Excerpts from the

"The Order

of Divine Services"


According to the usage of the Russian Orthodox Church.


By Peter Fekula and Matthew Williams


Please get the printed copy at the Saint John of Kronstadt Press, Liberty, TN USA 1997, http://www.sjkp.org/





1. Sunday services.

General Outline. Simple Service (§1A). Double Service (§1B). Six-Stichera or Doxology Service (§1C). Polyeleos Service (§1D) Vigil Service (§1E). Sunday Services during Forefeasts and Afterfeasts (§1F). Simple, Double, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§1F1). Polyeleos or Vigil Rank Service (§1F2). The Apodosis of a Great Feast (§1F3).


2. Weekday services. (From the Monday after All Saints until the Friday before Meatfare Sunday).

General Outline. Simple Service (§2A). Double Service (§2B). Six-Stichera Service (§2C). Doxology Service (§2D). Polyeleos Service (§2E). Vigil Service (§2F). Weekday Services During Forefeasts and Afterfeasts (§2G). Simple, Double, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§2G1). Polyeleos or Vigil Service (§2G2) The Apodosis of a Feast of the Lord or Theotokos (§2G3). Apodosis of a Feast together with a Vigil Service (§2G4).


3. Services of the Triodion.

The Order of Lenten Weekday Services (§3A). Saturday and Sunday services are treated in (§3B). Simple Service (§3A1). Double Service (§3A2). Specific Services of the Triodion (§3B). The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (§3B1). The Sunday of the Prodigal Son (§3B2). The Saturday of Meatfare (§3B3). Commemoration of the Departed. The Sunday of the Last Judgment (§3B4). Meatfare Sunday. Monday of Cheesefare week (§3B5). (Simple or double Service). Tuesday of Cheesefare week (§3B6). (Simple or Double Service). Wednesday of Cheesefare week (§3B7). (Simple or Double Service). Thursday of Cheesefare week (§3B8). (Simple or Double Service). Friday of Cheesefare week (§3B9). (Simple or Double Service). Saturday of Cheesefare week (§3B10). Commemoration of the Holy Ascetics The Casting Out of Adam (§3B11). Cheesefare Sunday The First Saturday of Lent (§3B12). Commemoration of Saint Theodore Tyro The First Sunday of Lent (§3B13). The Triumph of Orthodoxy The Second through Fourth Saturdays of Lent (§3B14). Commemoration of the Departed. The Second Sunday of Lent (§3B15). Commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas The Third Sunday of Lent (§3B16). Veneration of the Precious Cross. The Fourth Sunday of Lent (§3B17). Saint John of the Ladder. The Fifth Thursday of Lent (§3B18). The Reading of the Great Canon. The Fifth Saturday of Lent (§3B19). The Fifth Sunday of Lent (§3B20). Commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt. The Sixth Saturday of Lent (§3B21) Commemoration of the Holy And Righteous Lazarus. Palm Sunday (§3B22). The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem. Great and Holy Monday (§3B23). Great and Holy Tuesday (§3B24). Great and Holy Wednesday (§3B25). Great and Holy Thursday (§3B26). Great and Holy Friday (§3B27). Great and Holy Saturday (§3B28).


4. Services of the Pentecostarion.

The Order of Weekday Services of The Pentecostarion (§4A). Simple, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§4A1). Double Service (§4A2). Polyeleos or Vigil Service (§4A3). Specific Services of the Pentecostarion (§4B). The Sunday of Pascha (§4B1), The Resurrection of our Lord. Monday through Thursday of Bright Week (§4B2). Friday of Bright Week (§4B3). Commemoration of the Spring of the Theotokos. Saturday of Bright Week (§4B4). The First Sunday after Pascha (§4B5). The Sunday of The Holy Apostle Thomas (Antipascha). The Second through Fifth Sundays after Pascha (§4B6). The Second through Fifth Sundays after Pascha Combined with a saint of Polyeleos or Vigil Rank (§4B7). Wednesday in the Fourth Week of Pascha (§4B8). Mid-Pentecost. The Fourth Sunday after Pascha (§4B9). Commemoration of the Samaritan Woman. Afterfeast of Mid-Pentecost. Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Pascha (§4B10). The Apodosis of Mid-Pentecost. Wednesday in the Sixth Week of Pascha (§4B11). The Apodosis of Pascha. Thursday in the Fifth Week of Pascha (§4B12). The Ascension of our Lord. The Sixth Sunday after Pascha (§4B13), Commemoration οf the Fathers at Nicζa. Afterfeast of the Ascension. Saturday in the Sixth Week of Pascha (§4B14). Commemoration of the Departed. The Sunday of Holy Pentecost (§4B15). Trinity Sunday. The Monday after Pentecost (Day of the Holy Spirit) (§4B16). The Sunday After Pentecost (§4B17). The Sunday of All Saints.


5. Services of the Menaion.

The first Day of the Month of September. The Beginning of the Indiction which is the New Year. The 14th Day of the Month of September The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. The 15th Day of the Month of November The Beginning of the Nativity Fast. The 24th Day of the Month of December The Eve of the Nativity of our Lord. The 25th Day of the Month of December the Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord. The 5th Day of January the Eve of the Theophany of our Lord. The 6th of January the Theophany of our Lord. The 1st of August the Procession of the Holy Cross, Commemoration of the Holy Maccabees.


6. Concerning the Usage of Theotokia.

The Order of Divine Services. The Order of Divine Services. III. Weekday services using resurrectional theotokia.




1. Sunday services.

During the period from the second Sunday after Pentecost until the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.


Note: On all Sundays during this period, materials for the resurrection are found in the (Sunday) Octoechos, according to the tone of the week. Materials for saints and feasts are found in the Menaion. Additional information concerning liturgical materials may be found in chapter nine.


General Outline.



If Vigil be served:

Priest: Glory to the holy, and consubstantial…

Clergy: O come, let us worship…

Selected verses from Psalm 103 (sung, with refrains, according to the Horologion).

If Vigil be not served:

Priest: Blessed is our God…

The usual beginning (see appendix I).

Psalm 103 (read).

The Litany of Peace.

The Kathisma.

The first stasis of Kathisma I is sung (often in an abbreviated form).

Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia… (thrice).

Small Litany

The second stasis of Kathisma I is read.

Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia… (thrice).

Small Litany

The third stasis of kathisma I is read.

Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia… (thrice).

Small Litany

At Lord, I have cried… the appointed stichera are sung.

Entrance and O Gentle Light…

Prokeimenon: The Lord is King…

Readings, if appointed

Litany: Let us all say…

Vouchsafe, O Lord…

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads…

Litya, if appointed

Aposticha, with the appointed stichera

Now lettest Thou Thy servant…

Trisagion Prayers and the appointed troparia.


If Vigil be served:

If Litya be served: the Blessing of the Loaves

Blessed be the name of the Lord… (thrice).

I will bless the Lord… (the first eleven verses of Psalm 33).

Priest: The blessing of the Lord be upon you…

And the reader begins the Six Psalms of Matins, Glory to God in the highest… etc.

Otherwise: The dismissal



If Vigil be served: skip to Glory to God in the highest…, below.


Small Compline and Midnight Office are read at the appointed times. Matins begins thus:

Priest: Blessed is our God… and the Usual Beginning

Psalms 19 and 20

Glory… Now and ever… and the Trisagion Prayers

Save, O Lord, Thy people… and two more troparia found in the Horologion

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Priest: Glory to the holy, and consubstantial…

Reader: Glory to God in the highest… and he reads the Six Psalms, to which we listen with silence and compunction.

Litany: In peace, let us pray to the Lord…

God is the Lord… and the appointed troparia

Kathisma II

Small litany

Sessional hymns

Kathisma III

Small litany

Sessional hymns

Note: For additional information concerning the reading of kathismata, see chapter seven.

Either the Polyeleos (Psalms 134 and 135, usually sung in an abbreviated form) or Psalm 118 (as appointed by the Typicon).The Magnification, if it be a Polyeleos or vigil rank service

The evlogitaria of the resurrection: The assembly of angels…

Small Litany

Hypakoë (and sessional hymns, if appointed).

The Hymns of Ascents, according to the tone

Prokeimenon, according to the tone

The matins gospel according to its cycle (A table of the matins gospels may be found in appendix II.).

Having beheld the resurrection…

Psalm 50

Glory… Through the prayers of the apostles…

Now and ever… Through the prayers of the Theotokos…

Have mercy on me… Jesus having risen…

Litany: Save, O God, Thy people...

The canons, as appointed. Note: The appointed katavasia for the canons may be determined from the table in chapter eight. The usual katavasia for Sundays is I shall open my mouth…, which is printed in the appendix to the Sunday Octoechos (SJKP, 1997).

The exapostilaria: Holy is the Lord our God…, followed by the Sunday exapostilarion according to the number of the Matins Gospel, and any other appointed exapostilaria. With rare exceptions the theotokion is that which is given together with the Sunday exapostilarion.

The Praises (Let every breath praise the Lord…), with the appointed stichera. On Sunday there are always eight stichera. The stichera, however, are inserted beginning with the verse To do among them the judgment… (the sixth from the end of the usual verses) and two special Sunday verses are added: Arise O Lord, my God… and I will confess Thee… But, if there be stichera from the Menaion, the additional two verses are taken from the Vespers Aposticha in the Menaion.

Great Doxology and the appropriate troparion according to the tone: tones 1, 3, 5 and 7:Today is salvation…; tones 2, 4, 6 and 8:Having risen from the tomb… (These troparia are found in the Horologion.).

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Litany: Let us complete…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads… Exclamation

Wisdom!… and the rest of the dismissal

After the dismissal it is customary to sing the "Many Years" and then we immediately begin the First Hour with O come, let us worship…

The Hours.

The Hours are read according to the Horologion, with the appointed troparia and kontakia.


Divine Liturgy.

Blessed is the Kingdom…

Litany: In peace, let us pray to the Lord…

The First Antiphon: Bless the Lord, O my soul… (psalm 102).

Small Litany

The Second Antiphon: Glory… and then Praise the Lord, O my soul… (psalm 145), Now and ever… Only begotten son…

Small Litany

The Third Antiphon: In Thy kingdom… which is the Beatitudes, with the appointed troparia inserted between the final eight, ten, or twelve verses.

Small Entrance and the appointed Troparia and Kontakia

Priest: For holy art Thou…

And, if a deacon serve:

Deacon: O Lord, save the pious… and the choir repeats.

Deacon: And unto the ages of ages.

Choir: Amen. And the Trisagion.

The appointed Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel

The rest of the Liturgy, according to the Horologion.


Simple Service (§1A).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.



At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: seven from the Octoechos and three from the Menaion and, if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

The Litya (if served): We sing the first sticheron of the temple; the stichera of St. Paul of Amoreum (the last three stichera from the Octoechos at Lord, I have cried…) or any other stichera the priest wishes; Glory… Now and ever… If it be a temple of the Theotokos we chant the sticheron from Now and ever… of the Litya of the temple; otherwise we sing the Aposticha theotokion in the tone of the stichera of the temple sung at the beginning of the Litya or in the tone of the week, taking care not to sing the same theotokion which will be sung at the Aposticha.Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… the theotokion.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.


The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Three troparia of the canon of the Cross and resurrection in the Octoechos

Three troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Four troparia of the canon in the Menaion

The appointed katavasia is sung.

After Ode III there is a small litany. Then the kontakion and ikos (found after Ode VI in the Menaion) are chanted and the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III) are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany. Then the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


After Holy is the Lord…:

If there be no exapostilarion in the Menaion:

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel (found at the back of the Octoechos); Glory… Now and ever… and the theotokion from the same source.

If there be an exapostilarion in the Menaion:

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel; Glory… the exapostilarion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion of the Sunday exapostilarion (not the theotokion in the Menaion).

The Praises: We sing eight stichera from the Octoechos; Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

The Hours.

We read the Sunday troparion; Glory… the troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion. Only the Sunday kontakion is read. The kontakion from the Menaion is not read.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read eight troparia of the resurrection.

Troparia and kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Sunday kontakion

Note: On Sunday, in a temple dedicated to the Lord, the troparion and kontakion of the temple are not chanted.

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame…

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel: For Sunday (and, if there be such, from the Menaion).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… (and, if there be one, from the Menaion).


Double Service (§1B).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of Theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: four from the Octoechos, three of the first saint and three of the second saint; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

The Litya (if served ): We sing the first sticheron of the temple; the stichera of St. Paul of Amoreum (the last three stichera from the Octoechos at Lord, I have cried…) or any other stichera the priest wishes;

Glory… Now and ever… If it be a temple of the Theotokos we chant the sticheron from Now and ever… of the Litya of the temple; otherwise we sing the Aposticha theotokion in the tone of the stichera of the temple sung at the beginning of the Litya or in the tone of the week, taking care not to sing the same theotokion which will be sung at the Aposticha.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Octoechos and, if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… the theotokion.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… of the first saint; Now and ever… the theotokion.


After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion once; troparion of the first saint; Glory… of the second saint; Now and ever… the theotokion

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Four troparia from the canon of the first saint

Four troparia from the canon of the second saint

The appointed katavasia are sung after each ode.

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the first saint (found at Ode VI) and then of the second saint (found at Ode III). After the kontakia and ikoi have been chanted we read the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found at Ode III).

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


After Holy is the Lord…:

If there be no exapostilaria in the Menaion:

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel (found at the back of the Octoechos); Glory… Now and ever… and the theotokion from the same source.

If there be one exapostilarion in the Menaion:

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel; Glory… the exapostilarion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion of the Sunday exapostilarion (not the theotokion in the Menaion).

If there be two exapostilaria in the Menaion:

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel; the exapostilarion of the first saint; Glory… the exapostilarion of the second saint; Now and ever… the theotokion of the Sunday exapostilarion (not the theotokion in the Menaion).

The Praises: We sing eight stichera from the Octoechos; Glory… the appointed Gospel Sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

The Hours.

At the First and Sixth Hours:

Troparia: The resurrectional troparion in the tone of the week; Glory… the troparion of the first saint, Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion.

At the Third and Ninth Hours:

Troparia: The resurrectional troparion in the tone of the week; Glory… the troparion of the second saint, Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion.

At all of the Hours only the Sunday kontakion is read. The kontakia from the Menaion are not read.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read eight troparia of the resurrection.

Troparia and kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the first saint

Troparion of the second saint

Kontakion of the first saint

Glory… kontakion of the second saint

Now and ever… Sunday kontakion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the first saint

Troparion of the second saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the first saint

Glory… kontakion of the second saint

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the first saint

Troparion of the second saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the temple

Kontakion of the first saint

Glory… kontakion of the second saint

Now and ever… Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame…

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel: For Sunday (and, if there be such, from the Menaion).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… (and, if there be one, from the Menaion)


Six-Stichera or Doxology Service (§1C).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: six from the Octoechos and four from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

The Litya (if served ):

If it be a six-stichera service:

We sing the first sticheron of the temple; the stichera of St. Paul of Amoreum (the last three stichera from the Octoechos at Lord, I have cried…) or any other stichera the priest wishes; Glory… Now and ever… If it be a temple of the Theotokos we chant the sticheron from Now and ever… of the Litya of the temple; otherwise we sing the Aposticha theotokion in the tone of the stichera of the temple sung at the beginning of the Litya or in the tone of the week, taking care not to sing the same theotokion which will be sung at the Aposticha.

If it be a Doxology service:

We sing one sticheron of the temple and two stichera of the vespers Aposticha from the Menaion; Glory… the third sticheron of the vespers Aposticha (not the doxasticon), Now and ever… the Aposticha theotokion in the tone of Glory.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of the doxasticon.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons:

If there be one canon in the Menaion:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon of the Cross and resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Six troparia from the canon in the Menaion

If there be two canons in the Menaion:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion

The appointed katavasia is sung.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos (found after Ode VI in the Menaion) and the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III) are chanted.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the Octoechos are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

Exapostilaria: We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel; Glory… the exapostilarion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion of the Sunday exapostilarion (not the theotokion in the Menaion).

The Praises: We sing four stichera from the Octoechos and four from the Menaion (the fourth sticheron should be the doxasticon, regardless of the number of stichera given in the Menaion); Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…


The Hours.

If it be a six-stichera service:

We read the Sunday troparion; Glory… the troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion. Only the Sunday kontakion is read. The kontakion from the Menaion is not read.

If it be a Doxology rank service:

We read the Sunday troparion; Glory… the troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion. At the First and Sixth Hours we read the kontakion from the Menaion. At the Third and Ninth Hours we read the Sunday kontakion.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read ten troparia: six of the resurrection and four from the Menaion (from Ode III of the canon).

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Sunday kontakion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel: For Sunday and from the Menaion

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… and from the Menaion


Polyeleos Service (§1D)

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.



At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: four from the Octoechos and six from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

After the entrance there are three readings from the Menaion (usually from the Old Testament).

Litya (if served ): We sing one sticheron of the temple and then the stichera in the Menaion; Glory… sticheron in the Menaion; Now and ever… Sunday Aposticha theotokion in the tone of Glory (unless there be a special festal theotokion in the Menaion. Weekday theotokia, which are often indicated in the Menaion, should not be chanted on Sunday). If there be no stichera in the Menaion for the Litya, follow the instructions for a Doxology rank service in §1C.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of the doxasticon.

At the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the second reading from the Psalter (kathisma III) and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos (regardless of the season) which is immediately followed by the magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion. After the final psalm verse and chanting of the magnification, the evlogitaria, Blessed art Thou, O Lord…, are immediately begun (without having sung Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia…).

Note: It is common practice on Sunday to chant only the magnification, and that once by the clergy, omitting the selected psalm verses.

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë for the tone of the week, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read in this order: first the sessional hymn from the Menaion which would ordinarily be read after the first kathisma, then the one ordinarily read after the second kathisma (we do not read the theotokia of these sessional hymns). We then read Glory… and the sessional hymn given in the Menaion for after the Polyeleos; Now and ever… and its theotokion.

After the completion of the sessional hymns we sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons, exapostilaria and praises are all chanted as set forth for a Doxology service. See §1C.


The Hours and Divine Liturgy.

As set forth for a doxology rank service. See §1C.


Vigil Service (§1E).

Note: Feasts of the Lord, whose hymns supersede those for a Sunday, are treated separately in chapter five. For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.



At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: four from the Octoechos and six from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, Glory… Now and ever… doxasticon of the feast.

After the entrance there are three readings from the Menaion (usually from the Old Testament).

Litya: We sing one sticheron of the temple and then the stichera in the Menaion; Glory… sticheron in the Menaion; Now and ever… Sunday Aposticha theotokion in the tone of Glory (unless there be a special festal theotokion in the Menaion. Weekday theotokia, which are often indicated in the Menaion, should not be chanted on Sunday). But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: Stichera of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… Feast.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of the doxasticon. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: Stichera of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… feast.

Troparia: O Theotokos Virgin rejoice… twice, and the troparion of the saint, once. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, the troparion of the feast only, thrice.

Note: If for some reason a Vigil cannot be served, the troparia should be chanted thus: the Sunday troparion; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: the Sunday troparion; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… the dismissal theotokion in the tone of the last troparion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: Sunday troparion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… the troparion of the feast, once.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the second reading from the Psalter (Kathisma III) and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos (regardless of the season) which is immediately followed by the magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion. After the final psalm verse and chanting of the magnification, the evlogitaria, Blessed art Thou, O Lord…, are immediately begun (without having sung Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia…).

Note: It is common practice on Sunday to chant only the magnification, and that once by the clergy, omitting the selected psalm verses.

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë for the tone of the week, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read in this order: first the sessional hymn from the Menaion which would ordinarily be read after the first kathisma, then the one ordinarily read after the second kathisma (we do not read the theotokia of these sessional hymns). We then read Glory… and the sessional hymn given in the Menaion for after the Polyeleos; Now and ever… and its theotokion.

After the completion of the sessional hymns we sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

But if it be a feast of the Theotokos we sing the Hymns of Ascents in the tone of the week. The prokeimenon and gospel are of the feast. Having beheld… Psalm 50. Glory… Through the prayers of the Theotokos… Now and ever… the same, Have mercy on me… and the sticheron of the feast.

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon of the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Eight troparia from the canon in the Menaion (four from each canon if there be two).

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos (found after Ode VI in the Menaion) and the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III) are chanted. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos we chant the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection (after Ode VI in the Octoechos) and the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III).

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the Octoechos are chanted. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: the kontakion and ikos of the Feast.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…), even if it be a feast of the Theotokos.

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

Exapostilaria: We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel; Glory… the exapostilarion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion of the Sunday exapostilarion (not the theotokion in the Menaion). But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: Sunday exapostilarion; Glory… Now and ever… and the exapostilarion of the Feast.

The Praises: We sing eight stichera: four from the Octoechos and four from the Menaion (the fourth sticheron should be the doxasticon, regardless of the number of stichera given in the Menaion; before the last two stichera from the Menaion we use the verses from the Vespers Aposticha, instead of the usual Sunday verses); Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou… But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: four stichera from the Octoechos and four from the Menaion; Glory… sticheron of the feast; Now and ever… Most blessed… After the dismissal: Glory… Now and ever… and the gospel sticheron.

The Hours.

We read the Sunday troparion; Glory… the troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion from the Horologion. At the First and Sixth Hours we read the kontakion from the Menaion. At the Third and Ninth Hours we read the Sunday kontakion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, we use the Sunday kontakion at the First and Sixth Hours, and that of the Feast at the Third and Ninth Hours.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read ten troparia: six of the resurrection and four from the Menaion (from Ode III of the canon).

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Sunday kontakion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion from the Menaion

Sunday kontakion

Glory… Kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…

But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, regardless of the temple:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the Feast

Glory… Sunday kontakion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the Feast

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel: For Sunday and from the Menaion

If it be a feast of the Theotokos instead of It is truly meet…, we sing the refrain and irmos of Ode IX of the feast.

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… and from the Menaion


Sunday Services during Forefeasts and Afterfeasts (§1F).


Note: Throughout this section, the term "feast" will be used in reference to liturgical materials of the forefeast or feast which are found in the Menaion during forefeast and afterfeast periods.

Simple, Double, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§1F1).


Note: If a double commemoration fall on Sunday during a forefeast or afterfeast, the hymns for the second saint are set aside and chanted at Compline on another day.


At Lord I have cried…

If it be a simple service we sing four stichera from the Octoechos, three stichera of the feast and three of the (first) saint, from the Menaion.

But if it be a six-stichera or Doxology service we chant three stichera from the Octoechos, three stichera of the feast and four of the saint, from the Menaion.

Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such, otherwise the doxasticon of the feast (written at Now and ever…) Now and ever… and the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

Litya (if served ): Stichera of the feast, from the Vespers Aposticha; Glory… Now and ever… sticheron of the feast, from the Matins Aposticha.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… sticheron of the feast.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, twice, and the troparion of the feast, once. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… of the saint, from the Menaion; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion of the saint; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons:

If it be a simple, double or six-stichera service:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Four troparia of the feast, from the Menaion

Four troparia of the saint, from the Menaion

If it be a Doxology service:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Four troparia of the feast, from the Menaion

Six troparia of the saint, from the Menaion

The appointed katavasia is sung (usually of the feast).

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the feast and of the saint (found after Odes III and VI in the Menaion) are chanted and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III) are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…), unless otherwise directed by the Typicon.

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


After Holy is the Lord… we read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel (found at the back of the Octoechos); Glory… exapostilarion of the saint, if there be one; Now and ever… and the exapostilarion of the feast.

The Praises: We sing eight stichera: four from the Octoechos and four of the saint (the fourth sticheron should be the doxasticon, regardless of the number of stichera given in the Menaion), but if there be no stichera of the saint, we chant four stichera of the feast, from the Matins Aposticha; Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

The Hours.

At the First and Sixth Hours: Sunday troparion and troparion of the feast. Kontakion of the feast.

At the Third and Ninth Hours: Sunday troparion and troparion of the saint. Sunday kontakion.

But if it be a Doxology service, the kontakia are said thus:

First Hour: feast

Third Hour: resurrection

Sixth Hour: saint

Ninth Hour: feast.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read ten troparia: six troparia of the resurrection and four troparia from Ode III of the canon of the forefeast, or if it be an afterfeast four troparia from the Ode indicated in the Menaion. But if there be troparia indicated for the Saint (in the Menaion), we read twelve troparia: four troparia of the resurrection, four troparia from the canon of the feast (as indicated above) and four troparia of the saint (from Ode VI of his canon).

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

If it be a feast of the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the feast

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast


Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel: Sunday and saint

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… and for the saint (if there be such).


Prokeimenon: Sunday and Feast

Epistle: Sunday

Alleluia: Sunday and Feast

Gospel: Sunday

In place of It is truly meet… we sing the Refrain and Irmos of Ode IX of the Feast.

Communion hymn: Praise the Lord… and for the Feast.

But if there be readings for the saint: The Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel and Communion Hymn are for Sunday and the saint.


Polyeleos or Vigil Rank Service (§1F2).


At Lord I have cried… we sing three stichera from the Octoechos, three stichera of the feast, and four of the saint, from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… and the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

After the entrance there are three readings from the Menaion (usually from the Old Testament).

Litya: Sticheron for the feast, taken from the Vespers Aposticha; and, if there be stichera of the saint, these are chanted as well; Glory… saint, if there be one; Now and ever… feast, taken from the Matins Aposticha.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… feast.

For the troparia:

If Vigil be served and it be a saint of Polyeleos-rank: we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, twice; and the troparion of the feast, once. But if it be a saint of vigil-rank: O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, twice; saint, once.

Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… of the saint, from the Menaion; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion of the saint; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the second reading from the Psalter (kathisma III) and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos (regardless of the season) which is immediately followed by the magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion. After the final psalm verse and chanting of the magnification, the evlogitaria, Blessed art Thou, O Lord…, are immediately begun (without having sung Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia…).

Note: It is common practice on Sunday to chant only the magnification, and that once by the clergy, omitting the selected psalm verses.

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë for the tone of the week, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read in this order: first the sessional hymn from the Menaion which would ordinarily be read after the first kathisma, then the one ordinarily read after the second kathisma (we do not read the theotokia of these sessional hymns). We then read Glory… and the sessional hymn given in the Menaion for after the Polyeleos; Now and ever… and its theotokion.

After the completion of the sessional hymns we sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Four troparia of the feast, from the Menaion

Six troparia of the saint, from the Menaion

The appointed katavasia is sung (usually of the feast).

After Ode III there is a small litany and then the kontakion and ikos of the feast and of the saint (found after Odes III and VI in the Menaion) are chanted and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion (found after Ode III) are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany and then the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

We read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel (found at the back of the Octoechos); Glory… exapostilarion of the saint, if there be one; Now and ever… and the exapostilarion of the feast.

The Praises: We sing eight stichera: four from the Octoechos and four of the saint (the fourth sticheron should be the doxasticon, regardless of the number of stichera given in the Menaion), but if there be no stichera for the saint, we chant four stichera of the feast, including the doxasticon, with their refrains; Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

The Hours.

First Hour: Troparion of Sunday and feast. Kontakion of the feast.

Third Hour: Troparion of Sunday and saint. Sunday kontakion.

Sixth Hour: Troparion of Sunday and feast. Kontakion of the saint.

Ninth Hour: Troparion of Sunday and saint. Kontakion of the feast.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read twelve troparia: four troparia of the resurrection, four troparia from Ode III of the canon of the forefeast, or if it be an afterfeast four troparia from the Ode indicated in the Menaion, and four troparia of the saint (from Ode VI of his canon).

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

If it be a feast of the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the feast

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the temple*

Troparion of the saint

Sunday kontakion

Kontakion of the temple*

Glory… kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

The Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel are of the Sunday and saint.

If it be an afterfeast in place of It is truly meet… we sing the refrain and irmos of Ode IX of the feast.

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… and of the saint


*If it be a service of vigil-rank, the troparion and kontakion of the temple are not chanted.


The Apodosis of a Great Feast (§1F3).

Note: The materials for the feast are found in the Menaion under the date of the feast itself.



At Lord I have cried… we sing ten stichera: four stichera from the Octoechos and six stichera of the feast; Glory… sticheron of the feast; Now and ever… and the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

Litya (if served ): Stichera of the feast.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Octoechos; Glory… Now and ever… sticheron of the feast.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, twice, and the troparion of the feast, once. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… Now and ever… troparion of the feast.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… Now and ever… troparion of the feast.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. (See chapter six concerning the usage of theotokia at the sessional hymns.).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Eight troparia of the feast, from the Menaion (four troparia from each canon, if there be two).

The appointed katavasia is sung (usually of the feast).

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the feast (found after Ode VI in the Menaion) are chanted and then the sessional hymn of the feast (found after Ode III) is read twice.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the resurrection are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…), unless otherwise directed by the Typicon.

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

After Holy is the Lord… we read the exapostilarion on the theme of the Matins Gospel (found at the back of the Octoechos); Glory… Now and ever… and the exapostilarion of the feast.

The Praises: We sing eight stichera: four from the Octoechos and four stichera of the feast, including the doxasticon, with their refrains; Glory… the appointed gospel sticheron; Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

The Hours.

Sunday troparion and troparion of the feast. At the First and Sixth Hours we read the kontakion of the feast. At the Third and Ninth Hours we read the Sunday kontakion.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read ten troparia: six of the resurrection and four from Ode IX of the feast.

Troparia and Kontakia:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the feast

Glory… Sunday kontakion

Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

If it be a feast of the Lord:

Prokeimenon: Sunday and feast

Epistle: For the Sunday, only

Alleluia: Sunday and feast

Gospel: For the Sunday, only

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

The Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia and Gospel are of the Sunday and the feast.

In place of It is truly meet… we sing the Refrain and Irmos of Ode IX of the feast.

Communion hymn: Praise the Lord…, and of the feast


2. Weekday services.

(From the Monday after All Saints until the Friday before Meatfare Sunday).


Note: During this period the variable liturgical materials are found in the Octoechos, according to the tone of the week and in the Menaion, according to the date. Additional information concerning liturgical materials may be found in chapter nine.


General Outline.

Note: This outline should not be used for a Vigil. §2F (vigil rank service) includes its own outline.


Priest: Blessed is our God…

The usual beginning (see appendix I).

Psalm 103 (read).

The Litany of Peace

The appointed kathisma. Note: There will be no reading from the Psalter if there was a Vigil the night preceding, unless Blessed is the man… is appointed to be sung.

Small Litany

At Lord, I have cried… the appointed stichera are sung.

Entrance, if appointed

O Gentle Light…


Readings, if such be appointed

If there was an entrance, we say the litany: Let us all say… Otherwise, we immediately read:

Vouchsafe, O Lord…

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads…

Aposticha, with the appointed stichera

Now lettest Thou Thy servant…

Trisagion Prayers

The appointed troparia

If there was not an entrance, we say the litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

The dismissal



Priest: Blessed is our God… and the usual beginning.

Psalms 19 and 20

Glory… Now and ever…

Trisagion Prayers

Save, O Lord, Thy people… and two more troparia, found in the Horologion

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Priest: Glory to the holy, and consubstantial…

Reader: Glory to God in the highest… and he reads the Six Psalms, to which we listen with silence and compunction.

Litany: In peace, let us pray to the Lord…

God is the Lord… and the appointed troparia

The appointed kathismata, sessional hymns, and psalm 50

The canons


The Praises (Let every breath praise the Lord…), with stichera if appointed.

If the Doxology be not sung:

Reader: Glory… Now and ever…

Priest: To Thee glory is due…

Reader: Amen.

Priest: Glory to Thee Who hast shown us the light.

And the reader continues with the Doxology (read, not sung).

Litany: Let us complete our morning prayer unto the Lord…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads… Exclamation

Aposticha, with the appointed stichera

It is good to give praise…

Trisagion Prayers

The appointed troparia

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Wisdom!… …Establish, O God…, and if it be a simple service, we immediately begin the First Hour, otherwise we continue with the rest of the dismissal.

If the Doxology be sung:

Priest: Glory to Thee Who hast…

Great Doxology is sung

Troparion and theotokion

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Litany: Let us complete…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads… Exclamation

Wisdom!… and the rest of the dismissal


The Hours and Divine Liturgy.

The general order of the Hours and Divine Liturgy are the same as on a Sunday.


Simple Service (§2A).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing six stichera:

Sunday through Thursday evening:

Three stichera from the Octoechos and three from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… theotokion

But if it be Friday evening:

We sing six stichera, all being from the Menaion, doubling each sticheron; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one, Now and ever… dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.


After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion from the Menaion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we say Lord, have mercy, thrice, and read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. After the last appointed kathisma and its sessional hymns we say Lord, have mercy, thrice; Glory… Now and ever… and psalm 50.

Note: On Saturday, during the second kathisma reading (kathisma XVII) the priest performs a complete censing of the church.

The canons:

Monday through Friday:

Irmos, four troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos

Four troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos

Four troparia from the Menaion


In a temple dedicated to the resurrection:

From the preceding Sunday, in the tone of the week:

Irmos, twice, and two troparia of the resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Cross and resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Theotokos


Four troparia from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the canon of the temple

Four troparia from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

In a temple of a Saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the Menaion

Four troparia from the canon of the temple

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints)

The katavasiæ, which are the irmoi of the canon in the Menaion (on Saturday, the Octoechos), are sung only at Odes III, VI, VIII and IX.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX It is truly meet… and a small litany


If there be no exapostilarion in the Menaion:

Exapostilarion from the Octoechos; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion or stavrotheotokion from the Octoechos.

If there be an exapostilarion in the Menaion:

Exapostilarion from the Octoechos; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion or stavrotheotokion from the Octoechos. On Saturday: Menaion; Glory… Octoechos; Now and ever… theotokion in Octoechos.

The Praises are read without stichera unless there be stichera in the Menaion, in which case the first two verses are still read, and we insert the stichera from the Menaion between the concluding verses; Glory… doxasticon in Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion. In this case the priest does not say, To Thee Glory is due…, but immediately: Glory to Thee Who hast…. On Saturday even though the Octoechos provides verses for the Praises, we do not chant them, but read the psalms and the Doxology.

Aposticha: From the Octoechos. But if it be Saturday: We chant the first three stichera given at praises (for the Martyrs) in the Octoechos, using the usual Aposticha refrains (We were filled in the morning… etc.); Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion from the Menaion.

Divine Liturgy.

In some churches, shorter daily antiphons are used in place of the typical psalms and the Beatitudes. However, if the Menaion indicates that troparia be read at the Beatitudes, we use the Typika and Beatitudes with the troparia as appointed in the Menaion. On Saturday: We always use the Typika and Beatitudes. If the Menaion calls for Beatitude troparia for the saint (from Ode III), these precede those of the Octoechos (four each); otherwise, we use six troparia on the Beatitudes, all from the Octoechos.

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

On Monday, Tuesday or Thursday:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the day of the week (on Thursday, two troparia).

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the day of the week (on Thursday, two kontakia).

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest… (kontakion of the departed).

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

On Wednesday or Friday:

Troparion of the day of the week

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest…

Now and ever… kontakion of the day of the week (if the priest so desires, the kontakion of the temple may be sung instead of that for the day of the week).

On Saturday:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the day of the week

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the temple

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest…

Now and ever… Kontakion of the day of the week

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

On Monday, Tuesday or Thursday:

The same as in a temple of the Lord

On Wednesday or Friday:

Troparion of the day of the week

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the day of the week

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest…

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

On Saturday:

The same as in a temple of the Lord.

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

On Monday through Friday:

Troparion of the day of the week (on Thursday, two troparia).

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the day of the week (on Thursday, two kontakia).

Kontakion of the temple31

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest…

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…

On Saturday:

Troparion of the day of the week

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion from the Menaion

GloryWith the saints give rest…

Now and ever… kontakion of the day of the week

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel, and Communion Hymn: For the day (and, if there be such, from the Menaion).

But if it be Saturday, and there be readings in the Menaion, the prokeimenon, epistle, alleluia, gospel, and communion hymn are first from the Menaion, and then for the day.


Double Service (§2B).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing six stichera: three for the first saint and three for the second saint; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be such; Now and ever… theotokion.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… theotokion.

Troparia: Troparion of the first saint; Glory… troparion for the second saint, if there be such; Now and ever… theotokion.


After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion of the first saint, twice; Glory… troparion of the second saint, if there be such; Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we say Lord, have mercy, thrice, and read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. After the last appointed kathisma and its sessional hymns we say Lord, have mercy, thrice; Glory… Now and ever… and psalm 50.

Note: On Saturday, during the second kathisma reading (kathisma XVII) the priest performs a complete censing of the church.

The canons:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

Irmos, four troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos

Four troparia of the first saint, from the Menaion

Four troparia of the second saint, from the Menaion

Wednesday and Friday:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos

Four troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos

Three troparia of the first saint, from the Menaion

Three troparia of the second saint, from the Menaion


In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Four troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the canon of the temple

Three troparia of the first saint, from the Menaion

Three troparia of the second saint, from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

In a temple of a Saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the first saint, from the Menaion

Four troparia of the second saint, from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

The canon for the saint of the temple is not said

The katavasiæ, which are the irmoi of the canon in the Menaion (on Saturday, the Octoechos), are sung only at Odes III, VI, VIII and IX.

After Ode III there is a small litany and then the kontakion (and ikos) of the second saint, if there be such, followed by the sessional hymns from the Menaion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany and then the kontakion and ikos of the first saint, from the Menaion.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX It is truly meet… and a Small Litany


If there be no exapostilarion in the Menaion:

Exapostilarion from the Octoechos; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Octoechos.

If there be an exapostilarion for one saint:

Exapostilarion from the Octoechos; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion or stavrotheotokion from the Octoechos. On Saturday: Menaion; Glory… Octoechos; Now and ever… theotokion in Octoechos.

If there be exapostilaria for both saints:

Monday through Friday: Exapostilarion for the first saint; Glory… for the second saint; Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion or stavrotheotokion from the Octoechos. On Saturday: Exapostilaria for the saints, in the order they appear in the Menaion; Glory… Octoechos; Now and ever… theotokion in Octoechos.

The Praises are read without stichera unless there be stichera in the Menaion, in which case the first two verses are still read, and we insert the stichera from the Menaion between the concluding verses; Glory… doxasticon in Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion. In this case, we do not read Glory… Now and ever…, nor does the priest say, To Thee Glory is due…, but immediately: Glory to Thee Who hast…. On Saturday even though the Octoechos provides verses for the Praises, we don't chant them, but read the psalms and the Doxology.

Aposticha: From the Daily Octoechos. But if it be Saturday: We chant the first three stichera given at praises (for the Martyrs) in the Octoechos, using the usual Aposticha refrains (We were filled in the morning… etc.); Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… theotokion.

Troparia: Troparion of the first saint; Glory… troparion for the second saint, if there be such; Now and ever… theotokion.

The Hours.

Troparia of both saints.

At the First and Sixth Hour: Kontakion for the first saint.

At the Third and Ninth Hour: Kontakion for the second saint.

Note: If there be only one kontakion, we chant that kontakion at all the Hours.


Divine Liturgy.

In some churches, shorter daily antiphons are used in place of the Typika and Beatitudes. However, if the Menaion indicates that troparia be read at the Beatitudes, we use the Typika and Beatitudes with the troparia as appointed in the Menaion. On Saturday: We always use the Typika and Beatitudes. If the Menaion calls for Beatitude verses for the first saint (from Ode III), these precede those of the Octoechos (four each); otherwise, we use six troparia on the Beatitudes, all from the Octoechos. If the Menaion calls for Beatitude verses for both saints, we take four troparia from Ode III of the first saint, and four from Ode VI of the second saint, omitting the troparia from the Octoechos.

The remainder of the Liturgy follows the same order as for a simple service (§2A). If there be troparia and kontakia for both saints, both are used.


Six-Stichera Service (§2C).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing six stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Octoechos; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.


After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion from the Menaion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

After each kathisma we say Lord, have mercy, thrice, and read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos.39 After the last appointed kathisma and its sessional hymns we say Lord, have mercy, thrice; Glory… Now and ever… and psalm 50.

Note: On Saturday, during the second kathisma reading (kathisma XVII) the priest performs a complete censing of the church.

The canons:

Weekdays except Thursday:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos (the two troparia for the martyrs are omitted).

Four troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos

Six troparia from the Menaion


Irmos, three troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos

Three troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos, including the theotokion (the troparion before the theotokion is omitted if necessary).

Six troparia from the Menaion.


In a temple dedicated to the resurrection:

From the preceding Sunday, in the tone of the week:

Irmos and two troparia of the resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Theotokos


Six troparia from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Four troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the canon of the temple

Six troparia from the Menaion

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

In a temple of a Saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the Menaion

Four troparia from the canon of the temple

Four troparia from the first canon in the Octoechos (for All Saints).

The katavasiæ, which are the irmoi of the canon in the Menaion (on Saturday, the Octoechos), are sung only at Odes III, VI, VIII and IX.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX It is truly meet… and a small litany

Exapostilarion from the Octoechos; Glory… from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion, or stavrotheotokion from the Octoechos. On Saturday: Exapostilarion from the Menaion; Glory… Octoechos; Now and ever… theotokion from the Octoechos.

The Praises are read without stichera unless there be stichera in the Menaion, in which case the first two verses are still read, and we insert the stichera from the Menaion between the concluding verses; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion. In this case the priest does not say To Thee Glory is due…, but immediately Glory to Thee Who hast…. and the Doxology is read. On Saturday, even though the Octoechos provides verses for the Praises, we do not chant them, but read the psalms and the Doxology.

Aposticha: From the Octoechos. But if it be Saturday: We chant the first three stichera given at praises (for the Martyrs) in the Octoechos, using the usual Aposticha refrains (We were filled in the morning… etc.); Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion from the Menaion.

Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read four troparia form the Octoechos and four troparia from ode III in the Menaion. The rest of the Liturgy follows the same order as for a simple commemoration (§2A).


Doxology Service (§2D).

Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.


At Lord I have cried… we sing six stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Menaion, with the verses provided therein; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.



After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion from the Menaion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

After the first and second kathisma readings there is a small and we read the sessional hymns from the Menaion. If there be a third kathisma appointed, thereafter we say Lord, have mercy, thrice, and read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos. After the last appointed kathisma and its sessional hymns we say Lord, have mercy, thrice; Glory… Now and ever… and psalm 50.

Note: On Saturday, during the second kathisma reading (kathisma XVII) the priest performs a complete censing of the church.

The canons:

Weekdays except Thursday:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos (the two troparia for the martyrs are omitted).

Four troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos

Six troparia from the Menaion


Irmos, three troparia and theotokion from the first canon in the Octoechos

Three troparia from the second canon in the Octoechos, including the theotokion (the troparion before the theotokion is omitted if necessary).

Six troparia from the Menaion


In a temple dedicated to the resurrection:

From the preceding Sunday, in the tone of the week:

Irmos, twice, and two troparia of the resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Cross and resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Theotokos

Then: Eight troparia from the Menaion

In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the canon of the temple

Eight troparia from the Menaion

In a temple of a Saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the canon to the Theotokos, in the tone of the week (from the preceding Sunday).

Eight troparia from the Menaion

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia.

After Ode III there is a small litany and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

Exapostilarion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion.

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion

The Great Doxology and then the troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion from the Menaion.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read four troparia from ode III and four from ode VI of the canon in the Menaion.

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord or Theotokos:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…

Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel and Communion Hymn: For the day and from the Menaion. But on Saturday: From the Menaion and then for the day.


Polyeleos Service (§2E).


Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.



Instead of the kathisma we sing Blessed is the man…, the first stasis of Kathisma I (or selected verses therefrom).

At Lord I have cried… we sing six or eight stichera from the Menaion, as provided therein; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

After the Entrance and prokeimenon there are three readings appointed in the Menaion.

Litya, if served: The first sticheron of the temple and then the stichera from the Menaion

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Menaion, with the verses provided therein; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

The troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.



After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion from the Menaion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

After each kathisma there is a small litany, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After the reading of the second appointed kathisma and the sessional hymns, we sing the Polyeleos which is immediately followed by the Magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion.

Small litany and sessional hymns from the Menaion

The Hymns of Ascents, fourth tone: From my youth up…

Prokeimenon and Gospel from the Menaion

Psalm 50

Glory… Through the prayers of ___ …

Now and ever… Through the prayers of the Theotokos… Have mercy on me… and then the sticheron from the Menaion.

Litany: Save, O God, Thy people...

Then the canons:

Weekdays in all temples and Saturdays in a temple of a saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the canon of Supplication to the Theotokos or the canon to the Theotokos provided in the Menaion.

Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion *

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion *

* If there be only one canon in the Menaion, as is sometimes the case, we read eight troparia from that canon.


In a temple dedicated to the resurrection:

From the preceding Sunday, in the tone of the week:

Irmos, twice, and two troparia of the resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Cross and resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Theotokos


Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion*

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion*

In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the canon of the temple

Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion*

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion*

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany (It is truly meet… is not sung.).

Exapostilarion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion.

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion

The Great Doxology and then the troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion from the Menaion.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read four troparia from ode III and four from ode VI of the canon in the Menaion.

* If there be only one canon in the Menaion, as is sometimes the case, we read eight troparia from that canon.

Troparia and kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord or Theotokos:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…

Prokeimenon: From the Menaion, only

Epistle: For the day and from the Menaion

Alleluia: From the Menaion, only

Gospel: For the day and from the Menaion

Communion Hymn: From the Menaion, only

But if it be Saturday, the Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel and Communion Hymn are all from the Menaion and then for the day.


Vigil Service (§2F).


Note: For additional information concerning the usage of theotokia, see chapter six.



Priest: Glory to the holy, and consubstantial…

Clergy: O come, let us worship…

Selected verses from Psalm 103 (sung, with refrains).

The Litany of Peace

Instead of the usual appointed kathisma we sing Blessed is the man…, the first stasis of kathisma i (or selected verses therefrom), followed by a small litany.

At Lord I have cried… we sing eight or ten stichera from the Menaion, as provided therein; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, Glory… Now and ever… doxasticon of the feast (even on Friday evening).


O Gentle Light…

Prokeimenon of the day

Three readings, as appointed by the Menaion

Litany: Let us all say…

Vouchsafe, O Lord…

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…

Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads…

Litya: The first sticheron from the Litya of the temple, followed by the stichera from the Menaion.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera from the Menaion, with the verses provided therein; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion.

Now lettest Thou Thy servant…

Trisagion Prayers

Troparion from the Menaion, twice, and O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, once. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, we sing the troparion of the feast alone, thrice.

The Blessing of the Loaves

Blessed be the name of the Lord… (thrice).

I will bless the Lord… (the first eleven verses of Psalm 33).

Priest: The blessing of the Lord be upon you…

And the reader begins the Six Psalms of Matins, Glory to God in the highest… etc.



Reader: Glory to God in the highest… and he reads the Six Psalms, to which we listen with silence and compunction.

Litany: In peace, let us pray to the Lord…

After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion from the Menaion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: we sing the troparion of the feast, twice;Glory… Now and ever… troparion of the feast, once.

The first appointed kathisma

Small litany and sessional hymns from the Menaion

The second appointed kathisma

Small litany and sessional hymns from the Menaion

Note: If there be a third kathisma reading appointed, it is transferred to Vespers of another day and read instead of Kathisma XVIII; or it may be omitted entirely that week.

After the reading of the second appointed kathisma and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos which is immediately followed by the Magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion.

Small litany and the sessional hymns from the Menaion

The first antiphon of the Hymns of Ascents of the fourth tone, From my youth up…


Let us pray to the Lord… For holy art Thou…

Let every breath…

The appointed reading from the Gospel

Psalm 50

Glory… Through the prayers of Name, O Merciful One…

Now and ever… Through the prayers of the Theotokos…

Have mercy on me… and then the sticheron from the Menaion.

Litany: Save, O God, Thy people...

Then the canons:

Feasts of the Theotokos (Monday — Saturday):

Eight troparia (including the Irmos, twice) from the first canon

Eight troparia (including the Irmos, twice) from the second canon

Saints Peter and Paul; Nativity and Beheading of the Forerunner (Monday — Saturday):

Eight troparia (including the Irmos, twice) from the first canon

Six troparia (including the Irmos, twice) from the second canon

Other Saints:

Weekdays in all temples and Saturdays in a temple of a saint:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the canon of Supplication to the Theotokos or the canon to the Theotokos provided in the Menaion.

Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion*

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion*


In a temple of the resurrection:

From the preceding Sunday, in the tone of the week:

Irmos, twice, and two troparia of the resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Cross and resurrection

One troparion from the canon of the Theotokos


Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion*

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion*

In a temple of the Lord or Theotokos:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the canon of the temple

Four troparia from the first canon in the Menaion*

Four troparia from the second canon in the Menaion*

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia.

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the sessional hymns from the Menaion are read.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…). But if it be a feast of the Theotokos, we immediately sing the refrains and ode IX.

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

The exapostilaria are chanted according to the Menaion.

* If there be only one canon in the Menaion, as is sometimes the case, we read eight troparia from that canon.

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… theotokion. But if it be a feast of the Theotokos: Glory… Now and ever… doxasticon from the Menaion.

The Great Doxology and then the troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion. If it be a feast of the Theotokos, we sing the troparion of the feast alone, once.

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God…

Litany: Let us complete… Peace be unto all…

Let us bow our heads… Wisdom!… and the rest of the dismissal. And then the reader begins First Hour.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion from the Menaion.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read four troparia from ode III and four from ode VI of the canon in the Menaion.

Troparia and Kontakia:

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

Troparion of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… kontakion of the feast

But if it be a feast of a saint:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord or Theotokos:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion from the Menaion

Glory… kontakion from the Menaion

Now and ever… Protection of Christians…


The Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel and Communion Hymn are from the Menaion alone.

If it be a feast of the Theotokos we sing the refrain and Irmos of Ode IX instead of It is truly meet…


Weekday Services During Forefeasts

and Afterfeasts (§2G).


Note: The Octoechos is not used on weekdays during forefeasts and afterfeasts.


Simple, Double, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§2G1).



At Lord I have cried… we insert six stichera, chanting three stichera of the forefeast or feast from the Menaion and three of the saint, also from the Menaion. But if it be a Double Commemoration we chant three stichera of the first saint from the Menaion and three stichera of the second saint, also from the Menaion.

Then: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion (if there be one); Now and ever… sticheron of the forefeast or feast. But if it be Friday evening we chant Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one, otherwise of the feast (written at Now and ever…) Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the forefeast or feast with their verses; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… sticheron of the forefeast or feast.

The troparion of the (first) saint from the Menaion; Glory… (troparion of the second saint, if it be a double commemoration and a second troparion be provided); Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast.



After God is the Lord…

If there be a troparion for one Saint in the Menaion we sing the troparion of the forefeast or feast, twice; Glory… troparion of the saint; Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast.

If there be no troparion in the Menaion we sing the troparion of the forefeast or feast twice; Glory… Now and ever… of the forefeast or feast, once more.

If there be troparia for two Saints in the Menaion (Double Commemoration) we sing the troparion of the forefeast or feast, once; the troparion of the first saint; Glory… troparion of the second saint; Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast.

After each kathisma there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns of the forefeast or feast. If there be three kathismata appointed, after the third we chant Lord, have mercy, thrice, and then the sessional hymns from the Octoechos for the day and tone of the week.

The canons:

If it be a simple service:

Eight troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the forefeast or feast

Four troparia of the saint

If it be a double service:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the forefeast or feast

Four troparia of the first saint

Four troparia of the second saint

If it be a six-stichera or Doxology service:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) of the forefeast or feast

Six or eight troparia of the saint, as appointed in the Menaion

The katavasiæ, which are the irmoi of the canon to the (second) saint in the Menaion, are sung only at Odes III, VI, VIII and IX. But if it be a Doxology service we chant the appointed katavasia after every ode.

If it be a simple or double service:

After Ode III there is a small litany, followed by the kontakion and ikos of the saint(s); then the sessional hymn of the (first) saint; Glory… sessional hymn for the second saint, if there be such; Now and ever… sessional hymn of the forefeast or feast.

After Ode VI there is a small litany and then the kontakion and ikos of the forefeast or feast.

If it be a six-stichera or Doxology service:

After Ode III there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos of the forefeast or feast are chanted; Glory… sessional hymn of the saint; Now and ever… sessional hymn of the forefeast or feast.

After Ode VI there is a small litany, and then the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion are chanted.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany (It is truly meet… is not sung.).

Exapostilarion for the saint (twice, if it be a six-stichera or Doxology service); Glory… Now and ever… forefeast or feast. If there be no exapostilarion in the Menaion: Forefeast or feast; Glory… Now and ever… the same.

If it be a simple, double, or six-stichera service:

The Praises and Doxology are read

Aposticha: Stichera of the forefeast or feast with their verses; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion, if there be one; Now and ever… of the forefeast or feast.

The troparion of the (first) saint from the Menaion; Glory… (troparion of the second saint, if it be a double commemoration and a second troparion be provided); Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast.

If it be a Doxology service:

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… of the forefeast or feast.

The Great Doxology is sung and then we chant the troparion from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast.

The Hours.

Troparion of the forefeast or feast; Glory… of the saint (if there be troparia for two saints, they are alternated). Kontakion of the forefeast or feast only, unless it be a Doxology service, in which case we read the kontakion of the forefeast or feast at the First and Sixth Hours, and the kontakion of the saint at the Third and Ninth Hours.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read six troparia from Ode III of the forefeast, or from the appointed ode of the feast (as noted in the Menaion). But if it be a six-stichera or Doxology service, we read eight troparia, taking four from Ode III of the forefeast, or from the appointed ode of the feast, and four from Ode VI of the canon of the saint.

If it be an afterfeast of the Lord:

At the Small Entrance at O come let us worship… the text following …save us, O Son of God… is taken from the refrain of the second antiphon of the Liturgy of the feast itself.

Troparia and kontakia:

If it be a feast of the Lord:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast


* If it be a double-commemoration and the Menaion provide two troparia, they are both chanted. If there be two kontakia provided, the first is chanted before Glory…, and the second following Glory…

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint of the day*

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day*

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast

If it be a weekday:


Prokeimenon of the saint

Epistle of the day (and of the saint).

Alleluia of the saint

Gospel of the day (and of the saint).

Communion hymn of the saint


Prokeimenon of the feast (and of the saint).

Epistle of the day (and of the saint).

Alleluia of the feast (and of the saint).

Gospel of the day (and of the saint).

Communion hymn of the feast (and of the saint)

* If it be a double-commemoration and the Menaion provide two troparia, they are both chanted. If there be two kontakia provided, the first is chanted before Glory…, and the second following Glory…

† Martyr Eusignius (Aug. 5), during the forefeast of the Transfiguration, has no readings appointed. In this case we must use the general Prokeimenon, Alleluia, and Communion Hymn.

If it be Saturday:


Prokeimenon of the day, Rejoice in the Lord…, (and of the saint).

Epistle (of the saint and) of the day

Alleluia of the day (and of the saint).

Gospel (of the saint and) of the day

Communion hymn of the day (and of the saint).


Prokeimenon of the feast (and of the saint).

Epistle (of the saint and) of the day

Alleluia of the feast (and of the saint).

Gospel (of the saint and) of the day

Communion hymn of the feast (and of the saint).

If it be an afterfeast:

Instead of It is truly meet… we sing the Refrain and Irmos of Ode IX, from the canon of the feast.


Polyeleos or Vigil Service (§2G2)


If it be a Vigil service, the general order of the services is the same as that of any Vigil on a weekday, as outlined above in §2F.



Instead of the kathisma we sing Blessed is the man…, the first stasis of Kathisma I (or selected verses therefrom).

At Lord I have cried… we sing three stichera of the forefeast or feast and five stichera of the saint; Glory… doxasticon of the saint; Now and ever… of the forefeast or feast. But if it be Friday evening: Now and ever… and the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

After the Entrance and prokeimenon there are three readings appointed in the Menaion.

Litya, if served: According to the Menaion

Aposticha: The appointed stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon of the saint, Now and ever… forefeast or feast.

If it be a Polyeleos Service, we chant the troparion of the saint from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… troparion of the forefeast or feast. But if it be a Vigil service we chant the troparion of the saint, twice, and O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, once.


After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion of the forefeast or feast, twice; Glory… troparion of the saint; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.

After each kathisma there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns from the Menaion.

After the reading of the second appointed kathisma and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos which is immediately followed by the Magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion. Thereafter, a small litany followed by the sessional hymn of the saint; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast. Then, From my youth up… and the prokeimenon and gospel of the saint.

The canons:

Six troparia (including the Irmos, twice) of the forefeast or feast

Eight troparia of the canon to the saint (four troparia from each canon if there be two).

We chant the appointed katavasia after every ode.

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the forefeast or feast; Glory… sessional hymn of the saint; Now and ever… sessional hymn of the forefeast or feast.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the saint.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX there is a small litany (It is truly meet… is not sung.).

Exapostilarion of the saint, twice; Glory… Now and ever… forefeast or feast.

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four or six stichera of the saint, as provided in the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon of the saint; Now and ever… of the forefeast or feast.

The Great Doxology and then the troparion of the saint; Glory… Now and ever… and the troparion of the forefeast or feast.

The Hours.

Troparion of the forefeast or feast; Glory… of the saint. We read the kontakion of the forefeast or feast at the First and Sixth Hours, and the kontakion of the saint at the Third and Ninth Hours.


Divine Liturgy.

If it be a Polyeleos service, the Liturgy follows the order set forth in the preceding section (§2G1) for a Doxology service.

But if it be Vigil service:

At the Beatitudes we read eight troparia, taking four from ode III of the forefeast, or from the appointed ode of the feast, and four from ode VI of the canon of the saint.

If it be an afterfeast of the Lord:

At the Small Entrance at O come let us worship… the text following …save us, O Son of God… is taken from the refrain of the second antiphon of the Liturgy of the feast itself.

Troparia and kontakia:

If it be a feast of the Lord:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the saint of the day

Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Troparion of the temple

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day

Kontakion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day

Glory… kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… kontakion of the forefeast or feast

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Troparion of the forefeast or feast

Troparion of the saint of the day

Glory… Kontakion of the saint of the day

Now and ever… Kontakion of the forefeast or feast

If it be a forefeast, the Prokeimenon, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel, and Communion hymn are of the saint, only. But if it be an afterfeast:

Prokeimenon of the feast and saint

Epistle of the saint, only

Alleluia of the feast and saint

Gospel of the saint, only

Communion hymn of the feast and saint

If it be an afterfeast, instead of It is truly meet… we sing the Refrain and Irmos of Ode IX, from the canon of the feast.


The Apodosis of a Feast

of the Lord or Theotokos (§2G3).


Materials for the feast are taken from the service in the Menaion for the feast day itself.



At Lord I have cried… we chant six stichera of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast. But if it be Friday evening: Glory… of the feast; Now and ever… dogmaticon in the tone of the week. Note: If it be the Apodosis of the Nativity or Theophany we chant Glory… Now and ever… and the sticheron of the feast even on Friday evening.

Note: There is neither an Entrance, nor readings from the Old Testament.

Aposticha: We sing the stichera of the feast with their verses; Glory… Now and ever… sticheron of the feast.

Troparion of the feast, once.



After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion of the feast, twice; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast, once more.

After each kathisma there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns of the feast. (If there be three kathismata, after the third we read the sessional hymns given after the Polyeleos).

The canon:

Twelve troparia of the feast (including the Irmos, twice). If there be two canons of the feast, eight troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the first canon, and four troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the second canon.

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia.

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymn of the feast, twice.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the feast.

At Ode IX, instead of the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…), we sing the refrains of the feast.

After Ode IX there is a small litany (It is truly meet… is not sung.).

Exapostilarion of the feast, twice

The Praises: The first two verses are sung in the tone of the first sticheron. We chant four stichera of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast.

The Great Doxology and then the troparion of the feast.

The Hours.

Troparion and kontakion of the feast.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read eight troparia from ode IX of the feast. If there be two canons, we take four troparia from each.

If it be a feast of the Lord, at the Small Entrance at O come let us worship… the text following …save us, O Son of God… is taken from the refrain of the second antiphon of the Liturgy of the feast itself.

We sing the troparion of the feast; Glory… Now and ever… and the kontakion of the feast.

If it be a feast of the Lord:

Prokeimenon of the feast

Epistle of the day, only

Alleluia of the feast

Gospel of the day, only

Communion hymn of the feast

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

Prokeimenon of the feast

Epistle of the day and of the feast

Alleluia of the feast

Gospel of the day and of the feast

Communion hymn of the feast

Instead of It is truly meet… we sing the refrain and irmos of Ode IX, from the canon of the feast.


Apodosis of a Feast

together with a Vigil Service (§2G4).


The general order of the services is the same as that of any Vigil on a weekday, as outlined above in §2F.


Instead of the kathisma we sing Blessed is the man…, the first stasis of Kathisma I (or selected verses therefrom).

At Lord I have cried… we sing six stichera of the feast and four of the saint; Glory… doxasticon of the saint; Now and ever… of the feast, unless it be Friday evening, in which case we sing the dogmaticon in the tone of the week.

After the Entrance and prokeimenon there are three readings appointed in the Menaion.

Litya: The first sticheron from the Litya of the temple feast, followed by the stichera of the saint; Glory… of the saint; Now and ever… of the feast.

Aposticha: The stichera of the feast; Glory… doxasticon of the saint; Now and ever… of the feast.

Troparion of the saint, twice, and the troparion of the feast, once.



After God is the Lord… we sing the troparion of the forefeast or feast, twice; Glory… troparion of the saint; Now and ever… troparion of the feast.

After each kathisma there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns of the feast.

After the reading of the second appointed kathisma and the sessional hymns we sing the Polyeleos which is immediately followed by the Magnification and selected psalm verses from the Menaion. Thereafter, a small litany followed by the sessional hymn of the saint; Glory… Now and ever… of the feast. Then, From my youth up… and the prokeimenon and gospel of the saint.

The canons:

If there be one canon of the feast:

Eight troparia of the feast (including the irmos, twice).

Six troparia of the saint

If there be two canons of the feast:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the first canon of the feast

Four troparia of the saint

Four troparia from the second canon of the feast

We chant the appointed katavasia after every ode.

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the saint; Glory… sessional hymn of the saint; Now and ever… sessional hymn of the feast.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the feast.

At Ode IX, instead of the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…), we sing the refrains of the feast.

After Ode IX there is a small litany.

Exapostilarion of the feast; Glory… exapostilarion of the saint; Now and ever… of the feast.

At the Praises we insert eight stichera, chanting four of the feast and four of the saint; Glory… doxasticon of the saint; Now and ever… of the feast.

The Great Doxology and then the troparion of the saint; Glory… Now and ever… and the troparion of the feast.

The Hours.

Troparion of the feast; Glory… of the saint. We read the kontakion of the saint at the First and Sixth Hours, and the kontakion of the feast at the Third and Ninth Hours.


Divine Liturgy.

At the Beatitudes we read eight troparia: four from ode IX of the feast (first canon) and four from ode VI of the saint.

If it be a feast of the Lord, at the Small Entrance at O come let us worship… the text following …save us, O Son of God… is taken from the refrain of the second antiphon of the Liturgy of the feast itself.

Troparia and kontakia:

Troparion of the feast

Troparion of the saint

Glory… Kontakion of the saint

Now and ever… Kontakion of the feast

If it be a feast of the Lord:

Prokeimenon of the feast and of the saint

Epistle of the saint, only

Alleluia of the feast and of the saint

Gospel of the saint, only

Communion hymn of the feast and of the saint

If it be a feast of the Theotokos:

Prokeimenon of the feast and of the saint

Epistle of the saint and of the feast

Alleluia of the feast and of the saint

Gospel of the saint and of the feast

Communion hymn of the feast and of the saint

Instead of It is truly meet… we sing the Refrain and Irmos of Ode IX, from the canon of the feast.


3. Services of the Triodion.


The Order of Lenten Weekday Services (§3A).


Saturday and Sunday services are treated in (§3B).


Simple Service (§3A1).


The Midnight Office.

The Midnight Office is read according to the Horologion. After the Prayer of the Hours and the words of the priest, God be gracious unto us…, we say the Prayer of Saint Ephraim once, with three prostrations.


Priest: Blessed is our God…

The usual beginning (see appendix I).

Psalms 19 and 20

Glory… Now and ever…

Holy God… and the rest of the Trisagion Prayers through Our Father… and the exclamation by the priest, For Thine is the kingdom…

The troparia, Save, O Lord… and the rest as given in the Horologion.

The litany: Have mercy on us…

Priest: Glory to the holy and consubstantial…

And the Reader begins the Six Psalms as usual.

After the Six Psalms and the litany:

Instead of God is the Lord… we sing Alleluia in the tone of the week, accompanied by the verses supplied in the Priest's Service Book (also in the Horologion).

Then we sing the Hymns to the Trinity in the tone of the week, according to the order detailed in the Horologion (also printed in the appendix to the Triodion).

Then the choir sings: Lord, have mercy, thrice; Glory…

Reader: Now and ever… and the first appointed kathisma.

After the kathisma there is no litany, but rather Lord, have mercy, thrice, followed by the sessional hymns in the tone of the week (these are included in the Triodion, pages 668-699).

The second appointed kathisma followed by the sessional hymns of the day (from Triodion or Triodion Supplement).

Third appointed kathisma.

Sessional hymns of the day (from Triodion or Triodion Supplement).

Choir: Lord, have mercy, thrice, Glory… Reader: Now and ever… and Psalm 50.

Litany: Save, O God, Thy people…, with the exclamation by the priest.

Then the canons:

Note: In the Slavonic Psalter the verses are numbered and divided differently from those in The Psalter According to the Seventy, translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Throughout we will give directions for use with the English Psalter from Holy Transfiguration.


We use three canons: The canon from the Menaion, and two three-canticled canons from the Triodion. The three-canticled canons have odes eight and nine, and one ode according to the day: on Monday, ode one; on Tuesday, ode two; on Wednesday, ode three; on Thursday, ode four; on Friday, ode five.

At those odes which have only a canon from the Menaion:

At odes one, four, five and seven: Irmos and the four troparia of the canon. Before the first two troparia, we chant the last two verses of the respective biblical ode. Before the final two troparia, we chant, Glory… and, Now and ever… At these odes there are no katavasiæ.

At odes three and six: The irmos is not sung, but we begin immediately with the four troparia of the canon. Before the first two troparia, we chant the last two verses of the respective biblical ode. Before the final two troparia, we chant, Glory… and, Now and ever… At the end we chant the irmos from the Menaion as the katavasia.

At those odes which have a canon from the Menaion and the three-canticled canons from the Triodion:

We begin by chanting the verses of the biblical ode up to and including the proper verse, as follows:

Ode one: verse nine, The enemy said…

Ode three: verse four, For the Lord…

Ode four: verse fourteen, With threatening…

Ode five: verse five, Zeal shall lay hold…

Ode eight: verse six, Bless the Lord, fire and heat…

Ode nine: the irmos is sung before verse one, Blessed be the Lord…

We then sing the irmos of the canon in the Menaion, followed by the remaining verses of the biblical ode interspersed with five troparia from the Menaion (if necessary, troparia are repeated to make five); then four troparia from each of the two canons in the Triodion. Before each troparion we chant a verse from the biblical ode, in order. Before the final two troparia we chant Glory… and Now and ever…; then, one final troparion from the Triodion, with the refrain, Glory to Thee, our God… At the end we chant the katavasia from the Triodion (irmos of the second canon).

At the second ode (Tuesday only):

We sing the second biblical ode through to the end, without inserting any troparia between the verses. We conclude by singing Glory… Now and ever…; we then sing the irmos of the first canon in the Triodion, followed by four troparia from each of the two canons in the Triodion. Before each troparion we chant the refrain, Glory to Thee, our God…. Before the final two troparia, we chant, Glory… and, Now and ever…; then, one final troparion from the Triodion, with the refrain, Glory to Thee, our God… At the end we chant the katavasia from the Triodion (irmos of the second canon).

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns from the Menaion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos from the Menaion. If there be no kontakion in the Menaion, we read the sessional hymn to the martyrs, in the tone of the week (Triodion, pages 668-699).

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat (My soul doth magnify…).

After Ode IX It is truly meet… and a small litany

Then the exapostilarion (Hymn of Light, photogogicon), as detailed in the Horologion.

The Praises are read, without stichera.

Priest: To Thee glory is due… Reader: Amen.

Priest: Glory to Thee Who hast showed us the light.

And the reader continues with the Small Doxology (read, not sung).

Litany: Let us complete our morning prayer unto the Lord…

The Aposticha, with stichera from Triodion and the usual weekday verses (We were filled… etc.); Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia, or the stavrotheotokion from the Menaion.

It is good to give praise… twice.

Trisagion Prayers

Standing in the temple of thy glory…

Lord, have mercy, forty times.

Glory… Now and ever…

More honorable…

In the name of the Lord…

Priest: He that is is blessed…

Reader: Amen. O Heavenly King, strengthen Orthodox…

The Prayer of Saint Ephraim, twice, with four prostrations and twelve bows.

And then the reader says: Amen. O come, let us worship…, and immediately begins the First Hour.

The Hours and Typika

The hours and Typika are read exactly as indicated in the Horologion for Lenten services.


During Great Lent there are numerous possible patterns for Vespers, as it is the transitional service from one day to another. In this section we will treat the following possible patterns:

  1. Sunday evening — below
  2. Weekday evenings, except Wednesday and Friday.
  3. Wednesday and Friday, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is served.
  4. Wednesday, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is not served.
  5. Friday, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is not served.

Other possible patterns, such as Thursday of the Great canon (when Presanctified should be served), will be treated in their proper places.


I. Vespers on Sunday Evening.

Priest: Blessed is our God… and the usual beginning.

Psalm 103

The Litany of Peace

We chant Lord, I have cried… with ten stichera: four in the tone of the week (Triodion pages 184-188), three of the day from the Triodion, and three for the saint of the day from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia.

Entrance with the censer.

O Gentle Light…

Then the Great Prokeimenon from the Triodion.

Vouchsafe, O Lord… during which the priest removes his phelonion and puts on a dark-colored epitrachilion.

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer… with the response being sung to the Lenten penitential melody. Similarly, the vestments in the church are changed to dark colors at this time.

The Aposticha, with stichera from Triodion and the usual weekday verses (We were filled… etc.); Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia.

Now lettest Thou…

Trisagion Prayers

O Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice… and a prostration.

Glory… O Baptizer of Christ… prostration.

Now and ever… Plead in our behalf… prostration.

Beneath thy compassion… bow from the waist.

Lord, have mercy, forty times.

Glory… Now and ever…

More honorable…

In the name of the Lord…

Priest: He that is, is blessed…

Reader: Amen. O Heavenly King, strengthen Orthodox…

Prayer of Saint Ephraim once, with three prostrations.

Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ God…

Choir: Glory… Now and ever… Lord, have mercy, thrice. Father (Master) bless!

And the priest gives the dismissal.


II. Vespers on Weekday Evenings.

(except Wednesday and Friday).

Priest: Blessed is our God… and the usual beginning.

Psalm 103

The Litany of Peace

The appointed kathisma from the Psalter followed by a small litany.

We chant Lord, I have cried… with six stichera: three of the day from the Triodion, and three of the saint of the day from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia, or stavrotheotokion from the Menaion.

O Gentle Light…

Prokeimenon from the Triodion

The appointed reading from Genesis

Prokeimenon from the Triodion

The appointed reading from Proverbs

Vouchsafe, O Lord…

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…

The Aposticha, with stichera from Triodion and the usual weekday verses (We were filled… etc.); Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia, or stavrotheotokion from the Menaion.

Now lettest Thou…

Trisagion Prayers

O Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice… and a prostration.

Glory… O Baptizer of Christ… prostration.

Now and ever… Plead in our behalf… prostration.

Beneath thy compassion… bow from the waist.

Lord, have mercy, forty times.

Glory… Now and ever…

More honorable…

In the name of the Lord…

Priest: He that is, is blessed…

Reader: Amen. O Heavenly King, strengthen Orthodox…

Prayer of Saint Ephraim twice, with four prostrations and twelve bows.

Reader: Amen, and the Trisagion Prayers.

Lord, have mercy, twelve times.

O All-Holy Trinity, the Consubstantial…

Blessed be the name of the Lord…, thrice.

Glory… Now and ever…

Psalm 33 is read

Priest: Wisdom!

Choir: It is truly meet…

Priest: O most holy Theotokos save us.

Choir: More honorable…

Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ God…

Choir: Glory… Now and ever… Lord, have mercy, thrice. Father (Master) bless!

And the priest gives the dismissal.

III. Wednesday and Friday when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is Served

Priest: Blessed is the Kingdom…

Choir: Amen. And the reader continues with the usual beginning.

Psalm 103

The Litany of Peace

The appointed kathisma from the Psalter. After each of the three stases of the kathisma we read: Glory… Now and ever… Alleluia… and then there is a small litany. The priest transfers the Consecrated Gifts from the Holy Table to the Table of the Oblation. See detailed rubrics in The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (SJKP, 1997).

We chant Lord, I have cried… with ten stichera as appointed in the Triodion.

Entrance with the censer.

O Gentle Light…

Prokeimenon from the Triodion

The appointed reading from Genesis

Prokeimenon from the Triodion

Deacon: Command!

The priest blesses the people with the incense and the lighted candle, saying, Wisdom! Aright! The Light of Christ…, while the faithful prostrate themselves.

The appointed reading from Proverbs

Reader (or Trio): Let my prayer be set forth…

Choir repeats, and the rest as set forth in the service book.

Then the Prayer of Saint Ephraim, once, with three prostrations.

Litany of Fervent Intercession: Let us all say…

Litany for the Catechumens

Litany for those awaiting illumination (from Wednesday in the fourth week of Lent onwards).

Two litanies for the faithful

Now the Hosts of Heaven…

Great Entrance with the Consecrated Gifts is made in silence, as we all kneel prostrated with our faces to the ground. Then the choir continues: With faith and longing…

Then the Prayer of Saint Ephraim, once, with three prostrations.

Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer… and then, Our Father…

Priest: Peace be unto all… Let us bow our heads… The Presanctified Holies… with responses by the choir.

Communion of the clergy, while the choir sings the communion verse, O taste and see…

Priest: With fear of God…

Choir: I will bless the Lord at all times…

Priest: I believe, O Lord, and I confess…

Then communion is given, during which we sing, Receive ye the body…

Priest: Save, O God, Thy people…

Choir: Taste ye the heavenly bread…

Priest: Always, now and ever…

Choir: Let our mouths be filled…

Litany: Aright! Having partaken…

In peace, let us depart… Let us pray to the Lord… and the Prayer Behind the Ambon: O Almighty Master…

Blessed be the name of the Lord…, thrice.

Glory… Now and ever… and Psalm 33 is sung.

Priest: The blessing of the Lord… Glory to Thee, O Christ God…

Choir: Glory… Now and ever… Lord, have mercy, thrice; Father (Master) bless!

And the priest gives the dismissal, commemorating the saint of the day just ended and also the saint of the coming day, and St. Gregory the Diologist.


IV. Wednesday when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is not Served.

If for some reason the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts cannot be served, Vespers is served alone as on other weekdays during Lent.

At Lord, I have cried… we insert six stichera: we chant three stichera from the Triodion, omitting both the first sticheron and the martyricon, and three stichera from the Menaion; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia.

At the Aposticha we take the first sticheron given in the Triodion for Lord, I have cried…, and sing it twice; then the martyricon from the same place; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Octoechos in the tone of the last sticheron, from the Wednesday Aposticha. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia.


V. Friday when the Liturgy of the Presanctified is not Served

At Lord, I have cried… we insert six stichera: we chant three stichera of the martyrs in the tone of the week, from the Octoechos, and three stichera from the Menaion; Glory… doxasticon from Menaion, if there be such, but if not the sticheron of the departed from the Octoechos; Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week, from the Octoechos.

At the Aposticha we take the sticheron given in the Triodion for Lord, I have cried…, and sing it twice; then the martyricon from the Octoechos, in the tone of the week; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion in the same tone, also from the Octoechos.

After the Trisagion Prayers we do not sing O Theotokos Virgin… but rather the troparia from the Triodion, as given at Matins.

Then the litany, Have mercy on us…

The Prayer of Saint Ephraim once, with three prostrations

The prayer, O All-Holy Trinity, the Consubstantial…

Blessed be the name of the Lord…, thrice.

Glory… Now and ever…

Psalm 33 is read

Priest: Wisdom!

Choir: It is truly meet…

Priest: O most holy Theotokos save us.

Choir: More honorable…

Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ God…

Choir: Glory… Now and ever… Lord, have mercy, thrice. Father (Master) bless!

And the priest gives the dismissal.


Double Service (§3A2).

The general order is the same as for a simple service as set forth in the preceding section of this chapter (§3A1). The following exceptions and clarifications should be noted.



At Lord, I have cried… the stichera are chanted according to the order detailed in the preceding section for a simple service. Only the stichera of the first saint are chanted at this point, those of the second saint being transferred to the Praises, as detailed below; if necessary, the theotokion from the Octoechos may be used, from the appropriate day and tone.



The canons:

Note: In the Slavonic Psalter the verses are numbered and divided differently from those in The Psalter According to the Seventy, translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Throughout we will give directions for use with the English Psalter from Holy Transfiguration.

We use four canons: Two canons from the Menaion (one for each of the saints), and two three-canticled canons from the Triodion. The three-canticled canons have odes eight and nine, and one ode according to the day: on Monday, ode one; on Tuesday, ode two; on Wednesday, ode three; on Thursday, ode four; on Friday, ode five.

At those odes which have only the canons from the Menaion:

At odes one, four, five and seven: From the canon of the first saint we sing the irmos, then we read the first two troparia together as one, then the troparion before the theotokion. The theotokion itself is not read. From the canon of the second saint we read the first two troparia together as one, then the troparion before the theotokion, and then the theotokion itself. Before each of the first three troparia, we chant one of the last three verses of the respective biblical ode. Before the final two troparia, we chant Glory… and Now and ever… At these odes there are no katavasiæ.

At odes three and six: The irmos is not sung, but we begin immediately with the troparia of the canons in the Menaion, as detailed above. At the end of the ode we chant the irmos of the canon of the first saint as the katavasia.

At those odes which have both the canons from the Menaion and the three-canticled canons from the Triodion:

The canons are read according to the same order as a simple service. The five troparia from the Menaion are obtained thus: from the canon of the first saint, the first two troparia are read together as one, then the troparion before the theotokion. The theotokion itself is not read. From the canon of the second saint we read the first two troparia together as one, then the troparion before the theotokion, and then the theotokion itself.

At the second ode (Tuesday only): The biblical ode and three-canticled canon from the Triodion, as set forth for a simple commemoration.

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the second saint, if such be provided, and the sessional hymns from the Menaion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos of the first saint, from the Menaion. If there be no kontakion in the Menaion, we read the sessional hymn to the martyrs, in the tone of the week (Triodion, pages 668-699).

At the Praises all the verses down to Praise Him for His mighty acts… are read, then we insert four stichera of the second saint from the Menaion (printed at Lord, I have cried…; the Menaion provides only three stichera, therefore the first must be repeated); Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Menaion.


Specific Services of the Triodion (§3B).

The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (§3B1).


The following note appears in the Slavonic Triodion: The service for the saint whose day falls on this Sunday, as well as on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, is chanted at Compline of Friday, or whenever the priest wishes, unless it be a great Saint, or the Saint of the temple. Even if the Saint of the temple be not a great Saint, we nevertheless neither omit nor transfer his commemoration to another day. In this case we add the service to the Saint of the Temple to the resurrectional service and to the Triodion service, following the order as outlined for the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord (Feb. 2), as that Feast falls throughout the Lenten and pre-Lenten period.



At Lord I have cried… we insert ten stichera:

Seven stichera from the Octoechos

Two stichera from the Triodion, repeating the first, first tone: Brethren, let us not…

Glory… from the Triodion, eighth tone: Almighty Lord…

Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week

At the Litya, if served

The sticheron of the temple

Glory… from the Triodion, third tone: Understanding, O my soul…

Now and ever… resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha of the third tone.

At the Aposticha:

The stichera of the Octoechos with their verses

Glory… from the Triodion, fifth tone: Mine eyes are weighed…

Now and ever… resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha of the fifth tone.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… Now and ever… the theotokion in the same tone.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

If it be 14 January or earlier, we sing the Polyeleos; otherwise, Psalm 118 is chanted.

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

After Psalm 50:Glory… The doors of repentance..., and the rest as given in the Triodion or Horologion.

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon of the Cross and resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Six troparia of the canon from the Triodion with the refrain, Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia (see chapter eight).

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns from the Triodion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion, As the Publican… and the ikos from the Triodion.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat, My soul doth magnify…

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


Holy is the Lord…

The appointed exapostilarion of the resurrection

Glory… from the Triodion: Let us flee…

Now and ever…, theotokion from the Triodion: The Maker of creation…

At the Praises we insert eight stichera:

We chant four stichera from the Octoechos

And four stichera from the Triodion: two from Lord, I have cried…, the doxasticon from the Litya, and one printed at the Praises

Glory…, from the Triodion, eighth tone: O Lord, Thou hast condemned…

Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

After the dismissal: Glory… Now and ever… and the appointed gospel sticheron.


At all the Hours we read the troparion of the resurrection and the kontakion from the Triodion.


At the Beatitudes we read six troparia of the resurrection and four troparia of Ode VI of the canon from the Triodion.

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Glory… Now and ever… kontakion from the Triodion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion from the Triodion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion of the temple

Now and ever… Kontakion from the Triodion

Prokeimenon: in the tone of the week

Epistle: II Timothy §296 (3:10-15).

Alleluia: in the tone of the week

Gospel: Luke §89 (18:10-14).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord…


The Sunday of the Prodigal Son (§3B2).



At Lord I have cried… we insert ten stichera:

We chant six stichera from the Octoechos

And two from the Triodion, repeating each, first tone: I was entrusted…

Glory… from the Triodion, second tone: Of what great blessings…

Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week

If Litya be served:

Sticheron of the temple

Glory…, from the Triodion, fourth tone: As the Prodigal…

Now and ever… resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha of the fourth tone, Mercifully regard the supplications of Thy servants…

At the Aposticha:

We sing the stichera of the Octoechos with their verses.

Glory… from the Triodion, sixth tone: I have wasted…

Now and ever… resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha of the sixth tone.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… Now and ever… the theotokion in the same tone.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Polyeleos with By the waters of Babylon… (Psalms 134, 135 and 136).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

After Psalm 50: Glory… The doors of repentance..., and the rest as given in the Triodion or Horologion

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon of the Cross and resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Six troparia of the canon from the Triodion with the refrain, Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

After each ode we sing the appointed katavasia (see chapter eight).

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymn from the Triodion, twice; Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos from the Triodion.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat, My soul doth magnify…

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


Holy is the Lord…

The appointed exapostilarion of the resurrection

From the Triodion: The wealth of grace…

Glory…, another from the Triodion: I have wasted…

Now and ever…, theotokion from the Triodion: O holy Virgin…

At the Praises we insert eight stichera:

We chant five stichera from the Octoechos

And three stichera from the Triodion

Glory…, from the Triodion, sixth tone: O loving Father…

Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

After the dismissal: Glory… Now and ever… and the appointed gospel sticheron.


At all the Hours we read the troparion of the resurrection and the kontakion from the Triodion.



At the Beatitudes we read six troparia of the resurrection and four troparia of Ode VI of the canon from the Triodion.

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Glory… Now and ever… kontakion from the Triodion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion from the Triodion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion of the temple

Now and ever… Kontakion from the Triodion

Prokeimenon: in the tone of the week

Epistle: I Corinthians §135(6:12-20).

Alleluia: in the tone of the week

Gospel: Luke §79(15:11-32).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord…


The Saturday of Meatfare (§3B3).

Commemoration of the Departed.



(On Friday evening).

At Lord I have cried… we insert six stichera:

We chant three martyrica in the tone of the week, from the Octoechos.

And three for the departed, from the Triodion, eighth tone: O ye faithful…

Glory… from the Triodion, same tone: I lament and weep…

Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week

Instead of the prokeimenon, we sing Alleluia, thrice, in the eighth tone, with the following verses:

Verse 1: Their souls shall dwell among good things.

Verse 2:Blessed are they whom Thou hast chosen and taken to Thyself, O Lord. Their memorial is from generation to generation.

At the Aposticha:

We sing the one martyricon and then two stichera to the departed in the tone of the week (from the Octoechos or the Triodion, pages 142-149).

We use the same verses as at Alleluia: Their souls… and Blessed are they…

Glory…, from the Triodion, sixth tone: Thy creative ordinance…

Now and ever…, theotokion, same tone: At the intercessions…


From the Triodion, eighth tone: O Thou Who with wisdom…

Glory… Now and ever… theotokion, same tone: In thee we have a wall…


Note: Before the beginning of Matins or, if Vespers and Matins be conjoined, before the beginning of Vespers, a table for the commemoration of the departed (Pannykhida table) is placed in the center of the church.

Instead of God is the Lord…, we sing Alleluia, eighth tone, with the verses, Blessed are they… etc., as at a Pannykhida. Then the troparia:

O Thou Who with wisdom…, twice

Glory… Now and ever… In thee we have a wall…

After the first reading from the Psalter (Kathisma XVI) there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns to the martyrs in the tone of the week. (From the Octoechos or the Triodion Supplement, pages 274-305.).

At the completion of the sessional hymns:

Choir: Lord, have mercy, thrice. Glory…

Reader: Now and ever… And he begins the seventeenth kathisma:

Blessed are the blameless in the way…

Blessed are they that search out His testimonies… etc.

While the reader continues with the first half of the kathisma, the choir sings softly, fifth tone: Blessed art Thou, O Lord.

When the reader has read verse 91, By Thine ordinance…, the choir sings thrice the next two verses, If Thy law had not been… and I will never forget Thy statutes…

Then a small litany for the departed, as at a Pannykhida.

And the reader continues with the second half of the seventeenth kathisma, I am Thine, save me…, during which the choir sings softly: Save me, O Savior.

The reader continues down to verse 174, I have longed…, and the choir sings thrice the two concluding verses, My soul shall live… and I have gone astray…

And immediately the choir begins the Evlogitaria of the Departed, as at a Pannykhida: Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes. The choir of the saints…

Then again the small litany for the Departed, as at a Pannykhida.

Sessional hymns and theotokion from the Triodion.

Psalm 50

And we immediately begin the canons:

Six troparia (including the irmos, twice) from the canon of the temple

Eight troparia from the canon for the departed, in the Triodion

But at Ode Two: From the Triodion, only.

Katavasia: O ye people… (from the Triodion).

After Ode III we have the usual small litany followed by the sessional hymns from the Triodion.

After Ode VI we have the small litany for the departed followed by the kontakion and ikos from the Triodion. During the singing of the kontakion, With the saints… the priest censes.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat, My soul doth magnify…

After Ode IX It is truly meet… and a small litany

Exapostilaria (all from the Triodion):

O Thou who hast authority…

Glory… Give rest to Thy servants, O Lord…

Now and ever… O Mary, Bride of God…

Then the Praises with four stichera from the Triodion:

(All the verses down to Praise Him for His mighty acts… are read.).

We chant four stichera, eighth tone: Come, brethren…

Glory…, second tone: As a flower withers…

Now and ever…, theotokion, same tone: Hail Mary Theotokos, temple…

Priest: Glory to Thee, Who hast showed…

And the Small Doxology is read.

Aposticha: Stichera and verses for the departed in the tone of the week, from the Octoechos; Glory… from the Triodion, sixth tone: In days of old… Now and ever… theotokion, same tone: Thou art God…

Then: It is good to give praise… (once) and the Trisagion Prayers


From the Triodion, eighth tone: O Thou Who with wisdom…

Glory… Now and ever… theotokion, same tone: In thee we have a wall…

And the rest of Matins, followed immediately by the First Hour.


The troparion, O Thou who with wisdom… and the kontakion, With the saints



At the Beatitudes we read four troparia from Ode III of the canon in the Triodion and four troparia from Ode VI.

Troparia and Kontakia (from the Triodion, pages 126 and 135):

O Thou Who with wisdom profound…

Glory… With the saints give rest…

Now and ever… In thee we have a wall…

Prokeimenon, sixth tone: Their souls shall dwell…

Epistles: I Corinthians §146 (10:23-28) (for the day).

I Thessalonians §270 (4:13-17) (for the departed).

Alleluia, sixth tone: Blessed are they…

Gospels: Luke §105 (21:8-9, 25-27, 33-36).

John §16 (5:24-30).

Communion Hymn: Blessed are they…

Following the Liturgy there is a universal Pannykhida for all departed Orthodox Christians.


The Sunday of the Last Judgment (§3B4).

Meatfare Sunday.



At Lord I have cried… we insert ten stichera:

We chant six stichera from the Octoechos

And four from the Triodion, sixth tone: When Thou shalt come…

Glory… from the Triodion, eighth tone: When the thrones…

Now and ever… the dogmaticon in the tone of the week

If Litya be served:

Sticheron of the temple

Glory…, from the Triodion, seventh tone: Knowing the commandments…

Now and ever… the resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha in the seventh tone.

At the Aposticha:

We sing the stichera of the Octoechos with their verses.

Glory… from the Triodion, eighth tone: Alas, black soul…

Now and ever… the resurrectional theotokion from the Aposticha in the eighth tone.

For the troparia: If Vigil be served we sing O Theotokos Virgin rejoice…, thrice. Otherwise we sing the Sunday troparion; Glory… Now and ever… the theotokion in the same tone.



After God is the Lord… we sing the Sunday troparion twice; Glory… troparion from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion.

After each kathisma we read the sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Polyeleos with By the waters of Babylon… (Psalms 134, 135 and 136).

After the evlogitaria and litany we read the hypakoë, and sing the Hymns of Ascents and prokeimenon in the tone of the week.

After Psalm 50:Glory… The doors of repentance..., and the rest as given in the Triodion or Horologion

The canons:

Irmos, two troparia and theotokion of the canon of the resurrection in the Octoechos

Two troparia of the canon to the Theotokos in the Octoechos

Eight troparia of the canon from the Triodion

Katavasia: He is for me unto salvation…

After Ode III there is a small litany followed by the sessional hymns from the Triodion.

After Ode VI there is a small litany followed by the kontakion and ikos from the Triodion.

After Ode VIII we sing the Magnificat, My soul doth magnify…

After Ode IX there is a small litany.


Holy is the Lord…

The appointed exapostilarion of the resurrection

From the Triodion: As I ponder…

Glory… another from the Triodion: Behold there comes…

Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion: As I call to mind…

At the Praises we insert nine stichera:

We chant five stichera from the Octoechos

And two stichera from the Triodion, sixth tone: I think upon…

Another sticheron from the Triodion, eighth tone: Daniel the prophet…

And another sticheron from the Triodion, first tone, Let us cleanse ourselves…

Glory…, the same sticheron from the Triodion, same tone: Let us cleanse ourselves…

Now and ever… Most blessed art thou…

After the dismissal: Glory… Now and ever… and the appointed gospel sticheron.


At all the Hours we read the troparion of the resurrection and the kontakion from the Triodion.



At the Beatitudes we read six troparia of the resurrection and four troparia of Ode VI of the canon from the Triodion.

Troparia and Kontakia:

In a temple dedicated to the Lord:

Sunday troparion

Glory… Now and ever… kontakion from the Triodion

In a temple dedicated to the Theotokos:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion from the Triodion

Now and ever… Kontakion of the temple

In a temple dedicated to a saint:

Sunday troparion

Troparion of the temple

Glory… Kontakion of the temple

Now and ever… Kontakion from the Triodion

Prokeimenon, third tone: Great is our Lord…

Epistle: I Corinthians §140 (8:8-9:2).

Alleluia, eighth tone: O come, let us sing…

Gospel: Matthew §106 (25:31-46).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord… and Rejoice in the Lord…



Monday of Cheesefare week (§3B5).

(Simple or double Service).



(Sunday Evening).

According to §2A, with the following exception:

At the Aposticha we sing the stichera from the Triodion with the usual verses (Unto Thee have I… etc.); Glory… Now and ever… theotokion from the Triodion. But if there be a doxasticon in the Menaion: Glory… doxasticon from the Menaion; Now and ever… the theotokion in the tone of Glory from The Common Theotokia.



According to §2A, with the following exceptions and clarifications:

After the first appointed kathisma we read the sessional hymns of repentance in the tone of the week from the Octoechos.

Tuesday of Cheesefare week (§3B6).

(Simple or Double Service).




Wednesday of Cheesefare week (§3B7).

(Simple or Double Service).



Great Compline.


Thursday of Cheesefare week (§3B8).

(Simple or Double Service).




Friday of Cheesefare week (§3B9).

(Simple or Double Service).


Saturday of Cheesefare week (§3B10).

Commemoration of the Holy Ascetics




Divine Liturgy.

The Casting Out of Adam (§3B11).

Cheesefare Sunday







The First Saturday of Lent (§3B12).

Commemoration of Saint Theodore Tyro


Vespers and Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Great Compline.


Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom.

The First Sunday of Lent (§3B13).

The Triumph of Orthodoxy




Divine Liturgy

The Second through Fourth Saturdays of Lent (§3B14).

Commemoration of the Departed.


Great Compline.


Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom.

The Second Sunday of Lent (§3B15).

Commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas






The Third Sunday of Lent (§3B16).

Veneration of the Precious Cross.





The Fourth Sunday of Lent (§3B17).

Saint John of the Ladder.





The Fifth Thursday of Lent (§3B18).

The Reading of the Great Canon.

Vespers and Liturgy of the Presanctified


Vespers and the Liturgy of the Presanctified.

The Fifth Saturday of Lent (§3B19).





Divine Liturgy (of Saint John Chrysostom).

The Fifth Sunday of Lent (§3B20).

Commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.





The Sixth Saturday of Lent (§3B21)

Commemoration of the Holy And Righteous Lazarus.

Vespers and Liturgy of the Presanctified.

At Great Compline.



Palm Sunday (§3B22).

The Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem.






The Reading of the Gospels at the Hours During Passion Week.

Great and Holy Monday (§3B23).




Great and Holy Tuesday (§3B24).




Great and Holy Wednesday (§3B25).




Great and Holy Thursday (§3B26).



Vespers and Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great.

Great and Holy Friday (§3B27).



The Royal Hours.

The Typika.


Great and Holy Saturday (§3B28).



Vespers and Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great.

Midnight Office.

4. Services of the Pentecostarion.

Concerning the order of services from the Sunday of Saint Thomas until the Apodosis of Pascha.

The Order of Weekday Services

of The Pentecostarion (§4A).

The Order of Chanting the Troparia at Vespers and at the end of Matins

Simple, Double, Six-Stichera and Doxology Services.

The Order of Chanting the Troparia at "God is the Lord."

The Order of the Troparia and Kontakia at the Hours.

The Order of Chanting the Troparia and Kontakia at Liturgy.

(2) The week following the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women:


(3) The fourth, fifth and sixth weeks after Pascha:

(4) During the afterfeasts of Mid-Pentecost, Ascension and Pentecost:

Simple, Six-Stichera, or Doxology Service (§4A1).



Divine Liturgy.

Double Service (§4A2).



Divine Liturgy.

Polyeleos or Vigil Service (§4A3).



Divine Liturgy.

Specific Services of the Pentecostarion (§4B).

The Sunday of Pascha (§4B1),

The Resurrection of our Lord.




The Paschal Hours.

Divine Liturgy.

Monday through Thursday of Bright Week (§4B2).




Divine Liturgy.

Friday of Bright Week (§4B3).

Commemoration of the Spring of the Theotokos.

Saturday of Bright Week (§4B4).

The First Sunday after Pascha (§4B5).

The Sunday of The Holy Apostle Thomas (Antipascha).


Ninth Hour.



Divine Liturgy.

The Second through Fifth Sundays after Pascha (§4B6).




Divine Liturgy.

The Second through Fifth Sundays

after Pascha Combined with a saint of Polyeleos or Vigil Rank (§4B7).



Divine Liturgy.

Wednesday in the Fourth Week of Pascha (§4B8).




Divine Liturgy.

The Fourth Sunday after Pascha (§4B9).

Commemoration of the Samaritan Woman.

Afterfeast of Mid-Pentecost.



Divine Liturgy.

Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Pascha (§4B10).

The Apodosis of Mid-Pentecost.



Wednesday in the Sixth Week of Pascha (§4B11).

The Apodosis of Pascha.



Divine Liturgy.

Thursday in the Fifth Week of Pascha (§4B12).

The Ascension of our Lord.



Divine Liturgy.


The Sixth Sunday after Pascha (§4B13),

Commemoration οf the Fathers at Nicζa.

Afterfeast of the Ascension.



Divine Liturgy.

Saturday in the Sixth Week of Pascha (§4B14).

Commemoration of the Departed.

The Sunday of Holy Pentecost (§4B15).

Trinity Sunday.




Divine Liturgy.


The Monday after Pentecost (Day of the Holy Spirit) (§4B16).


Divine Liturgy.

The Sunday After Pentecost (§4B17).

The Sunday of All Saints




Divine Liturgy.

5. Services of the Menaion.

The first Day of the Month of September.

The Beginning of the Indiction which is the New Year.




Divine Liturgy.

The 14th Day of the Month of September

The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross.



Divine Liturgy.

The 15th Day of the Month of November

The Beginning of the Nativity Fast.

The Royal Hours for the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord.

The 24th Day of the Month of December

The Eve of the Nativity of our Lord.

Divine Liturgy.



Divine Liturgy.

Vespers on the Eve of Nativity.

The 25th Day of the Month of December

the Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord.


Great Compline.


Divine Liturgy.

The 5th Day of January

the Eve of the Theophany of our Lord.

Divine Liturgy.

Divine Liturgy.


Vespers on the Eve of Theophany

The 6th of January

the Theophany of our Lord.

The 1st of August

the Procession of the Holy Cross,

Commemoration of the Holy Maccabees.



Divine Liturgy.

6. Concerning the Usage of Theotokia.



The Order of Divine Services.

I. Sunday Services.



II. Weekday services using daily theotokia.



The Order of Divine Services.

III. Weekday services using resurrectional theotokia.

