. Christmas is described in the liturgical books as
Pascha and the services of the Forefeast reflect those of Holy Week. For example, the final idiomel of the Royal Hours on Christmas Eve is modelled on the Antiphon of Matins of Good Friday, Today he is hung upon the Tree, which is also sung at the Ninth Hour of the Royal Hours of Good Friday. Moreover at Compline each evening there is a Triode, with the same acrostics and Irmi as those for Matins in Holy Week which refer to the day of the week. This of course does not fit at all, unless Christmas falls on a Saturday; and even then the week is a day short and so the Canon for Thursday, which, as in Holy Week, has eight Odes, is sung at Matins on the 22nd. In the Greek Menaion the Canons at Compline are as follows:
Date |
Acrostic |
Tone |
20 |
On the Second (day of the week). I.e. Monday |
2 |
21 |
On the Third (day of the week). I.e. Tuesday |
2 |
22 |
On the Fourth (day of the week). I.e. Wednesday |
2 |
23 |
And Presabbath. I.e. Friday |
6 |
24 |
Alphabetical (Less the Irmi) |
6 |
In the Slavonic menaion they are as follows:
Date |
Acrostic |
Tone |
20 |
On the Second. |
2 |
21 |
On the Fourth. |
2 |
22 |
On Great Thursday I sing a great hymn. |
6 |
23 |
6 |
24 |
And today I sing Great Sabbath. |
6 |
The Canon on the 23rd is the same as that in the Greek Menaion, though no acrostic is given.
The Canons for Matins in the Greek Menaion are as follows:
Date |
Acrostic |
Tone |
Author |
20 |
Joseph sings these prefestal [songs] = Sl. |
1 |
Joseph |
21 |
Alphabetical = Sl. |
4 |
Joseph |
22 |
On Great Thursday I sing a great hymn. |
6 |
23 |
1. Alphabetical [no Slavonic equivalent] |
2 |
Joseph |
2. [Sung on the 22nd in Slavonic] |
6 |
Anonymous |
24 |
1. And today I sing Great Sabbath |
6 |
2. Alphabetical = Sl. |
2 |
Joseph |
The Canons for Matins in Slavonic are as follows:
Date |
Acrostic |
Tone |
Author |
20 |
Joseph sings these prefestal [songs] = Gk |
1 |
Joseph |
21 |
Alphabetical = Gk |
4 |
Joseph |
22 |
[Sung on the 23rd in Greek] |
6 |
Anonymous |
23 |
Alphabetical [on the 24th at Compline in Greek] |
6 |
Joseph |
24 |
Alphabetical = Gk |
2 |
Joseph |
The Greek Menaion solves the problem of the short week by using the Great Thursday Canon, which of course has the full eight odes (the word
great in Greek here strictly means long), for Matins on the twenty second and that for Great Saturday as a first canon for Matins. The Canon at Compline is in fact written to be sung to the same set of Irmi, whih are the ones used on Great Saturday in Holy Week.The fact that the Greek arrangement includes all the Canons found in the Slavonic and in addition allows for all the Canons based on those for Holy Week suggests that the Greek is the older one, of which the Slavonic is a simplification.For some of these days we only give the texts for the Forefeast, but hope to complete them in the future.
20 Dec. Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Ignatios.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera, and sing three Idiomel Stichera of the Forefeast.Tone 1. By Anatolios.
Peoples, let us celebrate the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ; and raising our minds, let us be taken up in spirit to Bethlehem, and let us contemplate with spiritual thoughts the Virgin, who hastens to give birth in a Cave to the Lord of all things and our God. Joseph, as he contemplated the greatness of the wonders, seemed to see a human, wrapped in swaddling clothes like an infant; while he understood from the things that came to pass that he was the true God, who grants our souls his great mercy.
The same Tone, by the same.
Peoples, let us celebrate the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ; and raising our minds, let us be taken up in spirit to Bethlehem, and let us contemplate the great mystery in the Cave; for Eden has been opened, as God comes forth from a pure Virgin, he who is perfect in both divinity and humanity. And so let us cry: Holy God, the Father without beginning; Holy Strong, the incarnate Son; Holy Immortal, the comforter Spirit. Holy Trinity, glory to you!
The same Tone, by the same.
Listen, O heaven, and give ear, O earth; for see, the Son and Word of God the Father goes forth to be born of a Maiden, who knows not man, by the good pleasure of him who begot him impassibly, and by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem make ready, Eden open your gate; because the One who Is becomes what he was not, and the fashioner of all creation is being fashioned, he who grants the world his great mercy.
Prosomia of the Saint
Tone 4. Called from on high.
Rightly are you called God-bearer: when the Master in his compassion took you in his arms, blessed Ignatios, as he revealed the doctrines of the true wisdom from the highest, then you received the beam with many lights, soaking up, like a sponge, the waters from the deep of enlightenments; and so you followed step by step Christ our God who called you. Implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Wounded with perfect love, when the whirlwind of affection set your soul aflame, most holy Father, urging you forward to go towards the Master, then you cried out that revered word, ‘I am the Creator’s wheat, and I must be completely ground by the teeth of wild beasts, that I may appear as the purest bread for the Word, our God’. Implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
You were crucified with Christ, O Revealer of mysteries, when you cried aloud that inspired word, ‘My love has been crucified, and I am pressing forward with speed to share in his suffering’. Therefore, blessed Ignatios, you set out like the sun from the East and sped towards the West, giving light, and you were adorned with a diadem of the Kingdom as you were brought to Christ. Implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Tone 8By Anatolios
Godbearer Ignatios, you enfolded Christ your love in your embrace, and you received the reward of your priestly service of the Gospel: to be perfected through blood; and so, becoming wheat of the immortal husbandman, you were ground by the teeth of wild beasts and were revealed as sweet bread for him. Blessed Athlete, intercede on our behalf.
Both now.
Of the Forefeast. Tone 8.Bethlehem, receive the Mother City of God; for the Light that does not set has come to be born in you. Marvel in heaven, O Angels; humans, give glory on earth; Magi from Persia, bring out your thrice-famous gift; Shepherds abiding in the fields sing the thrice-holy hymn; let everything that has breath praise the Maker of all things.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera of the Forefeast.
Tone 2. By Kyprianos.
Bethlehem, land ofJuda, city according to the flesh, radiantly make ready the divine Cave, in which God comes to birth in flesh from a Holy Virgin who knows not man, to save our race.
God comes from Theman, and the Holy One from a shady wooded Mountain.By Andrew Pyros. Same Tone.
Come, let us all faithfully celebrate the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ; and spiritually setting forth our hymn like a star, let us with the Shepherds shout aloud the Magis’ hymn of glory, ‘The salvation of mortals has come from a virgin womb, to call back believers’.
Lord, I heard your report, and I was afraid.By Kyprianos. Model Melody.
O house of Ephratha, the holy City, the glory of the Prophets, make ready the house in which the Divine comes to birth.
Of the Saint. Tone 1.By Theodore the Studite
How firm and adamantine was your soul, most blessed Ignatios! For as you had an unyielding desire for your true lover, you said, ‘There is in me no matter-loving fire, but rather living water, which speaks in me, and from within says to me: Come to the Father’; therefore, fired by the divine Spirit, you roused wild beasts to part you quickly from the world and send you to Christ the beloved; implore him that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Tone 2. By Kyprianos.See, the time of our salvation has drawn near. Cave make ready, the Virgin is drawing near to give birth. Bethlehem, land of Juda, be glad and rejoice, because from you our Lord has dawned. Listen, mountains and hills, and lands around Judea, because Christ is coming to save mankind whom he fashioned, for he loves mankind.
Apolytikion of the Forefeast. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die as Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image which had fallen.
Of the Saint.You shared their way of life.
Both now.
Again of the ForefeastBethlehem prepare.
At Compline
Triode, sung at Compline, whose Acrostic is:
For Monday.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos.
‘To the Lord, who by his divine command dried up the raging untrodden sea, and guided the people of Israel through it on foot, let us sing; for he has been greatly glorified.‘
The ineffable descent of the Word of God, that is of the God-man Christ, is made known; he did not think that to be God was robbery, but is coming having taken the form of a servant from a pure Maiden, Child of God.
Christ comes willingly to serve the one whose form the fashioner now puts on. He enriches Adam in his penury with Godhead, granting him a strange refashioning and rebirth, as he is compassionate.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The unwearied fire, fed with unlimited fuel drew back in fear before the pure bodies and pure souls of the holy Youths; and as the ever-living flame died down an everlasting hymn was sung: All you his works, praise the Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.‘
I will make you all my kinsmen, if you keep my commandments, says Christ to mankind, as he comes from a pure womb. He gives them peace and now commands them to have lowly thoughts, to recognise him as Lord and chant: We highly exalt you to all the ages.
O Word of God in you being given birth was the reverse of the order of the flesh; for it was not flesh and blood which sustained your holy flesh, but the presence of the Holy Spirit and the divine overshadowing of the Most High; and knowing you as Lord, we hymn and highly exalt you to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘O Christ, you magnified the Mother of God who gave you birth, from whom you took a body with like passions to our own, our Creator, which was the deliverance from our faults. As with all generations we call her blest, we magnify you‘.
Rejecting all the stain of passion, let us take up as as befits the coming of Christ a prudent disposition; for he is coming forth without stain to bear flesh and to grant to all divine refashioning through the Spirit.
Looking to Christ, who humbles himself, let us be lifted up from the passions that seek the ground; with good zeal trained by faith not to think lofty things, let us be humbled in spirit; that by works which lift up we may lift up the One who is being brought forth.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
He who bowed the heavens and dwelt in the Virgin comes forth in flesh to be born in the Cave of Bethlehem, as it is written, and to be seen as a babe, he who gives life to babes in the womb; rejoicing in him, let us all now go to meet him in uprightness of heart.
Glory. Both now.
The Same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma, to the same melody.
Sion, be glad, Bethlehem, make ready; the maintainer of all things, sending the Star ahead, reveals his measureless condescension; for he before whom the Powers of heaven tremble is truly being brought to birth from the Virgin without change, the only Lover of mankind.
Glory. Both now.
The Same.Psalm 50 and the Canons.
Canon of the Forefeast, whose Acrostic is:
Joseph sings these prefestal songs.
Ode 1. Tone 1. Irmos.
‘Let us all sing a hymn of victory to the God who worked wondrous marvels with his upraised arm, and saved Israel; for he has been glorified‘.
Let us begin to-day to celebrate the forefeast of Christ’s Nativity, who was born in the body from the Virgin Mother in the Cave of Bethlehem through his great compassion.
Releasing me from the bonds of sin, the pre-eternal God, seen as a babe, is wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Glory to his might!
Eden is opened, Master, as you are brought to birth in the flesh from a Maiden, Child of God, in the city of Bethlehem. We hymn your dread dispensation.
See, now the saying of Isaias has been fulfilled, O All-pure; for you have come to give birth to a Son beyond time in a cave; and so all the earth is glad.
Canon of the Saint, a composition of Andrew of Crete.
Same Tone and Irmos.
As we radiantly celebrate, let us sing in harmony, the Martyr Ignatios urges on Christ’s Church towards his much-praised contest.
All-blessed Ignatios, we all honour your memory and reverence in psalms the One who crowned your all-honoured head, O blessed by God.
As a brightly shining beacon of the Church, Ignatios, you shed light on all the ends of the earth, and you are a torch for the West coming from the East.
Imitating the dangers Paul faced in every place, Ignatios, and while a prisoner you did not quail, confirming the Churches of Christ with numerous letters.
Trinity above all being, one Godhead, three-personned Unity, save, have mercy on those who faithfully cry to you, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’.
Both now.
Eden make ready; for Ephratha has been prepared for the Creator, who is about to be born from the Virgin Mother in the cave of Bethlehem through his great compassion.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 3. Irmos.
‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; it is the rock on which Christ established his Church, which he ransomed from among the Nations‘.
Isaias, knowing the incarnation of Christ by the Holy Spirit, clearly foretells it, ‘The Lord is born as a Child from a Virgin for our rebirth, whose government is upon his shoulder’.
A Star has already dawned from the tribe of Juda; knowing which Kings of the East are moving and hastening to arrive that they may contemplate Christ, who is being brought to birth in Bethlehem.
Let all creation sing out a prefestal hymn to the One who was begotten of the Father before the morning star, now shines ineffably from the Virgin and in the flesh is being brought to birth in Bethlehem through his great compassion.
Of the Saint. The same.
You were revealed to be a model of sacred struggle, a tablet of endurance, a rule of courage, a pillar of the Church, a bulwark of Faith, an example of virtue, crowned by Christ for your honoured struggles.
Truly, Father, you have been called by the title ‘God-bearer’, for while still quite a child, you were carried and placed in the Lord’s hands, as he declared to us, ‘Become for me like this little child.’
What place has not been hallowed by your sufferings? In what region, Martyr, are you not known? Or what prison has not received you, Christ’s Martyr, as a prisoner. For godlike zeal roused to fight.
You cried out. I am pure wheat for our God and I am hastening to be ground by wild beasts. Let my bones be crushed, led my limbs be devoured and let me become food for beasts, that I may appear pure bread for Christ.’
In holiness you reached a remarkable stadium of martyrdom and displayed a strange courage more remarkable than those who had competed before, on fire with longing for unyielding lover, who set your soul alight like fire.
The Bishop Martyr, ever fervent in spirit, cried out with longing in the midst of dangers, ‘I go after Christ rejoicing. I am crucified with Christ. I live, but it is no longer I, but Christ alone,’ he says, ‘who lives in me.’
I worship one Godhead, as beginning and end of all that is and all that will be, the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten beyond time, the right Spirit, proceeding from the Father.
Both now.
Come, Isaias, cry aloud, ‘See, the Virgin has in her womb the Redeemer of the World, and gives birth to him in a Cave; and the name of Jesus who is being brought to birth, will be ‘God with us, Emmanuel Sabaoth’.
Kontakion of the Forefeast. Tone 3.
To-day the Virgin comes to the cave, to give birth ineffably to the eternal Word. Hearing this, dance, O inhabited world! Glorify, with Angels and with Shepherds, him who willed to be made manifest, a little Child, God before the ages.
The Ikos.
The sacred sayings of the Prophets reach their term. See, a Virgin gives birth to God in the flesh in the city of Bethlehem within the Cave; let all creation be enriched, be glad and dance; the Master of all things is at hand to live among slaves, ransoming us, who are subject to corruption, from the power of the Stranger; and he appears as a babe, swaddled in a manger, a little Child, God before the ages.
Kathisma of the Saint. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
You blazed our from the East like a star and with the beams of your words you enlightened the world and banished the darkness, and like Paul you nobly completed the course, having endured dangers among nations and cities. So too you were ground like wheat by the teeth of wild beasts, becoming an offering to your Lord, Godbearer Ignatios. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Of the Saint. Tone 3. Awed by the beauty.Set apart by Christ God, you made your sacred robe shine with splendour, and truly you met with martyrdom, O Godbearer. For you roused wild beasts to separate your from the world, imitating Paul the inspired, glorious Martyr. And so at Rome, Father, you fittingly accomplished martyrdom.
Both now.
Of the Forefeast. The same.All things have been filled with joy, for the Mother of God is hastening to give birth to the King of the universe. O inexplicable wonder! The one without beginning begins, and the one without flesh takes flesh. A Cave receives the one who upholds all things. Bethlehem be glad and all creation dance on this prefestal day.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 4. Irmos.
‘Foreseeing in Spirit the incarnation of the Word, O Prophet Avvakum, you cried your proclamation: You will be made known when the years draw nigh; when the time has come you will be revealed. Glory to your power, O Lord‘.
Mountains and hills, trees of the forest, rivers and seas and everything that has breath leap for joy; now Jesus, salvation, draws near to be born of a Virgin in the city of Bethlehem.
Take up your psaltery Prophet David, and sing clearly by the Holy Spirit, ‘From the Virgin has been born without confusion, he who shone from the womb of the Father before the morning star, the Lord of glory, Christ our God’.
How will a tiny, shabby Cave receive you, O Word, as you are brought to birth in the flesh? How will you be wrapped in swaddling clothes, who robe the heaven with clouds? How will you be laid in a manger for dumb beasts as an infant?
Of the Saint. The same.
You made the earth radiant with the brightness of your contests, holy Ignatios, when you led as a prisoner. For hastening like the sun with the rays of your martyrdom, you gave light to all the West bringing torches from the East.
Bound like Paul by rational beasts, you made haste towards Rome, wise Ignatios. But though a prisoner, you did not cease to strengthen the Churches, sending letters city by city to all Christ’s hierarchs to take courage.
‘Let the mouths of wild beasts be my slaughter and their bellies my sepulchres,’ you cried out, O Athlete, ‘Let no one trouble me, let no one weaken my resolve. For I am hurrying to be ground like wheat and to found as pure bread of God.’
‘I am hastening to become Christ’s, Christ’s alone, I say. For I am wholly Christ’s,’ you cried out, O Athlete, ‘Him I follow, him I am eager to attain. And through this fire and sword and all wild beasts I stand firm, that I may reach him.,
You reached the finishing line with fervent soul, courageous Martyr, wounded with love for your lover. For Christ was your love. Drawing breath from him and following after him, you braved the toils of every torment.
Let us believers glorify a Trinity in Unity, as with never silent voices we cry out: Holy Trinity worshipped in Unity, and hymned without confusion in Trinity, glory to you, consubstantial Trinity.
Both now.
Being God you deigned for our sake to be born in a Cave beneath the earth, O Good One, and to be poor with our poverty through compassion, and coming forth incarnate from a Virgin you remained one Son of Father and of Mother.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 5. Irmos.
‘Give us your peace, O Son of God; for we know no other God but you; we name you by name; because you are God of the living and the dead‘.
Clouds with gladness rain down sweetness, for already the Lord draws near to be born as an infant from a pure Virgin in a shabby Cave.
Godlike Prophets of God now leap for joy; for Christ, the truth, has come to fulfil the proclamations of your godlike tongue being brought to birth as a babe.
Eden, closed to me of old, be open then as you see Christ become an infant in the flesh, and as he was well pleased being brought to birth in the city of Bethlehem of a Virgin Maiden.
Of the Saint. The same.
Such a High priest was ours, wise, faithful, undefiled, innocent, cried Paul as he described beforehand the sacred image of your sacred ways.
Having the high citadel of your life, Father, as an inviolable rule and model of orthodoxy, we are drawn up to it, longing to attain the ancient glory.
Devoutly rivalling the achievements of Paul, you endured all his dangers, noble Bishop and Martyr, light of the East and star of the West.
Led away as a prisoner to suffer, High priest Ignatios, prisoner of Christ, you wrote to the Churches and cities, strengthening all by your confession.
As our pillar, foundation and rampart, Martyr and Shepherd, keep the concord of the Church unshaken in the confession of Christ’s truth.
I hymn and worship the equal honour of the Trinity, as I fittingly glorify one Godhead, undivided in three Persons, and ever acknowledged in one substance.
Both now.
God, becoming like mankind from you, is born for us a babe, O Bride of God, and remains wholly unchanged, and appears in flesh, God made man.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 6. Irmos.
‘Imitating the Prophet Jonas I cry: Free my life from corruption and save me, Saviour of the world, as I cry out: Glory to you‘.
Heaven upon earth shows to the Astrologers through a shining star the heavenly King now being brought to birth for our sake in the city of David.
The Prophet preaches and clearly cries, ‘You house of Ephratha, Bethlehem, in which God will appear from the Virgin, leap for joy and dance’.
In a Cave of Bethlehem a Maiden clearly gives birth to God the Maker of the universe and wraps him as a mortal in swaddling clothes and lays him in a manger.
Of the Saint. The same.
As you truly loved your lover without flinching and spiritually lit the fire which led to him, Ignatios, you had in you the water that lived and spoke.
Though you drank Christ’s new cup, yet you remained thirsty to die for the sake of living, and you cried out, ‘These things are nothing to me, compared to attaining life.’
Accomplishing the martyrdom of your conscience, you did not quail when you saw the assaults of the wild beasts; you did not tremble when you were about to be ground like wheat by their fangs.
Burning with the love of Christ, O Athlete, you hastened to the fire of trials as to the morning dew, to attain your lover, the One Who Is.
You reckoned your lengthy torments, your unbreakable bonds, your being rent in pieces in Rome and the fire of the persecutors as nothing, Bishop and Martyr, for the sake of your lover.
Trinity above all being, Unity above all goodness, the Father and the Son and the right Spirit, have mercy on those who worship your divine might.
Both now.
Make ready Bethlehem, Ephratha prepare: He who is without mother from the Father and without father from his Mother, is being carried, borne in the womb, brought to birth to save us.
Kontakion of the Saint. Tone 3. To-day the Virgin
The light-bearing day of your radiant struggles proclaims beforehand to all him who was born of a Virgin; for thirsting from love to delight in him, you hastened to be ground by wild beasts; for this you were named Godbearer, glorious Ignatios.
The Ikos
Abraham once was sacrificing his son, foreshadowing the slaughter of him who possesses all things and who is now hastening to be born in a Cave; while you, inspired Father, offered your whole self as victim; and becoming fodder for the wild beasts, you appeared as pure wheat for your Creator, and you truly dwell eternally in heavenly barns, and delight in your love, for whom you left all the world behind, all-blessed, and were named Godbearer, glorious Ignatios.
On the 20th of the same month, Commemoration of holy Bishop and Martyr Ignatios the Godbearer.
A feast for lions, Ignatios, you were made,
Brave lion, sharer in the mystic feast.
For on the twentieth day by the jaws of the lions he perished.
On the same day, Commemoration of our venerable Father Philogonios; an advocate who became bishop of Antioch.
On the 20th of the same month, Commemoration of holy Bishop and Martyr Ignatios the Godbearer.
A feast for lions, Ignatios, you were made,
Brave lion, sharer in the mystic feast.
For on the twentieth day by the jaws of the lions he perished.
On the same day, Commemoration of our venerable Father Philogonios; an advocate who became bishop of Antioch.
A lawyer, Philogonios leaves life,
Running the good path of the laws of God.
The holy new martyr John, from the island of Thasos was martyred in Constantinople in 1652,dying by the sword.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us.
Forefeast. Ode 7. Irmos.
‘The fire, O Saviour, did not touch, did not harm your Youths in the furnace; then the three, as from a single mouth, hymned and blessed as they said: Blessed is the God of our Fathers‘.
Showing the proof of Christ in the body, Jeremy cried out: God has appeared embodied upon earth, and found every way of knowledge, being born of a Mother in Bethlehem.
See, a rod has blossomed from a root, putting forth a fresh flower, Christ; and upon him, brought to birth in a Cave, the Spirit of understanding, counsel and divine knowledge has come to rest.
Let us give ear to sacred words. The Lord is being brought to birth as a Child for us, whose government is upon his shoulder, and he is called Angel of great counsel of the Father, prince of peace, Christ.
Of the Saint. The same.
You did not have in you, Ignatios, fire that loved matter, but rather water that lived and spoke; water that called, ‘Come quickly to the Father; water leaping up that channels us from life to life.
‘Let the teeth of the wild beasts become for me,’ he said, ‘swords and blades and slaughters, and let the entrails of lions be my tomb, and let the fire be fed before corruption on the remnants of my skin.
‘To be alive in body is not what I love, for I long to live in spirit. For me to be alive is Christ, the divine love. To him I hurry, him I love,’ he says, ‘him I expect to gain’.
‘Death to me is sweet,’ he says, ‘all the agonies of my toils are sweet to me; wild beasts are pleasant, this fire to me is dew. I I will not hold on to living; therefore I hasten to die, that I may live with Christ.’
Let us offer a hymn to the Trinity, as we glorify the Father without beginning, the Son and right Spirit, a single being, which we hymn thrice over, as we cry: Holy, Holy, Holy, God of our Fathers.
Both now.
Theotokion.The One foretold of old by the Prophets draws near me, born as a babe from a Virgin. Adam rejoices, Eve is released from pangs; and David, the Virgin’s forefather, dances with them.
Forefeast. Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The One before whom Angels and all the heavenly Hosts tremble as Creator and Lord, you priests hymn, you children glorify, you peoples bless and highly exalt to all the ages‘.
The Lord is clearly coming to his own by a strange birth; let us receive him, so that he, brought to birth in a Cave, may make us, who have been exiled from the Paradise of pleasure, dwell there once again.
See, our recalling dwells among us; let us with haste make joyful songs resound, and let us sing prefestal melodies to him who is contained in a tiny Cave.
As the Lord has sworn, see, he has fulfilled it, giving us from David’s seed his own Virgin Mother, from whom beyond reason he was born in the flesh as a babe in Bethlehem.
Of the Saint. The same.
Let the praise of Ignatios, the great Priest, be sung, doubly crowned, as Martyr and as Shepherd. For having struggled for the sake of the love of God, longing passionately to be loved, he did not refuse to suffer.
Thrusting for the cup of Christ’s passion, you hurried as a prisoner, wise Ignatios. And having reached the starting line, you did not cease to cry aloud, ‘I thirst to be thirsty for Christ to the ages.’
By the paths of the Faith you nobly sped through the earth, like the sun, from the extremities of heaven. And having set from the earth towards Christ without setting, you make the light of incorruption shine for the world.
Held fast in bonds, you journeyed through the earth, perfuming us by your struggles. And now, after the end, like a lily of the field and a lily of the plain, you make us fragrant.
Let the Trinity, in being a Unity, be hymned; let the Unity, in Persons a Trinity be honoured; as one in nature, but three in Persons, not divided, not compounded.
Both now.
Theotokion.Christ the star has dawned in Jacob, and Magi hasten in the city of Bethlehem to hymn, honour and worship him, born of the womb of the pure Mother of God.
Forefeast. Ode 9. Irmos.
‘The ever-flowing life-bearing Fount, the light-bearing Lampstand of grace, the holy Temple, the all golden Tabernacle, wider than heaven and earth, the Mother of God, we faithful magnify‘.
With Patriarchs, with all the Just and with the Holy Prophets let us leap for joy; from a Maiden the Lord, Jesus, redemption, illumination, life, salvation is now being brought to birth in the city of David.
Already the gateways of the incarnation of the divine Word have been clearly opened for all; heavens be glad, Angels leap for joy, and let earth in spirit make merry with mankind, along with Shepherds and with Magi.
The spiritual jar of alabaster, the Virgin carries Christ as inexhaustible myrrh, and advances to empty it out in the Cave, that she may fill our souls with his sweet fragrance.
Of the Saint. The same.
The God-bearer invites to a banquet, setting before us his sacred struggles. Come, lovers of martyrs, having plucked with holiness the mystical flowers of delightful songs, let us wreathe our own heads with crowns.
Most sacred priest, you made your sacred robe more sacred by your struggles. Therefore, having obtained a double crown, with Martyrs and with Pastors, Bishop and Martyr, you sing the praise of Christ our God.
‘I am pure wheat of God,’ you said, ‘and I am ground by the teeth of wild beasts, that I may become bread, made holy and made pure for my lover and my God. And as I long for him, I do not quail at death.
As one who despises things below, Ignatios, and servant of mysteries on high, as celebrant and victim you offered yourself for martyrdom as unblemished worship, making yourself ready for wild beasts and fires.
The bowels of wild beasts became your tomb, but now you have Sion as your dwelling and you live in the newness of the life-bearing Spirit as you reign with Christ in heaven and delight in his beauty.
Made radiant by the unapproachable light and dwelling in the mansions on high, holy Ignatios, as you appeal to your God and Creator on behalf of this your flock, do not cease to make constant intercession.
Let the light beyond beginning, our life, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be ever hymned in three Persons and one Godhead, simple Trinity, united in nature and identical in honour.
Both now.
Theotokion.Hail pure living City of God, in which God was well pleased to be contained; for not leaving the things above, he has come down to you, like rain upon the earth, O Mother of God, and is being brought to birth as a babe in the city of Bethlehem.
Exapostilarion of the Forefeast.
Prepare Bethlehem; Cave make ready; and Manger receive the uncircumscribed God, circumscribed in flesh; for he is coming to be born, as he has been well pleased.
Of the Saint
I am wheat of God and the Saviour, you said, Godbearer Ignatios, and now I must be ground by the teeth of wild beasts, so I shall be seen as sweet and pure bread for the Holy Trinity; as you stand in its presence may you remember those who celebrate your light-bearing memorial, all-wise High Priest and Martyr.
As wounded by the affection of love of your Lord, you cried out: Christ my love has been willingly crucified; and so I thirst to be made thirsty, and as I live my love is to be loved; I long to have become in his passion and his kingdom.
Of the Forefeast.
Believers, let us now with faith make songs resound for the Forefeast of the Nativity; for Christ is coming, has come to be born in Bethlehem as a mortal from a Virgin, and to appear as an infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes, he who is before the ages.
At Lauds we insert 6 Stichera, and we sing the following Prosomia, in alphabetical order.
A composition by Romanos the Melodist [?]
The acrostic is the Alphabet.
Tone 6. Model Melody.
Angelic Powers, advance; people of Bethlehem, prepare the Manger; for the Word is born; Wisdom goes forth; Church, receive greeting; peoples let us say for the joy of the Mother of God: Blessed is he who has come; our God, glory to you. (
Twice)The Star of Jacob rises in the Cave. Come, and as we celebrate the Forefeast, let us hasten with the Magi, let us gather with the Shepherds; let us see God in swaddling clothes; let us see a Virgin giving suck. O awesome sight! The King of Israel is at hand.
Hills drop down sweetness; for see, God has come from Theman, Nations be defeated; Prophets and Patriarchs leap for joy; mankind dance inspired by God; the strong and great Prince, Christ is brought to birth; on earth the King of heaven is at hand.
Raising mortals up from earth, the Creator has come, renewing once again the royal image; Powers of things above, rejoice together, sing your hymn; the middle wall of enmity is abolished; he has come for whom it was laid up; for God becomes a mortal; Christ, the King of Israel, is at hand.
Come, believers, let us meet the Creator, who has come to earth to dawn from a Virgin; let us shine with purity, let us blaze with virtues; let us be prepared with trembling and joy to see with the eyes of the mind Christ become a babe, who in his supreme goodness makes us mortals divine.
Same melody.Christ draws near; Bethlehem prepare in advance; already the salvation of the Nations sheds its light. Make ready the Manger, assemble the Shepherds, summon the Magi from Persia; the Armies of the Bodiless Minds cry out: The King of heaven, Christ is at hand.
Both now.
Same melody.Zeal and fire devour you, fool, and truly you err, false accuser of the law; for see, as Isaias said, the Virgin is with child and lays the King in a manger; and so all the powerful of the tribe of Juda fail.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 4.
Bethlehem make ready, city of Sion sing a hymn; desert, betrothed to joy, be glad; for a star comes forth in Bethlehem, revealing that Christ is about to be brought to birth; a Cave receives the wholly uncontainable; and a Manger is being prepared to receive eternal life; to him let us all sing and cry: Save our souls, Jesu God, incarnate for us.
God will come from Theman, and the Holy One from a shaded woody mountain.Christ who comes, manifestly our God, will come and not delay; he will appear from a Bride who knows not wedlock, while he will take his rest in a Cave; and you, O Manger of irrational beasts, receive the one whom heaven cannot contain, who is about to be wrapped in swaddling in you, the one who with a word has delivered us from unreason. A Star reveals, Magi worship, Shepherds abide in the fields, while they see the awesome wonder; and Angels make melody, as they contemplate on earth the redemption of our race.
Lord, I have heard of your report and was afraid.Isaias, dance, receive the Word of God; prophesy to the Maiden Mary that a Bush is on fire and is not consumed by the ray of the Godhead. Bethlehem make ready; Eden open your gate; Magi journey to see salvation wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, whom a Star above the Cave has revealed to be the Lord, the giver of life, who saves our race.
Of the SaintLiving monument and breathing image, your yearly festival is here, Godbearer Ignatios, and proclaims your priestly service and your deeds of valour; your resistance to shedding of blood on behalf of the Faith; that blest and revered voice which said: I am God’s wheat, and am being ground by the teeth of wild beasts; and so, as you became an imitator of Christ, intercede that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Of the Forefeast. Tone 2. By Byzas.Cave, make ready; for the Ewe-lamb has come, bearing Christ in her womb. Manger, receive the One who by a word frees us who are born of earth from irrational action. Shepherds abiding in the fields, bear witness to the fearful wonder; and Magi from Persia, offer gold and incense and myrrh to the King; because the Lord has appeared from a Virgin Mother. Bowing low like a slave his Mother worshipped him, and cried out to the One in her arms: How were you sown in me, or how did you come to be in me, my Redeemer and my God?
The rest of the Office of Matins as usual, and Dismissal.
21 Dec. Commemoration of the Martyr Juliana of Nikomedia.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera, and sing Prosomia of the Forefeast.Tone 4. You have given us a sign.
This is our God, no other will be reckoned with him, the Prophet cried out in spirit; for he has found every way of knowledge; while after these things he will appear to mortals wearing flesh; for he hastens to be brought to birth of a Virgin, Child of God; he who is by nature unapproachable becoming approachable by me .
Your womb, all-blameless Mother of God, is acknowledged to be a heap of grain of a threshing floor, which carries ineffably, beyond mind and beyond reason a ear of grain untilled; which you bear in a Cave of Bethlehem, and is about to nourish all creation by grace with divine knowledge and to rescue humanity from a famine which destroys the soul.
The unblemished Heifer comes forth to a holy Cave, carrying the fatted Calf, to give him birth in a marvellous manner, to swaddle him as a mortal and lay him in a manger as an infant. Creation celebrates in advance as it harmoniously magnifies the one who has wrought such marvels upon earth.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.
Sion, keep festival; Jerusalem, be glad; City of Christ God receive the Creator, contained in a Cave and in a Manger; Open to me your gates, and entering by them I shall see swaddled as a babe the one who holds creation in his grasp, whom Angels hymn with unceasing voice, the Lord, the Life-giver, who saves our race.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 2. O house of Ephratha.
The sayings of all the Prophets are fulfilled; for Christ is born in the city of Bethlehem from the pure Child of God.
God will come from Theman; and the Holy One from a shady wooded mountain.Glory of those born of earth, their boast and fame, honoured Bethlehem, divine metropolis, receive your Creator.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid; Lord I considered your works and was amazed.The Word of the Father, through whom the universe came to be, without suffering and without change appears as one substance from two natures.
Glory. Both now.
Same melody.City of Bethlehem, make ready the Cave, the Manger, the swaddling clothes for the Creator; for he is at hand to be brought to birth in you.
Apolytikion of the Forefeast. Tone 4.
Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die as Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image which had fallen.
Apolytikion of the Saint. Tone 4.
O Jesu, your lamb cries aloud: O my Bridegroom, I long for you; and seeking you I struggle, and I am crucified and buried with you in your baptism; and I suffer for your sake, that I may reign with you; and I die for you, that I may live in you; but as a spotless victim now accept one who with longing is slain for you. Through her prayers, as you are merciful, save our souls!
Both now.
Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die as Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image which had fallen.
At Compline
At Compline we sing the following Diode, of which the Acrostic is:
And on Tuesday.
Ode 8. Tone 2. Irmos.
‘The three holy Youths for not obeying the tyrannical decree were cast into the furnace, and they confessed God as they sang: Works of the Lord, bless the Lord’.
Let us cast from us the sleep of idleness, and with wakefulness of soul let us sing out to Christ who is brought to birth of a pure Maiden: Works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Let good action be sufficient for the store house of our soul; that with radiant face we may sing to Christ as he is brought to birth: Works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Increasing our talent by good works, let us offer them instead of gold and frankincense and myrrh as gifts to Christ who gave them, as he comes to be born of a Maiden, Child of God.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘All-holy Virgin, who contained in your womb the uncontainable God, and bore joy for the world, we hymn you’.
To the understanding Christ has given the command to watch, to those who hope for his coming; for he has come to be born from a Virgin.
At your second coming, O Christ, show me, who honour your coming in the flesh, to be a companion of the your sheep on your right hand.
At your former coming, O Christ, you saved Adam; but at your second, save those who honour your Birth.
At Matins
The usual Reading from the Psalter. After the 1st Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 2. The noble Joseph.
The unapproachable God, through compassion willing to become approachable for me, comes forth in flesh, to be born as man in the city of Bethlehem from a Virgin girl; let us eagerly hasten to receive him as we cry out with fear: Lord, glory to you.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 3. Awed by the beauty.
A marvellous wonder appears today! For our Saviour is now hastening to be brought to birth for us in the Cave in flesh from the Virgin. Magi will worship him with gifts as a king. Shepherds and Angels with glorify him, with them let us also cry: Glory to him who for us became man.
Glory. Both now.
The same.Psalm 50 and the Canon of the Forefeast, of which the Acrostic is the Alphabet. By Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos.
‘The ancient Israel, after crossing the expanse of the Red Sea on foot dryshod, through Moses’ hands outstretched in the figure of the Cross, destroyed the might of Amalek in the wilderness’.
Rejoice heaven, and earth be glad; for God is with us in flesh, he is being brought to birth from a Virgin girl and wrapped in swaddling clothes; while he looses the bonds of our offences as he is compassionate.
A pure Queen gives birth beyond understanding to the King of all things, who opens the kingdom above to believers and takes away completely the sin which ever reigned wretchedly in us.
Prophetic writings are now proved; for see, Christ whom they foretold appears incarnate in the city of Bethlehem; let us now hasten to celebrate to-day his Nativity beforehand with uprightness of mind.
Of the Saint.
Ode 1. Tone 4.
The Virgin hastens to give birth in the Cave to the Fashioner of nature, who beyond nature bears flesh from her according to an ineffable hypostasis, that he may make humanity divine.
Forefeast. Ode 3. Irmos.
‘Because the barren, the Church from the Nations, has given birth, and she who had many children, the synagogue, has grown weak; to our wondrous God let us cry: Holy are you, O Lord’.
Daniel sees you, O Word, as a stone cut from a virgin mountain, levelling the altars of idols by your might; and so in fear we glorify you.
Magi from the East, having journeyed with a star to the King of all, offer you gifts, O Christ, myrrh, gold and incense, amazed at your condescension.
Mary, an unploughed land, carries a lifebearing ear to give birth in the city of Bethlehem to the one who nourishes the souls of all who cry: Holy are you, O Lord.
Of the Saint
Delivering mortals the Compassionate is brought to birth from the pure Virgin in Bethlehem, accepting swaddling clothes as an infant.
‘Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries: You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament’.
Kathisma of the Forefeast. Tone 3. Awed by the beauty.
All you ends of the earth be filled with joy; for the Mother of God has to give birth to the King of the universe, O inexpressible wonder! He who is without beginning begins; he who is without flesh takes flesh. A Cave receives the one who possesses all things. Bethlehem rejoice, and creation dance on this prefestal day.
Of the Saint. Tone 4.Lifted up on the Cross.
Adorned with divers virtues given by God, decked with the flowers of your honoured martyrdom, wholly fair and blameless you appeared, pure Saint. Therefore your Lord loved your beauty and has now brought you into a most shining bridal chamber, in which you dance, Juliana, with the Martyrs as you magnify Christ.
Both now.
Forefeast.Tone 4. Come swiftly to help.
Virgins take the lead at the joy of the Virgin; Mothers give praise to the procession of the Mother of Christ our God; Magi with Angels; the Shepherds with us; for she comes to the city of Bethlehem for the birth of a son, God before the ages, who saves the world from corruption.
Forefeast. Ode 4. Irmos.
‘He who sits in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus, supremely divine, has come on a light cloud, and with his undefiled hand saved those who cry: Glory, O Christ, to your power!’
The holy box of the fragrant myrrh of revered sanctification is coming forth to the city of Bethlehem to empty him out who grants sanctification to all of us who cry: Glory, O Christ, to your power.
Inspired Isaias, as you see that your revered proclamations have become realities, rejoice and dance; for the Virgin without seed has borne the uncontainable in flesh in the Cave of Bethlehem.
Jesus is born in the flesh, and in time the Timeless appears as a babe, abolishing my perennial faults, and by his ineffable poverty he enriches me, who have been impoverished by destructive transgressions.
Of the Saint.
Seeing her virginity sealed after childbirth the Mother of God and moved by wonder she cried out: My Child, how is that I now wrap you in swaddling clothes, who wrap the sea in sand.
Forefeast. Ode 5. Irmos.
‘The godless will not see your glory, O Christ; but we, rising in the night before dawn, will hymn you, O Only-begotten, radiance of the glory of the Father’s Godhead, only lover of mankind’.
God Emmanuel is born of a Maiden and laid in a manger he works our restoration as he wills; let us devoutly celebrate beforehand his Nativity.
You, the Word without beginning and one in nature with the Father, were laid in a manger of irrational beasts and freed from unreason us who celebrate devoutly the Forefeast of your Nativity.
The blest root of Jesse has sprung up, blossoming the pure Virgin who bears a divine flower, Christ the Lord; whose Nativity we gladly celebrate beforehand.
Of the Saint.
A new wonder! The immaculate Virgin hastens to bear God made man in the Cave of Bethlehem.
Forefeast. Ode 6. Irmos.
‘I have come to the depths of the sea, and a storm of many sins has drowned me; but as God lead my life back from corruption, as You love mankind.’
A little Child is born for us on earth, he who shone ineffably from the Father before the ages; he has freed us all from the ancient transgression as he is compassionate.
Strange and marvellous things were heard in the city of Bethlehem when you were born, O Word without beginning; for Shepherds with Angels brought you a hymn as their Master.
The Star reveals to Magi the Sun of justice who is brought to birth ineffably; rejoicing let us now celebrate the Forefeast of his Nativity.
Of the Saint.
The Creator who wrapped the sea in mist by his will is born from a Virgin Maiden, and like a babe accepts swaddling clothes as he redeems the world.
‘I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the filth of demons by the blood which flowed with pity from your side’.
Kontakion of the Forefeast.
Tone 2.
As we see him who holds the whole earth in his hand wrapped in swaddling clothes in Bethlehem, let us bring prefestal songs to the one who gave him birth; for as a mother she rejoices as she holds in her bosom the Son of God.
The Ikos.
The Virgin, holding in her embrace the Son of God, and as she kissed him with a mother’s greetings she exclaimed: In conceiving I knew no seed, and in giving birth I did not undergo corruption, but even after giving birth I am pure as before; and so I venerate, my Child, your great compassion and the ineffable miracle which you have shown me; therefore I too rejoice as i hold in my bosom the Son of God.
On the 21st of the same month, commemoration of the holy Martyr Juliana.
The sword was Juliana’s shining fame,
For it obtained for her a shining crown.
Then on the twenty first day the fair Juliana they slaughtered.
On the same day, the 500 holy Martyrs, who in Nikomedia came to the faith through Juliana, attained perfection by the sword.
Five hundred Martyrs Nicomedes’ town
slain, but bearing off the victor’s crown.On the same day, one hundred and thirty holy women in Nicomedia attained perfection by the sword.
A triple decade with a fivefold score
Of women Martyrs offered heads to sword.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyr Themistocles.
The rasping of sharp nails of iron you bore,
As though yourself of iron, Themistocles.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Forefeast. Ode 7. Irmos.
‘Three youths in Babylon held the tyrant’s command as idle chatter, and in the midst of the fire they cried aloud: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.’
How will a Cave contain you, the Uncontainable, as you come to be born for us? How will a Virgin suckle you, compassionate Jesus, who are called the nourisher of all?
Following the words of the Seer Balaam, Magi hasten to worship Christ with gifts, recognising him as the one who reigns over everything that has breath.
Human nature, barren of every virtue, rejoice and dance; for Christ has come to be born from a Virgin in the flesh, that he may make you fertile by good deeds.
Of the Saint.
Hail, Virgin Mother, place which contained the Uncontainable, for you are about to give birth for us in a Cave, O Immaculate, to him who sets right the creation of his own hands.
Forefeast. Ode 8. Irmos.
‘All-powerful Redeemer of all, you came down and bedewed the devout in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord’.
O Christ you have deigned to be born in the Cave of a pure Virgin through your ineffable compassion, to save me who by my many transgressions have been declared a robbers’ cave.
Signing my complete forgiveness, you, the Maker of creation, were enrolled by Caesar’s decree with your servants; I hymn the measureless mercy of your compassion, Master.
Palace of the King, filled with light, how have you entered a tiny Cave to bear the King, the Lord, incarnate for us, O All-holy Virgin, Bride of God?
Of the Saint.
The Lord, mounted upon a cloud, is coming to be brought to birth for us through a cloud, the Virgin, that he may banish the dark clouds of sin from the souls of us who cry to him: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
The Irmos.
‘Stretching out his hands Daniel closed the jaws of the lions in the den; while the Children, lovers of true religion, girded with virtue, quenched the power of the fire as they cried: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord’.
Forefeast. Ode 9. Irmos.
‘By the sickness of disobedience Eve gave entrance to the curse; while you, Virgin Mother of God, by the offshoot of your child-bearing, made the blessing flower for the world; therefore we all magnify you’.
Believers, let us all dance, let us leap for joy and shout in harmony; the salvation of all, the Lord, draws near to be brought to birth and to save those who with devout mind celebrate his Nativity.
Holy David, take up psaltery and harp and sing: Be glad house of Ephratha; for he whom the Father begot from the womb is being clearly brought to birth in you, embodied from the Virgin.
Like a great shower of rain the Master has come down into your womb, watered the earth parched by the drought of godlessness and dried up the seas of error, O Virgin Mother, Mother of God.
Of the Saint.
Carrying him who carries all things you are coming to Bethlehem, O Virgin, to bear him and to lay as an infant in a manger him who above all works the restoration of mortals.
The Irmos
‘A stone not cut by hand from you, an unhewn mountain, O Virgin, has been cut as head of the corner: Christ who joined together separated natures; therefore with gladness, Mother of God, we magnify you’.
Exapostilarion of the Saint.
Your Bridal Chamber.
The Martyr, longing for your bridal chamber, O Word, bravely endured every trial of torments by your aid. At her intercessions I beg you, as God, to have compassion on my soul.
Of the Forefeast. Same melody.
Bethlehem, land of Juda, make ready your entrances; for in you the Virgin and Mother of God has now come, to give birth in a Cave as a mortal to my God and Lord.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia.
Tone 6.
The creative Wisdom now advances; the prophetic clouds part asunder; grace clears the sky; the truth has shone out; shadowy riddles cease; the gate of Eden has been opened; Adam dance; our God who fashioned us is himself willingly fashioned.
Fulfilling the oracles and visions of the Prophets, the Word is brought to birth in flesh and becomes corporeal, and after birth he is laid in a manger of irrational beasts. This is the supreme condescension! This the awesome dispensation! For this we sing: The King of Israel, Christ draws near.
That you may cleanse the poison of corruption and refashion for me the original image, you become incarnate and take suck, and you, who at your behest cause the universe to revolve, are wrapped around in swaddling clothes; O Word, who work wonders, I sing your praise, Angel of the Father’s counsel, through which I am made immortal.
Not leaving the bosom of the Father, you appeared as a mortal; and carried in a Virgin’s arms you summoned from Persia through a star the Magi who worshipped you as sovereign God; with the breath of your lips you destroy the godless rulers of the nations and shepherd your chosen people.
. Same melody.The Word, who is consubstantial with the Father, kneaded from pure virgin blood, is fashioned and will grow with the passing of time, and again is born in a Cave. Amazement! But Angels clap their hands, Shepherds sing: the King of Israel, Christ is at hand.
Both now.
Both now. Same melody.The oracles of the Seer Balaam are being fulfilled; for those who gaped at Persian prodigies, made radiant by the shining of an unaccustomed star, recognised by their gifts the unsetting Sun, Christ, embodied in Bethlehem, to be God, sovereign and willingly one dead.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 2. O house of Ephratha.
The Star shines out already in the Cave; you Shepherds with Angels, you Magi with gifts, get ready to arrive.
God will come from Theman; and the Holy One from a shady, wooded mountain.That he may fulfil the sayings of the Prophets, the Lord is born in Bethlehem and opens Eden to Adam’s posterity.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid; Lord I considered your works and was amazed.Anoint with myrrh the holy Manger, Bethlehem; for in you the Master unfurls the beams of his Godhead.
Glory. Both now.
The same melody.Come, let us who are born of earth ceaselessly hymn with one voice the Virgin, Mary, Mother of God, from Christ is brought to birth.
The rest of the Office of Matins as usual and Dismissal.
.The following translation of the offices for 21 December includes a number of explanatory notes, mostly concerned with the biblical and patristic sources used by the hymn writers. Because these include a number of citations in Greek the text is in PDF format, for which Acrobat Reader is necessary.
Click on the hyperlink below to read the PDF page:
December 21
22 Dec. Commemoration of Martyr Anastasia, the Healer of Wounds
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera, and sing Prosomia of the Forefeast.Tone 6.
The unsetting Sun hastens to emerge from virgin loins to enlighten everything under heaven. Let us hurry to meet him with clear eyes and pure actions; and let us now be prepared to receive in spirit the one who comes to his own by a strange birth, as he was well pleased; that, as he is compassionate, by being brought to birth in Bethlehem, he may bring us back who have been estranged from the life in Eden.
God the Word, who rides on the backs of the Cherubim, united hypostatically to flesh, has dwelt in an unblemished womb, become a mortal and is coming to the land of Juda to be brought to birth. Holy Cave, be made ready as a majestic palace for the universal King; and you, Manger, as a throne formed of fire, on which the Virgin Mary lays as a babe the Infinite for the restoration of what he fashioned.
The Virgin lays you in a manger of dumb beasts, O Word of God without beginning, who beyond understanding have accepted a beginning; for you are coming to dispel my unreason, to which I submitted by the envy of the serpent; while you will be wrapped in swaddling bands that you may tear apart the bands and cords of my offences, O alone Good and lover of humankind; therefore I glorify you, I praise and worship with great joy your coming in the flesh, through which I have been freed.
Both now.
Forefeast.Tone 6. By Vyzas.
Virgin without bridegroom, whence have you come? Who begot you? And who is your mother? How do you bear the Creator in your arms? How was your womb not corrupted? We see great marvels come to pass on earth, O All-holy, and we make ready in advance that which fits your need, the Cave from the earth; and we ask heaven to provide the Star; and Magi are advancing from the eastern regions of the earth towards the West, to look on the salvation of mortals being suckled as a babe.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia of the Forefeast.
Tone 2.
Christ is coming to crush the evil one, to enlighten those in darkness and release the prisoners; let us go forth to meet him.
God will come from Theman; and the Holy One from a shady wooded mountain.Sing families of nations praise and glory; Magi with gifts, Shepherds abiding in the fields eagerly hurry onwards.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid; Lord I considered your works and was amazed.Mountains and hills, valleys and plains, rivers and all creation now magnify the Creator who is brought to birth.
Both now.
Forefeast. Tone 4.Isaias dance, receive the Word of God; prophesy to the Maiden Mary that a Bush is on fire and is not consumed by the ray of the Godhead. Bethlehem make ready; Eden open your gate; Magi journey to see salvation wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, whom a Star above the Cave has revealed to be the Lord, the giver of life, who saves our race.
Apolytikion of the Forefeast. Tone 4.
Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die as Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image which had fallen.
Of the Saint.Both now.
Of the Forefeast. Tone 4.Bethlehem prepare; Eden is opened for all. Make ready Ephratha, because the tree of life has flowered in the Cave from the Virgin. For her womb has been revealed as the spiritual Paradise in which is the plant of life; eating from it we shall live; we shall not die as Adam. Christ is born to raise up his image which had fallen.
At Compline
At Compline we sing the Triode, of which the Acrostic is:
I shall sing on Wednesday.
Ode 3. Tone 2, Irmos.
‘You have established me on a rock of faith; you have broadened my mouth against my foes; may spirit has been made glad by singing: None is holy as our God, and none is just but you, O Lord’.
To no purpose and with murderous intent is Herod’s Sanhedrin gathered to slay the Lord who comes to birth; to whom we all sing: You are our God, and none is just but you, O Lord.
Herod’s fell council, being of a mind to fight God, thinks to slay, together with the infants, the Master Christ; to whom we all sing: You are our God, and none is just but you, O Lord.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘When a tyrant’s word prevailed, the furnace once was heated sevenfold; in which the Youths, trampling on the King’s decree, were not consumed, but cried: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Emptying out our tears like myrrh for Christ, who is brought to birth for us in flesh, let us purify the stains of the flesh, as in purity we approach the Immaculate and cry: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
With tears of pitiable sorrow may we escape the tears of the dread punishment to come, as we grasp the feet of Christ, who is placed as a babe in swaddling clothes, and cry: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Knowing that ransom is effected by his own compassion and a fount of tears, let us believers, washed clean through confession, approach Christ, who is brought to birth in the flesh, as we cry: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘With pure souls, and unpolluted lips, come, let us magnify the undefiled and most holy Mother of Emmanuel, through her offering our prayer to the One born of her: Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us’.
Let none be ungrateful, none full of evil jealousy of those who now bring gifts acceptable to God instead of myrrh, gold and incense, the myrrh of virtues, as they sing to Christ who is brought to birth: Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us.
Cunning Herod, hard of heart, says to the wise Magi: Go, seek the King who has now been born, and having found him, tell me, as he meditated murder in his murderous heart. Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us.
O the audacity of blind murder! therefore you forgot: that no one takes God into their power and destroys him; for boiling over with rage, Herod, you savagely slaughter the babes. Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4.
Inspired by God let creation to-day be glad; for Christ the Lord, the Son of our God, is born of a pure Maiden, so making the whole human race immortal and abolishing the curse of the foremother Eve; and so as to our benefactor let bring a song.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 3. Today the Virgin.
Joseph the just, as he hymned the Virgin who bore the pre-eternal Word, cried out: I see you, who have become the Temple of the Lord, bearing the One who has come to save all mortals, and who shows those who praise him to be temples through pity of the divine.
Glory. Both now.
The same.Then Psalm 50 and the Canons. Canon of the Forefeast, of which the Acrostic is:
I sing a great hymn on Great Thursday.
Ode 1. Tone 6. Irmos.
‘With a cutting hand the Red Sea is cut, while the deep, nurse of waves, is dried up; the same becomes at once a path for the unarmed and for the fully armed a tomb; a song, pleasing to God, was raised: Christ our God has been greatly glorified’.
The infinite Wisdom of God, cause of all things and origin of life, has built his own house from a pure Mother who has not known man. For putting on a bodily temple Christ our God has been greatly glorified.
God’s Wisdom summons the Magi, guiding them to the mystery as first fruits of the Nations, to nourish spiritually those who before were unreasoning at a manger of unreasoning beasts, where a mystical table is spread, to which they hasten as they make their way with gifts, while the star shining before them.
Let us listen to the sayings of the Prophets that have now been fulfilled. For the Virgin has conceived in her womb and hurries to give birth to the One who pre-exists. The heavens revealed him to the Magi, Angels to Shepherds as a babe made manifest.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 3. Irmos.
‘God, who is Lord and Creator of all things, the One who is beyond passion has made himself a pauper and united the created to himself. And carried as a babe in the flesh, he is worshipped in a paltry manger, as he cries, ‘Eat my body, and you will be made firm by faith’.’
Herod makes bold to slay before his time Christ who now comes to pour out his own saving blood for the world. He rages madly before the mad rage of Pilate and so with scarlet savagery he slaughtered multitudes of infants.
A foolish man said, ‘There is no God’. Filled with utter madness, he is sick with the disease of Christocide. Having failed in his rash aim, he armed himself to the teeth against innocent babes and defiled the land with their blood.
The Irmos.
‘Lord who constructed heaven’s vault and builder of the Church, establish me in your love, the pinnacle of all desires, the firm foundation of the faithful, only lover of mankind.’
Kathisma of the Saint.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Glory. Both now.
Of the Forefeast.Tone 4. Taking knowledge.
As we celebrate the Forefeast of Christ’s Nativity, we faithful keep festival and all go forth to meet him as is fitting, like the Magi bearing virtues as gifts and singing the Angels’ new song to the One who is being brought to birth in Bethlehem from a Maiden, child of God, without seed. He is our God, whom all creation glorifies.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 4. Irmos.
‘The Prophet, foreseeing your ineffable mystery, O Christ, cried out to you, ‘Compassionate Father, you have made strong love mighty, for you, O Good One, have sent the Only-begotten Son into the world as atonement.’
Falling like rain up the fleece and like a drop upon the earth who gave you birth, Lord, you come with compassion to be brought to birth and to live among mortals, for the Father has sent you the Only-begotten into the world as atonement.
A new drink, which thirsty David longed to drink of old, comes to the Cave, to gush forth in Bethlehem and to end all the former thirst of soul of Adam and of David, from whom, according to the flesh, Christ is born.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 5. Irmos.
‘Bound together with the bond of love as lovers of the brethren, let us give glory to the Master of all things, who loved the world so much and gave as ransom the beloved Son and bestows peace on all.’
God’s Wisdom, who holds fast the ungovernable water high in the lofty upper air, reins in the deeps and holds back the seas, descending like rain upon a fleece, dwelt in a Virgin’s womb.
Christ by a star calls Magi, disciples of the Seer Balaam, to knowledge. He who cloaks heaven’s vault with clouds, is wrapped in swaddling clothes and he before whom the Cherubim tremble lies in manger, while he who fills all things is contained in a Cave.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 6. Irmos.
‘A final abyss of sins has surrounded me, and no longer able to endure the tempest, like Jonas I cry to you, Master, ‘Bring me up from corruption!’’
Knowing you to be the Lord, the heavens declare your glory, Saviour, though a star, now calling Magi with gifts to knowledge of you and to divine worship.
Let any who has acquired filth wipe it away, and so made pure let them touch Christ the pure as he lies as a babe in a manger purifying the passions of our hearts.
The Irmos.
‘I pour out my supplication to the Lord, and to him I declare my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with evils and my life has drawn near to hell. And like Jonas I beg, ‘O God, bring me up from corruption!’’
Kontakion of the Saint. Tone 2.
Seeking things on high.
Those in trials and tribulations hasten to your temple and receive the revered gifts of the divine grace which dwells in you, Anastasia; for you ever pour out healings for the world.
The Ikos.
Named with the name of the Lord’s Resurrection, now by your prayers raise me who have fallen, letting a drop of your wonders fall on my soul, O Martyr, and quench the flame of dread sin. For you save the world each day from passions of many kinds, with I too have been tried. For granting all things to all, you pour out healings for the world.
On the 22nd of the month, Commemoration of the holy Great Martyr Anastasia, Healer of Wounds [
Anastasia is for those with faith
A cure [
pharmakon] ‘gainst every drug [pharmakon], and she is burned.Second and twentieth day, the Great Martyr is burned by fierce fire.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr Chrysogonos.
To sword now Chrysogonos gives his neck,
In spirit golden [chrysous], but in strength of bronze.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr Theodoti and her children.
Fire Theodoti with her loved ones bears,
Burning with fiercer love for God than fire.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr Zoпlos.
Zoпlos, leaving passing life [
zoк] behind,In land of living found enduring life.
On the same day the Opening of the doors of the Great Church of God.
Now holy men lift up the gates of Christ,
For us an image of the Psalmist’s Minds.
On the same day the Light race of the Church of God.
Lights that today race round the Temple’s walls
Show to the world the course of light divine.
At the prayers of your Saints, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 7. Irmos.
‘The Youths in Babylon did not quail before the furnace flame, but cast into the midst of the flame, refreshed with dew, they sang, ‘Blessed are you, Lord, the God of Fathers!’’
Shaking his head, foreseeing evils, Herod looked an opportunity for he sought to put to death the One, who has authority over life and death, Christ the God of our Fathers.
As many of you as are friends of Christ, flee with him as he flees into Egypt, and there worship him with awe, invoking him in a manner fitting God and glorify him with one accord.
‘One who is not with me acts against me’, says Christ, ‘while one who does not gather with me is like one who scatters’. Therefore let us tremble at his condescension in the flesh.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The most blessed Youths in Babylon, braving dangers for their ancestral laws, utterly despised the ruler’s irrational command. And united in the fire by which they not smelted, they raised the hymn worthy of the Mighty One. ‘You his works, praise the Lord, and highly exalt to all the ages!’’
Guests wise in God, as we advance in mind to Bethlehem, let us with Angels and with Shepherds contemplate the wonder, raising a song of glory to God in the highest, who grants mortals the prize of good will and peace.
Keeping hold of the law of love, let us take up the aim of brotherly love, being at peace with one another and of one mind, for Christ, the prince of peace, is drawing near, to bring peace to the universe and to save those who cry, ‘Praise the Lord his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Lawless Herod welcomed Christ with deceitful words, and he informed the Magi that he was going to worship him; but he was not afraid to persecute the hidden God. He not have compassion on the infants, nor did he learn to cry, ‘Praise the Lord his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Of the Forefeast. Ode 9. Irmos.
‘Come, believers, let us enjoy with uplifted minds the Master’s hospitality and an immortal table in a meagre Cave, having learned that the Word has ineffably become incarnate. Him we magnify.’
‘Go’, said Herod to the princes of the Magi, ‘seek out the child, and when you find him, quickly bring me word’, devising deceit in his heart. But the deceiver was foiled, acting lawlessly to no effect.
The Creator, begotten from the Father before the ages, is born from the Virgin, being Wisdom, Word of God and Power. Knowing the Lord, God and Man, in two natures, we magnify him.
You appeared as a human, in reality, not in mere semblance, thus God by the manner of the exchange, the nature, Saviour that you assumed. Therefore, as we honour your divine sojourning, we magnify you.
‘We who through you, O Virgin, have been saved confess you to be most truly the one who gave birth to God, with all the choirs of the heavens you we now magnify.’
Exapostilarion of the Saint.
Glorious Virgin Martyr, splendour of champions, all-wise Anastasia, do not cease to implore the one who is now coming to be born of a Virgin Maiden, the pure Mother of God, in a cave and a manger, to grant release from sins to all those who celebrate your all-holy memory and honour you with love.
Of the Forefeast
Your light-bearing memorial, Martyr Anastasia, proclaims in advance Christ’s Nativity in Bethlehem, as it summons Magi from the Persia with gifts; the Shepherds with Angels to sing in praise; for you offered yourself like gold, incense and myrrh to your Master, when you struggled in the contest, O wise in God.
At Lauds, we insert six stichera, and sing the following 4 Prosomia.
Tone 6.
Now all the ancient images are being discharged, for the Virgin is with child, the stone has been cut from the mountain, Jesse’s rod has blossomed and Gideon’s dew has now been poured out on earth. Peoples, let us cry out, ‘The King of Israel, Christ, is at hand!’
Strange happenings of a strange birth-giving are seen! How is the One enthroned with the Father being laid in a manger of irrational beasts? How is the One who cannot be touched in swaddling clothes? How is the One who is everywhere in the Cave? Peoples, let us cry out, ‘The King of Israel, Christ, is at hand!’
The One who worked wonders and smote Egypt, rained Manna on the ungrateful people, becomes incarnate and suckles at the breast. Seen as a little child, he flees from Herod, borne on the Virgin Mother as on a light cloud, as Isaias, the most visionary of prophets foresaw.
The pre-existent Child, King of the ages, is willingly brought to birth and is given to us as a son. Listen, you Nations, Israel, give ear! Understand and be discomfited, for he is with us, the One grind down and wipe out from the earth every kingdom and rule that does not obey him.
Jew, you will be shepherded with a rod of iron, as you did not believe and resisted the Prophets; for to the Son when he is born the Father gives Nations as his lot and the whole earth as his possession, while you he will thrust aside, foul murderer, for you cannot be persuaded to cry, ‘The King of Israel, Christ, is at hand!’
Both Now.
David, leap for joy, for Christ comes from your loins! Jesse, be glad, for your root has flowered! Juda, from your thigh the Lord will come forth. Nations he devours, as Balaam said. As great Isaias said, ‘See, the all-revered Virgin will give birth to a little child, Emmanuel’.
Aposticha. Prosomia.
Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
The Star shines out already in the Cave; you Shepherds with Angels, you Magi with gifts, get ready to arrive.
: God will come from Theman; and the Holy One from a shady, wooded mountain.Christ is drawing near; the Star already shines. The heavenly multitude of the host of spiritual powers bows down.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid; Lord I considered your works and was amazed.Bethlehem, rejoice! The One who shepherds Israel, the Saviour, is upon you. Judea, you are no longer least among the rulers.
Of the Saint.Tone 5. By Vyzas.
Today a day of the forefeast of the incarnation of Christ God has shone out with the feast of the all-praised Martyr Anastasia. See, the Virgin is approaching Bethlehem to lay, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger of irrational beasts, the Babe who has freed us from the ancient curse and saves our souls.
Both. now.
Same Tone.‘Do not be downcast, Joseph, when you see my womb. For you will see what is born of me and you will rejoice and worship him as God’, said the Mother of God to her own betrothed, as she was about to give birth to Christ. Let us sing her praise, as we say, ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you; and through you, with us’.
The rest of the Office of Matins as usual and Dismissal.
The Sunday before the Nativity is that which falls between 18 December and 24 December and commemorates the ’Holy and Godbearing Ancestors of Christ, from Adam to Joseph the Betrothed’, following the genealogy in the Gospel according to Luke, together with the Prophets and other Holy Persons of the Old Covenant, both men and women. They are all listed in the Synaxarion for the day, together with usual iambic couplet. The present translation contains the complete list, but not yet the complete set of couplets. I hope to have these completed next year. The Sunday is also, in effect, part of the Forefeast of the Nativity,which strictly speaking begins on 20 December, the feast of St Ignatios of Antioch.
The background to this page is from one of David Roberts’s paintings of Bethlehem.
Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ
.At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm and the reading of the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter, we insert 10 Stichera and sing those prescribed of the Resurrection, then those of the Forefeast and those of the Holy Fathers.
Prosomia of the Forefeast. Tone 1.
All-praised Martyrs.
All-blameless Virgin, living Palace of God, you contained within yourself him whom the heavens cannot contain; beyond understanding you gave birth to him in the Cave, a beggar and incarnate, that he might make me divine and enrich me, made a beggar by the incontinence of bitter eating.
Through compassion enrolled with slaves, long-suffering Christ, by Caesar’s decree, you came to give freedom, life and deliverance to ungrateful servants, who worship your saving Nativity, for you have come to save our souls.
The All-holy and blameless Virgin, realising that her child-bearing was beyond explanation and had made new the laws of nature, cried to her Son: My Child, so much desired, I am amazed at the great mystery: I have born a child and yet remain a virgin by your power, who do all things by your will!
And of the Holy Fathers. Tone 8. The Paradise in Eden.
As we believers celebrate today the memorials of the Fathers, let us sing in praise to Christ the Redeemer; the Lord, who as mighty and powerful magnified them among all the nations and faithfully performed extraordinary wonders; and has revealed from among them a rod of power, Mary the only pure Child of God, who has not known man; from her Christ has come forth, the flower that blossoms with life for all, the inexhaustible delight and the salvation of our souls.
Rejoicing in the dew of the Spirit as in raindrops, the Children of God walked in the midst of the flame, thus prefiguring the Trinity and the incarnation of Christ; and wise through Faith they quenched the power of fire; while Daniel the just appeared as a tamer of lions. Entreated by their prayers, O Saviour who loves mankind, deliver us also from the unquenchable and everlasting fire, and grant that we may reach your heavenly Kingdom.
The faithful and holy Children, when in the furnace of the flame of fire as in a dew, mystically prefigured your coming from the Virgin, which blazed for us yet did not burn. While Daniel the just, and wonderful among the Prophets, clearly foreshadowed for all your divine second coming. In his vision he cried and said that thrones were set, the judge had taken his seat and the river of fire appeared; from which, O Christ, may we be delivered by their prayers.
Tone 6.Daniel, the man of desires, when he saw a stone hewn without human hand, foretold that you, Lord, would be born as a babe without seed, you the Word incarnate of the Virgin, God unchanging and the Saviour of our souls.
Both Now.
Of the Forefeast. Tone 6.Cave prepare, for the Ewe Lamb comes bearing Christ in her womb; Manger receive him who with a word has loosed us born of earth from irrational action. Shepherds abiding in the fields, bear witness to a fearful wonder; Magi from Persia, offer the King gold, frankincense and myrrh; for the Lord has appeared from a Virgin mother. Bending over him like a slave, his Mother worshipped him and addressed him as he lay in her arms: How were you sown in me? How have you grown in me, my Redeemer and my God?
Entrance, the Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.
The Reading is from Genesis.
14,14-20)Now when Abram heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive, he numbered his own home-born servants three hundred and eighteen, and pursued the enemy as far as Dan. And he fell upon them by night, he and his servants, and smote them and pursued them as far as Chobal, which is on the left of Damascus. And he brought back all the cavalry of Sodom, and he brought back Lot his nephew and all his goods and the women and the people. And the king of Sodom came out to meet him, after his return from the slaughter of Chodologomor and the kings with him, to the valley of Sabi; this was the plain of Kings. And Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine; he was Priest of the Most High God. And he blessed Abram and said: Blessed is Abram by the most high God, who created the heaven and the earth. And blessed is the most high God, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.
The Reading is from Deuteronomy.
1,8-11 & 15-17b)Moses said to the sons of Israel: See, I have delivered the land before you; go in and inherit the land which I swore to your fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, to give it to them and to their seed after them. And I spoke to you at that time saying: I alone shall not be able to bear you. the Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are to-day as the stars of heaven in multitude. May the Lord the God of our fathers multiply you a thousand times more than you are, and bless you as he has spoken to you. And I took from you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you, captains of thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens and recorders for your judges. And I commanded your judges at that time, saying: Hear cases between your brethren, and judge rightly between a man and his brother and the stranger who is with him. You shall not have respect to persons in judging. You shall hear the small as well as the great. You shall not shrink before any man’s person; for the judgement is God’s.
The Reading is from Deuteronomy.
10,14-18 & 20-21)Moses said to the sons of Israel: Behold the heaven and the highest heaven belong to the Lord your God, the earth and all that is in it. the Lord preferred your fathers, to love them: and he chose their seed after them, you above all nations, as it is at this day. So circumcise the hardness of your heart and stiffen your neck no longer. For the Lord your God is God of Gods and the Lord of Lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality, who takes no bribe. He executes judgement for the stranger, the orphan and the widow; and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. You shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and to him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in his name. He is your boast, he your God, who has done for you the great and wonderful things which your eyes have seen.
At the Liti the Idiomel of the Monastery as usual.
Tone 1.The famous Prophets, dazzling thunderbolts of inspiration, are for ever blest. Plucking the words of the Spirit, they proclaimed to all the inexplicable birth of Christ God; rightly they reached the goal, having lived lives beyond wonder.
Both Now.
Of the Forefeast. Same Tone.Hear, O heaven, and give ear, O earth; for see, the Son and Word of God the Father comes forth to be born of a maiden who has not known man, by the good pleasure of him who begat him impassibly and by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem, prepare; Eden, open your gate, for he who is becomes what he was not, and the Fashioner of all creation is fashioned, he who grants the world his great mercy.
Aposticha, Stichera from the Oktoichos.
Tone 2. By Cyprian.Hail honoured Prophets, who excellently ordered the Law of the Lord and by your faith appeared as indestructible, unshakeable pillars; for you were seen as the mediators of the New Testament of Christ; and now that you have passed over into heaven, implore him to grant peace to the world and to save our souls.
Both Now.
Forefeast. Same Tone.See, the time of salvation is at hand; Cave prepare, the Virgin draws near to give birth. Bethlehem, land of Juda, rejoice and be glad, for our Lord has dawned from you. Hearken, mountains and hills, and the countries around Judea; for Christ is coming to save mankind whom he fashioned, for he loves mankind.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
Great are the achievements of faith! In the fountain of flame, as by the water of rest, the three holy youths rejoiced, and the Prophet Daniel was revealed shepherding lions like sheep. At their intercessions, Christ God, save our souls.
At Matins
The usual office of the Resurrection. The Anavathmi and Prokeimenon of the Tone. Dawn Gospel.
Having seen the Resurrection etc.Canon of the Ancestors.
Ode 1. Tone 6. Irmos.
’The One, who of old hid the pursuing tyrant with the waves of the sea, the Children of those he saved have hidden beneath the earth; but let us, like the young maidens, sing to the Lord, for he has been greatly glorified’. (
Twice)To you in fear the gates of death stand open and the everlasting bars are shattered; for at your revered descent the dead of old have risen up and with joy, O Christ, they sing your Resurrection.
Today the company of the godly Fathers radiantly feasts in anticipation Christ’s Nativity and traces the wonder of this grace: for Abraham and the Youths are a symbol of the Law.
Of old holy Abraham entertained the one Godhead in three persons; while now the Word, enthroned with the Father and the divine Spirit, comes forth for the Youths, and he is greatly praised.
Abraham was delivered from an unjust hand, the godly Youths from the flame of the furnace and the Prophet Daniel from the wild beats and the den. And so they now feast in anticipation Christ’s Nativity.
In number and faith of the divine Trinity the Youths in the furnace overthrew godlessness and in symbols revealed beforehand to the world the mysteries of God that were to be.
O full of grace, Mother without bridegroom, Virgin undefiled, we call you blessed, for you blossomed from the race of Abraham and the tribe of David, and you have given birth to Christ who was proclaimed of old by the Prophets.
Canon of the Forefeast.
Tone 1. Christ is born.
Christ made a child in the flesh, Christ willingly become a beggar, Christ made visible, the Virgin now comes to Bethlehem to give birth to him. Let heaven and earth be glad.
You hills and mountains, leap for joy; Prophets inspired by God, dance. Peoples and nations, clap your hands. The salvation, the enlightenment of all is close at hand and comes to bei born in the city of Bethlehem.
The Rich becomes a beggar, and beggars those rich by wickedness. God is recognised as without change the mortal offspring of an unwedded Maiden. Let us all sing to him in praise, for he has been glorified.
Christ is born, give glory! Christ comes from heaven, go to meet him. Christ is upon earth, be exalted! Sing to the Lord all the earth, and all you peoples, raise the hymn with joy: for he has been glorified!
Of the Ancestors. Ode 3. The Irmos.
’When creation saw you hanging on Golgotha, who had hung the whole earth freely on the waters, it was seized with amazement and cried: None is Holy, but you, O Lord!’ (
Twice)After three days in the tomb, you raised by your Rising those dead since time began; they, loosed from condemnation, in harmony rejoiced and cried: See, you have come, Lord, our Redemption! (
Twice)Thinking on the glory in the image and likeness of God, the Youths, by the fire of the Spirit, valiantly quenched the flame of the image of gold, as they sang with faith: We know no Lord but you.
With superiority of wisdom and the power of the Spirit the Youths took prisoner and put to shame the wise men of Babylon, and resolutely they cried out: None is Holy but you, O Lord, lover of mankind!
The Law rejoices and dances with the Youths and the Prophets, and leaps with joy today in anticipation of the divine shining out of the Lord. Abraham is glad, because he has seen the Lord incarnate from his seed.
Your conceiving was without seed, the acquisition of your giving birth came forth beyond reason and beyond nature; for the Mystery so often spoken of supernaturally by Prophets has appeared to us, the Word of God, the Lord.
Of the Forefeast. To the Son begotten.
He who was begotten of the Father before the ages beyond understanding, in the last times became flesh from the Virgin, as he knows how, for he wished to renew humanity, corrupted by the plot of the evil serpent.
The Son of God without beginning, who is seated in the highest with the Father and the Spirit, seeing how human nature had been brought low, takes a beginning and is about to be born in the flesh as man.
She who is holier than the Angels and all creation now bears in the flesh the Angel of the great counsel of the Father for the recalling of all who sing to him unceasingly: Holy are you, O Lord.
To the Son begotten of the Father without change before the ages, and in the last times without seed made flesh from a Virgin, to Christ God let us cry aloud: You have raised up our horn. Holy are you, O Lord!
The Ypakoп. Tone 8.
An Angel turned the furnace of the Youths to dew, while now he halts the women’s lamentation, saying: Why do you bring sweet spices here? Whom do you seek in a tomb? Christ God has risen, for he is the life and salvation of the human race.
Of the Ancestors.
Ode 4. The Irmos.
’Foreseeing your divine self-emptying on the Cross, Avvakum cried out marvelling: You have cut short the strength of the mighty, loving Lord, and preached to those in Hell, as all-powerful’. (
Twice)Your divine descent into Hell, Christ God, declared life to the dead; for you bound the enemies below, loving Lord, and opened to mankind the path to heaven. (
Twice)Let us honour the firstfruits of the Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; for from their seed has shone out Christ, incarnate from a Virgin, as all-powerful.
Foretelling what would come to pass at Christ’s descent, Daniel revealed the wild beasts to be like sheep, as God’s prophet knowing in advance and clearly revealing the future to all.
Not having sucked in the poison of sin, the Youths were snatched from the flame; for being truly more precious than gold, they were not melted in the furnace of error.
Loudly the expectation of the Nations is proclaimed in advance, and the world’s salvation: your childbearing, O holy and immaculate, which the company of the Fathers hymns today.
Of the Forefeast. Rod out of Jesse’s root.
Rod out of Jesse’s root, O Virgin, you budded, and blossomed with a flower that does wither, the Creator of all, who as God decks the whole earth with flowers, which cries aloud to him: Glory to your power, O Lord!
O Word of God you came to get me back, who had been stolen through evil eating, had fallen away by my own will and become like the dumb beasts. So you became a babe and were laid in a manger for dumb beasts. Glory to your power, O Lord!
Avvakum foresaw you, Jesu, incarnate of a shaded mountain, the Virgin, crushing the evil mountains and hills and handing over to oblivion the uprisings of the evil one and the rebellions of the demons.
Rod out of Jesse’s root, and flower that blossomed from his stem, O Christ, you sprang from the Virgin, the praised from the mountain overshadowed by forest. You came, made flesh from her who knew not wedlock, yet God not formed of matter. Glory to your power, O Lord!
Of the Ancestors.
Ode 5. The Irmos.
’Isaias, as he watched by night, saw the light that knows no evening, the light, O Christ, of your Theophany that came to pass through your compassion for us, and he cried aloud: The dead will arise, and those in the graves will be raised, and all those born of earth will rejoice’. (
Twice)The shining Angel, clearly indicating the dazzling radiance of joy, is revealed in the tomb proclaiming Resurrection to the women; and they, setting sorrow aside, rejoiced, for Christ had risen, and they announced to the Apostles the message: Rejoice!
As we assemble today, let us with faith honour the firstfruit of the Fathers, as founder of both Law and Grace, the Patriarch Abraham; for as a Prophet of God he foretold Christ from a Virgin, and he advances to meet his divine Nativity.
Abraham’s Children, clearly foreshadowing the Lord’s coming to us, through the presence of an Angel quenched the furnace and made the fire a fine mist of dew, and thus by faith they melted down the glory of the golden image.
By the Spirit Daniel stopped the mouths of wild beasts in the den; by grace the Children of Abraham quenched the strength of the fire, and saved from destruction they foretell Christ from a Virgin, begging him, as Redeemer, for our salvation.
Showing by the Spirit of God your passionless acquisition of our nature, O Lord, Isaias cried aloud, as he watched for the Law of grace: A Virgin is coming to give birth without seed to one according to the flesh of Abraham’s race, but of the tribe of Juda.
Of the Forefeast. As you are God of peace.
By nature the Master, you are found with slaves. All-perfect Son of God, you were well-pleased to be called Son of Man, All-merciful; and so you willingly became a beggar and are coming to be born in the Cave, O supremely Good.
Christ our King, by nature uncontainable, how will a little cave receive you? How will a manger, Jesu, be able to contain you? From a Mother who has not known man you come in flesh, Lord, to your own that you may save those who have been banished.
The Ewe-lamb has come forth to bear the Shepherd. Holy Cave, prepare. Shepherds, hasten to behold the Lamb and Shepherd who has been born. Magi with gifts prepare to worship him in the flesh as King.
As you are God of peace and Father of mercies, you have sent us your Angel of great counsel, who grants us peace: so we are guided to the knowledge of God, watching before dawn we glorify you, only lover of mankind.
Of the Ancestors.
Ode 6. The Irmos.
’Watching the sea of life rising with the tempest of temptations, as I hasten to your fair haven, I cry to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O most merciful’. (
Twice)By your burial for three days, O good one, in a manner fitting God you accomplished the slaughter of death and the cleansing of Hell. By rising you poured out life for those in the world, Jesu our King.
Since his way was that of hospitality and his faith exalted, Abraham, the forefather, received in type the divine mystery and he rejoiced; while now, as he hastens before Christ, he exults.
Now by the Spirit’s gift faith subjected nature to the Youths; for the fire, which devours all and is without fear, was filled with fear of those who honour the maker of fire, Jesus Christ.
Daniel the prophet in the den once showed how the savagery of the world is trained for the peace of God by the coming of Christ, for in manner fitting God he tamed the lions.
O Mary, Mother who knew not man, from your virgin womb you bore the Christ, whom the Prophets saw in vision; while now the Fathers dance in anticipation of his Nativity.
Of the Forefeast. The monster from the deep
Sovereign Lady, you are a new heaven. From your womb, as from a cloud, you hasten to make Christ, the sun of glory, dawn in a cave in the flesh, for by his owns bright rays he is going to make all the fullness of the earth cry aloud because of his measureless pity.
Compassionate Christ, you saw our grief and our trouble, and you did not despise us; but, without parting from your Father, you emptied yourself and dwelt in a womb that knew not wedlock, which now comes to the Cave to give birth to you in the flesh without pangs.
Mountains and hills, plains and valleys, peoples and tribes, nations and everything that has breath, filled with divine joy, shout in exultation: The redemption of all, the timeless Word of God, through pity subject to time, came and dwelt on earth.
The monster from the deep spat Jonas from its bowels, like a new-born babe, just as it had received him; while the Word, having dwelt in the Virgin and taken flesh, came forth, yet kept her incorrupt, for being himself not subject to decay, he preserved his Mother free from harm.
Of the Ancestors. Tone 6.
Because you did not honour an image traced by human hand, but were armed with the breastplate of uncreated being, you were glorified, thrice-blessed Youths, in the arena of the fire; but standing in the midst of the immaterial flame you called on God: Come swiftly in your pity, hasten in your mercy to come to our aid, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
The Ikos.
Stretch out your hand, which of old the warring Egyptians and the warred-on Hebrews experienced; do not abandon us, do not let death swallow us. He thirsts for us and Satan hates us; but draw near us and spare our souls, as you once spared the Youths, who without ceasing sang your praise in Babylon, and were cast into the furnace for your sake, while from its midst they cried to you: Come swiftly in your pity, hasten in your mercy to come to our aid, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
Another Kontakion, of the Forefeast.
Tone 1. The angelic choir.
Bethlehem rejoice, Ephrata prepare; for see the Ewe-lamb, bearing in her womb the great Shepherd, hastens to give birth. Seeing him the godbearing Fathers exult as with the Shepherds they hymn a Virgin who gives suck.
The Ikos.
Seeing the dazzling radiance of your conceiving, O Virgin, Abraham the friend of God, noble Isaac, Jacob and the whole choir of saints chosen by God rejoice; and they bring creation to meet you with words of joy. For you appeared as the source of joy, since you conceived in your womb him who once appeared in Babylon and beyond all understanding preserved unburned the Youths unjustly cast into the furnace. And so they also raise the song as they hymn a Virgin who gives suck.
Synaxarion of the day and then:
On the same day, the Sunday before Christ’s Nativity, we have been ordered by our holy and godbearing Fathers to keep the commemoration of all those who have been well-pleasing to God since time began, from Adam right down to Joseph the Betrothed of the All-holy Mother of God, according to the genealogy, as the Evangelist Luke has accurately numbered them; and likewise of the Prophets and Prophetesses.
Commemoration of Adam and Eve, the first-formed.
Living I hymn the race’s authors dead:
Responsible that I both live and die.
Commemoration of the just Abel, Adam’s son.
Your blood and soul apart cry out to God:
First of the dead, and first too of the saved.
Commemoration of the just Seth, Adam’s son.
New offspring for his parents Abel’s place
Seth took; a just man too, as Abel was.
Commemoration of the just Enos, Seth’s son.
Commemoration of the just Canaan, Enos’s son.
Canaan was written of in Moses’ book;
So in the present book must he be written.
Commemoration of Malelael, Canaan’s son.
Commemoration of Jared, Malelael’s son.
Just is it in the number of the just
Jared the just also to celebrate.
Commemoration of the just Enoch, Jared’s son.
Enoch, who had pleased God most visibly,
In lands invisible was made to dwell.
Commemoration of Mathousala, Enoch’s son.
That you, Mathousala, were Enoch’s child
I learned, and here for others wrote it down.
Commemoration of Lamech, Mathousala’s son.
Knowing two Lamechs, I must honour one
Named Lamech, but not him the murderer.
Commemoration of the just Noe, Lamech’s son.
Adam brought mortals ruin from a tree:
But Noe through a tree saved all the race.
Commemoration of the just Shem, Noe’s son.
His father’s nakedness Sem rightly covered,
Found that he had his father’s prayers as cover.
Commemoration of the just Japhet. Noe’s son.
Commemoration of the just Arphaxad, Sem’s son.
Commemoration of the just Cainan, Arphaxad’s son.
Commemoration of the just Sala, Cainan’s son.
Commemoration of the just Heber, after whom the Jews are named Hebrews.
Heber is truly great for all the Jews;
He gave his own name to the Hebrew race.
Commemoration of the just Phalek, Heber’s son.
I keep high festival for Eber’s child;
For Moses tells that Phalek begot.
Commemoration of Ragab, Phalek’s son.
Again conception and again new birth;
Phalek begets for us Ragab his son.
Commemoration of the just Seruch, Ragab’s son.
Writing the offspring of ancients down,
Were I to miss out Seruch, I would err.
Commemoration of the just Nachor, Seruch’s son.
Commemoration of the just Tharra, Nachor’s son.
Tharras came forth from Nachor as his son;
Father of many nations father he became.
Commemoration of the just Patriarch Abraham.
How shall I welcome Abraham with words,
To whom it was vouchsafed to welcome Angels?
Commemoration of the Patriarch Isaac, Abraham’s son.
Bound for the slaughter Isaac was a type
Of God’s high Word who would to slaughter come.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Jacob, Isaac’s son.
By the Ladder that is the Virgin Jacob saw
God coming down to earth before his birth.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Ruben, Jacob’s son.
Of Jacob’s honoured offspring I have known
Ruben to be the godlike, honoured start.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Symeon, Jacob’s son.
Though only second Symeon in line,
From us no second honour does he bear.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Levi, Jacob’s son.
As godly servant of the the greatest God
What better glory, Levi, do you wish?
Commemoration of the Patriarch Juda, Jacob’s son, of whose tribe came the Christ.
Those who are saved will now sing Juda’s praise,
For Christ who is salvation came from him.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Zavulon, Jacob’s son, whose tribe lives by the sea shore.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Issachar, Jacob’s son, whose tribe tills the soil.
Issachar sets himself to heavy toil,
Sustains his life by bringing bread from earth.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Dan, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is judge.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Gad, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is robbed or robs.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Aser, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is rich in wheat-bearing lands.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Nephalim, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is very numerous.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Joseph, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is very glorious and very famous.
Commemoration of the Patriarch Benjamin, Jacob’s son, whose tribe is gentle and not savage.
Commemoration of Phares and Zara, the twin sons of the Patriarch Juda.
Commemoration of Esrom, Phares’ son.
Commemoration of Aram, Esrom’s son.
Commemoration of Aminadab, Aram’s son.
Commemoration of Naason, Aminadab’s son.
Commemoration of Salmon, Naason’s son.
Commemoration of Booz, Salmon’s son.
Evangelist, whom do you write as son
Of Salmon here? Booz, he says, I write.
Commemoration of Obed, Booz’ son, born of Ruth.
Obed of Ruth, a Moabite by tribe,
But yet of Booz, a true Israelite.
Commemoration of Jesse, Obed’s son.
Jesse give birth, and let your race give birth
Until from it a Child, great God, is born.
Commemoration of King David, Jesse’s son.
What shall I say, the Lord bears witness here,
I have found David after my own heart.
Commemoration of King Solomon, David’s son.
Commemoration of King Roboam, Solomon’s son.
Commemoration of King Abia, Roboam’s son.
Commemoration of King Asa, Abia’s son.
Commemoration of King Josaphat, Asa’s son.
Commemoration of King Joram, Josaphat’s son.
Commemoration of King Ozias, Joram’s son.
Commemoration of King Joatham, Ozias’ son.
Commemoration of King Achaz, Joatham’s son.
Commemoration of King Hezekias, Achaz’ son.
Commemoration of King Manassee, Hezechias’ son.
Commemoration of King Ammon, Manassee’s son.
Commemoration of King Josias, Ammon’s son.
Commemoration of King Jechonias, Josias’ son.
Commemoration of Salathiel, Jechonias’ son.
Commemoration of Zorobabel, who rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem which had been burned down.
Commemoration of Abioud, Zorobabel’s son.
Commemoration of Eliakim, Abioud’s son.
Commemoration of Azor, Eliakim’s son.
Commemoration of Sadok, Azor’s son.
Commemoration of Achim, Sadok’s son.
Commemoration of Elioud, Achim’s son.
Commemoration of Eleazar, Elioud’s son.
Commemoration of Mathan, Eleazar’s son.
Commemoration of Jacob, Mathan’s son.
Commemoration of Joseph, the Betrothed, Jacob’s son.
To Joseph, the Betrothed, the Spirit shows
That his betrothed, before they wed, conceives.
Commemoration of the just Melchisedek.
No father and no mother Scripture gives
To you, Melchisedek, as type of Christ.
Commemoration of the just Job.
Having the Most High to give fitting praise,
Job therefore has no need of earthly praise.
Commemoration of the Prophet Moses, and the priests Hor and Aaron.
Aaron with Hor depicts Christ’s suffering,
Both raising Moses arms up like a Cross.
Commemoration of Jesus, Navi’s son.
Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Samuel.
Commemoration of the Prophet Nathan.
Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Daniel.
Commemoration of the three Holy Youths.
The furnace fire was fire and also dew;
For the ungodly fire, for Youths, though, dew.
Commemoration of the just Sara, Abraham’s wife.
A barren nature by God’s will o’erthrown,
A child is witness too of Sara’s pains.
Commemoration of the just Rebecca, Isaac’s wife.
Noblest of husbands found to share his bed
Rebecca, who was noblest of wives.
Commemoration of the just Lea, Jacob’s first wife.
The Lord did not make Lea fair of face,
But gave her womb the gift of motherhood.
Commemoration of the just Rachel, Jacob’s second wife.
Her father’s gods through longing Rachel steals,
But at the last she longs for God the Word.
Commemoration of the just Asineth, the most upright Joseph’s wife.
The sun exceeds in beauty all the stars;
For me Asineth maids beneath the sun.
Commemoration of the just Mary, Moses’ sister.
Let’s sing, she said, and sing unto the Lord,
Now Mary beats the timbrel of the soul.
Commemoration of the just Deborah, who judged Israel.
Commemoration of the just Ruth.
Leaving her nation and her gods behind,
Nation and God of Moses Ruth then found.
Commemoration of the just woman of Sareptha, to whom Elias was sent.
Commemoration of the just Sunamitess, who gave lodging to Elisaios.
Commemoration of the just Judith, who slew Holophernes.
Commemoration of the just Esther, who saved Israel from death.
Commemoration of the just Anna, mother of the prophet Samuel.
Commemoration of the just Susanna.
At their holy prayers, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Of the Fathers. Ode 7. The Irmos
’Wonder past speech! He who delivered the Holy Youths in the furnace from the flame, is laid as a corpse without breath in a tomb for the salvation of us who sing: Redeemer, our God, blessed are you!’ (
Twice)O strange wonder! The Lord himself, who is seated on a throne in the highest, by his taking flesh underwent death; but in the strength of his Godhead he rose and raised with himself the dead since time began. (
Twice)Father Abraham, author of the faith, by being Christ’s ancestor according to the flesh, you were clearly revealed by the Spirit as Father of the nations, for the salvation of us who sing: Redeemer, our God, blessed are you!
The song of the living blunted the vainly shouting voices of the lifeless; for the Youths, with bodies aflame, trampled down the fire of the furnace as they cried: Our God, blessed are you!
Of old the Prophet Daniel, gazing intently with the vision of the Spirit, foreshadowed the second coming of Christ, and foretold its dread accompaniments, as he cried: Our God, blessed are you!
The strange wonder spoken of openly of old by prophets and by fathers, a Virgin who will give birth, is come to pass, for the salvation of us who sing: Redeemer, our God, blessed are you!
Of the Forefeast. The Youths brought up.
The godly vine, which makes the pure cluster ripen, draws near and has come to give birth to the wine of joy which gushes forth and gives drink to us who cry to him: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
The divine casket, bearing within it the sweet-scented myrrh, is coming to pour it out in the cave of Bethlehem, and fill with mystic fragrance those who sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
The tong, which the prophet Isaias saw of old, has come carrying in her womb the divine coal, Christ, who burns up all the material of sin and guides the souls of the faithful to the light.
The Youths brought up together in godliness, spurning the impious decree, feared not the threat of fire, but standing in the midst of the flame they sang: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Of the Ancestors. Ode 8. The Irmos.
’Be astonished, O heaven, tremble and let the earth’s foundations be shaken; for see, the God who dwells in the highest is numbered among the dead and is lodged in a little tomb. Youths bless, priests praise, people highly exalt him to all the ages!’ (
Twice)How ineffable, O Christ, is your condescension for us lowly creatures! For see, you tasted death, though you are immortal God, and were laid as a mortal in a tomb. But you arose, O Word, and raised up with yourself those below who highly exalt you to all the ages. (
Twice)Foreshadowing your slaughter, O Christ, Abraham, obedient to you, his Master, ascended the mountain in faith to sacrifice like a sheep the son he had begotten. But he came back rejoicing, Isaac and the aged man highly exalting you to all the ages.
The unresting flame, O Christ, was quite dulled when the Holy Youths clothed themselves in you, the divine fire, as in a garment, and by your condescension the dew echoed round them as they sang: Priests bless, people highly exalt him to all the ages!
By ineffable judgements the prophet Daniel is given as fodder to lions; but devoutly he held the wild beasts by teachings of self control to be his fellow fasters in the pit of the den. At his prayers and those of Abraham and the Youths keep in peace those who sing your praise.
Jesus Emmanuel, the Son and Word without beginning of God the Father, whom prophetic voices faithfully foretold, I coming in human form. From the Holy Spirit the Virgin Mary gives birth to him without wedlock in the city of Bethlehem.
Of the Forefeast. The furnace moist with dew.
Glory to God in the highest, let us cry in joy with the Angels. The Saviour will be born. The Master, whom a Star shows to the Magi as they hasten to behold him in a manger, will come to make his dwelling. Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Obedient to Caesar’s law, Master, you were willingly enrolled among slaves, that as God you might free humanity from the slavery of the evil one, O most merciful. therefore with joy we raise the song: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
O Word without beginning, I carry you as a young babe, yet am wholly without knowledge of man, said the Virgin. I am at a loss to know whom I should name as your father on earth; therefore with all I raise the song to you: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
The furnace moist with dew was the image and the figure of a wonder past nature; for it did not burn those it had received; even as the fire of the godhead did not consume the Virgin’s womb, into which it had descended. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Of the Ancestors. Ode 9. The Irmos
’Do not weep for me, Mother, as you behold in a tomb the Son whom you conceived in your womb without seed. For I will arise and be glorified and as God exalt in glory those who magnify you in faith and love’. (
Twice)Creation, why do you lament as you behold God the Master of life on a Cross and on a bier? For he will arise and radiantly renew you by his rising on the third day, having destroyed death and raised with himself those who sing his praise. (
Twice)As we celebrate the feast of the Ancestors before the Law, let us honour in a manner fitting God Jesus, who came from them. For Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have been revealed as the foundation of the Prophets and the Law, and by faith the spiritual firstfruits of Grace.
The God, who in a divine vision showed in fire to Moses in the Bush the mystery beyond understanding, the same came down to the Youths in the fire and by the fire of his own divine nature turned the flame of the furnace to dew.
The all-holy Youths and wondrous Daniel, God’s prophet, Isaac and Jacob, and with Moses Aaron join Abraham and dance with faith before Christ’s birth, as they intercede unceasingly that we may be saved.
All creation rejoices, O Virgin, at your child-bearing; for Bethlehem has opened Eden to us; and see, we all enjoy the tree of life as we cry insistently: Master, fulfil our entreaties!
Of the Forefeast. A strange and wonderful mystery.
Strange, wonderful and dread mysteries! The Lord of glory came to earth, and as a beggar in a cave he put on flesh, seeking to call back Adam, and to deliver Eve from her pains.
By your swaddling bands you loose the cords of offences, while by your poverty, O Compassionate, you make all rich. Laid in manger for unreasoning beasts, you free mortals from irrational wickedness, O Word of God ever without beginning.
The proclamations of the Prophets have come to their end, for he whom they prophesied would come at the consummation of the years, has came, has appeared, embodied of a pure Virgin. Let us receive him with pure minds.
[Magnify, O my soul, her who is greater in honour and more glorious than the hosts one high!]
A strange and wonderful mystery I see, the Cave is heaven, the Virgin the Cherubim throne, the manger the place in which Christ, the God whom nothing can contain, is laid. Him we praise and magnify.
Of the Fathers
The princes of the Patriarchs and the Fathers before the Law, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, shone out by faith like beacons; for all the Prophets and the Just like torches took their light from them, and formed of light they enlightened all creation in its darkness with rays of honoured prophecy.
Of the Forefeast
Bethlehem, rejoice; and you, Ephrata, prepare, for the Mother of God has come to give birth to God ineffably in a cave and in a manger. O dread mystery! whose divine Nativity Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all the Patriarchs and Prophets now radiantly feast in anticipation, as mortals do with Angels.
At Lauds, 4 Stichera of the Resurrection and 4 Prosomia of the Ancestors.
Of the Ancestors. Tone 5. Hail, of ascetics.
Sion, godly city of God, truly raise your voice and proclaim the godly memory of the Fathers, with Abraham and Isaac honouring noble Jacob; see, with Juda and Levi we magnify Moses the great, Aaron the inspired, and with David we exalt Jesus and Samuel. Clapping our hands we all in songs inspired sing in anticipation the divine praise of Christ, and we beg that we may obtain the lovingkindness which comes from him, who grants the world his great mercy. (
Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our Fathers.Come, Elias, who once rode in a fiery chariot from God, inspired Elisaios, rejoice with Ezekias and Josias; you twelve honoured Prophets, inspired by God, dance together at the Saviour’s birth, and all you Just sing songs. All-blessed Youths, who quenched the flame of the furnace by the Spirit’s dew, intercede for us, imploring Christ God that our souls may be given his great mercy.
For you are just in all that you have done to us.She, who from all eternity was proclaimed on earth by the voices of the Prophets, has appeared, the Virgin Mother of God, whom wise Patriarchs and multitudes of Just announce. With them the loveliness of women dances, Sara, Rebecca and Rachel, and renowned Miriam too, Moses sister. With them all the ends of the earth rejoice, all creation exults, for God coming to be born in flesh and to grant the world his great mercy.
Of the Fathers. Tone 8.The collected teachings of the Law reveal the divine Nativity of Christ in the flesh to those who heard the good tidings of Grace before the Law, as by faith they surpassed the Law. Therefore they proclaimed beforehand to the souls held fast in Hell that through the Resurrection it is the cause of escape from corruption. Lord, glory to you.
Both now.
You are most blessed.
Great Doxology and Dismissal
Before the First Hour, the Eothinon.
24. Dec. Service of the Royal Hours.
If the Eve of the Nativity falls on Saturday or Sunday the Service of these Hours is chanted on the Friday.
First Hour
When the Priest has given the Blessing we begin the Trisagion, then:
Come, let us worship and fall down before the King, our God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, the King, our God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ himself, the King, our God.
Three Metanias and the Psalms:
Psalm 5
Give ear to my words, O Lord, understand my cry. Attend to the voice of my supplication, my King and my God, for to you I shall pray, O Lord. In the morning you will hear my voice. In the morning I shall stand before you, and you will watch over me, because you are not a God who wants iniquity. The evildoer will not dwell with you, nor will the lawless remain before your eyes. You have hated all those who work iniquity; you will destroy all those who speak lies. The Lord abhors a man of bloodshed and deceit. But I in the abundance of your mercy shall enter your house, I shall worship towards your holy temple in fear of you. Guide me, O Lord, in your justice because of my enemies, direct my way before you. Because there is no truth in their mouths; their heart is vain. Their throat is an open tomb, they deceive with their tongues. Judge them, O God. Let them fall through their counsels; according to the multitude of their impieties cast them out, for they have embittered you, O Lord. And may all those who hope in you be glad; they will rejoice for ever, and you will dwell among them, and all those who love your name will boast in you. Because you will bless the righteous; you have crowned him, O Lord, with your good pleasure.
Psalm 44
My heart has uttered a good Word. I tell my works to the King. My tongue is the pen of ready writer. You are lovely with a beauty beyond the children of men. Grace has poured from your lips, therefore God has blessed you for ever. Gird your sword on your thigh, O mighty warrior. In your splendour and beauty, draw your bow and prosper and reign in the cause of truth and meekness and justice, and your right hand will guide you wonderfully. Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the sceptre of your Kingdom is a rod of justice. You have loved right and hated wrong, therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your fellows. Your garments are fragrant with myrrh, aloes and cassia, from the ivory palaces which gladden you. Kings’ daughters are in your train. The Queen stood at your right hand arrayed in gold wrought with many colours. Listen my daughter and see, and incline your ear. And forget your people and your father’s house. Then the King will desire your beauty, for he is your God and your shall worship him. And the daughter of Tyre will worship you with gifts. The richest of the people will entreat your favour. All the glory of the King’s daughter is within, though she is arrayed in tasselled gold, wrought with many colours. The virgins in her train will be brought to the King, those near her will be brought to you. They will be brought with joy and gladness, they will be led into the King’s temple. Instead of your fathers, sons are born to you. You shall make them rulers over all the earth. I will remember your name throughout all generations, therefore people will praise and thank you for ever and ever.
Psalm 45
God is our refuge and our power, a help in the afflictions that beset us greatly. Therefore we shall not be afraid when the earth is troubled, and mountains are removed into the heart of the sea. Their waters roared and were troubled, the mountains were troubled by his might. The surgings of the river delight the City of God; the Most High has sanctified his tabernacle. God is in the midst of her, and she will not be shaken; God will help her towards the morning. Nations were troubled, kingdoms tottered, he uttered his voice, the earth was shaken. The Lord of powers is with us, our helper is the God of Jacob. Come and see the works of God, the wonders he has done upon the earth, putting an end to wars as far as the ends of the earth. He will smash the bow and shatter the weapon, and burn the shields with fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The God of powers is with us, our helper is the God of Jacob.
Glory. Both now. Alleluia (
x3), Lord, have mercy (x3).Glory,
and the Troparion.Mary once with aged Joseph went to be enrolled in Bethlehem, for he was of David’s line; and she bore in her womb fruit unknown; the time for the birth was at hand, and there was no room in the inn; but the Cave proved a fair palace for the Queen. Christ is born, to raise up his image that had fallen.
Both now,
and the Theotokion.What shall we call you, O Full of grace? Heaven? For you made the Sun of justice dawn. Paradise? For you made the flower of incorruption blossom. Virgin? For you remained incorrupt. Pure Mother? For you held in your holy embrace a Son who is the God of all. Implore him that our souls may be saved.
Then we chant the following Idiomels.
Tone 8. By Sophronios, Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Bethlehem make ready; let the Manger be prepared; let the Cave receive. The truth has come, the shadow has passed away, and God has appeared among men from a Virgin, formed as we are and making divine what he has put on. And so Adam is renewed with Eve as they cry, ‘God’s good pleasure has appeared on earth to save our race’. (
Twice, without any verse)Verse:
God will come from Theman, and the Holy One from a mountain overshadowed by forest.Tone 3.
Now the prophetic saying hastens to its fulfilment, which mystically said, ‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Juda, are in no way least among the Leaders as you prepare the Cave, for from you will go forth for me in flesh a leader of the Nations, from a Virgin Maiden, Christ God, who will shepherd his people, the new Israel’. Let us all give him great glory.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid.Again the same. Then:
Tone 8.Joseph spoke thus to the Virgin, ‘Mary, what is this doing that I see in you? I am at a loss and am amazed, and my mind is struck with dismay. Go quickly from me then and secretly. Mary, what is this doing that I see in you? Instead of honour, you have brought me shame; instead of gladness, sorrow; instead of praise, reproof. No longer will I bear men’s reproach; for I you took from the Priests in the Temple as one blameless before the Lord; and what is this sight?’
Both now.
The same.Then at once the Prokeimenon of the Prophecy. Tone 4.
Psalm 2:7-8]The Lord said to me, ‘You are my Son, * today I have begotten you’.
Ask of me, and I shall give you the Nations as your inheritance.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Micheas.
5:1-3]Thus says the Lord: And you Bethlehem, house of Ephratha, are not least among the thousands of Juda; for from you there will come forth for me the one who is to be ruler in Israel, and his goings out are from the beginning, from eternity. Because of this he will give them until the moment that she who bears child shall bring to birth; and the remainder of his brethren will return to the children of Israel. And he will stand and will see, and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, and they will abide in the glory of the name of the Lord his God; for now they will be magnified even to the extremities of the earth.
The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.
1:1-12]In many and varied ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the ages. He is the radiance of his glory and the very imprint of his substance, upholding the universe by the word of his power. When he had made purification for our sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has obtained is more excellent than theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you’? Or again, ‘I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son’? And again, when he brings the first-born into the world, he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him.’ Of the angels he says, ‘Who makes his angels spirits and his ministers flames of fire.’ But to the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, is to age on age, the sceptre of justice is the sceptre of your kingdom. You have loved justice and hated iniquity; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your comrades.’ And, ‘You, Lord, founded the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; they will perish, but you remain; they will all grow old like a garment, like a mantle you will roll them up, and they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will never end.’
The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
1:18-25]Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, but before they had come together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: ‘See, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,’ which means, ‘God is with us.’ When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but he did not know her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus.
After this:
Direct my steps according to your word, and let no iniquity lord it over me.
Deliver me from the slander of men, and I shall keep your commandments.
Let your face shine on your servant, and teach me your statutes.
Let my mouth be filled with your praise, O Lord, that I may hymn your glory, all day long your splendour.
Trisagion, All-holy Trinity, Our Father, For yours.And the Kontakion.
Today the Virgin is coming to the cave to give birth ineffably to the eternal Word. Hearing this, dance, O inhabited world! Glorify, with Angels and with Shepherds, him who willed to be made manifest, a little Child, God before the ages.
Lord, have mercy (
x40).At every time and at every hour, in heaven and on earth worshipped and glorified, Christ God, long-suffering, great in mercy, great in compassion, loving the just and merciful to sinners, calling all to salvation by the promise of the good things to come; do you, Lord, yourself accept our entreaties at this hour, and direct our lives to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our ideas and deliver us from every distress, evil, and pain. Wall us about with your holy Angels, that protected and guided by their host we may reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of your unapproachable glory; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (
x3). Glory. Both now. Greater in honour than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word, truly the Mother of God, we magnify you. In the name of the Lord, bless, Father.Priest:
May God be merciful.And the Prayer:
Christ, the true light, who enlighten and sanctify everyone who comes into the world, may the light of your countenance be signed upon us, that in it we may see your unapproachable light; and direct our steps to the doing of your commandments; at the intercessions of your all-immaculate Mother and of all your Saints. Amen.
Then the Catechesis of St Theodore and his Troparion, and in Athonite use:To you my Champion and Commander I your city saved from disasters dedicate, O Mother of God, hymns of victory and thanksgiving; but as you have unassailable might from every kind of danger now deliver me, that I may cry to you, Hail, Bride without bridegroom!]
Third Hour
Trisagion, All-holy Trinity, Our Father, For yours, Lord, have mercy, (
x12), Glory. Both now.Come, let us worship and fall down before the King, our God.
O Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, the King, our God.
O Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ himself, the King, our God.
3 Metanias, then the following Psalms.
Psalm 66
May God be merciful to us and bless us; make his face shine upon us and have mercy on us. To make your way known on the earth, your salvation among all nations. Let peoples confess you, O God, let all peoples confess you. Let nations rejoice and be glad, because you judge peoples with equity and guide nations on the earth. Let peoples confess you, O God, let all peoples confess you; earth has given its fruit. May God, our God, bless us, and let all the ends of the earth fear him.
Psalm 86
His foundations are in the holy mountains; the Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the tabernacles of Jacob. Glorious things have been said of you, City of God. I shall remember Rahab and Babylon to those who know me. See, foreigners and Tyre and people of the Ethiopians, these were born in her. My mother is Sion, a man will say; and a man was born in her, and he the Most high founded her. The Lord will recount in writing of peoples, and of these rulers that have been born in her. Dwelling in you is as that of all who rejoice.
Psalm 50
Have mercy on me O God, in your great mercy: according to the fullness of your pity blot out my offence. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness: and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my wickedness: and my sin is ever before me. Against you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight: that you may be justified in your words, and win when you are judged. For see, in wickedness I was conceived: and in sin my mother bore me. For see, you have loved truth: you have shown me wisdom’s hidden and secret things. You will sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be cleansed: You will wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. You will make me hear of joy and gladness: the bones which have been humbled will rejoice. Turn away your face from my sins: and blot out all my iniquities. Create a clean heart in me, O God: and renew a right Spirit within me. Do not cast me out of your presence: do not take your Holy Spirit from me. O give me back the joy of your salvation: and establish me with a sovereign Spirit. Then I shall teach transgressors your ways: and sinners will turn to you again. O God, the God of my salvation, deliver me from bloodshed: and my tongue will rejoice at your righteousness. O Lord, you will open my lips: and my mouth will declare your praise. For if you had wanted sacrifice, I would have given it: burnt offerings do not please you. A sacrifice for God is a broken spirit: a broken and a humbled heart, O God, you will not despise. In your good pleasure do good to Sion: and let the walls of Jerusalem be rebuilt. Then you will take pleasure in a sacrifice of righteousness, oblation and burnt offerings: then they will offer calves upon your altar.
Glory. Both now. Alleluia (
x3), Lord, have mercy (x3).Then
Glory, and the Troparion.Mary once with aged Joseph went to be enrolled in Bethlehem, for he was of David’s line; and she bore in her womb fruit unknown; the time for the birth was at hand, and there was no room in the inn; but the Cave proved a fair palace for the Queen. Christ is born, to raise up his image that had fallen.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine, who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede together with the Apostles and all the Saints that he have mercy on our souls.
Then we chant the following Idiomels.
Tone 6.
This is our God, another will not be reckoned in comparison with him, born of a Virgin and passing his life among men. The only-begotten Son appears as a mortal, lying in a poor manger, and the Lord of glory is wrapped in swaddling clothes; and a star guides Magi to worship him; and we sing, Holy Trinity, save our souls. (
Twice, without a verse)Verse:
God will come from Theman, and the Holy One from a mountain overshadowed by forest.Tone 8.
Before your Nativity, Lord, the heavenly hosts looked with trembling on the mystery and were struck with wonder; for you were well pleased to be born as a babe, you who adorned the vault of heaven with stars; and you have been laid in a manger of dumb beasts, you who hold all the ends of the earth in the hollow of your hand; for by such a dispensation your compassion and great mercy have been made known. O Christ, glory to you!
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid.Again the same. Then:
Tone 3.Joseph, tell us, how is it that you are bringing to Bethlehem great with child the Maiden you received from the Holy Place? ‘I have searched the prophets,’ he says, ‘and I have been warned by a Angel, and I am persuaded that Mary will give birth to God in a way beyond explanation. To worship him Magi will come from the East, honouring him with precious gifts.’ O Lord, incarnate for our sake, glory to you!
Both now.
The same again.And at once the Prokeimenon of the Prophecy.
Tone 4.
For a Child has been born for us, * and a Son has been given to us.
Whose government is upon his shoulder.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremias.
Baruch 3:36-38. 4:1-4]This is our God, and there shall be none other reckoned in comparison with him. He has found out all the way of knowledge, and given it to Jacob his servant and Israel his beloved. After this he appeared on earth and lived among men. This is the book of the commandments of God, and the law which exists for ever; all those who keep it fast will have life; but those who abandon it will die. Turn back Jacob, and lay hold of it, walk in the presence of its light to be illumined. Do not give your glory to another, and what is profitable to you to a foreign nation.
The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians.
3:23-29]Brethren, before faith came, we were confined under the law, kept under restraint until faith should be revealed. So that the law was our custodian until Christ came, that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian; for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God, through faith. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.
The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
2:1-20]In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrolment and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David. He went to be enrolled with Mary, his espoused wife who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. In that region there were shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were sore afraid. But the angel said to them, ‘Fear not; for see — I am bringing you good tidings of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, among men good will!’ When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
After this the Reader says:
Blessed is the Lord God, blessed is the Lord day by day; may the God of our salvation give us prosperity, our God, the God who saves.
Trisagion, All-holy Trinity, Our Father, For yours.Then the Kontakion.
Today the Virgin is coming to the cave to give birth ineffably to the eternal Word. Hearing this, dance, O inhabited world! Glorify, with Angels and with Shepherds, him who willed to be made manifest, a little Child, God before the ages.
Lord, have mercy (
x40).At every time and at every hour, in heaven and on earth worshipped and glorified, Christ God, long-suffering, great in mercy, great in compassion, loving the just and merciful to sinners, calling all to salvation by the promise of the good things to come; do you, Lord, yourself accept our entreaties at this hour, and direct our lives to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our ideas and deliver us from every distress, evil, and pain. Wall us about with your holy Angels, that protected and guided by their host we may reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of your unapproachable glory; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (
x3), Glory. Both now. Greater in honour than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word, truly the Mother of God we magnify you. In the name of the Lord, bless, Father.Priest:
May God be merciful. [Other Typika: Through the prayers.]And the Prayer.
God and Master, Father almighty, Lord, only begotten Son, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, one godhead, one power, have mercy on me a sinner; and by the judgements which you know, save me your unworthy servant; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
And at once we start the Sixth Hour.
Sixth Hour
We continue with the Sixth Hour, saying at once:
Come, let us worship and fall down before the King, our God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, the King, our God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, the King, our God.
With 3 Metanias, then the Psalms.
Psalm 71
O God give your judgement to the King, and your justice to the son of the King. To judge your people with justice, and your poor with judgement. Let the mountains bring peace to the people, and the hills justice. He will judge the poor of the people and save the sons of the paupers, and humble the slanderer. He will continue as long as the sun, and before the moon for generations of generations. He will come like rain upon a fleece, and like a drop falling upon the earth. In his days justice will dawn, and abundance of peace until the moon be taken away. Ethiopians shall fall down before him, and his enemies lick the dust. Kings of Tharsis and islands shall offer gifts, Kings of Arabs and of Saba shall bring gifts. And all the kings of the earth shall fall down before him, all the Nations shall serve him. For he has delivered the pauper from the man of power and the poor who had no helper. He will rescue their souls from interest and injustice, and their name shall be precious before him. And he shall live, and there shall be given him of the gold of Arabia; and they shall pray for him continually; the whole day they shall praise him. There will be an establishment on the earth, on the peaks of the mountains; its fruit shall be exalted above Libanus, and from the city they will flourish as the grass of the field.
Psalm 131
O Lord remember David and all his meekness; how he swore to the Lord, made a vow to the God of Jacob: If I enter the shelter of my house, if I climb into my bed, If I give sleep to my eyes, slumber to my eyelids and rest to my temples, Until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling for the God of Jacob. See, we heard of it in Ephrata, we found it in the woodland fields. We shall enter his dwellings, we shall worship towards the place where his feet have stood. Arise, Lord, into your rest, you and the ark of your holiness. Your priests will be clothed with justice, and your holy ones will rejoice. For David, your servant’s sake, do not turn away the face of your Christ. The Lord has sworn truth to David and he will not annul it: Of the fruit of your womb I shall place on your throne; If your sons keep my covenant and these testimonies of mine which I shall teach them, Their sons too will sit on your throne for ever. For the Lord has elected Sion, has chosen her as a dwelling for himself: This is my dwelling-place for ever and ever, here I shall dwell, for I have chosen her. Her door I shall bless abundantly, her poor I shall fill with bread. Her priests I shall clothe with salvation, and her holy ones will rejoice with great joy. There I shall make the horn of David flourish; I have prepared a lamp for my Christ. I shall clothe his enemies in shame, my holiness will flower upon him.
Psalm 90
One who dwells in the help of the Most High will live under the protection of the of the God of heaven; will say to the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, and I shall hope in him. For he will deliver you from the hunters’ snare, and from the word which troubles. He will overshadow you with his wings, and under his feathers you will have hope, his truth will encircle you as a shield. You will not be afraid of terror by night, of the arrow that ies by day. Of the thing that prowls in the darkness, of mishap or of the noonday devil. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right, but it will not come near you. But with your eyes you will behold, and see the reward of sinners. For you, Lord, are my hope: you have made the Most High your refuge. Evils will not approach you, nor a scourge draw near your dwelling. Because he has given orders to his Angels about you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You will walk on asp and basilisk, and trample down lion and dragon. Because he hoped in me, I shall deliver him; I shall shelter him, because he knew my name. He will cry to me, and I shall hear him, I am with him in trouble; I shall rescue him and glorify him. I shall fill him with length of days, and show him my salvation.
Glory, Both now. Alleluia (
x3), Lord, have mercy (x3).Then
Glory and the Troparion.Mary once with aged Joseph went to be enrolled in Bethlehem, for he was of David’s line; and she bore in her womb fruit unknown; the time for the birth was at hand, and there was no room in the inn; but the Cave proved a fair palace for the Queen. Christ is born, to raise up his image that had fallen.
Both now.
Theotokion.Because we have no boldness because of our many sins, entreat the One born of you, O Virgin Mother of God; for a Mother’s plea has great force for the kindness of the Master. Do not despise the supplications of sinners, O all-holy, for he is merciful, and able to save, he who even accepted to suffer for us.
Then we sing the following Idiomels.
1st Tone.
Come, you faithful, let us arise and behold the divine condescension from above, made manifest for us in Bethlehem; and having cleansed our minds, let us by our lives offer virtues instead of myrrh, as we faithfully prepare the entry of the Nativity with treasures of the soul, crying, ‘In the highest, glory to God in Trinity, through whom his good pleasure has appeared among men to rescue Adam from the ancestral curse, for he loves mankind.’ (
Twice, without a verse)Verse:
God will come from Theman, the Holy One from a mountain overshadowed by forest.4th Tone.
Listen, O heaven and give ear, O earth. Let the foundations be shaken, let trembling seize the regions beneath the earth; because God and the Creator has put on the matter of flesh, and he who created creation with his mighty hand appears in the womb of a creature he fashioned. O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable his judgements, and unsearchable his ways.
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid.The same again.
Tone 5.Come, peoples, bearers of Christ, let us behold a wonder that amazes and holds fast every mind, and as we devoutly worship let us with faith sing its praise. Today a Maiden great with child is coming to Bethlehem to give birth to the Lord; choirs of Angels run before her. And seeing this Joseph, the Betrothed, cries out, ‘What is the strange mystery in you, O Virgin? And how will you bring forth a child, Calf who have never known the yoke?’
Both now.
The same again.At once the Prokeimenon of the Prophecy. Tone 8.
From the womb before the Morning Star I have begotten you.
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
7:10-16 & 8:1-4, 8-10]Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, ‘Ask a sign of the Lord your God; in the depth or in the height.’ But Ahaz said, ‘I will not ask, and I will not put the Lord to the test.’ And he [Isaias] said, ‘Hear then, O house of David! Is it a little thing for you to contend with men, and how do you contend with the Lord? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel. He shall eat butter and honey before he knows how to prefer evil or choose good. For before the child knows good or evil, he refuses the evil to choose the good. Then the Lord said to me, 'Take for yourself a large new volume and write upon it in with a man’s pen, Of making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is at hand. And get me witnesses, reliable men, Urias the priest and Zachary the son of Barachias. And I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son. Then the Lord said to me, 'Call his name Despoil-quickly-plunder-rapidly; for before the child knows how to cry ‘Father’ or ‘Mother,’ he will take the power of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of the Assyrians.' Know you nations and be worsted; give ear, as far as the extremity of the earth; for if again you have become strong, again you will be worsted. And whatever counsel you take, the Lord will scatter it; and whatever word you speak, it will not remain in you, for God is with us.’
The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.
1:10-14 & 2:1-3]‘You, Lord, founded the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; they will perish, but you remain; they will all grow old like a garment, like a mantle you will roll them up, and they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will never end.’ But to what angel has he ever said, ‘Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? Therefore we must pay the closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For if the word spoken by angels was sure and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him.
The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
2:1-12]When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, Magi from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we seen his star at its rising, and have come to worship him.’ When King Herod heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, ‘In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, are by no means least among the rulers of Juda; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.’’ Then Herod secretly called for the Magi and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, ‘Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and worship him.’ When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and worshipped him. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
Then the Reader says:
Let your mercies, O Lord, come quickly to our aid, for we are utterly poor; help us, O God our Saviour, for the glory of your name. O Lord, deliver us, and have mercy on our sins, for your name’s sake.
All-holy Trinity; Our Father. For yours.Then the Kontakion.
Today the Virgin is coming to the cave to give birth ineffably to the eternal Word. Hearing this, dance, O inhabited world! Glorify, with Angels and with Shepherds, him who willed to be made manifest, a little Child, God before the ages.
Lord, have mercy (
x40).At every time and at every hour, in heaven and on earth worshipped and glorified, Christ God, long-suffering, great in mercy, great in compassion, loving the just and merciful to sinners, calling all to salvation by the promise of the good things to come; do you, Lord, yourself accept our entreaties at this hour, and direct our lives to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our ideas and deliver us from every distress, evil, and pain. Wall us about with your holy Angels, that protected and guided by their host we may reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of your unapproachable glory; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (
x3). Glory. Both now. Greater in honour than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word, truly the Mother of God we magnify you. In the name of the Lord, bless, Father.Priest:
May God be merciful.And the Prayer.
God and Lord of powers, and Maker of all creation, who through the compassion of your incomprehensible mercy sent down your only-begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the salvation of our race, and through his precious Cross tore up the record of our sins, and by it triumphed over the principalities and powers of darkness; do you yourself, O Master who loves mankind, accept also our supplications of thanksgiving and entreaty; and deliver us from destroying and dark transgression, and from all our foes, visible and invisible, who seek to harm us. Nail down our flesh through fear of you, and do not let our hearts incline to words or thoughts of evil, but wound our souls with longing for you; that ever gazing upon you and guided by the light that comes from you, seeing you the unapproachable and everlasting light, we may give thanks to you, the Father without beginning, with your only-begotten Son and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
According to the Typica of the Holy Mountain the Reader adds:
It is truly right to call you blessed, who gave birth to God, ever-blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our God. Greater in honour than the Cherubim and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word, truly the Mother of God, we magnify you.
Ninth Hour
All-holy Trinity, Our Father, For yours, Lord, have mercy (x12). Come let us worship (x3). 3 Metanias. Then the Psalms.Psalm 109
The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. The Lord will send out for you a rod of power from Sion; rule in the midst of your enemies. With you is the rule in the day of your power, in the splendours of your saints. From the womb before the morning star I have begotten you. The Lord has sworn and he will not repent; you are a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedek. The Lord at your right hand shattered kings in the day of his wrath. He will judge among the nations, he will heap up corpses, he will shatter the heads of many upon the land. He will drink from the torrent in the way, therefore he will lift up his head.
Psalm 110
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart, in the council of the upright and in the congregation. Great are your works, O Lord, sought out according to all his wishes. Thanksgiving and majesty his work, and his justice abides to age on age. He made remembrance of his wonders; the Lord is merciful and compassionate. He gave food to those who fear him, he will remember his covenant for ever. He proclaimed the strength of his works to his people, to give them the inheritance of the nations. The works of his hands are truth and judgement, all his commandments are faithful, established to age on age, made in truth and integrity. He sent redemption to his people; he ordained his covenant for ever; holy an fearful his name. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, while a good understanding is for all who do it. His praise abides to age on age.
Psalm 85
Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear me, for I am poor and needy. Guard my soul, for I am holy; O my God, save your servant who hopes in you. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I shall cry to you all the day; give joy to the soul of your servant, for I have lifted up my soul to you. For you, O Lord, are good and gentle, and full of mercy to all who call on you. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplication. In the day of my trouble I called to you, for you have heard me. There is none like you among the gods, O Lord; none whose works are as yours. All the nations whom you made will come and worship before you, O Lord, and call upon your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Guide me, O Lord, in your way, and I shall walk in your truth; make my heart glad to fear your name. I shall give you thanks, O Lord, my God, with my whole heart; and I shall glorify your name for ever. For your mercy is great towards me, and you have delivered my soul from the lowest hell. O God, the lawless rose up against me, and an assembly of mighty ones sought my soul, and did not set you before them. And you, Lord, are pitying and merciful, long-suffering and full of mercy and true. Look on me and have mercy on me; give your might to your servant and save the son of your maidservant. Make with me a sign for good, and let those who hate me see it and be shamed; for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me. And again: Make with me a sign for good, and let those who hate me see it and be shamed; for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.
Glory. Both now. Alleluia (
x3), Lord, have mercy (x3).Then
Glory and the Troparion.Mary once with aged Joseph went to be enrolled in Bethlehem, for he was of David’s line; and she bore in her womb fruit unknown; the time for the birth was at hand, and there was no room in the inn; but the Cave proved a fair palace for the Queen. Christ is born, to raise up his image that had fallen.
Both now.
Theotokion.O Good One, who was born of a Virgin for our sakes and endured crucifixion; who despoiled death by death and as God revealed resurrection, do not despise those whom you fashioned with your own hand; show your love for mankind, O Merciful, accept the Mother of God who bore you, as she intercedes for us, and save, O Saviour, a people in despair.
Then we chant the following Idiomels.
Tone. 7
Herod was struck with amazement when he saw the piety of the Magi, and overcome by wrath he inquired diligently the interval of time. Mothers were left childless and the unripe age of their babes was bitterly harvested. Breasts grew dry and the channels of milk were stopped. Great was the calamity! And so let us, the faithful, devoutly assembled worship Christ’s Nativity.
Twice, without a verse)Verse:
God will come from Theman and the Holy One from a mountain overshadowed by forest.Tone 2.
When Joseph had been wounded by sorrow, O Virgin, as he went to Bethlehem you cried out to him, ‘Why are you downcast and troubled seeing me great with child? Why wholly ignorant of the dread mystery that is in me. Now cast away every fear as you understand the strange marvel: for in my womb now God descends to earth through mercy, and has taken flesh. You will see when he is born, as he has been well pleased; and filled with joy will worship him as your Creator. Him the Angels praise unceasingly with the Father and the Holy Spirit.’
Lord, I heard your report and was afraid.The same again.
Glory. Both now.Tone 6.
Note that the following Idiomel
Today is born of a Virgin is first intoned devoutly and solemnly by the Canonarch in the middle of the Church. Then it sung more melodiously by the two Choirs.Today is born of a Virgin, he who holds creation in the hollow of his hand (
x3).As a mortal he is wrapped in swaddling rags, he who in his being cannot be handled.
God lies in a manger, who of old established the heavens in the beginning.
He is nourished with milk from the breast, he who rained Manna on the People in the desert.
He summons Magi, the Bridegroom of the Church.
He accepts their gifts, the Son of the Virgin.
We worship your birth, O Christ (
three times).Show us also your divine Epiphany.
At once the Prokeimenon of the Prophecy. Tone 4.
Sion is our mother, a man will say; and a man has been born in her.
Her foundations are in the holy mountains.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
9:16-7]A child has been born for us, a son has been given to us; whose government is upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Angel of Great Counsel, Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Potentate, Prince of Peace, Father of the age to come.’ For I will bring peace upon princes, peace and health to him. Great his government, and of his peace there is no bound, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with judgement and with justice from henceforth and for evermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
The Reading from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.
2:11-18]Brethren, the One who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from One. For this reason he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying: I will proclaim your name to my brethren, in the midst of the church I will praise you. And again: I will put my trust in him. And again: Here am I, and children whom God has given me. Since, therefore, the children share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared the same things, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death. For it is clear he did not take on himself the nature of Angels, but he took on that of the descendants of Abraham. Therefore he had to become like his brethren in every respect, so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make atonement for the sins of the people. For because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.
The Reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
2:13-23]Now when the Magi had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’ And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, ‘Out of Egypt have I called my son.’ Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the Magi, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the Magi. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremias, ‘A voice was heard in Rama, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more.’ But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.’ And he rose and took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee. And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, ‘He shall be called a Nazarene.’
After this the Reader says:
For your holy name’s sake do not finally reject us, do not annul your covenant, do not take your mercy from us for the sake of Abraham, your beloved, and for the sake of Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one.
All-holy Trinity, Our Father, For yours.And the Kontakion.
Today the Virgin is coming to the cave to give birth ineffably to the eternal Word. Hearing this, dance, O inhabited world! Glorify, with Angels and with Shepherds, him who willed to be made manifest, a little Child, God before the ages.
Lord, have mercy (
x40).At every time and at every hour, in heaven and on earth worshipped and glorified, Christ God, long-suffering, great in mercy, great in compassion, loving the just and merciful to sinners, calling all to salvation by the promise of the good things to come; do you, Lord, yourself accept our entreaties at this hour, and direct our lives to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, purify our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our ideas and deliver us from every distress, evil, and pain. Wall us about with your holy Angels, that protected and guided by their host we may reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of your unapproachable glory; for you are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (
x3), Glory. Both now., Greater in honour than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word, truly the Mother of God we magnify you. In the name of the Lord, bless, Father.Priest:
May God be merciful.And the Prayer.
Master, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who have long endured our transgressions, and brought us to this hour in which hanging on the life-giving tree you showed the good Thief the way into Paradise and destroyed death by death, have mercy also on us sinners and your unworthy servants. For we have sinned and trespassed and are not worthy to raise our eyes and look on the height of heaven; because we have abandoned the way of your justice and walked in the will of our hearts. But we implore your unbounded goodness: spare us, O Lord, according to the multitude of your mercy, and save us for your holy name’s sake, for our days have been wasted in vanity. Rescue us from the hand of our opponent, forgive us our sins, slay our carnal will, that we, having put off the old man, may put on the new, and live for you, our Master and benefactor; and that thus following your precepts we may reach eternal rest, where those who rejoice have their dwelling. For you are the true joy and gladness of those who love you, Christ our God, and to you we give glory, together with your Father who has no beginning, and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and to ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Typika, read, and the Dismissal.
24 Dec. Commemoration of the Martyr Evgenia.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia of the Forefeast.Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
Let us sound the cymbals, let us cry out with joy in songs: Christ’s revelation has been made manifest. The proclamations of the Prophets have reached their term, for the one they said would appear in flesh to mortals is being brought to birth in a holy Cave, laid in a manger like a babe and wrapped in swaddling clothes like little child.
With upright mind let us make songs ring out for the Forefeast of Christ’s Nativity. For he that is equal in honour to the Father and the Spirit, having through compassion clothed himself in our matter, is about to be born in the city of Bethlehem. Shepherds with Angels sand the praise of his ineffable birth.
Seeing a Conception beyond explanation and Birth beyond expression, the Virgin was amazed. Rejoicing and yet also weeping she exclaimed, ‘How can I offer my breast the him who nourishes the universe? Or how can I sing your praise as both my Son and my God? By what title can I address you, Lord beyond all naming?’
Prosomia of the Saint. Tone 2. When from the Tree.
When with godlike foresight you went out from the city, you clearly left behind the pleasure of the world; and having heard the sweet melody of psalms, you were flooded with the light of divine knowledge; while having conceived fear in your womb, you gave birth to a divine and saving Spirit for those who journeyed with you.
When you had been made a bride of Christ, with zeal you brought to your servants to him, bearing them as a living gift, imitating your courage, Evgenia, shining out clearly with faith and grace, practising every virtue, as true Martyrs proclaiming to all true religion.
Clearly illumined by the beam of the Spirit, you bring a choir of virgins to Christ, having caught them by your word of wisdom and shown them the course of the path that leads on high, you guided them to shine with the blood of Martyrs. Dancing with them, you have now found a fitting desire: true delight, all-praised Martyr.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 2.See, the moment of our salvation has drawn near. Cave, make ready, the Virgin draws near to give birth. Bethlehem, land of Juda, rejoice and be glad, because from you our Lord has dawned. Listen, mountains and hills and all the country of Judea, for Christ is coming to save humanity that he fashioned, for he loves mankind.
At the Aposticha, Idiomels.
Tone 1. By Anatolios.
You peoples, let us celebrate the Eve of Christ’s Nativity; and raising our minds on high let us go up in spirit to Bethlehem; and with the eyes of the soul let us look on the Virgin as she hastens to give birth in a Cave to our God, the Lord of all things. Joseph, when he looked on the greatness of his wonders, thought that what he saw was a mortal, wrapped in swaddling clothes as a babe; but from all that came to pass he understood that it was the true God, who grants our souls his great mercy.
God will come from Theman, and the Holy One from a shaded, wooded mountain.Same Tone. Also by Anatolios.
You peoples, let us celebrate the Eve of Christ’s Nativity; and raising our minds on high let us go up in spirit to Bethlehem; and look on the great mystery in a Cave; for Eden has been opened as God comes forth from a pure Virgin, perfect in his divinity as in his humanity. Therefore let us cry: Holy God, Father without beginning, Holy Strong, incarnate Son, Holy Immortal, Comforter Spirit. Holy Trinity, glory to you!
Lord, I heard your report and I was afraid; Lord, I considered your works, and was amazed.Same Tone. Also by Anatolios.
Hear, O heaven, and give ear, O earth; for see, the Son and Word of God the Father comes forth to be born of a maiden who has not known man, by the good pleasure of him who begat him impassibly and by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem, prepare; Eden, open your gate, for he who is becomes what he was not, and the Fashioner of all creation is fashioned, he who grants the world his great mercy.
Glory. Both Now.
Tone 6.Cave prepare, for the Ewe Lamb comes bearing Christ in her womb; Manger receive him who with a word has loosed us born of earth from irrational action. Shepherds abiding in the fields, bear witness to a fearful wonder; Magi from Persia, offer the King gold, frankincense and myrrh; for the Lord has appeared from a Virgin mother. Bending over him like a slave, his Mother worshipped him and addressed him as he lay in her arms: How were you sown in me? How have you grown in me, my Redeemer and my God?
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
Mary once, with aged Joseph, went to be enrolled in Bethlehem, for they were of David’s line; and she bore in her womb the fruit unsown. The time of the birth was at hand and there was no room at the inn; but the Cave proved a fair palace for the Queen. Christ is born, that he may raise up again his image that of old had fallen.
Three times, and Dismissal.
25 Dec. Nativity of Jesus Christ.
The background to these pages is taken from a lithograph by David Roberts (1796-1864), made in the mid eighteen forties. It is reproduced by kind permission of Petra Fine Art, Baltimore, USA, on whose web pages you will find many other examples of this remarkable artist's work.
http://www.petrafineart.net/It shows the iconostasis and the entrance to the Cave of the Nativity.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 8 Stichera and sing the following Idiomels, doubling them.2nd Tone. By Germanos.
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, as we tell of the present mystery. The middle wall of partition has been destroyed; the sword of flame turns back, the Cherubim withdraw from the tree of life; and I partake of the delight of Paradise, from which I was cast out through disobedience. For the express Image of the Father, the Imprint of his eternity, takes the form of a slave, coming forth from a Mother who did not know wedlock, not undergoing change; for what he was he has remained: true God; and what he was not he has taken up, becoming man through love for mankind. To him let us cry out: God, born from a Virgin, have mercy on us.
By Anatolios. Same Tone.
When the Lord Jesus was born of the holy Virgin, the whole universe was enlightened. For Shepherds were abiding in the fields, Magi worshipping, Angels singing in praise, while Herod was troubled; because God had appeared in flesh, the Saviour of our souls.
The same Tone.
Your kingdom, Christ God, is a kingdom of all the ages, and your Rule is from every generation to generation. Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and becoming man of the ever-Virgin Mary, you made light shine on us, Christ God, by your coming. Light of Light, Radiance of the Father, you have made all creation bright with joy. Everything that has breath praises you, Imprint of the Father’s glory. O God, who exist and pre-exist and who shone from a Virgin, have mercy on us.
The same Tone.
What shall we offer you, O Christ, because you have appeared on earth as a man for our sakes? For each of the creatures made by you offers you its thanks: the Angels their hymn; the heavens the Star; the Shepherds their wonder; the Magi their gifts; the earth the Cave; the desert the Manger; but we a Virgin Mother. God before the ages, have mercy on us.
Glory. Both now.
The same Tone.By Kasia.
When Augustus reigned alone on the earth, the many kingdoms of mankind came to an end; and when you became man from the pure Virgin, the many gods of idolatry were destroyed; the cities of the world passed under one single rule; and the nations came to believe in one single Godhead; the peoples were enrolled by decree of Caesar; we the faithful were enrolled in the name of the Godhead, when you became man, O our God. Great is your mercy, Lord; glory to you!
And there takes place an Entrance with the Gospel;
O Joyful Light, and the Readings in their order, with the Troparia and their verses.The Reading is from Genesis.
1:1-13)In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. And it was so.’ And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And God called the firmament Heaven. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. And God said, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one gathering and let the dry land appear.’ And it was so. And the water that was under Heaven was gathered to their gatherings, and the dry land appeared. And God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, ‘Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth.’ And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.
The Reading is from Numbers.
24:2-3, 5-9, 17-18)And the Spirit of God came upon Balaam, and he took up his discourse, and said, ‘How fair are your houses, O Jacob, your tents, O Israel! Like shady groves, like gardens beside a river, like tents that the Lord has planted, like cedar trees beside the waters. A man shall chrome forth from his seed and will be Lord over many nations, and his kingdom shall be exalted and increased. God led him out of Egypt; he has as it were the glory of the unicorn, he shall eat up the nations of his adversaries, and suck the marrow of their fat bones, and pierce the foe through with his arrows. He couched, he lay down like a lion, and like a young lion; who will rouse him? Blessed be every one who blesses you, and cursed be every one who curses you.’ A star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a man shall rise out of Israel; and shall crush the princes of Moab, and plunder all the sons of Seth. Edom shall be an inheritance, Esau his foe shall be an inheritance, while Israel did valiantly.
The Reading from the Prophecy of Micheas.
4:6-7 & 5:1-3)In those days, says the Lord, I will gather her that is bruised, and her that has been driven out I will receive, and those whom I have driven out; and her that has been bruised I will make into a remnant; and her that has been cast out into a strong nation; and the Lord will reign over them in Mount Sion from this henceforth and for evermore. Thus says the Lord: And you Bethlehem, house of Ephratha, are not least among the thousands of Juda; for from you there will come forth for me the one who is to be ruler in Israel, and his goings out are from the beginning, from eternity. Because of this he will give them until the moment that she who bears child shall bring to birth; and the remainder of his brethren will return to the children of Israel. And he will stand and will see, and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, and they will abide in the glory of the name of the Lord his God; for now they will be magnified even to the extremities of the earth.
Then we sing, standing:
Troparion. Tone 6.
Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using the star as its mouth, O Saviour. It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
1st Verse.
His foundations are in the holy mountains; the Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the tabernacles of Jacob.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
2nd Verse.
Glorious things have been spoken of you, City of God; I shall remember Rahab and Babylon to those who know you.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
3rd Verse.
And see, strangers, and from Tyre, and people of Ethiopia.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
4th Verse.
These were born there. My mother is Sion, a man will say; and a man was born in her; and the Most High himself has founded her.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
5th Verse.
The Lord will recount it in the writing of peoples, and of these Rulers who were born in her. The dwelling in you is as that of all who rejoice.
It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
Glory. Both now.
The whole.Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven proclaimed you to all, using the star as its mouth, O Saviour. It brought you Magi, who worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them and on us.
Then the following Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
11:1-10)Thus says the Lord: There shall come forth a rod from the root of Jesse, and a flower shall grow out of the root. And the Spirit of the Lord God shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and piety. The spirit of the fear of the Lord will fill him. He shall not judge by glory nor reprove by hearsay; but he will give judgement for the lowly with justice, and reprove with equity the glorious ones of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the word of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall destroy the wicked. And he will have his loins girt with justice, and his sides clothed with truth. Then the wolf shall feed with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the bull and the lion will feed together, and a little child shall lead them. The ox and the bear shall feed together; their young shall be together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. An infant child shall put its hand over the hole of asps, and the weaned child its hand on the nest of the offspring of asps. They shall not hurt or be able to destroy anyone on my holy mountain; for the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as much water covers the sea. In that day there shall be the root of Jesse, and he that shall arise to rule nations; in him shall the nations hope, and his rest shall be honour.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Jeremias.
Baruch 3:36-38 & 4:1-4)This is our God, and there shall be none other reckoned in comparison with him. He has found out all the way of knowledge, and given it to Jacob his servant and Israel his beloved. After this he appeared on earth and lived among men. This is the book of the commandments of God, and the law which exists for ever; all those who keep it fast will have life; but those who abandon it will die. Turn back Jacob, and lay hold of it, walk in the presence of its light to be illumined. Do not give your glory to another, and what is profitable to you to a foreign nation.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Daniel.
2:31-36, 44-45)Daniel said to Nabuchodonosor, ‘You saw, O king, and behold, a great image. This image, mighty and of exceeding brightness, stood before you, and its appearance was lightening. The head of this image was of pure gold, its hands, breast and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. As you looked, a stone was cut out from a mountain by no human hand, and it smote the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces; then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold, all together were broken in pieces, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, so that not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation. the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall this kingdom be left to another people. It shall crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever; just as you saw that a stone was cut from the mountain not by hands, and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold. The great God has informed the king what shall be hereafter. The dream is certain, and its interpretation trustworthy.’
Troparion. Tone 6.
You have dawned from a Virgin, O Christ, spiritual Sun of justice; and a star showed you whom nothing can contained in a cave. You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
1st Verse.
The Lord is king and has robed himself in glory; the Lord has robed and girded himself with strength.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
2nd Verse.
He has established the world, which shall not be shaken; your throne is prepared from of old; you are from everlasting.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
3rd Verse.
The rivers have lifted up, O Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voice; the rivers will raise their waves at the voice of many waters.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
4th Verse.
Wonderful are the billows of the sea; wonderful the Lord in the heights. Your testimonies are exceedingly sure.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
5th Verse.
Hallowing, O Lord, becomes your house for length of days.
You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
Glory. Both now.
The whole.You have dawned from a Virgin, O Christ, spiritual Sun of justice; and a star showed you whom nothing can contained in a cave. You led Magi to worship you in faith; with them we magnify you. Giver of life, glory to you!
Then the following Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
9:6-7)A child has been born for us, a son has been given to us; whose government is upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Angel of Great Counsel, Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Potentate, Prince of Peace, Father of the age to come.’ For I will bring peace upon princes, peace and health to him. Great his government, and of his peace there is no bound, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with judgement and with justice from henceforth and for evermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
7:10-16 & 8:1-4, 8-10)Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, ‘Ask a sign of the Lord your God; in the depth or in the height.’ But Ahaz said, ‘I will not ask, and I will not put the Lord to the test.’ And he [Isaias] said, ‘Hear then, O house of David! Is it a little thing for you to contend with men, and how do you contend with the Lord? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel. He shall eat butter and honey before he knows how to prefer evil or choose good. For before the child knows good or evil, he refuses the evil to choose the good. Then the Lord said to me, ‘Take for yourself a large new volume and write upon it in with a man’s pen, Of making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is at hand. And get me witnesses, reliable men, Urias the priest and Zachary the son of Barachias. And I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son. Then the Lord said to me, ‘Call his name Despoil quickly, plunder rapidly; for before the child knows how to cry ‘Father’ or ‘Mother,’ he will take the power of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of the Assyrians.’ Know you nations and be worsted; give ear, as far as the extremity of the earth; for if again you have become strong, again you will be worsted. And whatever counsel you take, the Lord will scatter it; and whatever word you speak, it will not remain in you, for God is with us.
After the completion of the Readings the Small Litany, and after the Ekphonesis the Trisagion.
Then the Prokeimenon of the Apostle.
1st Tone.
The Lord said to me: You are my Son; today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will give you nations as your inheritance.The Reading is from the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews.
1:1-14 & 2:1-3)In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the ages. He is the radiance of his glory and the very imprint of his substance, upholding the universe by the word of his power. When he had made purification for our sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has obtained is more excellent than theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you’? Or again, ‘I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son’? And again, when he brings the first-born into the world, he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him.’ Of the angels he says, ‘Who makes his angels spirits and his ministers flames of fire.’ But to the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, is to age on age, the sceptre of justice is the sceptre of your kingdom. You have loved justice and hated iniquity; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your comrades.’ And, ‘You, Lord, founded the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; they will perish, but you remain; they will all grow old like a garment, like a mantle you will roll them up, and they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will never end.’ But to what angel has he ever said, ‘Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? Therefore we must pay the closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For if the word spoken by angels was sure and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him.
Alleluia. Tone 8.
Verse 1:
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, until I place your enemies as a footstool under your feet.Verse 2:
The Lord will send you a rod of power out of Sion.Verse 3:
From the womb before the Morning Star I have begotten you.The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
2:1-20)In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrolment and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David. He went to be enrolled with Mary, his espoused wife who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. In that region there were shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were sore afraid. But the angel said to them, ‘Fear not; for see—I am bringing you good tidings of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men!’ When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
Then the divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great.
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the highest. Alleluia.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4.
Come, believers, let us see where Christ is has been born. Let us follow where the star guides with the Magi, kings of the East. Angels sing praises there without ceasing. Shepherds abiding in the fields offer a fitting hymn, saying: Glory in the highest to him who has been born today in a cave from the Virgin and Mother of God, in Bethlehem of Juda. (
Twice)After the 2nd Reading of the Psalter, Kathisma
Same Tone.
Why, Mary, do you wonder? Why marvel at what is done in you? Because I have born in time a timeless Son, she says. But I do not understand how he was conceived. I have not known man; how then can I bear a son? Who has ever seen a birth without seed? But as it is written: where God so wills the order of nature is overcome. Christ has been born from the Virgin in Bethlehem of Judea. (
Selection for the Polyeleos.All the earth. Alleluia.
Sing to the Lord all the earth.
Sing to his name.
Give glory in his praise.
Recount all his wonders.
Say to God: How awesome your works.
Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad.
Sing to God, sing to his name.
[Make a way for him who rides upon the sunset.]
[The Lord is his name, and be glad before him.]
Splendour and majesty his work.
[And his justice abides from age to age.]
The Lord has sent redemption to his people.
Holy and fearful his name.
The Lord’s right hand has wrought power.
[The Lord’s right hand has exalted me.]
[A man will say: Mother Sion, and: A man has been born in her.]
[Fair in beauty beyond the sons of men.]
[The Most High has founded her.]
From Sion the loveliness of his beauty.
Our God is in heaven and on earth, has done whatever he willed.
Your mercies, O Lord, I will sing forever.
[To generation and generation I will announce your truth with my mouth.]
[That you may say for ever mercy will be established.]
[Your truth will be prepared in the heavens.]
[His seed abides for ever.]
[And his throne is as the sun before me.]
[And like the moon fixed for ever.]
[And I will establish his seed for ever,]
[And his throne as the days of heaven.]
[And he will rule from sea to sea,]
[And from the ends of the world to its ends.]
[He will call to me: You are my Father,]
[My God and helper of my salvation.]
And I will establish him as first born, high beyond all the kings of the earth,
And all the kings of the earth will worship him.
What god is great as our God? You are the God who alone works wonders.
By the arm of your power you have scattered your foes.
[You will shepherd them with an iron staff.]
[As a potter’s vessels you will smash them.]
Gird your sword upon your thigh, O powerful one, in your beauty and loveliness.
Your arrows are sharpened, O powerful one.
[Peoples will fall beneath you, in the heart of the king’s enemies.]
From the womb before the morning star I have begotten birth.
The Lord has sworn and he will not repent.
You are a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchisedek.
The Lord said to me: You are my son, today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will give you nations as your inheritance.
And the ends of the earth as your possession.
At the head of the book it is written of me.
Your throne, O God, is from age to age.
A staff of right is the staff of your kingdom.
[You have loved justice, and hated iniquity.]
Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your fellows.
For you will inherit among all the nations.
Blessed is God for ever. So be it. So be it.
Triadikon. Tone 1.Let us worship the Father, and let us glorify the Son, and let us all praise together the all holy Spirit, crying out and saying: All holy Trinity, save us all.
Both now.
Theotokion.Your people, O Christ, brings your Mother to intercede; at her entreaties grant us your pity, that we may glorify you, Loving Lord, who dawned for us from the grave.
The verses in parentheses are not used in the Slavonic books; in Russian parochial use only the verses in bold type are used. In Slav practice the following Megalynarion is sung between each verse:
We magnify you, O Christ, Giver of life, who was born for us in the flesh this day from her who knew not wedlock, the All-pure Virgin Mary.]
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma, Tone 4.
How is he contained in a womb, whom nothing can contain? How held in his Mother’s arms, he who is in the Father’s bosom? This is all as he knows, as he wished and as he was well pleased. For being without flesh, willingly he was made flesh; and He Who Is, for our sake has become what he was not; without departing from his own nature he shared in our matter; wishing to fill the world on high, Christ was born in two natures.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone.
Prokeimenon. 4th Tone.
From the womb before the Morning Star I have begotten you. * The Lord has sworn and he will not repent.
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
1:18-25)Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, but before they had come together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: ‘See, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,’ which means, ‘God is with us.’ When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but he did not know her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus.
Psalm 50.
Tone 2.All things are filled with joy today, for Christ is born from the Virgin.
Both now.
Same Tone.Verse:
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; and according to the multitude of your pities, wipe away my transgression.Idiomel, Tone 6.
Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth. Today Bethlehem receives him who is ever seated with the Father. Today Angels glorify in a manner fitting God the babe that is born. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men.
The Canons.
They are sung to 8 and 6 and both Irmi are sung as Katavasias. The first, by St Kosmas, has the following Acrostic:
Christ becomes mortal. God, that he was, remains.
Ode 1. Tone 1. The Irmos.
‘Christ is born, give glory! Christ comes from heaven, go to meet him! Christ is upon earth, be exalted! Sing to the Lord all the earth; and all you peoples raise the hymn with joy, for he has been glorified’.
Ruined through transgression, the one made in God’s image became wholly subject to corruption, fell stumbling from a better and divine life. Him the wise Creator now refashions, for he has been glorified.
The Creator, seeing humanity that he had made with his own hands perishing, bowed the heavens and came down; but he took its whole being from a divine, pure Virgin, being made truly flesh; for he has been glorified.
Wisdom, Word and Power, Son of the Father and his Radiance, Christ God, unknown to the powers beyond the world and to those on earth and having taken human nature, won us back again; for he has been glorified.
Another Canon, in Iambics, by Monk John, having an Acrostic in elegaic couplets:
With songs of eloquence these hymns proclaim
God’s Son for mortals’ sake on earth now born,
Abolishing the world’s grim miseries.
But, King, deliver preachers from these pains.
Ode 1. The same Tone. The Irmos.
‘Of old the Master who works wonders saved a people,
‘Turning the wat’ry waves of the sea into dry land;
‘And now he has been born of his own will from a Maiden,
‘Establishes a path for us to mount to heaven.
‘We glorify him, equal by essence to Father and to mortals’.
Clearly prefigured by the bush unburned
A hallowed womb has borne in it the Word,
God mingled with a mortal form, who now
Frees Eve’s unhappy womb from bitter curse
Of old. Him now we mortals glorify.
A star to Magi clearly showed the Word
Who was before the sun and yet he came
To make an end of sin, in a poor cave:
You, the compassionate, in swaddling clothes.
With joy they saw you, mortal man and Lord.
Ode 3. The Irmos.
‘To the Son begotten of the Father without change before the ages, and in these last times without seed made flesh from a Virgin, to Christ God let us cry aloud: You have raised up our horn. Holy are you, O Lord!’
Adam, formed of dust, who had shared in a better breath of life and slipped down to corruption through a woman’s deception, seeing Christ born from a woman cries out: For me you have become as me; glory to you, O Lord!
You have made yourself, O Christ, one in form with a moulding of vile clay, and by sharing in what is worse, our flesh, you grant a share in divine stock, becoming mortal, yet remaining God, and raising up our horn. Holy are you, O Lord!
Bethlehem be glad, palace of Juda’s Princes; for from you Christ, who shepherds Israel and is seated on the shoulders of the Cherubim, coming forth visibly and raising up our horn, reigns over all.
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘Accept, O Benefactor, the praises of your servants,
‘Humbling the haughty, despiteful look of the foe,
‘O blessed Lord, who see all, raise us all above sin,
‘And establish your singers, firm and unshaken,
‘Upon the foundation of the faith’.
The shepherd choir, abiding in the fields,
Counted beyond all thought worthy to see
The all-blest Offspring of an all-pure Bride,
Were stunned by the strange sight: an angel host
Praising Christ King, incarnate without seed.
He, who rules heaven’s height, in his compassion
Became as us from Maiden without bridegroom;
Word without matter once, in the last times
Made solid by the flesh, that he might draw
The fallen first created to himself.
The Ypakoп. Tone 8.
Heaven, calling the Magi by a star, brought the first fruits of the nations to you, an infant lying in a manger; sceptres and thrones did not astonish them, but utter poverty; for what is meaner than a cave, what humbler than swaddling clothes? In which there shone forth the wealth of your godhead. Lord, glory to you!
When we say an Ypakoп we do not say a Kathisma, as we have found in some Typika.
Kathisma. Tone 8.
Let heaven rejoice and let earth be glad, because the Lamb of God has been born on earth, granting redemption to the world. The Word who is in the bosom of the Father has come forth from the Virgin without seed. The Magi were amazed when they saw him in Bethlehem, born as a babe; whom all things glorify.
Glory. Both now.
The same again.Ode 4. The Irmos.
‘Rod out of Jesse’s root, and flower that blossomed from his stem, O Christ, you have sprung from the Virgin, the praised from the mountain overshadowed by forest; you have come made flesh from her who knew not wedlock, yet God not formed of matter. Glory to your power, O Lord!’
O Christ, whom Jacob foretold in days of old as Expectation of the nations, you have dawned from the tribe of Juda, you have come to plunder the power of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria, turning error into faith beautiful to God. Glory to your power, O Lord!
O Master, by dawning as a star out of Jacob you filled with joy the watchers of the stars, wise interpreters of the words of Balaam the Seer of old, who were brought to you as first fruits of the nations; you received them openly as they offered you their acceptable gifts.
O Christ, you came down into a virgin womb like rain upon a fleece, and as drops falling on the earth. Ethiopians and Tharsians and the isles of the Arabs, rulers of Saba and Medes, of all the earth fell down before you, O Saviour. Glory to your power, O Lord!
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘Of old Avvakoum the Prophet was found worthy
‘Ineffably to see the figure of the birth of Christ;
‘And he foretold in song the renewal of mankind;
‘For a young Babe, even the Word, has come forth from the mountain,
‘Which is the Virgin, for the renewal of our race’.
Equal to mortals, O Most High, you came
Forth from a Virgin, having taken flesh,
To cleanse the poison of the serpent’s head,
By nature God, leading from sunless gates
All mortals to life bringing radiance.
Nations that once were in corruption sunk
And have the foe’s destruction wholly fled,
Lift up your hands, clap them in songs of praise,
Honouring Christ alone as Benefactor,
Who in compassion has now come to us.
O Virgin, who have sprung from Jesse’s root,
The bounds of mortal nature you have passed,
Bearing the Father’s pre-eternal Word,
As it was his good pleasure to pass through,
In strange self-emptying, your womb still sealed.
Ode 5. The Irmos.
‘As you are God of peace and Father of mercies, you have sent us your Angel of great counsel, who grants us peace; so we are guided by the knowledge of God, watching before dawn we glorify you, only lover of mankind’.
You were enrolled among Caesar’s slaves, obeying his decree, and you have freed us, your slaves, O Christ from foe and sin; Making yourself utterly poor like us, you have made our dust divine through union and participation.
Behold, the Virgin, as it was said of old, has conceived in the womb and borne God made man, and she remains Virgin; through her we sinners, reconciled to God, let us with faith sing her praise as truly Mother of God.
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘From the night of deeds of error, in our darkness we keep watch,
‘And sing to you, O Christ, as to our Benefactor:
‘Come to us and grant forgiveness,
‘Make the pathway easy for us,
‘Whereby we may ascend, and so attain to glory’.
The Master by his coming in the flesh
Harsh hate against him utterly cut through,
Strength of the murderer of souls destroyed,
Unites the world to immaterial beings,
Making his Father gentle to creation.
The people that in darkness dwelt before
Saw in broad day light from a beacon fire
On high. The Son to God as heritage
Brings nations; grace ineffable bestows
Where sin once flourished more abundantly.
Ode 6. The Irmos.
‘The monster from the deep spat Jonas from its bowels like a new born babe, just as it had received him; while the Word having dwelt in the Virgin and taken flesh, came forth, yet kept her incorrupt, for being himself not subject to decay, he preserved his mother free from harm’.
Christ our God, whom the Father begot from the womb before the morning star and who holds the reins of the immaculate Powers, is laid in a manger of dumb beasts; he is swaddled in rags, but looses the tangled cords of offences.
A young child has been born from Adam’s matter, and a Son has been given to the believers; this is the Father and Ruler of the age to come, and he is called the Angel of great counsel; this is the mighty God who holds by his authority all creation.
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘Enclosed in the uttermost depth of the sea,
‘Jonas entreated you to come and still the storm;
‘And I, O Christ, pricked by the dart of the tyrant,
‘Call upon you, the slayer of evil,
‘To come quickly and deliver me from my sloth’.
Who was with God in the beginning, God
The Word, seeing our nature powerless
To guard what it once was, now gives it strength,
Lowers himself, by second fellowship
Showing it once again from passions free.
From loins of Abraham for us he came,
To raise as sons those sadly fallen in
The dark of sins that bowed them low. He dwells
In light, yet in a manger now to dwell
For man’s salvation he has been well pleased.
3rd Tone. Model Melody.
(A Composition of St Romanos the Melodist)
Today the Virgin gives birth to him who is above all being,
And the earth offers the Cave to him whom no one can approach;
Angels with Shepherds give glory,
And Magi journey with a star;
For us there has been born
A little Child: God before the ages.
The Ikos.
Bethlehem has opened Eden, come, let us see;
We have found delight in secret, come let us receive
The joys of Paradise within the cave;
There the unwatered root has appeared whose blossom is forgiveness,
There has been found the undug well
From which David once wished to drink;
There a Virgin has borne a babe
And has at once quenched Adam’s and David’s thirst.
For this let us hasten to this place where there has been born
A little Child: God before the ages.
On the 25th day of the same month, the Nativity according to the flesh of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
God the one born, the Mother too a Virgin:
What greater wonder had creation seen?
Mary the Virgin bore God on the twenty fifth day of December.
God, who loves mankind, seeing the human race under the tyranny of the devil, took compassion on it, and sending his Archangel Gabriel, he said to the Mother of God: ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you’. And at once our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son and Word of God, was conceived in her immaculate womb. And when the nine months were completed from her conceiving, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus for the whole inhabited world to be enrolled; and Kyrinios was sent to Jerusalem to make the enrolment in Bethlehem. Joseph the guardian of the Mother of God went up with her to be enrolled in Bethlehem. And when the Virgin was about to give birth, not having found lodging due to the great number of people, she entered a poor cave, and there, without corruption, she gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ, and she wrapped him like a babe in swaddling clothes, and laid down and put in the manger of the irrational beasts the Creator of all things, as he was about to deliver us from our unreason.
On the same day, the worship by the Magi.
Men from the nations worshipped you, O Word,
Showing your future honour from the Nations.
In those days there was a Seer called Balaam in the country of the Persians who prophesied many things, among which he said: ‘A star will dawn out of Jacob, and will crush the princes of Moab’. The other Seers then, holding this prophecy in succession, taught it to the kings of the Persians. And it came to these men, three in number, and they were keeping watch for when they might see such a star. But being astronomers, when they saw that Christ’s star did not follow a course like the other stars, from east to west, but from north to south, knew that it showed the birth of a great king; and having followed the star, they found Christ the Lord, and falling down they worshipped him and offered him gold, incense and myrrh. And so, on the orders of an Angel, they returned to their country.
Herod, the prince of the Jews, having learned from the Magi that a great king had been born, who was going to subdue the whole world, summoned the Magi secretly and said, ‘Go, inquire diligently about the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may go and worship him’. He said this to learn where he was and that he might send and kill him. Then, having summoned the Scribes, he asked, ‘Where does Scripture say that the Christ will be born?’ They said, ‘In Bethlehem of Judea’. Then he sent his troops to slaughter the boys in Bethlehem of two years and under. Because of this an Angel was sent from God who said to Joseph, ‘Rise, take the Child and his Mother, and flee into Egypt’. Joseph did so, and taking the Child and his Mother he went away into Egypt.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Shepherds who saw the Lord.
The Shepherds, leaving their own flock behind,
To see Christ the Good Shepherd went with haste.
To him be glory to the ages of ages. Amen.
Ode 7. The Irmos.
‘The Youths brought up together in godliness, scorning the impious decree, feared not the threat of fire, but standing in the midst of the flame they sang: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’
Shepherds abiding in the fields had a vision of light which filled them with fear; for the glory of the Lord shone round them and an Angel crying aloud: Sing praises, for Christ is born. God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’
Suddenly, at the word of the Angel, the armies of heaven cried: Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, among men good will, Christ, has shone forth. God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’
What is this word? the Shepherds said. Let us go that we may see what has come to pass, Christ God. Having come to Bethlehem they worshipped him, with her who gave him birth, as they sang out: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘Caught and held fast by love for the King of all,
‘The Young Men despised the impious threats
‘Of the tyrant in his boundless fury;
‘And when the dread fire withdrew from them, they said
‘To the Master: Unto all ages, blessed are you!’
Seething and roaring in its wrath the flame
Burnt up when heated sevenfold the servants,
But the Young Men it saves, as victors crowns.
On whom the Lord, rewarding piety,
Bestows abundantly his cooling dew.
Christ our Defender, you shamed mortals’ foe,
Having your incarnation beyond speech
As shield, in human form bringing the joy
Of being like God; in hope of which we once
Fell from on high into the murky depths.
You have cast down by your almighty power
Fierce sin that raised its head in wanton pride,
And raged blaspheming through a world gone mad.
Those once dragged down today you save from snares,
O Benefactor, by your will made flesh.
Ode 8. The Irmos.
‘The furnace moist with dew was the image and the figure of a wonder past nature; for it did not burn those it had received; even as the fire of the godhead did not consume the Virgin’s womb into which it has descended. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
The daughter of Babylon once dragged to herself from Sion David’s children, taken by the spear; now she sends her children, Magi taking gifts, to entreat David’s daughter, who received God. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Sorrow silenced the instruments of song, for Sion’s children did not sing among strangers; but Christ, shining forth from Bethlehem, abolishes all the error of Babylon and the harmony of her musicians. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Babylon received the spoils of Sion the Queen and her wealth taken by the spear; Christ in Sion draws with a guiding star her treasures, Magi who scanned the stars. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let all creation bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Iambic. The Irmos.
‘The young men of the old covenant, walking in the fire
‘Unburned are figures of the sealed womb of the Maiden,
‘When she gave birth in fashion past nature;
‘The same grace it was worked both by one wondrous power,
‘And raises the people to sing in praise’.
Fleeing the outrage of becoming God
By error, all creation like the youths
With trembling hymns the everlasting Word
Self emptied; fears to bring a prayer despised;
Subject to change, by wisdom though endures.
The nations Rising, you have come to turn
Back human nature from the desert hills
To pasture rich in flowers. Now destroy
The violent force of mortals’ murderer,
By providence now seen as God and man.
Ode 9. The Irmos.
Magnify, O my soul, her who is greater in honour and more glorious than the hosts on high.
‘A strange and wonderful mystery I see, the Cave is heaven, the Virgin the Cherubim throne, the Manger the Place in which Christ, the God whom nothing can contain, is laid. Him we praise and magnify’.
Magnify, O my soul, her who is greater in honour and more glorious than the hosts on high.
‘A strange and wonderful mystery I see, the Cave is heaven, the Virgin the Cherubim throne, the Manger the Place in which Christ, the God whom nothing can contain, is laid. Him we praise and magnify’.
Magnify, O my soul, God born in flesh from a Virgin.
The Magi, seeing the strange course of an unusual, new and newly shining star, exceeding those of heaven concluded a King, Christ, had been born on earth in Bethlehem for our salvation.
Magnify, O my soul, the King born in a cave.
The Magi, seeing the strange course of an unusual, new and newly shining star, exceeding those of heaven concluded a King, Christ, had been born on earth in Bethlehem for our salvation.
Magnify, O my soul, God worshipped by the Magi.
Where is the new-born infant King, whose star we have seen? said the Magi. For we have come to worship him. Herod. God’s enemy, was troubled and in his mad folly plotted to destroy Christ.
Magnify, O my soul, him who was revealed to the Magi by a star.
Where is the new-born infant King, whose star we have seen? said the Magi. For we have come to worship him. Herod. God’s enemy, was troubled and in his mad folly plotted to destroy Christ.
Magnify, O my soul, the pure Virgin who has given birth to Christ the King.
Herod inquired the time of the star, under whose guidance the Magi in Bethlehem worship Christ with gifts. Led back to their own country by that star they abandoned the foul slayer of children, who was mocked.
Magi and Shepherds came to worship Christ, born in the city of Bethlehem.
Herod inquired the time of the star, under whose guidance the Magi in Bethlehem worship Christ with gifts. Led back to their own country by that star they abandoned the foul slayer of children, who was mocked.
Iambic. The Irmos.
To-day the Virgin bears the Master within the cave.
‘For us it is easier in fear to love silence,
‘For this is without danger, but it is hard indeed
‘With love to weave songs harmoniously composed,
‘O Virgin. But do you, O Mother, give us strength
‘That we may fulfil our intent’.
Today the Master is born as a babe of a Virgin Mother.
‘For us it is easier in fear to love silence,
‘For this is without danger, but it is hard indeed
‘With love to weave songs harmoniously composed,
‘O Virgin. But do you, O Mother, give us strength
‘That we may fulfil our intent’.
Today the Shepherds behold the Saviour wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.
Types of the Word, pure Mother, we have seen
That have no light and shadows that are past;
Newly he has appeared from the closed gate,
And we, found worthy of the light of truth,
Your womb, as is most fitting, now we bless.
Today the Master who cannot be touched is wrapped as a babe in swaddling rags.
Types of the Word, pure Mother, we have seen
That have no light and shadows that are past;
Newly he has appeared from the closed gate,
And we, found worthy of the light of truth,
Your womb, as is most fitting, now we bless.
Today all creation rejoices greatly and is glad, for Christ is born of a Virgin Mother.
Types of the Word, pure Mother, we have seen
That have no light and shadows that are past;
Newly he has appeared from the closed gate,
And we, found worthy of the light of truth,
Your womb, as is most fitting, now we bless.
The Powers of heaven declare to the world that the Saviour, Lord and Master has been born.
The people that delights in Christ has found
Its longing, counted worthy of God’s coming,
Now cries in supplication for rebirth
As giving life. Do you, pure Virgin, grant
The grace to worship then that radiant glory.
Magnify, O my soul, the might of the undivided godhead in three Persons.
The people that delights in Christ has found
Its longing, counted worthy of God’s coming,
Now cries in supplication for rebirth
As giving life. Do you, pure Virgin, grant
The grace to worship then that radiant glory.
Both now.
Magnify, O my soul, her that has delivered us from the curse.
The people that delights in Christ has found
Its longing, counted worthy of God’s coming,
Now cries in supplication for rebirth
As giving life. Do you, pure Virgin, grant
The grace to worship then that radiant glory.
Exapostilarion. Model melody.
Our Saviour, the Dayspring from the east, has visited us from on high; and we who were in darkness and shadow, have now found the truth; for the Lord is born of a Virgin. (
Three times)At Lauds we insert 4 stichera, and sing the following Idiomels in Tone 4.
By Andrew of Jerusalem.
Be glad, you just, heavens rejoice, mountains leap for joy; Christ is born and the Virgin sits like the Cherubim throne carrying in her bosom God the Word made flesh. Shepherds glorify the one that is born; Magi offer gifts to the Master; Angels sing praises, saying: Lord beyond understanding, glory to you!
The same.
The Father was well pleased; the Word became flesh; the Virgin gave birth to God made man. A Star makes known; Magi worship; Shepherds marvel, and creation rejoices.
The same.
Virgin Mother of God, who have given birth to the Saviour, you have overthrown the former curse of Eve, for you have become the Mother of the Father’s good will, carrying in your bosom God the Word made flesh. None can fathom the mystery; by faith alone we all glorify it as we cry with you and say: Lord beyond interpretation, glory to you!
The same.
Come, let us sing the praises of the Mother of the Saviour, who remained still a Virgin after bearing child. Rejoice living City of the King and God, in which Christ dwelt and wrought salvation. With Gabriel we sing your praise, with Shepherds we give glory as we cry: Mother of God, intercede with him who was incarnate of you that we may be saved.
Tone. 6 By Germanos.When the moment came for your coming upon earth a first enrolment of the world took place; then you were about to enrol the names of all who believed in your birth; because of this such a decree was published by Caesar, for the timelessness of your eternal kingdom was newly revealed. And so we too offer beyond tribute in money the wealth of our orthodox faith to you, the God and Saviour of our souls.
Both now.
2nd Tone. By Monk John.Today Christ is born of the Virgin in Bethlehem. Today he who is without beginning begins to be, and the Word is made flesh. The Powers of heaven rejoice, and earth with mankind is glad. The Magi offer gifts; the Shepherds proclaim the marvel, while we cry aloud without ceasing: Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth; good will among men.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liti
Idiomel Stichera
Tone 1. By Monk John
Let heaven and earth today prophetically be glad. Let us, Angels and mortals, spiritually keep festival, for God has appeared in flesh, born from a woman, to those who sit in darkness and shadow. A cave and a manger have received him. Shepherds proclaim him. Magi from the East bring gifts in Bethlehem, while with unworthy lips let us bring him praise, as we sing, like the Angels, ‘Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth’; for the expectation of the nations has come. He has come, he has saved us from the slavery of the foe.
Same Tone. Same author.
Heaven and earth have been made one today, now that Christ is born. Today God has come upon earth, and humanity gone up to heaven. Today for humankind the One who by nature is unseen is seen. Therefore let us too give glory as we cry to him, ‘Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, with which your Coming has rewarded us. Our Saviour, glory to you!’
Same Tone. Same author.
‘Glory to God in the highest’, I hear in Bethlehem today, sung by the Bodiless Powers, to the One who has been well-pleased for there to be peace on earth. Now the Virgin is wider than the heavens; for light has dawned for those in darkness, and has exalted the lowly, who like the Angels sing, ‘Glory to God in the highest!’
The same.
When he saw that the one in his image and likeness had fallen away through transgression, Jesus bowed the heavens and came down and made his dwelling in a virgin womb without change, that in it he might refashion corrupted Adam as he cried, ‘Glory to your epiphany, my Redeemer and my God!’
Tone 5.By Monk John.
Magi, Persian Kings, having clearly learnt that the heavenly King had been born on earth, drawn by a bright star arrived in Bethlehem, bringing chosen gifts, gold and incense and myrrh. And falling down they worshipped, for they saw lying in the Cave the Timeless as a babe.
Both now.
Tone 6.By Germanos.
All the Angels in heaven dance and rejoice today, while all creation leaps for joy for the Saviour Lord who has been born in Bethlehem; because all the error of idols has ceased and Christ reigns to the ages.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera.
By Germanos. Tone 2.
A great and mighty wonder has been accomplished today! A Virgin gives birth and her womb suffers no corruption; the Word takes flesh and is not separated from the Father. Angels with Shepherds give glory, and we cry out with them, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth!’
The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’.Today the Virgin gives birth to the Maker of all. Eden offers a cave and a star reveals Christ, the Sun, to those in darkness. Enlightened by faith, the Magi worship with gifts, and Shepherds see the wonder, while Angels sing in praise and say, ‘Glory to God in the highest!’
From the womb before the morning star I have begotten you.The same. By Anatolios.
When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, Magi came from the East and worshipped God become man. Eagerly opening their treasures, they offered precious gifts, refined gold, as to the King of the ages, and incense, as to the God of all things; while as to one dead for three days, myrrh to the Immortal. Come all you nations, let us worship the One who was born to save our souls.
Tone 4.By Monk John.
Jerusalem be glad and all you who love Sion keep festival. Today the ancient bond of Adam’s condemnation has been loosed; Paradise has been opened for us and the serpent vanquished, for he now sees that the one he trampled on of old has become the Mother of the Creator. O the depth of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! The one who was the cause of death for all flesh, the instrument of sin, has, through the Mother of God, become the source of salvation for all the world. For a child, is born from her, the All-perfect God, and through his birth he seals her Virginity, loosing the bonds of sins through swaddling clothes; and through his becoming a child, he heals the pangs of Eve in childbirth. Therefore let all creation dance and leap for joy, for Christ has come to call it back and to save our souls.
Both now.
The same.By Anatolios.
Your made you dwelling in a cave, Christ our God, a manger received you, while Shepherds and Magi worshipped you. Then was the proclamation of the Prophets fulfilled; and the Angelic Powers marvelled, as they cried out and said, ‘Glory to your condescension, only lover of humankind!’
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
Your Nativity, Christ our God, has made the light of knowledge dawn on the world, for by it those who adored the stars were taught by a star to worship you, the Sun of justice, and to know you the Dayspring from on high. Lord, glory to you!
1 Jan. Circumcision of Jesus Christ and Basil the Great.
At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm we recite the 1st section of Blessed is the man. At
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3 of the Feast and 3 of the Saint.Idiomel Stichera of the Feast.
Tone 4.
The Saviour in coming down to aid the human race accepted circumvolution in swaddling clothes; he did not abhor circumcision of the flesh, when eight days old in respect of his Mother, without beginning in respect of his Father. To him let us believers cry aloud: You are our God; have mercy on us. (
Twice)The same Tone.
God, the supremely good, was not ashamed to be severed by circumcision of the flesh, but gave us himself as a type and example to all for salvation. For the Maker of the Law fulfils the requirements of the Law and the sayings of the Prophets concerning him. You who hold all things in the hollow of your hand and were wrapped in swaddling clothes, Lord, glory to you!
Prosomia of the Saint.
Tone 4. Called from the highest.
Called by a name which means royal, when you had shepherded the royal priesthood, the holy nation of Christ with true wisdom and knowledge, Father, then the king of kings and Lord of all, the Son eternally of one mind and without beginning with his Begetter, adorned you, Basil, with a diadem of the kingdom; implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Dazzling in the robes of high priesthood, you proclaimed with joy the Gospel of the kingdom, Basil, pouring out for the Church teachings of orthodoxy; now enlightened by them we confess one Godhead in a Father almighty, an only-begotten Word of God and a divine Spirit, and we glorify it, inseparable in Three Persons; Implore this one Godhead to save and enlighten our souls.
United and dwelling with the heavenly choirs, whose life you rivalled, Father Basil, by the radiant sincerity of your way of life, as you lived among those on earth like one without flesh while still in the body, implore Christ our God to save those who delight in your teaching, inspired by God, from dangers and the darkness of ignorance, and to enlighten our souls.
Tone 8. By Anatolios.You became a lover of wisdom, Venerable Father, and, preferring a life lived in companionship with God to all existing things, you abandoned concern for death, as befitted your life; for having destroyed for yourself the passions of the flesh by labours of self-mastery and by care for the Law of God, having kept dignity of your soul unenslaved by an abundance of virtue, you subdued all fleshly thought by the spirit; and so, having hated the flesh and the world and ruler of the world, as you stand before Christ, ask for our souls his great mercy.
Both now
The same Tone.The Saviour in coming down to aid the human race accepted circumvolution in swaddling clothes; he did not abhor circumcision of the flesh, when eight days old in respect of his Mother, without beginning in respect of his Father. To him let us believers cry aloud: You are our God; have mercy on us.
Entrance, the prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.
The Reading is from Genesis.
17:1-14]The Lord appeared to Abram and said to him: I am your God. Be well pleasing before me and be blameless. I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly; and you will be the father of a multitude of nations. And your name will not be called Abram, but you will be Abraham, because I have established you as father of many nations. And I will increase you greatly, and I will establish you for nations, and kings will come forth from you. And I will set my covenant between me and you, and between your seed after you for their generations for an eternal covenant, and I will be their God. And Abraham fell upon his face and worshipped the Lord. And God said to Abraham: You are to keep my covenant and your seed after you to their generations. And this is the covenant which you are to keep between me and between your seed after you to their generations. Every male among you shall be circumcised; and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between me and you all. And every male child among you shall be circumcised at eight days for your generations. And an uncircumcised male, that is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin on the eighth day, that soul shall be destroyed from its race; because it has rejected my covenant.
The Reading is from Proverbs.
8:22-30]The Lord created me the beginning of his ways for his works. Before the age he founded me, in the beginning before he made the earth. And before he made the deeps and before the springs of waters came forth. Before the mountains were established and before all the hills he begets me. The Lord made countries and uninhabited places and the high inhabited parts of the earth. When he was preparing the heaven I was present with him, and when he marked out his throne upon the winds. When he strengthened the clouds above and secured the springs of the earth under heaven; when he gave his commandment to the sea, and the waters will not transgress his order; and when he was making the foundations of the earth, I was by him arranging all things. I was that in which he delighted; and daily I rejoiced in his presence at every moment.
The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon.
The mouth of a just man distils wisdom; the lips of men know graces. The mouth of the wise meditates wisdom; justice delivers them from death. When a just man dies hope is not lost; for a just son is born for life, and among his good things he will pluck the fruit of justice. There is light at all times for the just, and they will find grace and glory from the Lord. The tongue of the ise knows what is good, and wisdom will take its rest in their hearts. The Lord loves holy hearts; while all who are blameless in the way are acceptable to him. The wisdom of the Lord will enlighten the face of the understanding; for she anticipates those who desire her before they know it, and is easily contemplated by those who love her. One who rises for her at dawn will not toil, and one who keeps vigil because of her will be without care. For she goes about seeking those who are worthy of her, and shows itself favourably to those in the ways. Wickedness will never prevail against wisdom. Because of this I too became a lover of her beauty and became her friend, and I sought her out from my youth, and I sought to take her as my bride; because the Master of all things loved her. For she is an initiate of the knowledge of God one who chooses his works. Her toils are virtues; she teaches sobriety and prudence; justice and courage, than which nothing is more useful in human life. If anyone longs for much experience, she knows how to compare things of old and things that are to come. She knows the twists of words and the explanations of riddles; she foresees signs and wonders and the outcomes of seasons and times. And to all she is a good counsellor. Because immortality is in her, and fame in the fellowship of her words. Therefore I appealed to the Lord and besought him and said from my whole heart: God of my Fathers and Lord of mercy, who made all things by your word, and established humanity by your wisdom to be master over the creatures that had come into being by you, and to order the world in holiness and justice; give me Wisdom who sits by your throne, and do not reject me from among your children, for I am your servant and the son of your maid servant. Send her out from your holy dwelling and from the throne of your glory, that she may be present and teach me what is pleasing before you. And let her guide me with knowledge and guard me with her glory. For all the thoughts of mortals are wretched and their ideas are unstable.
At the Liti. The idiomel of the Saint of the Monastery and the following idiomel stichera.
Tone 3. By Germanos.
You made Christ, the source of life, dwell in your soul through your pure life, Basil, teacher of mysteries, and so you poured out rivers of orthodox doctrines for the inhabited world; watered from which the faithful people of the Church offers grace, as the fruit of lips that confess, to him who has glorified your memory to age on age.
The same Tone.
Myrrh of the grace poured out upon you anointed you to minister the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven, Basil revealer of God; for you became a sweet fragrance of Christ and filled the inhabited world with the scent of his knowledge; and so receiving the voices of your servants with kindness, ask for us who honour you his great mercy.
By Vyzas. The same Tone.
Wrapped in the priestly robe, Basil, champion of the Trinity, you took your stand before the judge's throne, braving danger for the faith; and having displayed an athlete's determination you shamed the fury of the Governor, who vaunted in the might of impiety; and you preferred the excision of your inner parts to him who zealously threatened such things; and becoming a Martyr by choice, you have been bound with a garland of victory by Christ, who has great mercy.
Tone 6.Grace was poured out on your lips, Venerable Father, and you became shepherd of Christ's Church, teaching the rational sheep to believe in a consubstantial Trinity in one Godhead.
Both now.
Of the Feast. Tone 8.The Saviour in coming down to aid the human race accepted circumvolution in swaddling clothes; he did not abhor circumcision of the flesh, when eight days old in respect of his Mother, without beginning in respect of his Father. To him let us believers cry aloud: You are our God; have mercy on us.
Aposticha. Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By Vyzas.
O godly and sacred bee of Christ’s Church, all-blessed Basil; for you armed yourself with the sting of divine longing and wounded the blasphemies of heresies hated by God; and you treasured up for the souls of the faithful the sweetness of true religion; and now, as you pass through the divine meadows of inviolate pasture, remember us also as you stand before the consubstantial Trinity.
The same Tone.
My tongue will speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart understanding.By Monk Basil.
You have received the imprint of the virtues of all the Saints, our Father Basil: the meekness of Moses; the zeal of Elias; the confession of Peter; the theology of John; like Paul you do not cease to cry out: Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalised, and I am not on fire? Therefore as you now dwell with them, intercede that our souls may be saved.
2nd Tone.
The mouth of the just will meditate wisdom; and his tongue speak judgement.By Monk John.
When you had meditated on the nature of what exists and observed the instability of all things, you found the only unmoved Being, the Creator of all things who is above being; to him you attached yourself and cast away the longing for things which are not. Intercede that we too may find divine longing, Basil teacher of mysteries.
Tone 6.You received the grace of wonders from heaven and held up to public scorn the error of idols by your doctrines, and so you are the glory and support of High Priests, all-blest Basil, and the pattern of the teaching of all the Fathers. As you have boldness towards Christ, implore him that our souls may be saved.
Both now.
Tone 8.God the supremely good was not ashamed to be severed by circumcision of the flesh, but gave us himself as a type and example for all for salvation. For the Maker of the Law fulfilled the requirements of the Law and the sayings of the Prophets concerning him. You who hold all things in the hollow of your hand and were wrapped in swaddling clothes, Lord, glory to you!
Apolytikion of the Saint. Tone 1.
Your sound has gone out into all the earth, for it has received your word, through which you taught in a manner fitting God; the nature of what exists you made clear; you set in order the conduct of mankind; O Royal Priesthood, venerable Father, intercede with Christ God to grant us his great mercy.
Another, of the Feast.
Tone 1. Citizen of the desert.
Without change you took a human form, by nature being God, O most compassionate Lord; and fulfilling the Law, you willingly accepted circumcision in the flesh, that you might banish shadows, and strip away the covering of our passions. Glory to your goodness; glory to your compassion; glory to your ineffable condescension, O Word!
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma. Tone 5.
The Word without beginning.
Let us all praise Basil as a royal adornment of Christ’s Church, the inexhaustible treasury of doctrines; for he through these has taught us to reverence a holy Trinity, united by being, but distinct by persons.
Tone 5. Your tomb, O Saviour.Wise Basil, as you stand before the Trinity, implore that we, who sing your praise and honour your memory, may on the day of judgement receive grace, mercy and pardon of offences; that with mouth and heart we may glorify the only lover of humankind.
Both now.
Of the Feast. Same melody.The Maker of the world and the Master of all things, who exists above with the Father and the Spirit, is circumcised on earth as a babe of eight days. Truly your works are divine and wondrous! For you, Master, as fulfilment of the Law, are circumcised for our sake.
After the 2nd reading, Kathisma.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Drawing out in a manner fitting God the mystical wealth of ineffable wisdom, you have treasured up for all streams of orthodoxy, which with divine inspiration delight hearts of the believers, but fittingly drown the doctrines of the unbelievers. Therefore through both by exertions of true religion you were revealed as an invincible champion of the Trinity. High Priest Basil, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
The same.Both now.
Of the Feast. Tone 4.As you are the depth of love for humankind, Master, you put on the form of the slave and were circumcised in the flesh, granting to all humankind your great mercy.
After the Polyeleos, of the Saint.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
By the power of the divine words you destroyed the gloomy heresies, sank all the insolence of Arius; for to mortals you preached the Spirit as God, and by the stretching out of your hands you put enemies to death, dispelled all the service of Sabellios; and abolished all the ideas of Nestorios. High Priest Basil, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
The same melody.The grace of your godlike words and the mystical elevation of your doctrines has become for a ladder of divine ascent, Father; for you gained a spiritual trumpet and by it proclaimed the divine teachings. Therefore you have made your dwelling in a place of green pasture and obtained the reward of your struggles. High Priest Basil, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
Both now.
The same melody.The Master and Maker of all things, taking flesh from your immaculate womb, revealed you as protectress of humankind, All-blameless Lady; therefore we all fly to you for refuge, asking pardon of offences, and to be rescued from everlasting punishment and every outrage of the dread ruler of the world; therefore we cry out to you: intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who worship your all-holy birth giving.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon of the Tone 4.
Prokeimenon. 4th Tone.
My mouth with speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart understanding.
Hear this, all you Nations; give ear all you dwellers upon earth.Let everything that has breath.
Gospel according to John.
Psalm 50.
Glory. At the prayers of the High Priest.Both now. At the prayers of the Mother of God.
Then the Idiomel. Tone 6.
Grace was poured out on your lips, Venerable Father, and you became shepherd of Christ’s Church, teaching the rational sheep to believe in a consubstantial Trinity in one Godhead.
The Canons of the Feast and of the Saint.
The Canon of the Feast.
A Composition by Stephanos.
Ode 1. Tone 2. The Irmos.
’Come, you peoples, let us sing a song to Christ God, who parted the sea and guided the people he had taken from the slavery of the Egyptians; for he has been glorified’.
The eighth day, which bears the image of the age to come, is made radiant and hallowed, O Christ, by your voluntary poverty; for on it you were circumcised in the flesh according to the law.
Christ receives circumcision on the eighth day from his birth; and today he reduces its shadow by making the light of the new grace dawn.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
A composition of John of Damascus.
Yours is the voice that should have been with those who wish to undertake your praises, Basil; but as you judge kindly, Father, grant us grace ungrudgingly.
You disciplined the passionate surging of the tyrannous flesh by your love of the philosophic life; and so you dwell in undefiled palaces, Father Basil.
You walked the rough way of the virtues and so you attained the smooth and undisturbed floor of heaven, and have been revealed, Basil, as a model for all.
Effectively you circumcised the passions of both the soul and body with the sword of the Spirit; while you offered yourself as a sacrifice to the Master.
You became an initiate of ineffable mysteries, Father Basil, into which you initiated the royal priesthood of Christ, making the light of the Trinity blaze out for us.
Who will be able worthily to tell forth your conception beyond understanding? For you gave birth in the flesh to God, O All-holy, who has appeared to us as Saviour of us all.
’The Lord mighty in wars uncovered the foundations of the deep and led his servants through dry ground, covering their opponents in the deep; for he has been glorified’.
’Israel trod the storm-tossed surging of
The sea, as dry land once again revealed.
While the black waters utterly concealed
Egypt’s chief captains in a watery grave,
Through strength most mighty of the Master’s hand’.
Ode 3. The Irmos.
’Establish us in you, O Lord, who slew sin by a tree, and plant your fear in the hearts of us who sing your praise’.
The Word, who is beyond being, became incarnate and was circumcised to bring the Law to an end; but he has given us the first fruits of divine grace and unsullied life.
Fulfiller of the Law, as being not hostile to God, Christ was revealed as incarnate, and vouchsafed willingly to be circumcised on the eighth day.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
When you had become filled with all learning, no only that which is below and well-worn, but even more that which better, you were revealed, Basil, as a light for the world.
Grounded in the fear of the Lord; for this is the beginning of wisdom; you were given wings by the love of the better wisdom, O Basil.
Basil you wisely you took the path of practice and showed practice to the path to more divine contemplation, and you were clearly initiated into the knowledge of things that are.
Your commemoration, Father, coincided and shone out together with the Christ’s nativity; the ineffable mystery of which you made manifest by your teachings.
Without seed you conceived in the womb, and you gave birth ineffably to God, on whom, pure Ever-virgin, the Powers of heaven dare not look.
’The Lord who gives strength to our Kings, and exalts the horn of his anointed ones, is born of a Virgin; but now is coming for Baptism; and so let us, the faithful, cry aloud: None is holy as our God, and none is righteous but you, O Lord’.
’All we who have been freed from ancient snares,
Ravening lions too, whose jaws are smashed,
Let us rejoice, and open wide our mouths,
Weaving from words a song now for the Word,
Whose pleasure is bestowing gifts on us’.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Opening your mouth with God’s word, you uttered wisdom, Herald of light, and sowed in the inhabited world thought inspired by God; You truly confirmed the doctrines of the Fathers and appeared in the manner of Paul a champion of the faith. Therefore you are a fellow citizen of the Angels, and have been declared their companion, blest Saint. Basil, revealer of heaven, intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
Tone 3. Of godly faith.You watered the whole inhabited world by your teachings, as by water, sowing doctrines in it; for Christ the source of life truly took his rest in you, Basil; as you have gained boldness, O inspired by God, implore him to grant us his great mercy.
Both now.
Today the Virgin.The Lord of all things undergoes circumcision, and as he is good circumcises mortals’ faults; today he gives salvation to the world, while in the highest the Creator’s high priest and bearer of light rejoices, Basil the great initiate of Christ.
Ode 4. The Irmos.
’I heard the report of your dispensation, Lord, and I glorified you, only lover of humankind’.
Circumcision has ceased since Christ was willingly circumcised, saving the multitudes of the nations by grace.
The eighth day, on which the master Christ was circumcised, is an image of the unending life of the age to come.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
As the Bride, the Church, is made lovely by the birth of Christ, so too she is by your memory, O all-blessed.
Proud to be a child of God, Basil, devoutly you did not lower the Godhead to be a creature.
Unhumbled you appeared allied to God, Basil, for by his command you were humbled to all.
You have been given to the Church by God as a palisade and stout wall, Basil all-blessed.
To those opposed to God you appeared as a cutting axe and a fire consuming deception, Father Basil.
We implore you, Immaculate, who conceived God without seed, to intercede for ever for your servants.
The one whom you called: A Voice crying in the wilderness, heard your voice, Lord, when you thundered upon many waters, bearing witness to your Son. Wholly filled with the Spirit that was present, he cried out: You are Christ, Wisdom and Power of God.
’Cleansed by the torch of mystic contemplation,
Mortals’ renewal now a Prophet sings,
Making his voice, by Spirit struck, ring out,
Telling of Word ineffable made flesh,
By whom the strength of mighty ones was smashed’.
Ode 5. The Irmos.
’Giver of the light and maker of the ages, Lord, guide us by the light of your commands; for we know no other God but you’.
From a Virgin Mother, Lord, you came forth beyond explanation, and did not disdain to clothe yourself in mortals’ form, so as a babe in accordance with the law you fulfilled the Law.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Truly the Church holds a double feast today: of the Circumcision as a babe of the Master who appeared on earth, and of the memory of a wise and thrice-blessed servant.
Christ the light beyond understanding dwelt in you, venerable Father, and revealed you as a torch of light for the world; and so we sing the praise of your memory, Basil.
Not Moses the giver of the Law, nor Joseph before the Law was a distributor of nourishment like you; for you, Basil, were revealed as host at the banquet of God’s flesh.
The Genesis of the universe, dimly recounted to Moses on Sinai, you interpreted to all unfolding it from divine treasuries, Basil all-blessed.
To you, who gave birth to Christ, the creator of the universe, we cry: Hail, Pure One! Hail, who made the Light dawn for us! Hail, who contained the God who cannot be contained.
Jesus, the Prince of life, has come to abolish the condemnation of Adam the first-formed; for though as God he has no need of cleansing, for the fallen he is cleansed in Jordan; in which he slew the enmity and grants the peace which passes all understanding.
’Washed by the cleansing of the Spirit from
The poison of the dark and filthy foe,
We set out on a new, unerring path
To gladness unattainable, that those
Alone whom God has reconciled attain’.
Ode 6. The Irmos.
’A final abyss of sins has surrounded me, but as you did the Prophet Jonas, Lord, Lord, bring me up from corruption’.
The Law has come to an end since Christ became an infant, and revealed as the fulfiller of the Law he accepted circumcision and abolished the curse of the Law.
Sabbaths and Circumcision, the proud boast of the Hebrews, have ceased now that Christ has been made manifest, and the spring of grace has shone.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Unstintingly you nourished souls of the poor that were wasted by famine, and you filled the hearts of those who hungered, Basil, with every godly joy.
With the bee’s love of toil, Basil, you gathered every flower of virtue; and becoming skilled in them you are called blessed.
You hastened to break free of the world and to live your life with God; and so Father Basil, in wisdom you have gained things that abide for things that are transient and unstable.
A bush on Sinai that clung to fire unburned prefigured you, a Mother ever-virgin, O Mary without bridegroom Mother of God.
The voice of the Word, the lampstand of the Light, the morning star, the Forerunner of the Sun, cried out in the wilderness to all the peoples: Repent and be cleansed; for see, Christ is near, who ransoms the world from corruption.
’The Father’s joyful voice made manifest
The Dear One, that he from the womb had uttered,
In truth, he said, this is my offspring of
The selfsame nature. From the human race
He, bringing light, has sprung, my living Word,
By providence divine a mortal man.’
Kontakion. Tone 4. Today you have appeared
Today you have appeared to the inhabited world, and your light, O Lord, has been signed upon us, who with knowledge sing your praise: You have come, you have appeared, the unapproachable Light.
The Ikos.
Bowl of temperance, mouth of wisdom and foundation of doctrines, Basil the Great shines spiritually for all. Come then, let us stand in the house of God, gazing fervently and delighting in his wonders; and so made radiant by their light as by great brilliance, we may be warmed by the purifying spirit of his way of life, imitating his faith, his zeal and his humility; through which he was revealed as truly a house of God; to whom we cry out, as we sing his praise: venerable Father Basil, Revealer of heaven.
January, which has 31 days.
The day has 10 hours, the night 14.
On the 1st of the month we celebrate the Circumcision according to the flesh of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
When Christ was circumcised, Law was cut off;
The Law cut off, at once grace entered in.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Father among the Saints Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
Lives Basil, for his death was in the Lord.
Lives he with us, as speaking from his books.
Basil, you died on the first on the month that is named after Janus.
On the same day the holy Martyr Theodotos died by the sword.
Says Theodotos I am not content
Unless my head is cut off for God’s sake.
On the same day, Saint Gregory, father of Saint Gregory the Divine, died in peace.
Father you were enriched when at your death
Your eulogy was spoken by your son.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us.
Ode 7. The Irmos.
’When the golden image was being worshipped in the plain of Deira, your three Youths despised the godless decree; but cast into the midst of the fire, they were refreshed by dew and sang: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers’.
The nativity of Christ is all radiant and bright, and traces out today the mystery of the renewal of the age to come; because by the regulation of the Law the Saviour is circumcised , not as God, but as a mortal and the fulfilment of the Law.
Fulfilling the Law the Maker of the Law is today willingly circumcised in the flesh, bringing about the circumcision of the winter of sin, and granting grace to cry: Blessed are you the God of our Fathers.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
The Son, the image of the Father, and the Spirit of the Son have appeared; while you, O Basil, are an unsullied mirror of the Spirit and a house for the whole Trinity; blest is your memory; and those who glorify it are glorified in return.
Sinking your mind deep into the unfathomable depths of God, and gathering the pearl of knowledge of great price, you enriched the world with wisdom and taught it to cry: Blessed are you the God of our Fathers.
O harmony of mind, sacred pair, soul as one though separated in two bodies, united by godly love, Basil in Gregory and Gregory, now intercede with Christ on behalf of your flock.
Father of orphans, defender of widows, wealth for paupers, consolation of the weak, pilotage for those with wealth, staff of old age, guidance of youth and rule of virtue for monks you have been declared, O Basil.
Cleansing your mind of every miry defilement, Basil, you looked deep into the things of the Spirit by the Spirit which you longed for; therefore as you praised the Trinity, you cried with boldness: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
Moses foresaw you on Mount Sinai as a bush that flamed, Pure Virgin, who bore within you unconsumed the unendurable radiance of the ineffable Being, united to the solidity of one flesh of the two natures in it.
’The whistling wind of dew and the descent of God’s Angel preserved the devout youths unharmed as they walked in the fiery furnace; therefore, refreshed with dew in the flame, they sang in thanksgiving: O highly exalted, the Lord and God of our Fathers, blessed are you’.
"He burned the heads of dragons in the stream,
Who once within the furnace stilled the flame,
Which leapt high in the air around the youths.
While with the Spirit’s dew he washes clean
The mist hard to restrain that comes from sin’.
Ode 8. The Irmos.
"God the Word, who sustains all things by his ineffable wisdom and brought them out of nothing into being, bless him as Lord, all you works of the Lord".
On the eighth day the Master is circumcised as a babe and receives the name Jesus, because he is the Saviour of the world and Lord.
The all-glorious memory of the High Priest is fittingly linked with the nativity of Christ; as we honour it with faith we hymn the Lord.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
Him who gave Basil to the world in his ineffable providence as a light of true religion and trumpet of theology, bless him, as Lord, all you works of the Lord.
Him, who with abundant activity made his dwelling in wise Basil, and through him preached true theology, bless him, as Lord, all you works of the Lord.
We, who unceasingly enjoy your godlike words, Basil, as we keep festival in your memory, cry out: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.
You sent out into the world, Basil, the beams of your words, which lighted it to honour one nature of the Trinity, as it cried: You his works, bless the Lord.
God the Word, who came forth from the Father before the ages and beyond time, and who in these last days dawned from a Virgin, bless him, as Lord, all you works of the Lord.
’The furnace in Babylon, as it poured forth dew, revealed a marvellous mystery: that the Jordan was about to receive in its streams immaterial fire and contain the Creator as he was baptised in the flesh; whom peoples bless and highly exalt to all the ages’.
’Creation knows that it has been set free;
Those once in darkness are now sons of light.
Alone the captain of the darkness groans.
The whole inheritance of nations that
Was once in misery, blesses the cause.’
Ode 9.
Sung in this Ode. Tone 2.
Magnify, O my soul, her who is greater in honour and more glorious than the hosts on high. (
Twice).Magnify, O my soul, him was circumcised in the flesh according to the Law.
Magnify, O my soul, him who received circumcision on the eighth day.
Today the Master is circumcised in the flesh as babe, fulfilling the Law.
Today the Master was circumcised in the flesh and was named Jesus.
Others for the Canon of the Saint.
Magnify, O my soul, Basil the Great, among the Hierarchs.
Magnify, O my soul, Basil, the Great, of Caesarea.
Magnify, O my soul, the shining beacon of the inhabited world.
Magnify, O my soul, one who has adorned the Church of Christ.
Magnify, O my soul, the might of the three-personned and undivided Godhead.
Both now.
Magnify, O my soul, her who rescued us from the curse.
The Irmos.
’From your virgin womb you ineffably gave a body to God who dawned as the beacon before the sun, and who dwelt among us in the body, O blessed, all-pure Mother of God, we magnify you’.
Passing beyond the bounds of all human nature, Christ is born of a Virgin, and as the letter of the law lays down is circumcised in the flesh and shown to be one who fulfils the Law.
Come, let us with holiness celebrate the festival of the glorious name day of the Master, Christ; for in a manner fitting God he is called Jesus today; with this let us also magnify the memory of the Hierarch.
Of the Saint. The same Irmos.
As a faithful sheep of Christ the Chief Shepherd you followed, Basil, in his life-bearing steps; for you for you gave up your soul, all-blessed Father, to the tyrant, nobly braving danger for the Church.
When he perceived the most sacred body of Christ’s Church adorned by your high priesthood, wise Basil, the all-destructive tyrant fell, struck by lightning; for he could endure the beam of the Spirit that was in you.
You were counted worthy, Basil, of the throne of the Apostles, the choir of Christ’s Champions, the tent of the Patriarchs, the delight of the Just and the choir of the Prophets; for you became an initiate of the Mother of God and a worshipper of the Trinity.
The Lord, who alone covers his upper chambers with the waters, reins back the sea and dries up the deeps, taking flesh from you, pure Virgin, hastens from Bethlehem to Jordan, to be baptised in the flesh.
’Every tongue is at a loss to praise you worthily; even a spirit above the world reels to sing your praise, Mother of God; but as you are good, accept our faith, for you know our love inspired by God; for you are the protectress of Christians; we magnify you’.
’O how the wonders of your giving birth
Surpass the mind, pure Bride and blessed Mother.
Through whom we have obtained entire salvation,
Rightly we praise you as our benefactress,
Bringing as gift to you, a hymn of thanks’.
By the sacred Spirit.
With love of true love of wisdom, Father, you circumcised the covering of your soul and were revealed to the world as a sun by your wonders, and flooded the minds of the faithful with light, O Basil, worshipper of the Trinity and initiate of the Mother of God.
Of the Feast. The same melody.
The Creator of the ages, who fulfilled the law as a babe of eight days, is circumcised in the flesh; and he is wrapped in swaddling clothes as a mortal and he is nourished with milk, who holds all things by his infinite strength as God, and ends them in an instant.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia.
Tone 5.
He who was born ineffably from the Father without division and without change as Word and God from God, abiding in unaltered Godhead, undergoes Circumcision in the flesh; and so, in accordance with the Law he who is beyond the Law ransoms all from the curse of the Law and grants the blessing from on high. Therefore as we sing our praise we hymn his supremely loving condescension and give glory with thanksgiving, as we implore him that our souls may be given his great mercy.
When by adoption you had become a son of God, by the rebirth of divine Baptism, you confessed that he who is in nature and truth and before the ages the Son and Word of God is consubstantial with the Father and like him without beginning, Venerable Father; and by the splendour of your words you fenced the ungated mouths of heretics. Therefore you have come to dwell in the palaces on high, where you reign with Christ, who alone reigns by nature, and who distributes richly to the world his great mercy.
You entered within a heavenly Temple as a sacred Hierarch, wearing, like a holy robe, action and contemplation, the beginnings of wisdom, and now, as you act as priest at the altar on high, Venerable Father, and perform the immaterial liturgy, remember, compassionate, all-blessed Basil, those who celebrate your sacred and all honoured memory, as you intercede with Christ, who grants the world his great mercy.
Wholly consecrated to God, and from childhood dedicated to him in every way, irradiated by the rays of the wisdom beyond wisdom, you made clear the knowledge of what exists; radiantly explaining and wisely expounding the orderly arrangement of what exists, setting out the principles of a more godlike knowledge. Therefore we proclaim you to be a godlike Teacher, inspired by God, a light-bearing Beacon of the Church, as we sing the praise of Christ, who grants the world his great mercy.
Tone 6.Grace was poured out on your lips, Venerable Father, and you became shepherd of Christ’s Church, teaching the rational sheep to believe in a consubstantial Trinity in one Godhead.
Both now.
Of the Feast. Tone 8.The Saviour in coming down to aid the human race accepted circumvolution in swaddling clothes; he did not abhor circumcision of the flesh, when eight days old in respect of his Mother, without beginning in respect of his Father. To him let us believers cry aloud: You are our God; have mercy on us.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
Typika and from the Canon the 3rd Ode of the Feast and 6th Ode of the Saint.
Come let us worship... Son of God, circumcised in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!
Praise the Lord from the heavens [
as on Sundays] and The just will be held in everlasting memory.Note that on this day the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great is celebrated because of his sacred and revered commemoration.
The details of the different typika vary a good deal for the Liturgy. Some permit Antiphons instead of the Typika; some give as the Entrance chant, Son of God, wonderful in the Saints; some order the Apolytikion of the Saint of the Monastery as well as those of the Feast and Saint, that of Dionysiou simply saying, and the usual; some replace, We have seen the true light by the Apolytikion of the Feast and only prescribe one Communion chant. In all cases In you, O full of grace replaces It is truly meet.]
2 Jan. Forefeast of the Theophany
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia of the Forefeast.Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
Let us devoutly intone songs for the Forefeast of the revered Baptism of our God; for see, in flesh, as a human, he is about to approach his Forerunner and to ask for saving Baptism for the refashioning of all those who with faith receive sacred enlightenment and share in the Spirit.
Christ is revealed; God appears; David wrote it clearly in prophecy; and he comes to the slave, asking for Baptism; River Jordan, be filled with joy. Earth and sea, hills and mountains, and hearts of mortals, all of you now leap for joy, as you wait to receive the immaterial light.
O all-powerful, you are a river of peace and a stream of delight, as it written; how then will a river’s streams receive you as you go down into it naked, Lord, who wrap the heavens with clouds, stripped naked all the evil of the foe and clothed those born of earth with incorruption.
[Other Prosomia Stichera of the Saint.
Tone 8. O marvellous wonder.]
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.Christ the truth comes to the Jordan to be baptised by John, who says to him, ‘I need to be baptised by you; and do you come to me? I who am grass dare not touch the fire. But sanctify me, Master, by your divine Epiphany’.
At the Aposticha, Idiomels.
Tone 1. By Monk John.
Radiant the feast that has passed; more radiant the saving feast that draws near. The one had a Angel as the bearer of good tidings, and this found the Forerunner as the one who makes ready for it in advance. In the one, when blood was shed, Bethlehem grieved, as one who was childless; in this, when the waters were blessed, the Font was made known as source of many children. Then a Star guided the Magi, but now the Father revealed you to the world. Lord, who took flesh and are coming again made manifest, glory to you!
I will remember you from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites, from the little mountain. [Psalm 41: 7]Tone 2. By Andrew of Jerusalem.
Again my Jesus is cleansed in the Jordan, or rather cleanses our sins; for he truly comes to Baptism, wishing to wash out Adam’s record, and he says to John, ‘Come, Baptist, act as servant to the accomplishment of a strange mystery. Come, quickly stretch out your hand and touch the crown of the one who crushed the head of the dragon and opened Paradise, which the transgression had once shut, through the deception of the serpent, the tasting of the tree.
The waters saw you, Lord. The waters saw you and were afraid. [Psalm 76:17]Tone 3.
Bright was the feast that has passed, glorious the present day. In the one Magi worshipped the Saviour; while in this one called slave baptised the Master. There Shepherds, keeping watch, saw and marvelled; here the voice of the Father proclaimed the only-begotten Son
Glory. Both now.
Same Tone.Come, all believers, leaving Judea let us cross over the desert of Jordan, and there let us contemplate today the one who was manifested in flesh for our sake asking for Baptism in the streams of Jordan, the Baptism refusing and crying out in fear, ‘I dare not with a palm of clay lay my hands on fire. The Jordan and the sea have fled and been turned back, my Saviour; how then shall I place my hand upon your head, at which the Seraphim tremble? Jordan turned back when it received through Elissaios the mantle of Elias. How will it not sink into chaos and the deep, when it sees you naked in your streams? How, wholly aflame from you, will it not burn me up?’ ‘Why do you hesitate, Baptist, to baptise my Lord?’ the Jordan cries to John. ‘Why do you prevent the cleansing of many? He sanctified all creation; let him sanctify both me and the nature of the waters, for this he has been made manifest’.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
Zavoulon prepare, and make ready Nephthalim; river Jordan stand, leap for joy as you receive the Master who comes to be baptised. Adam with our Foremother be glad, do not hide yourselves as in Paradise of old; for seeing you naked, he has appeared that he may put on the first robe. Christ has appeared, as he wishes to renew the whole creation.
(x3)At Compline
We sing the following Triode, of which the Acrostic is.
On Monday.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos.
‘To the Lord who by his divine command dried up the pathless raging sea and guided the Israelite people through it on foot let us sing; for he has been greatly glorified’.
The ineffable condescension of the Creator shone previously from a Virgin and shed light on the world; Christ himself again about to accomplish another mystery, is coming for the rebirth of mortals in Jordan.
About to act as servant of a fearful work the Forerunner, the voice of the Word, is now drawing near to Jordan; the One rich in Godhead, Christ, has come to make beggared Adam rich through the Spirit by the gift of Baptism.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The unwearied fire, nurtured by limitless fuel shuddered at the unsullied body, close companion of the soul, of the docile youths, and gave way; while as the ever-living flame died down a hymn that lives for ever was being raised, ‘Praise the Lord, all you his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages’’.
‘I will recognize you as my chosen vessels if the seal of my gift has been marked on you, blazing with triple light’ says Christ the Word to those who delay Baptism by the hesitation of sloth; for for this I have come, granting a new way of salvation and a life of freedom.
‘The deed that is now being accomplished in you is contrary to the natural order; for what is less is normally blessed by what is mightier. Therefore I am afraid to lay my hand on your head’, the Forerunner cried out to the Word, ‘It is not usual to bring grass close to fire. Do you rather hallow me, your servant’.
Another Diode. Same Tone. Its acrostic is:
And on Tuesday
The tyrant’s decree.
Shaking off the soul’s sleep of idleness with wakefulness of heart, let us cry out to the One who comes to cleanse souls in streams of water, ‘Bless the Lord, you works of the Lord’.
Let action in us be brought to perfection by lofty contemplation of soul, so that appearing radiant in both we may cry out to the One who cleanses all, ‘Bless the Lord, you his works’.
Let us the faithful, having adorned with practical reason by double activity our talent, offer it with faith, like servants, to the Master, who comes be baptized for the refashioning of souls.
‘The tyrant’s decree the three holy Youths did not obey, but cast into the furnace they confessed God as they sang, ‘Bless the Lord, you works of the Lord’’.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘You magnified the Mother of God who gave you birth, O Christ, from whom you our Fashioner put on a body with feelings like ours, the ransom of our faults. As all we generations call her blessed we magnify you’.
Having thrust aside every stain of passion, let us fittingly take up the wise purpose of divine Baptism; for the Creator has come to give strange cleansing by being baptized in streams of water and to show all a new transformation.
As we contemplate Christ, willingly humbling himself even to the form of a servant, let us now be humbled under his mighty hand, being raised up in spirit that by pure deeds we may honour him who is being baptized.
As the one who contained.
Having cast aside the heavy stain of sin, let us made pure look upon the Master who purifies all with divine streams.
Come, let us now, purified by streams of tears, draw near to Christ, who has come to be baptized in the river Jordan.
O Saviour now accept us who have celebrated at your Nativity with Magi and Shepherds, as we honour you who come to be baptized.
‘As the one who contained God in your womb and bore joy for the world we sing your praise, all-holy Virgin’.
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. Your tomb, O Saviour.
Wearing my poverty, my Jesus, you are approaching, mingling yourself with servants, and asking for Baptism by a slave, O Lover of mankind. Therefore, when he saw you, John cry out, ‘How shall I baptize you, who are wholly without stain, O God supremely good?’
Glory. Both now.
Same melody.Christ by his loving kindness is about to approach the streams of the river Jordan, in which he will by grace accomplish our refashioning. Godly Forerunner, receive him with joy and in the waters wash him as he wills, the only Lover of mankind.
After the 2nd reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
The rich through great compassion has become poor, wishing to make us rich who have become poor through want of self-control; he is coming to enter the streams of Jordan and to be openly baptized by John. Let us believers sing the praise of his supreme humility.
Glory Both now.
Same melody.Today the voice of Isaias has been fulfilled, who cried, `Prepare the way of the Lord, and make his paths; for, as he said, the desert-loving trumpet, famous John, summons us all. And so let us hurry together and see marvels.
Canon of the Forefeast, of which the Acrostic, without the Irmi, is the Alphabet.
A Composition by Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos.
‘To the Lord who by his divine decree dried up the pathless and tempestuous sea, and guided through it the people of Israel on foot, let us sing; for he has been greatly glorified’.
As he perceives the coming of the Lord, the godly Forerunner advances from the wilderness, openly crying out, ‘Redemption has drawn near, has appeared. Repent and be cleansed by water’.
Being baptized as I am in a tempest of sins, O Word without beginning like the Father, cleanse me wholly with the sprinkling of repentance, who ever grant redemption to believers by your baptism, through your measureless compassion.
Country of Zavoulon, as it is written, seeing the unsetting light, be made radiant; for see, it is present in Jordan’s streams, and sing the praise of the God over all things, crying, ‘Let us sing to the Lord, for he has been greatly glorified’.
Discerning the whole people drawing near, the Forerunner inspired by God, cried out to them, ‘Who has shown you to flee from the wrath to come? Saved by grace, produce the fruits of repentance’.
Ode 3. Irmos.
‘Establish us in you, O Lord, who put sin to death by a tree, and plant your fear in the hearts of us who sing your praise’.
‘Christ has appeared’, cries the Forerunner, and enters the streams of Jordan’. Let us all go to meet him, enlightened with pure thoughts.
As you sought the one who had gone astray by trackless places, my God, you put on richest poverty and came to be baptized, who are the redemption of all.
Let heaven and earth now dance; the Benefactor of all is being baptized, drowning in the waters the multitude of our measureless offences.
The Irmos.
‘Plant your fear, Lord, in the hearts of your servants, and be the firm foundation of those who call on you in truth’.
Kathisma of the Saint.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Revealed as a river of true religion, you watered the whole earth, Silvester, with the streams of your doctrines as an inspired Hierarch; and with the showers of your wonders you washed away the stain of passions; and fittingly you have inherited a torrent of delight. We therefore, assembled, devoutly honour you today with songs and faithfully cry out to you, inspired Hierarch, ‘Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now.
Of the Feast.Tone 8. You rose from the dead.
God invisible, Word incomprehensible, you were born from the Father beyond nature and reason; while again you were born in the last times from the Virgin, not changing what you were, and you are coming now to be baptized in the streams of the Jordan in the flesh, who have been well-pleased as God to save the human race.
Ode 4. Irmos.
‘You have come from a Virgin, not an envoy, not an Angel, but the Lord himself incarnate, and you have saved the whole on me, mankind; therefore I cry to you, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord’’.
The great Forerunner marvels at your coming, Jesu our Benefactor, and abasing himself he cries, ‘You are fire, Master; do not burn me up, Lord, who am but grass’.
‘As you see me standing in these waters, John, by my own will, now draw near and baptize me, that through water I may contrive grace for the human race’.
‘I knew you, my God, hidden in a body, like the sun in a cloud. How then are you naked, now wrapping yourself in the waters?’ cried John in amazement.
‘Human nature is made resplendent and receives redemption from the darkness of sin, and from on high it is clothed with a divine tunic of incorruption by my stripping myself naked’.
Ode 5. Irmos.
‘Lord, giver of light and maker of the ages, guide us by the light of your commands; for we know no other God but you’.
Crying, ‘Repent, the Kingdom of God has drawn near’ the sacred Forerunner appeared from the desert, restoring us who had been deserted.
The Law of old and the company of the Prophets say, ‘Christ has come, by baptism refashioning us who had grown old by many offences.
‘Strange and fearsome sights I see today’ says John, ‘now the source of immortality has come forth from a little drop to ask for divine baptism’.
Ode 6. Irmos.
‘A final abyss of sins has surrounded me; but Lord, as you did Jonas, bring my life up from corruption’.
Rain down on us release from sins, O Lord, who drown the faults of the earthborn in the streams of the Jordan through your great mercy.
O Christ, who are an ocean of righteousness, you now draw near to drown the dragon in the river Jordan and to wash away Adam’s transgression.
‘How will a river’s streams contain you, O Christ, who are truly a stream of incorruption?’ cried the Forerunner, glorifying your great compassion.
The Irmos.
‘I will pour out my entreaty to the Lord and to him I will declare my afflictions; for my soul has been filled with evils and my life has drawn near to Hades; and like Jonas I beg, `O God, bring me up from corruption’’.
Kontakion. Tone 4.
Today you have appeared.
Today the Lord has come to the streams of Jordan, and cries aloud to John, ‘Do not be afraid to baptise me; for I have come to save Adam the First-formed’.
The Ikos.
I am not requiring you, O Baptist, to go beyond the limits; I do not say to you, ‘Say to me what you said to the lawless, what you urged on the sinners. Only baptize me in silence, and await what comes by Baptism. For through this you will acquire a dignity that has not been given to the Angels; for I will make you greater than all the Prophets. Not one of them saw me clearly, but only in types and shadows and dreams; while you see me standing by you of set purpose, for I have come to save Adam the First-formed’.Another, of the Saint.
Tone 4. Seeking the things on high.
Having filled your mouth with the wisdom of God, you made clear to us the knowledge of the Trinity and cast down the godlessness of tyrants with the sling of your words, Silvester. And so entreat the Lord on our behalf.
The Ikos.
Enriched with the throne of the Prince of the Apostles, you were revealed as a most wondrous Minister of God, making lovely, establishing and magnifying the Church by divine doctrines. Like a star blazing with light you give light by the light of virtues and teach us to reverence the Trinity as one undivided Godhead; and you drove out the heresies of the ill-intentioned, all-wise Silvester. And so entreat the Lord on our behalf.
On the 2nd of the same month, Commemoration of our Father among the Saints Silvester, Pope of Rome.
Magus Zambres he shames, a dead ox lives,
Silvester, Pope of Rome, though dead yet lives.
And on the month’s second day Pope Silvester breathed out his last breath.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Bishop and Martyr, Theagenes.
Theagenes, be cast into the deep;
Though drowned therein, you swim out to the stars.
On the same day Saints Theopemptos and Theodoti, the mother of the holy Unmercenaries, died in peace.
.To loose Theopemptos from bonds of flesh,
Spirits of fire, sent by God [
Theou pempsantos], drew near.By sickness Theodoti passed from life,
Who bore to life healers of sicknesses.
On the same day, the Venerable Mark the Deaf died in peace.
No words of earthly utterance did Mark hear,
Before he left earth bringing ears from earth.
On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyr Basil of Ankyra.
The roar, the gaping maw, the bite of beasts
Saint Basil’s meekness did not quail before.
On the same day Saint Sergios died by the sword.
It is not possible to say, or knowledge bear
With what joy Sergios had his head cut off.
On the same day Saint Theopistos was stoned to death.
A multitude of faithless [
apistфn] basely urgedSlew you with stones, faithful [
pistй] Theopistos.On the same day Commemoration of our Venerable Father Kosmas, Archbishop of Constantinople, the Wonderworker, of the revered Monastery of Chora.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us.
Ode 7. Irmos.
‘When the golden image was being worshipped on the plain of Deпra, your three Youths trampled down the godless decree. Cast into the midst of the fire they were bedewed as they sang, ‘Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers’’.
By the wealth of your loving kindness, O Christ, you chose to approach the waters naked, so clothing me, stripped naked by the treachery of the Boaster, with a sacred robe. I sing the praise of your compassion and I worship your wondrous dispensation.
‘What is this great dispensation of yours towards us, O Christ? What this poverty? What this ineffable condescension beyond understanding?’ said John when he saw you stripping yourself naked and commanding that you be baptized by him.
You set alight, like a lamp, your sacred flesh in the midst of Jordan and sought out the image which had been befouled by sin and the passions; and when you had found it you made it fait by your Baptism, loving Lord, therefore we sing your praise.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The God who descended into the furnace of fire to the Hebrew Youths and changed the flame to dew, all you his works sing his praise as Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
A Voice crying clearly in the wilderness, John came, turning back hearts that fervently repent to glorify the Saviour and Master as he appears in the Jordan.
Seeking to dry up the streams of the enemy’s wickedness, to repel the seas of the passions and to pour out pardon and forgiveness for the faithful, Master, you are coming to be baptized in the streams of Jordan.
Maker of hours and times, through compassion become subject to time, who shone out timelessly from the Father who is before eternity, you have come to wash away the time-old faults of all in the streams of Jordan.
‘By grace become victors over tyrant and flame, the Youths who held fast to your commandments cried out, ‘Bless the Lord all you his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages’’.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘The Word, God from God, who has come with ineffable wisdom to renew Adam, terribly fallen by eating to corruption, for us ineffably incarnate from a holy Virgin, with one accord in hymns we the faithful magnify him’.
When John saw you, O Benefactor, coming to him and in humility asking Baptism from you, he was amazed and drew back, in no way daring to touch with his hand the One who touches all the mountains and they smoke.
Like a holy swallow, harbinger of spiritual spring, the Baptist came to those in the winter of unnumbered faults and ever enduring the tempestuous gale of hostile spirits with most wicked passions.
Seeing your fruitlessness the axe of death laid to your roots as to tree threatens to fell you; do not then continue fruitless, my soul, but cry out to God with fervent repentance, ‘I have sinned, save me’.
The voice of one who cried was heard in desert hearts, ‘Be glad, Christ has come granting forgiveness to all. Be hallowed every sea, springs and rivers, valleys and lakes and all that lies beneath the sun.
‘We who have been saved through you, pure Virgin, confess you to be indeed Mother of God, as with the Bodiless choirs we magnify you’.
Women listen.
The voice of one who cries has sounded; you hills, leap for joy; dance, human race, for the Word before eternity, taking flesh as a man, has come that he may be baptized in Jordan by hands which he fashioned and to abolish the sin of the world.
Same melody.
How will a river’s streams receive you, Lover of mankind, who made from nothing rivers and seas? How will the Forerunner dare to lay his hand on your immaculate head, Master? Trembling we sing the praise, O Word, of the height of your poverty.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing Prosomia, of which the acrostic, until the 5th of the month, is:
Song of Theophanes for the Lights.
Tone 8. The Angelic Powers.
Go on, Angelic Powers, from Bethlehem to Jordan’s streams. Leaving the wilderness behind. John draw near. River rejoice and make ready. Let all the earth be glad. Christ is coming to cleanse the sin of Adam, as he is compassionate.
With pure mouths and souls made clean, come, let us mystically pass over from Bethlehem and hastening with Christ to the Jordan let us, all the tribes of the earth, now sing to him as we say with faith, ‘Blessed is our God who has come; glory to you’.
Great and fearful is the mystery! That God has been made like humans and wholly without knowledge of sin the guiltless today asks to be baptized by John in the river Jordan. Blessed is our God who has appeared; glory to you!
A flower from David, which blossomed from the Virgin, Christ has come to the streams of Jordan to wash away the sins of the Forefather in the waters. Adam, dance; Eve rejoice; let heaven be glad; let peoples say, `Blessed is our God who has come; glory to you’.
Same melody.Fearing to place his hand, with his hand he trembles; with his soul John rejoices, understanding that you have been well-pleased to incline your head, for you have taken the form of a slave, that you may deliver mortals from the slavery of the foe, as they cry, ‘Blessed is our God who has come; glory to you’.
Both now.
Same melody.Let the whole earth mystically rejoice and let the mountains prophetically leap for joy; Jordan’s stream, turn back, as it is written; tremble before the face of the Master; because God, become man, has come to cleanse all mortals of the sin of Adam.
Aposticha. Idiomel Stichera. Tone 6.
The feast of Christ’s Nativity that has passed was more radiant than the sun; the feast of his divine Epiphany that is coming is resplendent and full of light. In the former Shepherds, giving glory with Angels, worshipped God become man, while in this John touched the Master with his right hand and said with fear, ‘Sanctify me and the waters, O you who alone have great mercy’.
I will remember you from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites, from the little mountain.River Jordan prepare, for see Christ God is coming to be baptized by John, that by his Godhead he may crush the invisible heads of the dragons in your waters. Wilderness of Jordan rejoice; mountains leap for joy with gladness, for eternal life has come to call back Adam. Voice of one who cries, Forerunner John, shout aloud, ‘Prepare the ways of the Lord and make straight his paths’.
The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid.Let the wilderness of Jordan rejoice and flower like a lily; for the voice of one who cries has been heard in it, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’; for the One who weighed the mountains with a balance and the valleys with a level, the One who fills all things as God is being baptized by a slave. The One who distributes rich gifts of grace has begun to make himself poor. Eve heard, ‘In pains you will give birth to children’, but now the Virgin has heard, ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you who has great mercy’.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 8. By Anatolios.
‘John Baptist, who in the womb recognized me the Lamb, be my servant in the river, minister to me with Angels; stretch out to touch my immaculate head with your palm; and when you see the mountains tremble and Jordan being turned back, shout with them, ‘Lord, incarnate from a Virgin for our salvation, glory to you!’’
The rest of the Office of Matins as usual, and Dismissal.
3 Jan. Forefeast of the Lights.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia of the Prophet.Tone 8. Lord, though at the judgement seat.
Other Prosomia of the Martyr.
Same Tone. O marvellous wonder.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 4. By Monk John.
O marvellous wonder! He who baptizes in the Holy Spirit and in fire, is coming into the Jordan to be baptised by John; not bare God, nor simple human, but in two natures one and the same only-begotten Son. As a human he seeks baptism from a mortal, while as God he takes away the sin of the world and grants his great mercy.
Aposticha. Prosomia.
These three Prosomia, together with those for the Aposticha for Vespers on the fifth, form an acrostic of the name
JOSEPH, with the final letter doubledTone 6. You rose on the third day.
See, the enlightenment of believers, see, our atonement is about to enter the streams of the river to wash away the stain of humans’ wickedness, and to refashion us who had been crushed.
Therefore I shall remember you from the land of Jordan and Hermonites, from the little mountain. [Ps. 41:6]As the Forerunner saw you, Lord, coming and asking baptism of him, he cried out in fear: My God, my Fashioner, how may I baptise you, the undefiled?
The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid. [Ps. 76:16]Let us believers assemble in spirit to the streams of Jordan, that we may clearly see a great wonder: For the Creator of all things has appeared and been seen, and has come to be baptised.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 5.Christ our God is coming for Baptism in the river Jordan, wishing to cleanse us from our iniquities by his appearing, as he alone is good and loves mankind.
Apolytikion of the Forefeast
Zavoulon prepare, and make ready Nephthalim; river Jordan stand, leap for joy as you receive the Master who comes to be baptised. Adam with our Foremother be glad, do not hide yourselves as in Paradise of old; for seeing you naked, he has appeared that he may put on the first robe. Christ has appeared, as he wishes to renew the whole creation.
(x3)At Compline
At Compline we sing the following Triode, whose acrostic is:
On Wednesday I shall sing.
Ode 3. Tone 2. Irmos.
‘You have established me on a rock of faith; you have broadened my mouth against my foes; may spirit has been made glad by singing: None is holy as our God, and none is just but you, O Lord’.
To no purpose was Herod’s design, when he lawlessly destroyed the children who were about to gain freedom; for Christ, our Redeemer, bestows indestructible life on all.
The dread council of Herod slew the young babes of old, filling Bethlehem with blood; while now Christ comes to the Church to adopt many children through Baptism.
Another Triode, whose acrostic [including the Irmi] is:
And Pre-Sabbath.
Ode 5. Tone 6. Irmos.
‘Early will I seek you, who through compassion without change emptied yourself for the fallen, and willed to be baptised by the hand of a slave, O Word of God; grant me peace, O Lover of mankind’.
Cleansed in mind and purified by participation in the mystery of the dread dispensation, let all us believers go to meet Christ as he comes to purify us in the streams of Jordan.
See, friends, the voice of the Word, the lamp of the Sun, the friend of the Bridegroom, who cries out to the peoples: Repent, and hasten to be purified for meeting the Creator.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘When a tyrant’s word prevailed, the furnace once was heated sevenfold; in which the Youths, trampling on the King’s decree, were not consumed, but cried: All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Believers, as we shed floods of tears from our eyes, let us purify every stain of our souls, and in light we shall see the triple light of Christ who is coming to be baptised; to whom the Father will bear witness from heaven, and who will shine by the presence of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.
Christ, who takes every tear from every face, is coming near, painlessly putting an end to most painful sicknesses of souls, and by rebirth renewing humans decayed through time who sing his praise to the ages.
Souls are made holy by the God-given bath of Baptism, and the fire of the Spirit, who cleanses the passions, burns away all the matter of wretched wickedness and gives the grace to cry out in compunction: We highly exalt you, O Christ, to the ages.
Believers, shaking the sleep of wickedness from the eyelids of our souls, let us remove all evils from our hearts, and with hot tears wash our minds as ones who contemplate him who has appeared, that we may be seen glorifying Christ to the ages.
Let us not offer a harmful word of evil thoughts; but meditating on the divine word, let us approach with hymns the Word, who has appeared in flesh for our sake and enlightens those in darkness. All creation blesses him as it gives him glory to the ages.
You refuse, John, what you will swiftly do as you submit to me. Let be then for now; for thus it is fitting for us truly to fulfil all justice, said the Master to the slave. All creation blesses him as it gives him glory to the ages.
‘Holding in contempt the monument to dread Herod’s wickedness, come, let us believers go towards Jordan, that we may see Christ the Redeemer being baptised in the flesh by the Forerunner in its streams. All creation blesses him as it gives him glory to the ages’.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘With pure souls, and unpolluted lips, come, let us magnify the undefiled and most holy Mother of Emmanuel, through her offering our prayer to the One born of her: Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us’.
Let none be unfeeling and ungrateful to Christ, insulting by their disdain the long-suffering of his forbearance; but let us serve with fear and joy as we sing to him, ‘Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us’.
The Forerunner says to the peoples of the disobedient, `Who has showed you to flee the wrath that is coming, broods of vipers? Demonstrate fruits worthy of repentance then, by crying out, "Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us".
O rashness of blind ingratitude! For Christ, whom foreigners worshipped as Redeemer, honouring him with gifts, his own folk in their madness sought to slay when he appeared. Spare our souls, Christ God, and save us.
A new Adam has now appeared, setting right Adam’s destructive fall, granting wondrously through Baptism the freedom of rebirth.
Accomplishing Law and Prophets, and fulfilling justice, the Saviour now has hands laid on him by the palm of a slave, as he snatches mankind from the slavery of the foe.
A great light has shone for the Nations; a divine ray has risen for the darkened; Christ the Sun of glory has dawned for those who sat of old in the darkness of death.
The hosts of Angels encircled the Redeemer as he was being baptized in Jordan, and with trembling they hymned the great Mystery of his ineffable condescension.
Then the Irmos.
‘Greater in honour than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Word; truly the Mother of God we magnify you’.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 3. Awed by the beauty.
The one uncircumscribed in his Divinity, now circumscribed by body’s matter, is about to approach the streams of Jordan to be baptised. Let us receive him with purity of thought, for he wishes to work the refashioning of all. To him now let us cry in fear: Glory, O Christ, to your Appearing!
Glory. Both now.
Same melody.When you appeared in the Jordan, O Saviour, to be baptized in the flesh by the waters, the hosts of Angels were amazed as they looked on the Master of creation standing with a slave; from above the Father without beginning proclaimed you; and so with gladness we cry to you, Glory, O Christ, to your Appearing!
After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 5. The Word without beginning.
The Word, equal in honour with the Father and the Spirit, incarnate through pity and baptised, the Angels looking on him trembled; and the river Jordan, with reverence and with fear, was turned back, as it led us, who flowed with passions, to the height of salvation.
Glory. Both now.
Same melody.The Word without beginning with the Father and the Spirit, now taking a strange form through his compassion, is already hastening to be baptised for us; let us go to meet him with pure thought, as we cry, `Blessed are you, Christ Saviour and Benefactor, who come to sanctify us’.
Three Canons: of the Forefeast to 6, of the Prophet to 4 and of the Martyr to 4.
Of the Forefeast, of which the acrostic is the Alphabet:
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos.
‘I shall open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word for the Queen and Mother, and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.’
As you created the deeps by a command and hung the earth upon the waters, O Lord who love mankind, made lowly you come to be baptised in a river’s streams, as you wash me from the stain of passions.
By your wish, O Christ, you beggared the one who willingly beggared me by gifts of evils, as you made me rich. And you, the sinless, approach the waters of Jordan, asking for baptism.
Creating anew a world grown old by faults, O Lover of mankind, you are coming to make a strange renewal for mankind through water and the Spirit; therefore we glorify your Appearing.
David, singing in advance by the divine Spirit, cried out: What is it, sea, that you have now fled? What is it, Jordan, that you have turned back, as you look on Christ standing naked in you?
Ode 3. Irmos.
‘O Mother of God, as a living and abundant fount, establish those united in spiritual fellowship who sing hymns of praise to you, and in your divine glory grant them crowns of glory.’
Exult, thirsty desert, the whole nature of mortals, see, the water of life appears, which irrigates you most productively with grace: Christ, the refashioning of all.
For to seek me, who have gone astray by my own will, O Christ, you are approaching the waters; by being plunged in them you drown my faults, and bring me up out of the deep of every wickedness, as you are compassionate.
Going to see you stripped naked, O Word, the sun hides its rays; for you are coming to clothe me, stripped naked by the deception of the serpent, in a garment of salvation through your Baptism.
‘None is holy as the Lord, and none is righteous as our God; whom all creation hymns: None is holy but you, O Lord, the Lover of mankind.
Kathisma of the Prophet.
Tone 8.
Of the Martyr.Same melody.
Both now.
Of the Forefeast.Same Tone.
The prophetic choir, proclaiming in advance, rejoices at the Baptism of Christ, which pours forth life. Isaias cries out: Draw cleansing water! The Forefather of God writes how the sea flees before the face of God, who in his good pleasure saves the human race.
Ode 4. Irmos.
‘The Prophet Avvakoum, realising the unsearchable divine counsel of your incarnation from the Virgin, O Most High, cried out: Glory to your power, O Lord.’
Heaven and the hosts of Angels will be seized with amazement as they see you, O Christ, coming like a slave to your slave and seeking for Baptism.
John, leap for joy; for the Lord who delivers all is coming to bend down humbly beneath your hand that by divine Baptism he may exalt my who have been humbled.
Bowing the heavens you came down upon the Virgin, O Lover of mankind, and you bow your head to John as you seek for Baptism: Glory to your great compassion.
Loosing the unnumbered cords of my sins in the waters of Jordan, O Word, you are hurrying to approach and to be baptised: Glory to your great compassion.
Ode 5. Irmos.
‘The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who knew not wedlock held in your womb the God over all and gave birth to an eternal Son, who gives salvation as the prize to all who hymn you.’
Mankind gone far from God the Word of God took pity one and appeared as a man; and by divine Baptism he made it his own and brought it back to its original dignity.
Now you are coming, Giver of life, to restore to life in Jordan’s streams, us who had been declared dead by our transgressions; therefore we faithfully glorify your present Appearing and ineffable mercy.
O the astonishment of every soul as it considers your dread dispensation! How, you, who are clothed in light, wishing to refashion all things, are coming to go naked into the streams of a river?
Ode 6. Irmos.
‘Come godly-minded people, as we celebrate this divine and honoured feast of the Mother of God, let us clap our hands as we glorify the God who was born of her.’
People, who sat of old in darkness, be filled with joy as you look on the light, come to dwell among you. See, the Lord has appeared wrapped about in the streams of Jordan.
How will the Forerunner see you as you draw near and ask for divine Baptism, O Saviour? How will the streams of Jordan receive you, who are a stream of forgiveness?
Let clouds in gladness rain down spiritual joy. See, the Lord has come to be baptised, as he dispels the clouds from our hearts.
‘As you delivered the prophet from the lowest deep, Christ God, deliver me also from my faults, as you love mankind, and pilot my life, I beg.’
On the 3rd of the same month, Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Malachy.
Loudly proclaiming his angelic call,[1]
His place with Angels Malachy proclaims.
Malachy’s heart on the third of the month flew away from his members.[2]
On the same day, Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Gordios.
Who can surpass the soldier Gordios,
A stalwart hero ‘gainst the fearsome blade?
Gordios fell in the dust on the third on all sides surrounded.[3]
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father Peter the Standard-bearer, who lies in the church of St Zachary of Atroa.
On the same day, the Holy Martyrs, a mother and her two children, died by fire.
Their mother
burned, her children to the flame,Like sparrow’s nestlings, with shrill cries make speed.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us.
Ode 7. Irmos.
‘The godlike Children did not worship creation instead of the Creator, but bravely trampling on the threat of fire, rejoicing they sang: O highly exalted Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
Taking pity, Lord, through goodness you had mercy on me, crushed by faults and lying in the darkness of transgression; and you come, Lord, to be baptised in the waters of Jordan.
What is this strange sight? cried the ranks of Angels. He who made the lakes and rivers by his command is coming to be wrapped in Jordan’s streams; for by them he makes Adam new.
Your dispensation, Master, is an ineffable height, an unplumbed depth, which surpasses all the understanding of the mind: how through water and the All-holy Spirit you resmelt mortals.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.’
The voice of the Begetter from on high will bear witness that you are the consubstantial Son who go into the waters and send out upon them your blessing, O blessed Christ, and the Holy Spirit will proclaim to all that you are God incarnate.
Visible creation, dance at the Appearing of God; Angels, sing praises; Sea, be glad; Lakes and Springs, leap for joy, and Rivers mystically beat out your hymns: Christ, who makes you resplendent with his blessings, is present.
Let us chant in praise to the Lord, who has appeared in the waters and by them refashioned our brokenness and broken the heads of the invisible foes, and let us cry: You works, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
O wonder of wonders! How our God, greater than all creation, is created and fashioned from the Mother of God, and, as the only Benefactor, makes new and refashions us by his will through water and the Spirit as a most wondrous fashioning.
‘The Youths inspired by God in the furnace, trampling down error with the fire, sang the refrain: Works of the Lord, bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘Let all the earth-born bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial spirits honour and celebrate the wondrous sacred festival of God’s Mother, and let them cry: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and ever-virgin!’
See, the Lamb who takes away the faults of humanity, has come, has made his abode; and asking for Baptism he comes like a slave to the slave, as he seeks to free us, who were enslaved to the Boaster and who had lost our former beauty.
God, through goodness, has appeared manifestly in a body, and he who truly wraps the heaven in clouds is coming to wrap himself in the waters of Jordan. Let us all now feast in advance with joy his honoured Appearing.
Leap for joy, and be prepared to receive the Water that springs up to eternal life, O Jordan; you rivers dance as you now see the torrent of delight entering the streams drying up the flood of wickedness.
A day of salvation has shed its rays on us, who ever sleep in the night of the passions; for Christ the Lord, the Sun of justice, in reality and in thought, has come to bow his head to a slave and be baptised in the flesh by his own will.
The Cherubim and every heavenly nature trembles, O All-blameless, at your honoured Offspring, beyond understanding, made like us through his ineffable compassion, and baptised in the flesh. His divine Appearing we all now celebrate rejoicing.
‘The One who was revealed in advance to the Lawgiver on the mountain in fire and bush, the Offspring of the Ever-virgin for the salvation of us believers, let us magnify in never-silent hymns’.
Exapostilarion of the Forefeast.
Leaving Bethlehem, the newest wonder, let us run to Jordan with most fervent soul, and there let us contemplate the dread mystery; for in a manner fitting God my Christ has come, stripped naked, as he clothes me in a robe of the Kingdom of heaven.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia [which continue the acrostic and are sung to the same melody as yesterday].
Tone 6.
The Master, who possesses a heavenly throne, has come on earth, incarnate of the Virgin; and coming to the Jordan he asks of John the cleansing of all. Families of the whole earth, let us sing to him: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Christ, who cleanses sins, has arrived at the streams of Jordan asking for Baptism. Let the whole earth leap for joy. Let the heavens be glad. Rejoice, Church of the Nations, espoused to the King, cry aloud with faith: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Mountains, drop down the sweetness of joy; you nations now mystically clap your hands; let the desert flower; Jordan, receive; come, Baptist, serve with joy the mystery of the Redeemer; peoples, let us chant: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
The Light which shone forth from Light beyond time, has appeared to those who sat in night, and purified and enlightened the darkness of sin. Adam, dance; Eve, be glad. Christ, the Redemption, has come; David, cry out: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Same melody.A star has dawned from Jacob for the world, and taking up the flaming sin of mankind he buries it in the waters of Jordan, as he shines with the light of the Godhead and gives to the Nations the illumination of the knowledge of God. Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Both now.
The same.Christ, who is declared the fulfiller of the law, according to the flesh, has come to perfect the first-fruit of salvation upon Jordan, as he is compassionate; and he bows down his head to the Baptist, who cries out in faith: Peoples, let us cry: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Stichera at the Aposticha.
Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
Let us pass over from Bethlehem to Jordan; for there the light for those in darkness already begins to shine.
Therefore I shall remember you from the land of Jordan and Hermonites, from the little mountain. [Ps. 41:6]Land of Zavoulon, you from beyond Jordan, listen: Christ is drawing near, Salvation, Light, Redemption.
The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid. [Ps. 76:16]Make ready, too, stream of Jordan; for he who baptises with fire is drawing near to make new the crushed vessel he had fashioned.
Glory. Both now.
The same.The brightness of the Father’s glory has appeared in Jordan’s streams, cleansing by Baptism the stain of our souls.
[3] Unusually the second Saint commemorated has a hexameter noting the date. It is also in Homeric language, with tmesis and reversal of the preposition and verb in
amphitemno, and an epic phrase, ‘fall in the dust’, for ‘die’.4 Jan. Forefeast of the Lights; and Assembly of the Seventy Apostles.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Verses, and we sing Prosomia of the Apostles.Tone 4.
Other Prosomia of the Saint. Tone 2.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 3.Radiant the feast that has passed, glorious the present day. At the former the Magi worshipped the Saviour; on the latter a chosen slave baptized the Master. There Shepherds abiding in the field, saw and marvelled; here the voice of the Father proclaimed the Only-begotten Son.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
As the lamp to the Light, as the beam to the Sun, as the friend to the Bridegroom, as the Forerunner to the Word, O Prophet, give service.
Therefore I shall remember you from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites, from the little mountain. [Ps. 41:6]Illumination has come, redemption has appeared in Jordan; come, let us assemble to be cleansed and to sing the forefeast.
The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid. [Ps. 76:16]Every good thing is mine through you, Mother of God; God among men, the Light in the Jordan, and I in his light.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.Christ the truth is coming to Jordan to be baptized by John, who says to him: I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? Grass, I dare not handle fire; but sanctify me, Master, by your Appearing.
Apolytikion. Tone 3.
Holy Apostles
¼And Forefeast. Tone 4.
Zavoulon prepare
¼At Compline
At Compline, the following Canon, of which the acrostic is:
On the long Thursday, I sing a long hymn.
Ode 1. Tone 6. Irmos.
‘The Red Sea was cut by a cutting rod, while the deep nurse of waves grew dry; it became a pathway for the unarmed, and a tomb for the fully armed; while a hymn pleasing to God was sung: Christ our God has been greatly glorified’.
The infinite Wisdom of God, cause of all and productive of life, has built itself a house from a pure Mother who knew not man; now it is coming to the streams of Jordan, asking for baptism for the refashioning of mortals.
The initiating Wisdom of God is summoning all from the Nations to the light, mystically leading those who before lay in the darkness of unlit ignorance to knowledge of the truth by Baptism which purifies hearts and by the creating Spirit.
Let us now give ear to the prophetic voices as they are fulfilled through the Spirit; for Christ, who baptizes with Spirit and fire, is hurrying towards Jordan. Go towards him and be enlightened, for your faces will not be ashamed.
Ode 3. Irmos.
‘God without passions, though Lord and Creator of all things, you made yourself poor by uniting to yourself that which is created, and to the streams to which you were yourself about to come, to the peoples you cried out: Draw the water of life, and you will be established in the faith’.
You are coming, Saviour, to bestow the grace of Baptism, which delivers both souls and bodies; and so you now award us grace for grace as you cry: Draw the water of life, and you will be established in the faith.
Senseless man who knows not God; for he is destroyed by unnatural habits, he falls short of every good, and falls from every salvation; may we all, who know Christ, be delivered from his lot.
Ode 4. Irmos.
‘Foreseeing your ineffable mystery, O Christ, the Prophet cried out: You have ordained the mighty grace of Baptism for all those who receive it with faith, for the redemption of our offences’.
You are hastening for baptism, which is source of forgiveness for all mortals burdened by wicked falls and living wickedly in depravity, having promised to grant them repose of soul as you are pitying.
Participating in my flesh, you give me a part in your Divinity; for being without change of the Father you take in your hands, Saviour, what was fashioned, sin excepted, appearing as man, purifying, O Word, like by like.
Drink and anointing and Spirit are the tokens of your seal, O Saviour, and its mystic gifts, and the honours, worthy of love, of the divine gifts; for the Father has sent you, the Only-begotten, as ransom to the world.
Ode 5. Irmos.
‘Held back by the bond of fear the Forerunner now reverently begs to be allowed not to baptize, as he looks on Christ, who roofs his upper chambers in the waters, standing naked in the water’.
The Wisdom of God, which hold the boundless upper water in the air, which reins in the deeps and holds back the seas, is coming to Jordan; while he accepts Baptism from the hand of a slave.
Having taken form, Christ has come to purify the first Adam by Baptism; while he who wraps the vault of heaven with clouds and clothes himself in light, is appears naked in the streams of Jordan, and he who bears the universe is grasped by a hand.
Ode 6. Irmos.
‘The final abyss of sins has encircled me, and no longer able to endure its billows, as Jonas I cry to you, Master: Bring me up from corruption’.
Knowing you as Lord, the heavens declared your glory at your birth, O Saviour; while now the Father proclaims you the beloved Son as you are baptized.
Let everyone who bears a stain be thoroughly cleansed by founts of tears, and let them approach Christ with fear, as he advances to purify our nature by fire and the divine Spirit.
Ode 7. Irmos.
‘In Babylon the Youths did not quail at the flame of the furnace, but cast into the midst of the flame they were refreshed with dew and sang: Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our Fathers’.
Assenting to a hostile head, let no one move craftily to render wickedly to their neighbour, meditating wickedness for wickedness; but with love let us honour the Lord who has appeared.
As many of you as are friends of Christ, but a little distressed for him who has been formed and appeared like us, and who hastens to receive Baptism for the purifying of his image.
Whoever goes down with me and is entombed by Baptism, with me will enjoy glory and resurrection, Christ now promises; let us go to meet him with faith.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘The most blest Young Men in Babylon, accepting danger for their ancestral laws, scorned the irrational order of the ruler; and standing united in the fire, by which they were not smelted, they sang a hymn worthy of the Mighty One: You his works bless the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Guests of the food of God, having delighted in Bethlehem by the word and given glorified the Incarnate One with Angels, Shepherds and Magi, let us now go towards Jordan to see the great mystery which Christ has come to accomplish; him we highly exalt to all the ages.
By keeping the essential of the law and embracing the love of the Prophets let us become imitators of Christ, who through extreme love took flesh, and through Baptism reconciled us to the Father, and taught us to sing: You his works praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
He greeted with honour the one who came to cleanse the sins of all in the waters; but cast down with fear, he prevented him: For I need to be baptized by you, the friend replied to the Bridegroom, the voice to the Word, the lamp to the Sun; whom we highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘Having first tasted delight on the Master’s welcome and his immortal table in the poor Cave, now let us run to Jordan to see the strange mystery, host to the splendour from above’.
Leave Bethlehem for the country of Jordan, you who delight in wonders, and there you will see deeds mystically accomplished, and Christ advancing for Baptism; for he has taken flesh to refashion Adam.
The Creator, begotten of the Father before the ages, has been brought to birth in the last times, incarnate without change from a pure Maiden, Child of God, both God and man, as he wishes to refashion Adam through Baptism.
You have come in reality and not mere fantasy, as one among many, seeking Baptism, alone guiltless by nature; for you have come to bury the guilt of mankind by being baptized in the waters.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4.
See, Christ approaches Jordan, and cries out to the Forerunner: Come, baptize me, who cleanse every sin of the world in a river’s streams; stretch out your hand to my divine head; for I have come to heal a hand’s offence.
Glory. Both now.
Same Tone.Believers, as we look on the King and Master of the universe coming to Baptism in a manner fitting God, let us sing his praise; let us make ready the pathways of our hearts with longing, washing away the spots of dire offences; for see, he comes to save the race of mortals in the Jordan.
After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 8.
Great Baptist of the Lord, rejoice; for Christ has come to be baptized by you; you tremble as a servant, for the Master bows his head to you; touch the divine head of God who touches the universe with his hand, and in his good pleasure saves the human race.
Glory. Both now.
The same.The Canons: of the Forefeast to 6, of the Apostles to 4 and of the Saint to 4.
Of the Forefeast, of which the acrostic is the Alphabet.
Joseph.Ode 1. Tone 6. Irmos.
‘Crossing the deep on foot as on dry land, Israel saw their pursuer Pharao drowning in the deep and cried aloud: Let us sing a song of victory to God’.
Let creation rejoice, let the families of the Nations sing: Jesus, the King of all the earth, is approaching the streams of Jordan to bring bout our cleansing.
Clothed in the royal purple from virgin blood, O Lord, you are entering the streams of the river naked, as you clothe our nakedness.
Offspring though you are of the Father without beginning, O Compassionate, you are approaching simply the offspring of Zachary requesting baptism, that you make us children of God by grace.
Ode 3. Irmos.
‘None is Holy as you, O Lord my God, who have exalted the horn of your faithful, O Good one, and established me on the rock of confession of you.’
Mastering all things as God, you bear the image of a slave, and in flesh, O Pitying one, you approach a slave, so taking us from the slavery of the foe by the divine work of Baptism.
You stood in the stream, but why? What cleansing did you want? What stain did you seek to wash away, O supremely Good? I hymn, O Word, your condescension beyond understanding through your compassion.
Seeking the sheep, O Christ, which the savage wolf had scattered by guile, you have entered the streams of Jordan, as you cry to the Forerunner: Come, baptize me!
Both now.
Forefeast. Tone 1. When the stone had been sealed.When Jesus had been born of the Virgin Mary and baptized in the Jordan by John, the Spirit came down upon him, appearing in the form of a Dove; and therefore the Prophet with the Angels cried aloud and said: Glory to your coming, O Christ; glory to your Kingdom; glory to your dispensation, only Lover of mankind.
Ode 4. Irmos.
‘Christ is my power, my God and Lord, the holy Church sings in a manner fitting God, as she cries out from a pure mind and keeps festival in the Lord’.
When the stream of Jordan saw you, Lord, it was turned back; while our nature, stained by many passions, was turned up towards heaven as it worshipped you.
The sun was afraid as it saw you, O Sun, stripped naked in the flesh and filling with your rays all that nature, which had been stripped naked by dark transgression.
See, the cleansing; see, the redemption, the refashioning, the illumination of all has come to his own; let us then be made his own through pureness of life.
Ode 5. Irmos.
‘With your divine light shine, O Good One, I beg, on the souls of those who with love seek you early in the morning, that they may know you, O Word of God, as truly God, who call them back from the gloom of faults’.
Let us for Christ bear the fruit of a pure life; for he is coming, cleansing with the waters the stain of sins by grace, he the only Benefactor and Sinless One.
People, who of old sat in the darkness of difficulties, the unsetting Light has appeared to you; look, and be illumined by the divine beams, and praise the grace of him who has appeared.
Accomplishing a great mystery, O Lord of great gifts, you are coming to your greatest Forerunner, as you ineffably magnify through Baptism humanity which had been made small.
Ode 6. Irmos.
‘Seeing life’s sea rising with a tempest of temptations, as I flee to your calm haven, I cry out to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O Most merciful.’
As filled with mystic waters, as a river of peace, O only Lord, you, the only sinless one, have come to a river and ask from a little drop to be baptized.
The choir of Angels is amazed as it contemplates you stripped naked, who cover the heavens with the clouds, and it cries out: What is this, your great condescension towards humanity.
The Full has been emptied; see, the Invisible has appeared embodied. River Jordan be glad, fill your streams, that you may wash the rebirth of all.
‘Surrounded by an abyss of offences, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of your compassion: O God, bring me up from corruption’.
On the 4th day of the same month, Assembly of the holy and glorious Seventy Apostles.
The Seventy Apostles fair renowned
To praise them thus together is most fit.
And on the fourth of the month far famed are the men that I honour.[1]
On the same day, our Venerable Father Theoctistos, Superior of the monastery in Koukoumos in Sicily, died in peace.
God’s [
theou] uncreated [aktistos] Word, to TheoctistIn Eden’s verdant land his lot you give.
On the same day, six holy Martyrs did in peace.
Six radiant souls, from this life taking wing,
Now stand together with the Six-winged Minds.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs, Zosimas the Monk and Athanasios the Kommentarisios.
With Zosimas died Athanasios
Within a rock with him can sweetly live.
On the same day, Commemoration of the Venerable Apollinaria of Senatorial rank.
They take Apollinaria from earth,
For worthy was she found to dwell in heaven.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy and save us.
Ode 7. Irmos.
‘An Angel made the furnace moist with dew for the holy Youths; while God’s command consuming the Chaldeans in the flame persuaded the tyrant to cry out: Blessed are you, O God of our Fathers’.
How will the streams receive you, O Christ, who are the torrent of delight? How will the Forerunner stretch out his hand upon you, who fashioned him with your hand, and who have brought us out of the hand of the evil one?
You, Lord, are a stream of goodness; how have come to the streams of Jordan seeking waters of incorruption? To give drink to those who by the envy of the serpent had been brought under corruption by evil eating.
Let the mountains drop down gladness and the mountains leap for joy as they exult; let rivers clap their hands: Christ has appeared, has come to bury the faults of mortals in the river.
Ode 8. Irmos.
‘You made dew fall from the flames for the Holy Ones, and burnt up the sacrifice of the Just with water; for you do all things, O Christ, simply by willing them. We highly exalt you to all the ages’.
Elisaios cut the river’s streams with his cloak, foreshadowing the grace of Baptism which Christ, the only Benefactor, wrought when he entered them.
The glorious Prophet of old prefigured the grace of Baptism when he rendered the waters, which before were barren through salt, fruitful by the power of our God who has appeared.
Every valley will be filled with divine gifts, and every hostile hill made low, and the rough places will turn to smooth at the Appearing of God incarnate.
‘The God, who came down into the furnace of fire with the Hebrew Youths and turned the flame to dew, praise him his works as Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages’.
Ode 9. Irmos.
‘It is impossible for humans to see God, on whom the ranks of Angels dare not gaze. But through you, All-pure one, the incarnate Word has been seen by mortals. As we magnify Him, with the heavenly armies we call you blessed.’
Christ, who fashioned mankind with your hands, as a man you bow beneath the hand of the Forerunner, humbling yourself that you may exalt me, who of old was humbled and destroyed; glory to your glorious and fearful dispensation.
The cleansing of souls is being made ready; the illumination, the abolition of dread deeds has come to make his abode; river Jordan, be glad; all creation, dance, earth and sea, clap your hands as you glorify Christ, the supremely Good.
As the fullness of all good things, you come, crying out to your slave, who, full of holiness, is amazed at your condescension: Draw near, baptize me; for I wish to full the nature of mortals with sanctification and purity.
Abandoning the world the Seventy, O Word, with love became disciples of you the Word and Teacher, cleansing the world of ignorance by faith.
The Son, born timelessly from the Father before the ages, and beyond nature bearing flesh from a Woman, is coming to be baptized for the rebirth of the world.
At Lauds we insert 6 Verses, and we sing Prosomia [which continue yesterday’s acrostic, and are sung to the same melody].
Tone 6.
Christ, whom the voice of one crying forefigured, has come to the streams of Jordan and said to the Forerunner: Come, wash me with waters, baptize me now as I condescend; for I have come to wash Adam clean of his former fall. Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
I can in no way fathom the height of heaven; I cannot measure the number of the stars or the earth; and how shall I, the Forerunner, touch with my hand head of you, the Master? How shall I baptize the One who bears creation in the hollow of his hand? And so I cry to you: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
I am enthroned with the Father and the Spirit, I am escorted by the angelic hosts; but through compassion I was exiled, being brought to birth in a little cave in Bethlehem; and so now lend me your right hand, that I my wash away in my own person the faults of the world.
Once in the days of Noл you abolished sins when you opened with a word the cataracts of heaven; how then will Jordan when it sees you hold its place? For already its stream is turning back; all creation has recognised you; and I cry to you: Blessed are you, our God, who have appeared, glory to you.
Same melody.That the good pleasure of the Father may be fulfilled I have come on earth clothed in poverty. Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool; but now I bow my neck to you; for at present I have come hither; baptize me, as I also cleanse in my own person the faults of mortals.
Both now.
Same melody.You once led Israel to light through a pillar and a cloud, and bedewed him in the wilderness; you are Master of all things, in nature inexpressible, how have you put on the form of a slave? I am grass, I may not touch you, who are fire; do you rather baptize me; for I need to receive cleansing at your hands.
Aposticha. Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
The brightness of the Father’s glory has appeared in Jordan’s streams, cleansing by Baptism the stain of our souls.
Therefore I shall remember you from the land of Jordan and Hermonites, from the little mountain. [Ps. 41:6]Receive in a manner fitting a slave, Prophet John, the Redeemer of the world, and baptize the Creator for the rebirth of mortals.
The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid. [Ps. 76:16]Illumination has come, redemption has appeared in Jordan; come, let us assemble to be cleansed and to sing the forefeast.
Glory. Both now.
The same melody.To-day Christ bestows saving redemption on mankind, cleansing the stain of souls by the fire of Baptism.
The rest of the office of Matins, as usual, and Dismissal.
1] In Greek this hexameter call scarcely be said to scan.
Service of the Great Blessing of the Waters.
After the Prayer behind the Ambo, we go out to the Font, the Priest going ahead with lights and incense, and we chant the following Idiomels in Tone 8, during which the Church and people are censed.
By Sophronios, Patriarch of Jerusalem.
The voice of the Lord upon the waters cries out, saying, ‘Come all of you, receive the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of understanding, the Spirit of the fear of God, of Christ who has appeared’. (
x3)Today the nature of the waters is made holy, and Jordan is parted and holds back the flow of its waters as it sees the Master washing himself. (
x2)As man, Christ King, you came to the river, and in your goodness you hasten to accept the baptism of a servant at the hands of the Forerunner, on account of our sins, O Lover of mankind. (
x2)Glory. Both now.
Same Tone.At the voice of the one crying in the desert, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’, you came, Lord, having taken the form of a servant, asking for Baptism, though you did not know sin. The waters saw you and were afraid. The Forerunner trembled and cried out, saying, ‘How will the lamp enlighten the Light? The servant place his hand on the Master? Saviour, who take away the sin of the world, make me and the waters holy’.
And immediately the Readings.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
35,1-10]Thus says the Lord: Thirsty desert rejoice, let the desert exult and flower like a lily. And the deserts of Jordan will flower and be overgrown and exult. And the glory of Lebanon has been given to it and the honour of Carmel. And my people will see the glory of the Lord and the majesty of God. Be strong, enfeebled hands and palsied knees. Give comfort and say to the faint-hearted, ‘Be strong and do not fear. See, our God is giving judgement and will give it. He himself will come and save us. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf will hear. Then the lame will leap like a deer and the tongue of stammerers will speak clearly, because water has broken out in the desert and a channel in a thirsty land. And the waterless land will become pools and there will be a spring of water for the thirsty land. There will be joy of birds there, folds for flocks and reed beds and pools. And there will be a pure way there, and it will be called a holy way, and no one unclean may pass along it. There will be no unclean way there. But the scattered will walk upon it and not go astray. There will be no lion there, nor will any evil wild beasts go up on it or be found there. But the redeemed and gathered by the Lord will walk on it. And they will return and come to Sion with joy and exultation, and everlasting joy will be upon their head. And on their head praise and exultation and joy will possess them. Pain, grief and sighing have fled away.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
55,1-13]Thus says the Lord: You that thirst, go for water. And as many of you as have no money, make your way and buy. And eat and drink wine and fat without money and price. Why do you spend money on what is not food, and toil for what does not satisfy? Hear me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in good things. Give heed with your ears and follow in my ways. Listen to me and your soul will live among good things. And I will make an eternal Covenant with you, the sure mercies of David. See, I have given him as a testimony among the Nations, a ruler and commander among the Nations. See, Nations who do not know you will call upon you, and peoples who are not acquainted with you will take refuge with you, for the sake of the Lord your God and the Holy One of Israel, because he has glorified you. Seek the Lord, and when you find him, call upon him. But when he comes near you, let the impious abandon his ways and a lawless man his plans. And return to the Lord and you will find mercy, and cry out, for he will abundantly forgive your sins. For my plans are not like your plans, nor are my ways like your ways, says the Lord. But as far as heaven is from earth, so far is my way from your ways and your thoughts from my mind. For as rain or snow comes down from heaven and does not return until it has saturated the earth and it brings forth and sprouts and gives seed to the sower and bread for food, so will my word be. Whatever comes out of my mouth will not return to me empty, until everything that I wished has been fulfilled. And I will make my ways and my commands prosper. You will go out with gladness and be taught with joy. For the mountains and hills will leap up, welcoming you with joy, and all the trees of the field will clap with their branches. And instead of brambles cypress will come up, and instead of nettles myrtle will come up. And there shall be for the Lord a name and an everlasting sign, and it will not fail.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
12,3-6]Thus says the Lord: Draw out water with gladness from the wells of salvation. And you will say in that day, Sing to the Lord and cry out his name. Proclaim among the Nations his glorious deeds, remind them that his name has been exalted. Sing to the name of the Lord, for he has done great things. Proclaim these in all the earth. Exult and be glad, you that dwell in Sion, because the Holy One of Israel has been exalted in the midst of her.
Then the Prokeimenon in Tone 3. [Psalm 26]
The Lord is my enlightenment and my Saviour. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defender of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?The Reading is from the 1st Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.
10,1-4]Brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant of how our Fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea. And they were all baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. And they all ate the same spiritual food. And they all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them. Now the rock was Christ.
Alleluia. Tone 4. [Psalm 28,3]
Verse 1:
The voice of the Lord is upon the waters.Verse 2:
The God of glory thundered upon the waters.The Reading is from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
1,9-11]At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised by John in the Jordan. And immediately as he was coming up from the water, he saw the heavens being parted and the Spirit like a dove coming down upon him. And there was a voice from heaven, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And the Deacon at once begins the Litany of Peace. While this is being said by the Deacon, the Priest says the prayer
Lord Jesus Christ… quietly. [If there is no Deacon, the Priest reads this prayer during the reading of the Prophecies]Deacon:
In peace, let us pray to the Lord.People:
Lord, have mercy. And so after each petition.Deacon:
For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.
For this holy house, and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.
[For all devout and Orthodox Christians, let us pray to the Lord.]
For our Archbishop
N., for the honoured order of presbyters, for the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.For [our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family, her Government, and] all in authority, let us pray to the Lord.
For this city [
Or this holy monastery], for every [monastery] city, town and village, and for the faithful who dwell in them, let us pray to the Lord.For favourable weather, an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and temperate seasons, let us pray to the Lord.
For those who travel by land, air or water, for the sick, the suffering, for those in captivity, and for their safety and salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
For this water to be sanctified by the power and operation and visitation of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
For there to come down upon these waters the cleansing operation of the Trinity beyond all being, let us pray to the Lord.
For there to be given them the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan, let us pray to the Lord.
For us to be enlightened with the enlightenment of knowledge and true religion through the visitation of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
For this water to become a gift of sanctification, a deliverance from sins, for healing of soul and body and for every suitable purpose, let us pray to the Lord.
For this water to become water springing up to eternal life, let us pray to the Lord.
For this water to be shown to be an averting of every assault of visible and invisible enemies, let us pray to the Lord.
For those who draw from it and take from it for the sanctification of their homes, let us pray to the Lord.
For it to be for cleansing of souls and bodies for all those who draw from it with faith and who partake of it, let us pray to the Lord.
For us to be counted worthy to be filled with sanctification through communion of these waters by the invisible manifestation of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
For the Lord God to hear the voice of supplication of us sinners and have mercy on us, let us pray to the Lord.
For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray to the Lord.
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.
Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.
The Priest reads the following prayer in a low voice.
Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son, who are in the bosom of the Father, true God, source of life and immortality, Light from Light, who came into the world to enlighten it, flood our mind with light by your Holy Spirit and accept us as we bring you praise and thanksgiving for your wondrous mighty works from every age, and for your saving dispensation in these last times. By it you clothe yourself in our weak and beggared matter and coming down to the measure of our servitude, King of all, you accepted also to be baptised in the Jordan by the hand of a servant, so that, having sanctified the nature of the waters, you, the sinless one, might make a way for our rebirth through water and Spirit and re-establish us in our original freedom. As we celebrate the memory of this divine Mystery, we entreat you, Master, lover of mankind: Sprinkle on us, your unworthy servants, cleansing water, in accordance with your divine promise, the gift of your compassion, that the request of us sinners over this water may become acceptable by your goodness and that through it your blessing to be granted to us and to all your faithful people, to the glory of your holy, venerated Name. For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, with your Father who is without beginning, with you all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
And having said the
Amen to himself, when the Deacon has finished the Litany, the Priest begins this Prayer in a loud voice [the first part only on day of the Feast itself]A Composition of Patriarch Sophronios of Jerusalem.
Trinity beyond all being, beyond all goodness, beyond all godhead, all-powerful, all-vigilant, invisible, incomprehensible; Creator of the spiritual beings and rational natures, innate goodness, unapproachable Light that enlightens everyone coming into the world, shine also in me your unworthy servant. Enlighten the eyes of my mind that I may dare to sing the praise of your measureless benevolence and power. May my supplication for the people here present be acceptable, so that my offences may not prevent the Holy Spirit from being present here; but permit me now without condemnation to cry out to you and say, Master, lover of mankind, beyond all goodness, Almighty, eternal King. We glorify you, the Creator and Fashioner of the universe. We glorify you, only-begotten Son of God, without father from your Mother, without mother from your Father. For in the preceding feast we saw you as a babe, but in the present one we see you full and perfect man, our God, made manifest as perfect God from perfect God. For today the moment of the feast is here for us and the choir of saints assembles here with us, and Angels keep festival with mortals. Today the grace of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove dwelt upon the waters. Today the Sun that never sets has dawned and the world is made radiant with the light of the Lord. Today the Moon with its radiant beams sheds light on the world. Today the stars formed of light make the inhabited world lovely with the brightness of their splendour. Today the clouds rain down from heaven the shower of justice for mankind. Today the Uncreated by his own will accepts the laying on of hands by his own creature. Today the Prophet and Forerunner draws near, but stands by with fear seeing God’s condescension towards us. Today the streams of Jordan are changed into healing by the presence of the Lord. Today all creation is watered by mystical streams. Today the failings of mankind are being washed away by the waters of Jordan. Today Paradise is opened for mortals and the Sun of justice shines down on us. Today the bitter water as once for Moses’ people is changed to sweetness by the presence of the Lord. Today we have been delivered from the ancient grief, and saved as the new Israel. Today we have been redeemed from darkness and are filled with radiance by the light of the knowledge of God. Today the gloomy fog of the world is cleansed by the manifestation of our God. Today all creation shines with light from on high. Today error has been destroyed and the coming of the Master makes for us a way of salvation. Today things on high keep festival with those below, and those below commune with those on high. Today the sacred and triumphant festal assembly of the Orthodox exults. Today the Master hastens towards baptism, that he may lead humanity to the heights. Today the One who does not bow bows down to his own servant, that he may free us from servitude. Today we have purchased the Kingdom of heaven, for the Kingdom of the Lord will have no end. Today earth and sea share the joy of the world, and the world has been filled with gladness. The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you and were afraid. The Jordan turned back when it saw the fire of the godhead descending in bodily form and entering it. The Jordan turned back as it contemplated the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, descending and flying about you. The Jordan turned back as it saw the Invisible made visible, the Creator made flesh, the Master in the form of a servant. The Jordan turned back and the mountains leapt as they saw God in the flesh, and the clouds uttered their voice, marvelling at what had come to pass, seeing Light from Light, true God from true God, the Master’s festival today in Jordan; seeing him drowning the death from disobedience, the goad of error and the bond of Hell in Jordan and granting the Baptism of salvation to the world. Therefore I too, a sinner and your unworthy servant, recount the greatness of your wonders and, seized with fear, in compunction cry out to you:
After completing this, he says in a more powerful voice,
Great are you, O Lord, and wonderful your works, and no word is adequate to sing the praise of your wonders (
x3). [People: Glory to you, Lord, glory to you!]For by your own will you brought the universe from non-existence into being, you hold creation together by your might, and by your providence you direct the world. You composed creation from four elements; with four seasons you crowned the circle of the year. All the spiritual Powers tremble before you. The sun sings your praise, the moon glorifies you, the stars entreat you, the light obeys you, the deeps tremble before you, the springs are your servants. You stretched out the heavens on the waters; you walled in the sea with sand; you poured out the air for breathing. Angelic Powers minister to you. The choirs of the Archangels worship you. The many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim as they stand and fly around you hide their faces in fear of your unapproachable glory. For you, being God uncircumscribed, without beginning and inexpressible, came upon earth, taking the form of a servant, being found in the likeness of mortals. For you could not bear, Master, in the compassion of your mercy to watch the human race being tyrannised by the devil, but you came and saved us. We acknowledge your grace, we proclaim your mercy, we do not conceal your benevolence. You freed the generations of our race. You sanctified a virgin womb by your birth. All creation sang your praise when you appeared. For you are our God who appeared on earth and lived among mortals. You sanctified the streams of Jordan by sending down from heaven your All-holy Spirit and you smashed the heads of the dragons that lurked there.
Therefore, O King, lover of mankind, be present now too through the visitation of your Holy Spirit, and sanctify this water. (
x3)And give to it the grace of redemption and the blessing of Jordan. Make it a source of incorruption, a gift of sanctification, a deliverance from sins, an averting of diseases, unapproachable by hostile powers, filled with angelic strength. That all who draw from it and partake of it may have it for cleansing of souls and bodies, for healing of passions, for sanctification of homes, for every suitable purpose. For you are our God, who through water and Spirit renewed our nature made old by sin. You are our God, who in the days of Noл drowned sin through the water of the flood. You are our God, who through Moses freed the Hebrew race from the slavery of Pharao through the sea. You are our God who split open the rock in the desert, and waters rushed out and torrents flooded down, and you satisfied your thirsty people. You are our God, who through Elias turned Israel from the error of Baal.
And now, Master, do you yourself sanctify this water by your Holy Spirit. (
x3)Give to all who partake of it sanctification, blessing, cleansing, health.
And save, Lord, our faithful Rulers [our Sovereign Lady Queen Elisabeth]. (
x3) [The triple form of this petition is a relic of the imperial liturgy of Agia Sophia in Constantinople before 1453.]And guard them [her] under your protection in peace. Subdue beneath their [her] feet every foe and enemy. Grant them [her] all their [her] requests that are for salvation and eternal life.
Remember, Lord, our Archbishop
N., the whole order of Presbyters, the Diaconate in Christ, every rank of the clergy, the people here present and our brethren who with good reason are absent, and have mercy on us in accordance with your great mercy. So that through elements and through Angels and through mortals and through things visible and through things unseen, your all-holy name may be glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.People:
Peace to all.People:
And to your spirit.Deacon:
Let us bow our heads to the Lord.People:
To you, O Lord.And the Priest says the Prayer in a low voice.
In cline your ear and hear us, Lord, who accepted to be baptised in Jordan and to sanctify the waters, and bless us all, who signify our calling as servants by the bending of our necks. And count us worthy to be filled with your sanctification through the partaking and sprinkling of this water. And let it be for us, Lord, for healing of soul and body.
For you are the sanctification of our souls and bodies, and to you we give glory, thanksgiving and worship, with your Father who is without beginning, and your All-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.
Amen.And the Priest immediately, blessing the waters in the figure of the Cross, immerses the precious Cross, plunging it upright into the water and lifting it out again, chanting the following Troparion in Tone 1. The Priest once and the Choirs once each.
As you were baptised in the Jordan, Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest, for the voice of the Father bore witness to you, naming you the Beloved Son; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the sureness of the word. Christ God, who appeared and enlightened the world, glory to you.
Both the Typikon of the Monastery of Dionysiou and that of the Church of Cyprus prescribe that the Kontakion be sung after the singing of the Apolytikion.Kontakion. Tone 4. Model Melody.
Today you have appeared to the inhabited world; and your light, O Lord, has been marked upon us; who with knowledge sing your praise. You have come, you have appeared, the unapproachable Light.
When the feast falls on a Monday and the first blessing takes place on Sunday, then the Kontakion of the Forefeast is sung.
Kontakion. Tone 4. Today you have appeared.
Today the Lord has come to the streams of Jordan, and cries aloud to John: Do not be afraid to baptise me; for I have come to save Adam the First-formed.]
And he sprinkles all the People with the water. They drink from the water.
As we enter the Church we chant the following Idiomel in Tone 6.
Let us the faithful praise the greatness of God’s dispensation concerning us. For in our transgression he, alone clean and undefiled, becoming man, is cleansed in Jordan, sanctifying me and the waters, and crushing the heads of the dragons on the waters. Let us therefore draw water with gladness, brethren. For the grace of the Spirit is being given invisibly to those who draw with faith by Christ, God and the Saviour of our souls.
Then Blessed be the name of the Lord as usual and then the Psalm
[33], I will bless the Lord at all times. And the broken fragments [Antidoron] are distributed.Then the full Dismissal.
10 Jan. Commemoration of Gregory Bishop of Nyssa.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing Prosomia of Saint Gregory.Tone 5. Venerable Father.
Venerable Father, most holy Gregory; full pen of the breath of the Advocate and clear tongue of Orthodoxy; lamp of the divine brightness with many lights; herald of truth, rampart of theology; wellspring of high doctrines; torrent of teachings that flow with honey; lyre tuned to God’s voice of songs composed by God that delights the minds of believers. All-wise Father, entreat Christ, implore Christ, who refashioned the world in the streams of Jordan, to save our souls.
Venerable Father, all-honoured Gregory; axe that fells the assaults of heretics, two-edged sword of the Advocate; knife that cuts out adulterated seeds; fire that burns up the undergrowth of heresies; true farmer’s winnowing fan by which the weight and lightness of doctrines is well distinguished; measuring rod of strict accuracy that directs all into paths of salvation. Ever entreat Christ, implore Christ, who refashioned the world in the streams of Jordan, to save our race.
Venerable Father, all-blessed Gregory; mouth that pours out blessed words, drawing them from the inexhaustible and divine wells of salvation, expounding for all words of prayer; rule that directs to virtue; you became radiant by contemplation of things divine, illumined by the brightness of the uncreated Trinity, whose invincible champion you became. Venerable Father, entreat Christ, implore Christ, who refashioned the world in the streams of Jordan, to save our race.
Prosomia Stichera of St Dometianos.
Tone 1. All-praised Martyrs.
Of Saint Gregory.Tone 4.
Making your word of wisdom radiant by unapproachable virtue, Gregory of Nyssa, you became all fair in both, with your voice inspired by God beautifying and delighting the people spiritually, expounding with great wisdom the consubstantial godhead of the Trinity; and so, making war with orthodox doctrines on outlandish heresies, you roused the might of the faith to the ends of the earth. As you stand by Christ with the bodiless Ministers, ask for our souls his peace and great mercy.
Both now.
Of the Feast, same Tone.The hand of the Baptist trembled when it touched your immaculate head; the river Jordan was turned back, not daring to minister to you; for how could the river that had stood in awe of Jesus son of Navi not be seized with alarm at its Maker? But you, our Saviour, fulfilled the whole dispensation, that you might save the world by your Epiphany, only lover of humankind.
Aposticha. Prosomia Stichera.
Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
Let the whole earth sing a new song[1] to Christ, born from a Virgin and today baptised in Jordan.
The sea saw and fled; Jordan was turned back.[2]Let the Forerunner, prophetic trumpet, cry, ‘Produce the fruits of noble deeds for the Lord baptised in Jordan’.
What troubled you, sea, that you fled? And you, Jordan, that you were turned back?[3]The consubstantial divine Spirit, shining from above and seen ineffably in the form of a dove, now hastens towards Christ.
Of St Gregory.Tone 4.
Having achieved a life inspired by God, you made its practice bright by contemplation, Gregory, revealer of God; for loving wisdom with divine ardour, you were enriched with grace from the mouth of the Spirit. Distilling the sweetness of your words like honeycomb, you ever make God’s Church joyful with divine thoughts. And so, as you dwell a high priest in heaven, intercede unceasingly for us who celebrate your memory.
Both now.
Of the Feast, same Tone.When the Baptist saw you, who take away the sin of the world by spirit and fire,[4] coming to him, quailing and trembling he cried, ‘I do not dare to grasp your immaculate head. But sanctify me, Master, by your Epiphany, only lover of humankind’.
Apolytikion of the Saint. Tone 4.
God of our Fathers, who always deal with us in your forbearance, do not deprive us of your mercy, but at their intercessions guide our life in peace.
And of the Feast. Tone 1.
As you were baptized in the Jordan, Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest; for the voice of the Father bore witness to you, naming you the Beloved Son; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the sureness of the word. Christ God, who appeared and enlightened the world, glory to you!
11 Jan. Commemoration of Theodosios the Koinoviarch.
At Vespers
We recite the 1st Section of [the 1st Kathisma]
‘Blessed is the man’. At Lord I have cried we insert 6 Stichera, and we sing Prosomia of the Saint.Tone 5. Venerable Father.
Venerable Father, God-bearer Theodosios, valiantly you struggled in this temporary life, by hymns and fasts and vigils becoming a model for your disciples, while now you dance with the Bodiless Powers, as you ceaselessly glorify Christ, God from God, Word and Redeemer, who bowed down his to the Forerunner and sanctified the nature of the waters. Entreat him, implore him, Venerable Father, that the Church may be given harmony, peace and great mercy.
[Twice]Venerable Father, God-bearer Theodosios, the grace of the All-holy Spirit, finding your pure soul, as it desired, dwelt in you as an immaculate light. By its action you became radiantly bright and you ceaselessly glorify Christ, the one Son in two natures, who was baptized by the hand of the Forerunner and witnessed to by the Father’s voice. Entreat him, implore him, Venerable Father, that the inhabited world may be given harmony, peace and great mercy.
[Twice]Venerable Father, God-bearer Theodosios, rightly you were counted worthy of the blessed life, having found it by purity and ascetic practice; for while living you passed over to the life on high, bidding all things farewell, and with the Bodiless Powers ceaselessly glorifying Christ, who took flesh ineffably from a Virgin and sunk our sins by Baptism in Jordan’s streams. Entreat him, implore him, Venerable Father, that the inhabited world may be given harmony, peace and great mercy.
Tone 2.Venerable Father, they rejoice your holy soul like a city of the living God, the torrents of the river, of the water of forgiveness, of the One who passed through Jordan and for all the ends of the earth became a source of the message of true religion, Christ our God. Implore him, most blessed Theodosios that our souls may be saved.[1]
Both now.
Same Tone.You bowed your head to the Forerunner, you crushed the heads of the dragons,[2] you took your stand in the streams, you enlightened the universe to glorify you, O Saviour, the enlightenment of our souls.
‘O Joyful Light’. Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings. [See the Prophetologion for 11 January]Aposticha Prosomia Stichera of the Feast
[3].Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
‘See how I wear your image which I fashioned, humbling myself beyond understanding’, said the Lord, ‘What is strange then, my friend, if I bow low beneath your right hand, like one of your fellow servants, and stripped naked wrap myself in the waters? For I wish to clothe those who have been stripped naked with everlasting incorruption.’Verse:
The sea saw and fled; Jordan was turned back[4].Ω
‘You appeared in a body, but a womb received you and remained unconsumed by fire; for the furnace of old which did not burn the Youths was its image. While I who am grass to fire, how may I place my hands on you, Master, before whom tremble all things in heaven and on earth? Jesu, all-powerful, the Saviour of our souls’.Verse:
What troubled you, sea, that you fled? And you, Jordan, that you were turned back?[5]Σ
‘Wash me, who am wholly without stain, in the waters of Jordan’, said the Lord, ‘and human nature, stained by Adam’s transgression, when washed will become new. For when I am baptised, there is the rebirth of every human being through water and the Spirit’.Glory.
Tone 8.By the Studite.
We, the multitudes of monastics, honour you, our Father Theodosios, for through you we have learnt to walk the truly straight path. Blessed are you, for you became Christ’s slave and triumphed over the power of the foe, companion of Angels, colleague of the Venerable and the Righteous. With them intercede with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 8.
With the streams of your tears you cultivated the barren desert, and with deep sighings from the heart you made your toils bring forth fruit a hundredfold, and you became a beacon, shining in all the world by your wonders, our venerable Father Theodosios; intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Of the Feast. Tone 1.
As you were baptized in the Jordan, Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest; for the voice of the Father bore witness to you, naming you the Beloved Son; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the sureness of the word. Christ God, who appeared and enlightened the world, glory to you!
17 Jan. Commemoration of Antony the Great.
At Great Vespers
We read the first section of
Blessed is the man. At, Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 Stichera [8 at a Vigil] and sing the following Prosomia.Tone 4. Called from on high.
You were enlightened by the rays of the Spirit when love inspired by God set you aflame and gave wings to your soul to long for the true highest point of love. Then you despised both flesh and blood and, united to this love by great ascetic toil and stillness, you lived far from the world. Therefore, Antony, you were filled, as you had sought, with good things from there, and, like a shining Star, gave light to our souls.
Twice)By the grace of God’s Spirit you smashed the arrows and darts of the demons, and you unmasked their wickedness and ambush for all by godlike teachings, as you blazed with godlike radiance and became the brightest beacon of monastics, and the first ornament of the desert, most experienced and revered physician of the sick and archetypal model of virtuous living, Father Antony.
Twice)Filled with God’s gifts of grace, Christ, having found you as an unsullied mirror of the manifestations of God, made the bright lightning flashes of his own light blaze for you. From this you appeared as an unstinted source of healings, nourishment for the starving and quenching through abundant rains the desire of the thirsty, while seeing the dispositions of souls, by your word you wisely made them better for God. Implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Pure in soul and heart, an Angel on earth, a heavenly mortal, teacher of virginity, accurate measure of self-mastery, blessed Antony, united to your Master and bringing to him with the Angels, all the holy Ascetics and Martyrs the never silent hymn of glory, free from dread dangers and faults all those who ever celebrate your sacred memory.
Tone 6. By Sykeotes.Having preserved unblemished that which is according to God’s image, by ascetic endeavour determining the mind as leader against destructive passions, you ascended as far as possible to that which is according to God’s likeness. For bravely overmastering nature, you hastened to submit the worse to the better, and to make the flesh the slave of the spirit. Therefore you were named ‘summit of monastics’, ‘founder of the desert’[1], ‘trainer of those who run well’, ‘most accurate rule of virtue’, and now in heaven, Antony, where mirrors are abolished, you look directly at the holy Trinity[2], appealing with no intermediary on behalf of those who honour you with faith and love.
Both now.
Theotokion.Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not hymn your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sakes, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
‘O Joyful Light’. Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings. [See the Prophetologion for January]At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 2. By the Studite.
Constructing an ascetic gymnastic school on earth, Venerable Antony, you blunted all the assaults of the passions with the stream of your tears. Your godly way of life was acknowledged for all as a ladder leading up to heaven; for by it you displayed the fruits of true religion, and through them you the diseases of the passions of those who cry to with faith, ‘Hail, radiant golden star of the East, torchbearer and shepherd of Monastics! Hail, fairest offspring of the desert, and unshakeable bulwark of the Church! Hail, great guide of those who gone astray! Hail, our boast, and bright glory of the inhabited world!
Same Tone
Let us honour Antony, Angel on earth and man of God in heaven, ornament of the world, delight of the good and of the virtues, boast of ascetics; for planted in the house of God, he flowered righteously and, like a cedar in the desert, he multiplied the flocks of Christ’s rational sheep with holiness and justice[3].
Same Tone
Venerable Father, from childhood you practised virtue assiduously and became an instrument of the Holy Spirit; receiving from him power to work wonders, you persuaded men to despise pleasures; while now, as you shine more brightly by the divine light, enlighten our minds also, Father Antony.
Tone 3. By Anatolios
Venerable Antony, as though at rest among non-material things, you accomplished the ardent and courageous life of the strictest discipline, and bravely resisting the assaults of demons, you triumphed over their weakness and their soul-destroying error; while you displayed the force and invincible power of the Saviour’s Cross; and girded with its power, you defeated all those who reject Christ’s divine manifestation through the flesh. Implore him that our souls may be given his great mercy.
Tone 5.Venerable Father, when you heard the voice of the Lord’s Gospel you abandoned the world, reckoning its wealth and glory to be nothing. And so you cried to all, ‘Love God, and you will find everlasting grace. Prefer nothing to his love, so that when he comes in his glory, you may find rest with all the Saints. At his intercessions, O Christ, guard and save our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion. Same Tone.Virgin Mother of God, we the faithful call you blessed and glorify you as is fitting, the unshakeable city, the unbreachable wall, the indestructible protection and refuge of our souls.
At the Aposticha Prosomia Stichera.
Tone 5. Hail, of ascetics.
Hail, prince of ascetics and their undefeated champion, for cutting out the roots of the passions and withstanding the assaults of the demons, you triumphed over their enfeeblements and their soul-destroying error. You displayed the unconquerable power of the Saviour’s Cross. Clothed in it you conquered all those who reject Christ’s divine manifestation through flesh. Implore him to grant our souls his great mercy.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his holy one.[4]Hail, Antony, companion of the angelic choirs in the highest, for you truly lived their way of life on earth, practising virtue, and you appeared as a pure unsullied mirror, reflecting the dazzling lightning flashes of the Holy Spirit, all-happy Father. And so you were illumined and saw what was to come, foretelling all things, initiated by the divine light of Christ’s manifestation. Implore him to grant our souls his great mercy.
Blessed the man who fears the Lord, he will delight greatly in his commandments[5].Established by virtues, you became a pillar formed of light and an overshadowing cloud for those in the desert, leading those who see God from earth to heaven. With the staff of the Cross you divided the sea of the passions, while by routing the spiritual Amalek you found the unimpeded ascent to heaven, O blessed of God, and an unsullied lot with the Bodiless Powers, as you stand with greatest joy before the throne of Christ, implore him to grant our souls his great mercy[6].
Tone 8. By Sykeotes.We multitudes of monastics honour you as our teacher and guide, for through you we have learned to walk the truly straight path. Blessed are you, for enslaved to Christ you triumphed over the power of the foe, companion of Angels and comrade of Paul the Theban. With them intercede with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion. Same Tone.Virgin without bridegroom, who ineffably conceived God in the flesh, Mother of God Most High, accept the entreaties of your servants, O All-unblemished, who grant to all purification of faults. Now receive our supplications and implore that we may all be saved.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
The zealous Elias you imitated by your life,[7] you followed the Baptist by straight paths, our Father Anthony; you became the founder of the desert and strengthened the whole world by your prayers. And so intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Glory. Both now. Theotokion.
The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
28 Jan. Commemoration of Ephraim the Syrian.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 verses and we sing Prosomia.Tone1. Joy of the heavenly ranks
Having beheld as in a mirror the beauties of Paradise and having enjoyed in abundance its undefiled meadows, you made the knowledge of God flower in the world. As we share in it, Venerable Father, by the spiritual condition of our souls, we flower once again in spirit.
You described the second coming of the Judge and with the streams of your tears you teach us to light the lamps of our souls, as you proclaim to all the Bridegroom’s coming, ‘Let us all clothe ourselves in shining robes to meet the Bridegroom Christ’.
By self control you tamed the body, O Father, and by prayers and vigils you slew the stirrings of the passions; and so the power of the Spirit overshadowed you, and revealed you to be a spiritual beacon for the whole world.
Tone 6.Revered Ephrem, prudently rising above life’s troubles, with love of quiet you grasped the desert; and led by it in truth towards God, you shone on the world as a beacon, and became a source of words of life for humankind; and therefore do not cease to support us by your prayers that our souls may be delivered from the enemy’s harm.
Both now.
Theotokion.We have come to know God incarnate of you, Virgin Mother of God; implore Him that our souls may be saved.
Or Cross-Theotokion. You arose on the third day
When she who bore you saw you crucified, O Christ, she cried aloud, ‘What is the strange mystery I see, my Son? How are you dying on a tree, who hung the earth upon the waters?
At the Aposticha, Stichera from the Octoichos.
Glory. Tone 4.
By Anatolios.With the Prophet you watered your couch with tears and made repentance the concern of your life, showing us by actions and through words the fear of judgement. Therefore as we come together, All blest and honoured Ephrem, worker of wondrous deeds, we honour your memory; and now we beseech you: Intercede with Christ God on behalf of our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion. As noble among MartyrsAll-holy Bride of God, deliver me from condemnation, and free my wretched soul from dread offences and from death by your prayers and grant that on the day of trial I may obtain the justification that the companies of the Saints gained by repentance, when I cleansed by floods of tears.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Lamb who gave you birth saw you, the Lamb and Shepherd on the tree she grieved, and cried out as a mother, ‘My Son so dearly loved, how have you been suspended on the tree of the Cross, O long-suffering? How have your hands and feet been nailed by lawless men? How, Master, have you poured out your blood?’
Apolytikion. Tone 8.
With the streams of your tears you cultivated the barren desert, and with your deep groans your made your toils bring forth fruit a hundredfold, and you have become a beacon, shining in all the world by your wonders: Venerable Father Ephrem, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.
At Matins
After the usual reading from the Psalter, the Canons from the Octoichos and that of the Saint to 6, of which the acrostic is:
Ephrem I honour, the spiritual Euphrates.
By Theophanes
Ode 1. Tone 6. As Israel marched on foot.
The gladdening shower of your prayers water my soul parched by the drought of the passions, All blessed Father, and with your words breathe upon me who praise your festival.
Blazing with spiritual light you have been declared to be a shining sun, by your radiant virtues and the beauty of your teachings flooding the whole company of the faithful with light.
With the streams of your tears you quenched the flame of the passions and became an honoured vessel of the Holy Spirit, pouring forth springs of teachings, O Ephrem blessed of God.
Without corruption you received the Word in your womb and gave birth to Him who delivers from corruption those who ever worship Him, O holy Virgin Mother, truly the gate of life.
Ode 3. None is holy as you.
You cleansed yourself of all the slime of passion, showed yourself to be truly a vessel of virtues and a container of the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit.
In no way did you give sleep to your eyes, you appeared as a dwelling of the Holy Trinity and a treasure house of wisdom, enriching the world with the bright gold of your teachings, blessed Father.
The holy Church of Christ sees in you a second Euphrates, flooding with golden streams of wise teachings and watering all creation.
One of the Holy Trinity in two natures incarnate in a manner fitting God from your pure blood came forth and saves Adam’s descendants, All-pure, by his goodness.
None is holy as you, O Lord my God, who have exalted the horn of your faithful people, O Good one, and established me on the rock of confession of you.
Kathisma. Tone 5. Let us believers.
Treasury of the wisdom of the mysteries of Christ, the divine mixing bowl of compunction, let us the faithful hymn on his commemoration, for like his name Ephrem ever fills the hearts of the faithful with joy by godlike words, as a collector and initiate of the revelations of the Lord.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Pure and ever Virgin, fervent and invincible advocate, sure hope that cannot be put to shame, wall and protection and haven of those who have recourse to you, with the Angels implore your Son and God to give peace to the world and his great mercy.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
By the Cross of your Son, O Full of God’s grace, the error of idols has been destroyed, and the strength of demons has been trampled down; therefore we the faithful as is fitting ever sing your praise and bless you, and confessing you to be truly Mother of God we magnify you.
Ode 4. Christ is my power.
The power of your words, blessed Father, has run through all the world, dispelling the blindness of souls by its elevating light.
Noble revealer of God, blamelessly you accomplished your life, cleansing yourself by your tears and by wise words setting forth for all the coming of the Judge.
The Lord, seeing the glorious height of your elevating humility, gave you the grace of words, through which the dread risings of heresies have been humbled.
Strengthened by the grace of the Almighty you went out to battle against the demons powers and conquered, as you intercede for us who fervently sing your praise.
As a sacred enclosure, as a holy mountain, as a source of incorruption, as the alone chosen for God our creator, let us call the Virgin blessed.
Ode 5. With your divine radiance.
With the streams of your tears, blest Father, you completely dried up the sea of pleasures; and by the outpouring of your teachings you overwhelmed the torrents of heresies.
Your mind, Father Ephrem, lighted by its inclination towards God, became wholly Godlike, receiving like a mirror the immaterial reflections of the divine Spirit.
You became, Father, truly a temple of the Trinity, adorned with grace, radiance of pure virtues and sincerity of teachings.
By the assault of the serpent, evil tasting of the tree pronounced me dead in Eden; but you alone full of God’s grace have given me life, for you bore Christ the giver of life.
Ode 6. Watching life’s sea.
The God bearing Father, established not on a foundation of sand but on unbreakable faith, remained unshaken by every assault of the foe, for he was governed by invincible power.
Your tongue, Father, was truly the pen of a scribe swiftly writing, teaching a knowledge wholly devout, engraving on the tablets of hearts the law of the Spirit.
Those who sail the calm sea of your teachings, godly Ephrem, are delivered from soul destroying waves and rising above the storm of heresies they are saved by faith.
He who as God is above all visible and invisible creation took flesh and came from your womb, keeping you incorrupt as you were before your bearing child, O Bride of God.
Watching life’s sea rising with a tempest of temptations, fleeing to your calm haven, I cry out to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O Most merciful.
Kontakion. Tone 2. Seeking things on high.
Ever looking towards the hour of the trial you lamented bitterly, venerable Ephrem, as a lover of stillness; but you became by your actions a teacher in deed. And therefore, universal Father, you rouse the idle to repentance.
The Ikos.
Wishing to follow in the footsteps of the Forerunner, O Father, you took yourself alone from the world and dwelt in the desert. The enemy seeing you the just one living so raised up an utterly shameless woman against you, thinking to overthrow your manliness by the ancient weapon and to befoul your purity, that you might no longer by words and deeds rouse the idle to repentance.
On the 28th of the same month, Commemoration of our Venerable Father Ephrem the Syrian.
Ephrem, the Syrian by tongue, once heard in psalms
a tongue he knew not calling him on high.
And on the twenty eighth day Ephrem’s spirit was taken by Angels.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father Palladios.
Being stronger than the leapings of the flesh,
Through this Palladios now leaps in heaven.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father James the Ascetic.
As from a snare James left the flesh behind
For by the flesh’s snares he was not caught.
On the same day two Martyrs, mother and daughter, died by the sword.
A mother bowed her head with her own child
And with her daughter died upon one sword.
On the same day the holy Charis died by amputation of her legs.
Charis, her legs cut off, now runs to God,
For her soul’s legs were in no way cut off.
On the same day, Commemoration of our Venerable Father, Isaac the Syrian.
At the intercessions of your Saints, O God, have mercy upon us. Amen.
Ode 7. An Angel made the furnace moist.
Most honoured Father, you were revealed as a most strict lawgiver for monks, anointing them against the holds of enemies; and so we honour on earth your revered and sacred memory.
You have been revealed as an harmonious instrument of the Spirit, honoured Father, echoing his every breath and sounding a saving melody of repentance for us who sing your praise.
Your conceiving was beyond reason, Bride of God; for you bore God the Word, who delivered all mortals from unreason and grants them reason to cry: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
Ode 8. From flame you made a source.
You were revealed as a second light bearing sun, shedding rays of teachings to the ends of the earth and you diminished the unlit darkness of every sin, blest Father, with the light of repentance.
You have come as a river from a second Eden, surrounded by streams of divine teachings, O God inspired, watering the face of the earth and drowning the cockles of impiety.
Confessing you as truly Mother of God, with faith we cry to the Angel’s Hail; you alone on earth bore joy, O ever blessed Full of grace.
‘From flame you made a source of dew for the Saints and with water you consumed the sacrifice of a righteous man with flame. For you do all things, O Christ, simply by willing them. We highly exalt you to all the ages.’
Ode 9. It is impossible for humans.
Wounded with love of the Almighty, you passed your whole life grieving, crying out with amazement, venerable Father, ‘Loose the waves of your grace, my Saviour, preserving it richly for me in the life to come’.
Sweet is your word, fertile of compunction, full of enlightenment for those who have recourse to you, god-bearing, admirable Ephrem; while your life was blameless, adorned and shining with every godly-radiant virtue.
You were declared to be a temple of the Spirit, and a river filled with waters flowing with life, and unshakeable foundation of the Church, rampart of Monastics, ever-flowing stream of godly compunction, Ephrem, worthy of wonder.
No human mind can comprehend the mystery understanding of your giving birth, O Virgin; for God, when he dwelt in your womb, break the bars of your virginity, as he the Incomprehensible alone knows how.
It is impossible for humans to see God, on whom the ranks of Angels dare not gaze. But through you, O All-pure, the incarnate Word has been seen by mortals. As we magnify him, with the heavenly armies we call you blessed.
Exapostilarion. The heaven with stars.
You are like a river, surging with streams that flow with gold, and rousing the peoples to the path of repentance. Implore Christ, Father Ephrem, that the world may be saved.
Theotokion. Same melody.
Hope of those without help, refuge of Christians, all-praised Mother of God, joy of the afflicted, deliver from every affliction your unworthy servants.
At the Aposticha, Stichera from the Oktoichos.
Tone 2. By Kyprianos.You flourished like the palm tree in the psalm, Venerable Father Ephrem, cutting out the tongues of the blasphemers with the sword of your words; by self-mastery you dried up the deeps of the passions; you were revealed as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, taking up the weapon of the Cross. Without ceasing implore Christ for us who celebrate your all-festive memory.
Both now.
Theotokion. When from the Tree.
Joy of all the afflicted, defence of the wronged, nourishment of the hungry, consolation of strangers, haven of the storm-tossed, visitation of the sick, protection and assistance of the drowning and staff of the blind your are, O Mother of God. We implore you, O Immaculate, hasten to deliver your servants.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When you saw the Maker of the universe enduring many affronts and hanged on Cross, O All-immaculate, you groaned and cried, ‘Lord beyond praise, my Son and my God, how, when you wish to honour what you fashioned, do you bear dishonour? Glory to your great compassion and condescension, Lover of humankind!’
The rest of the Office of Matins as usual and Dismissal.
2 Feb. the Meeting of the Lord.
Apolytikion. Tone 1.
Hail, full of grace,[7] Virgin Mother of God, for from you there dawned the Sun of righteousness,[8] Christ our God, who enlightens those in darkness.[9] Be glad too, righteous Elder, for you received in your embrace the Liberator of our souls, who grants us also resurrection.
At Great Vespers.
Lord, I have cried, we insert 8 Stichera and sing the following Idiomels.Tone 1. By Patriarch Germanos
[10].Say, Symeon, whom do your carry in your arms, as you rejoice in the temple? To whom do you cry and shout aloud, ‘Now I have been set free. For I have seen my Saviour’? ‘This is he who was born from a Virgin. This is the Word, God from God, incarnate for our sake and who saves mankind. Let us worship him’. (
Three times)Receive, Symeon, the One whom Moses in the dark cloud saw of old giving the Law on Sinai,[11] now become a babe and subject to the Law. This is he who spoke through the Law. This is he who was told of in the Prophets,[12] incarnate for our sake and who saves mankind. Let us worship him. (
Three times)Come, let us too, with songs inspired, go to meet Christ. Let us receive him, whose salvation Symeon saw. This is he whom David proclaimed, and who spoke through the Prophets, was incarnate for our sake and who proclaims by the Law. Let us worship him. (
Twice)Glory. Both now.
Tone 6. By Monk John.Let heaven’s gate be opened today. For he who is without beginning, the Word of the Father, taking a beginning in time, yet not abandoning his godhead, is being willingly brought into the temple of the law as a babe of forty days by a Virgin Mother, and the Elder receives him in his arms. The servant cries to the Master, ‘Release me, for my eyes have seen your salvation’. You have come into the world to save the human race. Lord, glory to you!
Entrance, Prokeimenon and the Readings.
The Reading is from Exodus.
12,51- 13,16 and selection][13]The Lord spoke to Moses on the day on which he brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, saying, ‘Sanctify to me every first-born, first produced that opens every womb among the children of Israel’. And Moses said to the people, ‘Remember this day, on which you came out of Egypt, from the house of slavery, for the Lord has brought you out from there with a mighty hand. And keep his law. And it shall be that when the Lord God brings you into the land of the Chananites, in the way that he swore to your fathers, you shall set apart everything that opens the womb; the males to the Lord. But if after this your son asks you, saying, ‘What is this?’, you will say to him, ‘God brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery, with a mighty hand. And when Pharao hardened his heart against sending us out, the Lord slew every first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of humans to the first-born of animals. This is why I sacrifice everything that opens the womb; the males to the Lord, and every first-born of my sons I will redeem’. And it will be for a sign upon your hand, and immovable before your eyes, because thus said the Lord the Almighty, ‘All the first-born of your sons you will give me. [
Leviticus 12] And it shall be that everyone[14] who gives birth to a male child shall circumcise the flesh of its foreskin on the eighth day. And for thirty three days he will not come into the sanctuary of God to the Priest, until the days of purification are completed. And after this he will offer an unblemished yearling lamb to the Lord for a holocaust, and a young pigeon or turtle dove to the Priest at the door of the Tabernacle of Witness. Or instead of these he will offer two young pigeons or two turtle doves. And the Priest will make atonement for him. [Numbers] Because these have been offered to me as an offering out of all the children of Israel. And I have taken them and sanctified them for myself in place of the first-born of the Egyptians, on the day when I smote every first-born in the land of Egypt from human to beast of burden,’ said God the Most High, the Holy One of Israel.’[15]The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
6,1-12]In the year that King Ozias died, I saw the Lord, seated on a high and exalted throne. And the house was full of his glory. And Seraphim stood around him, the one having six wings and the other having six wings, and with two they covered their faces and with two the feet and with two they flew. And one cried to other and they said, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Sabaoth. The whole earth is full of his glory.’ The threshold was lifted up at the voice with which they cried, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said, ‘Woe is me! For I am pricked to the heart, because I, a human being, and with unclean lips dwell among a people with unclean lips, and with my eyes I have seen the King, the Lord Sabaoth.’ And one of the Seraphim was sent to me, and in his hand he held a burning coal, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. And touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips and it will take away your iniquities and cleanse your sins.’ And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go to this people?’ And I said, ‘See, here am I. Send me.’ And he said, ‘Go, and say to this people, ‘You will hear and not understand, and seeing, you will see and not perceive.’ For the heart of this people has grown fat, and they have heard with heavy ears and they have shut their eyes, lest perhaps they perceive with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn back, and I will heal them.’ And I said, ‘Until when, Lord?’ And he said, ‘Until the cities are deserted from being inhabited and the houses from there being no people, and the land will be abandoned as desert. And after this God will remove the people far away, and those who are left behind will be multiplied on the land’.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
19,1.3-]See, the Lord will be seated on a light cloud and will come to Egypt and the idols of Egypt will be shaken at his presence and their heart will be worsted within them. ‘And their spirit will be troubled within them, and I will frustrate their counsel and hand Egypt over into the hands of harsh lords,’ says the Lord Sabaoth. And the Egyptians will drink water that is beside the sea, while the river will fail and be dried up. Thus says the Lord, ‘Where now are your wise men? And let them declare to you and let them say, ‘What has the Lord Sabaoth planned against Egypt?’ On that day the Egyptians will be like women, in fear and trembling in the presence of the hand of the Lord Sabaoth, which he will bring against them. And there will be an Altar to the Lord in the country of the Egyptians and a pillar to Lord at its border. And it will be for a sign for ever to the Lord in the country of Egypt, because they will cry to the Lord and he will send them a man who will save them. And the Lord will be known to the Egyptians. And the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day, and they will offer sacrifice and gift, and they will vow vows to the Lord and pay them.[16]
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1. By Anatolios.
[17]The Ancient of Days,[18] who also gave the Law to Moses on Sinai, today appears as a babe. And according to the Law, as Maker of the Law, fulfilling the Law, he is brought to the temple and given to the Elder. The righteous Symeon, having received him and seen the accomplishment of the decrees completed, cried out with joy, ‘My eyes have seen the Mystery hidden from eternity, made manifest in these last times:[19] a light that dispels the dark folly of the unbelieving nations and the glory of the newly chosen Israel. Therefore, release your servant from the bonds of this flesh for the wondrous life that is ageless and unceasing, O you who grant the world your great mercy.’
Same Tone. By Monk John.
[20]Today he who of old gave the Law to Moses on Sinai bows to the ordinances of the Law, having become for us like us in his compassion. Now God, who is pure, having opened a pure womb as a holy child, as God is being offered to himself, freeing us from the curse of the Law[21] and enlightening our souls.
Tone 2. By Andrew Pyros.
The One whom the Ministers on high entreat with trembling, now Symeon below, receiving him in arms of matter, proclaims that Godhead is united with mankind. And, seeing the God of heaven as a mortal, as he withdraws from things on earth, he cries out with joy, ‘To those in darkness you reveal the light that knows no evening. Lord, glory to you!’
Same Tone. By Germanos.
Today Symeon receives in his embrace the Lord of glory, whom Moses saw of old in darkness giving him the Tables of the Law on Sinai. This is he who speaks in the Prophets and is the Maker of the Law. This is he whom David proclaimed, he who is fearful to all, he who has great and rich mercy.
Same Tone. By Germanos.
According to others, by Monk John.
The sacred Virgin offered the Sacred One in the Sacred Place to the Sacred Minister. Clasping him in his arms, Symeon received him with joy and cried out, ‘Now, Master, you release your servant, according to you word, in peace, O Lord.’
Same Tone. By the same.
The Creator of heaven and earth was carried today by Symeon the Elder in his arms, for in the Holy Spirit he said, ‘Now I have been set free, for I have seen my Saviour.’
Same Tone. By Anatolios.
According to others, Andrew of Jerusalem.
Today Symeon the Elder enters the Temple, rejoicing in Spirit to receive in his arms the One who gave the Law to Moses and who fulfils the Law. For Moses was counted worthy to see God through darkness and a faint voice,[22] and with his face veiled[23] he rebuked the unbelieving hearts of the Hebrews. While Symeon carried the pre-eternal Word of the Father incarnate in body and he revealed the light of the Nations, the Cross and Resurrection. And Anna was shown to be a Prophetess as she proclaimed the Saviour to be the Redeemer of Israel. To him let us cry, ‘Christ our God, through the Mother of God have mercy on us.’
Tone 4. By Andrew of Crete.
Today the holy Mother, and more exalted than the Holy Place, has come to the Holy Place, revealing to the world the Maker of the world and the Giver of the Law. The Elder Symeon received him in his arms and in worship he cried, ‘Now you release your servant, because I have seen you, the Saviour of our souls.’
Tone 5. By the same.Search the Scriptures,[24] as Christ our God said in the Gospels, for in them we find him brought to birth and wrapped in swaddling clothes, nursed and given suck, accepting circumcision and carried by Symeon, not in imagination, but in truth appearing to the world. To him let us cry, ‘God before the ages, glory to you!’
Both now.
Same Tone. By Germanos.According to others, Anatolios.
The Ancient of Days, become an infant in the flesh, is being brought to the Temple by a Virgin Mother, as he fulfils the ordinance of his own Law. Symeon received him and said, ‘Now you release your servant according to your word in peace. For my eyes, O Lord, have seen your salvation.’
At the Aposticha, Idiomels.
Tone 7. By Monk Kosmas.
[25]Adorn your bridal chamber, O Sion, and receive Christ the King. Greet Mary, the gate of heaven, for she is shown to be the Cherubim Throne.[26] She carries the King of glory. The Virgin is a cloud of light, bearing in the flesh a Son before the Morning Star.[27] Symeon took him in his arms and proclaimed to peoples that he is the Master of life and death and the Saviour of the world.
Now, Master, you release your servant in peace according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared before the face of all peoples.The Mother who has not known wedlock, bearing in the Temple him who shone forth from the Father before the ages and in the last times from a virgin womb, brought the one who gave the Law on Sinai and who obeys the ordinance of the Law to the Priest and just Elder, who had been told that he would see Christ the Lord. When Symeon received him in his arms, he rejoiced and cried out, ‘This is God, co-eternal with the Father, and the Redeemer of our souls.’
Light for revelation to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.Mary the Mother of God, carrying in her arms the one who rides on the chariots of the Cherubim[28] and who is praised in song by the Seraphim, gave the Giver of the Law incarnate from her without wedlock, fulfilling the order of the Law, into the hands of the Priest and Elder. As he carries Life, he asks release from life, saying, ‘Master, now release me to reveal to Adam that I have seen a babe, who is without change God before the ages and the Saviour of the world.’
Glory. Both now.
Tone 8.By Andrew of Crete.
He who rides on the Cherubim and is hymned by the Seraphim is being brought today into God’s Temple according to the Law and enthroned on aged arms. By Joseph he receives gifts befitting God, as a pair of turtle doves the unblemished Church and the newly chosen people of the nations; as Author of the Old and New Covenants, two young pigeons. Symeon, having received the fulfilment of the oracle concerning him, blessed Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, and foretold the symbols of the Passion of the One born from her. From him he asks for his release, crying out, ‘Now you release me, Master, as you promised me; for I have seen you, the pre-eternal light, Saviour and Lord of the people that bears Christ’s name.’
Apolytikion. Tone 1.
Hail, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God, for from you there dawned the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, who enlightens those in darkness. Be glad too, righteous Elder, for you received in your embrace the Liberator of our souls, who grants us also resurrection.[29]
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. Model Melody.
By St Romanos][30]Let the angelic choir be amazed at the wonder, and let us mortals with our voices shout aloud a hymn of praise, as we see the ineffable condescension of God; for the One at whom the powers of heaven tremble aged hands now cradle, the only Lover of mankind.
Glory. Both now.
The same again.After the 2nd reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. Same melody.
He who is with the Father on a holy throne, coming to earth, was born from a Virgin; and he who is uncircumscribed by time became a babe. Symeon received him in his arms and said with joy, ‘Now you release me, O Compassionate, for you have made your servant glad.’
Glory. Both now.
The same again.The Selection for the Polyeleos
[Psalm 44]A good word. Alleluia.
My heart has uttered a good word.
I tell my works to the king.
My tongue is the pen of a swiftly writing scribe.
You are fair in beauty beyond the sons of men.
Grace has been poured out on your lips.
Therefore God has blessed you for ever.
Gird your sword on your thigh, O mighty one.
In your beauty and loveliness.
And draw your sword, go forward and reign.
For the sake of truth and meekness and justice.
Your arrows have been sharpened, O mighty one.
Peoples will fall beneath you.
In the heart of the king’s enemies.
Your throne, O God, is to age on age.
A staff of uprightness is the staff of your kingdom.
You have loved justice and hated iniquity.
Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with oil of gladness beyond your fellows.
Myrrh and sweet oil and cassia from your garments.
From ivory palaces, from which they have gladdened you.
Daughters of kings in your honour.
The queen stood at your right hand.
Robed in a garment of gold, in many colours.
Listen, O daughter, and see, and incline your ear, and forget your people and your father’s house.
And the king will desire your beauty.
Because he is your Lord, and you will worship him.
The wealthy of the people will entreat your face.
All the glory of the king’s daughter is within.
Robed in garments fringed with gold, in many colours.
The Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord, his throne is in heaven.
Holiness and majesty in your hallowing.
Your paths, O God, have been seen.
The paths of my God, the King who is in the holy place.
Holy your temple, wonderful in righteousness.
Holiness becomes your house, O Lord, for length of days.
I will remember your name in every generation and generation.
Thus I will sing to your name to the ages, that it is good in the sight of your holy ones.
After the Polyeleos. Kathisma.
Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
The Ancient of Days becomes an infant for my sake. God, who is most pure, shares in purifications that he may confirm my flesh, which he took from a Virgin. And Symeon, initiated into the mystery, acknowledged him as God who had appeared in flesh and greeted him as Life. As an old man with joy he cried, ‘Release me, for I have seen you, the Life of all.’
Glory. Both now.
The same again.The 1st Antiphon of the Anavathmi in the 4th Tone.
From my youth up many passions make war on me; but you, O Saviour, help me and save me. (
x2)You who hate Sion, may you be put to shame by the Lord; for you will be dried up as grass by fire. (
By the Holy Spirit every soul is given life, by cleansing it is exalted, it is made bright by the threefold Unity in a sacred mystery.
Both now.
By the Holy Spirit every soul is given life, by cleansing it is exalted, it is made bright by the threefold Unity in a sacred mystery.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
[Psalm 44]I will remember your name throughout all generations.
My heart has uttered a good Word. I tell my works to the King.Then,
Let everything that has breath.Gospel according to Luke
[2,25-32].Psalm 50.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy. According to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.Then the following Idiomel.
Tone 6. By Monk John.
Let heaven’s gate be opened today. For he who is without beginning, the Word of the Father, taking a beginning in time, yet not abandoning his godhead, is being willingly brought into the temple of the law as a babe of forty days by a Virgin Mother, and the Elder receives him in his arms. The servant cries to the Master, ‘Release me, for my eyes have seen your salvation’. You have come into the world to save the human race. Lord, glory to you!
The Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
An Elder, rejoicing, holds Christ in his arms.
The Irmi are used as Katavasias.
A Composition by Monk Kosmas.
Ode 1. Tone 3. The Irmos.
‘The sun once shone on dry land, mother of the deep.[31] For the water was fixed fast like a wall on either side for the people as they marched on foot[32] and sang a song pleasing to God, ‘Let us sing to the Lord, for he has been greatly glorified’.[33]‘
Let the clouds pour down water.[34] For Christ, the Sun, riding on a light cloud,[35] has come on unblemished arms into the temple as a babe. Therefore, believers, let us shout aloud, ‘Let us sing to the Lord, for he has been greatly glorified’.
Be strong, Symeon’s hands, weakened by old age.[36] And you, an old man’s feeble legs, run straight to meet Christ. Forming a choir with the Bodiless Powers, let us sing to the Lord, for he has been greatly glorified.
You heavens, stretched out with understanding, rejoice. Earth be glad.[37] For Christ, the Craftsman,[38] who came forth from a bosom that is above all godhead,[39] is being brought as a babe to God the Father by a Virgin Mother, he who is before all things, for he has been greatly glorified’.
Ode 3. The Irmos.
‘O Lord, the firm foundation of those trust in you, confirm the Church,[40] which you purchased with your precious blood.’
The First-born of the Father before the ages[41] has appeared from an undefiled Maiden as a first-born babe, and he stretches out his hands to Adam.
To set right again the first formed man, who through deception had become childish in mind,[42] God the Word has appeared as a child.
The Creator, having become a child without change, has reshaped according to the form of his godhead our nature born of earth and destined to return to earth again.[43]
Kathisma. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
On Mount Sinai of old, Moses saw the back parts of God and was found worthy to hear faintly in darkness and in storm the voice of God.[44] Now Symeon holds in his arms God incarnate for our sake without change. And rejoicing he hastens to go from what is here to eternal life. And so he cries, ‘Now, Master, you release your servant.’
Ode 4. The Irmos.
‘Your virtue, O Christ, covered the heavens,[45] for coming forth from the Ark of your Sanctification,[46] your undefiled Mother, you appeared in the temple of your glory[47] as an infant carried in her arms, and the universe was filled with your praise.’[48]
‘Symeon, initiate of ineffable mysteries’, cried the Mother of God, ‘Take into your arms with joy the One of whom you were told by the Holy Spirit of old, Christ the Word, become an infant, and cry out to him, ‘The universe has been filled with your praise.’’
‘Symeon, receive with joy an infant in age, the Consolation of the Israel of God, for whom you hoped, Christ, the Maker and Master of the Law, as he fulfils the order of the Law, and cry out to him, ‘The universe has been filled with your praise’’[49].
As Symeon watched the Word incarnate, who is without beginning, riding on the Virgin, as on the throne of the Cherubim,[50] him the cause of the existence of all things, as a babe, in amazement he cried out to him, ‘The universe has been filled with your praise.’
Ode 5. The Irmos.
‘When Isaias in a figure saw God on an exalted throne,[51] escorted by Angels of glory, ‘Woe is me!’ he cried, for I have seen beforehand God in a body, Lord of the light that knows no evening and Lord of peace.’’[52]
When the godly Elder saw the Word held in the hands of his Mother, he understood that this was the glory revealed of old to the Prophet. He cried out, ‘Rejoice, holy Lady, for, like a throne, you hold God, Lord of the light that knows no evening and Lord of peace’.
The Elder, bending down and reverently touching the footprints of God’s Mother, who did not know wedlock, said, ‘Pure Virgin you carry fire.[53] I tremble to take God as a infant in my arms, Lord of the light that knows no evening and Lord of peace.’
‘Isaias was cleansed when he received the coal from the Seraphim’, cried the Elder to God’s Mother, ‘You, with your hands as with tongs, make me resplendent as you give me the one you carry, Lord of the light that knows no evening and Lord of peace.’[54]
Ode 6. The Irmos.
‘The Elder having seen with his eyes, the salvation that had come to the people, cried aloud to you, ‘O Christ, who come from God, ‘You are my God!’’[55]
‘You have been set up in Sion as a stumbling stone and rock of offence[56] for the disobedient, unbreakable salvation of believers.
‘Truly bearing the imprint[57] of him who begot you before the ages, through compassion for mortals you have now put on their weakness.
‘I have worshipped you, Son of the Most High, Son of a Virgin, God become a little child. Now release me in peace.’[58]
Kontakion. Tone 1. By Romanos.
You sanctified a virgin womb by your birth,
And fittingly blessed Symeon’s hands;
You have come now too and saved us, O Christ God.
But give peace to your commonwealth in times of war,
And strengthen its Rulers, whose friend you are,
Only Lover of mankind.
Let us run to the Mother of God if we wish to see her Son
Being brought to Symeon.
From heaven the Bodiless Ones are amazed as they look on him and say,
‘Wondrous and marvellous[59], incomprehensible, ineffable are the things we now see,
For the One who created Adam is being carried[60] as a babe;
The uncontainable is contained in the arms of the elder;[61]
He who is in the uncircumscribed bosom of his Father[62]
Is willingly circumscribed in flesh, but not in godhead,
The only Lover of mankind’.
On the 2nd of the month, the Meeting of our Lord, Jesus Christ, when the righteous Symeon received him into his arms.
The hands of Symeon that carry you
The Father’s bosom typify, my Christ.
Forty days having passed since the incarnation of the Lord’s salvation, the nativity from the Ever-Virgin without husband, our Lord Jesus Christ was brought on this most honoured day into the temple by his all-pure Mother and the just Joseph, in accordance with the shadowy letter of the Law. When the aged Symeon, the Elder, to whom it had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord’s Christ, had received him in his arms and given thanks and glory to God, he cried out, ‘Now, Master, you release your servant according to your word’. And after his great joys he departed from life here, having received heavenly and unending in exchange for those of earth. This assembly is held in the revered house of our immaculate Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, which is in Vlachernae.
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy Martyr, Agathodoros.
To Agathуdoros, a gift [
doron] to GodThrough blood, I give [
doro] a gift out of my words.As a young man he was brought before the Governor of Tyana, and because of his confession of Christ, he was flogged. Then he was placed on a burning brazier. His tongue was cut out with a knife. His teeth were pulled out with forceps. The skin of his face was removed with a razor. His thighs and legs were smashed. His sides were pierced through with a pole. The membrane of his brain[63] received red hot skewers. And so he yielded his spirit to God.
To God the glory and the might to the ages. Amen.
Ode 7. The Irmos.
‘God the Word, who in the fire dropped dew upon the Youths as they sang of God[64] and who dwelt in an undefiled Virgin, we praise you as we devoutly sing, ‘Blessed are you the God of our Fathers’[65].’
‘I go to bring revelation to Adam, who sojourns in Hell, to declare to Eve the good tidings’[66] Symeon cried out, as with the choir of Prophets he sang, ‘Blessed are you the God of our Fathers’.
To deliver a race formed of dust[67] God will come to Hell and will grant forgiveness to all the prisoners, sight to the blind and so that the dumb may cry,[68] ‘Blessed are you the God of our Fathers’.
‘And a sword will pass through your heart, O Undefiled,’[69] Symeon foretold to the Mother of God, ‘When you see you Son on the Cross.’ To him we cry, ‘Blessed are you the God of our Fathers’.
Ode 8. The Irmos.
‘United in the unquenchable fire, the Young Men, champions of piety, yet unharmed by the flame, raised their hymn to God, ‘Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, and praise and exalt him to all the ages.’’[70]
People of Israel, as you see your glory,[71] Emmanuel, a child from a Virgin, now dance before the Ark of God[72] and sing, ‘Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, and praise and exalt him to all the ages.’
‘See,’ cried Symeon, ‘he will be the sign that will be contradicted,[73] for he is God and a little child.’ To him let us sing with faith, ‘Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, and praise and exalt him to all the ages.’
He that is life, God the Word become a babe, will be the fall of the disobedient, but resurrection for those who sing with faith,[74] ‘Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, and praise and exalt him to all the ages.’
Ode 9.
Megalynaria sung with this Ode.
[75]That which is fulfilled in you is beyond the understanding both of Angels and of mortals, O pure Virgin Mother.
Symeon the Elder embraces in his arms the Maker of the Law and Master of all.
The Creator, wishing to save Adam, took up his dwelling in your virgin womb.
The whole race of mortals calls you blessed, pure Virgin, and glorifies you with faith as Mother of God.
Come and see Christ, the Master of all, whom Symeon carries today in the temple.
You look upon the earth and make it tremble;[76] how then can I, aged and weary, hold you in my arms?
Symeon had lived for many years when he saw Christ, and cried aloud to him, ‘Now I seek my release.’
Mary, you are the mystic tongs who conceived in your womb Christ, the burning coal.[77]
O God, who are before all things, of your own will you became man, and are carried in the temple as a child of forty days.
Symeon the priest received the Master of all, come down from heaven.
Make bright my soul and the light of my senses, that I may see you in purity, and I will proclaim that you are God.
Pure Virgin Mother, why do you bring into the temple a new-born babe and commit him to Symeon’s hands?
From you, the Creator, I now seek release, for I have seen you, O Christ, my salvation and my light.
Him whom the ministers at the liturgy on high entreat with trembling, here below Symeon now takes in his arms.
In nature Unity, but in Persons Trinity, watch over your servants who put their faith in you.
Both now.
Mother of God, hope of all Christians, protect, watch over, guard all those who put their hope in you.
The Irmos.
‘In the shadow and letter of the Law, Let us the faithful discern a figure. ‘Every male child that opens the womb shall be holy to God.’[78] Therefore the firstborn Word, Son of a Father who has no beginning, the firstborn child of a Mother who had not known man, we magnify.’
For those of old there was a pair of doves and two young pigeons.[79] In their place the godly Elder and Anna the sober prophetess, ministering to the One born from a Virgin and only offspring of the Father as he enters the temple, magnify him.
‘You have granted me, O Christ, the joy of your salvation’, cried Symeon, ‘Take your servant, wearied by the shadow, as a new initiate and preacher of grace, as with praise he magnifies you.’
Reverently holy Anna, sober and aged, openly confessed the Master, announcing him clearly in the temple. While as she proclaimed the Mother of God to all those present, she magnified her.
Exapostilarion. Model melody.
Coming to the Temple by the Spirit, the Elder received in his arms the Master of the Law and cried, ‘Now release me from the bond of the flesh in peace, as you said. For I have seen with my eyes the revelation of the Nations and the salvation of Israel’. [
x3]At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and sing three Prosomia, doubling the first.
Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Fulfilling the written Law, the Lover of mankind is now being brought into the Temple. And Symeon the Elder receives him in aged arms, crying, ‘Now you release me to the blessedness of the other world, for today I have seen you, clothed in mortal flesh, the Lord of life and Master of death.’
Light for revelation to the nations, you, Lord, the Sun of justice, appeared, seated on a light cloud[80], bringing to completion the shadow of the Law and making manifest the beginning of the new Grace.[81] Therefore, as he looked on you, Symeon cried aloud, ‘Release me from corruption, for I have seen you today.’
Not parted in your Godhead from the bosom of your Begetter; incarnate, as you were well-pleased; held in the arms of the Ever-Virgin, you, who hold the universe in your hand, were given into the hands of Symeon, who received God[82]. And so he cried aloud with joy, ‘Now you release me, your servant, in peace, for I have seen you, Master.’
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6. By Germanos.Christ God, who today were well-pleased to be laid in aged hands, as upon the chariot of the Cherubim, calling us, who sing your praise, back from the tyranny of the passions, deliver and save our souls.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
At The Liturgy
Typika and from the 3rd and 6th Odes of the Canon.
Or the following Antiphons.
Antiphon 1.
Verse 1:
My heart has uttered a good Word, I tell my works to the King.At the prayers of the Mother of God…
Verse 2:
My tongue is the pen of ready writer.At the prayers of the Mother of God…
Verse 3:
Grace was poured from your lips.At the prayers of the Mother of God…
Glory. Both now.
Verse 4:
Therefore God has blessed you for ever.Antiphon 2.
Verse 1:
Gird your sword on your thigh, mighty warrior, in your splendour and beauty.Son of God, carried in the arms of righteous Symeon, save us who sing to you. Alleluia!
Verse 2:
Draw your bow and prosper, and reign.Son of God, carried in the arms of righteous Symeon, save us who sing to you. Alleluia!
Verse 3:
Your arrows have been sharpened, O Mighty One; peoples will fall beneath you.Son of God, carried in the arms of righteous Symeon, save us who sing to you. Alleluia!
Verse 4:
The sceptre of your Kingdom is a rod of justice.Glory. Both now.
Only-begotten Son…
Antiphon 3.
Verse 1:
Listen my daughter and see, and incline your ear.Hail, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God…
Verse 2:
The richest of the people will entreat your favour.Hail, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God…
Verse 3:
I will remember your name throughout all generations.Hail, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God…
The Lord has made known his salvation before all the nations.
Son of God, carried in the arms of righteous Symeon, save us who sing to you. Alleluia!
It is truly right.Mother of God, hope of all Christians, protect, watch over, guard all those who put their hope in you.
In the shadow and letter of the Law, Let us the faithful discern a figure. ‘Every male child that opens the womb shall be holy to God.’ Therefore the Son and Word of the Father who has no beginning, the firstborn child of a Mother who had not know man, we magnify.
I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia.
29 June. Commemoration of Apostles Peter And Paul
.Great Vespers.
We recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma,
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 6 [8] Stichera and sing the 3 following, doubling them.Tone 2. Model Melody. By Andrew of Crete
.With what garlands of praise should we bind the brows of Peter and Paul? Separated in body, united in the Spirit, the leaders of God’s heralds; the one as chief of the Apostles, the other as having toiled more than the rest; for with diadems of immortal glory he has indeed fittingly crowned them, Christ our God, who has great mercy.
.With what beauties of hymnody should we sing the praise of Peter and Paul? The wings of the knowledge of God, who flew through the ends of the earth and were lifted up high to heaven; the hands of the Gospel of grace, the feet of the truth of the proclamation, the rivers of wisdom, the arms of the Cross, through which he has cast down the arrogance of demons, Christ our God, who has great mercy.
With what spiritual songs should we praise Peter and Paul? The unblunted mouths of the dread sword of the Spirit that slaughter godlessness; the radiant ornaments of Rome; the delights of the whole inhabited world; the reasoning tablets, written by God, of the New Testament, which in Sion Christ proclaimed, who has great mercy.
Glory. Tone 2. By Monk John
.By the triple question, ‘Peter, do you love me?’ Christ set right the triple denial; and so Simon said to him who knows the heart, ‘Lord, you know all things, you understand all things, you know that I love you’. Therefore the Saviour said to him, ‘Shepherd my sheep, shepherd my flock, shepherd my lambs, which I purchased with my own blood to save them. Entreat him, O Apostle, called blessed by God, that his great mercy be given to our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.The Prophet David, through you the ancestor of God, spoke of you in song beforehand to him who has done great things for you, ‘The Queen stood at your right hand’. For he, the God who was well pleased without father to become man from you, declared you to be mother, source of life, that he might refashion his own image, corrupted by passions, and, having found the lost sheep wandering on the mountain and laid it on his shoulders, he might bring it to his Father; and by his own will unite it to the heavenly Powers and save the world, O Mother of God, Christ who has great and rich mercy.
O Joyful Light. The Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
1:3-9]Brethren, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith--being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire--may be found to result in praise and glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed. Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
1:13-15]Beloved, therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed. Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’ If you invoke as Father the one who judges all people impartially according to their deeds, live in reverent fear during the time of your exile. You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish.
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
2:11-24]Beloved, I urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the soul. Conduct yourselves honourably among the Gentiles, so that, though they malign you as evildoers, they may see your honourable deeds and glorify God when he comes to judge. For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil. Honour everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God. Honour the emperor. Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh. For it is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain while suffering unjustly. If you endure when you are beaten for doing wrong, what credit is that? But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God’s approval. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps. ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.’ When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 2. By Andrew of Jerusalem
.Come then to me today with fervour, acceptable sacrifice of the faithful; as we stand together in choir let us garland with fitting songs Peter and Paul, the chosen weavers of grace; because they sowed the word unstintingly for all and enriched them with the gift of the Spirit; and being branches of the true vine, they have brought to perfection for us the ripe grape cluster, making glad our hearts. To them let us cry out, with faces unveiled and with pure consciences, as we say: Hail, guides of the unreasoning and servants of those with reason. Hail, fair chosen members of the maker and guardian of all. Hail, protectors of the good and persecutors of the deceitful. Teacher to give the world stable peace and our souls his great mercy.
By Arsenios. Same Tone.
The whole world, let us praise as its champions the Disciples of Christ and foundations of the Church, the true pillars and bases, and inspired trumpets of the doctrines and sufferings of Christ, the Princes, Peter and Paul. For they passed through the whole breadth of the earth as with a plough, and sowed the faith, and they made the knowledge of God well up for all, showing forth the understanding of the Trinity. O Peter, rock and foundation, and Paul, vessel of election; the yoked oxen of Christ drew nations, cities and islands to knowledge of God. While they have brought Hebrews again to Christ and the intercede that our souls may be saved.
By Germanos. Same Tone
.Peter, Prince of the glorious Apostles, the rock of the faith, and inspired Paul, the preacher and beacon of the holy Churches, as you stand before the throne of God intercede with Christ on our behalf.
The same
.Paul, mouth of the Lord, foundation of doctrines, once the persecutor of Jesus my Saviour, but now become first throned of the Apostles, blessed one; therefore you saw things ineffable, O wise one, when you ascended to the third heaven, and you cried: Come with me, and let us not be deprived of the blessings.
Tone 3. By Monk John
.The citizens of the Jerusalem on high, the rock of the faith, the preacher of the Church of Christ, the pair of the Trinity, the fishers of the world, leaving behind today the things on earth, have journeyed in truth to God, and they implore him with boldness that our souls may be saved.
Glory. Tone 5. By Vyzantios
.As the wisdom of God, the co-eternal Word of the Father, foretold in the Gospel, you are the fruitful branches, all-praised Apostles; you bear on your shoots the ripe and lovely grape cluster, which we faithful eat and experience a taste which brings delight. Peter, rock of the faith, and Paul, boast of the inhabited world, establish the flock which you have gained by your teachings.
Both now. Theotokion
.We the faithful, as is fitting, call you blessed, Virgin Mother of God, the unshakeable city, the unbreachable wall, the invincible protection and refuge of our souls.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 1. By Andrew of Crete
.Who will recount your chains city by city and your afflictions, glorious Apostle Paul? Or who will set down the struggles and the toils, by which you toiled in the Gospel of Christ, that you might gain all people and bring the Church to Christ? But ask that she may keep safe your fair confession until her last breath, O Paul, Apostle and teacher of the Churches.
Their sound has gone out into all the earth; and their words to the ends of the world.Who will recount your chains city by city and your afflictions, glorious Apostle Paul? The toils, the pains, the watchings, the sufferings from hunger and thirst, from cold and nakedness, the basket, the beatings, the stonings, the journeying, the deep, the shipwrecks? You became a spectacle to Angels and to humans. You endured all things in Christ you gave you power, that you might gain the world for Christ Jesus, your Lord. And so we beseech you, as we faithfully celebrate your memory, intercede without ceasing that our souls may be saved.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.Let us praise Peter and Paul, the great beacons of the Church; for they shone more brightly than the sun in the firmament of the faith, and with the rays of the proclamation they brought the nations from ignorance to the knowledge of God. The one was nailed to a cross and so found the path to heaven, where he was handed the keys of the kingdom by Christ; while the other was beheaded by the sword and so departed to the Saviour and is fittingly called blessed. Both denounced Israel for stretching out his hands unjustly against the Lord himself. And so at their prayers, Christ our God, cast down those who are against us, and strengthen the orthodox faith, as you love mankind.
Glory. Tone 6. By Ephrem of Karia
.A joyous feast has shone out today on the ends of the earth, the all-honoured memorial of the wisest Apostles and their princes, Peter and Paul; and so Rome dances and rejoices. Let us also, brethren, celebrate in songs and psalms this all-revered day, as we cry out to them: Hail, Peter, Apostle and true friend of your teacher, Christ our God. Hail, Paul, well-loved, and herald of the faith and teacher of the inhabited world. Holy pair, chosen by God, as you have boldness, implore Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Both now. Theotokion.
Mother of God, you are the true vine, that gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede together with the Apostles that he have mercy on our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 4
.First-throned of the Apostles and teachers of the inhabited world, intercede with the Master of all things to give peace to the world and to our souls his great mercy.
he mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.And Dismissal
29 June. Commemoration of Peter and Paul
.Great Vespers.
We recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma,
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 6 [8] Stichera and sing the 3 following, doubling them.Tone 2. Model Melody. By Andrew of Crete
.With what garlands of praise should we bind the brows of Peter and Paul? Separated in body, united in the Spirit, the leaders of God’s heralds; the one as chief of the Apostles, the other as having toiled more than the rest; for with diadems of immortal glory he has indeed fittingly crowned them, Christ our God, who has great mercy.
.With what beauties of hymnody should we sing the praise of Peter and Paul? The wings of the knowledge of God, who flew through the ends of the earth and were lifted up high to heaven; the hands of the Gospel of grace, the feet of the truth of the proclamation, the rivers of wisdom, the arms of the Cross, through which he has cast down the arrogance of demons, Christ our God, who has great mercy.
With what spiritual songs should we praise Peter and Paul? The unblunted mouths of the dread sword of the Spirit that slaughter godlessness; the radiant ornaments of Rome; the delights of the whole inhabited world; the reasoning tablets, written by God, of the New Testament, which in Sion Christ proclaimed, who has great mercy.
Glory. Tone 2. By Monk John
.By the triple question, ‘Peter, do you love me?’ Christ set right the triple denial; and so Simon said to him who knows the heart, ‘Lord, you know all things, you understand all things, you know that I love you’. Therefore the Saviour said to him, ‘Shepherd my sheep, shepherd my flock, shepherd my lambs, which I purchased with my own blood to save them. Entreat him, O Apostle, called blessed by God, that his great mercy be given to our souls.
Both now. Theotokion.
The Prophet David, through you the ancestor of God, spoke of you in song beforehand to him who has done great things for you, ‘The Queen stood at your right hand’. For he, the God who was well pleased without father to become man from you, declared you to be mother, source of life, that he might refashion his own image, corrupted by passions, and, having found the lost sheep wandering on the mountain and laid it on his shoulders, he might bring it to his Father; and by his own will unite it to the heavenly Powers and save the world, O Mother of God, Christ who has great and rich mercy.
O Joyful Light. The Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
1:3-9]Brethren, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith--being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire--may be found to result in praise and glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed. Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
1:13-15]Beloved, therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed. Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’ If you invoke as Father the one who judges all people impartially according to their deeds, live in reverent fear during the time of your exile. You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish.
The Reading is from the First Universal Epistle of Peter.
2:11-24]Beloved, I urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the soul. Conduct yourselves honourably among the Gentiles, so that, though they malign you as evildoers, they may see your honourable deeds and glorify God when he comes to judge. For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil. Honour everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God. Honour the emperor. Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh. For it is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain while suffering unjustly. If you endure when you are beaten for doing wrong, what credit is that? But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God’s approval. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps. ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.’ When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 2. By Andrew of Jerusalem
.Come then to me today with fervour, acceptable sacrifice of the faithful; as we stand together in choir let us garland with fitting songs Peter and Paul, the chosen weavers of grace; because they sowed the word unstintingly for all and enriched them with the gift of the Spirit; and being branches of the true vine, they have brought to perfection for us the ripe grape cluster, making glad our hearts. To them let us cry out, with faces unveiled and with pure consciences, as we say: Hail, guides of the unreasoning and servants of those with reason. Hail, fair chosen members of the maker and guardian of all. Hail, protectors of the good and persecutors of the deceitful. Teacher to give the world stable peace and our souls his great mercy.
By Arsenios. Same Tone
.The whole world, let us praise as its champions the Disciples of Christ and foundations of the Church, the true pillars and bases, and inspired trumpets of the doctrines and sufferings of Christ, the Princes, Peter and Paul. For they passed through the whole breadth of the earth as with a plough, and sowed the faith, and they made the knowledge of God well up for all, showing forth the understanding of the Trinity. O Peter, rock and foundation, and Paul, vessel of election; the yoked oxen of Christ drew nations, cities and islands to knowledge of God. While they have brought Hebrews again to Christ and the intercede that our souls may be saved.
By Germanos. Same Tone
.Peter, Prince of the glorious Apostles, the rock of the faith, and inspired Paul, the preacher and beacon of the holy Churches, as you stand before the throne of God intercede with Christ on our behalf.
Paul, mouth of the Lord, foundation of doctrines, once the persecutor of Jesus my Saviour, but now become first throned of the Apostles, blessed one; therefore you saw things ineffable, O wise one, when you ascended to the third heaven, and you cried: Come with me, and let us not be deprived of the blessings.
Tone 3. By Monk John
.The citizens of the Jerusalem on high, the rock of the faith, the preacher of the Church of Christ, the pair of the Trinity, the fishers of the world, leaving behind today the things on earth, have journeyed in truth to God, and they implore him with boldness that our souls may be saved.
Glory. Tone 5. By Vyzantios
.As the wisdom of God, the co-eternal Word of the Father, foretold in the Gospel, you are the fruitful branches, all-praised Apostles; you bear on your shoots the ripe and lovely grape cluster, which we faithful eat and experience a taste which brings delight. Peter, rock of the faith, and Paul, boast of the inhabited world, establish the flock which you have gained by your teachings.
Both now. Theotokion
.We the faithful, as is fitting, call you blessed, Virgin Mother of God, the unshakeable city, the unbreachable wall, the invincible protection and refuge of our souls.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera. Tone 1. By Andrew of Crete
.Who will recount your chains city by city and your afflictions, glorious Apostle Paul? Or who will set down the struggles and the toils, by which you toiled in the Gospel of Christ, that you might gain all people and bring the Church to Christ? But ask that she may keep safe your fair confession until her last breath, O Paul, Apostle and teacher of the Churches.
Their sound has gone out into all the earth; and their words to the ends of the world.Who will recount your chains city by city and your afflictions, glorious Apostle Paul? The toils, the pains, the watchings, the sufferings from hunger and thirst, from cold and nakedness, the basket, the beatings, the stonings, the journeying, the deep, the shipwrecks? You became a spectacle to Angels and to humans. You endured all things in Christ you gave you power, that you might gain the world for Christ Jesus, your Lord. And so we beseech you, as we faithfully celebrate your memory, intercede without ceasing that our souls may be saved.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.Let us praise Peter and Paul, the great beacons of the Church; for they shone more brightly than the sun in the firmament of the faith, and with the rays of the proclamation they brought the nations from ignorance to the knowledge of God. The one was nailed to a cross and so found the path to heaven, where he was handed the keys of the kingdom by Christ; while the other was beheaded by the sword and so departed to the Saviour and is fittingly called blessed. Both denounced Israel for stretching out his hands unjustly against the Lord himself. And so at their prayers, Christ our God, cast down those who are against us, and strengthen the orthodox faith, as you love mankind.
Glory. Tone 6. By Ephrem of Karia
.A joyous feast has shone out today on the ends of the earth, the all-honoured memorial of the wisest Apostles and their princes, Peter and Paul; and so Rome dances and rejoices. Let us also, brethren, celebrate in songs and psalms this all-revered day, as we cry out to them: Hail, Peter, Apostle and true friend of your teacher, Christ our God. Hail, Paul, well-loved, and herald of the faith and teacher of the inhabited world. Holy pair, chosen by God, as you have boldness, implore Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Both now. Theotokion.
Mother of God, you are the true vine, that gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede together with the Apostles that he have mercy on our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 4
.First-throned of the Apostles and teachers of the inhabited world, intercede with the Master of all things to give peace to the world and to our souls his great mercy.
he mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death. .20 July. Commemoration of Prophet Elias the Thesbite
.At Vespers
After the usual reading from the Psalter, at
Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 stichera and sing the following prosomia.Tone 1
Merciful Word, who translated Elias the Thesbite from earth in a fiery chariot, at his intercessions save us who faithfully glorify you and who harmoniously celebrate his godlike and honoured memory. (
Twice)Elias, blest by God, of old you saw the enlightening presence of God, not in a earthquake, but in a light breeze. Borne on a four-horse chariot, you rode to heaven in a wondrous way, O God-inspired. (
Twice)Burning with divine zeal, Elias, you slew the priests of shame with the sword; with your tongue you ordered the heaven not to rain; you filled Elissaios by the gift of your mantle with a double share of inspired grace. (
Tone 6. By Vyzantios.Come, gathering of the orthodox, assembled today in the all-honoured temple of the inspired Prophets, let us sing in psalms a harmonious melody to Him who glorified them, Christ our God, and let us cry out with joy and gladness: Hail, angel on earth and man of heaven, glorious Elias. Hail, all-honoured Elissaios, who received double grace from God. Hail, fervent helpers, defenders and physicians of both souls and bodies of the people which loves Christ. From every hostile assault and calamity, from every kind of danger deliver those who celebrate with faith your festive memorial.
Both now.
TheotokionWho will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not hymn your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sakes, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
Entrance. The Prokeimenon of the day and the readings.
The Reading is from the 3rd Book of Reigns.
17,1-24]The word of the Lord came to the Prophet Elias and he said to Achab, ‘As the Lord the God of powers lives, the God of Israel, before whom I stand today, there shall be neither dew nor rain during these years, except by my mouth.’ The word of the Lord came to Elias, saying, ‘Go from here and towards the east, and hide yourself in the brook Chorrath, which is opposite the Jordan. You shall drink from the brook, and I am commanding the ravens to feed you there.’ So he went and settled by the brook Chorrath, which is opposite the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread in the morning, and meat in the evening; and he drank water from the brook. And it cane to pass after some days that the brook dried up, because there was no rain on the land. Then the word of the Lord came to Elias, saying, ‘Arise and go to Sarepta, which belongs to Sidon, and settle there; for see, I am commanding a widow there to feed you.’ And he arose and went to Sarepta, to the gate of the city. And a widow was there gathering sticks. And Elias called after her and said, ‘Bring me a little water in a vessel, so that I may drink.’ As she was going to bring it, he called after her and said, ‘Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.’ But the woman said, ‘As the Lord your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of flour in the jar, and a little oil in the jug; I am now gathering a couple of sticks, so that I may go home and prepare it for myself and my children, that we may eat it, and die.’ Elias said to her, ‘Take courage. Go and do as you have said; but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and afterwards make something for yourself and your children. For thus says the Lord the God of Israel: The jar of flour will not fail and the jug of oil will not grow less until the day that the Lord sends rain on the whole land.’ The woman went and did as Elias said, and he and she and her children ate. And from that day the jar of flour did not fail, neither did the jug of oil grow less, according to the word of the Lord that he spoke by Elias. After this the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, became ill; his illness was so severe that there was no breath left in him. She then said to Elias, ‘Why do you trouble me, man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sins to remembrance, and to cause the death of my son?’ But he said to her, ‘Give me your son.’ He took him from her bosom, carried him up into the upper chamber where he was lodging, and laid him on his own bed. He cried out to the Lord, ‘Alas, Lord my God, you have brought calamity upon the widow with whom I am staying, whose witness you are, by killing her son.’ Then he breathed upon the child three times, and called on the Lord and said, ‘Lord my God, let this child's life come into him again.’ And so it happened and he cried out. And the Lord listened to the voice of Elias; the child’s soul came into him again, and he lived. Elias took the child, brought him down from the upper chamber into the house, and gave him to his mother. Then Elias said, ‘See, your son is alive.’ So the woman said to Elias, ‘Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is true.’
The Reading is from the 3rd Book of Reigns.
18,1.17-46 & 19,1-6]The word of the Lord came to Elias the Thesbite in the third year, saying, ‘Go, and appear before Achab, and I will give rain on the face of the land. And it came to pass that when Achab saw Elias, he said to him, ‘Is it you, the one who is troubling Israel?’ He answered, ‘I am not troubling Israel; but you are, and your father’s house, by forsaking the Lord our God and following Baal. Now therefore have all Israel assemble to me at Mount Carmel, with the four hundred fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of the scared groves, who eat at Jezebel’s table.’ So Achab sent to all Israel, and assembled the prophets at Mount Carmel. Elias said to them, ‘How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.’ Then Elias said to the people, ‘I, even I only, am left a prophet of the Lord; but the prophets of the sacred grove are very many. Let two bulls be given to us; let them choose one bull for themselves, cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire to it; I will prepare the other bull, but put no fire to it. Then you call on the name of your god and I will call on the name of the Lord my God. And the god who answers by fire shall be God.’ All the people answered, ‘The word you have spoken today is good.’ Then Elias said to the prophets of shame, ‘Choose for yourselves one calf and prepare it first; then call on the name of your god, but put no fire to it.’ So they took the calf, prepared it, and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon, crying, ‘O Baal, hear us!’ But there was no voice, and no answer. They ran upon the altar that they had made. At noon Elias the Thesbite mocked them, saying, ‘Cry aloud! For your god likes garrulousness.’ And when the time of the offering of the oblation came, there was nothing. Then Elias the Thesbite said to the prophets of abominations, ‘Stand aside now, and I will offer my holocaust’. And Elias said to the people, ‘Come close’. And all the people came closer to him. Elias took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of Israel, to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying, ‘Israel shall be your name’. With the stones he built and repaired the altar of the Lord that had been cast down. Then he made a trench around the altar, large enough to contain two measures of seed. Next he put the pieces of wood on the altar he had made, cut the holocaust in pieces, and laid them on the pieces of wood and piled them on the altar. He said, ‘Bring me two jars of water and pour it on the holocaust and on the pieces of wood.’ Then he said, ‘Do it a second time’; and they did it a second time. Again he said, ‘Do it a third time’; and they did it a third time, so that the water ran all around the altar, and filled the trench also with water. And the prophet Elias cried aloud to heaven and said, ‘Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, hear me today by fire. And let this people known that you alone the Lord. the God of Israel, that I am your servant, and that through you I have done all these things, and that you have turned back the heart of this people to you.’ Then fire from the Lord fell from heaven and consumed the holocaust and the pieces of wood; and the fire licked up the water that was in the trench, the stones, and the dust. And the people fell on their faces and said, ‘The Lord indeed is God; he is God.’ Elias said to them, ‘Seize the prophets of Baal; do not let one of them escape.’ Then they seized them; and Elias brought them down to the brook Kishon, and killed them there. And after this Elias said to Achab, ‘There is a sound of rushing rain. Harness your chariot and go down, lest the rain catch you.’ Then Elias went up to the top of Carmel; there he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees and prayed to the Lord. And the heavens grew black with clouds and wind; there was a heavy rain. Achab went to Jezreel. Achab told Jezebel his wife all that Elias had done. Then Jezebel sent to Elias, saying, ‘Tomorrow I will sacrifice your life like one of them.’ And Elias heard and was afraid; he arose and fled for his life, and came to Beersheba, in the land of Juda; he left his servant there. But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a solitary broom tree. Then he lay down under the broom tree and fell asleep. Suddenly someone touched him and said to him, ‘Arise and eat and drink, for you have a long journey.’ Elias looked, and there at his head was a cake of flour and a jar of water. He arose, ate and drank, and slept again. The angel of the Lord came a second time, touched him, and said, ‘Arise and eat and drink, for you have a long journey.’ He arose, and ate and drank; then he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to mount Horeb. There he entered a cave, and spent the night there. Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, ‘What are you doing here, Elias?’ Elias answered, ‘I have been very zealous for the Lord, the Almighty; for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away.’ Then the Lord said to him, ‘Go, return to your way and you will come to the desert way of Damascus; and you shall anoint Elissaios son of Shaphat as prophet in your place.
The Reading is from the 3rd Book of Reigns.
19,19-21 & 4 Reigns 2,1.6-14]A day came and Elias found Elissaios son of Saphat, who was ploughing. Elias passed by him and threw his mantle over him. Elissaios left the oxen, ran after Elias, and ministered to him. And it came to pass, when the Lord took Elias in a whirlwind as though up to heaven, that Elias went with Elissaios to Galgala. Then Elias said to Elissaios, ‘Stay here; for the Lord has sent me as far as the Jordan.’ But he said, ‘As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.’ So the two of them went on. Fifty men of the sons of the prophets came, and stood at some distance from them, as they both were standing by the Jordan. Then Elias took his mantle and rolled it up, and struck the water with it; the water was parted to the one side and to the other, and the two of them crossed on dry ground. When they had crossed, Elias said to Elissaios, ‘Ask me what I may do for you, before I am taken up from you.’ Elissaios said, ‘Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit.’ He responded, ‘You have asked a hard thing; yet, if you see me as I am being taken up from you, it will be granted you; if not, it will not.’ It came to pass that as they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elias was taken up in a whirlwind as if into heaven. Elissaios kept watching and crying out, ‘Father, father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!’ But when he could no longer see him, Elissaios grasped his own clothes and tore them in two pieces. He picked up the mantle of Elias that had fallen from him, and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. Elissaios took the mantle of Elias that had fallen from him, and struck the water, saying, ‘Where then is the God of Elias, Appho?’ And so he struck the water, and the water was parted to the one side and to the other, and Elissaios went over on dry ground.
At the Aposticha, prosomia.
Tone 4. Called from on high.
The one hallowed before his conception, the Angel embodied, the mind of fire, the man of heaven, the godlike forerunner of the second coming of Christ. the glorious Elias, the foundation of the Prophets has spiritually invited all lovers of festivals to celebrate his godly memory. At his intercessions guard your people, O Christ God, untroubled from every kind of harm of the trickster.
Do not touch my anointed ones; and do no evil among my Prophets.Elias the Prophet, whose thoughts were in heaven, when he saw all Israel prostituting itself from God and clinging to idols, on fire with zeal he drew in the clouds, dried up the earth and shut the heavens with a word, saying: There will be no drop upon the earth, except at my bidding. He is now our host, for ungrudgingly he grants inexpressible grace to us who honour him with faith.
You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedek.Initiate of the ineffable mysteries, you parted the streams of Jordan; you reduced the deception of idols to ashes with the lightning of your godlike words; you rebuked the lawless sovereign, slew the priests of lawlessness and burnt up the sacrifice by prayer. Wither up the flaming coals of the passions and tribulations of your people, Elias, with the fire of your intercession.
Tone 6.Prophet, herald of Christ, you are never parted from the throne of Greatness, and you ever stand beside each one who is weak; as you minister in the highest, you bless the inhabited world, everywhere glorified. Ask mercy for our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine, who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede together with the Apostles and all the Saints that He have mercy on our souls.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
The angel embodied, the Prophets’ foundation, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, Elias the glorious, by sending down grace from on high to Elissaios drives out diseases, cleanses lepers; and so he overflows with healings for those who honour him.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The mystery hidden from all eternity and unknown to Angels, has been revealed to those on earth through you, O Mother of God: God being made flesh in a union without confusion, and willingly accepting the Cross for us, through which he raised the first-formed man and saved our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Elias, blessed visionary of God, with one voice we proclaim you as all-radiant beacon, fire-bearing charioteer angel in the flesh, breathing out zeal for God, routing impiety, rebuking the lawless, and as prince of the Prophets; therefore watch over us.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Mary, the holy vessel of the Master, raise us up, who have fallen into the chaos of dread despair, of faults and tribulations; for you are the salvation, help and mighty protection of sinners, and you save your servants.
After the 2nd reading, Kathisma.
Same Tone and melody.
Through unsullied virtue you were endeared to God, for you lived the life of heaven upon earth; having gained the life of grace, blessed Prophet, by your breath you raised a dead child; and you remain incorrupt, still surpassing death, inspired Elias.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.All of us who with love have recourse to your goodness know you to be Mother of God, manifest as truly Virgin even after childbirth; for we sinners have you as protection; we have gained you, all-blameless, as only salvation in temptations.
The Canons of the Mother of God and the following two of the Saint.
The first Canon, by Monk John, with the following acrostic, not including the Theotokia:
Dancing I praise the wonders of Elias.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Let us sing to the Lord.
Chosen to sing the fire-breathing power of the wonders of Elias, fittingly we have summoned the strength of the fire-formed and holy tongue of the Spirit.
Be gracious, god-bearing Saint, and by the force of the Spirit which is in you open up my narrow and ill-sounding feeble tongue, and make it clear and distinct to sing the praise of your wonders.
You distribute gifts above nature to those who obey your holy commandments, O Word, and through the Spirit make the gates of rain obey, accomplishing the word that has been made strong.
O only blessed one, pure and godlike treasure of purity, purify me of the impure slime of the passions, asking pardon of my faults.
Second Canon, whose acrostic is:
Give to me God’s grace, blessed Elias. Joseph
.Ode 1. Tone 8.
The wonder-working staff.
As to the widow’s son, give life to my soul, which has become a corpse, and make it bright with godly virtues, blessed Saint, guide it towards life and make it a partaker of everlasting delight, longing to take delight in you.
When you were born your father was initiated into a truly mighty wonder; for he saw you, O blessed one, eating fire and being swaddled in flame. Therefore by your intercessions deliver me from everlasting fire.
Made great by your inclinations towards God, O blessed one, you were truly always greatly zealous for the Lord. Therefore empower me, once I am filled with divine zeal, to do God’s will so that saved I may honour you.
God who is beyond being was incarnate from you, O All-blameless, and for us he appeared like us as man. Entreat him insistently, O All-pure, to save me who have sinned more than all mankind and to deliver me from punishment.
Ode 3. Establishing me on the rock.
How excellent, O Prophet, the Host who through ravens provided for a sumptuous banquet, who alone fills everything living with good-pleasure, to whom we cry: You are our God, and none is Holy but you, O Lord.
Gratitude to the Benefactor and Protector, who with ineffable providence brought it to pass that widow and Prophet nourished one another, to whom we cry: You are our God, and none is Holy but you, O Lord.
By shutting up the clouds that bring forth showers you stopped the rain, while for the woman of Sarepta, at a loss for nourishment, you made the remains of her food rain drop by drop unceasingly; and so you cried: None is Holy but you, O Lord.
You alone beyond all those from every age were counted worthy of great things, and ones above nature; for you bore in your womb and gave a body to God, whom all creation cannot contain. Therefore with faith we honour you as Mother of God.
Another. O Lord, the builder.
The priests of shame as enemies you slew, glorious Prophet, aflame with zeal for God. Therefore I cry to you: Snatch me from the works of shame and the everlasting fire.
I put you forward as intercessor before the mighty God, O blessed one, able to save me from every evil. Be persuaded by my humble prayer and do not despise me as I entreat you.
God, who brings all to pass, magnifies you, glorious Prophet Elias, nourishing you of old through a bird. Beseech him to make me a partaker of eternal delight and of the light to come.
Gate through which none may pass that leads to God, open to me I beg, O Maiden, gates of repentance, cleansing me from the stain of sins with showers of your mercy, O full of God’s grace.
Kathisma. Tone 8.
The Wisdom and Word.
As Prophet of the true divine light you cast down the prophets of falsehood, by this rebuking Achab who transgressed the law and teaching him not to worship Baal, and by your prayer asking for streams from on high, glorious Elias; therefore you were taken up, a charioteer of the air, in a fiery chariot to the Lord; and so we cry to you: Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with love your holy memory.
All generations of mankind call you blessed, as Virgin and the one who alone among women bore God in the flesh without seed; for the fire of the Godhead dwelt in you, and you suckled as an infant the Creator and Lord. Therefore the race of Angels and of mortals fittingly glorify your all-holy child-bearing, and cry to you with one accord: Intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who worship in faith your child-bearing without seed.
Ode 4. I heard the report, Lord.
You appeared clearly, O Prophet, as pruner of evil but planter of virtue; therefore we honour you.
The widow who nourished you, O Prophet, reviled you with words for the death of her child, hastening his rising.
You clearly indicated the glory of the Trinity when by breathing three times you gave the child alive to his mother.
Like a fruitful vine, Pure Virgin, you bore a cluster to gush fourth the wine of salvation for all.
Another. You, Lord, are my strength.
God turned all your fiery zeal and sent you to nourish a widow, inspired Elias, who by a woman’s threat had of old become a fugitive. And so I implore you to nourish my hungry soul with divine gifts of grace.
Fierce clouds of sins cover me, billows of life buffet me and the spirits of wickedness blow dreadfully against my soul. Prophet who speak of God, become my pilot, directing me towards the haven of salvation.
Strength of soul, strength of body grant me, blessed Elias, by entreating the Lord of glory who takes away the diseases of all; and guide me safely to hasten through the stumbling blocks of life unharmed; for I put you forward as my good defender.
All-blameless Lady, with all the heavenly Powers, with all the Prophets, Athletes, Apostles and Holy Ones, intercede that I, who have greatly sinned, main find salvation and be delivered from the punishment to come.
Ode 5. Giver of light.
The Law of the Fathers showed you, Elias, to be an all true intercessor, a worker of marvels who turned natures from their elements, and burned up a holy sacrifice with water.
As worshipper of the truth, all-blessed, venerable Elias, you nobly put to shame the prophets of polluted shame, clearly indicating the power of the Trinity.
Acting as priest, Elias, by a word of grace you sacrificed the priests of abominations with your guiltless hands, adorned with zeal as with a priestly robe.
To you who gave birth to Christ the Creator of the universe we cry: Hail, pure one! Hail, who made the light dawn for us! Hail, who contained the uncontainable God.
Another. Why have you thrust me.
Ablaze with the zeal of the faith you shut up the clouds that give birth to rain; but, I beg you, Elias, by your sacred mediation water my soul, melted by the flame of pleasures, with divine showers, and save me.
Shown forth as a priest, with guiltless hands you sacrificed the priests of abominations who practised foul deeds; but I beg you, O Prophet, guard me unharmed from every foul sin.
You were declared wonderful, O Prophet, blazing with godly invocations you performed the sacrifices with faith; therefore I beg you unceasingly: set alight in my heart the sacred love that burns up the fuel of my passions.
The Word beyond being came down upon you like rain; entreat him, all-blameless Maiden, to rain pure drops of compunction on me, that will wash away every stain of my numberless evils.
Ode 6. An abyss of sins.
Inspired, god-bearing Elias, you became a figure of godliness and of unsullied life, a husbandman of purity and an image of Angels.
The frenzy of a woman, slayer of prophets, terrified you, inspired Elias, and banished the one to whom had been assigned the binding and loosing of the outpouring of the rains.
Falling to your knees, you lifted up the eye of your mind on high, through sacred supplications bringing release you made the furrows of the land drunk with rain.
The bush on Sinai close companion to the fire yet unconsumed foretold you, the ever-virgin Mother, O Mary, Mother of God without bridegroom.
Another. Be gracious to me, Saviour.
Be gracious to me, Saviour, who have foolishly sinned greatly against you, and ransom me from the punishment that awaits me in the world to come, for you have great Elias and your most pure Mother entreating you.
As husbandman of purity keep me pure in soul; as zealous Elias fill my mind with divine zeal, that I may beat off the assaults of wickedness.
You fasted with one food and accomplished a journey of forty days with the help of God. Therefore I implore you: Empower me, O god-bearer, to be master of every transgression.
O gate of God open for my humble soul divine entrances, by which I shall enter with thanksgiving and receive release from evils, O Mother of God.
Kontakion. Tone 2. Model melody.
Glorious Elias, foreteller and foreseer of the mighty works of God, who in your fierce anger stopped the rain-shedding clouds, intercede on our behalf with the only lover of mankind.
The Ikos.
When he contemplated the great lawlessness of mankind and the measureless love for mankind of God the Prophet Elias was troubled and angry and uttered words without compassion to the Compassionate, crying out: Judge most just, be angry with those who reject you! But he moved the compassion of the Good One not at all to punish those who rejected him; for he ever awaits the repentance of all, the only lover of mankind.
On the 20th of the same month, commemoration of the fire-bearing ascent of the holy, glorious Prophet Elias the Thesbite.
He checked the rain, thrice bringing fire below.
Parting a stream, Elias sped above.
The twentieth by chariot you were taken up.
He was the son of Sobak from Thesbi, from the land of the Arabs, of the tribe of Aaron, and dwelt in Galaad, because Thesbi was dedicated as a dwelling for the Priests. And when his mother bore him, Sobak his father saw that men clothed in white addressed him, that they swaddled him in fire and gave him a flame of fire to eat. Coming to Jerusalem, he told this to the priests, and the oracle said to him: Do not be afraid, man; for the child’s dwelling will be light, his word decision, his life according to the Lord and his zeal well-pleasing to the Lord; and he will judge Israel with sword and fire.
He prophesied for twenty five years, while he preceded the coming of Christ by eight hundred and sixteen years. It is Elias who brought fire from heaven three times, who produced rain by his own voice, raised the dead, burnt up one hundred and on Mount Horeb saw God, as far as it is possible for man to see him; he parted the Jordan with his cloak and was taken up to heaven on a fiery chariot, and stood by Christ with Moses at the Transfiguration.
At his holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. A bush burning with fire.
Clothed with power that was marvellously formed for you from God, with only one meal, inspired Elias, you ended the long journey of forty days. And so at Horeb you danced and sang: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
A mild and gentle breeze, not a mighty wind, nor earthquake, nor fearsome fire, revealed the Lord to you Elias, zealous for God almighty. And so to Jesus, the gentle, we sing: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Like the great Moses you were found worthy of the manifestation of God and of prophecy, inspired Elias, anointing prophets and kings; and as you contemplated Christ’s glory on Thabor you cried out: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
The all-good Word of God the Father dwelt supernaturally in your womb, O Most Pure, refashioned us and made us worthy of the life of Eden. Therefore all we believers, worshipping you as Mother of God, raise the song: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Another. God’s condescension.
Taking pity on a people that was perishing, glorious Prophet, with zeal of faith and godly invocations you brought down fire that consumed a holy sacrifice. Therefore I implore you: deliver me from the eternal flame and save me.
On mount Thabor you were counted worthy to see the face of God. Beseech him, O Prophet, to overlook my sins and on the day of judgement with soul uncondemned to contemplate his face.
As I journey on life’s road I take up many false paths. Elias, my loving protector, with your protection pilot me, who am shaken by my own inclination and assent to pleasures.
O All-praised, I hymn you and I magnify your pure child-bearing, O full of God’s grace. Help me who am storm-tossed by the waves of life and give to my humble soul compunction that cleanses from stains.
Ode 8. The spotless body of the pure Youths.
At the reproof of a Prophet, Achab found the total destruction of the race plausible as a reward for murderous defilement; but the Thesbite from his mind that breathed fire sang this hymn to the Giver of life: Praise the Lord, you his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Fire rained from heaven for you, Elias, as God’s good servant, consuming twice fifty who attacked you; for to the One who is Lord of ever-living life you cried out in a manner fitting God the hymn: Praise the Lord, you his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Christ, the shoot beyond godhead of the Virgin, revealed you on Thabor as cultivator of purity, to be an initiate of the divine incarnation, showing you in his flesh the incomprehensible light of the Godhead, as you cried out: Praise the Lord, you his works, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Another. The Chaldean tyrant.
We know you to have been a vessel that contained the Spirit of God; for you, Elias, were an angel on earth who breathed the fire of divine zeal, routed impiety, rebuked kings, anointed prophets and cut off the priests of shame with the sword. And so we cry to you: Deliver us from shame to come.
A chariot of fire took you from earth, Elias inspired by God, ablaze with divine zeal; and so I implore you with the four-horsed chariot of your virtues lighten my mind of the ills on earth; and entreat the God and King of all things that I may reach the winning post in heaven.
With a living word you shut up heaven from giving rain; now with your spiritual word open to me, I beg, the gates of repentance, holy Prophet, sending to my soul showers of compunction, and save me as I cry out: Priests bless, people highly exalt Christ to the ages.
Of the Trinity.
As we honour a Trinity in one Godhead, equal in strength, identical in honour, consubstantial, equal in majesty, we honour Father, Son and Holy Spirit, unsetting ray, might of equal kingship, and we sing with one accord: Priests bless, people highly exalt the Lord to all the ages.
Born from you Emmanuel appeared framing laws of true religion and teaching repentance. Most holy Lady now implore him to open for me gates of righteousness and to save me as I cry out: Priests bless, people highly exalt him to all the ages.
Ode 9. Blessed, all-pure.
Having lived on earth a path of life unchanged by men, and crossed the stream of Jordan with his cloak, the Thesbite, as charioteer of the air, through the Spirit completed the strange path of his journey to heaven.
The Thesbite, aflame with the zeal of devotion to God, is raised up on a chariot formed of fire; while, letting fall his cloak, he leaves behind, doubled by divine grace, Elissaios whose notice he was not able to escape.
Revealed as one who sees God the Thesbite, with Moses, contemplates what eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor the heart of humans born of earth considered, the incarnate Lord almighty on Thabor.
O Mother of God, who abolished the severe ancient sentence, who set upright the Foremother, the cause reconciliation of the race to God, the bridge to the Creator, we magnify you.
Another. Heaven was amazed.
You were counted worthy to see God in a light breeze, as far it is possible to see him, having before made your body light by an ascetic life, glorious Prophet; therefore I implore you that, lightening the grossness of my mind by your prayers, you would shine on me with divine beams of repentance.
As of old you parted the Jordan with your mantle and crossed over, O all-blessed, so dry up too the streams of my dreadful sins, sending to my soul each day, Prophet who spoke of God, showers of tears, granting me a torrent of delight.
From the many forms of stumbling blocks in life, from lawless foes, every tribulation, bodily disease and perversion of soul, as a loving protector, deliver me by your prayers, glorious Prophet, I cry out to you and from eternal condemnation in Gehenna.
You were snatched up to the height, glorious Elias, leaving behind to Elissaios when he asked double the grace of the Spirit. With him ceaselessly beg victory from heaven and forgiveness of offences for our Sovereign, made rich with you as unashamed protector with the Master.
As you are loving, do not despise the voices of your servants, all-blameless Lady; but insistently beg the Master of all things, O Virgin, to grant trophies of victory to our Sovereign, health of soul and a share in and the splendour of God’s kingdom.
Exapostilarion. Light unchanged.
Light showed you as a charioteer borne heavenwards on a fiery chariot, Elias, and did not consume you; for by a tongue of clay you drew down fire and dried up showers.
Light you bore, O Virgin; implore your Son, O Mother of God, by your intercessions to take pity and to save me, who trust in your honoured assistance, from eternal darkness.
At Lauds we sing 3 Prosomia, doubling the 1st.
Tone 8. What shall we call you.
When through virtue and an innocent life you had been joined to God, inspired Prophet, you received authority from him and altered creation according to your judgement: you shut up the gates of the rain as you willed; you brought down fire from above; you consumed the impious by fire. Intercede that our souls may be saved. (
Twice)On fire with zeal for the Lord you fiercely rebuked lawless sovereigns; fervently you put to death the priests of shame; you kindled a wondrous fire in the waters, while you were a source of nourishment without husbandry; you parted the streams of Jordan with your cloak. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
When upon earth, O Prophet, you truly manifested the heavenly life, enriched in yourself with the interior life, by your breath you raised one who was dead; you remained yet stronger than death; lifted up into the sky, you mounted a chariot of fire. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
Tone 8.Let us the faithful honour with hymns the most eminent of the Prophets, the all-radiant beacons of the inhabited world, Elias and Elissaios; and let us cry out in harmony to Christ: Compassionate Lord, at the intercessions of your Prophets grant to your people forgiveness of sins and your great mercy.
Both now.
Theotokion.Sovereign Lady, receive the supplications of your servants; deliver us from tribulation and sorrow.
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
The references given for the third reading at Vespers are only approximate, since the text in the Menaion has been shortened in a number of places, notably in the description of the sacrifice on Carmel and the vision at Horeb. There is one very curious reading in the Septuagint text of the third reading. For some reason a Hebrew word meaning something like Even he, or Yea, he, has not been translated, but simply transliterated as appho or aphpho. Has the translator taken the word as a divine title? St Jerome, somewhat freely, translates by nunc etiam. Unless otherwise indicated, the Canon to the Mother of God prescribed as the first canon on some major feasts is that used in the service of the Small Paraklesis. A translation of this canon, translated to be sung to the traditional Byzantine melodies, may be found on another of our pages Canon to the Mother of God.
Canon To The Most Holy Mother Of God
.A Composition by Monk Theostiriktos, or, as some say, Theophanes.
Ode 1, Tone 8. The Irmos.
n crossing the water as though dry land,escaping from Egypt
and its miseries in his flight,
the Israelite raised his voice and cried aloud,
‘To our Redeemer and our God now let us sing!’
y many temptations I am held fast,and seeking salvation
come for refuge in flight to you
O Mother of God’s own Word and Virgin,
from my dread dangers and troubles now rescue me.
he passions torment with their assaults,despondency’s burden
presses heavily on my soul,
with the calm of your Son and God, pure Maiden,
O All-immaculate Virgin, now give me peace.
o God and our Saviour, you once gave birth,pure Maiden, I beg you,
from dread troubles may I be saved,
for as I now run to you for refuge,
it is to you that I lift both my soul and mind.
n body and soul, sick as I am,consider me worthy,
only Mother of our true God,
of your godly providence and kindness,
for you are good and the one who gave birth to Good.
Ode 3. The Irmos.
ou constructed the heavens’ high vault, O Lord, and the Church,has you as its builder, do you establish me in your love,
you are the pinnacle
of all desires, and foundation,
mankind’s only Lover, of all who believe in you.
s protection I set you and as the shield of my life,you gave birth to God, Virgin Mother, guide me as a pilot now
into your anchorage,
you the support of the faithful,
source of all good things, you alone the one all-praised.
entreat you, O Virgin, dispel the strife in my soul,pacify, I pray you, the tempest of my despondency,
for you, O Bride of God,
gave birth to him who is calm’s source,
you gave birth to Christ, you alone are the one all-praised.
enefactor is he whom you bore and cause of all good,pour out then for all the abundant wealth of his benefits,
power to do all things,
is yours who bore Christ the mighty,
powerful in strength is he, O greatly blessed by God.
ruel illnesses test me, and passions most damaging,help me, I beseech you, O Virgin, aid me, all-blameless one,
for I know you to be
the inexhaustible treasure,
never failing storehouse, of healings that have no price.
Ode 4. Irmos.
have heard, Lord, the mysteryof your dispensation, I heard and was afraid,
I have meditated on your works
and exalt and glorify your Deity.
entreat you, O Bride of God,still my passions’ tumult, the tempest of my faults,
still the raging turmoil in my soul;
you who brought to birth my pilot and my Lord.
s I call on you grant to meyour compassion’s depths, let me know your tenderness,
you who bore the Saviour of all those
who now lift their voices and who sing your praise.
ll-Immaculate Virgin,we acknowledge you as the Mother of our God
as we offer you our hymns of thanks,
for your many gracious gifts which we enjoy.
s our hope and assurance,rampart of salvation which none can overthrow
we have gained you, highly honoured one,
and from every trouble you deliver us.
Ode 5. The Irmos
ord, enlighten us,with your ordinances and commands,
and with your upraised arm grant unto us your peace,
for you alone, O Lord, are Lover of humanity.
ill my heart, I pray,with your gladness and unsullied joy,
Virgin most pure, the only Mother of our God,
for you who gave birth to him who is the cause of gladness.
ome, deliver usfrom all dangers, Mother of our God,
you bore eternal liberation, Maid most pure,
the peace which passes all understanding came to birth from you.
issipate the fog,Bride of God, the murk of my misdeeds,
with the illumination of your radiance,
you who gave birth to the divine and pre-eternal light.
eal me, O Most Pure,heal the sickness that afflicts my soul,
making it worthy of your kindness and your care,
and by your fervent intercession grant me health, I pray.
Ode 6. Irmos.
pour outmy supplication to the Lord,
and to him I shall declare my afflictions,
for, see, my soul has been filled up with evils
and now my life has been drawn very close to Hell.
Like Jonas I appeal to you,
‘O my God, bring me up from corruption!’
s from deathand from corruption and decay,
when to death and to decay it captive,
he saved my nature held fast by corruption
giving himself over into the hand of death,
O Virgin, beg your Lord and Son
from the malice of foes to deliver me.
know youto be my life’s sure guardian
its protection and shield, O pure Virgin,
you who dispel the great throng of temptations,
and drive away assaults of demon hordes,
unceasingly I plead with you,
‘From the passions’ corruption deliver me’.
Maiden,complete salvation of our souls,
we have gained you as our rampart of refuge,
as our relief in afflictions and torment,
and in your light evermore we are filled with joy.
O Sovereign Lady, save us now
from the passions and dangers besetting us.
n sicknessand with no healing in my flesh
now I lie upon my bed, yet I implore you,
as you gave birth to our God and the world’s Saviour,
to him who frees us from sickness and malady,
O good one, hear me, I implore,
‘From disease’s corruption now raise me up’.
Ode 7. Irmos.
he Three Youths from Judeawho attained to the faith of the holy Trinity
in Babylon of old,
sang out as they trampled
on the furnace’s raging flames,
‘Blessed are you, O God,
the God of our Fathers!’
ith the will to accomplishour salvation, O Saviour, you made your dwelling place
within the Virgin’s womb,
revealed her as the champion
and protection for all the world.
‘Blessed are you, O God,
the God of our Fathers!’
pure Mother implore himwho desires to grant mercy, the one you brought to birth,
that they may be set free
from faults and soul’s defilements,
those who cry out with faith and sing,
‘Blessed are you, O God,
the God of our Fathers!’
ou revealed her who bore youas a tower of safety, as incorruption’s fount,
salvation’s treasure store
and doorway to repentance
for all those who now cry aloud,
‘Blessed are you, O God,
the God of our Fathers!’
s you bore Christ the Saviourfor our sake, deign to heal from all sicknesses of the soul
and weakness of the body
those who with love and longing,
O most pure, who gave birth to God,
come close to you, to draw near
to your divine protection.
Ode 8. Irmos.
he King of heaven,whose praise the Angels are singing,
all the hosts of the bodiless powers
praise him and exalt him most highly to all ages.
o not despise thosewho beg your help, O pure Virgin,
as their raise their song up in your honour,
praising and exalting you, Maiden, to the ages.
nending riversof healings you pour, O Virgin,
for all those who him and extol and praise you,
those whose songs exalt your Birth-Giving beyond language.
ou cure, O Virgin,all my soul’s weakness and sickness,
and the flesh’s tormenting afflictions,
so that I may sing of your glory, Highly Favoured.
he passions’ onslaughtsand the assaults of temptations
you, O Virgin, repel and drive from us,
wherefore we shall praise and hymn you to all ages.
Ode 9. Irmos
e who through you, O Virgin,have been saved confess you
to be most truly the one who gave birth to God,
with all the choirs of the heavens you we now magnify.
o not reject my weeping,tears that flow unceasing,
for you, O Virgin, gave birth to our Saviour Christ,
and it he who has wiped every tear from every face.
ome, fill my heart, O Virgin,fill my heart with gladness,
for you received in his fullness the joy of all,
and made the pain and the sadness of sin now disappear.
Virgin, be the haven,shelter and protection
of those who flee to you, rampart unshakeable,
may they have as their refuge, their gladness and their joy.
ispel the fog of error,ignorance’s darkness,
and let your light’s rays, O Virgin, illumine those
who with devotion proclaim you the Mother of our God.
eal one laid low and wretched,in a place of sickness,
a place, O Virgin, of ill and of wretchedness,
grant transformation from weakness and feebleness to health.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing the following Prosomia.Tone 1. All-praised Martyrs.
You brought sweet spices to Christ, as he lay in the grave and breathed resurrection on all the dead; you were the first to see him, God-bearing Mary, and weeping you worshipped him. Therefore intercede that there may be given to our souls his peace and great mercy. (
Twice)As you watched Christ nailed to the Cross, Magdalen, you wept and cried, ‘What is this sight? How is life dying? How is creation shaken, as it sees, and the great lights darkened?’ Therefore intercede that there may be given to our souls his peace and great mercy. (
Twice)You were filled with great understanding and true knowledge by your familiarity with the Creator, glorious, all-revered Mary, and you proclaimed his sufferings and condescension to peoples. Therefore intercede that there may be given to our souls his peace and great mercy. (
Tone 6. By Anatolios.First to see the divine Resurrection of the First Cause of blessings, who in his compassion made our nature divine you were revealed as also the first herald of the Gospel, Mary Magdalen, as you cried to the Apostles, ‘Put away despair, regain good cheer, and come, look now on Christ who has risen again and grants the world his great mercy.’
Both now.
Theotokion.No one who has recourse to you goes from you dishonoured, pure Virgin Mother of God; but they ask for grace and receive the gift expedient to their request.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the All-pure saw you hanging upon a cross, she lamented and cried out as a mother, ‘My Son and my God, my sweetest child, how do you endure shameful suffering?’
At the Aposticha, Prosomia.
Tone 8. O marvellous wonder.
When Christ appeared, you followed in his footsteps, holy Myrrhbearer all-praised, and served him most ardently with upright intent; nor did you abandon him in death, but you went, and with compassion brought him sweet spices with your tears. Therefore we keep the festival of your all-holy memory.
Her sound has gone out into all the earth; and her words to the ends of the world.Holy Mary, most radiant, as you longed to look on Life, which lay dead in a grave, you came by night and heard the Angels say, ‘As he foretold, Christ has been raised.’ With haste you spoke of this to his Disciples and banishing dejection from your soul, you received in place of lamentation ineffable joy.
God is wonderful in his Saints, the God of Israel.Today, as we faithful rejoice at your memory, all-revered Myrrhbearer, we glorify him, the Lord supremely good, who now glorifies you. Beseech him without ceasing, that we may find eternal glory and the splendour of the Saints, as you ever have freedom to speak in his presence, O blessed of God.
Tone 8. By Vyzas.Mary Magdalen, having as his disciple faithfully served Christ our God, who willingly made himself poor with my poverty in his surpassing compassion, when she saw him stretched on a Cross and shut up in a tomb, weeping cried out, ‘What is this strange sight? How is he who gives life to the dead numbered among the dead? What sweet spices can I bring the one who freed me from the foul stench of the demons? What tears can I shed for the one who stripped my foremother of her tears?’ But the Sovereign of the universe, appearing like the guardian of Paradise, by the dew of his words banished the heat and said to her, ‘Go to my brethren and shout aloud the good tidings of joy: I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God, that I may grant the world my great mercy.’
Both now.
Theotokion.The heavens sing your praise, O full of grace, Mother without bridegroom; and we glorify your unsearchable birth giving. Mother of God, intercede that our souls may be saved.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The Ewe-lamb when she saw the Lamb willingly stretched out on the tree of the Cross, cried out as a mother, with cries of lamentation, ‘My Son, what is this strange sight? As the Lord who apportions life to all, how are you put to death, O long-suffering, who grant resurrection to mortals? I glorify, O my God, your great condescension.’
Apolytikion. Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Holy Mary Magdalen, you followed Christ who was born for us from a Virgin, and you kept all his statutes and laws. Therefore today, as we celebrate your all-holy memory, we praise you with faith and honour you with love.
At Matins
The usual reading from the Psalter and the Canons from the Oktoichos, and the following of the Saint, of which the Acrostic is
With love I sing Mary Magdalen.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 8. On crossing the water.
With divine loveliness renowned, and resplendent with light that streams from God, shed radiance, Mary, by your prayers onto my blackened heart.
The Word of the Father rescued you from the wickedness of spirits and made you holy. You became his disciple and have been filled with the gifts of grace of the all-holy Spirit.
Filled with life-giving streams from a plentiful Fount - the Master who through pity appeared on earth -, you dried up the muddy waters of sin.
.We sing your praise, O Maiden, as Mother of him who is by nature the Creator, for you reconciled to God human nature that had offended, O Mother of God, all-blameless Lady.
Ode 3. You constructed.
Mary, you loved the first cause of blessings, who in compassion made our nature divine, and you followed him fervently, obedient to his divine commands.
Joyfully you came to the tomb of the Redeemer, being the first, O Maiden, to look on the divine Resurrection. Therefore you were declared herald of the Gospel and cried out: Christ has been raised. Clap your hands.
The Word, O all-pure, who was incarnate from your all-pure blood, saves me, with a wealth of goodness abolishing the sentence of the ancient condemnation. Entreat him without ceasing to save your flock.
You constructed the heavens’ high vault, O Lord, and the Church, * has you as its builder, do you establish me in your love. * You are the pinnacle * of all desires, and foundation, * mankind’s only Lover, of all who believe in you.
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
The Word, who had made himself poor in his surpassing compassion, Mary Magdalen truly served as a disciple; but when she saw him hanging on a Cross and laid in a tomb she wept and lamented. Therefore we honour you and celebrate your festival in faith, revered Myrrhbearer, and with one accord we cry out to you: Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
All generations of mankind call you blessed as Virgin and the one who alone among women gave birth to God in the flesh without seed. For the fire of Godhead dwelt in you, and you suckled as a babe the Creator and Lord. Therefore the race of Angels and the human race fittingly glorifies your all-holy child-bearing, and with one accord we cry out to you: Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who fittingly worship your Offspring, O Immaculate.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw you on the Cross, O Jesu, the Virgin and your Mother weeping cried out in lamentation: Alas! Sweetest child, how have the children of the Hebrews, truly ungrateful, hanged you unjustly upon a tree? But as you are pitying you suffer all this in the flesh, my Son, long-suffering God, most merciful Lord, as you have been well pleased, that you may deliver what you fashioned from the slavery of the Boaster. And so I sing the praise, O Word, of your supreme condescension.
Ode 4. I have heard, Lord.
With a mind undisturbed by the vanity of the world, you served the one who had come to save the whole world from error.
As you washed the tomb of Life with tears, Mary, you met an Angel and saw him proclaim Christ’s Resurrection.
Your heart was blameless in Christ’s statutes, and you longed for him alone, the one fair in beauty, O worthy of praise.
By the slumber of indifference the sleep of sin overcame me, O Maiden. By your unsleeping intercession rouse me to repentance.
Ode 5. Why have you rejected me.
The foremother, seeing the one who tricked her by words and exiled her from Paradise of old trampled on by holy women who had gained a will of courage, rejoices with them eternally.
Wounded with longing for his sweet love, you bring sweet spices to the one who breathes life into all, now slain and lying in a tomb, holy Mary Magdalen, and pour out the fragrant scent of tears.
After the divine Passion, after the dread Resurrection of the Saviour you hurried to and fro, proclaiming the holy word, and as a Disciple of the Word catching many who had been deceived by ignorance, glorious Saint.
The one who through his measureless mercy was well pleased to be born from you, all-holy Maiden, sets upright me, who have fallen into the tangled gulfs of sin. Implore him that those who with faith sing your praise may be rescued from every harm.
Ode 6. Have mercy on me, O Saviour.
With the dew of your words, honoured Saint, you dispelled the fierce heat of the despair of the Disciples as you cried out: Christ has been raised; Life has appeared; the radiant Sun has blazed forth.
See, Mary, worthy of praise, your feast filled with light has shone out, giving light to all who on it faithfully sing your praise, and chasing away the darkness of the abuse of evil demons.
You have appeared, O all-blameless, as a spiritual sanctuary and mercy seat that may not be touched, lampstand formed of light and bridge leading over to God those who sing your praise as Mother of God.
Have mercy on me, O Saviour, for my offences are many; and bring me up from the deep of evils, I beg; for to you I have cried; and hearken to me, O God of my salvation.
Kontakion. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
God who is beyond being when he dwelt in flesh in the world approved you as a true Disciple, O Myrrhbearer, for all your desire was for him. Therefore you accomplished many healings, and now, having passed over, in heaven you intercede at every moment on behalf of the world.
Christ the light of the world, seeing you the vigilant eye of faith and the inseparable charm of love, honoured Saint, on rising from the grave showed himself to you first, who had hastened with sweet spices and drawn near to the unapproachable. He in return granted you the divine force of the Spirit and revealed to you the design of his ascent to the Father who has no beginning. And he sent you to proclaim the divine good tidings of his Rising to the Disciples, petrified with fear. And so, as you have the greatest freedom to address him, you intercede at every moment on behalf of the world.
On the 22nd of the month, Commemoration of the holy Myrrhbearer and Equal of the Apostles, Mary Magdalen.
With touches immaterial she touches you,
My Christ, to whom you said, ‘O Mary, touch me not.’
Magdala’s Mary slept the twenty second.
She was from Magdala in the regions of Syria. When she approached Christ troubled by seven demons, she was delivered from them by Christ’s grace. Then she followed him until his Passion and was one of the Myrrhbearers. She, with the ‘other Mary’, the most holy Mother of God, was the first to behold the Resurrection, when she saw the Angel late on the Sabbath. In the morning she saw two Angels sitting clothed in white, and then the Lord himself, whom she thought was a gardener. From him she heard the words: Do not touch me. After the divine and holy Ascension she came to Ephesus, to Saint John, the Apostle and Divine. There she fell asleep in sanctity and was laid to rest at the entrance to the cave in which the Seven Holy Youths slept. Later under Leo, who by blessed fortune had become our King, her relics were translated by him and laid in the monastery of St Lazarus established by him, in which her annual assembly is celebrated, and in the estate of Curator near the Taurus..
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Virgin Martyr Marcella.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. The Hebrew Youths.
You drove out diseases of many kinds, having gained the Word as your fellow-worker, before whom you now stand, O Myrrhbearer, crying out: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
Alone before the rest you saw our life, Christ who had been raised; but you took him for the gardener, crying out: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
You halted the onrush of death as you conceived and gave birth to immortal God, pure Virgin. To you we all sing: Blessed, all-pure, is the fruit of your womb.
Ode 8. The Chaldean tyrant.
Your way of life, O Magdalen, was resplendent blazing with the beams of virtuous actions, of the divine proclamation and your inclination to the divine, and with the bright rays of love for the Creator, to whom you sing with the Angels: You priests, bless; you people, highly exalt to all the ages.
You stood by the Cross, glorious Mary, watching the unjust slaughter of the one who emptied himself through ineffable mercy; and drenched with groans and tears, you cried out: What is this strange wonder? How is he, who slew death and who is life by nature, slain and dying?
With one mind we glorify you as Mother of God and higher than all creatures, O all-pure. For in you the condemnation that came from Adam has been annulled, and rejected human nature has been reconciled and sings: You priests, bless; you people, highly exalt to all the ages.
The Chaldean Tyrant insanely made the furnace blaze seven times more fiercely for those who reverenced God; but when he saw they had been saved by a greater power he cried aloud to the Creator and Redeemer: You Youths, bless; you priests, praise; you people, highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. Heaven was amazed.
You have now been translated to divine joy, to the broad plain of Paradise, to spiritual dwellings beyond the world, where the ranks of Holy Ones are found and the pure sound of those who feast in splendour, O Myrrhbearer Mary. And so we all call you blessed.
You preferred none of the things on earth to the love of Christ God, but wounded by his beauties only and by the bright beams at once sent forth, following in his footsteps, O all-honoured, you cried out: I magnify you, O most merciful.
You have found deification that makes divine, you enjoy the torrent of grace, receive the rewards for your toils from God, are numbered with the ranks of the Apostles, Magdalen, Disciple of the Word. By your prayers guard those who honour you with love.
As Mother of the one who suffered the Passion for our sake, save me from soul-destroying passions; as you are compassionate, loose the bonds of my faults; as you are good, do good to my soul, now wearied by the abuse of demons, Virgin Mother of God, that I may sing your praise as all-blameless.
Heaven was amazed at this and the ends of the earth astounded: that God had appeared to mankind in bodily form, and that your womb had become far wider than the heavens. And so, Mother of God, the ranks of Angels and of humans magnify you.
Exapostilarion. Women, hear.
Mary, aptly named, and Disciple of Christ, with the rest of the Myrrhbearers and Mary the Virgin, alone Mother of God, without ceasing implore the crucified Lord on behalf of us who honour you from love, O Myrrhbearer.
The rest of the Office and Dismissal
On the 13th of the present month, if it falls on a Sunday, or on the first Sunday following, is sung the Office of the 630 Holy and god-bearing Fathers of the 4th Holy and Ecumenical Council, of the year 451, under the Sovereigns Marcian and Pulcheria, which was summoned against the Monophysites Eftyches and Dioskoros. The Office is a composition of the most holy Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos, who flourished around the middle of the 14th century.On the Sunday of the Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council
.At Vespers.
The usual reading from the Psalter. At
Lord, I have cried we insert 10 Stichera, and sing 3 of the Resurrection from the Octoichos, 3 by Anatolios and the 4 following Prosomia of the Holy Fathers.Tone 6. Having invested all.
The revered gathering of the wise Fathers proclaimed you, O Lover of mankind, the uncircumscribed and indescribable Word who became flesh for our sake, to be perfect God and perfect man, double in natures and energies and wills;[1] one and the same by hypostasis; therefore knowing you to be one God with the Father and the Spirit, we worship you as we call the Fathers blessed.
Glorious Fathers, you overthrew Pyrrhus[2] and Sergios,[3] with Honorius,[4] Eftyches,[5] Dioskoros[6] and dread Nestorios,[7] saving Christ’s flock from both sheer cliffs by radiantly proclaiming Christ one by hypostasis, but double in natures, revealed by energies alone; as we also worship him as man and perfect God, with the Father and the Spirit, we now glorify you.
The God-bearing Fathers with one accord proclaimed to be uncreated the divine energy and the divine will of the One who became a beggar, as they allotted my humanity to the flesh, while the blessed Saints wisely fled from the createdness of the energy and will, the confusion of nature and the separation of the person. We faithful, as we honour them with yearly festivals, with one accord glorify Christ who glorified them.
The God-bearing Fathers with one mind today proclaimed the uncreated Trinity to be one God and Lord, fittingly demonstrating to all the simplicity of the one nature,[8] with common will and simplicity of energy, making him known through all things as without beginning and without end; therefore we sing their praise all as imitators of the Apostles and all teachers of their Gospel.
Tone 6.Let us praise today the mystical trumpets of the Spirit, the Godbearing Fathers, who sang a harmonious melody of theology in the midst of the Church: one Trinity, unchanging Essence and Godhead; the overthrowers of error, the champions of the Orthodox, who ever intercede with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion. The 1st of the Tone.Entrance,
O Joyful Light, the Prokeimenon of the day, and the Readings:The Reading is from Genesis.
14:14-20]Now when Abram heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive, he numbered his own home-born servants, three hundred and eighteen,[9] and pursued the enemy as far as Dan. And he fell upon them by night, he and his servants, and smote them and pursued them as far as Chobal, which is on the left of Damascus. And he brought back all the cavalry of Sodom, and he brought back Lot his nephew and all his goods and the women and the people. And the king of Sodom came out to meet him, after his return from the slaughter of Chodologomor and the kings with him, to the valley of Sabi; this was the plain of Kings. And Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine; he was Priest of God Most High. And he blessed Abram and said: Blessed is Abram by God Most High, who created the heaven and the earth. And blessed God is Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.
The Reading is from Deuteronomy.
1:8-11 & 15-17b]Moses said to the sons of Israel: See, I have delivered the land before you; go in and inherit the land which I swore to your fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, to give it to them and to their seed after them. And I spoke to you at that time saying: I shall not be able to bear you alone. The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, you are to-day as the stars of heaven in multitude. May the Lord, the God of our fathers, multiply you a thousand times more than you are, and bless you as he said to you. And I took from you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you, captains of thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens and recorders for your judges. And I commanded your judges at that time, saying: Administer justice between your brethren, and judge rightly between a man and his brother and his proselyte. You shall not have respect to persons in judging. You shall hear the small as well as the great. You shall not shrink before any man’s person; for the judgement is God’s.
The Reading is from Deuteronomy.
10:14-18 & 20-21]Moses said to the sons of Israel: Behold the heaven and the highest heaven belong to the Lord your God, the earth and all that is in it. Moreover the Lord preferred your fathers, to love them: and he chose their seed after them, you above all nations, as it is at this day. So circumcise the hardness of your heart and do not be stiff necked. For the Lord your God is God of Gods and Lord of Lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality, who takes no bribe. He executes judgement for the proselyte, the orphan and the widow; and loves the proselyte, giving him food and clothing. You shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and to him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in his name. He is your boast, he your God, who has done for you the great and wonderful things which your eyes have seen.
At the Aposticha, Stichera of the Resurrection.
Tone 3.You became strict defenders of the apostolic traditions, Holy Fathers, for correctly teaching that the Holy Trinity was consubstantial, you overthrew in council the blasphemy of Arius. After him you also refuted Makedonios, the opponent of the Spirit, you condemned Nestorios, Eftyches and Dioskoros, Sabellios and the Leaderless Severos. Ask that we, delivered from their error, may preserve our life unspotted in the faith, we beg.
Both now.
Theotokion.By the will of the Father you conceived from the holy Spirit, without seed, the Son of God, who is from the Father without mother before the ages. But when for our sake he had come from you without father, you bore him in the flesh and suckled him as a babe. Therefore do not cease to intercede that our souls may be delivered from dangers.
Resurrection Apolytikion.
Of the Fathers. Tone 8.You are glorified above all, Christ our God, who established our Fathers as beacons on the earth, and through them guided us all to the true faith. O greatly compassionate, glory to you!
Both now.
Theotokion.You were born for us from a Virgin and endured crucifixion, Good Lord; by your death you despoiled death, and revealed resurrection as God; do not despise those whom you fashioned with your own hand; show your love for mankind, O Merciful; accept the Mother of God who bore you, as she intercedes for us, and save, O Saviour, a people in despair.
And Dismissal
At Matins.
The usual reading from the Psalter and the Canons. That of the Resurrection to 4, of the Mother of God to 2 and of the Fathers to 8.
The two canons of the Fathers, the acrostic of the first is:
I hymn the skilful purgers of error.
In the Theotokia:
Ode 1. Tone 1.
Your victorious right hand
Master, as I propose to sing the praise of the skilled demolishers of error, I call on your almighty grace from on high, and on your force; for you are indeed the right hand and power of the Father.
Following the words of the sacred Prophets and the laws of the Gospels, the wise Fathers taught us clearly the known and unknown things of God, and delivered all from error.
From on high the prophetic choir and the godly company of the Apostles plainly taught one God in three persons and almighty; whom the holy Fathers clearly revealed to us.
As through God’s action you contained in your womb the Light with triple lamp, as you are loving, enlighten the hearts of those who devoutly sing your praise; for you are light and glory and eternal salvation.
Second Canon.
Tone 8. The wonderworking staff.
The devout gathering of the Fathers, which was welded together against Eftyches, following and abiding by the teachings of the godlike Father, Cyril,[10] truly defined the Saviour with two undivided natures.
The three hundred and sixty[11] most devout men overthrew the error of Eftyches and the heresy of Severos when they said: We proclaim Christ in two essences, following the words of the blessed Cyril.
Anyone who does not proclaim Christ, the Word of the Father, in the two natures and energies, let them be anathema; for the fourth Council of the Holy Fathers thus wisely laid down. Therefore let us all call them blessed.
Glorious things have been spoken of you from generation to generation, Mary Mother of God, who contained in your womb God the Word, while remaining pure; and so we all honour you as after God our protection.
Ode 3. You that alone.
The first source of blessings, the grace of the Spirit, opened your mouths as rivers which sweep away error, glorious Fathers, and give the faithful streams of true religion to drink, the preaching of Prophets and Apostles.
Wise Fathers, you nobly destroyed all together Sergios and Pyrrhos the dread champions of heresy, Paul and Peter and Theodore, establishing the holy Church on the teachings of Apostles and Fathers.
The God-bearing Fathers, plainly proclaiming the energy without beginning of the Godhead without beginning, taught the created energy of the created addition, preaching Christ as one Son in a duality of natures.
We who long to see the rays of the Spirit’s grace and the divine brightness that knows no evening, let us hasten to the source of grace, the Mother of the Creator; for by her all the best things are given to the faithful.
Another. You that established.
You that without shame pride yourselves on the words of Severos, which are full of death-dealing poison, may you be ever put to shame and all depart from the Church, like wolves and ravaging dogs.
We worshippers and believers honour the Creator of all and Saviour in two undivided essences, and double wills and energies; therefore the error of Severos we utterly repulse.
Come, let us all plainly reject the error of Severos, Eftyches and Jacob, and with them that of Theodore and Dioskoros; but let us praise in godly songs the fourth Council of the devout Fathers.
You have been declared higher than the Cherubim and Seraphim, Mother of God; for you alone received in your womb the uncontainable God, O undefiled; and so in hymns, pure Virgin, all we believers call you blessed.
Kontakion and Ikos of the Tone.
Kathisma. Tone 4.
Come speedily to help.
Blessed Fathers, you were truly revealed to the world as most brilliant beacons of Christ’s truth on the earth, melting like wax the heresies of the blasphemous prattlers, quenching the burning confusions of the slanderers; and so, as Hierarchs of Christ, intercede that we may be saved.
The same.Both now.
Theotokion.Speedily accept our supplications, all-blameless Lady, and bring them to your Son and God; abolish the troubles of those who have recourse to you; humble the devices and overthrow the insolence of the godless, who are in arms against your servants.
Ode 4. With foreseeing eyes.
Wise fathers, making the laws of the Spirit your meditation, you received the practical laws sent to you from Rome, and unfolding them by the light of the Spirit, you firmly established the Church.
Let us the faithful garland with hymns the divine assembly of the God-bearing Fathers, for they proclaimed to us the incarnate Word as both God and man, with two energies and two corresponding wills.
All-wise Fathers, you rightly overthrew Honorius, once greatly puffed up on the throne and rule of old Rome, and finally proclaimed him unworthy of both throne and rule.
O Virgin, who gave birth, to the empersonned Word of God and true Light; open the eyes of my soul, I pray, and make me a partaker of the brightness that comes from him; for you are his mediator and advocate.
Another. You, Lord, are my strength.
Explain to us, insane and foolish Severos, how the light without beginning, the Word and Son of the Father is one composite nature; for if you spoke thus, you would signify another nature; for the flesh and the Word are not one essence, wretch, but two.
In saying one incarnate nature of the Word, the teacher and chief of the Alexandrians propounded a human nature wholly without change and confusion, clearly teaching the two natures and wills to those who wish to think as orthodox.
All we the faithful proclaim two natures of Christ unconfusedly, denouncing utterly all the impiety of Eftyches and the senseless Dioskoros, as we follow the definition of the Holy Fathers and the words of godlike Cyril.
You, Mother of God, are the Cherubim chariot; you the place and you the dwelling of the Father’s Word and God, who put on flesh from your immaculate womb; and so as we worship him who was incarnate from you in two essences, we glorify him.
Ode 5. Christ who enlightened.
Christ declared you, God-bearing Fathers, to be lawgivers guiding the new Israel, like Moses, and like him drowning the hostile Pharao in the dread deep of destruction.
How excellent and radiant the Synod of the Fathers! For having learned that Jesus is one, yet composite, it proclaims to all the ends of the earth that as God and man his energies are double.
Reckoning the writings from Rome to be a gift from God, the wise Teachers established upon them the tower of true religion, proclaiming the energies and natures of Christ to be double.
Paul and Peter have been refuted, together with Theodore, with Pyrrhus, Sergios and Honorius, who most shamefully maintain the confusion of Christ’s natures by the confusion of his energies.
Maiden, you are all enlightenment and radiance, for you were declared to be the sacred enclosure of the unsetting enlightenment; therefore I beg, Mother of God, enlighten the eyes of my soul with your light.
Another. Why did you thrust me.
Lawless Severos, do not dreadfully confound the natures of Christ; for all the worshippers and all-blessed Teachers in their preaching have set forth Christ in two natures and one person.
The Word of the Father without beginning, as he loves mankind and wished to take pity on us who had perished, clearly assumed human nature; therefore I proclaim him to have two essences and wills.
The fourth Council condemned Severos and Dioskoros, who blasphemed Christ, by confirming the Tome of Leo, Bishop of Rome, who most excellently defined the two natures of the Saviour without division.
Having obtained a mother’s boldness towards your Son, O All-pure, do not disregard our natural intention, we beg; for we Christians put you alone forward to the Master as a kindly appeasement.
Ode 6. The monster from the deep.
The truly dread assembly uttered a strange and new confounding of the natures of Christ, confounding the double energies into an energy one and monstrous; which the fullness of the holy orthodox regions rejected.
That it might escape the dread Nestorios, who wickedly introduced a duality of sons, the assembly of error slid from the mire into the pit, vainly teaching a confusion of wills and natures; but it was refuted by the godlike Fathers.
The Son, whom the Fathers of old had proclaimed as consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit, the assembly of inspired Teachers taught all, with divine energies acknowledging one natural energy and will.
The champions of error, thinking the will to be hypostatic, wickedly introduced along with the wills the persons of those who willed: the Fathers, excellently refuting them, teach that the energy which is appropriate to it is congenital with the nature.
All-blameless Lady, you have become the door of the divine ray and source of the unsetting light; for all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt ineffably in your womb; you reward with his natural energy and radiance those who crave.
Another. Have mercy on me, Saviour.
The two letters of Cyril, once sent to Succensus, the leader of the East, refute all the error of Severos, as they devoutly proclaim Christ.
Cyril proclaims Christ with two natures and double energies, routing the heresy of the senseless Severos; therefore we all abide by his teachings.
We orthodox proclaim you, Mary, to be in truth Virgin and pure Mother of God, thus shutting the ill-famed mouth of Nestorios and the wicked notion of Dioskoros.
Kontakion. Tone 8. Model melody.
The preaching of the Apostles and the teachings of the Fathers confirmed for the Church the faith as one; and wearing a tunic of the truth, woven from the theology on high, she rightly defines and glorifies the great Mystery of true religion.
The Ikos.
Let us listen to the Church of God as she cries with exalted proclamation: Any who thirst, let them come to me and drink; the mixing bowl I bear is the mixing bowl of wisdom. This drink I have mixed with the word of truth; I do not pour out water of contradiction but of confession, which the present Israel drinks and sees God who declares: See, see that it is I, and I am not changed. I am God first, and after this, and but for me there is no other at all. Those who partake from here will be multiplied and will praise the great Mystery of true religion.
The Synaxarion of the day, then:
On the same day, Commemoration of the holy six hundred and thirty God-bearing Fathers of the fourth Holy and Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon.
Stars of the spiritual sky now bearing light
My mind do you enlighten with your rays.
At the intercessions of the holy Fathers, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Ode 7. We faithful know you.
Acknowledging you the Son of God and Son of man, the choirs of theologians of old proclaimed you, Master who love mankind, as double in wills and energies, confident in the duality of your two natures.
You appeared as a bright adornment of the Church, for you received the ordinances of the Apostles and taught all the word of truth: one Lord in Trinity, creating, acting, willing, all-powerful.
Acknowledging God to be uncreated light and immortal life, beyond these you excellently proclaimed him to all, knowing the natural properties lower than nature to at once co-natural and undivided.
Christ sent you out into the world as lightning flashes of divine light utterly burning up the creators of error, enlightening all the blessed Church, glorifying God, praised and all-powerful.
Christ, the highly exalted, the light that knows no evening came forth from your womb and saved the world of old. Implore him, Mother of God, to enlighten the spiritual eyes of my darkened heart.
Another. The fire in Babylon.
Confessing Christ to be in two natures and energies without confusion and without change, we reject the error of Severos. Therefore we cry to him who underwent suffering by the assumption of the flesh: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
We know that he on the Cross and he in the bosom of the Father is one, as God in the highest and in the grave as united to flesh. To whom with one accord we sing as we cry: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Believers, hating the emptying and division of Areios, the diminisher of God, and again the fellow heresy of Sabellios, those enemies of the Trinity, we cry: Blessed is the God of our Fathers.
Of the Trinity.
We proclaim you Lord of all teaching with right belief that you are Father of one only Only-begotten Son and acknowledging one right Spirit, proceeding from you, equal in nature and co-eternal.
Ode 8. In the furnace Israel’s Youths.
The Fathers, moving out, as from head-quarters, from the inspired teaching of the Apostles and Prophets, proclaimed: Christ, the Lord of all, is one in person, double in natures, double in energies.
Wholly to banish every shameless error and blasphemy the Fathers of the Church proclaimed that the Lord possessed uncreated energy and will proper to his nature, and again created, as Man and as Creator.
Holding in their hands the word of God like a sword you wholly confounded the enemies of true religion as you declared the energy and will of the Saviour and likewise all that was natural to him to be double, just as his natures.
You are wholly Maiden, wholly fair, wholly formed of light, light-bearing and god-bearing, wholly unique and resplendent; therefore enlighten the eyes of my heart, Sovereign Lady, as I breathe forth your glory and am wounded with longing for you.
Another. The Chaldean tyrant.
Let faces be ashamed and the mouths be muzzled of those who do not proclaim one Son in two natures without division, without change and without confusion; for we orthodox all agree in holding that Christ acts and wills not indeed by one and then another person, but in accordance with both natures.
You that bear the name of Jacob the Patchwork, inscribing his name on yourselves, tell us plainly: Were you of old baptised in his appellation in the font? Therefore, having deserted Christ for that man’s sake, like him you rave, being clearly without shame.
The fourth Council in Chalcedon overthrew the dread Dioskoros, Eftyches and Severos, finally thrusting out of the Church of Christ the Master their thorny error that confounds the natures of the Saviour. Holding to right belief with it, let us then hate them.
Of the Trinity
The Godhead of triple light, shining out with a single beam from one three-personned nature, Begetter without beginning, Word of the Father identical in nature and Spirit equal in kingship and consubstantial, you Youths bless, you Priests praise, you people highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. The burning bush.
Having in yourselves, blessed Fathers, Christ who of old spoke the things of God, and being now united purely to the Pure, establish his Church, which you truly made firm by mighty sweat and toils.
You have become a type and rule for the whole Church of the thrice-blessed Trinity, teaching it to acknowledge as divine the incarnation of Christ, prophetically driving out the present blasphemy concerning the one uncreated Godhead.
You rightly abolished the whole bulwark of impiety, holy Fathers, by teaching the difference of energy and fittingly declaring it to be natural, undivided, uncreated and all-effecting and all-powerful.
You became the mouth God, O Saints, and proclaimed, as is right, that the One who is by nature unapproachable is communicated by energies and radiances alone.
You are a golden flourish and godly conclusion to my song, O All-praised. Returning from flight, I have offered it to your Son, revered Lady, as a prayer of thanksgiving, uniting with it my hymn to you, All-pure, as you are cause of blessings.
Another. At this heaven was amazed.
Crafty Severos passed through the unsullied Church and by the vote of the devout Fathers he justly received the penalty for his blasphemy and babble, and condemned he is thrown out of the company of the Teachers.
Why do you confound the natures of Christ and introduce mixture and blending, attaching the passion of the Cross and the burial to the impassible Godhead of the Only-begotten Word of God, wretched Severos? Therefore we abominate your appalling blasphemy.
Creator born from a Virgin, hurl down the arrogance and insolence of the hostile and the counsels of the heretics; but as God establish the company of the faithful unshaken, exalting their horn and strengthening them by faith, that we may all magnify you.
The Resurrection Exapostilarion and then the following of the Fathers.
Women hear.
As today we feast the memory of the godlike Fathers, we pray you, Most Compassionate, at their intercessions: Deliver your people, Lord, from all harm of heresies, and count us all worthy to glorify Father, Word and all-holy Spirit.
With the two wills and natures, All-blameless, but with one person you gave birth ineffably to God, who for our sake willingly made himself poor, even to a Cross, and granted us the grace of the wealth of his Godhead by his Resurrection from the dead.
At Lauds we sing 4 Stichera of the Resurrection and 3, Prosomia, of the Fathers, doubling the first.
Tone 6. Having invested all.
Having welded together all spiritual knowledge, and examined together by the Divine Spirit the heavenly and revered Creed, the revered Fathers under God’s inspiration traced it out. In it, clearly following the teachings of the Apostles, they most distinctly teach that the Word is without beginning with his Begetter and most surely consubstantial. They are renowned, truly all-blessed and godly-minded.
Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our Fathers.Having received the spiritual brilliance of the Holy Spirit, and divinely inspired, the good heralds proclaimed the supernatural oracle, brief in words, but rich in meaning; the blessed defenders of Gospel teachings and the godly traditions, whose revelation they clearly received from on high, and, enlightened, they set forth the Faith taught them by God.
Gather to him his Holy Ones, those who have .set forth his covenant.Having collected together all their skill as shepherds, and stirred up their most just anger, the godly Shepherds, as Christ’s truest servants, the most sacred initiates of the inspired proclamation, most justly drove off the fierce and ravening wolves with the sling of the Spirit, having cast as from a sling from the body of the Church those fallen as though sick of a deadly and incurable sickness.
Tone 8.The choir of holy Fathers, having hurried together from the ends of the whole world, proclaimed the doctrine of the one essence and nature of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and clearly delivered to the Church the mystery of the divinity. Praising them with faith, let us call them blessed as we say: O godly host, inspired warriors of the Lord’s battle-line; brightly shining stars of the spiritual firmament; impregnable towers of the mystical Sion; sweet-scented flowers of Paradise; pure golden mouths of the Word; Nicea’s boast, the whole world’s ornament, intercede insistently on behalf of our souls.
Both now. You are most blessed…
Great Doxology and Dismissal.
.1 Aug. Commemoration of the seven Martyrs. Procession of life-giving Cross
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Stichera and sing 3 Prosomia of the precious Cross and 3 of the Saints.Stichera of the precious Cross.
Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
As general protection, as source of sanctification, let us embrace the precious Cross; for it calms sufferings, brings an end to diseases and delivers sufferers from pains of every kind. More than the great deep it forms a sea with streams of wonders for those who faithfully venerate and reverence its image.
We mortals, who sail among the waves of life and are storm-tossed by a tempest of sufferings, let us with faith take refuge in the precious Tree as a vessel of salvation, and it will silence the waves and the winds and break the passions, and we will reach in joy the haven of salvation without storms.
The all-holy Cross has shone more brightly than the sun, shedding wonders like sunbeams and healings like flashes of lightning. Let us mortals, ever held fast by the darkness of dread dangers, draw near and we shall receive the light-bringing grace of healings as we magnify the God who was nailed to it in the flesh.
Stichera of the Saints.
Tone 1. All-praised Martyrs.
Tyranny did not shake the roof of the Law, supported by seven pillars; for they bravely endured the irrational frenzy of the persecutor, giving up their bodies to the executioners, those noble youths, kinsmen of Moses and guardians of God’s decrees.
Raising their minds on high beyond things visible the most devout and noble Children, with their mother wise in God, strengthened by the highest hopes had their bodily limbs hacked off. These hopes they have now attained as they rest in the bosom of Abraham their own forefather.
Stoutly arming themselves with youth of soul and whetting their courage most holy Eleazar, the all-wise youths with their mother, wise in God, unflinchingly held their ground against the adversary for the sake of true religion and the maintenance of their ancestral Law.
Tone 8. By Monk John.The holy Maccabees said to the tyrant, ‘For us, Antiochos, there is one King: God, from whom we came to be and to whom we return. Another world awaits us, higher and more lasting than the one we see. Our native land is Jerusalem, the mighty and indestructible. Our festival is life with the Angels.’ O Lord, at their prayers have mercy and save us.
Both now.
The same.Your precious Cross, O Christ, which Moses of old prefigured in himself when he overthrew and routed Amalek; and of which David in song cried out and decreed that your footstool was to be worshipped, today we sinners worship with unworthy lips, as we sing your praise who deigned to be nailed to it and we beg: O Lord, with the Thief count us worthy of your kingdom.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia of the Cross.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
As the precious Cross comes forth, come, lovers of festivals, let us celebrate the feast, let us be radiant and cry aloud with unwavering faith: O Cross of Christ, sanctify us with the grace of the One who was lifted up on you, and rescue us from every harm by your power.
Exalt the Lord, our God; and worship at his footstool, for he is holy.The precious Cross prepares the paths to heaven for all who worship it with fear and love, and the One who was nailed upon it numbers with the choirs of the immaterial Powers those who with longing sing its praise.
God, who is our King before the ages, has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.As we worship in faith the precious Cross, we worship the Master who was nailed upon it, by whose will we purify our lips and souls, by its spiritual illumination we are made radiant as we praise it.
Glory. Tone 8. By Monk Kosmas.
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of the Lord, like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the forefathers before the Law and ancestors of the Maccabees, who are now the objects of our praise. For they, as children of Abraham, were valiant in soul and zealous for the faith of the forefather Abraham, and they struggled even to death for the sake of true religion; for having together lived devoutly and competed lawfully they refuted the impiety if accursed Antiochos, and preferring none of the things of this present life, they offered everything to God: souls, courage, senses, tender bodies and the recompenses of those brought up in purity. O devout root from which you sprang, O Maccabees! O holy mother, who gave birth to a number equal to the days of the week! But we implore you, O Maccabees, with your mother Solomoni and the wise priest Eleazar, when you stand before Christ God, for whose sake you have toiled, as you receive the labours of your fruits, make intercession for mankind. For he does whatever he wills and fulfils the wishes of you that fear him.
Both now.
The same.The saying of your Prophet Moses has been fulfilled, O God, which said, ‘See your life hanging before your eyes.’ Today the Cross is exalted and world is freed from error. Today the Resurrection of Christ is consecrated, and the ends of the earth rejoice as with David’s cymbals they offer you their hymn and say, ‘You have wrought salvation in midst of the earth, O God, good and the lover of mankind: the Cross and Resurrection, through which you have saved us. All-powerful Lord, glory to you.’
Apolytikion of the Saints. Tone 1.
O be entreated by the sufferings which the Saints endured for you, O Lord; and heal all our pains, O Lover of mankind.
Of the Cross. Same Tone.
Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance, granting to faithful Christians victories over their enemies, and protecting your commonwealth by your Cross.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
All mortal nature together keeps a feast, and in spirit leaps for joy; for the Tree of the Cross is set forth today as an inexhaustible source of healing for those who have recourse to it with devotion and love, and who glorify the One who nailed on it, Christ, the Lover of mankind.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 4. You have appeared today.
For this present day the progress of the Cross is cause of joy; for it sanctifies both our souls and bodies, who worship it with faith.
Glory. Both now.
The same.The Canons of the Cross and of the Saints.
The Canon of the Cross, of which the Acrostic is:
We all praise the Tree that should be worshipped.
A Composition by Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 8.
The wonderworking rod of Moses.
Let us today with pure mind and devout intent worship the life-bearing Cross of the Lord; for it is set forth granting to those who approach it sanctification and salvation, illumination, glory and mercy.
The life-giving Cross set forth and contemplated sends out a beam of grace formed of light. Let us draw near and receive enlightenment of joy, salvation and forgiveness, as we bring praise to the Lord.
A strange sight is set forth for those who watch, the precious Cross; and like a source it pours out spiritual gifts of grace, brings sins to an end, abolishes diseases and strengthens the thoughts of those worship it sincerely.
A rod which parted the sea prefigured the trophy of the Cross, through which we by faith sail the troubled water of life undrowned, escape all the streams of sin and are filled with divine calm.
When I gave birth to you ineffably, my Child, I escaped the pangs of labour; how then am I now all filled with griefs? For I see you, who hung the earth without restraint, hanged like a malefactor on a Tree.
The Canon of the Saints.
By Andrew of Crete.
Ode 1. Tone 1. Let us all sing.
O all-wise Youths, who like professionals guarded the doctrines of Moses and devoutly imitated the death of Christ, intercede always that we may all be saved.
Who has seen, who has heard what contests the guardians of the Law, the sons of Solomoni, valiantly displayed as they competed with one soul and one thought?
Spurring each other on, the seven holy sons of honoured Solomoni cried out, ‘Let us compete like professionals, and let us die eagerly for our ancestral customs’.
Let us stand with courage, the tyrant has been put to shame, tortures have been made feeble, Beliar has been worsted, the fire has been quenched. Let no one then, brothers, stand outside the starting blocks.
‘For us, Antiochos, the contest is for our ancestral customs’, cried the Youths stripped naked in the stadium, ‘for them we prefer to die rather than to live.’
As their flesh was being scraped with iron claws in the stadium, the guardians of the Law were crying, ‘For us, Antiochos, the pains and the fire are sweet, for the sake of the life of all.’
Let us glorify the Trinity, the eternal Essence in Unity, consubstantial, one in majesty and power, the Father without beginning, the Son and the holy Spirit.
Both now.
Theotokion.Giving bud ineffably in your womb to the ripe grape cluster, O Mother of God, you were revealed to Christ's Church as a life-bearing vine, giving joy to all.
A Cross Moses traced out as he cut the Red Sea in a straight line with his rod for Israel as they marched on foot; and then united it again overwhelming Pharao with his chariots as with other line he marked out the invincible weapon. Therefore let us sing to Christ our God, for he has been glorified.
Of the Cross. Ode 3. You established.
The Cross, cause of all blessings, is seen and worshipped; and all creation keeps festival with joy, enlightened by the grace of our God who was willingly lifted up on it.
Made radiant with the light of the splendours of the Cross and having put all our trust in it, let us flee the darkness of sins and let us cry, ‘O enlightenment of all thins, compassionate Lord, glory to you!’
We sing your praise, O Cross, and we embrace you with faith as we beg your mighty power, ‘Rescue us from the snares of the foe, and pilot us all to the haven of salvation as we sing your praise’.
As she watched life that had died on a Cross, and unable to bear the pain in her heart, the holy Virgin was deeply troubled and she cried, ‘Alas, my Son! What has a lawless people done to you?’
Of the Saints. The stone which the builders.
O Youths who all sprang up and grew together in holiness and were instructed in accordance with the Law by Eleazar, you competed like professionals and trampled down to the ground all the plans of Antiochos.
‘Hurry, tyrant, cried out the children of Abraham, do whatever you wish, rage ever more fiercely. We will in no way obey your decrees, with longing for God we choose rather the outrages of tortures.’
‘Let no one be deprived today of the good fight. Let no one be hunted down by the raving beast. The serpent is cunning, let none of us become his fodder’ so the sons of Solomoni spurred one another on.
‘Come, guardians of the Law, let us be tortured together. Come, let us be courageous’, cried the Youths as they devoutly spurred one another to the contests. Let us too imitate their zeal.
Let us the faithful glorify one Essence of God, one sovereignty, one kingship, uniting without confusion the one Godhead and devoutly dividing it in three hypostases.
Both now.
Theotokion.You were prefigured by the Bush on Sinai that was unconsumed; you appeared to Daniel as a divine Mountain, from which was cut without human hand the indivisible, Christ the rock of our life, who is one Son, born from you, O Mother of God.
A Rod is accepted as a figure of the mystery; for by its budding it marks out the priest. While for the Church that once was barren the Tree of the Cross has flowered for strength and steadfastness.
Kontakion of the Cross. Tone 4.
Lifted up on the Cross of your own will, to the new commonwealth that bears your name grant your mercies, Christ God; make your faithful people glad by your power, granting them victories over their enemies; may they have your help in battle: a weapon of peace, an invincible trophy.
Then Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Having lived devoutly, wise Youths, you bravely as martyrs shamed the tyrant’s threats, as champions of the Law; and as followers of the father you became Saints and with your mother, wise in God, you struggled eagerly. Therefore by death you truly purchased the life of heaven and you rejoice eternally, brave-hearted Maccabees. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both.
Tone 6.Your Cross, O Lord, has been sanctified; for by it healings take place for those weakened by sins. Through it we fall down before you, have mercy on us.
Of the Cross. Ode 4.
You, Lord, are my strength.
See, the mighty protection and restoration of mortals, the invincible weapon of the faith, the saving Cross is set forth and appears. And sanctifying the hearts of all who approach it with faith it enlightens by grace.
The great guardian of the Orthodox is set forth in the midst of all, the precious Cross in the midst of the earth, on which you were lifted up, supremely loving Lord, by your own free will. It sanctifies the world by its worship and it routs the regiments of demons.
Heaven with all the earth is glad; Champions, Martyrs, Apostles, souls of the Righteous now rejoice exceedingly as they see the life-giving Tree set forth in the midst, which saves all and sanctifies believers by grace.
Without conscience I have not kept your laws, O Lord, and am going to be condemned when you come from heaven to judge the works of mortals. Therefore I cry to you, ‘By the power of your Cross turn me back, save me, granting me tears of repentance’.
‘From a virgin womb, my Child, I gave you birth, and now as I see you hanging on a Tree, I am at a loss and do not comprehend the height of the mystery and the depth of your judgements’, cried the All-pure, whom as Mother of God with never silent voices we call blessed.
Of the Saints. Foreseeing by the Spirit.
Rejoice, Eleazar, as you see your holy pupils competing devoutly today on behalf of their ancestral laws and commandments, and refuting the raving of the persecutor Antiochos with wise words.
Be glad, Solomoni, as you see your seven branches blossoming together with the fruits of the Law; from which the blameless Church, reaping heirs of the worship in grace, nourishes us each day as a mother.
Leap for joy, Patriarchs, clap your hands, as you see the guardians of the Law devoutly competing for the worship according to the Law and though tested by every torment in no way abandoning their ancestral customs.
Dance like the best, brave champions, and celebrate a feast with the Martyrs of Christ, as you struggled before them for the Law and with them you are rightly and radiantly praised by the whole Church of Christ.
We faithful with never silent mouths glorify a Trinity in Unity as we cry out, ‘Trinity in Unity, worshipped together and praised in a Trinity of persons, to you be glory, honour and worship’.
Both now.
TheotokionHoly Virgin, Bride of God, we sing your praise as the one who gave birth to God and wall of the faithful; for your raised up the fallen nature of Adam and made new the image by alone giving birth to the pre-existent God.
O Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I considered your works and glorified your Godhead.
Of the Cross. Ode 5. Why have you rejected me.
Shout for joy, you nations, sing, leap and chant, you tribes, to God who has given the Cross as an unshakeable support. As it now set forth let all of us believers rejoice as through it we enjoy the blessings.
All the spiritual armies escort you, all-holy Cross, and we mortals, touching you today with lips of clay, with love draw sanctification and blessing, as we glorify the One who was nailed upon you.
Compassionate Lord, heal the persistent passions of my soul, and save me as I worship your precious Cross. By its power all that impedes is driven off and we remain unaffected by evils.
Of the Saints. Grant us your peace.
Lovers of Christ, let us imitate the seven Youths, whom Moses lawfully brought up and Eleazar instructed in their ancestral Law through true religion.
‘Do not imagine, Antiochos, persecutor of the faithful, that your burning fire can frighten. Slaughter too, lawless tyrant. Do what you like’, the Youths cried out.
‘Let us together struggle lawfully, brave martyrs of Christ. Let Moses commands be passed along the line, not to touch polluted foods’, the Youths cried out.
O Trinity, before eternity, co-eternal and of equal majesty, Father, Son and holy Spirit, holy Unity in three persons, save those of Adam’s race who faithfully sing your praise.
Both now.
Theotokion.O Christ, alone compassionate, grant us peace; for your most pure Mother, together with the Saints who struggled for their ancestral customs and for Moses’ Law, entreats you.
O thrice-blessed Tree, on which Christ, the King and Lord, was stretched! Through it the one who deceived through a tree has fallen, caught by the bait of God who was nailed to you in the flesh and who grants peace to our souls.
Of the Cross. Ode 6. Have mercy on me, Saviour.
When the Cross was fixed in the earth, the fall of demons came about. As we see it now gloriously set forth and as we greet it lovingly we rise up from the sin of our falls.
As we praise you, God and King and Lord, we now embrace with joy the Cross which you have given us as an unbreachable wall and are delivered from perils.
The Cross of the Lord, which grants us all great gifts, appears set forth. Mortals, let us approach, as we draw fro it enlightenment of heart and soul.
Give us strength, Pure Virgin, to fast from every evil, and ever give us power to keep from mean and wicked deeds, for you are the protection of all mankind.
Of the Saints. As I imitate the Prophet Jonas.
The Wisdom of God built a temple and supported it on seven spiritual pillars, foreshadowing these Youths as guardians of the Law.
Wise Solomoni gave birth to seven sons, whom wise Eleazar brought up well; and when they had struggled bravely divine grace crowned them.
‘Why do you delay, judge?’ said the band with seven branches in the midst of tortures, ‘punish, slaughter swiftly, do whatever you wish’.
‘Our father has struggled before us, the sons are struggling together, let our mother too follow us, judge. And may their be an addition to the children and a cause of pride.’
‘Though you destroy our bodies by the fire, Antiochos,’ the choir of seven brothers valiantly cried out, ‘do not imagine you can defeat even one of us.’
Let us faithfully worship the Father and the Son and the right Spirit in one Godhead, as we cry, ‘Holy Trinity, save your world!’
Both now.
Theotokion.How did you bear a Son whom no father had begotten? How did you remain pure after child-birth as you were before? It is God who knows, who does all things just as he wills.
Jonas, stretching out his hands like a cross in the belly of the sea monster, clearly prefigured the saving Passion. Escaping from there on the third day, he was an image of the transcendent Resurrection of Christ God, who was nailed in the flesh and by his rising on the third day enlightened the world.
Kontakion. Tone 2. Seeking the things on high.
You pillars of God’s Wisdom, in umber seven, and lamps with seven lights of the divine light, all-wise Maccabees, greatest of martyrs before the Martyrs, with them ask the God of all things that those who sing your praise may be saved.
The Ikos.
Sion, praise your God with fervour, for he has truly strengthened the bars of your gates and blessed your sons. For they, as a triumphant army, a truly noble and stout-hearted regiment, resisted with godly mind the devices of the wicked men. But as you enjoy the crowns of victory of the heavenly Sion and draw near to the throne of God, making supplication without ceasing on behalf of all, ask that those who sing your praise may be saved.
The Month of August has thirty one days. The day has 13 hours and the night 11.
On the 1st of the month, commemoration of the seven holy Martyrs, the Maccabees, Abim, Antony, Gourias, Eleazar, Eusebonas, Achim and Marcellus, and of their mother Solomoni and their teacher Eleazar.
Before Christ Eleazar first bore fire;
Set out the path of struggle for the rest.
Ere Thekla a first Champion I present,
Solomoni, before Christ burnt by fire.
Tortures and fire and wheels sent seven Youths
Out of earth's seven days unto the eighth.
And on the first of the month a mother they burnt with her offspring.
On the same day, commemoration of the nine holy Martyrs who struggled in Perge of Pamphylia, Leontios, Attos, Alexander, Kindeos, Mnsitheos, Kyriakos, Minaios, Katounos and Eukleis.
Nine from Pamphylia were slain by sword,
One tribe they sought, that of the Martyrs bold.
On the same day, Saint Pappas the New was thrown into a sack, shut up in a basket and cast into the sea, and so achieved perfection.
A sack hid Pappas and a box the sack;
The stream the basket. Pappas was with God.
On the same day, the holy Martyr Eleazaros, his head consumed by fire, attained perfection
When Eleazar’s head was burnt by fire,
Victor he went from soul-destroying streams.
On the same day, the holy Martyr Kirykos attained perfection by the sword.
The judge said, ‘Sacrifice, and you’ll not die’.
Kirykos bowed his head and said, ‘I won’t’.
On the same day the holy Martyr Theodore attained perfection by the sword.
A godly longing fell on Theodore,
Through the sword’s stroke to gain the longed for gifts [
doreon].On the same day, Saint Polyeuktos, was buried in dunghill and attained perfection.
Job on a dunghill had his throne, I say,
But Polyeuktos for his penalty.
On the same day, commemoration of the holy Martyrs, Menas, Menaios and the others in Viglention, near the bronze Tetrapylos.
On the same day, commemoration of our Father among the Saints Timothy, Bishop of Prokonnesos, the Wonderworker.
.As priest of Prokonnesos God once gave
Honour to Timothy; and now by wonders.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Of the Cross. Ode 7. The fire in Babylon once stood in awe
The One beyond time is revealed in time bearing flesh, and through his loving-kindness he heals our chronic passions of both flesh and spirit; while already he sanctifies us by his divine Cross.
We praise and glorify, we worship and magnify your might, O Lord; for you have granted us your servants the divine Cross as inexhaustible delight and guardian of our souls and bodies.
Do not prove me condemned to evils, Lord, on the day of decision; do not cast me away from your presence in shame, but take pity, save me by your precious Cross as you are supremely good.
When Moses made the bitter waters sweet with wood, he prefigured your grace, O Cross; for we too have been delivered from the bitterness of evils by your power; therefore as we now greet you lovingly, make us sweet by compunction of soul.
Make broad the narrowness of my mind by your intercession, Sovereign Lady, who narrowed all the devices of the foe, guide me through the narrow way to walk towards the broad plain of life, O Mother of God.
Of the Saints. The fire did not touch.
The zealots for the ancestral Law, the unflinching guardians of Law united in soul, with all devotion confessed one God in three hypostases, faithfully uniting and devoutly distinguishing.
‘What are you waiting for then, tyrant?’ cried the Martyrs to the erring judge; ‘we confess one God and we have a native land, the Jerusalem on high that nurtured us.’
‘We will not eat polluted food,’ they say, ‘we will not sacrifice, nor bow the knee to earth. We confess one God and him we fear, from whom we came and to whom we speed.’
Let us raise a song to the Trinity, glorifying the Father without beginning, the Son and the right Spirit, one single essence, whom thrice we praise, crying, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy.’
Both now.
Theotokion.Hail, wall and joy of all, O Virgin all-praised. Hail, hope of the ends of the earth. Hail, beauty of mortals and immaculate delight of the Angels. For you the only God in the flesh.
The senseless decree of a godless tyrant, redolent of threats and blasphemies hateful to God, drove peoples to confusion. But neither the fury of wild beasts nor the roaring of the fire frightened three Youths; but united in the fire that answered with a spirit bringing dew they sang, ‘O our God and the God of our Fathers, O highly exalted, blessed are you!’
Of the Cross. Ode 8. The Chaldean tyrant.
Godlike Elissaios once drew the iron from a river with wood, from long ago foreshadowing you, all-honoured Cross. For we who through you have also been drawn out of the abyss of error to sure faith are today counted worthy to behold you and to worship you in faith to all the ages.
From long ago Jacob most clearly prefigured you, all-honoured Cross, by his blessings. While we, who have been counted worthy by grace to look on you, all with undoubting faith draw near and sing, plucking blessing richly, and light and salvation and release from faults.
Robed in white with virtuous deeds, let us draw near crying to Christ with joy, ‘All-loving Master, by your divine and most high Cross exalt the horn of us your people, that bears the name of Christ, so that with faith and profound peace it may praise your might to all the ages’.
Of the Trinity.
As we all praise a single nature, consubstantial, equally without beginning, co-eternal, equal in majesty, yet distinct in persons, the Father unbegotten, the Son and the holy Spirit, uncreated essence and Godhead, we sing, ‘You priests, you people highly exalt God to all the ages.
‘As I now see you as an innocent lamb hanged and nailed to the Cross by lawless people, my Son who are from all eternity, I am assailed with griefs and beset with a mother’s pangs’ cried the All-pure, whom with never silent voices we devoutly praise to all the ages.
Of the Saints. The One who with wisdom
.Those guardians of the laws of their ancestral customs, those heralds of ordinance of Moses, appearing like seven beacons in the world, flood us with the rays of their struggles, those spiritual lanterns.
Those that were bravest in accordance with God’s law, and who spat on the counsels of Antiochos, valiantly cried out, ‘Wild beasts, swords, fire or scourges can never separate us from God, Antiochos!’
Those who adorned the chair of Moses and kept safe the ancestral laws, shining like seven stars in the world, made dark the wandering stars, made resplendent by the faith.
Those shoots of devout Solomoni, and nurslings of faithful Eleazar, those seven beacons shining like lamps by the lamp of the Law, have clearly been set in the tabernacle of God.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Spirit, to the Godhead, Trinity of persons, and Unity of nature by hypostases, praised without ceasing by all creation and to all the ages.
Both now. Theotokion.
You were revealed, Mary, to be the treasure-house of the good-pleasure of the Father, abode of the coming of the Son, dwelling-place of the Spirit, typifying in yourself the manifestation of the Trinity.
O Youths, equal in number to the Trinity, bless the Creator, Father, God; sing the praises of the Word who descended and changed the fire to dew, and highly exalt the all-holy Spirit that grants life to all, to the ages.
Of the Cross. Ode 9. Heaven was amazed.
Once fixed to the Cross with nails through feet and hands, pierced in the side, your thirst quenched with vinegar and gall, you healed my wounds, O King of all, supremely good, the joy, the sweetness, glory and eternal redemption of all.
Fair beyond sapphire and gold, bright as the sun you are, divine Cross, lying circumscribed by place and ever manifestly surrounded by spiritual Powers, yet enlightening every part of the inhabited world with rays of the divine power.
The Cross is the harbour of the storm-tossed, guide and support of the wandering, glory of Christ, strength of Apostles and Prophets, boast of Champions, refuge of all mortals. As we all see it set fourth in the midst, we greet it with loving devotion.
When you are about to come on earth to judge the world which you fashioned, Lord, with the Angelic hosts marching ahead and the Cross shining out more brightly than the beams of the sun, take pity on me by its power and save me who fallen more than all mortals.
‘Without corruption I gave birth to you from the womb, whom the Father begot before the ages; how do corrupt mortals rend you, my Son, and inhumanly gouge your side with a lance, your hands and feet with nails?’ cried the All-pure, whom we fittingly magnify.
Of the Saints. The light-bearing cloud.
Those brought up in accordance with the Law and who died on behalf of the Law, the pupils of Eleazar, the Children of Solomoni and zealous followers of Moses, as they were being dragged out shouted, ‘Antiochos, we do you hesitate, why do you delay, why are you not doing what you want to against us?’
The captains of the Law, stoutly despising the follies of Antiochos, bore up bravely under tortures, filling themselves with zeal, stirring one another on and hastening to anticipate toils and struggles and to die rather than to live.
As a brave and noble Olympic victor, Solomoni, as she watched her sons being slaughtered, was not shaken in soul, but she cried, ‘Listen, 000">
Of the Saints. The light-bearing cloud.
Those brought up in accordance with the Law and who died on behalf of the Law, the pupils of Eleazar, the Children of Solomoni and zealous followers of Moses, as they were being dragged out shouted, ‘Antiochos, we do you hesitate, why do you delay, why are you not doing what you want to against us?’
The captains of the Law, stoutly despising the follies of Antiochos, bore up bravely under tortures, filling themselves with zeal, stirring one another on and hastening to anticipate toils and struggles and to die rather than to live.
As a brave and noble Olympic victor, Solomoni, as she watched her sons being slaughtered, was not shaken in soul, but she cried, ‘Listen, Antiochos, add me to my children, if indeed there is really grace from foes’.
O the prowess of a woman! O height of nobility! She, who had offered the seven-pillared choir of her sons to God for the sake of the Law, eagerly played the man and gave herself over to tortures as an addition to her sons who had just died.
The Youths who were an image of the holy week of seven days, longing to acquire by death the treasure of life, nobly resisted the threats of the persecutor and by their service of the Law shamed his utterly profane devices.
Let us honour gloriously the heroes of the Law, whom Eleazar brought up and left a fair example, offering himself to the torments of the Saints, as they intercede that peace may be given to the world and to us forgiveness.
Holy Youths of the Law of God, by your intercessions rescue from all disease and corruption those who celebrate the memory of your sacred contests, granting to this Monastery of ours peace and deliverance from evils.
I glorify Light, the Father, I magnify Light, the Son and I worship Light, the Spirit, the holy Trinity; but in three persons and one Godhead an eternal and unending might, bringing all things out of non-existence.
Both now.
Theotokion.Say, O Virgin, how did you give birth? How did milk come from your breasts? How did you become the one who gave birth to him who came from you without father and without mother is the only-begotten from the Father on high? How did you suckle the One who nourishes the world? How? As he knows, as he was well-pleased.
Mystic Paradise are you, O Mother of God, who untilled brought forth Christ, who planted on the earth the life-giving Tree of the Cross. And so as it is raised today, we worship it and magnify you.
The death that came to the race through eating of the tree, has through the Cross been made of no effect today. For the curse on all mankind of our mother Eve has been abolished by the shoot of the pure Mother of God, whom all the Powers of heaven magnify.
Exapostilarion. Tone 2.
As the Disciples.
Let us sing the praise of the wondrous Maccabees, children of Eleazar and Solomoni; for they destroyed the arrogance of the dragon, origin of evil, and by their service of the Law were crowned as victors.
Of the Cross.
The Cross is the guardian of the whole world; the Cross is the beauty of the Church; the Cross is the strength of Kings; the Cross is the support of believers; the Cross is the glory of Angels and the wound the wound of demons.
At Lauds we insert 4 [6] Stichera, and sing 3 of Prosomia of the Cross.
Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
With voices let us shout for joy, with songs let us make melody, as with love we embrace the precious Cross, and let us cry out to it, ‘Most blessed Cross, make holy our souls and bodies by your power, and keep unharmed from every hurt of enemies those who devoutly worship you’.
Approach and draw waters that do not fail that issue from the grace of the Cross. See, we contemplate the holy Tree which is set forth, the source of gifts of grace watered by the Blood and Water of the Master of all things who was willingly raised upon it and who raises mortals.
O all-revered Cross, you are the foundation of the Church, the ornament of Monks and the boast and salvation of Priests; therefore we worship you and are enlightened in heart and soul today by the divine grace of the One who was nailed to you and who destroyed the might of the deceiver and abolished the curse.
And three Idiomels of the Saints.
Tone 1.
The mother of many toils, inviting her own children to the contests, said, ‘Follow the grey hairs of Abraham that you may become partakers in the slaughter of Isaak’. But they anticipated their guide and, seeing the tortures, escorted the one who admonished them to immediate punishments. At their prayers, O God, have mercy on us.
: God is wonderful in his Saints, the God of Israel.Tone 4.
Seven chosen pillar, hewn from one spiritual rock, revealed the tower of the Law to be unshaken. Through them, O Saviour, be well-pleased for our lives to be preserved in peace.
: For his Saints that are in the land the Lord was worked wonders.Tone 5.
The guardians of the Law and sons of Solomoni, as they struggled in the stadium, cried out to Antiochos, ‘We remain steadfast for our ancestral laws. Neither fire, nor sword, no wild beasts, no scourges will part us, but we will die with our aged mother and our father and teacher, living and rejoicing together to unending ages’.
Come, believers, let us contemplate the praiseworthy warfare of the Maccabees, and their bravery. For a tyrannical King, who had mastered all the nations, was mastered in his turn by an old, seven youths and a woman. Therefore at their prayers, O God, have mercy on us.
Both now.
Same Tone.O Lord, who fought beside meek David to subdue the foreigner, make way alongside our faithful Sovereign, and with the weapon of the Cross cast down our enemies. Show us your ancient mercies, O Compassionate, and let them know that you are our God and that trusting in you we conquer; as your immaculate Mother, as is her wont, intercedes that to us may be granted your great mercy.
Great Doxology.
After it has been finished there takes place the Entrance with the precious Cross, and next the veneration according the arrangements for the third Sunday of Lent.
During the veneration we sing the following Idiomel Sticheron.
Tone 2.
Come, believers, let worship the life-giving Tree on which Christ the King of glory willing stretched out his hands and raised up to the ancient blessedness us whom of old the foe, luring us through pleasure, had made exiles from God. Come, believers, let us worship the Tree though which we have counted worthy to crush the heads of invisible enemies. Come, all you families of nations, let us honour with hymns the Cross of the Lord. Hail, O Cross, the complete redemption of Adam. In you our faithful Sovereigns boast, as by your power they mightily defeat the people of Ishmael. We Christians, as with fear we now lovingly greet you, glorify God who was nailed to you, as we say, ‘O Lord, who were nailed upon it, have mercy on us as you are good and love mankind’.
The rest of the service as usual, and Dismissal.
At the Liturgy, instead of the Trisagion, we sing:
Your Cross we worship...
4 Aug. Commemoration of the Seven Youths in Ephesus
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we sing Prosomia.Tone 4. As noblest of Martyrs.
Obedient to God the blessed Youths despised the lawless command, and being chained undid the chains of error, and rejecting worldly honour received the honour which made them all-glorious and brought them the enjoyment of the kingdom on high.
Bravely you stripped yourselves for the starting-blocks of the contest, O Saints; you were hidden in a cave, where you implored the Lord with ceaseless entreaties to grant you strength and power; but the Lover of mankind, by the judgements which he knows, commands you, by divine might, to sleep in peace.
A mystery of mysteries is set forth by the Saints; for as when they died they were not aware, so now when awakened they were clearly amazed; for this happened to confirm the resurrection of the dead, that those who deny it may, when they know, be fenced in by faith and glorify the Martyrs.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.All-holy Bride of God, ransom my wretched soul from condemnation and dread faults, deliver it from death by your prayers and grant that, purified before the end by streams of tears and by repentance, I too on the day of trial may find the justification which the ranks of Saints have found.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw you, the Lamb and Shepherd, upon the Tree, the ewe-lamb who bore you lamented, and as a mother cried aloud, ‘My Son, so deeply loved, how have you been fixed to the tree of the Cross, O long-suffering? How have you been nailed through hands and feet by lawless men, and how poured out your blood, O Master?’
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
Your Martyrs, O Lord, by their struggle obtained crowns of incorruption from you, our God; for with your might they destroyed tyrants and shattered the feeble insolence of the demons: at their prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.
At Matins
The usual Reading of the Psalter and the Canons from the Oktoichos with the following one of the Saints, whose Acrostic is as follows:
1To [sev]en Youths rightly I sing praise.
In the Theotokia:
By C[l]ement.Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos.
[Come, you peoples, let us sing a song to Christ our God, who parted the sea and guided the people that he had brought up from the slavery of the Egyptians, for he has been glorified.]
Come, let us honour faithfully the precious glowing stones, in number seven, for they burn more brightly in the Church of Christ than the lamp of the law with its seven lights.
The seven Youths, who formerly lived for Christ by slaying the flesh, leapt up wondrously, taking death for sleep, maintaining the doctrine of the Resurrection.
Jericho fell to the blast of seven trumpets; now the uprising of error has gone down to Hell by the faith of the Champions with its seven lights and has been destroyed.
You Seven Holy Youths have truly received a double crown, for you laid waste error and the denial of the rising of all, the one before your death, the other by your rising.
New was the child-bearing that you made new, Bride without bridegroom; for the eternal Word, without beginning with the Father, by the divine Spirit was incarnate from you without change and without mixture.
Ode 3. Irmos.
[Establish us in you, O Lord, who put sin to death by a Tree, and plant your fear in the hearts of us who sing your praise.]
You appeared, O Victors, as seven unerring stars, shining by faith, and you point those swimming in the deep of error to the harbour of salvation.
Standing stoutly like the Maccabees of old before a tyrant’s judgement seat, you exchanged the army’s perishable glory by soldiering for Christ.
Holy Youths fittingly you were shown to be an acceptable sacrifice of prayer to Christ, and a most sweet savour, as you stoutly put to shame the foul stench of error.
The bush on Sinai prefigured the wonder of your child-bearing, O Virgin; for when you faithfully accepted the fire of the godhead in your womb, you were not consumed by its flame.
The Irmos.
Establish us in you, O Lord, who put sin to death by a Tree, and plant your fear in the hearts of us who sing your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
They despised the things of the world as corruptible, and received incorruptible gifts; dying they remained beyond corruption, therefore they rose up after many years and buried all the unbelief of the hostile. As we believers celebrate them today with praise, let us honour Christ in song.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.As a natural lover of sin I implore you, Honoured One who gave birth to God who takes away the sin of the world, take pity on my soul of many sins, and wipe away my many sins; for you are the propitiation of sinners, the salvation and succour of the faithful.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she, who in the last times gave you birth, O Christ, begotten from the Father without beginning, saw you hanging on a Cross, she cried aloud, ‘Alas! My Jesu, dearly loved, how can you, who as God are glorified by Angels, now willingly be crucified by lawless mortals? I sing your praise, O long-suffering.’
Ode 4. Irmos.
[I heard the report of your dispensation, Lord, and I glorified you, only lover of mankind.]
Let us praise the seven Youths, a most holy band, honoured with the number seven.
The Youths of Ephesus showed the impious king of error to be senseless with his empty sophistries.
Holy Youths, in the faith you appeared truly as unblemished offerings and sacrifices of the Lord.
Immaculate and ever-blessed, do not neglect to intercede that we may be delivered from every trouble.
Ode 5. Irmos.
[O Lord, the giver of light and maker of the ages, guide us by the light of commands, for we know no other but you.]
Once unperceived you died a common death on earth, Ephesian Youths. But beyond nature you then rose again, clearly confirming the Resurrection of the dead.
Made sacred to God by true confession of the Faith, wise Martyrs, as trained athletes of the Lord you were delivered from iron bonds and scourges, and bore off the crown.
Far-famed Martyrs, you stoutly vanquished the error of idols and the doctrine of impious heresy, and now you ever protect those who confess the Resurrection of the dead.
You, who are above all being, appeared in two natures and one person as perfect mortal without confusion and perfect God, born from a Holy Mother.
Ode 6. Irmos.
[Surrounded by a deep of offences, I call on the unfathomable deep of your compassion, ‘O God, bring me up from corruption.’]
Let the seven Holy Youths, equal in number to Wisdom’s pillars, be praised, who crushed the tyrants’ godless decree with words as with stones.
Guarded by the law of divine foreknowledge, you accepted the cave, a temporary tomb, in which, O Saints, you appeared dead yet incorrupt for many years.
Associates of incorruption, O Martyrs, you drive out dead and destructive faith and you intercede to God for those who hope in the Resurrection.
Now woman’s nature rejoices, for grief has ended and joy has flowered; for Mary has given birth to joy, the Saviour and Lord.
The Irmos.
Surrounded by a deep of offences, I call on the unfathomable deep of your compassion: O God, bring me up from corruption.
On the 4th of the same month, commemoration of the seven holy Youths of Ephesus, Maximilian, Exakustodianos, Iamblichus, Martinian, Dionysios, John and Constantine.
Septet the choir of Martyrs that I praise,
Who showed the world the Rising of the dead.
Seven the dead who arose, and together they died on the fourth day.
On the same day, commemoration of the translation of the relics of our Venerable Mother, the Martyr Evdokia.
Whence this sweet fragrance? Evdokia’s corse
Comes with the sweet scent of her struggles’ grace.
And as a corpse she was brought on the fourth Evdokia, the noble.2
On the same day the Holy Martyr Thathouel died, hanged from a apple-tree.
Die, Thathouel, hanged from an apple- tree,
That Eden’s wondrous apples you may pluck.
On the same day, commemoration of the Holy Martyr Ia and her companions.3
Fragrance of violets [
ia] Martyr Ia breathes,Of blood deep-dyed in scarlet from her wounds.
At their holy intercessions, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Ode 7. Irmos.
[When the golden image was being worshipped on the plain of Deira, your three Youths trampled down the godless decree; cast into the midst of fire, refreshed with dew they sang: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.]
The Youths appeared as pure and chosen vessels of Christ; through them false doctrine was driven from the Church and true belief shone out: that there will be a Resurrection of every soul and flesh as they were born.
As truly valiant before death in your struggle, Holy Youths, so again you appeared alive after death strengthened with divine glory, devoutly confirming in yourselves the truth of the Resurrection.
There will be a resurrection of spirits along with physical bodies; for as no soul is born to come forth into the world without a body, so too outside the body no soul is glorified or tested, said the All-praised Martyrs.
By giving birth to God, the Saviour of all, you have become, Mary, the righting of the desperate, the assistance of the lost, the hope of the hopeless and the help of those who sing, ‘Blessed is the fruit of your womb.’
Ode 8. Irmos.
[The God who came down into the furnace for the Hebrew Youths and changed the flame to dew, you his works, praise as Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.]
The godlike Youths cut off a root of bitter heresy and error that had fearfully sprung up. Now they deck it with fruit of the faith, alive yet buried, and truly rising again.
The princes of the Ephesians and champions of the Church of Christ, seven holy Youths, were divinely declared to be faithfully a rampart of the kingdom; we highly exalt them throughout the ages.
Brave athletes the Youths appeared, equal in number to the wandering stars, yet taking the unerring path of true religion as they cried, ‘O Christ we highly exalt you throughout the ages.’
Light and resurrection of life was wondrously granted from God to the Youths in the cave; and those previously dead rose up, and living cried, ‘O God, save those who sing your praise with faith.’
Pure Virgin Mother of God, none who with right belief has gained the hopes of faith perishes, save those who refuse to worship the form of your likeness.
The Irmos.
The God who came down into the furnace for the Hebrew Youths and changed the flame to dew, you his works, praise as Lord and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos.
[From your virgin loins ineffably you gave a body to the great light before the sun, God who shone forth and lived among us in a body. Blessed and all pure Mother of God, we magnify you.]
Happiness of mysteries and revelation of divine wonders now appears: the resurrection of the Saints. For those who of old died in the flesh a natural death, have now risen incorrupt, clothed like ones who sleep.
A store of strength and seal of firm faith the cave of the Saints appears, foretelling the glory of the coming Resurrection, not Lazarus four days dead, but the dead from every age will rise.
The Youths surely appeared by number and by faith as honoured eyes of the Church of Christ, blazing more brightly than the stone of Zorobabel. Let us in spirit praise their godlike spirits.4
You contested bravely and received the crown of martyrdom, O seven Youths, pillars of God’s wisdom and rising of the doctrines of orthodoxy. You have been declared champions of the Church and intercessors for those who sing your praise.
Pure Mary, highly glorious, you kept your body and your soul unspotted, therefore Christ the King loved your beauty, and declared you to be Mother of his incarnation, as he ever accomplishes my salvation.
The Irmos.
From your virgin loins ineffably you gave a body to the great light before the sun, God who shone forth and lived among us in a body. Blessed and all pure Mother of God, we magnify you.
Exapostilarion. With the Disciples let us go.
Before the judgement seat of the tyrant, O seven Martyr Youths, with boldness you proclaimed Christ as God of all, as Saviour and Creator. For you lay dead according to nature for many years in a cave by divine foreknowledge and beyond nature rose again as from sleep so stopping the mouths of every heretic.
In songs let us sing Iamblichus, John, Martin and Constantine, Maximilian and Dionysios, with famous Exakoustodius, as we radiantly celebrate their radiant memory, that by their prayers and the intercessions of the Mother of God we may find release from offences from Christ the Saviour.
The rest of the Office as usual and the Dismissal.
1. The ‘l’, the second letter of the word ‘Clement’ in Greek as in English, is missing, because there are only eight Odes. The first three letters of the word ‘seven’ [epta] are also missing, which suggests that the canon originally had nine odes. This phenomenon is frequent in the canons of the Menaia. The Irmi would, in practice, never be sung, but we have included the full text in parentheses.
2. The line is a heroic hexameter, rather than an iambic trimeter. This is normal in the last line of the verse notices for the first entry each day, which mentions the date, as in the preceding notice for the Seven Sleepers. The language in both grammar and vocabulary is ‘homeric‘.
3. Since the name Ia means ‘violets’, there seems no reason why ‘Violet’ should not be used as an Orthodox name in English.
4. The Menaion has the following note: The sacred Hymnographer refers to the saying of God’s Angel to the prophet Zachary concerning Zorobabel, ‘Why was someone scornful over small days? They will rejoice and see the stone made of tin in the hands of Zorobabel. These are the seven eyes of the Lord that look upon the earth’ [Zach. 4,10]. Anybody who wants to know more precisely the meaning of this prophetic passage should read the commentaries of the Fathers on it.
Note. This translation of the office for 5 August only contains the texts for the Forefeast. I have added a number of footnotes containing the references to biblical passages alluded to in the texts. One curious feature of Matins is the presence of a Triode. One would rather have expected one at Compline. The Irmi of the main Canon are those of the Mother of God
5 Aug. Forefeast of the Holy Transfiguration
.At Lord, I have cried, we insert 6 stichera, and sing 3 prosomia of the Forefeast.
Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Come, let us go up with Jesus, as he ascends the holy mountain, and there let us hear the voice of the living God, the Father without beginning, which through a cloud of light bears witness by the divine Spirit to the truth of his eternal Sonship, and enlightened in mind, in light we shall see light[1].
Come, let us dance beforehand, purify ourselves and faithfully prepare ourselves for the divine ascent of the exalted life of God, that we may become spectators of his majesty, and attain the glory which the leaders of the Apostles were allowed to see mystically on Mount Thabor.
Come now, having undergone the greater change, let us prepare ourselves well to approach the holy mountain of God as we contemplate the unchanging glory of Christ blazing forth more brightly than the sun, and made radiant by the triple light, in it let us glorify his condescension.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 5.Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of our God, and let us contemplate the glory of his Transfiguration, glory as of the only-begotten of the Father. By light let us receive light; and let us, borne aloft in spirit, hymn the consubstantial Trinity to the ages.
At the Aposticha, prosomia.
Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
Shining with the light of the virtues, let us go to the holy mountain to see the divine Transfiguration of the Lord
Yours are the heavens and yours is the earth; you have founded the inhabited world and its fullness.[2]Before the Cross, Christ shows an inspired sign of his Godhead to his initiates, shining out to-day on the mountain like the sun.
Thabor and Hermon will rejoice in your name.[3]Wishing to better the nature he took from Adam, Christ now ascends Thabor, baring his Godhead to his initiates.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 2.Christ our God, transfigured on mount Thabor in glory, and showing your Disciples the glory of your Godhead, illumine us also with the light of your knowledge, and guide us in the path of your commandments,[4] as you alone are good and love humankind.
Apolytikion. Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
Let us believers, as we radiantly celebrate the forefeast, go out to meet the Transfiguration of Christ, and let us cry, ‘The day of joy inspired is near; the Master ascends mount Thabor to make the beauty of his Godhead blaze forth’.
.After the first Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma of the Forefeast.
Tone 4. Speedily anticipate.
A day of joy has now come for the faithful, day of the divine, and glorious Transfiguration of Christ our God. So let us all be made radiant to glorify worthily in songs inspired his mighty works, by which, shining out as God, he enlightened the world.
Glory. Both.
The same.After the second Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Let all of us believers go up to Mount Thabor together with Christ’s chosen Disciples, and let us in mind contemplate his Transfiguration, and let us glorify his supreme condescension towards us, through which he grants the world eternal life.
Then the Canons of the Forefeast and of the Saint.
Canon of the Forefeast, of which the Acrostic is the Alphabet.
Ode 1. Tone 4. I will open my mouth.
Light of heaven, blaze out from below more brightly than the sun; and earth give ear to the words of the living God; for the Father will bear witness on mount Thabor to the One transfigured, of his Sonship.
To sight a mortal, but God in hiddenness, Christ ascends Thabor to lay bare the radiance of his Godhead by the splendours of his glory which shines more brightly than the sun.
Christ knowingly now goes forward to appear to Moses and to reveal his ineffable glory on mount Thabor, by conversing with him directly face to face.[5] Let us today with gladness celebrate the forefeast.
And the Canon of the Saint.
Then the Triode of the Forefeast.
Ode 1. Tone 4. I will sing to you, Lord my God.
As we, the faithful, celebrate this day of the forefeast of the Transfiguration of Christ our Redeemer, let us clap our hands and sing.
As we have reached the entry of the holy Transfiguration of Christ, let us too blaze with divine changes as we welcome it.
If we possess a high mountain, a heart purified of passions, we shall see the Transfiguration of Christ enlightening our mind.
Let us all worship a Trinity of distinct persons, a Unity, a divine nature, the Father without beginning, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Both now.
Theotokion.Let all of us the faithful sing the praise as truly Mother of God of the blameless Maiden, from whom Christ our God came forth in the flesh without change.
Forefeast. Ode 3. O Mother of God.
You, the Master of all creation, appeared having taken the form of a servant,[6] in which you revealed the unapproachable brightness of your Godhead to the Disciples, as far as they could look upon it.
Christ the sun of glory hastens to blaze forth on the mountain and to darken by his light the beacon which shines from on high. Made radiant by his beams, let us today celebrate the forefeast.
About to fulfil the words of eternal life Christ is present; as by deeds he shows that he was well-pleased for his friends to recognize in himself the Father’s glory blazing forth.
Kathisma of the Saint.
Glory. Both now.
Of the Forefeast.Tone 4. Today you have appeared.
The Sun of glory has appeared, has blazed forth the rays of the Godhead to those in darkness,[7] as he goes up to Thabor. Let us honour his light-bearing coming.
Of the
Forefeast. Ode 4. The One seated in glory.The heavenly choir joins in gladness those on earth and feasts in advance the shining out of the Giver of light, which he will make to blaze beyond compare, surpassing the mortal form on Thabor; as he was well-pleased.
By your coming as God and man you spoke with men, and by a multitude of wonders you mystically illumined the world, by the blazing glory of your Godhead you shone forth supremely on Thabor with unapproachable light.
Jesus, the offspring of Nave, of old stopped the sun,[8] prefiguring the day of the divine Passion; while you, Saviour and Lord, before your honoured Cross, hid the brightness of the sun with the radiance of your Face.
Of the Saint.
Of the
Forefeast. Ode 5. The universe was amazed.Rejoicing in the Lord, let us faithfully follow him; for see, he is going up to the mount, taking with him the chosen initiates, to whom he will show his glory as he shines more brightly than the sun with unapproachable beauty.
Let heaven shine more radiantly today; for see, Christ will ascend the mount, from where he will blaze with infinite light, as giver of light darkening the rays of the sun with the glory of the Godhead.
Christ shows his Disciples a mystery on Thabor as with his face he shines beyond radiance, and through the raiment of his garments he becomes shining white as snow,[9] the One who is clothed in light as in a garment,[10] as the Psalmist says.
Of the Saint.
Of the
Forefeast. Ode 6. Come, godly-minded people.Making ready for his friends the bridal chamber of glory of the joy to come Christ ascends the mountain, bringing them up from a lowly life on earth to a way of life high above the world.
Astonishing the minds of the Disciples, Christ made the radiance of heaven blaze out on earth, placing beside him in the manner of servants the leaders of the Law and the Prophets, by whom, both dead and living,[11] God is witnessed to.
Christ the lamp now begins to appear in a parched place with the rays of the divine lightning. Let us journey towards his brilliance, rejoicing in the radiance of his face.
Of the Saint.
Kontakion of the Forefeast.
Tone 4. Today you have appeared.
In the divine Transfiguration all mortal nature divinely shines forth today, as with gladness it cries: Christ is transfigured, saving all.
Another, of the Saint.
On the 5th of the month, Forefeast of the holy Transfiguration of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and commemoration of the holy Martyr Efsignios.
They execute Efsignios, Christ’s friend,
Who cries until the blow: To Christ my worship!
And on the fifth of the month Efsignios’ head with dust mingled.
On the same day Saints Kattidios and Kattidianos, Martyrs and blood brothers, died by being stoned.
They piled up lofty hills of stones, O Christ,
By means of which two brothers climbed to you.
On the same day Saint Nonna, the mother of St Gregory the Divine, died in peace.
Fair offspring to fair Nonna in her death
Gives a fair speech of burial, his words.
On the same day Saint Soleb the Egyptian was pierced by an arrow [
belos] and died.Verses.
If backwards, Soleb, you should spell your name,
‘Belos’ you’ll get, instrument of your end.
On the same day the holy Bishop and Martyr Fabius (or Fabian), Bishop of Rome, died by the sword.
Fabius lies dead, Christ’s sacrificing priest,
New sacrifice offered to Christ by sword.
At the prayers of your Saints, O God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Of the
Forefeast. Ode 7. The godlike Youths.Let us now follow Christ as he leads the chosen Disciples to a height of soul far above the world, as we contemplate strange sights. Filled with amazement let us cry out with them: Blessed are you, O God!
Having cleansed sullied mortal nature by water and fire,[12] in your own flesh, you show, O Saviour, its splendour by your face, as you shine more brightly than the sun, as a figure of the glory to come.
Let us go up with Christ to the holy mountain, as he takes with him the sons of Zebedee and Peter, the leader, whom he chose as witnesses of his own glory as they cried: Blessed are you, O God!
Of the Saint.
Forefeast. Ode 8. The Offspring of the Mother of God.
Who would not be amazed, O Word, Sovereign of all, at the majesty of your glory? Which, when transfigured, you showed to your friends as you surrounded them with divine splendours. With them make us who sing your praise radiant by your light, as we celebrate the forefeast.
Grant the height of a heavenly way of life and the divine brilliance of the eternal glory to your servants, who now celebrate the radiant festival of your Transfiguration; on which, blazing with light, you make radiant those who sing your praise, Christ the giver of light.
You are light and giver of unapproachable[13] and eternal light, Lord without beginning, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment; you shed light on the world when you came with flesh; and you blaze with light on the mountain revealing the imprint of the Father’s glory.
Of the Saint.
Triode of the Forefeast. Christ the King.
The present day of the radiant Transfiguration of the Lord, shining beforehand on the world, urges us to cry out: All you his works praise and highly exalt Christ to the ages.
Come, believers, let us go towards the holy mountain, to see the all-radiant Transfiguration of Christ; for it illumines all who glorify it to the ages.
Today let us go in advance to meet the Transfiguration of Christ with pure heart, and let us cry to him: All you his works, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.
The one Godhead in three persons which is proclaimed together, Father, Son and all-holy Spirit, all you works praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Both now.
Theotokion.O fearsome wonder! How is a virgin, child of God, a mother and how does she give birth to the Master of heaven and earth? Him then, all you his works, praise and highly exalt to all the ages!
Of the
Forefeast. Ode 9. Let all born of earth.Heaven rejoices as it now perceives dawning from earth the unsetting Sun, which is about to dim the radiance of the sun by divine glory. Earth dances radiantly, resplendent with heavenly brightness it becomes light.
David in psalms foretold your Transfiguration: Who will be likened to you, Lord, he said, among the sons of God? For you are glorified in the counsels of the Saints, you appeared great among those around you,[14] fearful in the glory of your divine form.
O Word of God, wisdom and power and imprint[15] of the Father. O God, so known to believers and acknowledged as man, count us worthy to celebrate the radiant festival of your Transfiguration, and to shine out with the light of good works.
Of the Saint.
Triode of the Forefeast. You that knew not wedlock
As we celebrate this day which precedes your all-glorious and all-shining Transfiguration, Lord, in hymns we magnify you.
Transformed to the fair transformation by the Transfiguration of Christ, let us be found shining with light by our good deeds as we magnify it.
Standing at the threshold of the glorious Transfiguration of the Lord, let us be made spiritually radiant in our minds as we magnify it.
Essence in Trinity and Unity, with all authority, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in hymns we magnify you.
Both now.
Theotokion.Most holy Mother of God, higher than the hosts on high, O alone pure of all creation, in hymns we magnify you.
Of the
Forefeast. With the Disciples let us go.We who desire wholly the divine glory, let us cut away the fog of what is earthly and fleshly, as raised high above earth we ascend mount Thabor; and let us hasten to be found worthy to share with Moses and Elias and the princes of the Apostles in the divine and unapproachable radiance, receiving light by light.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia of the Forefeast.
Tone 1. Joy of the heavenly hosts.
As we go beforehand to meet the all-holy, glorious Transfiguration, on this present day we glorify Christ who refigured our nature with the fire of the Godhead and made it blaze with incorruption as at first.
Mercy and truth have met; justice and peace have kissed.[16]Come, let us ascend the holy mountain and let us look upon the all-shining Transfiguration of the Lord, as we faithfully worship him and say: You alone are our God, who became incarnate and made the human divine.
Lord, they will walk in the light of your face.[17]This is the day of the forefeast, after which Christ is transfigured in the presence of Moses and Elias and his Disciples on mount Thabor; while the divine voice speaks: This is truly my chosen Son.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 5.Seeing you in the cloud, O Christ, Moses, who saw God, and Elias, the fiery charioteer and traveller to heaven unconsumed by fire, bore witness at your Transfiguration to you as maker and fulfiller of Law and Prophets. With them, Master, count us also worthy of your illumination, to sing your praise to the ages.
And Dismissal.
At the end of Matins will be found the text of the Polyeleos for the feast, that is to say Psalms 44, 135 and the Selection of verses, together with the short Doxastikon and Theotokion, as sung on the Holy Mountain. We warmly recommend a most valuable collection of patristic material concerning this feast, On the Dormition of Mary. Early Patristic Homilies, translated by Fr Brian Daley, recently published by St Vladimir’s Seminary Press. It contains a dozen homilies never previously fully translated into English, including the sets of three homilies by St Andrew of Crete and St John of Damascus.
15 Aug. Commemoration of the Falling Asleep Ever-Virgin Mary
.Apolytikion. Tone 1.
In giving birth you retained your virginity; in falling asleep, O Mother of God, you did not abandon the world. You passed over into life, you, the Mother of life; and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Great Vespers
We recite the 1st Section of the 1st Kathisma,
Blessed is the man.At
Lord, I have cried we insert 8 Stichera and sing 3 Prosomia.Tone 1. Model Melody.
O marvellous wonder! The source of life is laid in a grave, and the tomb becomes a ladder to heaven. Be glad, O Gethsemane, the holy shrine of the Mother of God. Let us the faithful cry, with Gabriel as our captain: O Full of grace, hail! The Lord is with you, who grants the world through you his great mercy. (
Three times).O wonder of your mysteries, pure Lady! You were proclaimed the Throne of the Most High, and you have passed today from earth to heaven. Your glory is full of splendour, shining with grace in divine brightness. O Virgins, with the Mother of the King, be raised to the heights. O Full of grace, hail! The Lord is with you, who grants the world through you his great mercy. (
Three times).Dominions, Thrones, Rulers, Principalities and Powers, Cherubim and the fearful Seraphim glorify your Falling Asleep. Those born of earth rejoice, adorned by your divine glory. Kings fall down and sing with Angels and Archangels: O Full of grace, hail! The Lord is with you, who grants the world through you his great mercy. (
Twice)Glory. Both now.
For both Choirs in the 8 Tones.
Tone 1
By divine command the god-bearing Apostles were caught up from all over the world by clouds on high.
Tone 5.
Reaching your all-immaculate body, source of life, they kissed it with mighty honour.
Tone 2.
The highest Powers of heaven stood by with their own Master.
Tone 6.
Seized with dread they accompanied your inviolate body that had contained God; while they went on before in a manner not of this world and crying out, unseen, to the ranks above them: See, the Queen of all, God’s Child, has come.
Tone 3.
Lift up the gates, and in a manner not of this world receive the Mother of the everlasting light.
Tone 7.
For through her the salvation of all mortals has come. We have not the strength to gaze on her, and it is not possible to render her worthy honour.
Tone 4.
For her excellence outstrips all understanding.
Tone 8.
Therefore, immaculate Mother of God, as you live for ever with the life-bearing King, your Offspring, pray without ceasing that he guard and save from every hostile assault your new people; for we have gained your protection.
Tone 1.
As to the ages with splendour we call you blessed.
O Joyful Light. Prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from Genesis.
28:10-17]Jacob went out from the well of the oath and journeyed towards Harran. And he lighted on a place and slept there, for the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of the place and put it at his head; and he slept in that place, and he dreamed. And behold, a ladder set up on the earth, whose head reached to heaven; and the Angels of God were going up and going down upon it. But the Lord stood above it and said: ‘I am the God of Abraham, your father, and the God of Isaac, do not be afraid. The land on which you are sleeping I shall give to you and to your seed. And your seed will be like the sand of the earth, and it will be spread abroad to the Sea and Liva and North and East; and in you and in your seed all the tribes of the earth will be blessed. And behold, I am with you, guarding you on every road on which you may journey; and I shall bring you back again to this land, because I shall never abandon you until I have done all that I have said to you’. And Jacob arose from his sleep and said: ‘The Lord is in this place, but I did not know it’. And he was afraid, and said: ‘How fearful is this place! This is none other than the house of God, this is the gate of heaven’.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Ezekiel.
43:72, 44:1]‘It shall be from the eighth day and upwards, the Priests shall make your holocausts upon the altar, and those for your salvation; and I shall accept you’, says the Lord. And he turned me back by the way of the outer gate of the Holy Place, which looks towards the east, and it was shut. And the Lord said to me: ‘This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no one shall pass through it, because the Lord, the God of Israel, will enter through it, and it shall be shut. Therefore this prince shall sit in it to eat bread. By the way of the Elam of the gate he shall enter, and by that way he shall go out’. And he brought me by the way of the gate towards the North, opposite the House; and I saw, and behold the whole house of the Lord was full of glory.
The Reading is from Proverbs.
9:1-11]Wisdom has built herself a house. She has slaughtered her beasts and mixed her wine in the mixing bowl, and prepared her table. She her sent out her servants, to invite with a loud proclamation upon the mixing bowl: ‘Whoever is foolish, let him turn to me’. And to those who lack wisdom she said: ‘Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine that I have mixed for you. Abandon folly, and you will live; and seek understanding that you may have life, and set aright your understanding with knowledge. One who corrects the wicked will gain dishonour for himself. One who rebukes the impious will get blame for himself; for to the impious rebukes are blows. Do not rebuke the wicked, lest they hate you. Rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man and he will be wiser; teach a just man and he will increase learning. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the counsel of Saints, understanding. While to know the law is the part of a good mind. For by this means you will live for a long time, and years will be added to your life’.
At the Liti, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 1.
It was fitting for the eye-witnesses and ministers of the Word to see the Falling Asleep of his Mother according to the flesh, the final mystery concerning her, that they might not only see the Ascension of the Saviour from the earth, but also be witnesses to the Translation from earth of her who bore him. Therefore, carried over from all parts by divine power, they came to Sion and escorted her, as she who is higher than the Cherubim hastened towards heaven. With them we worship her as she intercedes for our souls.
Tone 2. By Anatolios.
She who is higher than the heavens, more glorious than Cherubim and greater in honour than creation, who through her surpassing purity became the vessel of the eternal being, today places in the hands of her Son her all-holy soul. With her the universe is filled with joy and to us is given his great mercy.
The same Tone. By John.
The all-blameless Bride and Mother of the Father’s Good Pleasure, who was foreordained by God as a dwelling for himself of the union without confusion, today delivers her immaculate soul to her Maker and God. The Bodiless Powers receive her in a manner fitting God, and she, who is indeed Mother of life, passes over to life, the lamp of the unapproachable Light, the salvation of the faithful, the hope of our souls.
Tone 3. By Germanos.
Come, all the ends of the earth, let us call blessed the Translation of the Mother of God. For she has placed her unblemished soul in the hands of her Son. Therefore the world has been restored to life by her holy Falling Asleep, as with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs it radiantly celebrates the feast with the Bodiless hosts and the Apostles.
Tone 5. By TheophanesCome, gathering of the lovers of festivals; come, and let us form a choir; come, let us garland the Church with songs as the Ark of God goes to her rest. For today heaven unfolds its bosom as it receives the one who gave birth to him whom nothing can contain. The earth, as it gives back the source of life, is robed in blessing and majesty. Angels with Apostles form a choir as they gaze with fear while she who gave birth to the Prince of life is translated from life to life. Let us all worship her as we beg: ‘Sovereign Lady, do not forget your ties of kinship with those who celebrate with faith your all-holy Falling Asleep’.
Both now.
Same Tone.Sing, you peoples, to the Mother of our God, sing! For today she places her soul, all filled with light, in the immaculate palms of the One who was incarnate from her without seed. And she implores him without ceasing that to the inhabited world there may be granted his peace and great mercy.
At the Aposticha, Idiomels. Tone 4.
Come, you peoples, let us sing the praises of the pure, all-holy Virgin, from whom the Word of the Father came forth ineffably incarnate, as we cry and say: Blessed are you among women. Blessed is the womb which contained Christ. As you deliver your soul into his holy hands, intercede, O Immaculate, that our souls may be saved.
Rise, Lord, to your rest; you and the Ark of your sanctification.The multitudes of Angels in heaven and we the human race on earth call your all-revered Falling Asleep blessed, O pure and all-holy Virgin; because you became Mother of the Maker of all things, Christ God. Do not cease to intercede with him, we beg, for us who next to God place our hopes in you, O Mother of God, all-praised and who did not know wedlock.
The Lord has sworn truth to David, and will not annul it: Of the fruit of your womb I will place on your throne.You peoples, let us sing David’s song today to Christ God: ‘Virgins, he says, will be brought after her to the King, they will be brought in joy and gladness’. For she, who is from the seed of David and through whom we have been made divine, passes over in glory and beyond reason into the hands of her own Son and Master. As we sing her praise as Mother of God we cry out and say: ‘Save us who confess you, O Mother of God, from every disaster, and from dangers rescue our souls’.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 4.When you departed, Virgin Mother of God, to the One who was born ineffably from you, James, God’s brother and first Hierarch, was present with Peter, the most honoured high summit of the Theologians, and all the godly choir of the Apostles; in teachings that revealed the things of God they sang in praise of the divine and amazing mystery of Christ’s dispensation; and as they buried your body, source of life and which had received God, O all-praised, they rejoiced. From above the all-holy and most venerable of the Angelic Powers, amazed at the wonder, bowed and said to one another: ‘Lift up your gates and receive her who gave birth to the Maker of heaven and earth. And let us praise with hymns of glory the revered and holy body which contained the Lord on whom we may not look’. Therefore we too, as we celebrate your memory, cry out to you, all-praised: ‘Exalt the horn of Christians and save our souls’.
Apolytikion. Tone 1.
In giving birth you retained your virginity; in falling asleep, O Mother of God, you did not abandon the world. You passed over into life, you, the Mother of life; and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 4.
David, cry out: ‘What is this present feast? The one I sang of in the book of Psalms, he says, as daughter and child of God and Virgin, Christ, who was born from her without seed, has taken over to the mansions of the world to come; and therefore mothers and daughters and brides of Christ rejoice as they cry: Hail, you who have passed over into the palaces on high’.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma.
Tone 1.
The all-honoured choir of the wise Apostles was wondrously assembled to bury with glory your immaculate body, O all-praised Mother of God. With them the multitudes of Angels also raised their song as they reverently praised your Translation, which we celebrate with faith.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 3.
In your giving birth conception was without seed; in your falling asleep death was without corruption. A double wonder ran to meet a wonder, O Mother of God; for how could one who knew not wedlock suckle a babe, while yet remaining pure? How could God’s Mother be carried as a corpse while yet giving off sweet fragrance? And so with the Angel we cry to you: ‘Hail, full of grace!’
Glory. Both now.
The sameThe Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon in Tone 4.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
I will remember your name from generation to generation.
Listen, O daughter, see and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father’s house.Then,
Let everything that has breath. After the Gospel and Psalm 50:Glory.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful, wipe out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful, wipe out the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your great mercy; and according to the multitude of your compassions wipe away my offence.
Then the Sticheron for Psalm 50.
Tone 6. By Vyzas.
When the Translation of your immaculate Body was being prepared, the Apostles surrounded your deathbed and looked on you with dread. And as they gazed at your body they were seized with awe, while Peter cried out to you with tears: ‘Immaculate Virgin, I see you, who are the life of all, lying here outstretched, and I am struck with wonder; for in you the Delight of the life to come made his dwelling. But fervently implore your Son and God that your City may be kept safe from harm’.
Then the two Canons are sung. The 1st in Tone 1, with the Irmi, to 8 and the 2nd in Tone 4, with the Irmi, to 6. Finally the Irmi again as Katavsias.
First Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
Let the godly minded keep festival.
A Composition by Kyr Kosmas.
Ode 1. Tone 1. Irmos.
Your sacred and renowned memorial, embroidered, O Virgin, with divine glory, has brought all the faithful together for joy and led by Miriam with dances and timbrels they sing to your Only-begotten Son, for he has been glorified.
A host of the immaterial dwellers in heaven was attending your godlike body in Sion; while suddenly the multitude of the Apostles, streaming together from the ends of the earth, stood beside you all at once, Mother of God; with them, immaculate Virgin, we glorify your august memory.
You have carried off prizes of victory against nature, Pure Virgin, in bearing God; yet, imitating your Maker and Son, beyond nature you submit to nature’s laws; and so dying, you rise with your Son and live forever.
Second Canon.
A Composition by John of Damascus.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos.
I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word for the Queen and Mother, and I will be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her falling Asleep.
Young virgin maidens with Miriam the Prophetess, now raise the song of departure; for the Virgin and only Mother of God is being taken over to her appointed place in heaven.
The divine tabernacles of heaven fittingly received you as a living heaven, all-pure Virgin; and as a blameless bride you stand radiantly adorned before your King and God.
Ode 3. Irmos.
O Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God, which creates and upholds all, establish the Church unshaken and unwavering; for you alone are holy, who have your resting place among the Saints.
Knowing you, All-blameless, to be a mortal woman, but beyond nature Mother of God, with fearful hands the illustrious Apostles touched you, as you blazed with glory, gazing on you as the Tabernacle that had received God.
Just punishment intervened to cut off the sacrilegious hands of the presumptuous, for God guarded with the glory of the godhead the reverence due to the living Ark, in which the Word had become flesh.
Second Canon. Irmos.
O Mother of God, as a living and unstinted fount, establish those united in spiritual fellowship who sing you hymns of praise, and in your divine glory grant them crowns of glory.
Pure Virgin, sprung from mortal loins, your final departure was in conformity with nature; but, as you gave birth to the true life, you have passed over to the one who is the divine life in person.
A company of Theologians from the ends of the earth and a multitude of Angels hastened to Sion at an all-powerful command, that they might fittingly minister at your burial, Sovereign Lady.
Ypakoп. Tone 5.
All generations we call you blessed, Virgin Mother of God; for in you Christ our God, the uncontainable, was well-pleased to be contained. Blessed are we also, for we have your protection, for day and night you intercede for us and the sceptres of the kingdom are strengthened by your intercessions. And so we sing your praises and cry out to you: ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you’.
Ode 4. Irmos.
The sayings and riddles of the Prophets foreshadowed your incarnation from a Virgin, O Christ, even the brightness of your lightning, which would come as a light for the nations; and the deep calls to you with joy: Glory to your power, O Lover of mankind.
See, you peoples, and marvel; for the holy and most manifest mountain of God is being lifted up far above the hills of heaven, as the earthly heaven makes her dwelling in a heavenly and incorruptible land.
Death has become for you, pure Virgin, a crossing to an eternal and better life, translating you from one which perishes to one which is truly divine and without change, to gaze in joy upon your Son and Lord.
The gates of heaven were lifted up, the Angels sang in praise and Christ received the virgin treasure of his own Mother. Cherubim withdrew before you with gladness and Seraphim glorify you with joy.
Second Canon. Irmos.
The prophet Avvakoum, perceiving the unsearchable divine counsel of your incarnation from the Virgin, O Most High, cried out: Glory to your power, O Lord!
Strange marvel it was to see the living heaven of the universal King going down below the hollows of the earth. How wonderful are your works! Glory to your power, O Lord!
At your Translation, Mother of God, the hosts of Angels in fear and joy covered with hallowed wings your body that had been spacious enough to receive God.
If her fruit, who is beyond understanding, because of whom she was called Heaven, willingly underwent burial as a mortal, how will she refuse burial, who bore him without wedlock?
Ode 5. Irmos.
I shall expound the divine and ineffable beauty of your virtues, O Christ; for you shone out from the eternal glory as the empersonned and eternal brightness, and taking flesh, and incarnate from a virgin womb, for those in darkness and in shadow you dawned as the sun’.
Riding as though upon a cloud, the company of the Apostles was being gathered to Sion from the ends of the earth to minister, O Virgin, to you, the light cloud, from which God the Most High, the Sun of righteousness had shone for those in darkness.
The inspired tongues of men who were theologians, resonant with the Spirit, cried out more loudly than trumpets the burial hymn for the Mother of God: Hail, unsullied source of God’s incarnation, origin of life and salvation for all.
Second Canon. Irmos.
The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin, who did not know wedlock, have passed over from earth to eternal mansions and to life without end, as you give salvation as the prize to all who sing your praise.
Let the trumpets of the theologians ring out today, and let the human tongue now sound praises with many voices. Let the air re-echo, shining with infinite light. Let Angels honour with hymns the Falling Asleep of the Virgin.
The vessel of election, wholly beside himself, wholly transported, surpassed himself in hymns to you, O Virgin; wholly consecrated to God, he truly was and proved himself to all to be possessed by God, O all-praised Mother of God.
Ode 6. Irmos.
The fire within the whale, the monster dwelling in the sea, was a prefiguring of your three-day burial; and Jonas acted as interpreter, for saved and unharmed, as though he had never been swallowed, he cried aloud: I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord!
The Suzerain and God of all apportions to you the things above nature; for just as he kept you a Virgin in your giving birth, so he preserved your body incorrupt in the tomb, and he glorified you with him by a divine Translation, gracing you with honours, as a Son his Mother.
Your Offspring, O Virgin, has truly made you dwell in the Holy of Holies as shining Lampstand of the immaterial fire, golden Censer of the divine coal, Jar and Rod and Tablet written by God, holy Ark and Table of the bread of life.
Second Canon. Irmos.
As we celebrate this divine and honoured feast of the Mother of God, come, godly-minded people, let us clap our hands as we glorify God who was born of her.
Life dawned from you without loosing the keys of your virginity. How then has your spotless tabernacle, source of life, become a partaker in the experience of death?
Once the sacred enclosure of life, you have found eternal life; for through death you, who gave birth to life in person, have passed over to life.
Kontakion. Tone 2. Model Melody.
Nor tomb nor death overpowered the Mother of God, unsleeping in her prayers, unfailing hope in intercession; for as Mother of Life she has been taken over to life by him who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.
Set a rampart about my mind, my Saviour, for I dare to sing the praise of the rampart of the world, your all-pure Mother. Strengthen me in the tower of my words and fortify my in the turrets of my thoughts. For you cry out that you fulfil the requests of those who ask in faith. Grant me therefore tongue, utterance and thought without shame. For every gift of enlightenment is sent down from you, Giver of light, who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.
On the 15th of the month, commemoration of the all-revered Translation of our most glorious Lady and ever-virgin Mary.
No wonder that the Maiden, world’s salvation, dies,
When the world’s Fashioner in the flesh had died.
God’s Mother ever lives, though the fifteenth she died.
When Christ our God was well pleased to take to himself his own Mother, three days before he told her through an Angel of her translation from the earth. It is the moment, he said, to take my Mother to myself. Do not then be any way troubled by this, but accept my word with joy, for you are coming to immortal life. And she, in her longing for her translation to her Son, went up the mount of Olives with haste to pray (for it was her custom to go up there to pray). Then there took place a marvel; for the plants on the mount bowed themselves down of their own accord and like living slaves accomplished fitting reverence to their Lady. After her prayer she returned home and at once the whole house was shaken. She prepared many lights and having given thanks to God she invited her relatives and neighbours. She swept the house and prepared the couch and everything needed for the burial. She explained everything which had been told her by the Angel about her translation to heaven and as confirmation of her words showed the reward that had been given her, which was a palm branch [from Paradise]. But the women who had been summoned on hearing this poured out lamentations and tears and lamented with cries of grief. When they ceased their lament they begged her not to leave them orphans. She assured them that when she had passed over she would watch over and protect not only them but the whole world. Much of their grief was assuaged by these words of consolation which she spoke to the bystanders. Then she gave instructions about her two tunics, that the two poor widows who were customarily with her and known to her and who received from her what was required for their nourishment should take one each.
While she was detailing and arranging this, there suddenly came the sound of mighty thunder and the arrival of many clouds from the ends of the earth bringing Christ’s disciples together to the house of God’s Mother. Among them also were the Hierarchs, wise in God, Denys the Areopagite, Hierothoes and Timothy. When they learned the reason of their presence together they spoke to her as follows: While we saw you, Lady, remaining in the world, like our Master and Teacher himself, we were comforted; but how shall we now bear the suffering? But since by the wish of your Son and God you are passing over to the regions beyond the world, we rejoice for the things that have been so disposed for you. As they said this they wept profusely. But she answered them: Friends and Disciples of my Son and God, do not turn my joy to sorrow, but bury my body just as I have arranged it on the bed.
When these things had been completed, Paul the inspired vessel of election arrived. He fell at the feet of God’s Mother, worshipped and opening his mouth uttered a great eulogy of her, saying: Hail, Mother of life and subject of my preaching. For though I never saw Christ, in seeing you I seem to see him. Then the Virgin took leave of all. She lay down on the bed and arranged her all-pure body as she wished. She prayed for the conservation of the world and for peaceful life. She filled them too with blessing through her, and so committed her spirit into the hands of her own Son and God.
At this Peter began the funeral hymns. The rest of the Apostles took up the bier and accompanied the body that had received God to the grave, some going in front with lamps and hymns, others following behind. At this the rulers of the Jews stirring up some of the crowd persuaded them to try to upset the bier on which the life-giving body had been placed and to throw it to the ground. But already punishment came upon those who dared such things, and they were all smitten with blindness. One of them, who attempting even greater folly had touched the sacred bier, was deprived of both his insolent hands. They were severed by the sword of punishment and left hanging from the bier. He remained a pitiable sight until, after he had come to belief with his whole heart and found healing, he was restored to health as before. So too part of the covering of the bier, when placed on those who had been blinded and come to belief, gave them healing. When the Apostles reached Gethsemane they laid the live-giving body in the grave and remained there for three days responding to the unceasing voices of the Angels.
But when, by divine dispensation, one of the Apostles, who had been absent from the burial of the life-giving body, arrived on the third day, he was greatly grieved and distressed that he had not been found worthy of what they had. All his fellow Apostles, who had been found worthy, by a common vote opened the tomb for the sake of the Apostle who had been absent, so it seemed good to all, for him also to venerate that all-blameless body. When they looked they were amazed. For they found it empty of the holy body, and containing only the winding sheet, which remained as a consolation for those who were about to grieve and for all the faithful, and as a sure witness of the Translation. For even until today the tomb hewn from the rock is visible and venerated, and remains empty of a body, to the glory and honour of our most blessed Lady, Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary.
At whose holy intercessions, O God, have mercy and save us, as you are good and love mankind.
Ode 7. Irmos.
Fighting against cruel wrath and fire, love divine quenched the fire with dew, and laughed the wrath to scorn, making the three-stringed lyre of the Saints, inspired by God, sing in the midst of the ame, in answer to the instruments of music: Blessed are you, most glorious God, our God and the God of our fathers.
In wrath Moses smashed the tablets made by God, written by the divine Spirit; but his Master having kept her who gave him birth unharmed for heavenly abodes, has now made her dwell in them. As with her we leap for joy, we cry to Christ: Blessed are you, most glorious God, our God and the God of our fathers.
With cymbals of pure lips and the harmonious harp of the heart, with the well-sounding trumpet of an uplifted mind, as we clap with active hands, we cry on this auspicious and chosen day of the translation of the pure Virgin: Blessed are you, most glorious God, our God and the God of our fathers.
The people inspired by God has gathered; for the Tabernacle of God’s glory is being translated in Sion to a heavenly abode, where there is the pure sound of those who feast, the voice of ineffable joy of those who cry with gladness to Christ: Blessed are you, most glorious God, our God and the God of our fathers.
Second Canon. Irmos.
The godlike Youths did not worship creation instead of the Creator, but bravely trampling on the threat of fire, rejoicing they sang: O highly exalted Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Young men and maidens, old men and rulers, kings with judges, as you honour the memory of the Virgin and Mother of God, sing out: Lord and God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Let the mountains of heaven resound with the trumpet of the Spirit; let hills now rejoice, and let the godlike Apostles leap for joy: the Queen is being translated to her Son, with who she rules for ever.
The most sacred Translation of your godlike and undefiled Mother has gathered the celestial ranks of the Powers on high to rejoice together with those on earth who sing to you: O God, blessed are you!
Ode 8. Irmos.
The all-powerful Angel of God revealed to the Youths a flame that brought refreshment to the Holy, but consumed the ungodly; while he made the Mother of God a spring, source of life, gushing forth the destruction of death, but life for those who sing: We who have been delivered praise the only Creator, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
The whole multitude of the Divines accompanied the Ark of God in Sion with words, as they cried: Where do you now depart, Tabernacle of the living God? Do not cease to watch over those who sing: We who have been delivered praise the only Creator, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
As she departed the All-blameless lifted up her hands, which had held God incarnate in their embrace, and she said with a Mother’s boldness to the One whom she had borne: Those whom you have made mine keep unto the ages, as they cry to you: We who have been delivered praise the only Creator, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Second Canon. Irmos.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Immaculate Virgin, Rulers and Dominions with Powers, Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Principalities, the Cherubim and the dread Seraphim glorify your memory; while we, the human race, praise and highly exalt you to all the ages.
He, who when taking flesh made his dwelling strangely in your immaculate womb, himself received your all-holy spirit and, as a dutiful Son, gave it rest with himself. And so we praise you, O Virgin, and exalt you above all to all the ages.
The Offspring of the Mother of God saved the innocent Youths in the furnace. Then he was prefigured, but now in reality he gathers the whole world which sings: All you works, praise the Lord, and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Immaculate Virgin, Rulers and Dominions with Powers, Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Principalities, the Cherubim and the dread Seraphim glorify your memory; while we, the human race, praise and highly exalt you to all the ages.
He, who when taking flesh made his dwelling strangely in your immaculate womb, himself received your all-holy spirit and, as a dutiful Son, gave it rest with himself. And so we praise you, O Virgin, and exalt you above all to all the ages.
Ode 9.
Megalynarion, which is sung before each Troparion of the following Ode:
All generations call you blessed, the only Mother of God.
In you, O Virgin without spot, the bounds of nature have been overcome; for childbirth remains virgin, and death is betrothed to life; Virgin after bearing child, and alive after death, O Mother of God, may you ever save your inheritance.
The angelic Powers were amazed as they looked in Sion on their own Master bearing in his hands the soul of a woman; for as befitted a Son he was saying to the one who gave him birth without spot: Come, honoured Lady, be glorified with your Son and God.
The choir of the Apostles shrouded your Body, which had received God, as they looked with awe and addressed you with clear voice: As you depart into heavenly bridal chambers to your Son, may you ever save your inheritance.
Second Canon.
Megalynarion, sung as the one above:
Angels, when they saw the falling Asleep of the Virgin, were amazed at how the Virgin went up from earth to the things on high.
Let all those born of earth, bearing torches, in spirit leap for joy; let the nature of the immaterial Minds keep festival as it honours the sacred festival of God’s Mother, and let it cry out: Hail, all-blessed Mother of God, pure and ever-virgin’.
Come now, on Sion, the divine and fertile mountain of the living God, let us be glad as we gaze on the Mother of God. For as his Mother Christ translates her to a far better and more divine tabernacle, the Holy of Holies.
Come, you faithful, let us approach the tomb of God’s Mother, and let us embrace it, touching it sincerely with the lips, eyes and brows of the heart; and let us draw abundant gifts of healings, which flow from an ever-owing fount.
Receive from us this burial hymn, O Mother of the living God; and overshadow us with your light-bearing and divine grace. Grant victories to our Sovereign, peace to the people that loves Christ, to us who sing forgiveness and salvation of our souls.
Exapostilarion. Tone 3.
O you Apostles, assembled here from the ends of the earth, bury my body in Gethsemane; and you, my Son, receive my spirit. (
Three times)At Lauds we insert 6 Stichera and sing Prosomia, doubling the 1st.
Tone 4.
At your glorious Falling Asleep the heavens rejoice and the armies of Angels exult; the whole earth is glad as it utters its funeral hymn to you, Mother of the Master of all things, all-holy Virgin, who knew not wedlock, who have delivered the human race from the ancestral sentence.
At a divine command the chief Apostles hastened from the ends of the earth to bury you, and when they saw you being taken from the earth to heaven they cried out with joy in Gabriel’s words: Hail, chariot of the whole Godhead; hail, who alone by your childbirth have joined together things on earth with those on high.
Virgin Mother, Bride of God, who gave birth to life, you have passed over to immortal life by your revered Falling Asleep. Angels, Rulers and Powers, Apostles, Prophets and all creation escorted you, and your Son received in his immaculate hands your unblemished soul.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.At your immortal Falling Asleep, O Mother of God, Mother of life, clouds caught the Apostles up into the air; and though they were scattered through the world, made them form a single choir in the presence of your immaculate body. As they reverently buried you they sang Gabriel’s song, crying out: ‘Hail, full of grace, Virgin Mother without bridegroom, the Lord is with you’. With them implore him as your Son and our God that our souls may be saved.
Great Doxology.
Holy oil is also given to the brethren.
At the Liturgy, the Typika, the Beatitudes, and from the Canons of the Feast Odes 3 and 6.
.Psalm 44
A good word, Alleluia.
My heart has uttered a good Word. I tell my works to the King.
My tongue is the pen of ready writer, You are lovely with a beauty beyond the sons of men.
Grace has poured from your lips, therefore God has blessed you for ever.
Gird your sword on your thigh, O mighty warrior, in your splendour and beauty.
Draw your bow and prosper and reign in the cause of truth and meekness and justice, and your right hand will guide you wonderfully.
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the sceptre of your Kingdom is a rod of justice.
You have loved right and hated wrong, therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your fellows.
Your garments are fragrant with myrrh, aloes and cassia, from the ivory palaces which gladden you.
Kings’ daughters are in your train. The Queen stood at your right hand arrayed in gold wrought with many colours.
Listen my daughter and see, and incline your ear, and forget your people and your father’s house.
Then the King will desire your beauty, for he is your God and your shall worship him.
And the daughter of Tyre will worship you with gifts; the richest of the people will entreat your favour.
All the glory of the King’s daughter is within, though she is arrayed in tasselled gold wrought with many colours.
The virgins in her train will be brought to the King; those near her will be brought to you.
They will be brought with joy and gladness; they will be led into the King’s temple.
Instead of your fathers, sons are born to you. You shall make them rulers over all the earth.
I will remember your name throughout all generations, therefore people will praise and thank you for ever and ever.
Psalm 135
O give thanks to the Lord for he is good, Alleluia: for his mercy endures for ever, Alleluia.
O give thanks to the God of gods, Alleluia: for his mercy…
O give thanks to the Lord of lords, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who alone does great wonders, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who made the heavens with Wisdom, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who established the earth on the waters, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who alone made the great lights, Alleluia: for his mercy…
The sun to rule the day, Alleluia: for his mercy…
The moon and the stars to rule the night, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who smote Egypt with their firstborn, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And brought Israel out from among them, Alleluia: for his mercy…
With a mighty hand and arm upraised, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who divided the Red Sea in two, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And led Israel through the midst of it, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And shook off Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who led his people in the wilderness, Alleluia: for his mercy…
To him who smote great kings, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And slew mighty kings, Alleluia: for his mercy…
Sehon, King of the Amorites, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And Og, the King of Bashan, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And gave their land as a heritage, Alleluia: for his mercy…
A heritage for Israel his servant, Alleluia: for his mercy…
For in our humiliation the Lord remembered us, Alleluia: for his mercy…
And redeemed us from our enemies, Alleluia: for his mercy…
Who gives food to all flesh, Alleluia: for his mercy…
O give thanks to the God of heaven, Alleluia: for his mercy…
All the earth, Alleluia.
Rejoice in the Lord all the earth, Alleluia: rejoice before the Lord, the King, Alleluia.
O give thanks to him, praise his name, Alleluia: In the city of the lord of hosts, in the city of our God, Alleluia.
His place was in peace, Alleluia: and his dwelling in Sion, Alleluia.
The Lord loves the gates of Sion, Alleluia: more than the tabernacles of Jacob, Alleluia.
Glorious things are spoken of you, City of God, Alleluia: God has founded her for ever, Alleluia.
God is in the midst of her and she shall not be shaken, Alleluia: the Most High has hallowed his tabernacle, Alleluia.
Holiness and majesty, Alleluia: in your hallowing, Alleluia
My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready, Alleluia: I will sing and chant in my glory, Alleluia.
What shall I give in return to the Lord, Alleluia: for all that he has given me, Alleluia.
This is mount Sion, Alleluia: in which You have pitched your tent, Alleluia.
I will take the cup of salvation, Alleluia: and call on the name of the Lord, Alleluia.
In peace with him, Alleluia: I will rest and sleep, Alleluia.
Return, my soul to your rest, Alleluia: for the Lord has done good to you, Alleluia.
Into your hands I shall commit my spirit, Alleluia: the Lord has smitten the necks of sinners, Alleluia.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks for ever, Alleluia: You fashioned me and placed your hand upon me, Alleluia.
You held my right hand, Alleluia: and received me with glory, Alleluia.
For I will pass into a place of wondrous protection, Alleluia: to the house of God, Alleluia.
With a voice of joy and salvation in the tents of the just, Alleluia: This change is due to the right hand of the Most High, Alleluia.
But I in justice will look on your face, Alleluia: and be satisfied with beholding your glory, Alleluia.
Arise, O Lord, into your resting place, Alleluia: You and the Ark of your holiness, Alleluia.
Holy is your temple, Alleluia: Wonderful in justice, Alleluia.
Holiness becomes your house, Lord, Alleluia: for length of days, Alleluia.
I will remember your name, Alleluia: throughout all generations, Alleluia.
Let us worship the Father and let us glorify the Son, and let us all together sing the praise of the All-Holy Spirit, as we cry out and say, ‘All-Holy Trinity save us all’.
Both now.
Your people, O Christ, brings your Mother in supplication. At her entreaties grant us your acts of compassion, that we may glorify you, O Good One, who dawned for us from the tomb.
Introduction. In the Menaion three Prosomia are given at Vespers for St Diomedes. The Typikon, however, prescribes 3 for the Mandylion and the 3 for the Feast from Small Vespers. It also prescribes an Entrance at Vespers. At Matins there is a Canon and a Kathisma, after the 3rd Ode, for the Saint, which are not translated here, and a Great Doxology. I have only translated the first third of the lengthy Synaxarion entry for the Mandylion. The exchange of letters may also be found in Eusebius’s History of the Church, but, significantly, he makes no mention of the story of the Mandylion. In the second troparion of first Ode of the canon for the Icon, St Germanos quotes the phrase ‘most precise definition’ from St Gregory the Theologian, which is also quoted in the first troparion of the iambic canon for Pentecost, to describe the relation of the Word to the Father
16 Aug. Translation of the Icon not Made With Hands
.At Vespers
Lord, I have cried we insert 6 stichera and we sing 3 stichera of the Feast.Tone 2. With what garlands of praise.
With what lips shall we, poor and worthless, call the Mother of God blest? She is more honoured than creation and holier than the Cherubim and all the Angels; she is the unshaken throne of the King, the house in which the Most High made his dwelling; the salvation of the world; the hallowing of God, who on her godly feast richly grants the faithful his great mercy.
What songs of awe did all the Apostles of the Word offer you then, O Virgin, as they stood around your death-bed and cried aloud with wonder: The Palace of the King departs, the Ark of hallowing is exalted. You gates be lifted up, that the gate of Gate may enter in great joy, as she unceasingly asks for the world his great mercy.
What spiritual songs may we now offer you, all-holy? For by your immortal Falling Asleep you have hallowed the whole world, and have passed over to things beyond the world to perceive the beauty of the Almighty and, as his Mother, to rejoice in it exceedingly. Ranks of Angels escort you, pure Virgin, and the souls of the just; with them ask for us peace and his great mercy.
And three of the Holy Icon. Tone 2. Same melody.
With what eyes shall we who are born of earth look upon your image, which the armies of the Angels cannot look at without fear as it blazes with divine light? For it departs to-day from the land of unbelievers and by divine decree comes to dwell in the Queen of cities and among a people of true religion. At its entry Kings rejoice, O Christ, falling down before it with fear and faith.
With what hands shall we creatures of dust touch your Image, O Word? We who are stained by faults touch you, our sinless God? We who live in filth touch you the unapproachable? The Cherubim tremble and hide their gaze; the Seraphim cannot bear to see your glory; creation serves you with fear. Do not then condemn us, O Christ, who unworthily greet from faith your dread appearance.
Once again the godlike day of the Master’s festival is here; for he who is seated in the highest has now clearly visited us through his honoured Image; he who is unseen by the Cherubim above appears through painting to those to whom he has become like, formed ineffably by the immaculate finger of the Father according to his likeness. As we worship it with faith and love we are sanctified.
Glory. Both now.
Tone 6.Come, let us feast the universal Dormition of the all-blameless Mother of God; for to-day Angels celebrate the honoured Translation of God’s Mother, and invite us who are born of earth to a festival to cry with never-silent voice: Hail, who passed over from earth and took up your abode in heavenly dwellings. Hail, who gathered the choir of the Disciples together by a light cloud. Hail, our hope and protection; for we, the race of Christians, ceaselessly call you blest.
At the Aposticha, Prosomia of the Feast.
Tone 2.
The company of the Disciples is gathered from the ends of the earth in Gethsemane’s field, Mother of God, to bury your body which held God.
Arise, O Lord, to your rest: you and the Ark of your holiness.O your mysteries, Pure Virgin, which are above nature! For as God’s Mother you have now radiantly departed to him, Mother of God.
The Lord has sworn truth to David; he will not turn from it: the fruit of your womb I shall set upon your throne.The tomb of the Virgin and Mother of God is a ladder leading up to heaven those who ever glorify her with faith.
Glory. Both now.
Same melody.When you were translated to him who was born of you, O Virgin, the Apostles came together on clouds to bury your body.
Apolytikion of the Holy Icon. Tone 2.
We venerate your most pure icon, loving Lord, as we ask pardon of our offences, Christ God. For by your own choice you were well-pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, to deliver from the slavery of the enemy those whom you had fashioned; therefore with thanksgiving we cry to you: You have filled all things with joy, our Saviour, by coming to save the world.
And of the Feast.
In giving birth you retained your virginity; in falling asleep, O Mother of God, you did not abandon the world; you passed over into life, you the Mother of life; and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st Reading from the Psalter.
Kathisma. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
The armies of the Angels as they watched your Translation, immaculate Mother of God, blessed, all-praised All-holy, having the counsel of the One born from you they gathered the band of Disciples and with joy bore your honoured body to Paradise as they sang the praise of Christ, the Giver of life, to the ages.
Glory. Both now.
The same.After the 2nd Reading, Kathisma to the same melody.
As your Fashioner and God he translated to perfect joy your soul that had been placed in the hands of the One who had become man from you for our sake; therefore we reverently call you blessed, the only pure and undefiled, and as we all acknowledge you to be in deed Mother of God we cry: Implore Christ, to whom you have passed over, to save our souls.
Glory. Both now.
The same.Psalm 50. Then the Canons of the Feast, the Holy Icon and the Saint.
The Canon of the Holy Icon, of which the Acrostic is:
I honour the imprint of your face, O Saviour.
By Patriarch Germanos.
Ode 1. Tone 6.
The One who before was without a body, by the Father’s good pleasure did not refuse to be formed with a body like ours, and has granted us the grace of a divine representation.
The unchanging nature, the most precise definition of the Father, having entered mortal flesh, left behind for us on earth his characteristics when he went back to heaven.
By your revered sufferings, O Christ, you justified your inheritance, which had been shaken by the deception of the Enemy, making it stable by the representation of your form.
Taking flesh from your pure loins in a manner above nature, O all-blameless, the One who gives being to all mortals became visible, yet not abandoning what he was before.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 3.
You wrapped the honoured Church around with raiment, O Saviour, when you moved the royal heart to seek out your likeness as a shield wall.
Wishing to strip away things that are good and diminish them in time, the begetter of envy shamelessly handed them over to polluted hands; but he was confounded, for his reckoning was in vain.
David once danced with radiant joy before the holy Ark; and now the one who has gained royal sceptres as his lot is glad to give them greater strength by the divine likeness.
Wishing to cut out from its root all the forefather’s natural disobedience, O Virgin, your Son assumed from your womb all that is human.
Kathisma of the Holy Icon. Tone 1.
The king of Edessa, recognising you as King of all things, who do not offer sceptre and army, but with a word multitudes of wonders, implored you, the God-man, to come to him. But seeing your impress on the towel he cried out, ‘You are Lord and God’.
Of the Saint.Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
Both now.
Of the Feast. The same.O Virgin, who conceived God without seed and without corruption gave birth to him incarnate, you have been clothed in the new incorruption of the Spirit; for as Mother of Life and Queen of all things you have passed over to immaterial life. Therefore fittingly and truly you have been revealed as a cloud pouring down waters of life for us. All-blameless Mother of God, intercede with your Son and God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who with faith bow down before your divine Falling Asleep.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 4.
As it leaves the city in the East and draws near ours, the King, wise in God, now receives your sacred napkin.
Sweet is the sun, which appears to the eyes; but sweeter the appearance, O Christ, of your likeness; for the one gives sensible light, the other spiritual.
Strength deserted the right hand of the Ishmaelite, for with the weapon of the Cross the stern King cast all its defence to the ground.
Intercede we beg, O most pure, that your city may be guarded unharmed from barbarous assault; for see what the boasters devise against her.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 5.
Small was the city that first prepared your reception, O Christ, which the coming of Thaddaios set free from diseases, the writing of your hand and the depiction of your face.
The gifts of your graces have been multiplied, O Christ; for the things which before Edessa held in its bosom as its boast, New Rome receives with rejoicing.
Halt the massed assaults of our enemies, O Virgin; destroy their devices; help your inheritance; for you see that we have been beset by evils.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 6.
You were fairer in beauty beyond all the sons of mortals, O Saviour; for though you had neither form nor beauty at the moment of your passion, yet you truly enlightened all things, and the sight of your form is revealed. Its likeness, imprinted on a cloth, has been granted to us.
The multitude of the strength of the Hagarenes has been removed and has now given, like an Ark from among foreigners to the new Israel, your imprint on a towel, O Christ, and your glory which it had also gained; for it is not right for Holy Things to be thrown aside.
Just now I was fainting, O Saviour, from the strength from your hand; but take your blows from me at the prayers of her who bore you without knowing man, O Word, and do not abandon me to be drowned by the tempest of sin and suffer dread nausea, O only Redeemer.
Kontakion of the Feast.
On the 16th of the same month, commemoration of the holy Martyr Diomedes.
He strove in life and death, Diomedes;
In life by choice, in death his head cut off.
On the sixteenth of the month Diomedes was slain by a sword stroke.
On the same day the venerable Chairemon died in peace.
O blest Chairemon, at life’s end rejoice [
chaire];For then you saw the start of toils’ reward.
On the same day, commemoration of the thirty three holy Martyrs from Palestine, who died by the sword.
Stalwart the force and great the battle line
Which falling by the sword crushed demon ranks.
On the same day memorial of the entry of the Image Not Made By Hand of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, brought from the city of the Edessenes to this god-protected Queen of cities.
Alive you wiped your face upon a cloth,
A final burial cloth you wore when dead.
For the Tile
Maker of all, my Christ, a tile once made
By hand now bears your form not made by hand.
When our Lord and great God and Saviour Jesus Christ was, in his goodness, working many wonders, as it is recorded in the sacred Gospels, and when his reputation was spreading everywhere, Agbar the Ruler of Edessa heard of them and wanted to see Jesus Christ with his own eyes, but was unable to do so because he was suffering from incurable diseases. For a black leprosy had burst out over all his body and had consumed him, for this reason he was unapproachable and unseen for all his subjects.
Around the time of the Passion of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, he wrote a letter and sent it by a certain Ananias, ordering him to depict with absolute accuracy his height, his hair and his face, and in short his whole bodily appearance, and to bring him the form of Christ; for Ananias was a skilled painter.
The letter was as follows, word for word:
Agbar, Ruler of the city of Edessa, to Jesus Saviour, the good physician, who has appeared in Jerusalem, greeting!
I have heard about you and about your cures, which are done by you without drugs; for example you make the blind see again; you make the lame walk; you cleanse lepers; you drive out unclean spirits; you heal those who have been tormented by disease over long periods. Having heard all this of you I had one of two ideas: either that you are Son of God, who do these things, or that you are God. So then I write to you and ask you to and to come to me to cure the suffering I have, and then to be with me; for I have also heard that the Jews murmur against you and wish to do you ill. My city is very small but distinguished and adequate for both of us to live here in peace.
Ananias left for Jerusalem and having given the letter to the Lord he gazed intently at him, but, since he was unable to get near him because of the surging crowd, he climbed up onto a small outcrop of rock and at once began to move his eyes while press his hand to the paper and he began to copy the appearance of what he saw, but he was quite unable to capture his form because it appeared now with one now with another appearance and with differing aspect. But the Lord, who knows what is hidden and searches hearts, knowing his intention, revealed what was happening secretly. For he asked to wash, and while doing so he was given a cloth folded in four, and when he had washed he wiped his most pure and divine face with it. Thus his divine form and appearance were imprinted — O the wonder! — on the cloth. This he gave to Ananias saying, Go, give this back to the one who sent you’. He also gave him a letter in the following terms,
Blessed are you, Agbar, who have believed in me, though you have not seen me. For it is written of me that those who have seen me do not believe in me so that those who have not seen me may believe and live. As to what you wrote about my coming to you, it is necessary that I accomplish all that I was sent out to do and, after I have accomplished it, to be taken up to the Father who sent me. And when I have been taken up I will send you one of my Disciples, named Thaddaios, heal will heal your disease and grant you and those with you eternal life and peace, and he will make your city such that no enemy can prevail against it.
At the end he fixed seven seals in Hebrew letters, which when translated mean,
Picture of God Divine wonder. [In Greek a play on words: Theou thea theion thavma]Agbar received Ananias with great joy and fell down and worshipped the Holy and most pure Icon of the Lord with faith and much love, and he was instantly healed of his disease. Only a small patch of leprosy remained on his forehead. After the saving passion of Christ and his assumption into heaven the Apostle Thaddaios reached Edessa and brought Agbar and all those under him to the font, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When Agbar came out of the water he had been cleansed of the small remaining trace of leprosy.
On the same day we commemorate the great and surpassing love for mankind of God concerning us, which he demonstrated once by routing with shame the godless Hagarenes, at the mediation of our most holy Lady, Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary.
On the same day the drawing of the holy water in the church of Life-receiving Spring and of its replenishment.
A Spring of wonder-working waters emptied out,
But then, filled up, works wonders yet again.
On the same day the commemoration takes place of the dread threat in those times of the earthquake, from which, beyond hope, our God who loves mankind delivered us.
To him be glory and might to the ages. Amen.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 7.
The Youths in Babylon.
O Word of God, when you dwelt on earth you drove out every disease with a word; but returning to your Father’s throne you heal our diseases through your Imprint.
The One who created all things by a word, and who received a form that was not his, has left behind for us visible appearances of his own form. As we receive them with gladness, we rejoice.
The faithful king, seeking with his whole soul an impression of your form, Lord, as he sought so he found, discovering the fitting fulfilment of his godly longing.
By your conceiving humanity was freed from the ancient condemnation; for God, having found you alone to be wider than the heavens, O All-blameless, made you his dwelling.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 8.
As in a vision, the whole chosen people of the city, hoping that you, the Lord, will make your home there, gives you a wondrous welcome, leading out a choir of High Priests, carried on whose shoulders and entering your own inheritance, O Compassionate, you came to rest in your Mother’s shrine.
The mouths of innocent children sang your praise as you journeyed to the city that slew the Prophets; but the lawless synagogue of the Hebrews armed a murderous hand and raged against you. But now the lawful city, pouring out with all its people because it sees you, the Creator, rejoices as it receives the imprint of your form.
The Angel of Great Counsel of the Father, having chosen to put on flesh, was brought to completion in your womb, O All-pure. He declared you to be his Mother below, O holy one, and renewed corrupted mortal nature. We bless him as Creator and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Of the Holy Icon. Ode 9.
A people without understanding raved against you, O Saviour, and in return for kindness shamelessly threatened dreadful deeds against you; but we, who had been thrust far away, were adopted as children by your sufferings, O Saviour.
Grant help against their enemies to the Orthodox and to their faithful Sovereigns, because we have gained as an invincible protection, Master, the symbols of your flesh. Through them they look towards their salvation.
The Word of God, bearing a body, appeared to those on earth, double by nature from you, O All-blameless, by exchange of the Godhead, united without mixture in one hypostasis by the mingling. Him we glorify.
Exapostilarion of the Saint.
Women hear.
Glorious great Martyr, divinely you empurpled the Church of Christ with the streams of your blood; while you quenched the soul-destroying deception of idols, all-blessed Diomedes; and now do not cease to intercede for us to the Lord.
And of the Feast.
The company of the Apostles, assembled together on clouds, as is fitting buries the Mother of the Lord, the Saviour too being present with tens of thousands of Angels.
At the Aposticha of Lauds, Prosomia.
Of the Feast. Tone 2. House of Ephratha.
With hymns the godly worshippers, as they accompanied your revered body that had received God, cried out, ‘Where do you now depart, Sovereign Lady?’
Rise, Lord, to your rest; you and the Ark of your sanctification.Come, let us born of earth set in place the dance as we cry aloud the funeral hymns at the Translation of the Mother of God today.
The Lord has sworn truth to David, and will not annul it: Of the fruit of your womb I will place on your throne.Earth has been blessed by your burial, O Virgin; while the air has been sanctified by you ascent, strange to the law of mortal nature.
Glory. Both now.
It was fitting for the eye-witnesses and ministers of the Word to see the Falling Asleep of his mother according to the flesh, the final mystery concerning her, that they might not only see the Ascension of the Saviour from the earth, but also be witnesses to the Translation from earth of her who bore him. Therefore carried over from all parts by divine power, they came to Sion and escorted her, as she who is higher than the Cherubim hastened towards heaven. With them we worship her as she intercedes for our souls.
29 Aug. Beheading of Prophet John
.At Vespers
After the Opening Psalm we recite the first Section of
Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried we insert 6 Idiomel Stichera, doubling the first two.Tone 6. By Monk John.
As shameless Herod’s birthday was being celebrated the terms of the oath to the wanton dancing girl were fulfilled; for the head of the Forerunner was struck off and brought in on a dish like a delicacy for those at table. O hateful banquet, full of impious behaviour and bloodthirsty murder! But we, as we fittingly honour the Baptist as greatest among the offspring of women, call him blessed.
Same Tone.
She danced, the disciple of the all-evil devil, and took your head, O Forerunner, as her wages. O banquet filled with blood! If only you had not sworn, lawless Herod, offspring of falsehood. But if you had sworn, if only you had not kept your oath; for it was better to have lied and attained life, than to speak truly and to cut off the head of the Forerunner. But we, as we fittingly honour the Baptist as greatest among the offspring of women, call him blessed.
Same Tone.
You should not, Herod, have condemned to death the one who denounced your adultery, the result of satanic love and the insane passion of lust for a woman. You should not have perilously handed over his all-honoured head to a lawless woman because of an oath made for a dance. How did you dare to accomplish such a murder? How was the wanton dancing girl not consumed by fire in the middle of the banquet as she brought this head in on a dish? But we, as we fittingly honour the Baptist as greatest among the offspring of women, call him blessed.
Same Tone.
Once again Herodias rages, once again she is deranged. O deceitful dance and revelry with deceit! The Baptist was beheaded and Herod was troubled. At the prayers of your Forerunner, Lord, grant peace to our souls.
Tone 6. By Monk John.As shameless Herod’s birthday was being celebrated the terms of the oath to the wanton dancing girl were fulfilled; for the head of the Forerunner was struck off and brought in on a dish like a delicacy for those at table. O hateful banquet, full of impious behaviour and bloodthirsty murder! But we, as we fittingly honour the Baptist as greatest among the offspring of women, call him blessed.
Both now.
Theotokion.Who will not call you blessed, All-holy Virgin? Who will not hymn your child-birth without labour? For the only-begotten Son, who shone from the Father beyond time, came forth from you, pure Maiden, ineffably incarnate. By nature he is God, by nature he became man for our sakes, not divided in a duality of persons, but known without confusion in a duality of natures. O honoured and all-blessed, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
O Joyful Light, the prokeimenon of the day and the Readings.The Reading is from the Prophecy of Isaias.
40:1 and selection]Thus says the Lord: Comfort, comfort my people, says God. Priests, speak to the heart of Jerusalem. Comfort her, because her humiliation has been completed; for her has sin has been abolished, because she has received from the Lord’s hand double for her sins. A voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight the paths of our God. Every valley will be filled and every mountain and hill made low; what is crooked will become straight, and the rough ways will be made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Go up onto a high mountain, you who bring good tidings to Sion; lift up your voice with strength, you who bring good tidings to Jerusalem. Lift it up, do not be afraid. I the Lord God, I, the God of Israel, will hearken and will not forsake them; but I will open rivers from the mountains and springs in the middle of plains. I will turn the wilderness into water meadows and the thirsty earth with water courses. Let the heavens rejoice from on high and let the clouds rain justice. Let the earth sprout and blossom with mercy and justice. Announce a voice of gladness to the end of the earth and let this be heard: Say that the Lord has delivered his servant Jacob. And if they thirst through deserts, he will bring water for them from a rock. Rejoice you barren who have never given birth, break out and shout, you who have never known birth pangs, for the children of the deserted are more than those of her who has a husband.
The Reading is from the Prophecy of Malachy.
3 & 4 and selection]Thus says the Lord Almighty: See, I am sending my Angel, my messenger, before your face, who will prepare your way before you. And the Lord whom you seek will come to his temple. And who will endure the day of his entrance? And who will withstand at his appearing? Because he will enter like fire in a smelting furnace and like the lye of launderers. And he will come to you in judgement; and he will be a swift witness against the wicked and against adulteresses and against those swear falsely in his name and those who do not fear him, says the Lord Almighty. Because I am the Lord your God, and I have not changed and you, children of Jacob, have perverted the laws and not kept them. Therefore turn back to me and I will turn back to you, says the Lord Almighty. And all the nations will call you blessed and you will know that I am the Lord who discern between just and lawless on the day on which I make a peculiar possession of those who love me. Know then and remember the law of Moses my servant, as I gave him commandment on Horeb, to all Israel ordinances and judgements. And see, I will send you Elias the Thesbite, before the great and manifest day of the Lord comes; he will turn again the heart of father to son and of a man to his neighbour, lest when I come I smite the earth grievously, says the Lord Almighty, God the Holy One of Israel.
The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon.
4:7, selection, & 5:1-7]A just man if he comes to his end will be at rest. A just man who dies will condemn the ungodly who are alive; for they will see the end of a just man and will not understand what they counselled concerning him. For the Lord will break the ungodly, render them voiceless and cast them headlong, and he will shake them from the foundations and they will be utterly worsted in sorrow, and their memory shall perish. They shall come with fear at the accounting of their sins, and their iniquities will convict them to their face. Then the just will stand with much boldness in the face of those who afflicted him and made his toils of no account. When they see this they will be troubled with great fear and will be amazed at the wonder of his salvation. For they will say as they repent and with anguish they will groan and say: Is this he whom we fools once made a laughing stock and a byword of reproach? We reckoned his life folly and his end dishonour. How has he been numbered among the children of God and his lot with the Saints? Therefore we have erred from the way of truth and the light of righteousness has not shone on us and the sun has not dawned on us. We have been filled with paths of lawlessness and destruction and journeyed through trackless paths, but have not known the way of the Lord.
At the Aposticha, Idiomel Stichera.
Tone 2.
Herald of repentance, John Baptist, when your head was struck off you sanctified the earth; because you made clear God’s law to the faithful and utterly destroyed lawlessness. As you stand before the throne of Christ the King of heaven, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
The righteous will flourish like the palm tree; be increased like the cedar in Lebanon. [Ps. 91:12]For the law of the Lord your head was struck off, all-holy John. With blameless boldness of speech you rebuked the impious king when he transgressed the law. And so the hosts of Angels marvel at you; the choirs of Apostles and Martyrs glorify you; we too honour your yearly memorial, as we glorify the Holy Trinity, who crowned you, blessed Forerunner.
The just will rejoice in the Lord and hope in him; all the upright in heart will be praised. [Ps. 63:10]The Prophet from a Prophet, who became greater than the Prophets, who was sanctified from his mother’s womb for the service of the Lord, had his head struck off today by a lawless king; and both before his execution and after it clearly rebuking the maiden who danced licentiously, he put the regiment of sin to shame. And so we cry out: Baptist John, as you have freedom to speak, intercede insistently for our souls.
Tone 8.Forerunner of the Saviour, you rebuked kings that they should not act lawlessly; and so the little darling of a lawless woman persuaded Herod to cut off your head, and therefore from the rising of the sun to its setting your name is to be praised. As you have freedom before the Lord intercede insistently for our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Virgin without bridegroom, who conceived God ineffably in the flesh, Mother of God Most High, accept the supplications of your servants, O all-blameless, who bestow on all cleansing from faults. Now accept our entreaties and implore that we may all be saved.
Apolytikion. Tone 4.
The just is remembered with praises, but for you the Lord’s testimony suffices, O Forerunner; for you were declared more praiseworthy than the Prophets, because you were found worthy to baptize in running streams the One they had proclaimed. Therefore, having struggled bravely for the truth with joy, you preached to those in Hell a God who had appeared in flesh, who takes away the sin of the world, and grants us his great mercy.
Both now.
TheotokionAll your mysteries are beyond understanding, all beyond glory, Mother of God; sealed in purity and guarded in virginity you were recognised to be truly a Mother, in giving birth to the true God. Implore him that our souls may be saved.
And Dismissal.
At Matins
After the 1st reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 5. The Word without beginning.
The intermediary of law and grace let us the faithful, gathered together, praise with one accord, because he preached repentance to us and, when he openly and bravely denounced Herod, had his head struck off. And now he lives with the Angels and implores Christ that we may be saved.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.The astounding wonder of your conceiving and the ineffable birth-giving of your womb have been made known in you, pure Ever-Virgin. Your glory, Mother of God, which is unfurled over all for our salvation, amazes my mind and astounds my thought.
After the 2nd Reading from the Psalter, Kathisma.
Tone 5. The Word without beginning.
The one who was revealed to us as a Prophet from the womb and who came forth radiantly from a barren woman as a beacon for the inhabited world, the Baptist of Christ, the victorious athlete, the Forerunner John, let us praise in songs, for he intercedes with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
After the Polyeleos, Kathisma.
Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
By God’s decree you shone out from the barren woman, broke open the bonds on your father’s tongue and revealed the Sun that shines with the light of dawn. And in the wilderness you preached the Creator to the peoples, the Lamb that takes away the faults of the world. Therefore too with fervour you rebuked the king and your head was struck off, famous and all-praised John. Intercede with Christ God to grant forgiveness of faults to those who celebrate with love your holy memory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.All-holy Virgin, Mother of God, heal the dread passions of my soul, I beg, and grant me pardon of the faults that I have senselessly committed, defiling soul and body, wretch that I am. Alas! What shall I do in that hour when the Angels separate my soul from my wretched body? Sovereign Lady, be my help then and my ardent protector; for I, your servant, have you as my hope.
The Anavathmi, the 1st Antiphon of Tone 4.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Holy One.
: What return may we make to the Lord for that he has given us?Gospel according to Matthew.
(See Tuesday of the 7th week of Matthew)
Psalm 50, read.
At the prayers of the Forerunner, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Both now.
At the prayers of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy on me, O God, in accordance with your great mercy; according to the fullness of your compassion blot out my offences.
Then the Idiomel. Tone 2.
Herald of repentance, John Baptist, when you head was struck off you hallowed the earth; because you made clear God's law to the faithful and utterly destroyed lawlessness. As you stand before the throne of Christ the King of heaven, implore him to have mercy on our souls.
After this are sung the Canons; that of the
Mother of God [from the Little Paraklesis] to 6 and the following 2 of the Saint to 8.First Canon of the Saint.
A composition of Monk John.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Crossing the sea.
Let us sing praise of the Prophet who appeared from a barren womb, the sacred Forerunner of the One who was born ineffably from a virgin womb.
Though you had surpassed the bounds of nature, you preserved the laws of righteousness when you rebuked a lawless union, unafraid of the arrogance of kings.
Nourished on the milk of the law, sealing, like a seal of the law, the legislation of lawful union, you were confronted with licentious hate.
Ranks of Angels and of mortals praise you without ceasing, Mother without bridegroom, for you carried in your arms as a babe their Creator.
Second Canon.
Tone 8. With your mighty right hand.
Let us all praise godlike John, to whom above all mortals Christ bore witness as his Forerunner and friend.
Let us all praise godlike John, the citizen of the desert and companion of the Angels, the boast of the new people.
At the memory of the Forerunner, let us all dance like the Angels and cry out to Christ: At his intercessions, O Christ, give peace to your world.
At every moment, Mother of God, entreat God, who was incarnate from you by an ineffable word, to rescue your servants from every disaster.
A Cross Moses traced out as he cut the Red Sea in a straight line with his rod for Israel as they marched on foot; and then united it again, overwhelming Pharao with his chariots, as with another line he marked out the invincible weapon. Therefore let us sing to Christ our God, for he has been glorified.
Ode 3. You are the foundation.
A dissolute girl, filled with drunkenness, said, Give me here and now, Herod, the head of John on a dish.
The girl danced and as she delighted lawless Herod she lured him to the murder of the Forerunner and herald.
Wretch that you are, foolish and lawless Herod! By what insolence of a dissolute girl did you commit an unjust murder.
Give us help by your intercessions, O All-pure, by driving off the assaults of dreadful troubles.
Another. Builder of heaven’s vault.
As mediator of the Old and Forerunner of the New, leader of the preaching of the Gospel, you reproached the lawless union of a tyrant and gloriously met your death with joy.
A girl that had come from a lawless womb, filled by drunkenness with Bacchic frenzy, said to Herod, Give me the head of John on a dish, to bestow on my mother a longed for gift.
The shameless tyrant, unable to endure the reproaches of your God-protected tongue, glorious Forerunner, gives your revered head to a girl as a prize for her vulgar dances.
Having dwelt bodily in a Virgin, Lord, you appeared to mortals as it was fitting for them to see you; and you revealed her as true Mother of God and help of believers, only Lover of mankind.
A Rod is accepted as a figure of the mystery; for by its budding it marks out the priest. While for the Church that once was barren the Tree of the Cross has flowered for strength and steadfastness.
Kathisma. Tone 1. The soldiers watching.
Let us believers honour with a pure conscience the Forerunner of Christ, Baptist and Prophet, as glorious herald, teacher of repentance and as most true martyr of the Saviour; for when he had rebuked the folly of Herod his head was cut off.
Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.Now the Baptist of the Saviour has appeared and spiritually makes joyful the minds of the faithful; he the adornment of the wilderness and the seal of the Prophets; there he was revealed as Forerunner of Christ and unerring witness of his Coming. So with spiritual songs let us cry out to John with one accord, Prophet, herald of the truth, intercede that we may be saved.
Both now.
Theotokion.All the choirs of Angels were amazed, pure Virgin, at the dread mystery of your child-bearing: how the One who by his will alone upholds the universe is held as a mortal in your arms, and how the pre-eternal accepts a beginning, and the One who nourishes everything that breathes by his ineffable goodness is suckled at the breast. And as they praise you as truly God’s Mother glorify you.
Ode 4. You, Lord, are my strength.
Unable to bear the severity of the rebukes and the god-fearing boldness of speech, the one who was liable to the penalties of the law, disfigured by the licentiousness of the pleasures, bound and imprisoned the one who in spirit was joined before the end with the choirs on high.
Afflicted by drunkenness that harms the soul and by licentious passion, the coward, betrayed by the beat of the dancing feet, was revealed to be the murderer of a Prophet; for he conceived drunkenness, mother of intemperance, and gave birth to dread iniquity.
Truly in you the divine voice was not deceived; for you are more than the Prophets, having being deemed worthy of prophecy from the womb while your body was not fully formed and having seen and baptized in the body God the Word, who had been prophesied by you.
You are the boast of the faithful, Virgin without bridegroom, you are the protection and you are the refuge, wall and haven of Christians, for you bring supplications to your Son, All-blameless one, and you save from dangers those who with faith and love know you to be the pure Mother of God.
Another. From a shaded mountain.
Herod did not endure your rebukes, O servant of Christ, all-blessed John, and so he prepared unjust murder against you, for he had no reverence for your holiness.
The unjust king, maddened by Bacchic frenzy and drunkenness, made away with you, O Prophet, by an murderous sentence, for he had no reverence for your holiness.
Impious, dread Herod, led on by the words of a girl, gave your head as a gift to the adulteress, O Prophet. From it you pour out grace for us all.
Hail from our lips, holy Mother of God. Hail, who bore joy for the world. Hail, only help of mortals, pure and blessed Mother of God.
Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I have considered your works and glorified your Godhead.
Ode 5. Why have you cast me.
On her mother’s instructions the cub, more savage than the savage lioness, possessed of an evil spirit, asked as the reward for her dance the head of the Forerunner and herald, which even all the wild beasts in the deserts treated with reverence.
How beyond reach and beyond understanding are your judgements, O Lover of mankind! Because a licentious girl danced in triumph over the one who had been revealed from the womb as a vessel of the Spirit and who had advanced in soberness and purity.
It was agreeable and natural to the one who favoured an improper union to link to his birthday drinking bouts the removal of a Prophet and to mix for the pleasure-seekers a full bowl of prophetic and holy blood.
As you gained a mother’s boldness towards your Son, All-pure Virgin, do not despise our kindred care, we beg, for we Christians put you alone forward to the Master as a kindly means of atonement.
Another. Rising at dawn we cry.
As payment for a dance the head of the Forerunner on a dish was given through deception to the girl. O folly!
A presumptuous adulteress was delighted by the gore dripping from your head, O Herald of God. O folly!
Herod compelled your tongue to be silent; but when silenced it rebuked him all the more, All-praised Forerunner.
We sing your praise as Virgin after child-birth, Mother of God, because for the world you bore in the flesh God the Word.
Thrice-blessed Tree, on which Christ, the King and Lord, was stretched! Through it the one who deceived through a tree has fallen, caught by the bait of God who was nailed to you in the flesh and who grants peace to our souls.
Ode 6. Be merciful to me, Saviour.
Braving danger for the law of the commandments, blessed one, you disciplined the transgressor by your rebukes, for you were a reed blown about by the breaths of hostile spirits.
The head, dripping with the gore of slaughter, was brought as payment for licentious actions, even after death rebuking Herod as one who befouled nature.
Wandering in deserts, clothed in camel’s hairs, you dwell in the former as in a royal palace, wearing the latter as a kingly robe you reigned over your passions.
May we be delivered from dread failings by your intercessions, pure Mother of God, and may we obtain the divine radiance of the Son of God who was ineffably incarnate from you.
Another. Grant me a tunic.
For the multitude of the faithful, glorious John, you were a source of divine teachings when you announced the Lamb of God to us.
Unerring example of holiness and strict life, O Forerunner, as you stand before Christ remember those who sing your praise.
At your prayers, Prophet, Baptist and Forerunner of Christ, give peace to the world and save our souls from dangers.
You that alone through a word bore the Word in your womb deliver, we pray, our souls from the snares of the foe.
Jonas, stretching out his hands like a cross in the belly of the sea monster, clearly prefigured the saving Passion. Escaping from there on the third day, he was an image of the transcendent Resurrection of Christ God, who was nailed in the flesh and by his rising on the third day enlightened the world.
Kontakion. Tone 5.
The glorious beheading of the Forerunner became a divine dispensation, that he might proclaim to those in Hell the coming of the Saviour. So let Herodias grieve who asked for lawless murder, for she loved neither the law of God nor the age that lives, but one artificial and temporary.
The birthday feast of Herod appeared to all as unholy, for among the revellers the head of the faster was brought in like food. Grief was joined to joy and bitter lament was mingled with the laughter because the young woman entered among them bearing the head of the Baptist on a dish, as it says, and through mad passion grief fell on all who were then feasting with the king, for she delighted neither them nor Herod, it says, and they were grieved, not with true grief but with artificial and temporary.
On the 29th of the month, commemoration of the beheading of the honoured head of the holy, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John.
A murderous hand with sword cuts off the head
Of him who on the Lord’s head placed his hand.
Bronze on the twenty ninth day with a blow smote the neck of the Baptist.
On the same day, commemoration of the venerable Theodora of Thessaloniki, who came from Aegina.
At the prayers of your Forerunner, O Christ, have mercy and save us. Amen.
Ode 7. God’s condescension.
Lawless Herod, armed with licentious lust and terrible drunkenness you assaulted and tore down the unshakeable tower of self-mastery, the invincible city of sobriety, the Baptist of Christ.
She that had been made a disciple of the devil did not tremble, O Forerunner, did not draw back, did not hesitate as she shamelessly brought forward your precious head on a dish, for she was bolted fast to constraints of her mother.
As a lamp you shone out beforehand, as an Angel you were sent ahead, as a Prophet you proclaim as lamb of God Christ who has appeared, as a martyr your head was cut off by a sword, and you announced Christ in advance to the dead in Hell.
Delivered by your Offspring from the condemnation of the ancient fall, we ever glorify you, Virgin Mother, who were revealed as cause of freedom with your Son who gave himself as a ransom for us.
Another. The Hebrew Youths.
Servant heralding the Master’s Coming, morning star heralding the sun, John hastened to Hades crying, Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
O folly of Herod! He gives to a dissolute woman as a plaything the one who with an immaterial body was equal to the Angels and who cried, Blessed are you, O God, to the ages.
Accept, O Holy of Holies, as I intercede for the Church, cries out the Forerunner to the Master and cries, Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
You stemmed the onrush of death, pure Virgin, when you conceived and gave birth to immortal God, to whom we all sing, Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
The senseless decree of a godless tyrant, redolent of threats and blasphemies hateful to God, drove peoples to confusion. But neither the fury of wild beasts nor the roaring of the fire frightened three Youths; but united in the fire that answered with a spirit bringing dew they sang, ‘O our God and the God of our Fathers, O highly exalted, blessed are you!’
Ode 8. The Chaldean Tyrant.
John, who outran your birth and your passion, came through a sword to the lowest parts of the earth as Prophet and Messenger of your entrance also there, crying as voice of the Word, You dead, highly exalt the Giver of life, you blind, the Giver of light, you prisoners, the Deliverer Christ.
You outran a virgin birth by your birth from a barren mother and now you have become the precursor of the voluntary crucifixion of the creator of the universe by the cutting off of your head, as you cry to those in Hades, You dead, highly exalt the Giver of life, you blind, the Giver of light, you prisoners, the Deliverer Christ.
When your head was smitten from your body, O Forerunner, your soul that ruled it was parted from your flesh; but the Godhead was not parted from the flesh of Emmanuel, not a bone was broken of the God and Master. And so we highly exalt him to the ages.
Sovereign Lady, Mother of the Lord, by your compassionate intercession wipe out the wounds and bruises of my soul and raise me who am fallen. Save me the prodigal, O All-blameless, save me. For you are my protection and only assistance, pure and blessed to all the ages.
Another. Same Irmos.
Once the boastful tyrant Herod transgressed and having turned his attention to the festivities of his birthday he arranges for the young woman to dance, having convinced her that he will fulfil her every request. But she, compelled by her mother’s instructions, asked for the head of the Forerunner on a dish.
Having gained for himself the charge of foul murder the wretched king Herod earns himself inescapable punishment, by transgressing outrageously. For he brings to the table like food the head of the Forerunner, which rebukes him together with Herodias to all the ages.
Blessed John, shining Apostle and Forerunner of the Lord, chosen of the Prophets, by your entreaties save those who celebrate with love your radiant and light-bearing memory as they cry out, O Youths bless, O Priests praise, O people highly exalt Christ to the ages.
You have become holier than the Angels, All-holy Maiden, for you bore the One who is Holy for the Holy, who through pity became without what we mortals are to save those who cry out to him without ceasing, O Youths bless, O Priests praise, O people highly exalt Christ to the ages.
O Youths, equal in number to the Trinity, bless the Creator, Father, God; sing the praises of the Word who descended and changed the fire to dew, and highly exalt the all-holy Spirit that grants life to all, to the ages.
Ode 9. All that hears trembled.
Every regiment of evil trembled together with their champion the devil at your theologian’s tongue, O Prophet, which proclaims Christ, and through a dissolute girl they persuaded Herod to cut off your head. But we, the faithful, magnify you.
A valley, humble nature, has been exalted and a hill, the arrogance of death, has been humbled, for the voice of one who cries cried aloud in the deserts without light, the tents of Hades, Lift up the gates, for the mighty King will enter.
The passions of mortals tremble and demons flee in terror at the overshadowing of the grace that was given you from God. But guard from both trials, O Forerunner of the Lord, your flock which ever magnifies you with faith.
Bend your bow, march forward and reign, O Son of God’s Mother, subduing the Ishmaelite people that wars against us, granting victories to our Orthodox Sovereign over barbarian enemies at the prayers of the one who gave you birth, O Word of God.
Another. Heaven was amazed.
You were a voice of one who cries, O Baptist, for you shone forth as a Prophet from a Prophet crying out in the desert to all, Repent; and you rebuked Herod who did evil, licentious deeds, And so you hurried on to Hades proclaiming the Kingdom of our God.
A shameless girl, forced by her mother Herodias, asked that the sacred head of the Baptist be cut off. Then Herod with speed gives orders that it be laid out like food on a dish and given as a gift, which folly it rebukes.
As Martyr and Prophet and Baptist, as voice and lamp and Messenger, witnessed to by God as greater than the Prophets, entreat the Lord to deliver from trials of every kind and from hostile harm those who celebrate your light-bearing memory, O Forerunner.
You were seen, O Virgin Mother of God, to give birth beyond nature in a body to the good Word that the Father uttered from his own heart before all the ages as he is good. Him we know also to be beyond bodies, even though he has been clothed in a body.
Mystic Paradise are you, O Mother of God, untilled you brought forth Christ, who planted on the earth the life-giving Tree of the Cross. And so as it is raised today, we worship it and magnify you.
The death that came to the race through eating of the tree has, through the Cross, today been made of no effect. For the curse on all mankind of our mother Eve has been abolished by the shoot of the pure Mother of God, whom all the Powers of heaven magnify.
Exapostilarion. Tone 2. As the Disciples.
Let us garland with hymns of praise the one known to be greatest among Prophets and who became precursor of Apostles, the Forerunner of grace, for his head was cut off for the sake of the law of the Lord.
Another. The heaven with stars.
Dissolute Herod treacherously cut off your head, planter of purity, Baptist of the Saviour, but was quite unable to cut out the rebukes of your tongue.
Holy Maiden, who abolished by your divine childbearing the curse of the world, deliver by your prayers from dangers of every kind the flock that faithfully entreats you.
At Lauds we insert 4 Stichera and we sing three Prosomia,
doubling the first.
Tone 8. O marvellous wonder!
O marvellous wonder! A dissolute, licentious girl carries round the sacred head revered by Angels. She offers to her adulterous mother the tongue that rebuked the lawless. O your ineffable forbearance, lover of mankind! Through it, O Christ, save our souls, for you alone are compassionate.
O the blindness of Herod! Having dishonoured God by neglect of the law he treacherously promises to keep his oaths. And he adds murder to adultery, pretending to be sad. O your ineffable compassion, lover of mankind! Through it, O Christ, save our souls, for you alone are compassionate.
O amazement beyond understanding! The seal of the Prophets, the earthly Angel is displayed as the reward of a harlot’s dance. The tongue that spoke of God is sent on before and is the herald of Christ to those in Hades. O your forethought beyond speech, lover of mankind! Through it, O Christ, save our souls, for you alone are compassionate.
Tone 6.Once again Herodias rages, once again she is deranged. O deceitful dance and revelry with deceit! The Baptist was beheaded and Herod was troubled. At the prayers of your Forerunner, Lord, grant peace to our souls.
Both now.
Theotokion.Mother of God, you are the true vine, who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede together with the Apostles and all the Saints that he have mercy on our souls.
Great Doxology.
And holy oil is given to the Brethren.
any Orthodox Christians who want to make the daily offices of the Church part of their prayer cannot afford, or do not have easy access to, the complete set of service books of the Church. This even applies to a number of small parishes and communities. In both the Greek and Slav traditions therefore compendia have been published to meet this need. The Slavonic General Menaion, which contains full offices for all possibilities, even for feasts of the Lord and Mother of God, and provision for full festal celebration with Doxastika, Polyeleos and so forth, has been translated a number of times into English. The equivalent Greek volume, called the Anthologion, or Anthology, has not. Indeed it is not easy to obtain in Greek, since nowadays most churches possess complete sets of service books, and a number of Greek publishing houses have issued popular editions of all the books fairly cheaply, though many of these are riddled with misprints. In English there does not as yet exist a complete set of service books in any form. The following translation may therefore fill a need.The Greek
Anthologion is not quite the same as the Slavonic General Menaion,, and its contents may be briefly described. The first part gives the full office for the major feasts, including those of Saints who are, to use the technical term, ‘feasted’. The second part gives a ‘General Menaion’ for ‘anonymous Saints who are not feasted’, what Western books would call the ‘Common of Saints’. Each office therefore consists of the minimum requirement of three Stichera for Vespers and a Canon, with the Kathisma after the third Ode, for Matins. Some editions also give a Doxastikon at Vespers, ‘if you want’ [to celebrate the Saint with greater solemnity]. This provides enough material for ordinary Sundays and weekdays.In the
Anthologion this ‘Common of Saints’ is preceded by a series of three Stichera in each of the eight Tones to the Mother of God, it being assumed that at Vespers three Stichera to the Mother of God will be sung and three to the Saint of the day. The third part consists of an abbreviated Oktoichos for weekdays. This consists of Aposticha for Vespers, and Kathismata and two Canons for Matins together with Aposticha for Lauds. One Tone is used each day, Tones Three and Seven being omitted, probably because they are considered the most ‘secular’ of the eight.The present translation differs from the printed books in one important respect. Stichera for Vespers are given from the Paraklitiki for each day instead of the series of ones to the Mother of God. The printed books often fail to give the text of the Theotokia at Vespers, assuming that the user will know, or have access to suitable ones. These of course should be ones written to the same melody as the Stichera for the Saint of the day, and these have been provided in the present translation from elsewhere in the Paraklitiki or Menaia.
The sources of the texts vary, many being simply offices for particular Saints adapted for general use. Thus the Canon for the office for a Prophet is that for Saint Sophonias on December 3rd, as the Acrostic in the Greek reveals. This accounts for fact that in each Odes there are only three troparia, since the acrostic has only twenty four letters. The Slavonic text, which does not attempt to reproduce the acrostic, has added a troparion in each Ode to make them up the traditional four. The Canon for two or more Women Martyrs is that for the feast of Saints Menodora, Mitrodora and Nymphodora on September 10th. Other Canons have been truncated. Thus in the offices for one and for two or more Women Ascetics the ninth Ode has been cut from five to four troparia. This is evident in each case because the ‘signature’ - J O S E PH - has been abbreviated, in one case to J S E PH and in the other to O S E PH. No attempt has been made to reproduce the acrostics, since experience shows that, though this is often possible, it tends to result in excessively contorted and artificial English.
The texts of the offices are full of citations and allusions to Holy Scripture. Many of these are only approximate since absolutely strict quotation is often not possible either because of the exigencies of Greek grammar or the requirements of ‘metre’ in Stichera and Troparia. In a given context one word may be a allusion to a scriptural text. Thus in the fourth Ode of a Canon the word ‘horses’ is intended to evoke Habbakuk 3:8, though it would not necessarily do so elsewhere. It should also be stressed that these texts presuppose the use of the Christian, that is the Greek Septuagint, Old Testament, rather than the current Hebrew Massoretic text.
The translation is on the whole conservative and keeps closely to the Greek, though I have on occasion omitted adverbs like ‘clearly’, which are often included simply for metrical reasons and add nothing to the sense. To avoid too much use of ‘one’ I have frequently added a noun like ‘Saint’ to the numerous adjectives used by themselves in Greek, especially in the ‘vocative’, such as ‘blessed’, ‘merciful’, ‘revered’ and so forth.
Normally the Canon of the Saint of the day will be sung last and therefore the Irmi of the Odes will not be needed, except as ‘Katavasias’ for the 3rd, 6th 8th and 9th Odes. In Lent, however, the Canon from the Menaion is sung first. I have therefore included all the Irmi, but placed in square brackets. This will obviate the need for the use of the Irmologion, which is also a book that has not been translated and is not easy to obtain even in the original Greek. The musical volume entitled
Irmologion only contains the irmi that are commonly sung, that is those for Sundays, major feasts and Holy Week. .At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we sing Prosomia.Tone 4. Called from on high.
You revealed your Prophet, O Immortal, as a living cloud, water truly springing up to eternal life, sending him forth and richly gracing him with the Holy Spirit, consubstantial with you, almighty Father, and with your Son, who shone forth from your being; through whom he foretold the saving Coming of Christ our God, and prophesied salvation to all the nations.
By purity of mind you received the whole brightness of the radiance whose source is God, and you became a speaker, foreteller and godly interpreter of divine words; you appeared as the Spirit’s mouth moved by God, declaring and making clear to all the nations the things revealed to you through him, all-honoured Prophet, the salvation that would be given and the kingdom of Christ; implore him to save and enlighten our souls.
Made resplendent by a worthy vision of God, and honoured by prophetic contemplation and grace, inspired Prophet, you were made worthy of blessedness; using your boldness to him now, who is all good, and your compassion, do not cease to intercede on behalf of those who with faith praise you and honour you as revered and inspired and possessed by God, that our souls may be delivered and saved from dangers.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.As I sail by sea, travel by road, sleep by night, watch over me; give me the grace of a watchful mind, All-blameless, and grant that I may do the Lord’s will; that on the day of sentence I who flee to your protection may find release from all that I have done in life.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb, your Mother, saw you nailed to the Cross, Lord, she was struck with amazement, and cried out: What is this sight, my Son so greatly loved? Is this how the disobedient, lawless people repays your many wonders? But glory, Master, to your ineffable condescension!
At Matins
The Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
Let the fame of Sophonias give me splendour.
By Theophanes.
Ode 1. Tone 6. Irmos.As Israel marched on foot.
[As Israel marched on foot in the deep as on dry land and watched Pharao the pursuer drowning, they cried out: To God let us sing a song of victory.]
We beg you, Prophet of God, who stand by his judgement seat, to intercede insistently that enlightenment be given to us who hymn with faith your honoured memory.
You were revealed as a godlike instrument containing the illuminations of the Spirit of God, and enjoying his gifts; and so we the faithful, rejoicing, call you blessed.
The Sun which shone from your womb with shining rays makes the whole earth bright, Sovereign Lady; enlightened by them we honour you as Mother of God.
Ode 3. Irmos. None is holy.
[None is Holy but you, O Lord my God, who have exalted the horn of your faithful people and established me, O Good One, on the rock of confession of you.]
He who as God sees all things shows and reveals to you, wise Prophet, in a manner fitting God the knowledge of things to come, and the clear understanding of those which will come to pass, O blessed and worthy of praise.
Having with devout boldness slain your mind, blest Prophet, you submitted yourself to the Spirit of God, and became the recipient of the divine rays that come from there.
Behold, with faith all generations call you blessed, who in time gave birth beyond nature in the body to the Word without time, and remained still a Virgin.
None is Holy but you, O Lord my God, who have exalted the horn of your faithful people and established me, O Good One, on the rock of confession of you.
Kathisma. Tone 1. Soldiers watching.
The august prophet, having gained by divine rays a mind formed of light, foretells what is to come, speaking by the all-holy Spirit; today as with devout mind we honour him, let us celebrate his sacred memory with uprightness of heart.
Hope of Christians, all-holy Virgin, with the Powers above, implore without ceasing the God to whom you gave birth beyond nature and reason, to grant forgiveness of sins and amendment of life to us all who ever glorify you with faith and love.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The spotless Ewe-lamb, when she saw the Lamb and Shepherd hanging dead upon the Tree, cried in lamentation and bewailed him as a mother: How may I bear, my Son, your condescension beyond reason and your voluntary sufferings, O God supremely good?
Ode 4. Irmos. Christ is my power.
[Christ is my power, my God and Lord, the holy Church cries out from a pure mind in song befitting God, as it keeps festival in the Lord.]
The Lord of all things has appeared to us, blest Prophet, in accordance with your prophecy, summoning all things to knowledge of himself, and has freed them from slavery.
Made radiant by grace, you prophesied saying that those who worship should come under one yoke, being brought to the faith and adoring the Lord.
Mary, All-pure, scatter the flood of passions of my mind and the storm of temptations, as the one who gave birth to the source of dispassion, O Virgin Mother.
Ode 5. Irmos. With your divine radiance.
[With your divine radiance, O Good One, illumine, I beg, the souls of those who rise to you at dawn with love to know you, Word of God, to be truly God, calling them back from the gloom of offences.]
Turn me from unrighteousness to virtue, from the captivity of the passions, blessed, glorious Prophet, by your intercessions, and direct my works to the light of true religion.
You made your soul resplendent with the rays of the virtues, and showed it to be ready for the beams of the divine Spirit; from whom you were also enriched with the grace of prophecy.
Prophetic sayings, All-holy Virgin, announce through symbols your child-bearing; we, who now see their fulfilment, proclaim you to be in truth Mother of God.
Ode 6. Irmos. Watching life’s sea.
[Watching life’s sea rising with a tempest of temptations, fleeing to your calm haven, I cry out to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O Most Merciful.]
Receiving the beams of the Spirit, glorious Prophet, as a clear mirror you blazed forth the rays of inspired prophecy to the world, foretelling things to come as things present.
Your King has come; Sion rejoice and exult at seeing him; he has enlightened the world with the beams of his Godhead and destroyed the error of demons.
United to the solidity of flesh in your womb, the Only-Begotten of the Father came forth, one from two, without corruption, and kept your virginity unharmed, O All-praised.
Watching life’s sea rising with a tempest of temptations, fleeing to your calm haven, I cry out to you: Bring my life up from corruption, O Most Merciful.
Ode 7. Irmos.An Angel made the furnace moist with dew.
[An Angel made the furnace moist with dew for the godly Youths, while God’s command consuming the Chaldeans persuaded the tyrant to cry out: Blessed are you, God of our Fathers.]
Your memory, inspired Prophet, has dawned for the world like a sun, making radiant with the grace of your Prophecy those who with faith harmoniously sing to Christ: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
Revealed as more abundant than a cloud, blest prophet, you sent forth for us a shower of saving knowledge of God from sources through which we are enlightened to cry out: Blessed are you, the God of our Fathers.
The Word, who of old gave being to all things by his divine will, Pure Virgin, willing to call back humanity, made his dwelling in your womb, O Blessed One, who bore God in the flesh.
Ode 8. Irmos. From the flame.
[From flame you made a source of dew for the Saints, and with water you consumed the sacrifice of a righteous man with flame. For you do all things, O Christ, simply by willing them. We highly exalt you to all the ages.]
Giving yourself wholly to the Almighty, you were initiated into the ways of providence, which train the Nations in accordance with the Dispensation; therefore we sing your praise, inspired Prophet.
Offer to God a hymn of supplication, Blessed of God, on behalf of us who hymn you, and free us now from the tempest of temptations, that we may sing your praise, inspired Prophet.
By giving birth to the Giver of life, God and Lord, you put an end to the destruction of death, which had slain all, Pure Virgin; therefore we sing your praise to all the ages.
From flame you made a source of dew for the Saints, and with water you consumed the sacrifice of a righteous man with flame. For you do all things, O Christ, simply by willing them. We highly exalt you to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos. It is impossible.
[It is impossible for humans to see God, on whom the ranks of Angels dare not gaze. But through you, O All-pure, the incarnate Word has been seen by mortals. As we magnify him, with the heavenly armies we call you blessed.]
In the land of the meek you have made your dwelling, where you see the splendours of many Angels, all-wise Prophet, servant of God, having become meek and resplendent with grace; therefore we faithful, rejoicing, call you blessed.
Seeing the clear fulfilment of your prophecies, O all-revered, we marvel at the grace which was given you, and are amazed at the purity of your mind and the godliness of your soul.
None from ancient generations was ever graced as you, all-immaculate Mother of God; for you alone of all women possess incomparable holiness; therefore you received in yourself God incarnate.
It is impossible for humans to see God, on whom the ranks of Angels dare not gaze. But through you, O All-pure, the incarnate Word has been seen by mortals. As we magnify him, with the heavenly armies we call you blessed.
.For the Apostle, Gospel and Communion, see July 20th.
At Vespers
.Prosomia. Tone 8. What should we call you.
What should I name you, Apostle? Heaven, for you declare the glory of God. River, for mystically you water creation. Star, which sheds its light on the Church. Mixing-bowl, which pours out a holy draught. True Friend of Christ. Companion of the Bodiless Powers. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
Apostle, truly inspired, you were sent out from Christ like a thunderbolt formed of light, wounding enemies, plainly predicting healing for wounded souls; and so, as is fitting, we call you blessed and celebrate today your holy festival. Intercede that our souls may be saved.
Glorious Apostle, who saw God, your feet were made beautiful as they trod the ways of the Lord, and narrowed the ways of the ill-intentioned by the broadening of the divine knowledge of the Word, who appeared in a material body and chose you, blessed one, as a glorious Disciple. Implore him that our souls may be saved.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Those who were granted to see in bodily form the dignity of the Father and his Godhead, proclaimed you, Maiden, as Bride and Virgin, Mother of the Word and God, and dwelling of the Holy Spirit; for in you the Godhead dwelt entirely in bodily form, the fullness of fullest grace.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb who bore you saw you nailed to the Tree, Lord, she tore at her eyes and cried aloud in lamentation, ‘My Son, how do you endure unjust slaughter? How can you, the Immortal, die as a mortal? Give me a word, sweetest light. Look at your Mother as she mourns for you, and glorify her, O Word, by your rising’.
At Matins
.Canon. Tone 8.
Ode 1. Irmos. Let us sing to the Lord.
[Let us sing to the Lord, who led his people in the Red Sea, for he alone has been greatly glorified.]
Made a disciple by the empersonned Word, the Apostle scattered the wisdom of the world like a spider’s web.
You were initiated into things that cannot be uttered and made worthy of the ineffable mysteries of Christ, as his disciple and Apostle.
You appeared as a great sun, companion of the great light who came to be with us, praiseworthy, glorious Apostle.
Immaculate Mother of God, who gave birth beyond nature to the eternal Word, who is beyond all godhead, we sing your praise.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the foundation.
[You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.]
By a word you caught in a net and brought to Christ’s spiritual table, O Apostle those had been plunged in error.
Your all-blest memorial, Apostle, with divine works of wonder has poured forth healings for the sick.
Loving the teacher and serving his all-creating wishes, O worthy of praise, you save mortals from error.
By your intercessions, O All-pure, give us help, by beating off the assaults of dread troubles.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 3. Your confession.
With the outpouring of light of the divine Spirit you abolished the darkness of the cult of many gods, and enlightened the hearts of believers as you cried aloud the doctrines of salvation, to the inhabited world, all-wise Apostle; implore Christ God to grant us his great mercy.
Theotokion. Same melody.
You became a divine tabernacle of the Word, alone all-pure Mother of God, who in purity surpass the Angels; with the inspired streams of your intercessions, purify me, who above all others have become dust made foul by faults of the flesh, and grant me his great mercy.
Or Cross-Theotokion. Awed by the beauty.
Your pure Mother who knew not wedlock seeing you hanging dead upon the Tree, O Christ, like a mother lamented and said: How has the lawless and ungrateful Hebrew people, who enjoyed your many and great gifts, repaid you? I sing the praise of your divine condescension.
Ode 4. Irmos. I heard your report, Lord.
[I heard your report, Lord, and was afraid. I understood your works and glorified your might.]
The Word, author of life, sent you out as a beacon for the nations, All blessed one, driving out the error of idols with its many gods.
The power of the Spirit strengthened your weakness, O Apostle, and by the word of truth rendered you more powerful than tyrants.
Made fair by the sufferings of the Master, the Apostle proclaimed the Crucified to be Almighty and Lord.
We, who have been enlightened, all proclaim you to be Mother of God, for you bore the Son of righteousness, Ever-Virgin.
Ode 5. Irmos. Rising at dawn.
[Rising at dawn, Lord, we cry out to you, ‘Save us! For you are our God, we know no other but you’.]
How beautiful are your feet, Apostle, who preach the Gospel of the peace which passes all understanding.
With power, and rejoicing in the spirit of truth, Apostle, you delivered the testimony of the Kingdom.
Having ascended the mountain of the virtues, All-blessed, you proclaimed the Gospel to all the ends of the earth.
Mary, Mother of God, without bridegroom, bring to naught the hopes of the foe and make joyful those who sing your praise.
Ode 6. Irmos. Grant me a tunic.
[Grant me a tunic of light, O Most Merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.]
The revered Apostle proclaimed your glory, O Christ, and enlightened all through the word of his divine grace.
Twice.Like the sun you sped over the earth, glorious Apostle, announcing the three-sunned, uncreated light of the Godhead to believers.
We believers proclaim you, Mother of God, as Temple of God, Ark and living Bridal Chamber, and Gate of heaven.
Grant me a tunic of light, O most merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
[The Youths from Judea of old in Babylon having come to the faith of the Trinity, trampled down the flame of the furnace as they sang, ‘God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’]
A rational heaven declared you to all as the Redeemer of the universe, thundering out in the world that you were God incarnate, and urging all to cry: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!
Like a lyre made by God, tuned to the word of the Almighty and divinely struck by the Holy Spirit, with the nations you chanted: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!
The seed of your words, cast spiritually into the souls of men, multiplied the fruit of true religion, Apostle, and they shouted and sang: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!
Incarnate from a virgin womb, you appeared for our salvation; and so, acknowledging with right belief your Mother to be Mother of God, we cry aloud: God of our Fathers, blessed are you!
Ode 8. Irmos. The King of heaven.
[The King of heaven, whose praise the Armies of the Angels sing, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.]
Your disciple was led before tyrants like a lamb to the slaughter, crying out to you: We highly exalt you, O Christ, to the ages.
You truly taught the mystery that the Trinity was to be praised in one Godhead, and Christ highly exalted to the ages.
God the Word, co-eternal with the Father, declared you to be his friend, and a herald and initiate of his divine dispensation.
You gave birth beyond nature, O Virgin, to the Creator and Saviour, God the Word; therefore we praise you to all the ages.
The King of heaven, whose praise the armies of Angels sing, praise and highly exalt him to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos. We who have been saved.
[We who have been saved through you, pure Virgin, confess you to be truly Mother of God, as with the bodiless choirs we magnify you.]
By the light-bearing might of the Trinity the far-famed Apostle of the Saviour Christ destroyed the stronghold of gloomy deception.
Rejoicing you have been united with choirs of Apostles and Martyrs and Bodiless Powers, blest Apostle; with them implore that those who honour you may be saved.
You gathered the scattered nations, O Christ, through Apostles and godly Martyrs, and founded for yourself the Church of mortals.
Beautiful, Mother of God, is the fruit of your womb; cause not of corruption for those who partake of it, but of life for those who magnify you with faith.
We who have been saved through you, pure Virgin, confess you to be truly Mother of God, as with the bodiless choirs we magnify you.
At the Liturgy, see the Apostle and Gospel for the 18th of October; likewise for the Communion.
Lord, I have cried we sing the 3 following Prosomia.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
As eye witnesses and ones who testified to the incarnation of the Word, O truly happy disciples, you are called blessed, for shining like flashes of lightning, you appeared to the world, and like spiritual mountains you dripped sweetness; divided like ever-flowing rivers of Paradise, you water the churches of the nations with divine streams.
Like thunderbolts, blazing with the beams of the Spirit, you were sent out through all the world, granting ungrudgingly the force of wonders, ministers of the mysteries of Christ and written tablets of God’s grace, inscribed by God with the law taught by God, all-blessed initiates.
The rod of the fishermen troubled the arrogance of philosophers and the eloquence of rhetors; for they clearly set out the teachings of divine wisdom, the doctrines of graces and the Gospel of ten thousand blessings, the participation in eternal delight, the pleasures of angels and enduring glory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.We, who are much storm-tossed on the sea of the troubles and harsh difficulties of life, have you as the most sheltered haven of salvation, and as gentle calm; and so we all have recourse to you as we cry out: Never cease to stand by your servants.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
O all-immaculate Ewe-lamb, you bore the unblemished Lamb, who came to heal the sin of the whole world by his own blood, who was slaughtered for our sake and gave life to the universe; clothe me, who have been stripped naked of divine incorruption, with the cloak of divine grace from the wool of your Offspring.
At Matins
.The Canon, of which the acrostic is:
I honour the wise Apostles of Christ.
Ode 1. Tone 4. Irmos. Through the Red Sea’s deep.
[Through the Red Sea’s deep the Israel of old marched dry shod, and by Moses’ hands, outstretched in the form of a cross, routed the power of Amalek in the wilderness.]
As I long to sing the choir of the Apostles, grant me, O Christ, as God, at their intercessions, the ray of the all-holy Spirit and the lamp of your wisdom.
Your revered Apostles, O Christ, given strength by your strength and grace, made godlike by their unyielding inclinations towards you, triumphed over the power of hostile foes.
Performing healings, Master, in your name, your far-famed Apostles, caught the gatherings of the nations with your knowledge and made them shine with your light.
Made disciples by heavenly wisdom, glorious Apostles of Christ, you clearly made foolish all the useless verbiage of the wise by the brevity of the proclamation.
You bore him who is by nature Creator and who has truly made us divine by a union beyond understanding, all-praised Mother of God. Implore him fervently to guide to the light those who sing your praise.
Ode 3. Irmos. Your Church, O Christ.
[Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.]
Speaking of God upon earth, aflame with tongues of fire, you handed down heavenly and revered doctrines, Heralds of Christ.
You revealed your disciples, Master, as spiritual heavens, who declare all your glory to the ends of the earth.
You have been inscribed in heaven and revealed as companions of Christ; now, O all-wise, willingly guard us who honour you.
He who dwells in the highest dwelt among us, O Immaculate, for he took flesh from you without seed and was made manifest.
Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, ‘You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.’
Kathisma. Tone 8. The Wisdom and Word.
With the net of the divine words you caught the rational fish and brought them as first-fruits to our God, and longing to put on the marks of Christ you were revealed as imitators of his Passion, glorious Apostles; therefore we have come together and honour as is fitting your all-festive memorial, and with one voice we cry out to you: Intercede with Christ God to bestow forgiveness of faults on those who celebrate with love your holy memorial.
Theotokion. Same melody.
Hail throne of God, formed of fire; hail Maiden, royal seat, couch strewn with purple, gold and purple bridal chamber, cloak of true sea-purple, most costly sacred enclosure, lightning-bearing chariot, lampstand of many lights; hail Mother of God, city with twelve walls, gate plated with gold, and chamber formed of splendour, table splendid with gold, tabernacle adorned by God; hail glorious bride, cascading gold, hail only salvation of my soul.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The Ewe-lamb seeing the Lamb and Shepherd and Redeemer on the Cross, lamented and wept and bitterly cried out: The world rejoices, for it receives redemption, but my inward parts are on fire as I see your crucifixion, which you endure through the compassion of your mercy, long-suffering Lord, the abyss of mercy; have compassion and bestow forgiveness of faults on those who hymn with faith your divine sufferings.
Ode 4. Irmos. Seeing you, the Sun of justice.
[Seeing you, the Sun of justice, lifted up on the Cross, the Church stands in her array and fittingly cries out, ‘Glory to your power, O Lord!’]
The sound of the divine words of the Apostles has passed like a torch of fire through the whole inhabited world, burning up the fuel of error, but enlightening by grace the companies of the devout.
The Disciples, appearing like beacons lit by God, made the world, blackened by the fog of godlessness, bright by the rays of grace and the beams of the proclamation.
Dazzling with most sacred lamps of the spiritual Sun, you shine in the world like the sun, all-praised Apostles, by the light of the godhead, as you chase away the fog of error.
With your Cross as a rod of power, O Word, your eye-witnesses cut through the salt sea of life, like horses troubling the waves of polytheism.
Your living heaven, made lovely with the outpouring of varied light, O Christ, the King of kings, the immaculate Virgin is now glorified as Mother of God.
Ode 5. Irmos. You, Lord, my light.
[You, Lord, my light, came into the world, a holy light, turning from the darkness of ignorance those who sing your praise in faith.]
Your godlike and all-wise servants, O Christ, you showed as a light in the world, announcing you to all, the light that does not set.
Outstandingly practising every virtue, Apostles, you destroyed all the snares of the manifold wickedness of the demons.
The Apostles, enflamed by fiery tongues, revealed to us the shining of the Trinity, of the Godhead in Unity.
We present you as an unbreakable weapon against enemies; we have gained you as anchor and hope of our salvation, O Bride of God.
Ode 6. Irmos I will sacrifice to you.
[‘I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord’, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the filth of demons by the blood which flowed with pity from your side.]
Establishing your Disciples by wisdom and wonders, O Saviour, you made them more powerful than the prattling of the Greeks, and they destroyed their deceiving doctrines.
The divine rivers of wisdom have filled all the valleys of the Church with waters, being rich in the streams from the wells of salvation.
Appearing like living stars, all-blessed Apostles, you scattered every gloomy error with bright beams of light, as you blazed with the knowledge of God.
Having found you as a wholly perfect dove, and as an all-fair and shining lily and flower of the valleys, Mother of God, the Bridegroom dwelt in your womb.
‘I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord’, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the filth of demons by the blood which flowed with pity from your side.
Ode 7. Irmos. In the Persian furnace.
[In the Persian furnace the Children of Abraham, fired by love for true religion rather than by the flame, cried out: Blessed are you, O Lord, in the temple of your glory.]
God before by nature, you made your disciples sons and revealed them as truly heirs of your Father’s glory, O Supremely Good, and you were well-pleased for them to accompany you as God and Master.
You granted your godlike Disciples, O Word, a flood of wisdom, a breadth of heart, an eloquent tongue, you sent them out to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations.
Appearing like clouds of divine light, the Apostles rained life-giving water on all the nations, as they cried: Blessed are you in the temple of your glory.
You appeared all-adorned with divine glory, O Immaculate, who alone from all eternity received the Word of God, O Virgin Mother; blessed are you among women, all-blameless Lady.
Ode 8. Irmos. Stretching out his hands.
[Stretching out his hands Daniel closed the jaws of the lions in the den; while the Youths, lovers of true religion, girded with virtue, quenched the power of the fire as they cried: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.]
The godly and all-wise choir of Christ’s Apostles by the fire of the Spirit burned up like easily sawn fuel the sacred images of the demons, and guided to the light the hearts of the believers who cry: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.
With one accord let us honour with hymns the godlike Disciples and Apostles of Christ, who thundered to us the heavenly doctrines, they are the meadows of the faith, the general benefactors of humanity, the servants of the Saviour.
The all-revered and spacious vessels of the virtues, the first-fruits of mortals, the trumpets of the proclamation, the torrents of incorruptible life, the god-bearing lightnings, the springs of healings, the beautiful feet of the Gospel, let us honour.
He was full, yet emptied himself that we might share his fullness; the uncircumscribed Word, without abandoning the Father’s bosom, was incarnate from your womb; therefore we all bless you, Mary, Bride of God.
Stretching out his hands Daniel closed the jaws of the lions in the den; while the Youths, lovers of true religion, girded with virtue, quenched the power of the fire as they cried: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.
Ode 9. Irmos. A cornerstone not cut by hand.
[A cornerstone not cut by hand, O Virgin, was cut from you an unhewn mountain: Christ who joined together separated natures; and so with gladness, Mother of God, we magnify you.]
Eye-witnesses of God you received from the Master authority to loose the bonds of faults; in compassion wipe out the sins of those who sing your praise and make them worthy of salvation.
Wise Apostles, you all received the whole radiance of the Spirit, which appeared to you in reality, and you were initiated into exalted teachings in the upper room, and now you are worthily called blessed.
To you his friends now at rest Christ gives the prize of unfading crowns and fullness of contemplation; implore him now that the Churches may be kept safe.
Wishing to dwell in flesh, he who disposed all things by a word, dwelt in you; having found you alone to be holier than all, and declared you to be in truth Mother of God, O Virgin Mother.
A cornerstone not cut by hand, O Virgin, was cut from you an unhewn mountain: Christ who joined together separated natures; and so with gladness, Mother of God, we magnify you.
At the Liturgy look, if you wish, on the 18th of October.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we sing Prosomia.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
You put on the purple garment of your flesh, made scarlet with blood by divine grace, glorious, all wise Martyr, and, having bound your head with a diadem of incorruption and life, holding in your right hand the trophy of the Cross like a sceptre, you reign with Christ rejoicing for ever.
You have become known, revered Martyr, as an invincible warrior, for having armoured yourself with the weapon of the Cross you went out to single combat with the hostile champion and utterly defeated him, triumphing brilliantly and receiving the crown of victory from the only judge and Master of the contest, who reigns as king for ever.
By your honoured sufferings, glorious, invincible Athlete, you were an image of the honoured suffering of Christ, and becoming a victor you dwell with all the saints in the city on high, glad champion, and by participation in God are made divine; and so we celebrate your honoured and holy festival.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.As I sail by sea, travel by road, sleep by night, watch over me; give me the grace of a watchful mind, All-blameless, and grant that I may do the Lord’s will; that on the day of sentence I may find release from all that I have done in life, I who flee to your protection.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb, your Mother, saw you nailed to the Cross, Lord, she was struck with amazement, and cried out: What is this sight, my Son so greatly loved? Is this how the disobedient, lawless people repays your many wonders? But glory, Master, to your ineffable condescension!
At Matins
.Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
Accept my eighth ode, O All-blessed. Joseph.
By Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Irmos. Crossing the sea.
[Crossing the water as on dry land and fleeing the harsh misery of Egypt, the Israelite cried aloud, To our Redeemer and our God now let us sing!]
Revered Martyr of Christ, having accomplished the godly contest, you have been found worthy of the heavenly kingdom, as you intercede on behalf of the world.
By godly struggles you changed the tyrant’s decree; but, brave athlete, I beg you by your mediations take pity on me, who am always being changed for the worse.
You were declared to be a temple of the all-powerful, O Martyr of Christ; by your prayers show those who sing your praises in your honoured shrine to be the dwellings of the Spirit.
He who is full empties himself, O Pure one, in your womb, yet does not empty his Father’s bosom; implore him therefore to grant salvation to those who honour you with faith.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the foundation.
[You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.]
Abandoning race and fame, Martyr of Christ, you were eager to die; and so you enjoy eternal life.
Give help, O Martyr, to us who are always endangered by the insults of the world and by fearful troubles.
You have found bliss and are full of every illumination; intercede then, O Champion, that all may be enriched with righteousness.
You carried the ear of corn that had not been husbanded, O Immaculate, which nourishes the hearts of all of us who faithfully sing your praise.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
Radiant with the forms of virtues, made beautiful by the light of martyrdom, you shine more brightly than the sun, wise Martyr, strong as steel, and you truly illumine those who faithfully celebrate your light-bearing memorial, all-glorious Champion, and who venerate your relics.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Hail gate of the Lord, through which none may pass; hail wall and protection of those who flee to you; hail haven without storms and who did not know wedlock; who bore in the flesh your Maker and God, do not cease to intercede for those who hymn and worship your offspring.
Or Cross-Theotokion. Same melody.
By the Cross of your Son, O full of God’s grace, all the error of idols has been destroyed and the strength of the demons trampled down; and so we faithful, as is fitting, ever hymn and bless you, and confessing you to be Mother of God, magnify you.
Ode 4. Irmos. Lord, I have heard.
[Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I have considered your works and glorified your Godhead.]
I have disregarded God’s laws, I have lived in every lawlessness; hasten, holy Martyr, help me, who am under condemnation, I implore you.
Bound for the Lord’s sake, you undid all the wickedness of the foe; from which save, O Martyr, all those who faithfully make their prayer to you.
On the day of judgement, when we stand before the Lord to be judged, become a helper for us who are under condemnation, glorious Martyr.
You gave a body to God, who dwelt in you in a manner past understanding; ask him, O All-blameless, that we may be found worthy of eternal glory.
Ode 5. Irmos. Rising at dawn.
[Rising at dawn, Lord, we cry out to you, ‘Save us! For you are our God, we know no other but you’.]
United with the heavenly powers, brave Champion, intercede that those who sing your praise on earth may be saved.
Heal, I cry to you, revered Martyr, the chronic passions of my soul, by making supplication to the Lover of mankind.
In accordance with laws you competed; empower us then to keep the laws of the Almighty, glorious Martyr.
Virgin Mother of God, implore your Son to give us pardon of faults and his mercy.
Ode 6. Irmos. Be merciful to me, Saviour.
[Be merciful to me, Saviour, for my iniquities are many; and lead me up, I beg, from a deep of evils, for I have cried to you; and hearken to me, God of my salvation.]
Wise Martyr, a light which never sets has dawned for you who struggled, and holy tents of joy received you. As you dwell in them remember those who sing your praise on earth.
Revered Martyr, you accomplished great struggles on earth; by your sacred prayers rescue us from great evils, dangers and tribulations, that we may glorify you with love.
Do not declare me, Jesu, to be one condemned when I stand before your dread throne, O Word; but take pity, save me at the godly mediations of your Saint, O you of many mercies.
Hallow my mind and guide my soul to light, All-holy Maiden, Mother of God and ever-Virgin who ineffably bore God who rests among the saints.
Be merciful to me, Saviour, for my iniquities are many; and lead me up, I beg, from a deep of evils, for I have cried to you; and hearken to me, God of my salvation.
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
[The Youths from Judea of old in Babylon having come to the faith of the Trinity, trampled down the flame of the furnace as they sang, ‘God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’]
Joy of Martyrs, save me from the world’s stumbling blocks, the dishonour of passions and every tribulation, and grant that I may sing each day: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
My good protector, do not utterly despise me who am storm-tossed by the troubles of life, but take pity on me by your prayers, and save me who sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Save me, all-blessed one, by your fervent help from foul sloth, dread sin and blackness, for I have recourse to you in faith, that I may faithfully honour you to all the ages.
Having squandered the years of my life in great indifference, O Virgin, I fall down before you and cry out: Rouse me, save me, as I cry to your Son: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Ode 8. Irmos. Victors over tyrant.
Victors over tyrant and flame and by your grace, the Youths who held fast to your commandments cried aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You were tried, O invincible, like gold in a fire of torments, and were revealed as an imprint of the sufferings of Christ as you cried out: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
By your prayers, holy Martyr, save me who am storm-tossed and trapped by the dread deceptions of the Stranger, as I cry out: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You abolished all the power of the boaster, deliver me, glorious Martyr, from his wickedness as I cry aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You gave birth ineffably to the benefactor who became man through compassion, Mother of God, and who saves those who sing: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Victors over tyrant and flame and by your grace, the Youths who held fast to your commandments cried aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Ode 9. Irmos. Every ear trembled.
[Every ear trembled at the ineffable condescension of God: how the Most High willingly came down even to a body, and became man from a virgin womb; and so we faithful magnify the Mother of God.]
That with godly voices we may call you blessed, revered Martyr, who nobly struggled and smashed the goads of the deceiver, save us, who have gained you as our noble protector, from dangers, afflictions and troubles of many kinds.
Like the dawn, like the morning star you have dawned, revered Martyr, and enlightened by your teachings all the ends of the earth, and banished the dread darkness of the demons; and so enlighten me, darkened in soul by sloth.
Establish all those who faithfully ever take refuge under your protection, revered Martyr, lest we be overwhelmed by life’s troubles and the wiles of the evil one, who year by year magnify and glorify you.
Take care, my soul, the great day of judgement has drawn near, when what is made is brought to judgement. And what will you do, as you persist in evil works? Make and cry out: At the prayers of your Saint save me, O Lord!
Wretch that I am, I tremble at your impartial tribunal, O only King; keep me then uncondemned in your compassion, the all-pure Lady, who ineffably gave you a body, implore s you insistently, O Christ of many mercies.
Every ear trembled at the ineffable condescension of God: how the Most High willingly came down even to a body, and became man from a virgin womb; and so we faithful magnify the Mother of God.
At the Liturgy, see the Apostle Gospel and Communion for the 26th of October.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, we sing Prosomia.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
You put on the purple garment of your flesh, made scarlet with blood by divine grace, glorious, all wise Martyr, and, having bound your head with a diadem of incorruption and life, holding in your right hand the trophy of the Cross like a sceptre, you reign with Christ rejoicing for ever.
You have become known, revered Martyr, as an invincible warrior, for having armoured yourself with the weapon of the Cross you went out to single combat with the hostile champion and utterly defeated him, triumphing brilliantly and receiving the crown of victory from the only judge and Master of the contest, who reigns as king for ever.
By your honoured sufferings, glorious, invincible Athlete, you were an image of the honoured suffering of Christ, and becoming a victor you dwell with all the saints in the city on high, glad champion, and by participation in God are made divine; and so we celebrate your honoured and holy festival.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.As I sail by sea, travel by road, sleep by night, watch over me; give me the grace of a watchful mind, All-blameless, and grant that I may do the Lord’s will; that on the day of sentence I may find release from all that I have done in life, I who flee to your protection.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb, your Mother, saw you nailed to the Cross, Lord, she was struck with amazement, and cried out: What is this sight, my Son so greatly loved? Is this how the disobedient, lawless people repays your many wonders? But glory, Master, to your ineffable condescension!
At Matins
.Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
Accept my eighth ode, O All-blessed. Joseph.
By Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Irmos. Crossing the sea.
[Crossing the water as on dry land and fleeing the harsh misery of Egypt, the Israelite cried aloud, To our Redeemer and our God now let us sing!]
Revered Martyr of Christ, having accomplished the godly contest, you have been found worthy of the heavenly kingdom, as you intercede on behalf of the world.
By godly struggles you changed the tyrant’s decree; but, brave athlete, I beg you by your mediations take pity on me, who am always being changed for the worse.
You were declared to be a temple of the all-powerful, O Martyr of Christ; by your prayers show those who sing your praises in your honoured shrine to be the dwellings of the Spirit.
He who is full empties himself, O Pure one, in your womb, yet does not empty his Father’s bosom; implore him therefore to grant salvation to those who honour you with faith.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the foundation.
[You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.]
Abandoning race and fame, Martyr of Christ, you were eager to die; and so you enjoy eternal life.
Give help, O Martyr, to us who are always endangered by the insults of the world and by fearful troubles.
You have found bliss and are full of every illumination; intercede then, O Champion, that all may be enriched with righteousness.
You carried the ear of corn that had not been husbanded, O Immaculate, which nourishes the hearts of all of us who faithfully sing your praise.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 5. Let us believers praise.
Radiant with the forms of virtues, made beautiful by the light of martyrdom, you shine more brightly than the sun, wise Martyr, strong as steel, and you truly illumine those who faithfully celebrate your light-bearing memorial, all-glorious Champion, and who venerate your relics.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.Hail gate of the Lord, through which none may pass; hail wall and protection of those who flee to you; hail haven without storms and who did not know wedlock; who bore in the flesh your Maker and God, do not cease to intercede for those who hymn and worship your offspring.
Or Cross-Theotokion. Same melody.
By the Cross of your Son, O full of God’s grace, all the error of idols has been destroyed and the strength of the demons trampled down; and so we faithful, as is fitting, ever hymn and bless you, and confessing you to be Mother of God, magnify you.
Ode 4. Irmos. Lord, I have heard.
[Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I have considered your works and glorified your Godhead.]
I have disregarded God’s laws, I have lived in every lawlessness; hasten, holy Martyr, help me, who am under condemnation, I implore you.
Bound for the Lord’s sake, you undid all the wickedness of the foe; from which save, O Martyr, all those who faithfully make their prayer to you.
On the day of judgement, when we stand before the Lord to be judged, become a helper for us who are under condemnation, glorious Martyr.
You gave a body to God, who dwelt in you in a manner past understanding; ask him, O All-blameless, that we may be found worthy of eternal glory.
Ode 5. Irmos. Rising at dawn.
[Rising at dawn, Lord, we cry out to you, ‘Save us! For you are our God, we know no other but you’.]
United with the heavenly powers, brave Champion, intercede that those who sing your praise on earth may be saved.
Heal, I cry to you, revered Martyr, the chronic passions of my soul, by making supplication to the Lover of mankind.
In accordance with laws you competed; empower us then to keep the laws of the Almighty, glorious Martyr.
Virgin Mother of God, implore your Son to give us pardon of faults and his mercy.
Ode 6. Irmos. Be merciful to me, Saviour.
[Be merciful to me, Saviour, for my iniquities are many; and lead me up, I beg, from a deep of evils, for I have cried to you; and hearken to me, God of my salvation.]
Wise Martyr, a light which never sets has dawned for you who struggled, and holy tents of joy received you. As you dwell in them remember those who sing your praise on earth.
Revered Martyr, you accomplished great struggles on earth; by your sacred prayers rescue us from great evils, dangers and tribulations, that we may glorify you with love.
Do not declare me, Jesu, to be one condemned when I stand before your dread throne, O Word; but take pity, save me at the godly mediations of your Saint, O you of many mercies.
Hallow my mind and guide my soul to light, All-holy Maiden, Mother of God and ever-Virgin who ineffably bore God who rests among the saints.
Be merciful to me, Saviour, for my iniquities are many; and lead me up, I beg, from a deep of evils, for I have cried to you; and hearken to me, God of my salvation.
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
[The Youths from Judea of old in Babylon having come to the faith of the Trinity, trampled down the flame of the furnace as they sang, ‘God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’]
Joy of Martyrs, save me from the world’s stumbling blocks, the dishonour of passions and every tribulation, and grant that I may sing each day: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
My good protector, do not utterly despise me who am storm-tossed by the troubles of life, but take pity on me by your prayers, and save me who sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Save me, all-blessed one, by your fervent help from foul sloth, dread sin and blackness, for I have recourse to you in faith, that I may faithfully honour you to all the ages.
Having squandered the years of my life in great indifference, O Virgin, I fall down before you and cry out: Rouse me, save me, as I cry to your Son: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
Ode 8. Irmos. Victors over tyrant.
Victors over tyrant and flame and by your grace, the Youths who held fast to your commandments cried aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You were tried, O invincible, like gold in a fire of torments, and were revealed as an imprint of the sufferings of Christ as you cried out: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
By your prayers, holy Martyr, save me who am storm-tossed and trapped by the dread deceptions of the Stranger, as I cry out: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You abolished all the power of the boaster, deliver me, glorious Martyr, from his wickedness as I cry aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
You gave birth ineffably to the benefactor who became man through compassion, Mother of God, and who saves those who sing: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Victors over tyrant and flame and by your grace, the Youths who held fast to your commandments cried aloud: All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Ode 9. Irmos. Every ear trembled.
[Every ear trembled at the ineffable condescension of God: how the Most High willingly came down even to a body, and became man from a virgin womb; and so we faithful magnify the Mother of God.]
That with godly voices we may call you blessed, revered Martyr, who nobly struggled and smashed the goads of the deceiver, save us, who have gained you as our noble protector, from dangers, afflictions and troubles of many kinds.
Like the dawn, like the morning star you have dawned, revered Martyr, and enlightened by your teachings all the ends of the earth, and banished the dread darkness of the demons; and so enlighten me, darkened in soul by sloth.
Establish all those who faithfully ever take refuge under your protection, revered Martyr, lest we be overwhelmed by life’s troubles and the wiles of the evil one, who year by year magnify and glorify you.
Take care, my soul, the great day of judgement has drawn near, when what is made is brought to judgement. And what will you do, as you persist in evil works? Make and cry out: At the prayers of your Saint save me, O Lord!
Wretch that I am, I tremble at your impartial tribunal, O only King; keep me then uncondemned in your compassion, the all-pure Lady, who ineffably gave you a body, implore s you insistently, O Christ of many mercies.
Every ear trembled at the ineffable condescension of God: how the Most High willingly came down even to a body, and became man from a virgin womb; and so we faithful magnify the Mother of God.
At the Liturgy, see the Apostle Gospel and Communion for the 26th of October.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, Prosomia.Tone 4. As noble among Martyrs.
As men who soldiered well, all-praised Martyrs, for the King of Powers, you willingly gave yourselves up to scourgings and violent death, bringing with you choirs of fellow-martyrs; with whom, O blessed ones, you found the blessed end and bound your brows with crowns of victory as you intercede on our behalf.
Smitten unyieldingly and consumed by fire, nailed to boards from every side and driven on roads, shut up in prison and roasted on coals like a pure victim, to him who was sacrificed for us you were offered as a sweet-smelling oblation on the altar on high, glorious Martyrs.
Deprived of hands and feet, with heads cut off, racked and subjected to all other torments, you did not deny Christ or sacrifice to wooden idols, but bidding farewell to this temporary life you passed over, all-honoured Champions, to divine and heavenly glory.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.I call you blessed, O All-pure, who snatched mortals from the deep of evil and despair; I confess you, Bride of God, the ever-blessed, and I glorify, holy Virgin, your ineffable child-bearing, because you bore the Saviour of the world and freed humanity from the ancestral curse.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
As the Virgin your Mother saw you hanged upon a cross, O Lord, she was dismayed and gazing on you said: How have they repaid you, Master, those who enjoyed your many gifts? But, I beg, do not leave me alone in the world; but hasten, rise again, raising the forefathers with you.
At Matins
The Canon, whose acrostic is:
Let Christ, glory of the martyrs be acclaimed.
Ode 1. Tone 2. Irmos. Come, you peoples.
[Come, you peoples, let us sing a song to Christ our God, who parted the sea and guided the people that he had brought up from the slavery of the Egyptians, for he has been glorified.]
Come believers, let us all clap our hands and celebrate with songs inspired the Martyrs’ contests, as we glorify Christ, for he has been glorified.
The Saviour’s trophy, the invincible panoply of the Cross, has been revealed to us as a divine weapon and a source of pride, through which the victors have been crowned.
The persecutors of true religion laid out sword, fire, pit, cross and death for the revered Martyrs, and drove them on towards the better life.
You gave birth to the heavenly bread of life incarnate, O All-pure, the empersonned Word of the Begetter; and so the ranks of Martyrs glorify you.
Ode 3. Irmos. On the rock of the faith.
[On the rock of the faith you have established me and broadened my mouth against my enemies; for my spirit was glad when it sang: None is holy but our God, and none is righteous but you, O Lord!]
Empowered by your divine passion the right-victorious Martyrs destroyed the godlessness of error with its many gods; with faith they cried: You are our God, and none is holy but you, O Lord!
Sprinkled with drops of godly blood you did not share in the sacrifices of demons; you were offered as a sacrifice to the Lord, as whole burnt offerings as you cried: None is holy but you, O Lord!
Keeping you wholly dwelling in their hearts the Champions made clear true religion as they cried: None is holy as our God; and none is righteous but you, O Lord!
We honour you, alone virgin after childbirth, as assurance of the Godhead of your offspring, as we cry to your Son: None is holy as our God; and none is righteous but you, O Lord!
On the rock of the faith you have established me and broadened my mouth against my enemies; for my spirit was glad when it sang: None is holy but our God, and none is righteous but you, O Lord!
Kathisma. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
The noble soldiers of Christ struggled bravely with Beliar; drowned him completely in the streams of their blood; for crushed by stones, cut with swords, burned by fire and flung into water they appeared manifestly wearing crowns of victory; therefore they are honoured and glorified with faith.
Theotokion. The same melody.
Let us humble sinners now hasten to the Mother of God, and let us fall down in repentance as we cry from the depths of the soul: Sovereign Lady, have compassion and help us; hasten, for we perish from the multitude of our offences; do not turn your servants empty away; for we have you as our only hope.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The all-blameless Lamb and Virgin, when with grief of soul she saw the Son she had borne stretched out upon a Cross, was amazed and cried out: Where, my Child, so dearly loved, is the memory of your gifts and wonders, which the ungrateful people has enjoyed? But now you suffer all this to save the race of mortals and I hymn your compassion.
Ode 4. Irmos. I have heard, Lord.
[I heard the report of your dispensation, Lord, and glorified you, only lover of mankind.]
Your Champions imitated your passion, O Dispassionate, as they eagerly gave themselves over to death.
Accept your Athletes as they intercede, and at their prayers give us release from faults and from temptations.
All the error of demons has been silenced, O Christ, for the Martyrs proclaimed you as indeed the true God.
The Athletes honoured you, Sovereign Lady, as Mother of God, proclaiming your Son to be God incarnate.
Ode 5. Irmos. Giver of the light.
[Giver of the light and Maker of the ages, guide us by the light of commands, Lord, for we know no other god but you.]
The Champions, O Christ, have now clothed themselves in a most fair robe, devoutly empurpled with the blood of martyrdom and cloaked in your grace.
The grace and mercy of almighty God crown the athletes, for in accordance with their love he gave them strength through which were revealed as victors.
You gave the champions the Cross as a rod of power, and made them rule over their enemies; and so we sing the praise of your divinity, O Christ.
Descended from David you gave birth to a sacrificing priest, the Christ; therefore, pure Maiden, now that the priesthood is changed, it is necessary that there be a change of law.
Ode 6. Irmos. A final abyss of sins.
[A final abyss of sins has surrounded me; but like the prophet Jonas, Lord, bring my life up from corruption.]
Let the spiritual sound of the trumpet fittingly ring out, as the heart from rational lips utters a hymn and sings the struggles of the martyrs.
The hearts of the godless and hostile have been wounded, for Christ, stretching the Cross taut like a bow, has discharged the Martyrs as sharpened arrows.
With the weapons of justice and faith the noble Martyrs armed themselves for a contest with spiritual foes, and completely destroyed them.
Save your servants from dangers, O Mother of God, for after God we all have recourse to you, as an unbreachable wall and protection.
A final abyss of sins has surrounded me; but like the prophet Jonas, Lord, bring my life up from corruption.
Ode 7. Irmos. When the golden image.
[When the golden image was being worshipped on the plain of Deira, your three Youths trampled down the godless decree; cast into the midst of fire, refreshed with dew they sang: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.]
Once the mouths of lions had no strength against Daniel’s flesh; and nor did death against the Martyrs; in your hand, Lord Christ, the souls of the righteous live as they rejoice and sing: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
The flame once bedewed the three youths in Babylon, while for the Champions the furnace of many gods died away; therefore seeing its deception reduced to ashes they cried out: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
Enraptured by love of you, O Christ, your Champions, as though clothed in a cloak of flesh that felt no pain, despised agonising torments and taking their delight in you they said: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
[How goodly and fair was the choir of your Champions, the much honoured and inspired company of your elect, welded together by your Spirit and harmoniously singing: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.]
Like professionals your Champions, though tortured, triumphed for your confession, and with your grace inspired by God they confessed one nature in three persons and cried: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.
Ode 8. Irmos. God the Word.
[God the Word, who framed the universe with ineffable wisdom and from non-existence brought it into being, you his works praise as Lord, and highly exalt to all the ages.]
The champions overthrew the intolerable folly of raving tyrants as they loudly sang: Bless the Lord, works of the Lord.
Come to your senses, deceivers, and recognise the true Lord, the glorious Champions cried out: Bless the Lord, works of the Lord.
Christ’s Champions in now way thinking with idle sophistry, but filled with the divine Spirit, cried out: Bless the Lord, you works of the Lord.
The feet of the martyrs have been made beautiful by faith as they preach the gospel of the Nature in three Persons: Bless the Lord, works of the Lord.
God the Word, who framed the universe with ineffable wisdom and from non-existence brought it into being, you his works praise as Lord, and highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. God the Word from God.
[The Word of God from God, who came by ineffable wisdom to renew Adam, by eating dreadfully fallen in corruption, and who was inexpressibly incarnate from a holy Virgin for our sake, we faithful magnify with one accord.]
The error of idols whose wood had overgrown of old the hearts of mortals, you burned up, O Christ, with the fire of the faith, when you assembled choirs Martyrs of true religion, who in hymns ceaselessly magnify you.
The Martyrs abandoning transient glory and unstable wealth on earth, O Christ, having found you, the radiance of the glory, the wealth that cannot be taken away, have become heirs of eternal good things in heaven.
As at evening human nature was of old bent down beneath yokes of error, when you gave birth, pure Virgin, beyond nature to the Master of all things, who clearly sends forth the Martyrs as his heralds upon earth.
Virgin, Bride and Mother, accept too the ranks of the Saints who entreat your Son, O only hope of believers; and grant peace to the world, victories to our Christ-loving Sovereign, and salvation to us who sing your praise.
The Word of God from God, who came by ineffable wisdom to renew Adam, by eating dreadfully fallen in corruption, and who was inexpressibly incarnate from a holy Virgin for our sake, we faithful magnify with one accord.
At the Liturgy look, if you wish, at the texts for October 26th.
At Vespers.
Prosomia. Tone 1.
Virgin maidens, having struggled valiantly for you, O Christ, were brought to the King, rejoicing, full of gladness and overflowing with joy they drew near to you, the Tree of Life, interceding that to our souls may be granted your peace and great mercy.
Virgin maidens, drawn by the sweet scent of your myrrh, followed your footsteps, imitating your life-bearing passion that saves the soul; and they went towards the resurrection of the dead, rejoicing in you, O Benefactor, and delighting clearly in your beauty.
Virgin maidens of the foremother Eve, fittingly you are carried by a longing to be made divine, looking towards God with unyielding purpose, and borne up by an unflinching longing; now too intercede that to our souls may be granted peace and great mercy.
If you wish the following Doxastikon. Tone 6. Glory.At the right hand of the Saviour stood the Virgins, Champions and Martyrs, clothed by virtues with the invincible and adorned with the oil of purity and the blood of the contest, holding their lamps and crying to him: We ran to the fragrance of your myrrh, Christ God, because we have been wounded by your love. Do not banish us, heavenly Bridegroom. At their intercessions, All-powerful Saviour, send down to us your acts of mercy.]
[Glory.] Both now.
Theotokion.Pure Virgin, you alone were named dwelling of the Light that dawned from the Father. Therefore I cry out to you: Make bright with the light of the virtues my soul, darkened by the passions, and make me dwell in shining tabernacles on the day of judgement, O Immaculate.
Cross-Theotokion. Same melody.
The Virgin as she watched your unjust slaughter, O Christ, lamented and cried to you: My sweetest Child, how are you hanging on a Tree, you that hung the earth on the waters? Do not, most merciful Benefactor, leave me alone, your Mother and your servant.
At Matins.
The Canon, of which the Acrostic is:
I honour the contests of three true sisters. Joseph.
Ode 1. Tone 4. I will open my mouth.
You devoutly proclaimed the uncreated Trinity, glorious Martyrs, take pity on us who honour your godly contests and your achievements, O blessed of God.
The Maidens, buttressed by the divine weapon of the faith, reckoned nothing to the words of the ill-intentioned, and they underwent a tempest of torments and unjust death for the sake of the life of all.
Fortified by the all-powerful strength of the Creator, the all-revered Maidens took up a courageous resolve and trampled underfoot the great crooked dragon and dashed him to the ground.
As living bridal chamber, incorrupt tabernacle, heavenly gate, divine table, palace and throne of the Master, let us honour Mary the immaculate with hymns.
Ode 3. Let us not boast.
The lawless tyrant with lifeless thought tried to compel you terribly to deny Christ our life, all-revered Maidens, by torturing you.
The choir of Martyrs reckoned nothing to the hostile instruments laid before them, as they gazed with faith towards you, All-powerful, the one alone able to save.
The thrice-blessed Martyrs clearly found in heaven a treasure and an everlasting renown, as they drew near to God.
Appear and drive away the darkness of my soul, tear apart, pure Maiden, the cords of sin. Save me, you who bore the All-compassionate.
The Irmos
Let us not boast in wisdom and power and wealth, but in you, the empersonned of God the Father. For none is holy but you, O Lover of mankind.
Kathisma. Tone 4. Lifted up on the Cross.
Having struggled valiantly for the Trinity, you wounded the most crafty enemy, binding your spirits like sisters; therefore, Champions, you entered the heavenly Bridal Chamber with the five Virgins, and with the Angels you stand unceasingly with joy before the universal King.
We the unworthy will never keep silent, Mother of God, to speak of your acts of power, for if you did not stand forth in intercession, who would have delivered us from so many dangers? Who would have kept us free until now? We will never desert you, Sovereign lady, for you always save your servants from disasters of every kind.
Or Cross-Theotokion
The all-blameless Lamb and Virgin, when with grief of soul she saw the Son she had borne stretched out upon a Cross, was amazed and cried out: Where, my Child, so dearly loved, is the memory of your gifts and wonders, which the ungrateful people has enjoyed? But now you suffer all this to save the race of mortals and I hymn your compassion.
Ode 4. The One seated in glory.
Made radiant with the beauty of the noblest contest, you were revealed as shining lamps, Maidens of Christ, with shining rays making resplendent those who cry: Glory to your power, O Lord!
You were made beautiful, O Virgins, and radiantly glorified, having loved without limit the glorified Word, wounded by whose love you most valiantly endured the assaults of sufferings.
By your intercession with Christ drive away the attack of the varied temptations and dangers of me, who fervently celebrate with you all-festive memorial, O worthy of praise.
All-immaculate, who gave birth to life, make me live, who have been put to death by the wickedness of the trickster for I have had recourse to you. And bring me back, who have fallen into depths of transgressions, as you are compassionate, O All-praised.
Ode 5.
The Martyrs, displaying a valiant intent and an invincible purpose before the judgement seats, were wreathed with crowns of victory.
The Martyrs, having competed in the contests on earth, receive in the highest their heavenly reward from you, O Giver of life.
Let the godly Virgins be praised with hymns as a lamp of many lights, a dwelling of many storeys, a tabernacle of the Trinity.
Having found you alone to be chosen, fair and unblemished, the Word beyond godhead becomes embodied from you, O Full of God’s grace.
Ode 6.
Longing to see your beauty uncontrived, the Martyrs, wounded with your most sweet love, O Word without beginning, nobly endured the bitterness of torments.
The all-revered Maidens blossomed like lilies in a meadow, and by the grace of the Spirit they filled the Church with the fragrance of torments of many kinds.
Longing only for the immortal Bridegroom, the young Maidens, strengthened with invisible force, outstandingly reckoned nothing to visible death.
Holy is the Lord who dwelt in your womb, having found you holier and more pure than all creation, O rightly named Mother of God, immaculate Lady.
The Irmos
I will sacrifice to you with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church cries to you, cleansed from the gore of demons by the Blood which flowed through pity from your side.
Ode 7.
When he ordered you to sacrifice to idols, you utterly despised the impious tyrant, young Maidens, as you cried, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
Your minds aflame with rays that came from God, O all-praised, you darkened the gloom of idols, as you cried, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
Not hacking off of limbs, not persecution, not affliction could in any way separate from Christ the Martyrs, as they cried, ‘God of our fathers, blessed are you!’
Beyond nature, O Maiden, you were found worthy to bear in your womb God, who refashions those who sing with faith, ‘O Christ, blessed are you!’
Ode 8.
Steeled by love of the Creator, you blunted the goads of the serpent, passing through manly struggles in women’s bodies, and being crowned with godly crowns.
Locked in combat in the midst of the ring with invisible foes, the godly Maidens with the body routed the bodiless, as they cried, ‘You his works, bless the Lord!’
You have attained the Kingdom on high, noble young Maidens, where you reign with Christ Jesus, bedecked with the marks of your torments, adorned with beauty.
As the unsullied enclosure of God, you received him when he became embodied, acknowledged in the two natures, O Maiden, to whom we sing, ‘You his works, bless the Lord!’
The Irmos
Almighty Redeemer of the universe, in your condescension you bedewed the devout Youths in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you his works, bless, praise the Lord.
Ode 9.
Longing to see the beauty of the Bridegroom, with an unswerving intent towards him, God-bearing Maidens, you contemplated immortality while in mortal bodies, therefore you are fittingly called blessed.
You appeared as spotless lambs in the midst of tyrants like ferocious wolves, overthrowing their savagery, and being brought to Christ as acceptable sacrifices.
Together you wove a garland that does not grow old, O Virgin. You attained divine glory and were found worthy, as Martyrs, to obtain a truly unshakeable kingdom with the Martyrs.
As you have freedom of access to the Master, holy Virgins, intercede that those who celebrate your memory with love may attain the glory of which you were found worthy and the choir which you attained.
Spare me, O Christ, when you come with glory to judge the world. Dispel the gloom of may passions, at the intercessions of her who bore you and of your honoured Martyrs, as you are good and full of mercy.
The Irmos
A Stone not cut by human hand was cut from you, O Virgin, unhewn mountain: Christ the head of the corner, who joined together the natures that were parted; and so with joy, Mother of God, we magnify you.
At the Liturgy, see, if you wish, the texts for 25th November.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried Prosomia.Tone 1.
Blessed Martyr, inspired by God, with the dye of your own blood you have made bright your sacred and godly robe; you have advanced with true religion from power to power and from glory to glory; and now intercede that there may be given to our souls God’s peace and great mercy.
As a lawful priest you once offered to God the sacrifice without shedding of blood; but later as a true martyr, through shedding of blood you offered yourself, O inspired and all-honoured, as a whole burnt offering and an acceptable sacrifice to Christ: implore him for those who sing your praise.
Armies of martyrs you offered to Christ by your counsels and exhortations, glorious Martyr inspired by God, urging and teaching and providing your own self as an example; with them intercede that there may be given to our souls his peace and great mercy.
Hemmed in on every side by dangers, whither shall I, miserable and wretched, flee, O Lady? Unless I flee to you, pure Virgin, as my only help, hope of the hopeless, bride of God; and do not despise me, your unworthy servant, O ready help of the afflicted.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
‘A sword has passed through my heart’, said the Virgin, as she saw Christ hanging on the tree, ‘and it rends me, as Symeon foretold to me of old. But arise, O Immortal, and glorify your Mother and handmaid with yourself, I implore’.
At Matins
.The Canon. Ode 1. Tone 8. Irmos. Let us sing.
[Let us sing to the Lord, who led his people in the Red Sea, for he alone has been greatly glorified.]
Bringing a double plaited garland of true religion: of priesthood and of martyrdom, by Christ you are called blessed.
Your sacred minister has been offered to you, the Chief Shepherd, as an innocent and honoured sacrifice through lawless hands.
You dispelled the gatherings of the heretics with your devout boldness, O Hierarch, as you proclaimed the uncreated Trinity.
Immaculate Mother of God, who, beyond nature, gave birth to the incarnate and eternal Word beyond Godhead, we sing your praise.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the foundation.
[You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.]
Venerable Saint, you appeared first as sacred minister, sacrificing to the Redeemer and later offered as a sacrifice to him.
You became a most trusted shepherd and no hireling, pouring out your own blood for your God-loving flock.
Well did you shepherd your Master’s flock, High Priest; therefore you have made your dwelling in the place of green pasture.
Give us help by your intercessions, O All-pure, driving off all the assaults of dire troubles.
The Irmos.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit sings your praise.
Kathisma. Tone 3. Your confession.
With godly blood you made the Church radiant with splendour as a champion, O Bishop and Martyr, and you destroyed error by courageously enduring torments; and you enlightened the hearts of all believers; therefore as we celebrate your memory with faith, O all-honoured, we glorify the Saviour.
Enslaved to passions I have become wholly a stranger to your commandments, as I sin each day, miserable wretch that I am; but with a broken soul I cry to you: Now, Master, who alone are unsearchable, make me, the condemned, worthy of your compassion through her who gave you birth.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The undefiled Ewe-lamb of the Word, the unsullied Virgin Mother, as she saw the One who had flowered from her without pangs hanged upon the Cross, lamenting as a mother cried aloud: Alas, my Child, how do you suffer willingly to deliver mankind from the dishonour of the passions?
Ode 4. Irmos. I have heard, Lord.
[Lord, I have heard the mystery of your dispensation; I have considered your works and glorified your Godhead.]
Perfecting your lambs by your word, blessed Saint, you put to death the packs of the wolves with your body, while you placed your spirit in the hands of God.
Your sacrifice was sweet-smelling, all-pure and acceptable to the Redeemer; you both offered it with a mind inspired and were offered by lawless hands.
Anointed once, blest Saint, with priestly anointing, you were perfected too a second time by your martyr’s blood.
Mother of God, field untilled, who blossomed with the life-giving ear, which grants life to the world, save those who sing your praise.
Ode 5. Irmos. Rising at dawn.
[Rising at dawn, Lord, we cry out to you, ‘Save us! For you are our God, we know no other but you’.]
You offered sacrifice without shedding of blood to the Master, while you brought yourself as fruit through blood, glorious Martyr.
You godlike tongue let fall drops of salvation; the stream of your blood spiritual joy.
The grace of your words strengthened the Church, and set you, blest Saint, as a pillar of orthodoxy.
The ranks of angels and the companies of mortals worship your Offspring, immaculate Mother of God.
Ode 6. Irmos. Grant me a tunic.
[Grant me a tunic of light, Most Merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.]
Just as you had been baptised, you baptised peoples in water; while you were baptised a second time with your own blood.
Do not cease to make your entreaties to Christ, blest Saint, on behalf of your flock, and to offer your blood as supplication.
As a chosen and precious shoot of the vine of life, you flowered with much fruit for your Master, most sacred Martyr.
As God your Offspring was the destroyer of wooden idols, Mary, Bride of God, and he is worshipped with the Father and the Spirit.
The Irmos.
Grant me a tunic of light, Most Merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
[The Youths from Judea of old in Babylon having come to the faith of the Trinity, trampled down the flame of the furnace as they sang, ‘God of our Fathers, blessed are you!’]
Your sacrifice appeared as fair and rich, revered Father, for you were offered to the Master through blood, as one who offered without blood: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Shepherded and shepherding, you gathered happiness from both, Father; and you kept it safe by guarding the seal of your contest, as you sang: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
In the Church of believers you taught the doctrine of the nature in three persons; and arraigned before unjust tribunals for it, O God-bearer, you sang: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
You grew as the most blest rod from the root of Jesse, O Virgin, flowering with a saving fruit for those who with faith cry out to your Son: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Ode 8. Irmos. The King of heaven.
[The King of heaven, whom the hosts of Angels praise, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.]
Be glad, believers, at the memory of the far-famed Priest and Martyr, as you cry aloud and highly exalt him to all the ages.
As we see the Hierarch, fittingly adorned with the crown of martyrdom, we highly exalt you, O Christ, to all the ages.
Fittingly the Master apportioned to you, Priest and Martyr, the gift and grace of wonders to all the ages.
Beyond nature, O Virgin, you gave birth to the Creator, Saviour, God and Word, whom we highly exalt to all the ages.
The Irmos
The King of heaven, whom the hosts of Angels praise, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9. Irmos. The Offspring.
[The Offspring of the Ever-Virgin, who was revealed before on the mountain to the Lawgiver in fire and bush for the salvation of us faithful, in never silent hymns let us magnify.]
You were revealed as a faithful shepherd to your sheep, while you were offered to the Shepherd as a sheep in sacrifice, and you obtained a double glory, therefore we honour you, All-blessed.
As we guard your traditions, Father, and honour your struggle, the Trinity in one nature of the Godhead in songs we ceaselessly magnify.
You made your behaviour fair through self-mastery, All-blessed, with the colours of true religion; you showed your soul to be truly according to God’s image, blessed Father.
You, Mother of God, are rampart and weapons for us who have recourse to you, and we urge you now to intercession, that we may be rescued from our foes.
The Irmos.
The Offspring of the Ever-Virgin, who was revealed before on the mountain to the Lawgiver in fire and bush for the salvation of us faithful, in never silent hymns let us magnify.
At the Liturgy, see the Apostle and Gospel and Communion for the 26th of October.
At Vespers
Lord, I have cried, Prosomia.Tone 6. Having placed all your hope.
You were revealed as in every way most sacred and a bearer of light, in the Holy Spirit invested with divine and holy anointing, always radiantly approaching the Holy of Holies, ablaze with the brightness that comes from God and initiated by grace into the saving mysteries as a sacred initiator into mysteries; and as a truly far-famed Hierarch with boldness you make intercession for our souls.
Your life blazed with the torches of the virtues and enlightened believers, and dispelled the fog of error, for you truly appeared as a radiant sun, all-blessed Hierarch, and now you have made your dwelling where the light that knows no evening shines; by the grace of the Holy Spirit you have become a son of the day, therefore as we celebrate your godly, light-bearing and revered memory, ever-remembered Father, with love we honour you.
Your mind, its inclinations towards the divine, made fair by faith and radiantly made divine, all-revered, all-wise Father, meditated on incorruption while in a mortal and corruptible body, and acquired the splendour of the Bodiless powers, becoming far from passions and adorned with dispassion, O Father and wisest Hierarch, most radiant beacon and intercessor for those who honour with faith your memorial.
Whenever the fearful tribunal of your Son comes into my mind, All-pure Virgin, and the universal assize, I am at a loss, I am afraid, quailing and trembling at the examination of my deeds; for all are base and full of every shame, and truly worthy of darkness and punishment and rejection. See my distress, and see the ruin of my soul, and deliver me from that constraint and punishment.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
A sword, as Symeon said, passed through your heart, All-holy Lady, when you saw the One who had shone from you by an ineffable word, lifted up on a Cross by lawless men as one condemned, tasting vinegar and gall, pierced in the side, nailed by hands and feet; and grieving you cried aloud with lamentation as a mother: My sweetest Child, what is this new mystery?
At Matins
.The Canon. Tone 4.
Ode 1. Irmos. I will open my mouth.
[I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother, and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.]
Spiritually enriched with mysteries, blessed Father inspired by God, you uttered words of doctrines; through which you became a shepherd of the Church, leading it over to a heavenly sheepfold.
You sped towards the height of the ascents of Scripture, and explored its irresistible and unravaged beauty with purity of mind, through which you have been declared a lantern of high priesthood.
You encountered the divine illumination of the spiritual light, Father, and made our minds radiant, while with rightly expounding rays you reduced heresies to ashes and burned them up through the Spirit.
Child-birth without knowledge of man is perfected in you; from you the Word above all godhead comes forth, and, keeping you virgin after childbirth, appears as perfect God and man.
Ode 3. Irmos. Your Church, O Christ.
[Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.]
By the shining out of your holy actions you kept your mind unsullied, and were revealed, O Hierarch, as a mirror of divine splendour.
Truly perfected by the hope of grace, you became a priest of the Gospel of grace.
The Church, bearing the delight of your words, glorious Saint, beyond the sweetness of honeycomb, spits out the bitterness of heresies.
As we revere you, All-blameless Mother of God, a gate and common temple of the divine glory, we are all freed from dangers.
Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.
Kathisma. Tone 5. Let us believers.
The meadow of the words of the inspired Scriptures, who guides us to repentance; Christ’s Hierarch, who endured temptations of many kinds, as we have been taught by him, let us honour him as is fitting, for he intercedes with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
Hail gate of the Lord, through which none may pass; hail wall and protection of those who flee to you; hail haven without storms and who did not know wedlock; who bore in the flesh your Maker and God; do not cease to intercede for those who hymn and worship your Offspring.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
Your Mother, seeing you willingly hung upon a cross between thieves, O Christ, wounded as a mother in her heart she said: My sinless Son, how you have been unjustly fixed like a malefactor, to a cross, wishing as compassionate, to save the human race.
Ode 4. Irmos. I heard, Lord.
[I heard of your coming, Lord, and was afraid; I knew your works, Lord, and was amazed, for the earth is full of your praise.]
Having caught them like fishes with the net of the true confession, Father, you offered the sacred condition of your flock as a sacrifice to God.
Armed with Christ, the helmet of faith, you cut off, as in ecstasy, the heads of heretics; and so a garland of victory has been woven for you.
You appeared as Hierarch and minister of the divine dispensation, and became an initiator and most sacred initiate of the glory of the gifts of the Spirit.
We have you, Bride of God, as a wall in temptations and a divine protection in trouble, a fair haven, and a sure mercy-seat for our souls.
Ode 5. Irmos. You, Lord, my light.
[You, Lord, my light, came into the world, a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance those who sing your praise in faith.]
You were revealed as a godlike river for your flock, watering the ploughland of their souls, High Priest, with your godlike gifts.
You made the splendour of your words shine out for us, while you scattered the fog of godless doctrines, appeared like a star which knows no evening.
By your entreaties to God, stretch out your hand of help to me in troubles, from the harshness of dangers, all-praised servant of Christ.
We present you as an unbreakable weapon against foes; we have gained you as anchor and hope of our salvation, Bride of God.
Ode 6. Irmos. Prefiguring your burial.
[Prefiguring your burial for three days, the Prophet Jonas, as he prayed within the whale, cried out, Deliver me from corruption, Jesus, Kings of Powers!]
You drew the abyss of the thoughts of the Scriptures, you were enriched with the inspired doctrines and you dried up, High Priest, the rivers of heresies.
As you stand at the table of the Master Christ, and are found worthy of his divine banquet, do not cease to ask insistently for pardon for our souls.
Drawing the sword, inspired Father, with the word of the Spirit you destroyed the unnatural growths of godless thoughts and rooted firmly the thoughts of believers.
By your child-bearing you escaped the ancient curse, for you conceived joy in your womb, O Virgin, and by giving birth to God you made human nature divine.
Prefiguring your burial for three days, the Prophet Jonas, as he prayed within the whale, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, Jesus, King of Powers.
Ode 7. Irmos. He who saved the Youths.
[You saved in the fire your Youths, of Abraham’s line, and destroyed the Chaldaeans with the snare with which they had unjustly trapped the just. O Lord highly exalted, the God of our Fathers, blessed are you.]
As a lover of wisdom, you were united by unbounded love to the love of Christ, High Priest, and so you cried: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.
You set your feet on the firm rock of the faith, you appeared unshaken by the waves of temptations, and you sang: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.
Leading a rational flock you pastured it on the green grass of immortal teachings, and with it you faithfully cried out: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.
Hope and protection, haven and invincible wall, sure defence you have appeared, All-blameless, for those who cry: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.
Ode 8. Irmos. All-powerful Redeemer.
[All-powerful Redeemer of all, you came down and bedewed the devout in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.]
Anointed with the oil of the Spirit, you have been revealed as God’s High Priest, like Aaron, blest Father, and you taught us to cry: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.
Ablaze with the unapproachable light you dispelled the fog of error; scatter too the gloom of my passions, High Priest, by your prayers, that I may rejoice and glorify your memory.
You adorned your sacred robe with the delight of the word, revealer of God, and through both you shone out, as you taught the cry: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.
As storm-tossed from the squalls of passions, we take refuge in your haven, Mother of God and Queen, and we cry without ceasing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.
All-powerful Redeemer of all, you came down and bedewed the devout in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.
Ode 9. The Lord has shown strength.
[The Lord has shown strength with his arm, he has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble, the God of Israel, by which he ,the Dayspring from on high, has visited us, and directed us in the way of peace.]
Your clear tongue, like a melodious trumpet sounding the mystery of the word, rouses the faithful and arms them by divine operation against invisible foes.
Mystically robed in the divine garment, you entered the marriage feast and joy above, and took your place at table with Christ, All-blessed Father.
With one accord the choir of fathers rejoices and leaps for joy, the company of believers is glad, and the Church of God mystically dances at your memory.
Sovereign Lady, who gave birth to the Lamb of God and Chief Shepherd, Christ, rescue the city which honours you from dangers and corruption and the passions of sin.
The Lord has shown strength with his arm, he has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble, the God of Israel, by which he the Dayspring from on high has visited us, and directed us in the way of peace.
At the Liturgy, for the Apostle, Gospel and Communion, see November 13th.
At Vespers
.Prosomia. Tone 4. You have given as a sign.
Bridling every pleasure, you denied the body, O wise in God. By deeds of self-mastery and harshness and endurance of trials you embittered your senses. In exchange for all these you receive unending delight, perpetual pleasure and unspeakable joy.
Through self-mastery and brief supplication you made the passions of the body wither, and you suffocated the crafty serpent with showers of tears, blessed and inspired Father, and you were exceedingly well-pleasing to God. Therefore Jesus, the lover of mankind and Saviour of our souls, adorned you with heavenly gifts of grace.
You finished the course of your ascetic life without swerving and you kept the faith, therefore you were adorned with a crown of justice, which Christ, who apportions prizes as is right and gives awards, had prepared for you, and the reward of your toils. Beseech him to furnish us now also with these, god-bearing Father.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.All-blameless, who bore the Sun of justice, dispel the fog of the passions that afflict me, and chase far from my miserable heart the serpent who cheats my soul, and enchants me now with sensual pleasures and vanities, and guard your servant with the calm of dispassion.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When she saw Christ, the lover of mankind, crucified and pierced in the side by a lance, the All-pure wept and cried out, ‘What is this, my Son? Why does an ungrateful people revenge it self on you for all the good things you did for them? And why do you hasten to leave me childless? I am amazed, O Compassionate, at your voluntary crucifixion’.
At Matins
.The Canon.
Ode 1. Tone 8. Irmos. Let us sing to the Lord.
[Let us sing to the Lord, who led his people in the Red Sea, for he alone has been greatly glorified.]
The love of the Master drew you, and abandoning the body’s pleasures, blessed father, you found your rest in Christ.
You were raised to the heights, blessed Father, and you passed through the middle wall of uncreated being, and your delight is pure.
Receiving in your heart an immaterial ray, you were enlightened and you dispelled all the fog of the passions.
Adam’s race, lifted up to the blessedness that is beyond the mind through you, Mother of God, worthily glorifies you.
Ode 3. Irmos. You are the foundation.
[You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit hymns you.]
The fire of the godhead you enfolded, venerable, god-bearing Father, and purified you were declared to be a burning coal on earth.
You put on the death of the passions before the end, venerable father, and through death you departed to an unending life.
By strong reasoning you subdued the flesh, venerable Father, and showed your soul to be unhumbled to the slavery of the passions.
By your intercessions, O all-blameless, give us help, driving off the assaults of dread dangers.
You are the foundation, Lord, of those who have recourse to you; you are the light of those in darkness; and my spirit hymns you.
Kathisma. Tone 4. Joseph was amazed.
Devoutly longing for the poverty of Jesus you abandoned perishable wealth and this transient life, wise Father, and taking your cross on your shoulders you travelled to the end the narrow path with joy, treading on the pleasures of the body, holy one, through the mastery of every wicked passion, and you reached the wide, divine plain of Paradise. our venerable Father.
With compunction of my soul, I bend the knee to you, good Virgin, and with supplication I cry out: Attend to me and see my misery, bowed down by sins. Having maltreated my soul and body, I expect those fearful punishments. Help me then, O Virgin, and rescue me from them, O Mother of God, for you have the power.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
The Virgin and Ewe-lamb, seeing on a cross the Lamb who had been born from her for our sake made away with and pierced by a lance, wounded by the arrows of grief cried out with lamentation: What is this new mystery? How can you, the Lord of our life, be dying? Therefore arise, and raise with yourself our fallen forefather.
Ode 4. Irmos. I heard your report, Lord.
[I heard your report, Lord, and was afraid. I understood your works and glorified your might.]
Your servant, Lord, thrust aside much-divided care, making his untroubled mind your dwelling.
Your delight, blessed Saint, was in the commands of the Gospel; for taking up your cross you followed the Master rejoicing.
On wings of humility you shattered the snares of the ill-intentioned; therefore, Venerable Father, you were exalted and declared a citizen of heaven.
Grant us pardon of offences, as you are sinless; make your world peaceful, O God, at the prayers of her who gave you birth.
Ode 5. Irmos. Rising at dawn.
[Rising at dawn, Lord, we cry out to you, ‘Save us! For you are our God, we know no other but you’.]
Alone you turned to flight the rage of the serpent, God-bearing Father; while you turned all your desire towards your Master.
Prudently you governed your body’s senses, and were declared a monument of the virtues, All-blest Father.
Revered Saint, you bore the heat of the day and were found worthy of the joy of the Lord.
Mary, Mother of God, without bridegroom, bring to naught the hopes of our foes, and make those who praise you glad.
Ode 6. Irmos. Grant me a tunic.
[Grant me a tunic of light, O Most Merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.]
The approach of the serpent did not beguile your servant, O Christ, nor did the fire of temptations affright him.
Your way of life on earth, Venerable Father, was equal to that of angels; you were adorned by the right hand of the Almighty.
You obtained self-mastery, uninterrupted prayer, untroubled love, and so you appeared as an unsullied mirror of God.
The Word of God revealed you to mortals as a heavenly ladder, for through you he came down to us.
Grant me a tunic of light, O Most Merciful, Christ our God, who wrap yourself in light as in a garment.
Ode 7. Irmos. The Youths from Judea.
[The Three Youths from Judea, who attained to the faith of the Holy Trinity in Babylon of old, they sang out as they trampled down the furnace’s raging flames, ‘Blessed are you, O God, the God of our Fathers!’]
For putting pleasures to death and bridling anger, O all-blest, you have received the prize of the inheritance above; and you cry with joy: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
You passed unswervingly through the finest path of virtues, revered Father, and drove on towards the city of the undefiled Eden, as you sang with joy: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Devoutly you proclaimed the glory of the Trinity, O all-blessed, and find rest to take your delight in the three-sunned light, and you cry with gladness: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
You were the all-blest rod from the root of Jesse, O Virgin, whose blossom was a saving fruit for those who cry out with faith to your Son: God of our Fathers, blessed are you.
Ode 8. Irmos. The King of heaven.
[The King of heaven, whose praise the Angels are singing, all you hosts of the Bodiless Powers, praise him and exalt him most highly to all ages.]
The One who wonderfully strengthened the Saint for ascetic struggles, praise and highly exalt to all the ages.
You shared the Angels’ way of life on earth, all-blest, and now you dwell with them in heaven to the ages.
The band of monks rejoices, and the company of saints and just dances, for you have fittingly received a garland of victory.
Beyond nature you gave birth, O Virgin, to the Creator and Saviour, God the Word; therefore we praise you to all the ages.
The King of heaven, whose praise the Angels are singing, all you hosts of the Bodiless Powers, praise him and exalt him most highly to all ages.
Ode 9. Irmos. We who through you.
[We, who through you, O Virgin, have been saved, confess you to be most truly the one who gave birth to God. With all the choirs of the heavens you we now magnify.]
Your memory, Venerable Father, fittingly gladdens all the throngs on earth to-day; save us who honour it year by year.
Intercede that those who celebrate with faith your memory, worthy of praise, venerable Father, may be delivered from the stumbling blocks of the enemy.
As his servant, blessed, venerable Father, you ever stand before the throne of the Master; do not cease to intercede for your flock.
We sing your praise with psalms, O Full of grace, and never silent we cry to you: Hail! For you became a source of gladness for all.
We, who through you, O Virgin, have been saved, confess you to be most truly the one who gave birth to God. With all the choirs of the heavens you we now magnify.
At the Liturgy, for the Apostle and Gospel, see January 17th.
At Vespers.
Lord, I have cried Prosomia.Tone 4.
Rightly you practised unsullied virginity and were betrothed rejoicing to the Maker; you rejected passing pleasure, glorious Saint, and unflinchingly led the ascetic life; and having finished your course you were found worthy of the heavenly bridal chamber, where you implore that to those who honour you may be given grace and mercy.
You slew your body by self-mastery, blessed Saint, and adorned and made ready your soul and perfected it as a dwelling for the Spirit; and you were mystically united to your Bridegroom and Creator. Intercede with him that those who celebrate with love your holy memory may be delivered from corruption and dangers.
You transformed the beauty of your body, blessed and glorious Saint, to the highest rank, abandoning the passing world and making yourself lovely with the radiance of virtues; and you have been revealed as a resting-place and pleasure of the Lord. We hymn you, holy mother, with spiritual songs.
Glory. Both now.
Theotokion.As I sail by sea, travel by road, sleep by night, watch over me; give me the grace of a watchful mind, All-blameless, and grant that I may do the Lord’s will; that on the day of sentence I may find release from all that I have done in life, I who flee to your protection.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
When the Ewe-lamb, your Mother, saw you nailed to the Cross, Lord, she was struck with amazement, and cried out: What is this sight, my Son so greatly loved? Is this how the disobedient, lawless people repays your many wonders? But glory, Master, to your ineffable condescension!
At Matins
The Canon
Acrostic in the 9th Ode:
J[o]sephOde 1. Tone 8.
As you took hold of the unsullied and blessed life, O all-pure, as you stand with the ranks of Angels before the throne of Christ, grant me illumination that I may with joy sing the praise of your far-famed way of life.
Abhorring the things of the world, All-revered, you loved every ascetic practice: first self-mastery, then meekness, austerity, prayers, tears and all-night standing before God.
You quenched the blazing pleasures of the body with the dew of ascetic labours; therefore the sun of your dispassion dawned, the light of healings and the unfading radiance of the Spirit, noble Saint.
Glorious things have been said of you, Mary Mother of God, who contained God the Word in your womb, while remaining pure; and so we all honour you, after God our protection.
Ode 3.
Fixed steadfastly with faith on the rays of the Lord, O Venerable, all-revered and wise in God, you besought with tears to achieve your desire; and so with joy you attained your hope.
At the prayers of your Saint, O Word who love mankind, shine on my soul, darkened by wicked and harmful desires, and at the hour of the judgement free me from the darkness without light.
As with sobriety of mind you pictured the beauties of heavenly things, you were in no way present to material thoughts, Mother, but lightened on wings of non-possession you became wholly raised from earth.
Pure Mother of God, you have been revealed as higher than the Cherubim and Seraphim; for you alone received in your womb, O undefiled, God the uncontainable; and so all we believers with songs of praise call you blessed.
O Christ, who established the heavens in the beginning with understanding and founded the earth on the waters, establish me on the rock of your commandments; because none is holy but you, O only lover of mankind.
Kathisma. Tone 4.
You made your sacred robe radiant by ascetic toil and were offered as a gift to God incarnate, Venerable Mother, and inspired by God; while having received the grace of many kinds of healings, you abolish the haze of illnesses, blessed one, as you intercede that those who praise you may be saved.
Speedily accept our supplications, all-blameless Sovereign Lady and bring them to your Son and God; abolish the difficulties of those who have recourse to you; tame the devices and cast down the arrogance of the godless who have taken arms against your servants, O all-pure.
Or Cross-Theotokion.
Speedily come to our help, before your servants are enslaved to foes who blaspheme you and threaten us, Christ our God; destroy by your Cross those who war against us; let them know how strong is the faith of the Orthodox, at the prayers of the Mother of God, only Lover of mankind.
Ode 4.
You journeyed by the narrow path, Venerable Saint; beyond nature you made your flesh wither by fasting; therefore the serried ranks of hostile demons were amazed at your unflinching endurance, the choirs of Angels applauded, as they raised hymns of glory to the God of all things.
Venerable, all-holy Mother, implore the loving and compassionate Lord, whom you sought thirsting with tears and groans and a broken heart, to take pity on my wretched soul, which has slid down into depths of evils.
You watered the furrows of your soul with the streams of your tears and truly sowed in them the seed of virtues; when you had worked it well, glorious Saint, by your ascetic toils, you reaped it and stored the fruits of its sheaves into secure barns, O all-revered.
Bride without Bridegroom, you are the boast of the faithful, you are the protector, you are the refuge, wall and haven of Christians; for you bring supplications to your Son and save from dangers those who with faith and love know you, the pure Mother of God.
Ode 5.
What mortal tongue could tell, glorious Saint, your mode of living beyond admiration and your immaterial and blessed life, which, wondrously wounded with love for the Saviour, you lived out bravely and nobly to the end.
Having drunk from the torrent of delight, all-glorious Saint, you have become a source, gushing forth the divine water of compunction; those who drink from it with joy praise the struggles of your toils, all-holy.
Dreadfully crushed by the heavy burden of my iniquities I implore your compassion, O Lord, lighten the greatest toils, entreated by the more than infinite ascetic labour of your Saint.
As you have a mother’s boldness towards your Son, O All-pure, do not neglect your natural care for us; for it is you alone whom we Christians bring before the Master as gracious propitiation.
Ode 6.
Having warded off the passions of the soul by the power of the Word, you put to rout all the regiments of the demons, magnifying your Bridegroom with fasts and prayers and tears.
Having bravely endured ascetic toil beyond nature with fasts and prayers, and gained mastery of the passions, you have been adorned with the robe of dispassion and been named a fair bride of the Saviour.
Attend to my prayer and hearken to my much afflicted soul; for see, my life has passed away in Hades; and grant me, O Christ, I implore, forgiveness of faults at the entreaties of your Saint.
Put the stirrings of my flesh to death, O All-blameless, who gave birth to life, and change the tossing of the passions to calm; and become for me a helper, rescuing me from the dangers of life.
An abyss of sins and a tempest of faults troubles me, and forces me violently towards the depth of despair; but stretch out to me your mighty hand, as to Peter, and bring me up from the depth of corruption.
Ode 7.
You obtained an inclination that loved God and with a body you imitated Angels, ardently keeping vigil and fervently chanting: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
Melting your body by self-mastery and every mortification, all-venerable Saint, you fervently cried aloud: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
All your longing, venerable Saint, was directed to the Master alone, as in every way you sang his praise and cried aloud: Blessed are you, Lord God, to the ages.
Abolishing the curse of Eve you made your dwelling in the all-blameless Virgin, pouring forth a fount of blessing for those who cry: Blessed, All-pure, is the fruit of your womb.
Ode 8.
Through self-mastery, glorious Saint, you purified yourself and received the bright rays of the Spirit, God who glorified you on earth and accepted your holy toils; to whom you also cried aloud: Priests, bless; people, highly exalt to all the ages.
Making the lamp of your soul bright with the oil of godlike dispassion you reached the heavenly bridal chamber, glorious Saint, and together with the wise virgins you rejoice with the Bridegroom, Christ the Word, as you cry out, O blessed one: Priests, bless; people, highly exalt to all the ages.
By ascetic toil, all-glorious one, you served God, totally quenching the burning coals of all the passions with the streams of your tears. Therefore I beg you, put out the flame of my passions by your prayers, that in faith and love I may glorify your memory, venerable Saint, to the ages.
All-pure Mother of God, wipe away the wounds of my soul and the scars of sin, pure Maiden who bore God who is over all things. Therefore we the faithful glorify you as indeed Mother of God as we cry out: Priests, bless; people, highly exalt to all the ages.
The Chaldean tyrant in frenzy had the furnace heated seven times for those who honoured God; but when he saw they had been saved by a mightier power he cried aloud: The Creator and Redeemer, O Youths bless, you priests praise, you people highly exalt to all the ages.
Ode 9.
Greatly you longed in purity to see the spiritual beauty of the Bridegroom, and you cried to him, O holy one: Where do you rest? Where do you pasture? I will take my rest in you and I will delight in your goodness, as I magnify your loving kindness.
You had understanding in your soul and humility and divine meekness, unadulterated faith and, with hope, love inspired, as you waited upon God with nightlong prayers and shone with the bright rays that come from him, blessed Saint.
Already the gate of heaven was opened to you, blessed and all-glorious Saint, and you entered escorted by the godlike Angels; and you radiantly made your dwelling in the place of the commonwealth of the Saints, O holy one, as you glorify the Saviour with them all.
Spare me, O Saviour, who were born and kept her who bore you incorrupt after child-bearing, when you take your throne to judge my works, overlooking my iniquities and my sins, as you are without sin, O Merciful One, good and the lover of mankind.
Every ear trembles at the ineffable condescension of God, how the Most High willingly came down even as far as a body, becoming man from a virgin womb; and so we the faithful magnify the immaculate Mother of God.
At the Liturgy see, if you wish, the texts for July 26th.